CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismIV InternationalMarxSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 14, 1939 APPEAL ARMY Omaha Truckmen More Die in Firetraps as Boss Copens James Four UNION MEN DEFY In Key Battle MARTIAL LAW IN Against Bosses Politicians Make Promises OKLA. OIL STRIKE the strike.
1600 WPA WOMEN FIRED ON COAST politseinik ordered the National en vous souhai bonheur,. com published shortly as well as APPRECIATION FROM PHILADELPHIA, PR.
lished route for over six months.
James opened up his cross counFRIENDS IN SCOTLAND: We plan an extensive campaign try lecture tour before a large have been receiving the Ap in this direction in the the very and appreciative audience in peal regularly and thank you for near future and m sure that it Philadelphia on Friday, Jan.
sending it since thoroughly en other locals try this type of cir By GRACE SAUNDERS Cannon Sees a Gain where they rightly belong? practical steps that the authori. The noted Negro labor orator who Two fires broke out in a tone law, known as the Prior Llenties are taking to solve the hous spoke on the decline of the BritTulsa Unions Are joy reading it and also seeing the culation it will bring results. We type of work that is being done, agree heartily.
For Whole ment building at 210 West 1030 Statute, designed to enable the ing problem erection of the ish empire showed an amazing Roused by Call also must say that am in James Brown. lit agent of Country Street, New York City. shortly city to act thus, the costs to con Harlem Houses, the Williams, grasp of all the factors involving nearly complete agreement with Rochester, New York, has orgabefore dawn on January 5, one stitute a charge against the prop burg project, the Red Hook and the political and economic road For Guard both the policy and the line nized mass subscription plan on the first floor and one on the erty ahead of mortgages and all Queens Bridge undertakings. on England collapse.
third floor. Scores of inhabitants other liens except. taxes was op But what he fails to say is that taken by the Fourth Internation under which every member of the By JAMES CANNON The name of England is being al. am looking forward to do Rochester branch will become a of the building awoke from sleep posed by three large savings these projects, good in them. dragged through the mud in the National Secretary, Special to Socialist Appeal)
ing as much work as am able yearly subscriber and pay on the MINNEAPOLIS. As the Omaha with the acrid smell of smoke in banks Mayor LaGuardia selves, amount in view of the colonies, James reported. Trac TULSA, Oklahoma Organized to on my return to America. installment plan. We like to toamsters strike goes into its their nostrils and the horrifying careful not to divuige their immensity of the problem which have other branches undertake nineteenth week, and it becomes sound of burning, crackling tim names and their opposition was exists to little more than the structure of one of the world thrown its entire weight behind been a regular reader of your ger for details.
ing historically first cracks in labor throughout this area thas From a student in Glasgow. For quite some time have such a scheme. Write the Manaapparent that this extraordinarily ber in their ears, backed by the courts which held scratching of the surface, that great Imperial realms, he graph. the 2, 000 oft workers on strike at magnificent journal and all the long struggle will soon culminate Escape through the entrance of the bill a violation of both State they provide merely a miniature cally exposed the meaning of the Mid Continent plant here in time have read it it has been APPEAL ARNY BULLETIN in a victory for the workers, it is the building and escape to the and Federal Constitutions. architect model of what might Chamberlain appeasement policy an effort to keep the National my sincere conviction that there NOW IN MAILS: significance of this great fight on all sides by terrifying sheets condemn and close the buildings done if this shameful waste and the resultant pict of Munich. Guard mm breaking the walkout is no effort to comparer let alone Bulletin No. containing full in point to describe the national roof were both blocked. Pressed Alternatively the city might be done, and of what must be That the strike was limited to of flame, they attempted to make which are James completely captivated his that began on Dec, 22.
such a hazard to lives is to be avoided.
audience with his graceful yet the area around Omaha. roughly their way to fire escapes and health and life. But, and here we surpass with yours from the and detailed information about Flagrant violation by the com viewpoint of journalism. make the new Appeal, with plenty of Government Program including Lincoln and Sioux City, safety. Two of the occupants come to the nub of the situation forceful platform style and his pany of its agreement with Local bold to say that this is the con suggestions for handling distribuIowa. is itself a remarkable fact were cripples. Herole action by and a fact which even the genial other occasions, the entire low. hand, As has been pointed out on ability to clarify the issues on 217, Oil Workers International sidered opinion of other foreign tion, is now mailed out. We hope and a tribute to the generalship firemen saved the lives of the mayor is willing to admit: there cost housing program of the govUnion, LO. and its refusal to readers it will prove of value to lit agents.
