BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyFascismIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 14, 1939 Drive Slows Up; Branches Must Speed Fund Action TREASURY 2000, ARMAMENTS SCORE BOARD Relief For Horses But Not For Men That the Law!
Kansas 10. 06 Sacramento 200 120 00 10. 00 25. 00 00 60. 00 00 10. 00 25. 00 00 50. 00 100 100 100 109 87 75 LOCAT Seems a week. 09 10. 00 00 close the danger is. The bosses are thinking of: SOCLALIST APPEAL s Budget Message!
fascism. So is Roosevelt. That is their alternative Vol. III No. Saturday, January 14, 1989 and that is the alternative the workers cannot and will not accept. If capitalism in crisis can Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS offer us only war and fascism as its way out of at 116 University Place. New York, its dilemma it is time and more than time for By ROSE KARSNER Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 us to say: An end to capitalism! Let the workers Appeal Campaign Director Subscriptions: 00 take over and reorganize the whole works on year; 00 for six Total collected 1597. 10 and only two more weeks to go!
months. Foreign 20 per year. Bunda le order the basis of social ownership, not of private We get many enthusiastle letters and promises. But without cents per copy. Single coples cents. profit. That the way we ll put an end to wars the remittances to be recorded on the Score Board, these letters All checks and money orders should be made remain just so many words on paper, out to the so and to fascism Socialist Appeal.
Entered a second class matter September 1, Collections must be speeded. Comrades must strain every effort 1937, at the post office at New York, New York, to pay up on their quotas and get them in to the office before the under the Act of March 3, 1879.
The And Roosevelt end of the campaign. No time to lose!
MAX SHACHTMAN Roosevelt attempted mobilization of the Eleven branches are still in the zero column.
Faltor Of these Lexington, Evansville and Portand have HAROLD ROBERTS 3000 FELIX MORROW Western Hemisphere at Lima for a war for definitely promised to send in their quotas in Associate Editors democracy, his delegates speeches there, his full before February What about the othera? STANLEY, Business Manager jingo speech opening Congress, his message 2700 As the nears an end, competition calling for a billion dollar cut in apfor the International banner is increas2400 Welcome Back, Tom Mooney propriations, in a word his campaign for Amer ing. James Coller of Cleveland branch writes. Why don you extend date for winning the The Socialist Workers Party and the Socialbeen hailed with incredibly sycophantic praise banner until February 80 that more branches ECONOMY 2100 will have a chance to compete for It? More ist Appeal, echoing the joyous feeling of every by the American Stalinists. Last week Daily money will be coming in from more branches working man and woman throughout the world, Worker devoted more space to Roosevelt adu1800 from now on. If Cleveland branch completes its cordially welcome Tom Mooney back into the lation than that sheet has ever, to our recollec: quota by February It will certainly be entitled ranks of the labor movement. His captors were tion, devoted in a similar period of time to to one of the banners. Its quota is pretty stiff.
never able to break his spirit, or to take his praise even of Stalin.
1500 So go to it, Coller.
mind and heart out of the movement, and now Nor is this entirely at the bidding of the Herbert Martin of the East Chicago branch they have been forced to let him return, physical Kremlin. The bended knee to Roosevelt was, of 1200 says: We have a nice bare wall in our headly, to the great cause to which his whole life course, first assumed at a nod from Stalin, but quarters already reserved for the red banner so you might as well hold one for us. We are posi.
has been dedicated in the process of remaining in that posture, the 900 tively determined to get it.
We are proud to recall, in welcoming Tom from Stalin instructions. In carrying out the Stalinists have learned to love it quite apart Then there is the very determined Fred Valle Mooney, that he was saved from the hangman of Detroit who came in with 100 last week. He noose by the independent class action of the People Front line of integrating themselves says We decided on the exact spot in our headlabor militants of Russia and the United States.
into the New Deal and the trade union bureauquarters for that banner. So please oblige. Yes.
