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Time Is Growing Short! Speed Up the Appeal Drive!
Socialist Appeal Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
All War Funds To the Unemployed!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. III No. Saturday, January 14, 1939 375 per copy CUTS WPA, BOOMS WAR Tom Mooney Freed After SLASHESY OPTFLAR Billion More For War; INDICATES. HE IS Twenty Two Year Battle BIG ARMS BUDGET Billion Less For WPA NATION INTO WAR Greets Tom Mooney to RE Class War Prisoner Is Fully Vindicated 30 FOR 30 HOUR Roosevelt Condemns Jews company WEEK IS TOLEDO To Be Permanent Pariahs Millions to Starve Tries To Make Use to Aid Plans One billion dollars more for arms! One billion dollars Of Anti Fascist For War dollars less for relief!
Sentiment That, fellow workers, is the proposal of the new Immediately upon receiving official announcement that RESISTANCE VITAL budget now put before Congress and the nation. GUNS, NOT BUTTER Tom Mooney had been freed, the following telegram of greetInge was addressed to him by the National Secretary of the The new session of Congress The budget of the current fiscal year carries a little over one Driving relentlessly towards a Socialist Workers Party: is opening up with the most bitter billion dollars for arms. The new budget lists 1, 300, 000, 000 super armaments program attack in years, by both the Presi TOM MOONEY dent and Congressional leaders, for normal expenses of the War and Navy Departments, and the defense of its world wide in SACRAMENTO, CALIF.
on the already shamefully Inade special appropriations to carry it well over 2, 000, 000, 000. terests in the coming war, Prest SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY HAILS YOUR quate relief structure. If present And the plan will be to add plenty more even to that figure before dent Roosevelt last week submit LEASE AS VINDICATION OF LONG STRUGGLE BY plans go through, the unemployed this session of Congress is over.
teda budget to Congress which have before them the most tercalls for the largest pence time WORKING CLASS AGAINST CAPITALIST FRAMEUP SYSrible year since 1929.
During the current fiscal year, something more than 3, 300. military and naval expenditures TED AND WELCOMES YOUR RETURN TO ACTIVE PARWith least twelve to thirteen 000, 000 is being spent on WPA and other forms of relief a sum in the history of the United TICIPATION IN LABOR MOVEMENT, million now unemployed; with the States.
list swelling far more rapidly that doesn come within a hundred miles of supplying the need.
One billion dollars are to be JAMES CANNON, Secretary through the entrance of new age The new budget proposes a total of approximately 2, 300, 000, 000. sliced off the already skimpy al SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY.
groups into the labor market and Whose budget is this? Who is demanding that a billion more lotment for the relief of the un through technological displace dollars be poured into the pockets of the munitions manufacturers, employed millions, while the same ment than can possibly be compensated even by the probleand a billion dollars be taken away from the unemployed? That amount, and more, is to be added matio promised upturn in busl must be one of those Tory Hoover Landon Liberty League plots to the war budget.
ness; with relief now far below Taking his place in the vicious we hear so much about? Or is it Hearst or Coughlin idea?
circle of the International armathe minimum living standards of the Government own figures; Wrong on both counts. This is the budget of the leader in ments race, Roosevelt sought to with these conditions staring the justify his proposals for military the fight of progress vs. reaction, America No. demagogue, country in the face, it is proposed and naval appropriations by reto slash the rate of relief heavily the sanctimonious hypocrite of the White House Franklin. ferring to the piling up of armafor the remainder of the current hate war. Roosevelt.
ments in other countries counfiscal year, and still more deeply tries which, in turn, try to justify Became Symbol of Workers Struggle for the next fiscal year (beginThis is the answer of Roosevelt to 13, 000, 000 unemployed ning July and their families, to the rotten food and worse housing of 40, Here and Abroad Against Forgotten Words for Cut of 25 000, 000 persons, to all the aged workers thrown out of jobs with Roosevelt has asked for a speCapitalist Injustice no chances of ever getting new ones, to the sharecroppers and the Forgotten Man cial appropriation of 875, 000, 000 to carry WPA through to July tenant farmers who don see five dollars cash from one end of The employment siven by armament programy is falso Tom Mooney, imprisoned together with Warren Billings 125, 000, 000 of this, however, is to the year to the next to the rubber workers getting ten hours a employment. It builds no per for more than twenty two years on a frame up which aroused an be set aside in a special reserve week when they are lucky, to the steel workers being thrown out manent structure and creates international protest movement was freed last week by virtue of a for emergencies subsequent to in the cold by the tens of thousands as the new rolling mills open.
no consumer goods for the full pardon granted him by the new Governor of California, Cullert July With the previous appromaintenance of a lasting pros.
priation for the current year vir. Olson This is the kick in the face of the workers with which perity. We know that nations tually exhausted, the new 750, guilty of these follies InevitaIn his statement accepting the pardon, Mooney declared that Franklin Roosevelt starts off his new year.
