BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismURSSWorking Class

JANUARY 21, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL MUNIZ FACES HUS GPU INQUISITORS Spanish Bolsheviks Call German Trotskyites Given For Aid to Comrade Muniz Severe Prison Sentences Jewish Leader Condemns Roosevelt Refugee Plan HOPE FOR BEAL RELEASE MOUNTS make laws for the protection of capitalists and the VISIT TO GERMANY Masses Show Their Hatred of TWO LABOR LEADERS Fascism Despite Hitler AS TRIAL NEARS Reign of Terror Mooney Present Conduct (Continued from page 1)
Brings Mind What By PAUL FIELDING accusations And confessions, Debs Stood For Comrade Paul Fielding and his wife bave Muniz gave a demonstration how just returned from a trip through Germany. He duets himselt before the class By MAX SHACHTMAN Following are excerpts from a letter from the Bolshevik Hitler Strikes at Revolutionists Who Have gives his impressions in the following article enemy.
Leninist organization in Spain, forwarded by the Secretariat of the thrill of exultation is felt upon reading Proudly Admits Connections Fourth International, concerning the forthcoming trial of Muniz Been Slandered by as reports of the magnificent and enthusiastic We travelled hundreds of miles through Ger with 4th International and Carlini, originally set for December, but now apparently put many and talked with dozens of people, workers, demonstrations organized by California work Gestapo Agents Muniz proudly and boldly told soldiers, walors, petty bourgeois and even Nazis.
his inquisitors that he considers of to an indefinite date: ers to greet Tom Mooney. How imposing and The conclusion is inescapable: Fascism, de It is certain that the Stalinists are going to carry on a calumny Details of brutal sentences years loss of civil rights.
invincible the proletariat looks, and is, when spite its Imposing facade, has not succeeded in sponsible for the actlvity in Spain campaign against the accused, against the Bolshev Leninist group meted out to German working Other Sentences its batallions assemble! How casily it could creating a totalitarian state. And, far from of the Bolshevik Leninists, see of Spain, and through it against the Fourth International. class militants who were memaccomplishing its goal of complete regimenta tion of the Fourth International, Staging this trial is more difficult for the In Barcelona than bers of the Trotskylst organiza out to our comrades in the trial Supplementary sentences meted sweep aside like pebbles all the obstacles in its tion, it is failing more conspicuously each day. from which he received directives at Moscow. Here it involves not human wrecks reduced to impo tion, have just been received in before the People Court in Berpath if it were conscious of its tremendous WORKERS FIND WAY TO for work; that the work of this tence but eminent representatives of the Fourth International who New York from comrades sin in in the middle of October, 1987: power and its historic goal!
organization was directed by him will profit from the public trial to develop before the court the conducting revolutionary work il Alfred Berger: 12 years impris Almost exactly 43 years ago, the workers EXPRESS THEMSELVES self as secretary general, by International program of the Bolshevik Leninista.
legally under the Hitler regime. onment and 12 years loss of civil Adolfo Carlini and Klelso, leading The justice of Stalin Negrin Co. will have to deal with tested. The trial against our Magde rights.
poured into the streets of Chicago to welcome You only meet a few outspoken critics of Nazism: the risk of talking with a stranger is members.
from prison another great labor martyr who militants, tempered in the Ares of the clvil war against fascism burg and Berlin comrades took Werner Mueller: years, ImAt the trial, therefore, Muniz and in the struggle at the front and in the rear against Stalinist place on November 25 to 27 in prisonment and years loss of preceded Tom Mooney.
too great. But you meet many who by Interwill stand in the prisoner dock repression. We can have full confidence in the moral strength of Magdeburg, under the furisdic civil rights.
ence and Innuendo and by their actions show Yet there is a difference between the two their dissatisfaction.
as the proud and militant repre the accused in the face of the hostile court and the pogrom cam tion of the Fifth Punitive Senate number of other sentences sentative of the Fourth Interna paign in the press.
And considering the extreme penalties for the great labor leaders, Tom Mooney and Eugene of the Berlin Court Chamber. Imposed in the same trial are not most mild dissatisfaction or expression of dis tional, openly avowing the proV. Debs, a difference we record with regret.