provided by the North Central majority of the trapped people is no place for these tenants to crnment city, state, and federal settle major grievances caused. It is my fond hope that the The most important thing is to Area Negotiating Committee of But four of them, Mrs. Geor move if the buildings are demol envisages the construction of Appeal in its new garb that of get going on the new subscription the teamsters. This committee, sette Daugnault, 65 years old, ished.
The strike became so effective twice a week will some 250, 000 to 300, 000 dwellings go that Governor Marland. another and that the producers thereof Our slogan is: 1, 000 new subscribforward drive that begins on February backed by the teamsters unions Mrs. Anna LeClair, 52 years old, in eleven states, has brilliantly Harry Arges, 20, and his 18 year latest in a long series of avoidable country, whereas the immediate The mayor is outraged by this by 190 or 1941 for the entire one of those friends of Labor will enjoy the best of success. ers by April 1! Quotas will be conducted a general campaign old wife, Beckle, perished miser which has established uniform ably. suffocated and burned to catastrophes, and thunderously shortage of decent homes is conGuard out on Dec. 24, despite the arades, et cela en abondance. list of prizes to be awarded to minimum conditions under a death.
Going to try to solve the problement time as five and a half mil Relief Union Plans to protect several score of soubs Aberdeen, Scotland protests of the labor movement, Crichton, a French Scotsman branches (not individuals this signed closed shop contract for Condemned Firetrap time) receiving and sending in He is going to petition the State lion. In other words, all the some 300, 000 highway drivers in The building that was razed Legislature to amend the existing srandiose within the plant.
and much publicized to Fight New the highest number of new subthe 11 state area.
was one of the old law tene law to permit and require the efforts of the government may in Labor Bucks Strikers NEW YORK CITY MOBILIZES scriptions An Iron Ring ment buildings. condemned by city to publicize the names of the several years time result in erectFirings Realizing the grave danger of FORCES FOR APPEAL: Bold action drove the bosses the authorities as unsafe for hu owners and mortgagees of the ing four or five per cent of the a defent through the strike breakinto line so that the one strike man habitation. Yet scores of unsafe old law tenements so that homes desperately needed today, We reported last week on De(Special to Socialist Appeal)
ing tactics of the National Guard Zations was held last Saturday The first in a series of mobili cember being a record month for which has had to be conducted is people were living in it, and four everybody may see and then And it should be borne in mind LOS ANGELES. Some 1, 000 which has declared martial law by the New York branches. The however, hasn had such a good Appeal subscriptions. January, being waged under conditions people died in it. The building we will show you the respecta that the need is not static, but is women employed the sewing in that area, organized labor ral favorable to the workers. The was operated, commented a city bility of some of the owners of increasing every day.
projects were cut from Hled quickly behind the strikers.
coming Saturday another and start withough everything indistriko area is entirely surrounded official, in violation of the law. these firetraps.
District Council of the on special mobilization will be held cates a sharp pick up for the next by unionized terminals which do There are some 64, 000 of these It should also be borne in mind rolls today and advised to seek And What Then that in the majority of these work in private industry. Colonel Workers which represents 15, 000 soil this week Issue of the week. Here the list for the past not handle acab transported goods, old tenements standing in New week and the strikers are fighting with York City today, serving as inst about the respectability (oneejects, the rent is so high that the Californis administrator, and Missouri endorsed the strike swers to the Daily News and And then, after we have learned so called low cost housing pro. Donald Connelly, Southern members in Oklahoma, Kansas Appeal containing Trotsky anthe financial backing of their cure homes to hundreds of thouChicago Ohio.
brothers throughout the area and sands of the city poor, in viola more. of the owners of these present slum dwellers cannot pos in statement to the local press and has pledged 10, 000 a week its Althy, red baiting campaign with funds provided by the Intion of the law.
firetraps, presumably the slum sibly take up residence in them. declared that the original orders to the pickets. Sand Springs Lo against Mexico. It is planned to hold these moblizilations regular New York City ternational landlords will undergo change The problem of the immediate from Washington directed cut cal 296 pledged 200 weekly Massachusetts The truck drivers union and ly once each week from now on.