It was that kind of action that kept the Mooney of the apparatus ruled by Roosevelt and John cracy, the Stalinists have become part and parcel 300 It looks Mke Detroit gets one of the banners for sure.
case alive, that prevented it from sinking into Lewis. When Lewis and Roosevelt move in San Francisco too will get one of the prizes the oblivion which his persecutors hoped would a direction different from Stalin s, the Stalinist Remember there are autographed books to be also hide their unspeakable crime. And, at bot. hirelings will follow their new masters rather given as well as banners, tom, it was that kind of action that finally forced than the old. Lewis and Roosevelt are right here The final competition for banners is now between Cleveland the ruling class, which planned his judicial and all powerful, and the pay is certain every and St. Paul branches. If our guess is correct, Henrietta Geller assassination, to relinquish its prey.
Is sure to fulfil the St. Paul quota in the next few days. Which week, whereas Stalin has suffered too many The working class is satisfied in the knowmeans that we may have to make up an extra banner for blows and who knows when his foreign ex709 30 UNEMPLOYED Cleveland.
ledge that it owes no gratitude to condescend change will peter out?
ing saviors for its own persistence in snatching With Stalin or without him, the American Mooney from slow death behind prison walls. Stalinists are inextricably linked to the imperiIts own class solidarity made that victory pos alist war machine. They will serve it, they are sible. The same solidarity and militant action already serving it, as recruiting sergeants. Even Quota Pald Percent will speed the day when Warren Billings, too, is without the face saving device of a People 20. 00 freed. That the next step!
Front in which they formally participate, they 10. 00 12. 00 have already come out in support of Roosevelt By BILL MORGAN ber the month of colds, flu, and which is the most frequently reDurham, Denver armament program. The same goes for. Clear Warning It was eleven thirty on up other usual working class 11. ported, can only be treated by inDetroit per Fifth Avenue one cool even nesses, suring the patient plenty of rest, Marston Mills 100 The American capitalists are thinking seri The Social Democrats ing, and officer Smith could hard Organized Pressure Gets Results fresh air, and an abundance of San Francisco 100 ously in terms of turning to Fascism as a way The Social Democratic Federation of James Sidewalk, walking along and peer ca part of New York City) the and fresh fruit and vegetables.
ly believe his eyes. There, on the Out in Jamaica, Long Island, good meat, fresh eggs and milk, Toledo.
20. 00 20. 00 Oneal and Abe Cahan holds a position identical ing into each garbage pall they request for clothing was answer Yellow Springs, o. 00 00 out of their cconomic difficulties. President 100 The special diet allowed for Houston, Texas 10. 00 10. 00 Roosevelt admitted this implicitly in his message with the Stalinists on collective security. Even passed, were two large horses. ed by an over supply of mattress illness is a grim joke East Oakland the thou20. 00 17. 50 to Congress last week. That message was a war before fusing organizationally with the Old Sald one horse to the other, es and pillow cases! Some work sands of underted workers. At 10. 00 Chicago, Ind. 50 Guard message. It was also a double edged message of tion It only two days now but Iters threatened to wrap the pillow. meetings o the Second International, Unemployed and Louis 36. 75 Norman Thomas section has been indicating its cases around their feet and wear Project Workers Union, how warning to the workers that they would face Punta Gorda, Fla. 00 Yes, said the other, If don them for shoes and then plcket many mothers have reported that blood brotherhood with the Abe Cahans by an eat something soon there ll be on the Relief Burenu! Others sald they must put the children to Worcester, Mass.
fascism if they did not agree to the unity 1050. 00 New York Local 700. 85 needed to allow Yankee imperialism to go to ever more shameful policy on the war issue. The ly one of us left.
they would make holes in the sleep by feeding them warm wa100. 00 Newark, 58. 25 At this point the cop stepped mattresses and wear them for ov ter and sugar! How many work latest peace program of its Keep America Out war.
50, 00 Philadelphia, Pa.
28. 00 up and demanded to know what ercoats on the same picket line. ors have been forced to use spe.
of War Committee, adopted in conjunction with Boston.
200. 00 The first duty of our statesmanship (Roose108. 25 a group of bourgeois pacifist organizations, the they were doing. WalkAfter months of continual stall cial diet money to make up the velt said) is to bring capital and manpower to Quakertown, Pa.
