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SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 25, 1941 TWORKERS Sets January 26 As River Rouge Is FORUM Protest Day Against Jim Crow Union Territory DEMOCRACY ART FORTH Day Activities Are Confused By Name. Continued from Page 1)
roln situation. lleis waiting for Write to tell us what going on in your part of the National Defense Day Program in NLRB volc. lle is bowing and Ford Knows His labor movement what are the workers thinking about? tell sevaping at the door of the later us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops Patriotism Pays; board. lle is plunging the union and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn The National Association for the Advancement of Colored into drawn out litigation against It Did in 1918 print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open People has set aside Sunday, January 26, as a day for the arousFord, which will take months and to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you ing of public opinion 10 Concrete action against the Segregayents to come to a decision, do not want your name printed.
There is nothing ulterior in Lion and discrimination against Negroes in the Army, Navy and Widman thus continues to play into Ford hands the drive Henry Ford current superAir Corps, and the barring of Negroes, adult and youth, from Socialist Party out a difference between the So. jobs in national defense industries.
will dissipate like steam ont of patriotism oh, no!
botler The Flivver King gaye a cialist Workers Party and our par Member Insists We And certainly, it ever there was a need for such action, this radio address Jan. 15. at the ty on the war question. There is the time.
THE UNION HAS ALREADY FORCED PLENTY OF LABOR dedication of his new Navy Magnify Differences may be some minor difference as in the Army, the Negro is segregated into separate regiBOARD DECISIONS AGAINST Service School on the to details but no real difference FORD: He has already been pil grounds of his River Rouge Editor: in principles, that is if you are ments, by special approval of the President of the United States Loried and exposed before the pub plant.
In a recent issue of the Appeal as we believe you are a real lle is being trained for the same dirty jobs he got in the last war. During this crisis our or lic as a labor law violator. All Socialist to fill laboi battalions, digging you ask for criticism or comment this was tseful but it didn ganization wants to do every.
on your editorial policy. paper, and we love to read it, and and looked down on by the British Air Raid Yes, the Appeal is a fine little trenchen and latrines, despleed achieve organization. It didn thing possible to help America here goes.
and the President, said Ford.
hats gel Ford name on a union conIn the first place let me say you are right in opposing war.
he is oficered by white men, nipt Shelters Report Is The Navy being our first line Cordially and fraternally.
that am in hearty agreement colored, and no colored or leer can For Jim Crow!
The Forl union is now at the of defense, feel that the with pract. cally everything that Memphis, Tenn.
training of these young men critical crossroads of its history, be in charge of white soldiers.
yout print; but for the life of me DANIEL GIBSON In the Navy the Negro beEither forward to victory, or an. will vitally benefit our nacan see where the real differ CHICAGO. Jan. 18 The longs in a kitchen, washing dista tion.
Other defeat at the hands of Ford CHICAGO DEFENDER, leadence comes in, as you try so hard And, he added, when the es, preparing meals, or in the of and his grisly band of cutthroats ing American Negro weekly.
to make a difference between Our Answer ficers quarters, cleaning their and blackjackers. The tens of crisis is over, we can then reyour editorial policy, especially on Dear Comrade Gibson: today published the following shoes and making their beds. This thousands of River Rouge men are these claim mechanically the War question, and the position of course Gene Debs fought means that his pay is the lowest.
story from England: watching and waiting to see what trained young men in our inof the Socialist party (Thomas) against the war: of course the his chance of learning a trade LONDON The actual stathe union will do. They are dustries, on that problem. For instance, you better among the socialist papers eliminated. And when Negro sail tus of the Negro under Britchamping at the bit.
Ford showed similar altruish domination, despite Engoveremphasize the fact that the were suppressed in 1918. But whators speak up against this only Tils DRIVE MUST NOT BE ism when he took advantage land lip service to democALLOWED TO FAIL!
of the last post war depres.
ers and press oppose peace time which we have cited many times to the newspapers they are kickracy and the freedom of the sion to build up his labor force people in her present dire THE STAGE IS SET conscription but do not seem to have to do with the party of ed out of the Navy as undesirout of unemployed veterans oppose rartime conscription as Norman Thomas and the Caudables.
hour of need, was sharply It means too much to American anxious for jobs at any wages well.
