BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyJohn DeweyMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo Toledano

JANUARY 14, 1939 SOCIALIST APPBAL QUESTION BOX SLASHES OUTLAY Roosevelt Doubles Outlay JEWS CONDEMNED On Fair Play and TO PROVIDE FOR for Arms; Heads for War BY ROOSEVELT BIG ARMS BUDGET TO BE PARIAHS Plain Fraud ing of much of the relief respon luky tome that makes up the aware as the next man that these they say, but served to focus pubential Local 22 and the Knit acceptable to the Stalinist war dictatorships men.
position the refugees. So say Roosevelt such tution WAS passed and made by the Workers Age, of claims War DEMOCRACY.
Salvador Style Wir Fischer Shocks Faithful By Swing from Stalin Line oemen en onder andet ropolitan ON THE WAY TO THE TRENCHES of (Conducted by the National Educational Department)
the war budget Implementing it. Continued from page 1) as public notice that the United QUESTION: You say: Give the bourgeoisie, performing proto the New York Times (Jan. 8, States will be on their side of gressive tasks in China and Spain, independent organizational (Continued from page 1) 1939. we read: class support. Isn it clear, though, that even with military the next war as it was in the (Continued from page President Roosevelt placed the last. The hard boiled statesmen unity. a political split in the rear inevitably will weaken the attempt to liquidate the entire amount. for national defense. of Kurope are not at all deceived Roosevelt to send the letter.
In recent editorial we asked the doors to the refugees, but vital struggle against Fascism? Bronx, WPA setup (as the CWA was at 1, 319, 558, 000, or nearly third by Roosevelt stern condemna. It not only served the purpose of ANSWER: First, the bourgeoisie in China and Spain is NOT Hitler, e. a telegram perfectly playing a progressive role. In Spain, the loyalis. bourgeoisie was or a straight dole and a throw asain as much as is being spent tions of dictatorships and die subtle pressure upon Mussolini why two Locals of the For sovernmental action against this year. But throughout the tatorships, for they are as well to break the axis with Hitler, where the Lovestoneites are influforced into the struggle in spite of itself, as atst of the pres sibility sure of the workers and peasants, when they were on the point of palities a move which would y back to Suates and munict annual budget estimates were to flourishes are meant exclusively lie Attention anew upon the goods Workers had not passed amongers who are unfortunately.
We hasten to add in justice to capitulating to Franco without a struggle. Sinulary in China.
mean simply starvation for hun be found other lesser items direct to impress and befuddle the plight of the refugees. Mussolini resolution demanding that the a power in Local 22.
where the native bourgeoislo for yenis refused to carry on any to be exU. open its gates to the refue refusal to accede Ceds of thousands of the unemly and indirectly connected with masses.
struggle at all against Japan, struggles half heartedly and tem ployed.
the proposed miiltary and naval Allied with Dictators pocted, and the net result is that goes. For this we were roundly him that Charles Zimmerman, porizingly today, and insofa. Es they do, act as puppets of Anglo The immediate drive against expansion that would bring the They know that in order to everybody is once more awakened and piously abused by Lovestone head of Local 22, when asked the need to find a haven for The Workers Age claimed that union, did not make the claim Workers Age of December 31. about resolutions adopted by the American imperialism. Only the working cl4ss and the peasantry the WPA appropriations must be total defense budget to nearly strengthen America form the progressive forces.
met with the stern counter de double the amount indicated.
against certain It is the struggle itself, the war against Japan or Franco, mand for the extension of WPA In other words, the real sum (which happen to be wall that as a labor paper we knew which he is an editor. He referred to which is progressive in our view, and which we support. This And of course it is true that or should have known it.
the above mentioned to give jobs to every otherwise to be expended on war prepara Street cconomic riveis in Asia struggle cannot be carried on effectively, consistently and to final unemployed worker at trade Lions will be around two and a and Latin America. Roosevelt the demoralized and cowardly re To this we reply. 1) we did resolution, to approval by the success as long as it remains under the leadership of the bourgeois union wages with overall min half billion dollars.
has not had the slightest hesita spectables who lead the Jewish not and do not now know that Local of a similar resolution of Board.