Wock after week the dreary re of heart and make the necessary demolition of firetrap tenements, of 2, 600 persons but because of.
Missouri Victory in Omaha means inalports of loss of life from fires outlays for the minimum protec. which can be made possible only protests the cuts were restricted other of unions here are CIRCULATION DEPT. TO BE Minneapolis assurance that the 11 state unt. In tumbled down tenements recur clonour life. Whoever asserts that by the construction of many to the 600 women.
also supporting the strike. Preal form contract is a permanent monotonously in the press. So such timid pressure, if indeed it thousands Rhode Island of really low rent The first in the recent series of dent Barnes of the Oklahoma City SET UP IN NEW YORK: Plans are now under way for Philadelphia achievement. Meanwhtoo the commonplace have they become can be called pressure at all, will housing projects de pressing Thanksgiving when al cinss of spoke at a strike rally the setting up of a special circus is a pressing cuts was ordered the day after Trade and Labor Assembly. AF Washington, essential elements of the contract papers are short of news, an argrubbers who own the ramshackle made to meet it or disabled workers. cut pledging ald, Connecticut have now been applied to the son angle can be exploited, or tenements, is either a fool or a Merchants Aid Strike California from the rolls. In the month of City. to be aided and supported main sections The government, instead. is ab. December the number employed Texas and Okla The recentment against the Na by the Appeal. This department Foreign home, thereby creating an enterspectacular heights are they ac that ing wedge for all unions into the landlords can under sigantic army and navy. Prest of November there were 3, 000 the strikers alone. Local mer of professional Appeal salesmen, Total deep South. As the movement tory mention corded more than brief perfunestand or will understand is president Roosevelt, in his recent employed by the In South chants have given tons of food handling of newsstand and de grows in strength, it secures suKarl Marx Shier of Chicago Yet the causes of these fres culled at the expense of human for 2, 000, 000, 000 for the armed number has been reduced sure that threatens their gains budget specth to Congress, asked ern California and to date the and kitchen equipment to the very routes, organization of mass to strikers in a fine demonstration street sales and general promo fame was quite successful at the sional contract signed, covering of cases they could be avoided or and the only come from the cal year 1980 1940. Two billions 5400.
of solidarity tion, Comrade Abe Miller New Chicago local New Year Eve Detroit, secured the best ad at least kept under control. But workers acting in a united mass for the defense of Morgan, Rock Militants Fight Cuts The spirit of the strikers is kept York literature director. win party. He pleked up half avances as yet made.
the authorities have become cal through their organizations.
It is already taken for granted lous, and nothing is done.
efeller, DuPont et al investments At the time of the discharges high through the noble work of have complete charge of this new dozen suba during the evening.
Mayor in the Teamsters International on Nov. 24, several experienced the women auxiliary which has department and promises to be. Only one bundle order inLaGuardia, The 1030 Street fire differed however, broad.
and girls work handling many thousands of Ap crease was recorded this week that what began a modest from countless others in that insure he advocates will not least. in 1939 1940, Mr. President ceived dismissals began to orging six hour shifts day and night peals before long.
apparently realizes that the ex How about 2, 000, 000, 000 (at unemployed militants who re over 100 won that came from Sol Thomas of five state venture some two years this instance Philadelphia who now takes ago in Minneapolis (the old arrest was made.
total of 20 per week.
of the landlords, who have all have very serious results, and he for the defense of American lives nize the unemployed and project to feed the pickets.