000, 000 spread out over the rebly face the day either when he would now concentrate on obtaining the release of his co worker, mainder of the fiscal year. would This is the man John Lewis told us to vote for, remember?
their weapons of destruction Billings.
monthly WPA expenditures.
represent a cut of about 25 In This is the hero of William Green, Sidney Hillman, Dan Tobin, must be used against their Mooney was convicted in San neighbors or when an unsound David Dubinsky, and Earl Browder.
Such cut could, of course, be Francisco on Feb. 24, 1917 of accomplished only by sweeping economy, like a house of cards, first degree murder. Billings, Inyors which in point of fact They don seem to be complaining; they got what they bar will fall apart. From a speech tried separately, was convicted of delivered by Franklin Roo have been going on since a week gained for. What a billion more or less for the unemployed to second degree murder in connecfollowing the elections and by tion with a dynamite explosion on sevelt In Buenos Alres. Date: them? They re not worrying about WPA or relief rolls. They re reductions in the WPA wage 1936.
July 22, 1916 during a reactionary too busy living up to their side of the contract, getting ready to scales. Preparedness Day Parade of the lead the workers of the country into Roosevelt war.
Even this, with its threat of their expenditures for the same open shoppers It about time that the workers of the United States woke purpose by reference to still other Railroaded by Open Shoppers lands. Special to Socialist Appeal)
unemployed, is not enough for Clamps Down on Admitting Mooney had been active for Wall Street. Under the slogans up to the real meaning of Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal, years in aggressive labor organ militant and progressive program TOLEDO, Ohio Adoption of a Anti Fascist Sentiments Exploited Refugees to of economy, take politics out and of the Greens and Lewises and Tobins who sell him to the At the same time, Roosevelt ization drives, and had earned the for the unemployed marked the of relier, and return control of public. He had six years, now, to show his stuff. The results are made cunning use of the antirelief to local agencies, a deter in: permanent mass employment, universal insecurity, a sinking fascist sentiments of the masses tion By FELIX MORROW and open shop forces of Califor rally held here last week of 500 discouragement such mined drive is on to lower the standard of living and his war just around the corner. by rhetorical flourishes in favor nia. Even before the Preparedness workers under the ausPlous tears continue to flow measures.
appropriations still further, and of democracy in opposition to dicDay Parade, repeated efforts had pics of the Federal Workers to hamstring them with restricLast week annual message to Congress and the budget mes Privately administration lead the Jewish refugees, but tatorship, with the explicit deebeen made by these forces to rail Council executive board, there is sign that the Rooseers are saying that Jews should tions.
sage bring Roosevelt more into the open than at any time in the laration that the armaments he road Mooney to prison.
Resistance Imperative Presented by Timothy McCorvelt administration intends to go to eparsely settled landspast. stiff, powerful blow at unemployed and the working The trial which ended in Moon mick, of the United Truck opera permit Congressional action en proposes are intended for the apIt would be impossible to exAfrica, South America, Palestine, class; a summons to a Holy War for Wall Street: that is what proaching war. It goes without ey being sentenced to death by tors union, the program for im abling refugees to find a haven in fact anywhere except the agrerate the seriousness of the saying that, like the imperialist hanging, was one of the most mediate action in Ohio and for here. The extraordinary fact that United States. Roosevelt has now prospect for the unemployed, the messages boil down to demagogues of countries outrageously flagrant examples of a long range national plan was not a single Congressman has publicly enunciated this principle only the most determined mass Roosevelt calls on the nation to get ready to fight for re dem as well frame up known in the history enthusiastically endorsed issued a public statement declar, in his letter to Mussolini request the war into which he envisages will prevent the President and ligion, democracy, and the sanctity of international law.
of the country. The very dregs of Highlights of the program are: ing for relaxing immigration roing that Jews be allowed to settle Congress from carrying out thet What a shameless piece of trickery from this unscrupulous jingo, plunging the masses of the United society were scooped up by the strictions, not even Congressman in Ethiopia.
plan. The guarantee of an opprosecution, working hand in ready at all times to prostitute every dictate of conscience, God or States, is exclusively for deCeller whose bill with that purA Subtle Move In some quarters it is even fense. that is, for the defense glove with the California capital portunity for jobs at union pose died in the last session and Administration admirers think thought that the cut in the WPA morality to the fundamental needs of the Sixty Families!
of the economic interests which ist class, to bring false testimony wages under union conditions has not been re introduced, is to it was very clever and very noble budget is a preliminary to the Religion somehow didn stimulate him to include a single the American ruling class has in against Mooney.
for all workers either in private be explained by active administra. Continued on page Continued on page 3)
Prostitutes, pimps, drug fiends word of comfort for the German Jews; democracy didn provoke this country and all over the rest Industry or government of the globe.
and similar elements, wax in the public works.
him to the smallest protest against the Latin American dictatorIt is difficult to imagine a more hands of the District Attorney, minimum wage of 30 ships which his power upholds; the sanctity of international law were the principal witnesses of wasn potent enough to lead him to apologize in the slightest synteal contempt for the unalle viated sufferings of the millions the prosecution. Evidence which per week, and the establishment by law of 30 per week, every for trying to strangle Mexico to death because Mexico wants to still in the cold grip of unemployclearly proved Mooney innocence week as the minimum guaranlead its own life.