forces who have time and again betrayed it, and are getting ready sum pay of thirty dollars per Significant Reaction Abroad tion or compunction about ally American. community are express such a resolution was even in the General Executive to sell it out completely. Our attitude therefore is military support week of the war, even though under treacherous leadership: but no It is clear that this session of budget for defense purposes reactionary dictatorships as the ture and acceding to his request (2) had these locals particularis Palestine. He made no claim to That the talk of a military ing himself solidly with such ing gratitude for Roosevelt gestroduced, much less passed, and and to a resolution calling for facilitation of immigration to political support of this treacherous leadership (i. Chiang Kai Congress intends to take every alone is the sheerest hypocrisy, is ones that oppress Guntemain, that the la be kept down on all Local 22 with its 30, 000 members Shek, the Spanish People Front, the official governments. In step against the unemployed that revented not only by the desper Nicaragua, Cuba, Peru, Brazil, proposals to open the door to the passed such a resolution, we beliebtesten produce suche deed, our military support of the war requires the struggle to it can get away with. It will be ate maneuvers of Roosevelt, Hull Venezuela, Bolivia and other refugees here.
would have considered that a big resolution as the Workers Age eliminate these betrayers and put in their place Workers and necessary to show it from the and Landon to exist.
the Lama Confer. countries.
What It Really means step forward in the campaign Peasants Governments which can and will really carry on the beginning, that it can get away ence, called for the purpose of It is significant, further, that But Roosevelt proposal to for the refugees and would have Speech Camo Later with a thing consolidating imperialism the Tories and Economic Royal Mussolini actually serves to pub given it the prominent notice it All that Zimmerman did say The situation is similar to a strike which is led by old line position in Latin America from ists of the Republican party hl. Hely crystallize and delve home merited.
was that, after our editorial and labor fakers who hamstring the fight and are looking for the first competitive economic encroach crarchy, are enthusiastically be the doctrine that haven for refu Checkup Shows No Resolution after the Lovestone editorial, he opportunity to sell it out. As long as the Chiang and Negrin Gov.
ments, but more directly by the hind the Roosevelt war and war gees is to be sought primarily But a careful checkup on all made a radio address on Dec. 29 ernments of Defeat remain, the military struggle is doomed.
untform tone of the reception budget policy from Washington outside the civilized world. The labor papers, including Justice, which included a call for openin China, for example, the bourgeoisie does not DARE to given Roosevelt message by the to Lima and back again ana Uganda, the Guianas, the African official organ of the ing the doors to the refugees. He carry on a whole hearted struggle against Japan because this so called European democracies. complain only against the failure wilds, the Argentina pampas, the and the Workers Age itself up taxed us with not having brought would mean arming the workers and peasants, arousing them to Both London and Paris, where to cut the relief budget still fur Brazilian back country these are to Dec. 31, 1938, reveals no men to his attention our discovery action; and it is precisely this that the bourgeoisie fcars far more Secretary of State Cordell Hull the imperialists are feverishly ther as well as against any plan to be deemed good enough for the tion of the act.
that his union had not acted on than the Mikado, under whose rule they can hope to continue to returned this week from his trl preparing their positions for par to use war preparation funds for Jewe. Hundreds of thousands of The Workers Age has ex this question, prior to publishing participate in the exploitation of the Chinese masses. In Spain, for umph at the Lima conference ticipating in the coming war, anything except prepara cultured Cosmopolitans, accus pressed itself in favor of admit editorial. We did bring it to similar reason, the civil war has been a series of military betray. where the defense of American hailed the Roosevelt message, and tions!
tomed to the refinements of met ting all refugees. Yet it asks us his attention in the most effica als, on top of the refusal of the government to raise the only democracy was the principal ropolitan existence, are to be to believe that it considers the clous manner, by publishing the slogans which can disintegrate the fascist forces and rouse the theme. Meanwhile it begins to saved, if at all, by being con adoption of a resolution by these fact; that it was efficacious is masses: land to the peasants, freedom to the Moors, workers con appear that all roses do not smell demned to the bitter task of two large locals so unimportant evidenced by his subsequent radio trol of the factories, etc.
its sweet as they are made to look.
