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Appeal Fund Nearly 2, 500! Two More Weeks To Go!
Socialist Appeal CROPPER MISERY DRAMATIZED ON Fight Roosevelt MISSOURI ROAD War Program!
mos UNEMPLOYED DRIVE SPURTS; PARTY SPEEDS Open the Doors AII War DOWN STRETCH To Europe Funds To the Refugees!
Response Indicates Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Thermometer Will Spill Over VOL. III No Saturday, January 21, 1939 375 per copy By ROSE KARSNER Appeal Campaign Director We re on our way to bursting through the top of the barometer!
The total is 142. 80 The branches, for the greater part, are doing nobly, though a few are lagging and we stiu have some zeros to record On the whole, however, the march is toward greater effort to fulfill the quotas 100. That is a testimony Let Em Eat Bullets!
ROOSEVELT ALIBIS to the vitality of our organization and an evidence of a REAL mem70WHILE CONGRESS bership on a national scale, ready to make sacrifices when called upon.
To Break Up AN EDITORIAL Alone Can Check Sitdown 3000 President Roosevelt has delivered his special mes.
Deep Cuts (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
sage to Congress on national defense in an attempt 2709 SIKESTON, Mo. Jan. 14. The to justify the criminal budget which calls for cutting FIGHT THE SIASH!
State police proceeded today to one billion dollars from the hide of the unemployed and 2400 See break the demonstration of the Southeast Missouri sharecroppers, adding one billion dollars to the already huge armaFollowing the lead given by who have camped along the President, and carrying the 2100 ment program.
That Highway 60 and 61 since Tuesprocess a step farther, Congress day, by foreing them to return to the farms from which they The Roosevelt defense program is part of an elaborate, last week got down to serious vicious, hypocritical scheme for plunging the American masses work in the drive to slash This 1800 came.
Charging that the 13 camps into a new imperialist war.
established by the 500 croppers It would be unwise for any of us to yield to any form of Nation wide applause filled 1500 Blows and thele families constitute hysteria, says the President piously.
the columns of the boss press But all his actions, especially in the past year, have been cal.
while the House of Representa1200 Up culated to create a state of hysterical chauvinism among the peotives passed a Deficiency Bilt ple of this country, under cover of which he can put over the allotting a maximum total of 900 Next biggest and most costly war program ever known in the peace 725, 000, 000 to cover time history of this country.
during the last five months (February 1st to June 30th) of the 600 Week! moment thought will show that the Roosevelt program is current fiscal year. After a few not for the defense of peace but for offensive war on behalf of hours of dispirited debate, the 300 American imperialist interests.
bill was carried with only a bare Roosevelt bas chuningly exploited the indignation of the 30 votes in opposition.
American people at the crimes of the fascist barbarians for the Since the funds appropriated purpose of inflaming pro armaments frenzy and nothing else.
at the last session, and now beFor, if he were really interested in putting a stop to racial or naFrom Our Readers ing spent at the rate of about We cannot boast blg returns tional minority persecution, be has ample work cut out for him 200, 000, 000 a month, will be on our national circularization of right here. in the lynch ridden, Jim Crow South.
exhausted by the end of this individual friends and sympathi Roosevelt showed his real position on Democracy vs. Dicmonth, and since the provisions zers for support in this campaign.
tatorship by what Cordell Hull Alferd Landon did at the Lima of the new Bill compel pro ration few have come in and we hope of the 725, 000, 000 evenly over the for many more in the coming Conference. Under the hypocritical cloak of a continental demofive month period (e. at the days. Thus far the following cratic front Roosevelt tried to line up Latin America for Amerrate of 145, 000, 000 per month. have responded (the branches will ican trade and investment, as against its competitors from Gerthe immediate effect of the new get credit for these in the final mañy and Japan. In the line up, he had no hesitation in including Bill would have to be the Aring count. New York City: Marjorie Ballaevery reactionary military dictatorship that devastates present day of 1, 000, 000 workers. There is no getting around this conclumuth, 50 plus previously reLatin America sion, which is simply applied ported; Lavanberg House, 1, 00; Just before he presented his super armaments program to arithmetic. This cut is threatened Anonymous, 00; Eddie Grey 00: sympathizer, 00: Na at a time when doubling the pres OWEN WHITFIELD Congress, he staged another war scare to serve as background. He ent rolls (now 3, 000, 000) would than Bronx, 00: 00: not take care of the need.
Dr. L, Bronx, 00: Friend, menace to public health, the po fore a Senate Committee that war is due in the Spring and that White House Plays the Game After days of silence, during Sympathizer, 1, 00: Novy. 00 with the landowners but without phoney testimony that it was splashed sensationally over the front Dwight McDonald, 10. 00 which the House passed the cut, consulting the croppers. The fact page of every newspaper in the country the following morningBoss Reaction in Loyalist Rear Makes the White House finally utterede Upper Side Circle that the sith and poverty in which was Roosevelt aim in the first place.