It is obvious that this is the same hand that organized the Among those who were sentenced yet available to us.
pleasure, this is amazing.
gram of his organization for rev. bloody repression after May, 1937, at Barcelona, which carried out to imprisonment in penitentiarles When Debs, leader of the American Railway Answers Stalinist Slander olutionary struggle in Spain the assassination of Erwin Wolf, of Moulin (a leader of the Spanish for their revolutionary activity To distribute anti Fascist literature may mean Union, went into Woodstock prison, he was a The savage persecution and imagainst Fascism.
the executioner block; to participate in an 11Fourth Internationallats Ed. of Nin and Landau; who caused are the following: Democrat, a follower of William Jennings Case Punctured the deaths of Leon Sedov and Rudolph Klement his is the same Kurt Noak: years and prisonment of our comrades by legal workers meeting may mean 20 to 40 Bryan. When Mooney, equally a militant trade The indictment makes the false hand that is organizing the trial of Muniz Carlini. It may perhaps months imprisonment and years once more to the years imprisonment.
and stupid charge that the Fourth be the same hand in the most literal sense. Its mark is present loss of civil rights.
abominable union leader, entered prison, he was a socialist, Those who witnessed the most recent Jewish International instructed Muniz to Forgeries are fabricated, false declarations are extorted, statements slander disseminated against our who only five years earlier had accompanied pogroms and expressed dissatisfaction were Alfred Schirmer: years and movement and its militants by use terrorist tacties, to stage in against comrades and against the International urganlaation Aro months imprisonment and snatched from the crowds, and sentenced to dividual attacks and provoke dictated in order to charge them with crimes concolved of only In years loss of civil rights.
Debs around the country in the famous Red the kept press of Stalinism. The several months in Dachau concentration camp.
armed strikes. This place of the heads of the provocateurs.
above is only a partial list of the Special of the 1912 presidential campaign worker who was heard whistling The InAlfred Rakalejnik: years and German Trotskyist fighters who The Bolshevik Leninist group of Spain has been dealt terrible months imprisonment and have been thrown into concenforgery is used to bolster the When Debs came out Woodstock, he ternational was put in jail for several weeks.
charge that Muntz and Carlini blows and its weakness hampers it in organizing a broad campaign years loss of civil rights.
We walked into a crowded cate in Dusseldorf murdered the missing Capt. Nar here. Some of its members, ilke Fauconnet, Antonio Vidal. and tration camps or tried and improclaimed himself a convinced socialist. Two one night, and found a table. Later, six Nazis vitch. The one witness, Zanon, others have been killed at the front. Cid fell during the Barcelona months imprisonment and years Hilde Berger: years and prisoned by the Nazi gangsters.
and a half years later, on June 21, 1897, he came in, and sat opposite us.
who originally claimed to have days at the barricades; Moulin and Wolf were Aassinated by the loss of civil rights.
Despite the calumnies of the and his comrades organized what was to be When they found we were foreigners and after been present at the murder, has Stalinists.
Stalinista, despite the persecu come the first important independent working Hilde Herz: years and asking the inevitable question How do you publicly retracted his statements, like Germany. they began repeating the class party in the United States, the Social thus puncturing the entire have Intervened and are intervening to spread the slogans of the loss of civil rights. But despite the difficulties the Bolshevik Leninists of Spain months imprisonment and years tions, despite the enormous ditculties of continuing work of Democratic Party. The Chicago jail senphrases they had memorized from Der Stuer case.
mer, the brownshirt paper, about the Jews and Linternational organization among all the workers organizations. Walter Hoffmann: years and revolutionary organization in HitIn the preliminary investigatences, he wrote several years afterward, were communists in America. Come to the aid of Muniz and Carlint. lerite Germany, our comrades months imprisonment and tion Muniz patiently explained to have stuck tenaciously and herofollowed by six months at Woodstock and it Several beers later, they forgot the swastikas his inquisitors the revolutionary bureaucracy and carefully selectically to their task and will con was here that socialism gradually laid hold of on their lapels, and confided they didn believe Marxist attitude against Individued bourgeois and Stalintat officers tinue to do so.
that beloney either. When someone brought up me in its own irresistible fashion.
al terrorism and outlined to them were given complete command of Our warmest greetings to the the question of our Aryantam, the others told him to shut up. storm trooper stopped at our the Bolshevik Leninist program the armed struggle.
fearless fighters of the Fourth InAnd Tom Mooney? The reports from Calitable, and demanded that we give something which repudiates such tactics as The Result ternational! Let us not forget fornia say one rubs his eyes in stunned disfutile and injurious to the work. The result has been a series of for a moment their cause and to the winter relief fund. They told him to belief. that one of Mooney first acts upon beat it.
ers cause.
disastrous military defeats and their needs.
reaching San Francisco was to register as a In the whole dossier of docu outright betrayals. During the sharp criticism of Roosevelt tary of the Interior Ickes deliv WE RE NOT SATISFIED ments produced by the prosecu period when the Loyalist navy proposal to Mussolini to sonders ringing speeches for opening member of the Democratic Party.
