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In a few words: the Navy gang knew that SOCLALIST APPEAL Grace was using scab sponsoring a company Vol. No. Saturday, January 7, 1999 union and intimidating workers from becom ing real union men. And Grace knew he could Published every week by the Party Folds Up to Become an Educational Society SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ABS sponsor a company union and unión busting methods and get the Navy contract.
Inside the American Labor Party (Conducted by the National Educational Department)
at 116 University Place. New York, 8547 The whole army. navy building program as QUESTION: How do you answer the argument that the big By the combined support of the armaments program will provide jobs. Boston.
revealed by this little incident is in the final PATCH UP LITTLE MISUNDERSTANDING 00 per for months. Foreign 00 per year. Bundle order extreme right wing (Thomas ANSWER: If the armaments program is a blessing for this analysis, a scab union busting program. It starts Laidier) and their Tyler Zamite reason, then so was the tornado that swept the East not long ago cents per copy. Single copies cents.
by giving the plums to open shops as well as satellites, a majority of the memIt cannot be denied that tornadoes, earthquakes, Ares, etc. also All checks and money orders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
to unionized establishments. Then as war comes bership of the New York State provide jobs provided they take place on sufficiently large Entered a second class matter September 1, closer and the might of the militarist gang Socialist Party has just voted in scale. It is obvious, however, that such calamities waste the 1937, at the post office at New York, New York, favor of a proposition submitted wealth of society and make every member of society so much under the Act of March 3, 1879 (working hand in glove with the New Deal poorer liberals. increases, it begins to make inroads mittee which provides for the to referendum by the State Com The same is true of the armaments program. The products MAX SHACHTMAN on the union organizations. That what the members of the entering the of this industry do not go to satisfy a single human need; they Editor Day Plan is for. It begins with a little favor American Labor Party.
do not add whit to the wealth and goods available to society.
HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE itism for company unions and ends by putting clusion a whole stage of develop The vote really brings to a conThe government might just as well decide on a billion dollar proAsociate Editors STANLEY, Business Manager the real unions behind the eight ball.
gram to build Egyptian pyramids every mile from coast to coast.
ment of the Thomas organization On the contrary, unlike pyramids, the armaments program means There real point in Grace recalling that and marks its voluntary liquidathe expenditure of money (wasting of wealth) in order to make Musica and Business Secrets the company union plan was worked out in tion as a political party. Its liq possible the destruction of more wealth, not to speak of Ilves 1918 in cooperation with the War Labor Board, uidation as a left wing organizethis being the sole use for which armaments are manufactured. Reprinted from the Northwest Organizer of tion was effected some time ago.
in brief, means expenditure for It is not merely a recollection it is a predicThe armaments programly destructive ends. We propose December 22, 1938)
After its break with the incorsocially useless, or rather tion of the way things will look when war rigible Rocial democratic Old that the huge sums which Roosevelt wants appropriated to build This Coster case gives us ideas. Why not begins Guard few years ago, the sohuge battleships, and make machine guns and poison gas, be spent let the workers of the United States get a good cialist party not only took on new rather on low cost, non profit housing, to provide substitutes for long gander at those financial operations that life but moved rapidly in the dithe slums; to build decent dwellings for the familles now coneven now are being covered up by the uncaught rection of revolutionary Marxism, demned to live in fre traps and unsanitary hovels. Homos, not Costers and Whitney Hitler Apes Stalin battleships! This expresses sharply the contradiction between adThe growth of a genuine left wing of trad in its ranks, however, frightened and gold?
vocacy of the armaments program and the interests of the masses the centrists and the right wingNORMAN THOMAS ABE CAHAN of workers.