Mid Continent was placed on NEWS FROM BRANCHES: workers in an effort to combat North Central Drivers Council)
in homes?
the cuts. They refused to seek the infair list of the last and blossomed a year ago into ready been condemned as crimi points with expansive pride to the Lee Calvin from Lynn, Mass. REMINDERS: an 11 atate set up. will shortly rested man was a 27 year old unnally negligent? Absurd! The arassistance from the Workers Ali Week at the request of the Oil llance. Their past membership in Workers International Union. It writes us that, In my opinion (1) Send in your bundle order extend to the rest of the country Abe Miller suggestion of organi increase for the a week Appeal.
employed elevator operator, who the according to their is urging action by all Of zing routes for the Appeal is one Composition Changed is accused of having lighted the statement, convinced them that and unions in secondary of the best ways to build up cir the beautifully bound 1938 copy (2) Have you gotten orders for In the process, the actual com fires in order to obtain a negliposition of the teamsters move gible stipend from a newspaper no real opposition to the picketing.
Union Lists 16 Grievances culation. We have had fairly of the Appeal? Liberal commis cuts could be expected from this ment has undergone a profound for having turned in a hot tip.
The strikers are being paid 10 good success in Lynn in this di sions on or more bound volchange is already no longer The owner of the property, the (Continued from page movement based on driver Beacon Arms Company. escapes movement in this country to pre long overdue gubernatorial action cally. lock, stock and barrel by a week in benefits by the Inter. rection. We have had an establumes sola!
doned by Governor Olson. The sterile organizntion controlled the Communist Party.
national Union.
dry. but a really proletarianuous mention of its name in the fornia from hanging Mooney. Sotentions made by militant labor the unemployed in Los Angeles, when Rasmussen, district on salesmen (milk, bread, ice, laun with no more than the inconspic vont the fratric up gang in Cali is only a confirmation of the conThese militants, well known to Latest support for the striker came from the lodges movement of transport drivers paper, strong did the protest become for 22 years that Mooney was the led by Mel Kitchen, one of the and warehousemen, and will be What the City Does that Governor Stephens of Call victim of capitalist justice, and a original members of the Workers Banizer, addressed the pickets at come so Increasingy. This signi Faced with this problem, what fornia found himself compelled, vindication of the fight made by a special mass meeting Alliance in Los Angeles, set themfies that the Teamsters Interna does the city do? Take upon it on Nov. 28, 1918, to commute the labor movement throughout selves the task of organizing the Jack Hayes, president of Lotional, already with some 500, 000 golf the task of repairing the old Mooney sentence to life impris the world.
members, the largest single un law tenements to conform with onment.
Upon his release, Mooney de Relief Workers Protective Union, cal 217, listed sixteen major the union had (Special to Socialist Appeal) trated on Martin Rarback and fon in the country and rapidly the Multiple Dwelling Law, charge against the company and which clared that he intends to devote a name that is associated with grievances that NEW YORK.
Chusid, Thomas Katsikis, prominent oppo The tireless work of Mooney himself to restoring the unity of one of the first and most effective the men were forced to strike member of Local No. 442. chained sition painters, and made ready growing. Will by its significanting the costs to the landlords friends, and defense committees the American trade union move lcalir. Their first activity was the against. Seniority violations and himself to post in the head to maul them. Rarback and Katunemployed organizations in So.
social composition play role even greater than that indicated that were formed throughout the ment, now divided between the lenlling of a protostmeetine low wages were among those quarters of District Council No sikis were surrounded from all by its sheer numbers.
country, continued to unearth new of and the evidence and to reveal the whole listed.
which arranged a demonstration of the Painters Union in New sides by these gangster types, Tobin break with his old colBacked Olson sordid system by means of which York last Saturday afternoon. To while the cops looked on passiveleagues at the convention Mooney had been convicted. SevAlthough Mooney was imprison and a one day sit down strike in ANNOUNCEMENTS reporters and newspaper photog y. Only by escaping in a pussing was a reflection of this process, eral witnesses against him subed throughout the past 22 years, the local offices of the The teamsters movement is unW. Opposition sequently recanted their false he remained in actuality the di ANTISEMITISM here and abroad scene, Chusid explained that his member were the two militants rector of the campaign for his re The only activity of the and how to fight it will be dis action was in protest against reable to avoid a slugging.
doubtedly scheduled to play a testimony, among them Frank By FERGUSON cussed by Felix Morrow, Sun: peated discrimination against him major role in the progressive uniLeadership Under Fire lease conducted by the Defense In this period has been their efOxman and John MacDonald. Jan. 15, at P. at Grand (Special to Socialist Appeal)
forts to prevent the organization Committee.