tion there is not a single positive was still superior to Franco s, it Jewish refugees to Ethiopia was the doors for Jews. In PalesIN GERMANY It is high time, wrote Debs while still in concrete piece of evidence against was bottled up in Cartagene har volced on Monday at a meeting tine but neither he nor any Woodstock, that allegiance to parties who You work with your brains, one of them either Muniz or Carlini, both of bor because England and France of the administrative committee other American governmental told me for some strange renson, and we work whom have open and shut evi feared that naval activity might of the World Jewish Congress in figure proposes to open the doors the subjugation of labor should be abandoned with our hands, but we re both workers. And dence of their whereabouts at the drive Hitler and Mussolini to Paris.
in America.
we ve got the interests of all the workers of the time of the supposed murder open warfare. Thereby Franco Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairand that men should be found to enact and Decelve Refugees Hope for the early release from world at heart.
Free Muniz and Carlini!
was enabled to transport troops man of the committee, criticized administer laws for the equal protection of In a saloon along the waterfront in Hamburg, This frame up will collapse from at will. Malaga stupid solutions like Pathetic stories accumulate of prison of Fred Beal was ex we heard similar stories.
labor which creates the capital and carries for The bartender just like the frame up against was betrayed to the fascista by Ing of Abyssinia, since no Jew solare the cruel deceptions practiced pressed by the Beal Defense shrugged his shoulders, and said: the leaders of the in the treacherous high command would be foolish enough to Investrees for visas are collected from North Carolina of the committee Fat Committee upon the return from ward all the industries of the world. Well, we re not satisfied in Germany, but November, when the charge of The only front where successes his capital in a country where them by Latin American consu attorney. Louis Waldman, who Forty three years later, when this declaration guess no one in the world is either.
espionage against Nin (murdered occurred is trebly true, Mooney takes his place in the The conversation stopped short when a un by the stalinists. Andrade and manned Aragon front, was delib mercy of confiscation measures the visas are revoked, without tlon for a pardon will be led ranks of one of these capitalist parties. It is form walked in.
the others collapsed in the midst erately deprived of arms until the by Mussolini.
In Stuttgart, a soldier, not then in uniform, of their trial capitulated politically. The any refund of fees. Three hun soon with Governor Clyde a tragic step backward for the old militant, but do not think was as much dred refugees, for example, hav Hoey.
Demand the immediate libera Basque democratic bourgeoisie, hurt by Hitler measures as by ing paid through the nose for openly admitted his opposition to Fascism, and no class conscious worker will follow him in Beal, leader of the famous Gasexplained to us how guns shot both ways. tion of Muniz and Carlini! De left in complete control in the the attitude of the Washington Visas at Paraguayan consulates tonla textile strike taking it.
In a Berlin railway station, a girl, who was 1929, is now mand an open trial which has North. surrendered without a Foreign Office and those of other were confronted en route member of the Labor Front, denounced antiMon serving a 17 to 20 years prison Doesn Tom Mooney know that the reason been promised and the right of slege, one after another, Bilbao, democratic countries that our sit tevideo, Uruguay, this week, with term in North Carolina, on Semitism 90 openly and loudly we warned her foreign workers organizations to Gijon, Santander, until the entire uation was one calling only for the news that the Paragunyan framed up charges arising out of why American labor failed for more than 20 to lower her voice.
be represented. Send wires and years to force his release from prison was that On the train going through Schleswig Holstein, north was in fascist hands. After philanthropy. We want equality government had cancelled their the death of a police officer folresolutions of protest to your a murderous purge we started a conversation with a seller who local Spanish consulates and to front, executing revolutionarles class citizens.
it did not act as an independent class force, the Aragon not treatment as second or third visas. An additional 700 refugees lowing an attack on union headridiculed the innumerable uniforms which was because it was tied hand and foot, because Premier Negrin at Barcelona. and imprisoning thousands of in like plight were en route from quarters which was calculated to abound in Germany today.
Goldmann declaration was the Germany. Another group of ref break the strike. Although Beal it was mentally subjugated to the two capitalist This is my uniform, he said, pointing to the soldiers, that front was parties?
turned over to the Stalinist ally, first plain speaking by a Jewish ugees, on their way to the Domin was not charged with doing the clothes he had on. It the uniform of all of us who are citizens of the world.
General Sebastian Pozas. who spokesman on Roosevelt hypo ican Republic, discovered upon shooting, he was held as techni landing in New York that that cally responsible, and convicted Doesn he remember what was written in farmer, who laughed at everyone terled repeated Franco forces during their offen Democracies Reject Open Door country had just amended its im by a jury inflamed by the red. the famous pamphlet published by his Defense what was in the papers about the Jews, sive Inst Spring Committee in 1931, Labor Leaders Betray Discussions by George Rublee migration laws to require a flat balting, paytriotic rhetoric of the There are a lot of white Jews, too, he said.