15, 00 00 marks a new stage in the march of the Norman ing around like that. The ing by the officials, the workers rent so the landlord won throw West Oakland, Cal 20, 00 10. 00 gether. Dictatorships do this by main force. By Thomases toward fusion with the war mongers.
horses then explained they used marched into the bureau in a them out into the street? How Fresno, Cal. 00 50 to work for Jones Co. but what body and refused to leave unth many tubercular children are using main force they apparently succeed at it.
200. 00 Los Angeles 101. 50 50 We need quote but one plank: for the moment. However we abhor their meth with the depression and hard clothes were provided for their working at home on artificial Lynn, Mass.
50. 00 25. 00 The American people accept the necessity of ods, we are compelled to admit that they have 250. 00 110. 00 Chicago Local been forced to fro them both children to wear to school. After flowers, lamp shades, ete?
armaments for defense, but they want to know six day seige in which the work100, 00 41. 00 obtained substantial utilization of all their maLeaflet Lists Rights And there they were, hungry anders children took active part, the that the armaments they are to pay for are for tired.
Allentown, Pa.
This is only part of the picterial and human resources. Like it or not, they defense only and not for foreign adventures.
25. 00 officials finally gave in and grant ture. The allowances for food, 00 Hartford, Conn.
have solved, for a time at least, the problem of Officer Smith grunted. Come ed shoes, coats, dresses, etc. The 10. 00 Plenty wood, Mont. 50 (N. Times, Jan. 2)
along with me and no funny bust result of the sit in strike is a les clothing, coal, rent, and medical idle men and idle capital. Can we compete with Rochester, NY 25. 00 00 32 By its signature to this statement, the So ness now. At the home of Mr. son the Jamaica workers will not care are small enough. But a new 200. 00 them. and at the same time remain.
61. 00 aspect of the whole situation is Jones he stopped and knocked on soon forget. They realize now becoming clearer every day. The cialist Party leadership abandons definitely the San Diego, Cal. 00 within the Bill of Rights. the door. When Jones appeared that organized pressure by the investigators and the bureau off50. 00 13. 00 26 In another passage Roosevelt significantly the World War: no support to any and all arprinciple which all socialists adhered to before Youngstown the policeman shouted. Don ya workers can bring results.
South Bend, Ind.
cials often forget to inform the 50 know the law? Ya gotta take care said: And what about medical care worker who has waited patiently 5, 50 25, 00 Fargo, 22 of these here horses or the Soci for the workers who are without for weeks. Alled out dozens of mament appropriations. The socialist movement 15. 00 hear some people (which people. say: Gardner Fitchburg 00 ety for the Prevention of Cruelty jobs in the land of plenty? It forms, answered scores of questhen, and the revolutionary socialist movement 75. 00 Akron, Ohio 00. There are certain advantages in a dictatorto Animals will have ya run in should be an easy task to provide tions, and put up with the inso now, has made clear why it is inadmissible to 15. 00 500, 00 Minneapolis ship. It gets rid of labor trouble, of unemploy: distinguish between offensive and defensive arand m the man to do it! Ya got the proper and necessary medical lence of petty officials, that he is 25. 00 Austin, Minn ta take in these plugs and feed assistance in America, where entitled to any specific amount ment, of wasted motion, and of having to do 20. 00 mament appropriations: all armament consitutes New Haven.
em and keep em decent see? medical science has made such for each of these important items!
our own thinking.
20. 00 offensive weapons in the hands of the capi BUT, Unemployed Are Not. rapid advances in recent years. So the workers are often gypped.
Washington, Baltimore, Md.
10, 00 o Roosevelt warned the capitalists in reply to talist state directed against the working class.
Horses We have in America so many fine Indianapolis, Ind. leaflet issued by the this that they would either have to take the We weigh our words carefully and we say: in When this was done some un hospitals, thousands of doctors, in Jamaica makes clear to the Lexington, Ky.
employed workers fired by the hundreds of clinics and so many workers this despicable practice: 0 voluntary risk of their capital and try out the adopting the social patriotic standpoint of conOlivia, Minn.
