Anti-communismAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarDeath SentenceDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismURSSUnited FrontVíctor Raúl Haya de la TorreWorkers PartyWorking Class

JANUARY 7, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Yankee Imperialism Is the Main Enemy in Latin America Fight Is Against Imperialism. are the In American Totalitarianism Rulers Cannot Fight Fascism.
Fascist Danger Is At Home Putte Te Anti Fascist Illusions (Continued from Page 1) non fodder. The potentil mandends, interest and super pronts not necessities of war. Most of these power reserves of Latin America on the five billion dollars (40 of economic vassals of the Northern of the great foreign monopolies. American proletarians do colossus.
materials are to be found in the qual those of the Unite States mostly American or British to have anything in common with America total investments rest of the Western Hemisphere. Today, in fact, its imnediately abroad) Invested in the mines, make them believe that the anti these aristocrats and lackeys We Pave Way For Fascists confident that ers Government Among these raw materials are available trained manpower is su petroleum, public services, elec Latin American Musses will not the dependent and semiWhen petty bourgeois national imperialist fighters and the revo Though miserably deceived by Canadian nickel, Bolivian tin, perior to that of the Yankee tricity, meat packing, territorial Allow themselves to be duped in colonial countries of Latin Amerist leaders Hike Haya de la Torre lutionary militants are nothing the labor Heutenants and the rubber, manganese, Brazilian and metropolis! Washington istimates concessions and plantations which to abandoning the anti imperial ica the fight against fascism is or Grau San Martin, or social but agents of Wall Street and Stalinist hirelings, the millions of Columbian coffee, Argentine wool, that Latin America can immedi constitute the key positions in the lat struggle, which will continue finance capital e. Americanist leaders like Grove, abandon London. This method is the American proletarians have true class Instincts. They feel in their Chilean nitrate, Mexican silver, stely put into the Meld more than economic life of Latin America.
petroleum from Venzuela, Colom million men with military traindespite the efforts of dollar dip finance capital which holds the the traditional struggle against principal one used by all the naenemy who exin Latin America depths that bia, Mexico, etc.
The gentlemen of Wall Street Hon share and is the chief im u. imperialism in order to live fascista backed directly or indirectly by ploits them in this country is the ing. This means that, as soon is It must be stressed that the pertaltam oppressing the two con unite with it for common Cannon fodder too native. er raw material of primary imLatin American contains anoth shots will initiate payment to the Mexican example will prove American peoples is not fascismThe Latin American capitalista agents in Latin America are latas of Brazil, the Gold Shirts an even more terrible yoke the portance which Ameriean military oppressed peoples of Lain AmerUncle Sam of blood tribute by the contagious. They move to block in general but imperialism. Far far from being able to lead a quite content. The capitulation of of Mexico, the Nacistas of Chile, semi slave masses of peasants the Rio experts greedily eye: man, can len!
the road to more audacious ex cism in Latin America is only struggle for the independence of these lenders makes it easier to the Brown Shirts of Argentina, and workers south Grande. Speak out to your brothpropriations. They grant the de one of the uniforms used by one their countries. simply become reach the masses with fascletecom gree of democrats and ant of the imperialist cliques, Thus, to suspend the struggle ors in the North, workers and peasants of Latin America, and fascists to dictators like Vargas The liberation of Latin America for the fascists to make connecagainst Yankee or British imthey will learn and Benevides, while they insinu hvem van cel Maremocratic is a task that falls to the work tons with those national, capital perialism, even for a single mo la common tongue, in unison Ir. The political and military ob however, who can beleve that ate through the kept press that countries, not to struggle above era and peasants in struggle ists) who aspire to economic in ment, is to hand the mass over against the common oppregor!
jectives of Wall Street in Latin threat is imminent, when we see Cardenas favors fascism.
all against your own nationa against the imperialists and America are totalitarian, embel Japan entirely absorbed in China, The Socialist Workers Party dependence. The agents of Hitler to the mercles of the fauclats, to Knows No Limit lished though they are by Roose Germany geared to the Herculean capitalist class and its demo Bainst their own immediate exor Mussolini can thus mask them. nake it easier for the fasclat of the United States, section of veltian democracy. Washington task of devouring Eastern EurIn queezing the Latin Ameri cratic governments, means not ploiters.