Why not find out exactly why these big On January 3rd Hitler initiated the biggest ers who had remained after the which depends entirely on the 190 much by Thomas, much less It is also noteworthy that out of a billion dollars spent on corporations can pay a living wage? Why they treason trial in his six years of power. As one split. With burenucratie cynt policy which it is intended to fol Zam, as by Alex Rose, Dubinsky armaments, as against a billion dollars spent on (say) a can provide more jobs?
reads the official dispatches and the accounts of cism not exceeded by any Stalin low inside it, means in the given and Hillman.
smaller percentage of the former will end up in the hands of Let labor trusted representatives open the the first day of the trial, one is forcibly reminded 1st clique, the Thomas Tyler lead case the end of the AS a In a word, its existence will the needy workers themselves, because of the exorbitant prontbooks of the big corporations.
of Stalin juridical methods. Hitler seems to ership thereupon arbitrarily ex political party. Two years or so be as real and independent and making which is rampant in the munition making industry.
have drawn more than one leaf from the book pelled from the party every mem ago, virtually the entire party critical and free as is that of the We know the trusts and the big shots don It cannot be denied that the great armament programs of ber who stood for a revolutionary membership looked askance at the its partner in the coming keep any secrets from each other. The business of the Moscow trials.
other countries have resulted in propping up industrial activity, program.
proposals of Alfred Baker Lewis family reconciliation.
at least at first, and have created a kind of artificial prosperity, secrets of today are part of a gigantic plot of As in the Moscow models, one learns in ad Prediction Confirmed and Co. to convert the into more easily catch a bird by salt temporarily and on a limited scale. It acts shot in the arm the monopolists against the interests of the peo vance that those who are to be tried are already The mass expulsion of left an educational society, that is, in ing its tail than catch Leidler and for capitalism, temporarily stimulating but leading eventually ple.
assumed to be guilty: some seventeen or so wingers took the heart and soul to a respectable Fabian club. Company saying or doing any and shortly to an even greater relapae.
out of the Hundreds who No other party leader dared then thing that hurts the bureaucratic Why not see how many Musicas, Whitneys, Thus far, we have answered the question on the basis of were not. position of the economic considerations. But it would be short sighted to look Mellons, Insulls and Morgans there are, rob vituperative official releases. The chief victims disgust. The left wing, which plan. Tyler Zam and their friends hierarchy.
upon the armaments program as a measure for domestic economic bing, faking, plundering the wealth of the un are presented as oppositionists from of old, when formed the Socialist Workers even denounced it sternly as op Future for Militants derpaid workers who produce the goods they recovery. The armament program is another link in Roosevelt they have actually been adherents of the regime. Party year ago, did not have portunist liquidation. That oppor What is left of Thomas famous preparation for the imperialist war which he knows is inevitable.
finagle with Erst Niekisch, the most prominent defendant long to wait for the fulfillment of tunist liquidation is now being all inclusive party? Little more It is one of the laps in the arms race which 18 progressing so Let have a good old fashioned peeking con in the Nazi court, is presented as a Socialist its prediction: it declared that realized jointly by Lewis, Thomas than reminiscences of the tender feverishly among all the nations the world. It is Roosevelt with the left wing gone, the ex. and Tyler.
moments It spent together with test, with the American workers for judge. who antagonized National Socialism long be treme right wing would have un To make absolutely sure that the Old Guard in the years gone saber rattling to catch the attention of Germany and Japan.
Then we ll find out who it is that cheating fore 1933. actually be became a militarist in This means that sooner or later the armaments program disputed and undisputable sway the remnants of the are prop by; there will be many such mowhom.
1923, supported the Nazi conquest in 1933, WILL provide a job for every able bodied man the Job of killing in the party and would reduce it erly house broken, the unification ments again in the days to come.
his fellow workers in foreign uniforms. We will be permitted to and published a newspaper after Hitler became to a conservative, impotent, so with the Social Democratie Fed Yet there is a little more than fight for the investments of the Fat Boys in Latin America and Chancellor.