Not military victory, but the of the Intergovernmental Com fee of 500 upon landing there. prosecutor.
The Beal cane was complicated Tom Mooney, in which the labor lieutenants These and similar things we heard and ob. Continued from page 1) embrace of Vergara treacher mittee for Refugees with Hitlera refugees than the great democ by the fact that the stalinist of capitalism were so thoroughly exposed and served everywhere we went. Despite signs In since July, 1936, and to no effect. ous conciliation between the con deputies dragged out this week. Facies is the government of party and its defense organiza excoriated for their cynical knavishness and every public place saying that now every one says Heil Hitler Instead of Good Day, the England and France, the Loyal the main danger to anti fanciat plan for evacuating refugees em or the Nazi terror and his cause, after his return from the which said: The Mooney Billings case has people only salute and say to those in uni ist government has ruthlessly Spain. Grooved in the Anglo would eventuate.
crushed the initiative of the French polley of appeasement, Hitler banditry is being emway into the Soviet Union. As Soviet Union, he wrote a book always been and must always be, a vital part once boasted Jewish criticizing the Stalinist regime Similarly, they only wear Nazi Insignin when Spanish workers and peasants. the much touched 13 point pro ployed as an alibi by the great for the of the general struggle between the workers they leave their homes or neighborhood.
The factories which they seized gram of the government, based democracies for their refusal to home of Biro Bidjan, It has just Numerous labor and liberal leadand the employers. Mooney was saved from the OFTEN USE NAZIS in July, 1936, have been wrested on the thesis that Spain is fight open their doors to the victime passed the tenth Anniversary of ers, however, joined to work for from them and returned to the ing not a civil war but a war be of Nazi terror in Germany and its foundation with pretense his early release after he had hangman noose only through the mass proOWN METHODS status of private property, like tween Spain and invaders, is at anti Semitic regimes in Czechoslo of commemorating the event, for voluntarily surrendered to the tests and pressure of the workers of Russia Equally important is the agitation under the and the rest of the world. Does Mooney now ployed med curte peasant move tone with the main elements in Sand. If immigration restrictions that it has collapsed completely. solve the plight of the refugees. think that the general struggle between the to use whatever methods they can, the ullize Nazi demagogy to imments notably in Catalonia and Farnco ruling circles. The Ne were immediately lifted, quite Revolutionista Demand Open Door Meanwhile, however, asylum must Aragon for collectivizing the grin governmental forces are pre apart from any negotiations with workers and the employers can be promoted The plight of the refugees is be found for as many as possible prove their conditions. Employers are often land, pared to join with the Franco Hitler, funds could only be desperate, indeed. Nothing less But it is not accidental that it is under the auspices of the party of Roosevelt, presented with a demasolled.
statement of Goer.
To enforce this counter revolu forces in a military dictatorship. made available for immediately than victorious socialist revolu mainly the revolutionists in every ing which they have not Farley, Hague, Garner, Cotton Ed Smith and The extent to which dissatisfaction has penetionary policy, the workers mill whose first task of consolidation transporting considerable num tion in a major country, unleash democratic country who have ini their ilk?
trated the ranks of the Nazi Party itself can tlas which originally sprang up would be extermination of the bers of those now living in terror ing the consequent smashing of tiated and who press the demand to smash the fascists were re intransigent workers and peas of physical extermination.
be judged from this leaflet which was circulated fascism and revolutionary vic for opening the doors to the refu.
Seven years ago, Mooney approved the state.
organized and the old military ants.
With cheap demagogy. Secre tories in other countries, can gees.
ment that: The underlying principles back of among the Brownshirts in Trier, who were forced to go from house to house to collect the real causes of hard times and unemployment relief money and scraps of iron and metal for must be carried to the people, and the hypoGoerings four year plan, critical palavering and meaningless platitudes What have we come nowadays in the Thind Reich? We are rubbish collectors and of subsidized capitalist apologists the labor beggars! it reads. Continued from Page 1) ty, although every one of them is the courage to go out and make leaders whether of the Pelper facturers and begin negotiations leaders must be exposed. Liberals must be What good has the Third Reich done for Parts plants organization? liberally supplied with funds and such a program work.