Dletators Backed by selves as nationalists. They can enemy to conquer from the in the Fourth International, revolu tionary vanguard of the Ameri.
make use of the masses hatred side!
Seelse monopoly in everything: ope, and Italy preoccuped in the tradiction upon contradiction. It pare the way for fascism. If the can lemon, Wall Street piles con to defend democracy but to preThe reactionary dictatorships can workers, before the brother acclw materials and markets in Mediterranean? This prstext was obliges the tributary countries to examples of Italy, Germany, Aus that rule most of Latin America peoples of Latin America de ideology and polities, in foreign unmasked for their own purposes buy only in the Amertean mar trin, and Spain did not suffice, are maintained by the support nounces the grim comedy of relations, in military missions, by the representatives of demo Kets, but at the same time drains we now have the fresh examples they get from Washington or war supplies, naval and air lines cratie English imperalism at into its own coffers the gold of of Czechoslovakia and France. London, the imperialist capitals. in the majority of Latin Ameri tural and credit bank The reactionary dictatorshipe director of the country agricul Lima. We warn our brothers in In Peru. Latin Ameries against the maand bases, in military prepara Lima, the Argentine debates.
tions. Washington wants no other these countries, demands prompt Czech democracy quietly and au The danger of a Nazi, Italian, or can countries cannot serve as in more than half the country neuvers of the American delega powers not even democratic tions are not for detersive pure No, these sensational preparapayment for old debts, the end of tomatically transformed itself in Japanese invasion Peru. Ar struments of struggle against in banking activity is controlled by Street. We appeal to the semiFrance. to exchange control by the Latin to fascism. In France the much gentina, or Nicaragus does not ternational fascism but rather as the Bank of Italy.
maintain military poses. That pretext merly serves missions in Latin Americi Wash to delude American workers and immediate handing over of Wall Front, Daladier, decided almost sion by the armles and navles or mock constitution granted (by gion between the Mikado and unite with us against the comington obliges the Latin American to frighten the peoples and gov. Street credits now frozen in overnight, with the complete sup, the totalitarian powers. The divine right. to Brazil by Presi enemy: imperialism, and Henry Ford. In Santo Domingo, countries, one after another, to ernments of Latin America into Latin American banks for lack of port of his party, to begin the re valries among the imperialist dent Vargas on Nov. 10. 1937. Trujillo opens a land concession brand. We pledge our unremitthat includes the American dispense with long established Seeking shelter under the wings exchange. As if this were not actionary offensive and conscious bandits serve to protect Latin was directly modelled on totalt. to 40, 000 Nazilled Germans. In European military. naval or avia of the Yankee ensle. If these enough, Wall Street tries to de ly prepare for the transition to Amerien from such an invasion. tarian lines. His coup etat was these countries farm hands and ting aid in rallying the working It even leases war vessels to employed in Latin Ame len, they which new, exclusively American ones coming inter iniperialist war, are ditional markets for produce levitably take place in this coun would first have to destroy the active participation of the Integ. under the general economie back can peoples in their struggles for democratic degeneration will in the coast of Brazil, Germany America also produces Brazil. The old plan for a second will be used there, when the (wheat, cotton, sugar, etc. The try unless the American workers American feet, and probably the ralistas and other Nazi agents. If Wardness, and contemptuous of antional freedom canal, in Nicaragua, 1s taken from necessity arises, to crush revoluVargas did not at that time the cultural Inferiority of their For Joint Struggle the archives. Military aldes are catalogue is not complete without succeed in overthrowing the cap British as well. But their chances transform himself into a Brazil new lands, are easily attracted by The liberation of Latin Ameri tionary me movements for na sent to all the Latin American tional independence in the semi boycotts organized by Wall referring to the reprisals and italists and establishing a Work of doing that are still remote.
ian Henlein, it was only because the racial myths and respond to ca from the imperialist yoke, the capitals with the objective of colonial countries! The Yankee Street against he feared popular opposition and the perfected demagogic tech destruction of the threat of fasmolding thelr military mechan. imperialists cannot be defenders which, like Mexico, dares to exany country civil war and could not count on nique of the German and Italian cist intervention at its very roots isms into the strategic plans elab. of those peoples of whom they propriate imperialist concessions.
sufficient direct aid from Hitler. propaganda machines.