opening new areas to agriculture that it is tossed into the waste speech, This is why political split in the rear. or more boldly, Salvador was one of the Amer The ostensible pretext for this basket It is not accidental that the Workers Age. if it weren for Now, as to the editors of the awakening the workers and peasant masses to overthrow their ican republics which most betrayers and set up their own government is the only possible staunchly supported the Washareas of the world cannot today Workers Age did not name the their indignant insistence on road by which the tide can be turned to victory against fascism ington thesis of continental de absorb the refugees. By this critime and place of the adoption of fair play as contrasted with BOSTON Louis Fischer, Mos In a solid hour presentation, terion, however, no haven at all such a resolution, nor its place what they call our miserable traand the unleashing of the revolutionary offen in Spain by Felix.
fense at the recent conference. cow correspondent of the Nation, he made not a single attack on could be found for the refugees, of publication! The only action aition of factional unscrupulous( few days ago in this little sane for many years an unofficial the Trotskyltes and not a single for the world is suffering today on the Nazi pogroms by Local 22 ness we might suspect they Morrow, and The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution by Harold tum of democracy a la Lima apologist for Kremlin policies, reference to Stalin! In the past, from agricultural overproduction is reported in Justice. Dec. 2 were lying. Not that we can Isaacs. President Maximiliano Hernan and most recently notorious for Fischer has never failed to praise as much as from overproduction telegram from the Local dez Martinez called together his his brazen articles in The Nation the beloved leader and denounce of manufactured goods. If there Roosevelt calling, not for open Lovestoneite fair play. We have to claim to be total strangers to puppet Constitutional Congress justifying the Stalinist line in the counter revolutionary Trote is no room for more city workers, and arbitrarily had his presiden Spain, has publicly tial term extended for six years. himself from the Stalinists on During the question period, technicians and professionals, food or manufactured goods, nor got ran from mayhem and burs The People Against War American arms can preserve the The New York Times pointed series of basic issues!
Dwyer, literature agent for the nor enough housing or schooling slary to frame up and slander. Incoming Congressmen Americas from conquest by the out that this is the third instance! Speaking on the Soviets in Dally Worker, took the floor and more tillers of the soil are Rome Berlin Tokyo alliance.
The Workers Age boasts of Turning Back the Clock In a sane world, every last Jewish awalting with deep interest the An unarmed people stands today the making in Nicaragua, another um here on January 1st, Fischer speech.
of its kind and that a fourth is in World Affairs at Ford Hall For bitterly attacked Fischer for his If the principle underlying or anti Naxi worker, doctor, den its patience in the face of our factional sniping. There is some President revelations on our as helpless victims for fascist democratic gem in the Ameri astounded the Communist party Followers Troubled Roosevelt proposal to Mussolini tist, teacher, writer, technician truth to this statement. few porting that the people are not conquest.
As the bewildered and perturb were carried out on the basis actor, artist, musician, scientist, examples willing to go to war, and are op fascist world can be preported that Martinez had the aid audience by refusing to give Stalin ed Stalinists Med out afterward, that the refugees should not as could find his industry and Fair Play and Patience the dispatch vented only in the words of the of German and Italian specialists a bill of health.
they accumulated in the neigh cravate agricultural overproduc talents utilized to the utmost and the product of his labor enrichThe Workers Age endorsed troops to Europe, as in the World Manifesto of the Communist In in controlled propaganda and ter.
Fischer Shocks Faithful borhood in knots of troubled tion, they would then be conWar. It is certain, therefore, that ternational on November 7, with For The controlled press, said heads close together, pondering demned to mere subsistence farming the life of all with whom he the ALP Republican horse trade a strong neutrality polley will be the aid of such covernments incik democracy but not totalitar gazed at each other in startled adored Louis Fischer.