Gication of the labor movement.
Constantly under fire in the lospecial investigation committee The contrast between its growth It regarded as unfortunate of the At the first meetAKRON, Goodrich unionists sent to California by President however, that while the campaign ing called by the organizing comDelancey. Questions cil in the handing out of work cal unions, with one test vote aft under conditions of scope given yesterday in a large membership Wilson also disclosed that a for Mooney was conducted for mittee for the the arriv.
and discussion from floor slips. He asserted that this dis er another going against them Auspices, Lower East Side crimination was due to the fact recent by elections in Locals 154 to fresh and forces within meeting frame up had been perpetrated.
It and coupled with policy of board authority to take such ac years on a militant working class Ing workers witnessed the sight Stanton.
that he disagreed with the Stalin and 1011 returned oppositionists amicable relations with the tion as it deems advisable if the Years of Struggle basis, the famous class war pris of frenzied members of the by heavy majorities to elected po sitions the Stalinist Weinstock mass unions and the ossification company does not rehire within In spite of this, and in spite of oner permitted himself, in the Inst standing in front of the auditori. CELEBRATE VICTORY Strike ist politics of the unlon teaders.
of the die hard unions like Whar 10 days 12 union members who the fact that 11 of the 12 living elections, to urge workers to get um shouting to them to boycott Workers of the the meeting and to attend the League. Saturday, which big crowds gathered at the crowd in control of No. be January 21st, Democratic Hall, union headquarters, many to exFeves It can convince the rebelton machinists and Frey mould have not been taken back since jurors, as well as the presiding behind the candidacy 101 25 150th St. Jamalen, LI llous rank and Ale by means of ders, is a real sign of the times, the business upturn last fall. judge, Inter called for Mooney Democratic party nominee for meeting called for the same Band Entertainment Drinks press their sympathy with the Far from strengthening the old The union already has forced liberation, succession of Califor Governor of California, Olson, night. By peculiar coincidence demonstrator, police were called organized terrorism against oppoA. discredited program, the the company to rehire 50 work nis covernors refused to release which was the line taken by the the has arranged meetings PHILADELPHIA to clear the hall and to saw off sition militants. It is significant of their total lack of strength in onward march of the teamsters ers through negotiations under the victim of clasa justice Stalinists and other opponents of only when circulars ap is hastening the victory of indus its collective bargaining contract, Finally, after years of agitation independent working class politic peared on the projects calling for DWIGHT MACDONALD, editor the chains.
the painters union that even for a meeting, and each time the of the Partisan Review, will Call Strong Arm Men such a job they have to get goriltrial unionism but the company insists on deny and repeated demonstrations of al action tional Forum on Refugees Meetings are being planned for held mass meeting The Stalinista, aghast at the las from the furriers union to do ing the 12 remaining workers Mooney innocence and the viMooney 1939 Problem. Time: 8:30, spectacle for a while, nevertheless their dirty work for them.
their seniority by such phoney clous frame up which sent him to every important city the blossomed out with a January 20th. Place: 277 South did not delay making a reply The progressive opposition and excuses as physical disqualifica prison, and after years of sabo and, judging from the enthusias meeting for the same evening.
Appeal Salesmen!
The only militant action of the 11th Street, characteristic of their methods. the rank and flle painters backAKRON As the workers filled out of unioning them will not stand for this 00 per day minimum The rubber barons are making all the courts of the country be San Francisco, workers will turn unemployed and project workers headquarters at the behest of the type of Stalinist enlightenment guaranteed!
a bad guess if they think they fore which the case was brought out in unprecedented numbers to in Los Angeles in protest against James will speak on the police, they were met by a squad either. They are ready defend Pleasant Work can get away with such chtel including the United States Su. welcome Mooney back to activity the cuts has been undertaken by the young which prom. Future For Racial Minori of strong arm men from the Sta. their right as union men against Plus Fine Commissions ling against the largest and most preme Court, Mooney was par in labor ranks isos to develop into a fighting ties. Friday evening. Jan. 20, inist controlled furriers union. anyone. They will defend their militant of the Akron rubber union for the unemployed in at pm. at 399 Main St. The latter milled around, threat militants with every ounce of See Abe Miler unions. Already rumors are passconditions.