can be achieved only by common orated in Washington. American The immediate danger of fas nourished by the patronage of He chose, therefore, to return to struggle Must Be Revolutionary action of the American working military, naval or aviation misoppressor Be the principal exploiters BN Wall Street cannot but strangle cist domination in Latin America American imperialism nd by the the fold of his old Yankee mas The conclusion from all this is class with the worker and peas sions are already operating in Woe to any people the goose that lays its golden is internal. It rears its head in fact that the Latin American ters. Meanwhile his democratic clear: semi colonial Latin Amer. ant masses of Central and South Brazil, Argentina. Peru, Haiti, of Washington! That song is as which listens to the mermaid song eggs.
each and every country. It is countries are transformed into constitution cloaks regime of ica, an opressed continent, can America.
Guatema, Columbia, and they are deceiving as the tunes emanating terror, concentration camps de not cacape Fascism without strug To this great historic task the coming in other countries; they from Berlin, London, Tokyo, Paris portations to plague infested is sling against imperialist oppres Bolshevik Leninists of the United not instruct, nor will they in lands, torture and murder. Trade sion. But this struggle means na States summon all the revolu struct, the forces of these counor Rome.
UNITED STATE unions are organs of the state tional independence. It means tionary, anti imperialist and na tries in the special problems of Democracy Stretches their own defense, but aim to creand political parties are prohl an agrarian revolution to bring tional democratic forces of Latin The enslaved peoples of Latin bited. This is the kind of de about the distribution of land to America.
ate strategie bases for the war America cannot but feel a sareesmocracy Roosevelt asks the the tillers. It means expropria Our Fate Is Yours plans of American Imperialism. tic note in the call for common Latin American people to defend tion of the foreign monopolics.
Your national against the advance of the Fas It means the granting of unre will be a gigantic step in speedindependence Cuba already is nothing more defense of democracy issued by CUBA than an outpost of the American Roosevelt Hull to the Latin Amer MEXICO cists from across the Atlantie! stricted democratie liberties to ing the socialist revolution in the naval system, as much so as Porican governments. What sort of Fascist Economie Gains the people and the elevation of United States. Likewise the victo Rico. All this is genred Into democracy can these governments PIVIANA These regimes, by their very the living standard of the masses. tory of the proletarian revoluRoosevelt gigantic armament defend, nature, favor the penetration not This is the only program that can tion in this country will guaransatrapies of Getulio program, for which we are being Vargas, Benevides. Somosa, Truonly of Fascist ideas, but of Fas liberate the millions of Latin called upon to provide HONDURAS tee the complete Iberation of the astro sho. Batista and Company? Tocist economic and political influ. American slaves from the chains peoples of Latin America. Our nomical sums.
day they are the devoted lackeys ence. Thus the German consul of imperialist oppression of fas fate is indissolubly linked with Flimsy Alib of Wall Street, but tomorrow they yours The pretext for bullding this will unhesitatingly sell themselves 55 LAVARA ID 10 In the coming struggle for tremendous apparatus is threat to Hitler or to the Mikado, if the NICARA by a foreign totalltarian power. switch would serve to continue freedom, the historic task of the FULLWIWW MONESTO Under world conditions today. them in power.
PAWARA revolutionary vanguard of the TE Unfortunately, this program is Stalin personal organ, Pravda, United States and of Latin Amer rejected not only by Imperialist urged the United States to have ica, organized under the banner LIETAT hirelings but by nationalist petty more active foreign polley of the Fourth International, will bourgeois leaders who are im and to enter into common action be to place itself in the forefront The defense of democratie In year it rose again to 34. for the pressed by the advance of the with all the democratic elements of that battle and lead it to a stitutions means concretely fascist powers and by nolay Stal of Latin America, as the only triumphant conclusion, to whole of Latin America. more Washington two things: the erad! than the combined importa from Inist demagogy. Haya de la Torre, possible way of resisting the de For the national independence cation of German Nipponese com Great Britain, Germany, Japan for example, believes in the sinstructive forces of fascism. Thus, of the Latin American countries!
petition and the preservation of and Italy. But Germany praccerity of Roosevelt. Why? Be while Roosevelt drags the dicta For the agrarian revolution and the concessions and privileges of tically eliminated in 1920 as a GLU cause Roosevelt has not yet used tors and fuehrers of Latin Amer the national and social liberation the big American trusts troops and cannons like some of ica into the democratic antiof the WAT has of the semi colonial peoples!
the bourgeois nationalist Indast consequence meanwhile pushed into second BRAZIL his predecessors and teachers fascist front. the Stalinists at For the proletarian, socialist dence movements exemplified by place ahead of England and has (Wilson. Haya de la Torre tempt to entice into it the popular revolution in the United States!