While prominent Stalinists the transformation of their one ing raising only what they could comes in contact. But in the in the last elections (fair play. themselves consume and then, capitalist world we live in, he is we criticized it (factional snipenacted.
being without cash crops, depend condemned by the Roosevelts to ing. it had no reply to make with national sentiment, there force in the defense of the liberty anim One editor who dared to bewilderment Louis Tscher ap196, having come to the eating his heart (patience. The Workers Age supported fense, the disposition of a largelples. Only on this basis it will about France on Bastille Day was Forum and his lecture is always movement as an interpreter of the charity of more fortunate out in Ethiopia.
number of the members of the be possible for a firm front of promptly exiled. Another news the occasion for a Stalinist tri Stalin to the bourgeoisie, no one handicraft manufacturing to sup Second Class Citizens Democratie banker Lehman of Far from constituting a ges the Sixty Families and Murphy two Houses will be to curb execu the peoples to arise which will paper had to apologize for a mila umph. Fischer developed a new could expect Fischer to break tivo adventure abroad, and even compel the fascist aggressors to reflection on Hitler appearance. orientation. This was sharply eviwith the political precision of a plement their produce raising. Ature of friendship to the Jewish in Michigan (fair play. we eritito press to passage some form respect frontiers and keep the Last Monday out of Latin dent in the question period. Askrevolutionist. But his break is fantastic attempt to turn the refugees, Roosevelt proposal to cized this place of treachery (facof the Ludlow amendment to the people, Soclate and National de America came another sewelted ed why the Soviet Union docs not nevertheless, of symptomatie sig cock back to the days before Mussolini to settle them in Ethitional sniping) instead of an Constitution for a referendum on curity Report to the National addition to the annals of Latin open its doors to the refugees, nificance. To defend Stalinism is war. Army and Navy Journal Committee, Communist Party, American democracy. The news. Fischer answered: The whole doctrine implied by refugees are henceforth to be ers Age got an advanced case Dec. 31, 1998. Dec. 1988 papermen of Salvador arranged a have not heard a satisface 2016. Even. Malcolm Cowley now Roosevelt is a fraud. Overproo Not for them the life of civiliza second class citizens of the world of lockjaw (patience. frontier New Year party with tory answer for not letting the The leading Lovestonelte in Liberals Responsible for Endorses their confreres from neighboring refugees into the Soviet Union. cles to whine that he has been the lonely gauche riding cattle ton. Even twenty five years ago Massachusetts campaigned for Militarization of Youth Guatemala. When In Salvador a Referring to the Moscow trials, misunderstood, that he is really the Australian Sheep herder, the this doctrine would have seemed the unspeakable admirer of Mus No Hoover or Harding could newspaper let it slip that the Fischer said: do not approve not a stalinist that he has many black peasant in darkest Africa incredible; but so rapid is the nolint, Curley (fair play. we excapitalism that this pressed some doubts on The American Student Union newsmen might discuss the crm of everything that is going on in differences, etc. The Stalinist grip It is, of course, not real over decay of this put over the present militaristic last night indorsed President prign for democracy the Guate Soviet Russia. Questioned about on the intellectual world is pass production at all. but capitalist arch reactionary, in essence anti course (factional sniping. the plans only one who had been Roosevelt plan to train 20, 000 malan contingent was kept at the Jewish state of Biro Bidjan, ing, as crime heaped upon erime enforced abstention from the use Semitic doctrine is now enunci Workers Age, like Old Man sold to nuttin (pacould succeed with it. If the college youths each year to fly home by the police and the indis recently purged, Fischer stated finally turns unthinking adoration of goods and services. Neither inated by the foremost banner River, didn ny planes.
succeeds the liberals will have 30, 1938.
Associated Press, Dec. crvet Salvadorean writer of the he could not express any optimism into shocked reflection and re the cities nor in the back country bearer of the great democra tience. newspaper item was fired. about the project.
do people actually have enough cies.
themselves to thank for having Yet, we are not hard hearted invested Roosevelt with the char brutes, and we understand Loveacter which made possible the stone difficulty in making a destruction of one of their most public defense of the above mencherished Ideals. John Flynn, tioned policies, especially since New Republie, Nov. 30. 1988.
there is widespread opposition to (Continued on Page 1) cratic civilization has det my unmasking the calum reached, it seems, such power is my follower. In Mexico this fcult, however, to verify the ex with greed and hate. Of course, Japan. Chamberlain government culty hadn ought to be palmed now tary of the union organizations, editorial office, it will not be dir headed toward each other loaded to sell oil to Germany, Italy, or them in his ranks. But the dimBrowder Supports Armament Program Stan se sente o upinally the pro Mexican government granting voking a Homeric laugh, perhaps groups exist. both interested in neer will be more guilty, which interests of the oil magnates than tience. The two aren the same We cannot deny the possibiltal, which support, is very farately provokes the hypothesis: a which the Bourth Internation me the right of asylum immedi not very flattering to the reputa making the insinuations which less, this fact has no importance. the interests of national defense, thing. Neither are plain fraud ty, even the probability, that only from the program of the Mex tion of the ex Governor of kan have been repeated in your news Guilty is the regime of imperio not to speak of the interests of and fair play.