What makes you think the party In the war industries, there is labor; it is too crucial a fight.
brought out in a report on air because of the glutted labor But what are the real facts, as of Gene Debs is the party of Northe same plecure. Either the Neraid shelters in London, just Thousands upon thousands of market.
men to Ford are now union. Unthey come to us from histor man Thomas? Cene Debs was a gro can get no job at all in these released.
Now Ford is making a patical backgronnd?
proletarian revolutionist: Norman key industries paying the high Viscount Cranley. 27 year ion men under union instructions riotie virtue out of getting Eugene Debs, our great lead. Thomas is a middle class reformest wages, or he old heir of the Earl of Onhave entered the hellish gates of together a group of jobless get a job er, served three years in a Federal ist. Where do you find herl. only as laborer or porter doing slow, who has made a tour of the ord empire wearing union youth, training them under prison for opposing conscription take of Cene Debs? Not in the the most back breaking work at 30 of London public air raid caps and union buttons! The serv. military discipline and feeding and the hellish World War No. 1, pages of the Coll!
the lowest pay. When he goes to shelters, in reporting his find IN ROOSEVELT GARBAGE CAN ice department has been chal them the pap of Fordism so cren while that rear 1008 going! Do you think Debs would ever a boss for a job, he is told le ings to the London Sunday lenged as never before, that we can then reclaim Times. came out flatly for Ford is littery. He has dished on. And most of the other promi have endorsed Matthew Woll can be used because he isn these mechanically trained nent Socialist leaders were con committee to aid British labor skilled. When he goes to the gov segregation, stating: two as a front in the offices of fighting to change the conditions news paper advertisements, and he out thousands of his dollars for young men in our industries.
victed for the same thing. Then e. Churchill as the Gall has ernment training school, he is Division of white and the Secretaries of War, Navy and to which the NAACP has called has tried his best to get publ.
too, all of our papers, even in done? Do you think Deds would told there is no use wasting in colored shelters should be of cluding the Mankee leader and have hailed the Green (I. estruction on him because he won mutual benefit.
Labor. These Negro fronts attention will say with us or the sympathy by blaring about his will then be used to quiet down Socialist Worker Party: the Appeal to Reason, were sup British) Victories, as the Call has be able to a job anyhow. Thus, even while the rich the others and to explain to them Against Jim Crowism in the ar support of National Defense.
NATIVE BUT TO MAKE THE pressed for opposing that war in done? We could mention a hun. Caught in this vicious circle, he blood of Negro troops is stainHow different things are now PREPARATIONS FOR that nothing further can be done med forces and the war industhan six months ago!
time of the war. Have you for dred more examples. STRIKE: is still the last to be hired, still ing the sands of African desat this time. that things should tries!
gotten all of this?
We Trotskylsts, and not the restricted to the lowest paying, erts in defense of the Embe left in their hands and that NOW the wave of unionism has It the union shows in this way And also how can you ignore theological students and shop. dirtiest Jobs or the relief rolls.
pire. plans are underway to Instead of national defense of so engulfed River Rouge, that that it means business that it further discriminate against they will take care of things the plain well known fact that our keepers of the Call, represent the Discrimination by the officers the bosses right to exploit and service wen ARE OFFERING seriously is preparing to strike, Negro civilians.
Mere protes and letter will Jim Crow the Negro, we want THEMSELVES FOR SALE TO NO great will public and party and its leaders and press. heritage of Gene Debs. With this in the armed forces, approved by not change the present situation mass defense of the Negro right GO TO WORK FOR THE UN mosity toward Ford that he may pose all wars for of course all ençe of Dels and the other revo the rest of society. Such discrim eoncrete action to abolish Jim limited control of the armed in the army!
at all. The brass hals have to full equality in industry and ION! They feel the ship will soon even be forced to sig agree modern wars are inspired by the lutionists during the last war, we ination implies that Negroes are change bands!
ment without a pitched battle on Instead of idle talk, we want a old capitalist order and Big Busi are able to go further than they inferior and should be separated Crowism is that it will not ac forves, and the bosses have com There are about 000 service Miller Roail.
ness. The big outstanding fact is By and large, they did no more from other people, treated differ complish anything by itself. Mass plete control of the factories. As program of concrete action. men in Ford. Most of them have BUT DON BLUFF! For that treilo oppose thew at all than courageously protest against ently, that is, worse. Negro meetings, protests, postcards, tele lons as they have this contrat, Agninst the bosses control of the criminal records. All betits the Workers and members of the times, and for that very reason, the war. We shall do much more who will approve such example grams and letters are necessary. they ll do just about what they armed fornes and the factories: petty largency criminals they are. UAW! Don play with the Ford situation! Don allow your leade that capitalists favor them. than that, as we have indicated by the government is worse than but they are not enough. The bons please. Any serious plan to wipe Take that control away from they hold no loyalty to Ford.