cial democratic educational sect. eration, led by the distinguished that. In the referendum in New How the Arms Program Works Precisely that has happened now revolutionary socialists AbeYork, a surprising number of elsewhere, while dictatorship is clamped down at home, the millThe trial, like the Moscow ones, includes on The membership of the has Cahan and James Oneal, is being members (85 out of 345, or oneOn December 30th, the Navy awarded a secret sessions, while the public sessions are to been reduced to a shadow a far rushed to completion. The politic fourth) voted against the State the war, and Roosevelt makes pretty speeches about democracy. This is the armament program job nothing else.
quarter of a million dollar contract to the Beth be in the nature of demonstrations, with some cry from the days, only a few al program of the united organ Committee proposition. In this, we lehem Steel Corporation.
years ago, when it looked down ization can easily be imagined are sure, these comrades did not (Readers of the Socialist Appeal are urged to submit their twenty two principal defendants and numerous Two days before, Grace, Czar of the questions for an answer by this department. supernumaries. It is reported they will confess contemptuously upon the snall now. It will differ from the classic express an unbending opposition revoutionary groups from the opportunism of the present to working inside the On corporation, announced to the press that he in open court. It will be a big show. heights or its 15 20, 000 member like skinny mouse differs from revolutionary socialist program, would fight recommendations of the Stalin, however, still leads Hitler in the ship. In the last elections, it was two skinner mice. After 37 years as their distrust unprin to disband the 20 year old company union.
number of victims.
virtually wiped out as an electoral of independent existence in New cipled and opportunistic leaders Inst: place on the Soci party will have of the This distrust is fully New York ballot because it failed produced a Fabian mouse, looking warranted, for gentlemen like to poll even half of the required in its old age for scraps of cheese Laidler and Altman will do exactvotes; its showing clsewhere was in the ly as much to infuse the the worse yet recorded in the last The Centrist Lament with a class struggle program na 30 40 years.
The minority statement of the Louis Waldman and August Cines How do the millions of workers earn 10 to 19 cents per hour. In Act. They have already begun a The Dual Strategy Zamites in the referendum, which wens have done neither more nor (Continued from page 1)
down at the bottom of the eco New York City over 25 percent campaign of firing and evasion.
nomic ladder live?
The answer to earn 20 cents per hour or less. To date 3, 300 complaints have developed a dual strategy. First nevertheless begged piteously that Simultaneously, the right wing endorsed the majority proposition, less.
But what will these comrades cratic regime which the Stalinists this question, long shrouded in The Roosevelt solution, the been registered by unions and ty, dissolve the party into the there must not be an unorganiz do now? And the youth comrades have established in the Teachers mystery and kept from public at Wage and Hour Act, which is to groups of workers. in Puerto Rico now that the hnd the ed rush which wih denude the in particular, for among them Union, the resignation of four tention by the venal press, is now maintain the minimum standard 120, 000 of the island 420, 000 good fortune to cense being an branches and sub committees of there are still many who want a prominent members of Teachers coming to light thanks to the of living necessary for health, ef workers are being laid off, bring official party, which makes its personnel and make independent militant solalist party? To all or College served to bring the fact Wages and Hours Bill.
ficiency and general well being. ing the number of unemployed members eligible for membership socialist existence impossible in them, the Socialist Workers Party dramatically before public attenCompelled to seek information applies only to those 11, 000, 000 there to 350, 000 Sew mills in Ar in the Labor Party of New York. fact, even though guaranteed in and the Young People Socialist tion.
for the purposes of applying the workers whose products or serkansas and Mississippi have Secondly, fuse with the Social theory. The plon will be coldly League (Fourth International Professor Childs pointed out BIU, the Wages and Hours Advices are used in commerce be closed. 5, 000 to 7, 000 workers of Democratie Federation, that is ignored by Thomas, Laidler and can for true socialist unity, on that he had, in fact, resigned ministration has uncovered de tween the states. Under the Act the pecan shelling Industry return to the withered bosom of Altman, who are the real and only revolutionary Marxist program. from the Local some time last grading conditions of poverty and they are to receive not less than around San Antonio have been the Old Guard.