4th Internationalist Franco Advance Easier by peep of protest. 00; Leon Sedov Circle, 00. which the latter live on the farms The truth is that the President Chicago: 50c; Carl produce death rates from malaria, Now he delivers his special message to Congress, a lie and Proudly Affirms Hamstringing Workers and Congress are cooperating per 00: 00: Frank 00. typhold, pneumonia and tubercu a deception from beginning to end.
Miscellaneous: Sol Miami losis many, many times greater fectly in shoving the cut Does he demand the unprecedented sum of two billion His Stand By FELIX MORROW down the throats of the unemBeach, 00; Friend, Harris. than the rates in the State as (Continued on page Continued on Page 4)
dollars for armaments in order to fight a war? Not at all he just Manuel Fernandez Grandizo Can Barcelona withstand a siege? This is the question which ployed. The apparently higher wants to prepare for attacks.
Muniz and Adolfo Carlini, leaders workers everywhere are asking themselves as Franco forces, having 100, 000) was deceptive: 125, 000, 000 Calling attention to these facts, he adds, does not remote of the Spanish Bolshevile Lenin broken into Barcelona Province, advance upon the chief city of of it was scheduled a rely intimate that the Congress or the President have any thought ists (Fourth International) are Spain from three sides. On the fourth side lies the Mediterranean. Continued on Page 2)
of taking part if another war in European soil.
still awaiting trial at the hands which Franco fleet commands.
of the Loyalist inquisition Quota Paid Percent Why didn Roosevelt use the phrase on foreign soil, the in Barcelona to lay Sacramento, Calif.
phrase all our great statesmen have been using up to now? Why Kansas 10. 00 20. 00 is European soil alone excluded? Does it mean that the President Durham, 00 00 120 of army captain of and Congress are thinking of taking part in another war on Asiatic Chicago, Ind.
10. 00 10. 50 soil, or Latin American soil? The restriction of the phrase to now more frankly accused of try is the industrial heart of the country as it is its chief seaport. The Denver, Colo.
10. 00 10. 00 100 Detroit, Mich.
ing to form a workers united Barcelona masses on July 19, 25. 00 25. 00 European soil is most eloquent. It shows again that the armafront In Spain to fight capitalist 1936 initiated the struggle against rate of Barcelona rests in other Fresno, Cullt Unemployed Union ments budget is nothing but a preparation for war to defend and 00 reaction behind the sagging Loy the fascist coup etat, with bare hands. The leaders of these workHartford, Conn. 00 extend the imperialist interests of American capitalism allst lines.
hands wresting arms from the ers they are predominantly adLeads Militant Houston, Tex 10. 00 10, 00 Minneapolis Even the details of the expenditures proposed by Roosevelt 100 From the text of the Indiet revolting troops.
500, 00 herents of the anarchint led Struggle Marston Mills, Mass. 00 furnish clear proof of this fact.
If Barcelona fate rested with unions have surrendered the liminary Investigation, the herol these heroic workers, we could power to the bourgeois, Socialment and a summary of the preNew Haven, Conn.
20. 00 20. 00 We do not support any armaments program of American San Francisco (Special to Socialist Appeal)
50. 00 50. 00 conduct of Comrade Muniz emercapitalism, or of any capitalist country, be it democratic or sky with certainty: despite supe Democrat and Stalinist ministers, 50. 00 St. Louis Local CLEVELAND. Several hun 50. 00 ges with inspiring clarity. rior armament, despite the aid of with the providing a left fascist. For why should the working class defend its classic enemy To the Inquisitors who have Hitler and Mussolini, Franco will face to the government.
dred members of the St. Paul, Minn.
100. 00 100. 00. the capitalists, their property, their government?
Toledo, Industrial Union protest20. 00 20. 00 brought from Moscow to Barcelo never march into Barcelona.
Yellow Spgs. na the technique of framed up The workers organizations play ed last Saturday against the 00 Workers Are Shackled But even if one assumes that the United States needs dethe no Independent role whatever, but guns not butter program of the 20. 00 Washington, 20. 00 Unfortunately, however. Continued on puge 3)
fense from a foreign attack. the danger of which is denied by are subservient to the Negrin New Deal in a colorful and millPlentywood, Mont. 00 50 government. In the name of the tant demonstration before the 20. 00 East Oakland, Cal.
scores of the most authoriative military and naval experts the 17. 50 fight against fascism, the direc district Hendquarters New York Local 1050. 00 757. 70 Roosevelt program is distinctly not defensive. One single ex.
tion of that struggle has been forming a plcket line three deep Boston Local 200. 00 142. 26 71 ample reveals this in striking fashion. Among the critical items ceded to those who fear a vie about the building, fired Lynn, Mass 50. 00 34. 50 tory of the working class more workers, including more Philadelphia 50. 00 33. 60 than they fear a victory of Fran than 100 widowed mothers laid Punta Gorda, Fla. 00 invading tanks are the anti tank guns to be used? Are the guns co. Too many crimes committed off sewing projects, crled Stop Worcester, Mass.