this government evidently symthe ri democracy. But this is still not can government.
pathizes with Trotsky concep curious follower systematically the one hand are the capitalists, of the nations and of humanity all. When the masters of destiny hands not anficult. com the other tions. Permit me, nevertheless, repeats in his speeches and ar discontented with the Mexican into the hands of a few mono in the great democracies give Hit hand, to understand that the that granting the right of asylumticles that went senting its measures AS allen end to this regime of monopoly: for his birthday and then maniMexican Government, preoccu to one followers is still not de the overthrow of the government and desirous of pre polists. It is necessary to put an ler a present of Czechoslovakia pled with the national prestige mocracy; this is done by Hitler, of General Cardenas. What baste communism. on the other hand it is necessary to expropriate the test discontent toward the Mexof its country, would never seek by Mussolini, by Stalin. This was does he have for such affirma is the which would com expropriators, ican government which sells its counsel from a foreign Immt done in the past by the Russian tions? The same as your paper, promise my right of asylum in LEON TROTSKY.
grant. learned of the agrarian Car and the Turkish Sultan. The What is his aim? To secure my oil to whoever wishes to buy, it Mexico. The combining of efand other measures of the Mexi principle of the right of asylum, deliverance into the hands of the forts by these two groups is ab issue or your paper dated Decem hypocrisy surpasses all admiss. Now after receiving the is impossible not to say that here Editor, Socialist Appeal: government through the if we consider it seriously, sup proposed to Mr. Toledano solutely possible they are also ber 10, must make this addition able bounds and thus becomes (Continued from Page 1) have been a regular reader of newspapers, exactly like the ma poses hospitality also towards po that an impartial commission not identical but symmetrical.
to what have said already. stupid and ridiculous.
for all needy unemployed.
the Socialist Appeal for some Jority of other citizens.
It has been problicly stated in When the Daily News affirms But am preoccupled now with No costly armaments protime, and have introduced it to On the basis of what data dia self to think that the government of his declarations. Toledano, of New York City that your stay in many of my friends. At times your paper arrive at its conclu of General Cardenas accorded me course, evaded reply. am ready Mexico City is being financed by propriation monsures of the Mex affirmation that thanks to Mexthat was the inspirer er of the ex another aspect of the matter. The gram at the expense of Ameri needy. Homes before bating, but there were periods when the simple fact that the govern for my political conceptions, but the address of ex Governor Allen. York City. Please state the truth ican government, there is no calican oil, want to help Hitler that was not the case. found ment of General Cardenas ac through respect for its own umny in that. It is simply false, gain victory over Stalin is not tleships! decent living for myself hopefully glancing at this is it not monstrous? In 1916, Governor of Kansas, visited Mex not identical, but symmetrical. at my literary work. And only that lie, represents at the same time the same thing. am an adver profits in foreign lands, Mr. Henry Allen, former reply Toledano and Allen are The source of my income is But your paper has now launched only a lle, but also a calumny. the American workers before the protection of big business or that issue and being disap was expelled from Europe as alco in the Fall of 1938. He atpointed. If that were still so result of my struggle against the tended a seminar of American themselves at the same distance friends in the United States as that Mexican oil is sent to the The task of overthrowing diately pass an emergency defl.
least in the sense that they find But it is absolutely true that my calumny. The Daily News affirms sary of Stalin but not of the demand that Congress immeI want to tell you that think lum in the United States. With dence. He later wrote in part, your counsel. Mr. Albert with devotion to Mexico in order det, and that moreover, my alm is toeship of the Stalinist oligarchy 1, 000, 000, 000 to cover the period the Appeal has never been better out any passport, without any All through Latin America In the Goldman, according to a story in to help me in my work and to to cause Stalin damage.