ment, than is revealed in Roosewas deliberately suppressed by teed Income level, velt proposed budget. Although the District Attorney, as was the It time the workers came to see that the struggle for jobs hé, like his fellow democrats, excase with the famous photograph 30 hour inaximum work and a decent living has got to be a struggle against Roosevelt and presses plous indignation at the which showed Mooney and his week, six hours per day, five The New York Daily News has opened up a campaign of vici selves in their articles on Mex his New Deal and their publicity agents in labor ranks just as brutally frank slogan of the wife Renn watching the parade days a week with no reduction from the roof of a building which in the sente wedluber earnings policy pursued by the Mexican Government. series of articles by leged participation in Mexican ous attack upon the Mexican workers and upon the expropriation too, its government, and my almuch as against the Republicans.
Nezis Bullets not butter the budget is simply a translation in To support Roosevelt and the New Deal is simply to support the explosion, while a jeweler the langunge of expenditure sta Five billion dollar federal one Fred Pasley is presenting Mexico as being under the rule of politics with a laudable frankness Roosevelt program for slashing relief and plunging the workers tistics of the same thought.
clock in the street below showed that would appear as brutality, publle works program to pro anarchy and the Reds. Editorially the News has on recent occasions shall strive to avoid brutall into the most terrible war of history. Roosevelt, Roosevelt himself, The wretchedly neglected unonly a few minutes from the time vide permanent jobs at socially charged that Leon Trotsky was the real power in Mexico behind ty, however, without damaging when the dynamite blew up.
is the outstanding leader of capitalism in its new, offensive employed are to be cut down a useful work.
President Cardenas. Pasley sent a list of questions to Trotsky which frankness.
billion dollars, so that what little Russlan Workers Protest against the unemployed, and the leader of the war mongers.
Interestingly enough, the con5. Five billion dollar annual the latter agreed to answer if the News in turn agreed to publish slivers of butter they have seen Never Met Cardenas appropriation for a federal low Roosevelt has delivered his message to Congress. The work in the past will melt away into spiracy of silence and direct the answer in full. The interview appeared in the News last week. The affirmation of the Daily cost housing program until evers had now better deliver their message, and put it in terms that nothing. On the other hand, there sabotage of Mooney case by the News (October 29, 1938) that ery worker family has a decent Trotsky replies to Pasley follow: is an additional million allocated conservative labor leaders who home to bullets.
The News in an editorial the Cardenas government gave Trotsky is a friend and coun Congress can understand.
always hated his militancy, was All factories and produc published October 29, 1938, sala you asylum, that you were the false. have never had the hon Take these two billion dollars of war funds, through which Large Items Concealed broken in this country by the in part that Trotsky is a friend inspiration of many of President or of meeting General Cardenas tive equipment, elther Idle or workers are supposed to murder their brothers in other counIt is interesting and significant revolutionary workers of Petrograd who demonstrated before working far below capacity, and adviser of Cardenas, and Cardenas policies also that he or speaking with him. have tries, and use them where they ought to be used for the unem that the unprecedented war budgshall be operated by the governthe American Embassy in 1917 that therefore you were behind has frequently consulted you, es had no relations through writ ployed.
et increase is hypocritically minithe expropriation of petroleum pecially as regards his agrarian ing with him, except the ones ment to provide work for the mized. Although the press feaories which bewildered ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOYED!
properties in Mexico. Your coun policy and the taking over of concerning the right of asylum. tures the fact that it is being American correspondents tran unemployed on a production for sel, Mr. Albert Goldman, has de industry by the government for have not been and am not now Jobs: jobs for every worker at a decent wage! universal augmented only 30 percent scribed in their cables as Free Munt! Tax the rich to pay the manded that the News retract the benefit of the workers. Is any relationship. direct or inthe editorial by the News. Will that true!
direct, with any other members maximum work week of thirty hours, and a universal weekly above the figure of the preceding year, bringing it to a total of The demonstration, however, cost of this program.
you please siate your personal minimum wage of thirty dollars for every worker, employed, unA Since your editorial office of the government. have not about 1, 300, 000, 000, the actual exserved to bring the Mooney case Immediate establishment of views as to the truth or falsity has engaged itself by telegraph en aged, and do not now en employed, or part time employed!
penditures in the budget ran to dramatically before the American an adequate federal cash relief of the News allegations.
working class and helped the de program to provide emergency to reproduce my answers integ sage in any political activity conTHIRTY DOLLARS! THIRTY HOURS!
about twice that sum. Not in the velopment of a powerful mass headlines, but hidden away in the It has been frequently im ra. ly, willingly answer your nected with the internal life of relief until jobs are provided plled in the daily press of the questions. The editors of the the country. If we do not con You can do it, you Congressmen say? Then get out, and body of a Washington dispatch (Continued on page Continued on page 3) United States, probably because Daily News have expressed them. Continued on page 8) let somebody take your place who can. Continued on Page 3)
of here all on Leon Trotsky Hits Back At Daily News Slanders with use basis