Toro in Bolivia and Cardenas in become, thanks to its methods of simply does not understand that anti imperialist leaders, Stalin For the Federation of Socialist control, subsidies, etc. the most Wall Street is not yet reduced to supreme hope lies in Wall Street Soviet Republics of all the Amer.
methods of last resort and des and he demonstrates to it his icas: Behind Roosevelt sonorous serious competitor of the United phrases is the determination to states, seeking to open a brench peration. Hitler cannot wait; but usefulness. The Popular Front of New York, December, 1938.
Roosevelt can.
Chile is the most finished expresassure the monopoly of Latin in the zone of Yankee monopoly.
America markets. The constant Tweedledum and Tweedledee sion of that policy.
Slogans Hide Reality turmoil and the growing political To defend itself against Its comIf Browder, fuehrer of AmerDictatorship In essence however, Rooseand economic restrictions in the petitors, Wall Street raises the Se Distearthp velt foreign policy to that of can Stalinism, could not find a European and Asiatic markets liberal slogan of return to Tree his predecessors and of his Replace in the American delegamakes the Latin American THIS commerce: In actual content, how publican rivals. Landon place tion as a lackey of Hull Landon, kets ever more important to Wall ever, that slogan gives Latin in the American delegation at his superiors in the hierarchy of Street. Latin America now takes America the same status as was Lima demonstrates that fact. labor lieutenants of Wall Street By FERGUSON 20 of all American exports. De held by the American colonies VERLY There are no differences on im did appear. John Lewis daughspite its supremacy in commercial when they did not have the right AKRON, Ohio. Two drivers perialist policies within the rul ter (C. and Tracy (A. relations with the twenty south trade except with the British ing class of the United States.
were there to provide a work union business agents were sen ing class unction for America tenced to one and two day jail ern republics since 1918, the crown. As for the defense of inStalin Serves Roosevelt United States feels itself threat ternational law. It means simply predatory policy. The Latin terms for violation of an antiened by competitors and, as a that in spite of the fletitious aov, Roosevelt demagogy is ably American peoples were presented picketing injunction last week matter of fact, during the last ereignty of the dependent nations served by Stalin and his minions with the spectacle of a sacred here. The charge of contempt of in deluding the Haya de la Tor Tunion extending from Landon to court sent them to the jug.
two years did lose first place in of the New World, the Yankees res. On April 17 of this year Browder.
after they made teat case of the Ave of the principal countries of reserve for themselves the right validity of a sweeping injunction Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, to intervene in the internal life of against all picketing of a Ank etc. The American share of these states to restore, if neces701 CH gasoline station.
South American importing marsary by force, the privileges and keta was 14 in 1920, but that ng monopolies that they enjoy there, The labor Heutenants of Wall izes itself with the imperialista Chet Smead, prealdent of the ure decreased to 30 in 1928; last or to impose new ones.
Street, lackeys of the imperialist of their own country. This is Truck Drivers Joint Council, and Only a few days after the Lima Conference came to an end huzzas for the united front of the sphere by their presence at iam represent only the labor aris. Drivers local 345 were the leaders exploiters of the Western Hemi false! These lackeys of imperial Dethloff, president of Taxi American democracles the black splotches on the map show those countries actually ruled by kind Lima attempted to convey to the tocracy which Ilves of the sentenced for protesting the issu.
ing dictatorships the New York Times correspondent suddenly revealed that at Lima the dictator. Laun American peoples and their crumb cast to them by the imance of the injunction against all upon the Latin American states Nicaragua, otc the right to col terror. The Times headlined onsorship. intimidation and mplonage at Ilma and the correspondent de la Torres, Grau San Martins, expense of the Latin American In essence, Secretary Hull calls exploits in Mexico, Cuba, Hait, ship of President Benavides had actually submitted the conference delegates to a kind of relen of most popular leaders (the Haya perialists from their feasts at the persons alding Drivers Local 348.
to concede the right of Wall lect, with machine guns and can detailed lengthy account of how Benavides had hounded the newsmen at the conference to provent Groves, etc. the idea that the peoples Together with John Ellis and Sam Pollock, two other of Street to repeat its past infamous nons when required the divi iany news of an anti Fascist character from being sent abroad!