Roosevelt program, or pay the cost of secing ceding the justice of defense appropriations, same Mr. Jones overhearing the free medical centers for the Fellow Starvationists. Was Seattle, Wash above conversation, immediately workers who cannot afford to pay.
our capital confiscated. e. regimented by main Norman Thomas and those who follow him Evansville, Ind. your case rejected? Do you need 00 walked up and knocked on the It would be to the bosses advanforce under a Fascist regime 00 Flaxton, supplementary relief! Do you have passed to the other side of the barricades door. When Jones answered the tage to keep workers in good con need clothing? Do you need a 00 Portland, Ore.
These revealing passages in Roosevelt mes. just as surely as have the Browders, the Oncals knock the men explained their dition. The machines are always special diet? Do you get your sage we must take as a warning of just how and Abe Cahans.
case no place to sleep nothing kept oiled and in running condi full food alowance? Do you get to eat.
tion even when not in use. But (Ztich Land Poor People.
your full coal allowance? Do What! shouted the boss, Get here, too, an inspection of the Department of Agriculture, you get your shoes repaired?
out of here before call a cop. medical records of the Farm Security Administration, Do you get carfare to go to the WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU shows us that today there are Region III, Jan, 1938. clinic?
hundreds of thousands of workers If you need any of the above Items and are not getting them SIKESTON, MO. Jan. Aby this change.
large individual and corporate we examine the records of the others who will not be able to reyou are being chiselled. critique of a whole series of the writings of Sidney Hook, Max mass exodus of thousands of some planters suggest that the land ownership. In 1935, there Emergency Relief Bureau In New turn to their trades because of radical intellectual critics of Bol Eastman, Ben Stolberg, Charles evicted sharecroppers and their croppers could maintain their sta 27, 000 tenants, sharecroppers and ence when it comes to providing ployed.
were 000 owner operators and York City, we will see the differ illnesses contracted while unem The only way to beat this shevism forms the subject of Yale Harrison, Eugene Lyons and chiselling is to organize and of southeast Missouri tus if they would give them three laborers. In two counties almost unemployed workers and their families lengthy analysis by James Burn others, are subjected to an exfight. We, the members of the will begin on Tuesday when they ofths instead of one half the cot: 90 of the farmers were tenants, children with food and enough Poverty Breeds Disease ham and Max Shachtman, editors haustive analysis by the authors In New York City, for example, Unemployed and Relief Workof the New International, in the of the article, which is called Inings to Highway 61. It is es them to remain in their miserable and in a third county more than clothing to cover them in winter. the record shows that in a single ers League, are doing this. We January issue of that magazine tellectuals in Retreat.
Horses are lucky.
month (Nov. 1938) more than 3, have a fighting, militant Union which is now off the press.
timated that they wil forma shacks as day laborers, that is, 80 were tenants.
The authors point out that the thirty mile line, running from eliminate planters responsibility Insurance Cos. Hold Land Children remain away from 400 unemployed workers applied None of our members are gypped. Come to our next meeting Such questions as one party critics of Bolshevism referred to Sikeston to New Madrid and to provide cash and credit loans than 200. 000 acres of the 1, 800, shoes. Fathers and brothers can be eligible for special diets.
Insurance companies own more school because they have no for medical diagnoses in order to and explain your case. We dictatorship. the relations be above have been moving away south into Caruthersville. to the poverty stricken croppers. 000 acres of farm land in the sev not look for work because winter The types of illnesses are interWILL LISTEN AND ACT! tween Stalinism, Leninism, Trot from a revolutionary Marxist po This demonstration was enthusiastically decided upon at a meet stand that an increase in day la panies owhing more than 40, 000 ury by the And, if, on ac heart trouble. 164 cases; TuThe sharecroppers also under en countico. two insurance com overcoats are considered a luxesting. Anemia, 136 cases; Cardiskylam and fascism, the inevita sition and towards the views of We meet every Wednesday ing of 360 representatives of 1700 borers would mean a sharp reduc acres each. Twenty five percent of the hottest days of summer, we berculosis, 636 cases; Nose and night at p. at 146 37 South bility of socialism and the inevi social reformism. All indications Negro and white croppers hela tion in wages, some estimates to the farm land is held by owners see mother or sister wearing an throat Infections, 40 cases; StomSt. Right on the corner of Wal ability of Thermidor, collabora Are that the article will arouse tham St. Jamaica, tion with the social democratic the liveliest interest and a no here last night.
ing as low as 10 cents a day for of 1, 000 meren or more. More than overcoat while she walks to the ach and intestinal, 336 cases; Dia The plight of the unemployed numerous other problems which press, dialectical materialism, and less lively polemic.