bosses. The independent socialist Their place is with us, comrades Spring, but had not made his The entry into the not existence in store for the in a common struggle. Is it not withdrawal public out of a deexploitation which has kept mil 25 cents an hour and their work shown the gate. In the North, the JAMES lions of workers in the black pit week is limited to 14 hours for Western Union Telegraph Com at all reprehensible in itself but will be circumscribed rigidly not time they took their proper place? sire not to injure the union. He was impelled to make the an of coolie misery. Out of thetr the first year: the second year pany has threatened to dump 3, slave labor comes the fabulous they will receive 30 cents and 125 boys onto nouncement publicly. he said, street because only after an insinuating and wealth of the Doris Dukes, the work 42 hours; the third year the company is operating at a characteristic attack had been Barbara Huttons, the Brenda they will recelve 30 cents and deficit. 1, 615, 919 for the first ten made upon him and his associates Fraziers and the rest of the para work 40 hours: the eighth year months of 1938. yet White, in the pages of the Nation by sitio, upper class bums of the 60 they are to get 40 cents and work president, and Newcomb Carlton, the well known stooge, ruling families.
40 hours. Time and a half is to be chairman, continue to draw 76, 770 and 62, 065 per year. Continued from page 1) that the doors of democratic James Wechsler, The Wechsler (Continued from page 1)
The Wages and Hours Bil in paid for overtime.
article was calculated to discredit no way solves the problem of subIn terms of real life this wage Compared with America ca 500 was spent on champagne for America may be opened to them.
And here are a gang of gigo years two weeks vacation with in advance any possible public pay.
standard labor. It merely smears scale means that a man lives de pacity to produce, the Act 11 one evening, and another 1, 000 James, noted English criticism that Childs might make lecturer and writer, opened a nea little soothing salve on this fes cently and marries on 11 per worth of purchasing power is for Scotch and rye and just plain los and clothes horses, swilling The union is asking for 45 per of Stalinist misrule in the Union. tional speaking tour on Friday.
tering sore in the aim of making week. The second year he is mockery. It has time and again Bourbon. And you can just sit around like so many swine at a men and 50 percent for night Militants Fight Misrule January 6th, in Philadelphia, and American workers more amenable raised to 12. 60 and puts a couple been shown that a Hving wage be around making a pig of yourself gilded trough, wallowing drunk cent on the gross take for day at the table, can you. So another enly in champagne, squirting to becoming cannon fodder in of kids into the world. By the sins at 30. By setting such Militants in the New York will speak in Newark on Sunday, Wall Street coming war, and of time the eighth year comes sub standard minimum the gov 2, 500 was paid for a little music away about 40, 000 for just one men. Under the expired contract series of meetings easing competitive conditions for around he is getting 16 per week ernment has encouraged the boss to keep things moving. And night or delebration the coming the men obtained 124 percent. Teachers Union, who have long the 8th.
Elimination of company strong been conducting an organized the big capitalista and is looking for investments es to reduce wages. This was done what the food of music if you out of a worthless social parasite. arm squads is also one of the fight against the class collabors by James in New York prior to can dance? So another 500 went Relleving Miss Frazier under the and will be done to buy 300 gigolos to keep the why, it would be the easiest preasing demands.
tionist bureaucracy of the his departure brought enthusiasDown at the bottom of this pit for his surplus cash.
are the workers in the needle BU Does Not Effect All again.
Union officials said that day have expressed themselves as re tie praise for his oratorical abiltrades, cane sugar, thing in the world to maintain men were now averaging 17 gretting the decision of the It must constantly be borne in whether or not the Act can girls amused at the party, fertilizer, ity and capacity for analysis of And you wouldn expect them hundreds of thousands of refu. weekly and night men 15. The lege teachers involved to quit the world events. Audiences will have pecan shelling and lumber indus mind that the Act will affect only even to some slight degree benefit an opportunity to hear him in altries of Puerto Rico and the some 2, 225, 000 of the 11, 000, 000 Labor as a whole will only be de to dance around in a room that sees in this country at would be demands would bring a pay in unton.
workers directly or indirectly en cided by the activity of the trade looks like a barn, would you? So just as easy to extend real relier crease.