Hauser type of job holders, or the with General Motors in the old come radicals and radicals must grow revoluus. All that we, the Old Guard, get to do Zero! No drive has ever been possesses wide discretionary style, by banging the flat on the There is nothing new or mys. Mortimer Stalinist type of bureauis to rattle the collection box and to take poor attempted. Everybody in the In powers.
tionary as capitalism develops to its climax.
crats, who for one and a half table and telling the management people pennies out of their pockets.
ternational office was too busy Such is the record of the Inter. For months, leading progressive years have wasted away the that the militant progressive aus Education and organization of the workers That Hitler can no longer fully depend upon playing shoestring politics.
must proceed continuously, relentlessly and the Brownshirts or the Black Corps is evident Status of General Motors, the the International officers stew. fought for such program of have given disciplinary back up the demands of its com without fail until the collapse of capitalism in the formation of a special inner guard.
composed of the most trusted elements of both gives the signal for the final forward march largest and most important sec ardship of the union. What are action. They demanded the im powers to fro al militant shop mittees tor of the union? Worse contract these men going to tell the mem mediate launching of a campaign leaders, who have besmirched the or Action of the new social order.
groupe, under Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Gestapo.
The progressives have got to kee convention, a shameful dis tion? How are they going to extract for the plants and and have dragged its name in the demand the repudiation of the Our struggle for freedom, he reminded DAY OF RECKONING Billings in a letter of January 5, 1931, is in signed and submitted to the Gen. stupidity, their suplneness, their the establishment of a 30 hour made in the course of rotten cowardly disciplinary letter in factional fight and who have the hands of and then really week with no reduction in pay extricably bound up with the whole question IS UNPOSTPON ABLE eral Motors corporation by ALL treachery?
to bring back into the shops the placed the where it is launch whirlwind drives to orga of the future of the American workers.
members of the International ExAfter Munich, the report circulated that BritUnion Is Chief Concern thousands of unemployed auto today squarely on the defensive nize the Ford workers, the work ecutive Board; present negotlaish secret service informed Chamberlain before That was true then, and it remains true.
the competitive parts The automobile workers are mobile workers. They demanded before the onslaughts of the auto ers in tions completely bogged down not interested in promoting the that the convention Instructions mobile corporations.
the Berchtesgaden conference that Goering and plants and the thousands who The future of the American workers is not the Reichswehr general staff advised Hitler with absolutely no reported prog career of this or that individual really be obeyed and that genuine The progressives have got to are now forced to work on the bound up with the Democratic party. Its fu.
against going to war, because the soldiers could ress after two months of meet or this or that clique. They are campaigns be launched to orga prepare for the coming conven ture, if it is to mean a movement forward, is not be counted upon.
ings with the management, interested in the union as the nize the workers of the Fordtion by the building of a leaderThe new state buildings, the banners, the Internal Regime Only in this way will the au bound up with its Declaration of Independence Aghting arm of the automobile Motor Company and the parts ship which will mean what it tomobile workers be able to it from the parties of American capitalism. Its bands uniforms and parades, the diplomatic Internal administration of the workers. They are interested in plants.
victories of Hitler make German Fascism super union? Growing more dictatorial securing improved conditions for words that this is the right pro tional back to its members and it now lles. Only in this way will future can be safeguarded only if it takes the ficially formidable.
every day with rank and file con the men in the shops and program but the bureaucrats don introduce again regime based the take the next big road marked out by Eugene Debs 40 years ago, But Nazism can no more postpone the day stantly edged out from all Impor. tecting the economic welfare of do anything about it. They don upon autonomy, democracy and step to create the fighting union by all class conscious workers before and since of reckoning than can the rest of the capitalist tant decisions. Every regional dl the union membership. To mean what they say.
rank and Ale control.
world. And all things reveal that the victory that will prepare for the big batrector, barring none is despised complish these aims successfully. and not the road now taken by Mooney. Its The progressives have got to tles ahead and secure the necesof the working class is not as far off as the in his own locality. Not one of requires a carefully thoughtout what to Be Done future lies in the formation of an independent stand square for an unconditional sary improvements in the shop prophets of gloom have predicted.
London, Dec. 30.
them can point to any real pro and carefully prepared program The automobile workers have repudiation of the rotten kow conditions of the automobile political party of, for and by the working gress achieved in his own locall of action and the boldness and got to turn thumbs down on fake towing policy towards the manu workers.
class, with a fighting working class program, 15th ANNIVERSARY HEAR ADDED ATTRACTION THE GREAT FILM Friday, Jan. 20. P.
Tickets Available at Labor Book Shop Editor, SOCIALIST APPEAL Irving Plaza Hall 28 Enst 18th St. Subscription: 40 Cents Irving Place 15th Street SUPREME TEST FACES BARCELONA Family opened the one to the critical propona.