Planters 10, 12 and 14 hours. Already an half the acreage is owned by hold. bureau, the reason is clear. She betes, 383 cases: Malnutrition, becomes more and more desper have been dealt with recently in cial attention is called to an arGain by Change Among the other features, speOwen Whitfeld, Negro ten unusually large proportion of ant farmer and spokesman of the farm families in southeast Miss Of 200 acres or more each. wears a heavy coat in July be 266 cases; and 486 cases classedate with each passing day. Fun ticle from Shanghal by LA Fu jen There are also individual holdings cause she has not one single de as other illnesses.
employment is on the upgrade, rewhich throws a revealing spotgroup, stated that the aim of the souri are wage day laborers, of and 4, 000 acres onch. cent dress to wear in public. quick glance at the list shows lief and are being cut to ic beginning and won demands light on the conduct of the war evictions was to convert the cropLiving Standards Low It is these large landowners Freeze in winter sweat in sum that five of the above are caused the bone and the Stalinist leader from the officials by mill by Chiang Kai shek and his stalpers into day laborers and thus The 20, 000 cropper and laborer who get the profits out of the rich mer.
directly or indirectly by lack of ship of the Workers Alliance tant and decisive actions. Work inist adherenta.
deprive them of their share of families are living on the lowest land and the cruel, terrific ex The total clothing allowance for proper food or simply by lack of blackmail the unemployed and re ers who are joining find the only the parity payments made by the standards to be found anywhere ploitation of the tenants, share the month of November, 1938 enough food. lief workers by taxing them way to win decent conditions for Orders for the January 1ssue government under the cotton in the country. government re croppers and laborers. The fechle came to 2, 175. This amount was These are the totals for only three and sometimes four dollars heir families is by fighting both may be placed with the Manager acreage reduction plan. These port on southeast Missouri Ands relief measures of the Roosevelt to be equally divided among all one month! If November is an av before taking up grievances. And the officials and the Stalinist at 116 University Pluce, New pryments, he explained, are some that: administration have not even applicants. The average number crage month, the total number of when one sees how many investigangsters. The has rec York, more than 100 for a crop The fertile solls produce scratched surface of the prob of elief cases per month in New such reported cases would amount gators belong to the Stalinist ognized that LaGuardia, Rooseper, while day laborers receive abundant crops but the level of lem. The inbor movement, above York comes to about 165, 000. The to over 40, 000 a year, And keep in gang, the problem of living bevelt and Company must be fought Subscribe to from 75 cents to a day for living of the people who till the all, the in St. Louis will clothing budget, therefore, means mind the nature of the sickness comes increasingly difficult for every day in the week and that about 120 days in a year. plant soil is lower than that of fami have to give direct aid to the or that an average of 130 per persones. Unless the very best care is the unemployed.
only by uniting with the trade un er with 200 acres of cotton could lies living in the slum districts ganization of these exploited peo wis provided for the month when administered in most cases there The Unemployed and Projection workers can they win better Socialist Appeal gain from 1500 to 2000 a year of our largo American cities. ple.
winter is well under way! Novemwill be no oure. Malnutrition, Workers Union has made an hero standards of living.
LENIN MEMORIAL Max Shachtman From Tsar to Lenin Irving Plaza Hall Editor, SOCIALIST APPEAL SUBSCRIPTION: 40 Cents Irving Place 15th Street 60 60 67 58 56 53 50 50 50 44 41 40 St. Paul.
10. 00 00 35 31 30 10. 00 10. 00 25 13 11 0 0 0 0 0 10. 00 10. 00 10. 00 10. 00 0 0 0 EVICTED SHARECROPPERS START INTELLECTUALS IN RETREAT IS FEATURE OF NEW INTERNATIONAL HAS BOLSHEVISM FAILED.