Their position is that it is most every important elty in the However, there is another issue now more than ever necessary United States, One Cent in Hour Enged in interstate commerce. unions. It is not enough for them another 1, 500 went for decora to the millions of unemployed, flowers. Nor All that has to be done is to behind the strike upon which the to stay in the union and extend His next lectures are scheduled In Puerto Rico, for instance, no engaged receive now atten. Wage and Hour Division. Where could you take chances on any relieve Miss Fuezlerie de mesures of future of the union depends and the fight against the disastrous for the following datos and according to Labor Depart tion whatsoever.
the bosses lay off and reduce roughnecks crashing a quiet little her worries. Just slap a tax which can be met successfully policies and leadership of places: ment statistics, 31. percent of real one on the fortune which only through strike vietory.
Stalinists. Many of them feel There are other tremendous wages, the unions must demand private party, could you? So anthe women engaged in the needle Make Work Fakery New Haven: Tuesday, January gratifled at the statement by Pro 10, Fraternal Hall, Elm Street, trades earn less than one (1) cent saps in the Act. Child Labor (un Inspection of the books looking other 100 went to hire private she squanders in slop and swill, Slap the same stiff tax on all the It is the problem of cab service fessor George Counts, former p. The Twilight of the per hour, 31. percent earn aneder 16) in Interstate commerce is toward reinstatement and restorn dicks for the night.
She Needs Relaxation members of her useless class!
prohibited. 50, 000 children will be tion of wages if the boss can pay.
during the coming World Fair. collaborator of the Staliniats who British Empire. Wednesday, Janand under two cents and 31. per released from sweatshops immed If the business is running at a In word, Miss Frazier party And if the working class were Grover Whalen, commissioner of has recently cent earn two and under fouristely. Yet the New Deal has made deficit, as Western Union is, the set her back some 25, 000 50. 00 to fight for that, for really put the World Fir, has proposed a but whey broken with them. uary 11, Negro Community Cenhas declared, in connecter.
cents, Adult male labor in the sugar cane fields averages less the income of their parents who government take over with clean, healthy fun they all get out would be the castest thing in the 7, 000 cabe in special service at ers Union, that while he is dis Empire, Otistheld Hall.
no provision for supplementing workers must demand that the for the night, and considering the ting the squeeze on the parasite reactionary scheme. He wants tion with the resignations of class, the problems of the masses and rellef workers to run other members from the Teach 12, p. Twilight of the British Roxbury: Thursday, January, than ten cents per hour. The la are unable to support them. Child workers control of Wokes, hours of it, it was cheap at twice the world to solve.
their present low rate of pay. contented with the management cost of proper diet in Puerto Labor not involved in Interstate and financial operations. If the cost Now don think we begrudge It is not the refugees who are Union members want to have of the union by the Communist Lynn, Mass. January 13, p.
Rico is 19 per week. Yet over commerce goes on. The New Deal enterprise is too small to be taken over, the union must demand pub. Miss Frazier little fun. Not for the problem. The problem is the all unemployed cab drivers hired Party people, he intends to stay Lynn Labor Lyceum, 127 Oxford ed by government investigator states. All courts have said so he works to trade union was a minute. She has a tough job to Brenda Fraxters and the rest of under the contract, and then oth inside the organization and night street: Twilight of the British since 1916.
for those who have been cast on do and she ought to be allowed a her class. And if we tackle that ers to be hired also at union scale against anti democratie malprac Empire.
had total weekly earnings of less the streeta.
the simplest, boldest of wages and under the contract. tices.