than the recent issues. The last visn, without any absurd and hu last few weeks Cardenas has sent the Mexico City newspaper, Ex protect me against possible at: Daily News here in its own names and pensants. They cannot provide for a minimum 25 wage The is the task of the Russian work from Feb. 15 to June 30 and to one in particular is swell. The miliating formalities! Your im emissaries preaching the rewards colstor, is quoted as saying that tompts at assassination. They do icunches the version which transfer this task to Hitler. Hit increase in all classifications was article on the Lima Conference migration authorities were inter of confiscation. It is easy to the instigator of these editorials that on their own initiative, vol and Yankee Imperialism was ex ested that did not have trach guess who taught him this published in the Daily News (my passed yellow untarily sacrificing their time and through all the ceptionally informative. The light oma but were absolutely uncon. Trotsky. Lombardo Toledano, puer) is a foreten correspondent their means or the means of their thread ler is only the perfidious agent of also made at the rally Moscow trials. German imperialism. Hitler vie touch introduced recently by sev cerned about my ideas, slashing attack on the policy Yet who went to Russia to study the living here, who has connections friends. They did so when was The International Inquiry com tory would signify frightful eco of cuts was made by varieral articles Brenda Party, twentytwo years ago, my Ideas, Soviet system and who is a fol with the Communists in the in Turkey, in France, and in NorDuission under the leadership of nomic, political and national ous speakers at the meeting, Dr. John Dewey declared that for Let me hope that the coming bad as now. At that time, it did Allen repeated the gist of these usmuch as Mr. Goldman has pub do it now not tor me personally, the Moscow accusations were slavery for all the people of the issues will continue to show the not occur to anyone to draw the charges recently in New York licly made that charge against but for the ideas which repre newspaper are not capable of ration of the rights of private frameups. The editorials of your and above all, dhe resto JUST PUBLISHED same trend. That will be the conclusion that President Wilson City. Please state the truth or the News, may have the name sent. It is evident that these converting an unmasked frameup capital. Or perhaps you think that FASCISM had given me the right of asylum falsity of these charges.
surest way of guaranteeing the the foreign correspondent?
ideas have an attractive force.
in order to utilize my counsels.
into truth.
success of the twice weekly ApI advocate expropriation of of AND THE I have answered Mr. Allen 6. Is the Rome Berlin Tokyo Yes, have The Right of Asylum formation that To whom the Mexican govern resources only for Mexico? No, peal American Scene Sincerely, You will objeet, perhaps that ly Hoy and you have the post the person who informed the xls a threat to world peace. Of course, the Berlin Rome ment sells oil is its own affair. to defend the nationalization of his was in the remote past, when bility of utilizing my answer comDally News about my alleged Tokyo alise, the mena tento have nothing to say about that. the means of production realized Bridgeport By Dwight Macdonald 32 PAGES participation in the government peace. But it is only one side will add only that the democ by the October revolution the United States had not yet pletely. In Mr. Allen articles policy of Mexico is a member of of the war danger. To make war racios have a simple means or Against Hitler as against all oth10 cents been emancipated from the ves and speeches, so far as they con(7c in quantities of 10 or more)
the elementary duty of every soWe insist upon your meeting an present flowering of civilization ico, there is not a word of truth. United States. You know how Contemporary wars arise from hands; they need only buy it. InPIONEER PUBLISHERS absolutely trustworthy comrade. began only after the great eman You yourselves quote in your allereult it is in such cases to pre the frreconcilability of imperial sofar as Great Britain, for ex ciulist, beginning with mysell. 116 Unlversity Place Address the Socialist Appeal AT cipatory war for democracy. question Mr. Allen assertion sent juridical evidence even if the ist interests. On the same rails ample, boycotts Mexican oil, it LEON TROTSKY New York, TENTION MARTIN, will not discuss that. Demo. that Lombardo Toledano, Secretacts are indisputable. For your of our planet, several trains are liges the Mexican government Coyoacan, Dec. 28, 1938 War Program vulsion Leon Trotsky Hits Back At Daily News Slanders Letters to the Editor 30 FOR 30 HOUR WEEK IS TOLEDO JOBLESS DEMAND can like a Letter from STEIN received. tiges of barbarism; and that the cern my life and activity in Mex. the Communist Party of the at least two sides are necessary, concentrating Mexican oil in their or imperialists consider this