10. 00 00 by this government and its prede the lay off! and We demand Newark, 100, 00 68. 25 to be used against the new Italian amphibian tanks which will sail DETROIT. It took exactly alley in the convocation of an cessor, the Caballero cabinet, too the Mediterranean and the Atlantic and land at the Battery? Are three months to blow up the hopeful that it can swing ma. fascists have taken place, to make undertaken by the new union, jobs!
250. 00 143. 00 Chicago Local This was the first man sotion Los Angeles, Cal.
200. 00 109. 50 they to be used against the tanks which Germany will bring over fictitious peace engineered in the jority of the votes, take over the it possible to place any confidence whose activities have been conSan Diego, CA 10. 00 50 here in the fuselage of her new airplanes? Or against the tanks United Automobile Workers of administration of the union and in the leadership which Premier stantly hampered and sabotaged Cleveland 200. 00 105. 00 Quakertown 15. 00 8, 00 which Japan will land in San Diego from aboard her tuna fishing 53 boats. Or against the tanks which Canada will send to recapture IO. After continual rumblings America by the bigwigs of the wipe out the opposition. Negrin will provide for the de by Stalinist influence in the local West Oakland, Cali 20. 00 10. 00 The Record fense of Barcelona. Despite the fact that the Allentown, Pa.
25. 00 10. 00 up state New York, or Mexico to retake the Alamo in Texas?
and minor eruptions, the fac What has either gang to say Suicidal Policy Continued organization had scarcely any Rochester, 25. 00 Despite all the bitter lessons of funds, and but As a defense program, the whole Roosevelt armaments tional fight between Martin and to the membership at the coming few days to 13. 00 50. 00 Youngstown, o.
10. 00 25 South Bend, Ind.
budget is a first class imperialist fraud. It is meant to prepare the Mortimer crowd has again convention in Toledo? What ex two and a half years of civil wat, publicize and prepare the demonAmerican capitalism for war for sending millions of American flared up into the open and will the tragle decline of the to place all its hopes on Anglo high piled wow Indicates the ation, the out in cold and 25. 00 Fargo, Baltimore, Md 10. 00 workers and farmers to protect American investments in the four now rapidly spread, like a prairie Let us glance over the record French aid. Alvarez del Vayo, readiness of the workers Seattle, Wash.
10, 00 corners of the globe. And it is meant for the enemy at home fire, throughout the union.
50. 00 Akron, 16 since the Milwaukee convention Spain foreign minister, spent to respond to a fighting program.
the militant working class which demands the right of a job for 13 15, 00 Gardner Fitchburg the crucial days of the week at This time, it appeara, it is a one and a half years ago. Trles Sneak Play 10. 00 Louisville, Ky.
every man at a decent living wage.
fight to the finish, with both the results of the Ford drive Geneva, making speeches in the An attempt by the Stalinists to 25. 00 Austin, Minn. gangs realizing that they have after one and a half years of et League of Nations Council be capture the demonstration for Labor! Smash the Roosevelt war program with your protests 10. 00 Indianapolis, Ind pretty near exhausted their whole Fort? Zero and worse than zero. seeching the democratic coun the benefit of the Workern Amt 10. 00 and action!
bag of tricks and that the mem. The union today has less mem. tries to permit the Loyalists to ance was completely squelehed, Lexington, Ky.
10. 00 Olivia, Minn.
Demand ibat all war funds go to the unemployed!
bership is in no mood to tolerate bers in the Ford plants than it purchase arms and ammunition. The stalinists in the blevoland 00 further scandals at the expense aid at the time of the conven The same speech has been made Industrial Council rigged up a Evansville, Ind. 00 Change the super armaments program into a super public of the union. Both factions see tion, by governmental leaders ever united front for the demonstraFlaxton, works and home building program for the masses. Coiltinued on page 3)
the only way out of the blind Portland, Ore. Continued on page Continued on page 2)
Carlo MUNIZ FACES HIS Barcelona Workers het om te de beste manier GPU INQUISITORS Face Supreme Test AS TRIAL NEARS SCORE BOARD 10. 00 20. 00 200 200 Charged Originally with the down their lives in defense of Barcelona. They are the very tower WORKERS IN OHIO those yourakoous militante din tive center of the country, with few important factories, but Barcelona FIGHT WPA CUTS 105 00 00 1000 100 100 100 500. 00 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 87 72 00 Faction Fight Flares Again Against what invader are tanks to be used. and against whose In Executive Board 3, 00 69 67 BO 60 58 57 55 55 53 50 40 32 26 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 20 20 0 5. 00