Furthermore, the Act provides than 50 cents and almost fourlittle Innocent relaxation. Imagine problem Boston: Sunday, January 15, No reliance on the government how hard you would have to work and most direct way, we ll find The union must win the present Professor Child revelations of Mesonic Temple, 1095 TreArths earned less than 00 per no minimum wage for part time workers, learners, handicappea Make the boss pr his government to manage an estate which totals that the problem of the refu fight for a contract with the big the stranglehold on the mont Street: The Negro People week.
persons and messengers. Workers pay! For a 30 hour week at a 30 4, 051, 000! Well, that what Miss gees will be automatically re companies if hopes to have union proved very Interesting and World Imperialism.
In Texas there are many wo handling, preparing or canning minimum!
Brenda has to draw her modest solved, the power to prevent Whalen He pointed out that after the otmen workers averaging less than horticultural and scheme from succeeding income from; and it this little ficial Columbia University StalinTime and place of later meet agricultural five cents per hour; in the entire products or making dalry prodincome that she must watch ever CORRECTION Now in Preparation!
Progressive unionists want ist paper Vanguard had repeat Ingu will be reported as the tour pecan shelling industry the wages ucts within the area of producW. and relief workers to have edly published stupid and mall progresses.
80 carefully so that she can have range from less than five to seven tion or at nearby plants having In the article on Argentine another little party next month.
a job and a decent living at the clous attacks on the faculty and cents.
last week an erroneous referBound Volumes seven or fewer employes are also expense of the bosses and the the College, he made an attempt But Here A Point University Luncheonette There are countless other ex excluded.
ence was made to a BolshevAnd as we were reading the regovernment and not to drag down to have the Teachers College amples of pay below 25 cents per 100A UNIVERSITY PLACE of the Appeal, 1938 the union sentes on the jobs.
IX Leninist League in ArgenUnion Chapter made publie a disThese are the gape which be ports of the accounting of Brenhour. Notoriously low is the pay come evident at first glance. As near 121h Si rigbe near headquarters tine. Actually several groups Whalen scheme is another at avowal of any connections with da little estate, and the details Best Food or Best Prices of the turpentine workers of Flo time goes on the government will of the Fourth International tempt to divide the employed and the Stalinist sheet. In this effort, rids and the fertilizer and cotton inevitably multiply them in order Special 250 Lunch!
of her cozy little party, we were tendency exist in Argentina All 56 copies of last year unemployed through a fake share he was defeated by the Stalinist workers throughout the entire not to drive weak businesses to struck by a little point.
Soup, any 10e Sandwich, Coffee, and the Pan American Subthe work program. Progressive overlords who were interested APPEAL Hundreds of thousands of hor Secretarint of the Internationunionists counterpose Tea or Milk with Cake or Ple.
the wall. It must also be rememdefending their program primarily Western Union Wages of jobs for all at union wages. Clique Interests, no matter how ribly persecuted people in Europe bered that all cases of dispute al 1s at present sponsoring haven even crust of bread or a Neatly Bound in unity negotiations.
In the North the Western Union are settled by a boss court.
Talk of arbitration through La stupidly expressed or injurious to glass of clean water much less a Black and Red Covering Guardia or the state mediation the union. It was after this cul tried to have him meet with and Postal Telegraph Companies Employer Evasion Begins roof over their heads. They are board has already begun, and the minating demonstration of the Browder and Hathaway, typity super exploitation. About The employers, however, have refugees from the fascist barbar PRICE (incl. postage) 00 50 percent of the Western Union not waited for the New Deal to ASK FOR THE APPEAL strikers will have to be on guard complete factional control which leaders, in order to straighten lans. They ask that the tradition Send Your Order in Now. boys outside of New York City punch additional holes into the union matters. that AT YOUR NEWSST AND if the union demands are not to the Staliniats exercise over the out al right of anylum be invoked be badly compromised.
union, plus the fact that they Childs resigned from the Local BRENDA PARTY 11, 000 DRIVERS STRIKE IN JAMES OPENS NATIONAL TOUR IN PHILA.
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