at Labor Book Shop Southern California ening various of the better known strength at their disposal. They ing around in the labor move3. An immediate local housing WANT ADS opposition militants. Several of will also call on the Civil Liber28 East 12th St.
ment that Goodrich local may go program to build modern homes the hooligans, whose names and ties Union to watch the gangster AT ONCE!
on strike. President Callahan for and unemployed workProtest in St. Paul GIRL WORKER Student wants dirty work are well known tactics of the Stalinists and guard Interpreted the union vote to ers.
ST. PAUL, Minn. resolution furnished room or studio. Rent throughout the market, concen lagainst them.
mean that It simpy shows that (Special to Socialist Appeal)
within proletarian means. With CHICAGO MASS MEETINGS State and municipal housing passed by the Warehouse Emwe mean business.
MINNEAPOLIS. 1, 500 aroused authority acts and enabling legls ployee Union of this city con in half hour traveling distance Sentiment amongst many fight workers protested Inyoffs Iation for 25, 000, 000 city hous demns in strong words the WPA of East 125th St. Answer: MODERN AGE BOOKS ing gum miners is that comal a mass meeting sponsored by ing and public works program layoffs and the Roosevelt admin care of Stanley 116 Unt.
12c each. for 50c. Limited Time Only pany stalling through long istration war plans, versity Place, New York City.
André GideTravels in the Congo will speak on: drawn out negotiations and at the Central Labor Union Relief in addition to Federal aid.
Committee on January 3rd at Declaring that it is the duty of Leo Huberman Labor Spy Racket THE TWILIGHT OF THE tempted weeding out of militant Eagles Hall. That all city government all workers to assist the unem LARGE FURNISHED apartment Minton and Stuart Men Who Lead Labor BRITISH EMPIRE committeemen under agencies meet to cooperate with ployed and to resist war, the guise of to share: Conveniences. KitchA Ave point program was the trade unions in planning union resolution concludes with feeble charges, really makes them Dorothy Sayers Suspicious Characters Friday, January 27 8:00 PM en. Very low rent. Write Bien David MacDuff. Murder Strikes Three Capitol Building worse or under contract than adopted and the Central Labor five or ten year public works and the demand that all war appro stock, o Appeal.
Federal Writers Project 1988 Almanac For New Yorkers Union committee empowered to housing construction program, 159 State St.
without one.
Adr priations be turned over to pro.
Archie Blans Lightship On Jan. the union contract press Miles Dunne, Secretary Treas jects such as housing, which will William Rollins Wall of Men expired. Since then new negotia. Immediate stoppage of all urer of the Teamsters Joint be constructive rather than de University Luncheonette Anna Katherine Green The Leavenworth Case SOCIALISM tions have bogged down, primari layoffs.
Council, warned the workers that structive.
100A UNIVERSITY PLACE Morley Gallaghan They Shall Inherit the Earth AND THE NEGRO ly on the question of paid vaca Thirty hours of work each the day will soon come when near 12th St. right near headquarters Paul Cade Death Slams the Door Sunday, January 29 3:00 tions. The union refuses to con week at trade union wages and American capitalista, vying with Best Food al Best Prices Harvey Fergusson Blood of the Conquerors Abraham Lincoln Center Subscribe to tinue until the company grants German and Italian competitors.
Special 250 Lunch. Add 3c per book for postage)
700 Oakwood Blv Adm. 150 the same or better conditions then will attempt to put the heel of Socialist Appeal Soup, any 10c Sandwich, Coffee, LABOR BOOK SHOP 28 East 12th Street, last year, which were won after ASK FOR THE APPEAL Unemployed Free fasciam on the necks of the Tee or Milk with Cake or Ple.
AT YOUR NEWSST AND American workers.
Open Monday to Saturday, 10 to P.
the quick, well organized strike.
Tom Mooney Freed After Twenty Two Year Battle It Progressive Victimized By Painters Union In RUBBER WORKERS THREATEN STRIKE St, at MINN. WORKERS FIGHT WPA CUTS JAMES 250