American working class solidar Rut the vast majority of the union business agents, these unionists formed a Civil Liberties Why Truth Comes Out the millions of functionaries. In officials and intellectuals, adminCommittee to carry on picketing Why the present revelation the past year, therefore, Sovièt istrators and Stakhanovists, who activities while Local 348 was un The murderous onslaught of the leaders have made various reas presumably were summoned in der legal restraint. The last two degenerate bureaucracy against suring speeches. But these have order to be directly reassured.
named escaped sentences because all its potential enemies let loose not achieved their alm. Finally. The fact that the trials were not the judge found a reasonable Frankenstein which threatens in desperation, the bureaucracy reported throughout the Soviet doubt whether these two men had (Continued from page 1)
willfully violated the court or motivation for this trial in the to destroy everything including has had to expose part of its own Union indicates that the ruling Max Shachtman Speaks: der.
tract the false contorslons from fact that much stron was placed the bureaucracy itself. Industrin mechanism in the hope that this clique still hopes to provide such The courtroom sosions were atthe ten men who appeared as by the prosecution on the noor production, military work, admin extraordinary step will create the reassurance by auch local trial HAS BOLSHEVISM FAILED?
tended by large crowds of of prosecution witnesses. The wit sity of the public having faith istration in every sphere every necessary reassurance. But in the demonstrations with discreetly and union lata Intensely nesses were limited to describing in the political police. This thing faltera as ferr paralyzed nature of the whole regime Iron limited audiences, and without Interested in the case. The presthat officials compelled crime is particularly helnous, functionaries and workers finchical touch the scapegoats had to much publicity. The all devour From Tsar to Lenin ence of these unionists conthem to make the confessions. the prosecution declared in asking at every step, fearing that any ape their own methods, convict ing paralysis, however, will not vinced the judge that he had Ordinarily news out of Soviet the death sentence, because it initiative anything. may bringing themselves in the Klev trial be lifted by these measures or them into the view of the secret by self confessions, indeed, by any measures which World Famous Documentary Film better tread lightly in his antiRussia is limited to what ema has sullied the honorable name of hbor activities.
No doubt these confessions, too, the bureaucracy itself can under nates from Moscow officials and Chekist (G. with contempt police and cause their downfall.
the Moncow press Shad those very take. Nothing but the removal of Apparently ble deeds.
of inertia, the whole nation sinks ienicacious methods of. comper the stalinist bureaucracy, the re FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. P.
Denny picked up the Klev story Thus a tiny corner of the cur Bonaparte independently of the official news tain has been lifted exposing a into passive sullenness. The ter ing which the authorities were vival of the Soviet and the estab PY EUGENE TARLE sources. In view of his former minor cok in the vast mechanism roriatic methods of the ruling very careful not to have dehshment of new revolutionary IRVING PLAZA. 15th Street and Irving Plaza standard Marxist study the courtroom. The party can save the Soviet Union uncritical attitude, Denny unemployed by Stalinism in the clique thus endanger its own se scribed of Napoleon Bonanarte ute derlining of the fact that the two year blood purge of which curity, for its own power and extortion methods are kept se from destruction Admission 40 cents. times. Orlsrustly sold for trial did not bring out the instru the three most celebrated trials privileges require a functioning cret, undoubtedly, for the good 50 Now for limited time mentalities employed to secure took place in Moscow but which and sufficient reason that they Tickets Avallable at the Labor Bookshop, 28 12th St.
only, 400 pages. confessions speaks volumes. included hundreds of frame up The ruling clique is therefore are still to be used in future Subscribe to Auspices: The Marxist School LABOR BOOKSHOP Preserve Faith in trials throughout Soviet driven to find ways and means to purger.
28 East 12th St.
Denny further points out the Union.
reassure the people, or at least Socialist Appeal The Klev trial was attended by What They Mean by Democracy Mexico DRIVERS LEADERS JAILED IN AKRON D Lackeys Do Not Speak For Us. The Right to Be Squeezed Moscow Frameups Bared By Ukraine Trial LENIN MEMORIAL MEETING society.