Moreover if we have an under in our proletarian military proUncle Tom.
es stooges in Congress will not out Jiin Crowism must include them! Put it into the hands of The Ford unionization drive ers to play with it.
has so demoralized these rats clared war soon against Germany, sram; for we are certain that in why, then, have the NAACP pay much attention to them, any the demand to take control of the workers themselves!
which we are almost sure to have the course of this war the socialist leader set January 26 aside un more than they did to the anti these institutions out of the hands Fight for workers control of that their forces are being dis STRIKE MACHINERY Be serious about it and you look out for the Appeal and Cati revolution will be successfully der the title National Defense lynch bill. The most they will of these Negro haters.
military training and workers persed, and they are crying sur.
and all Socialist papers. Don achieved.
will win. SET UP STRIKE, do is appoint an extra Negro or Day.
Those who are serious about control of Industry!
try to make a distinction with THE EDITORS WHAT NATIONAL DEFENSE Union men now give out leat HEADQUARTERS and field kit lets without fear. The plant gates chens; get a supply of cots and REALLY MEANS Republic Rubber with full back pay as part of the When the bosses and their gov.
of the Rouge empire are no longer bedding: prepare field hospi.
agreement between the company the portals to an impenetrable tals: In other words, get down to ernment talk about the necessity Contract Includes serious work. This kind of se for national defense to preserve and the union.
anti union hell.
As a result of this victory When a service man does dare rious preparation will send the those workers who until now to attack a union man, many cold chills down the back of Hent colored man as part of their demde Raise, Concessions were afraid to join the rubber union brothers are ready and able ry Ford and Harry Bennett and racy. They are willing to treat union are now flocking into its to protect their union brother. every one of their strikebreaking the Negro as cannon fodder as ranks.
much as the white worker. but and to exact a little revenge for hirelings who will cringe before YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio After Thurs. Jan. 23 New York past brutalities the union strength. This kind they aren willing to give him more than two months of negoThe direct effect of this victory to Feb There is enough steam up in of serious program will bring reSOWING Feb. We have equal rights and equal status in tiations, the Republic Rubber will be to give a good push to the Sun.
out an hour or two.
Newark the lord empire among the men sults!
been able to get some of our close indirect taxation and a rise in subsidiary of the Lee Tire and in this area, for as one worker By direct and Company of Youngstown, Ohio, a other CIO organizational drives Feb. New York to blow the anti union lid off for If these steps are followed by Each Sunday morning finds a contacts to go out with us.
Feb. Trenton all time.
the cio, the union will be supveritable army of our comrades. We have two crews that cover the cost of living, they are squeez Rubber Corporation, finally at it. If the boys over at ReThurs.
Wed. Feb. Now 18 the crucial stage. The ported actively by all the workers from one end of the country to different Negro sections and the gram out of the Negro as well Local 102 URWA (CIO. ing the billions for the war pro agreed to a signed contract with Feb. Allentown men are awaiting action. WIAT of the UAW, and in fact by all the other, travelling from house results are very good. We are as the white worker, but they are public can do it, so can we.
Feb. Reading NEXT! that is on every Ford the layers of the population out to house spreading the APPEAL getting contacts in these sections, not willing to provide equality in tract all workers are to receive a side of the few plutocratic paras.
Under the terms of the con Sat. Feb. Quakertown worker lips.
among working class families. one an old time er who is hiring in the war industries Sun.
More than that, it is hard to think a good militant, and who intro: By democracy, the bosses mean time and a half for overtime. The Feb. What is now most necessary. ites ucho are Ford friends. He is Philadelphia three cent an hour increase and THE RIGHT MAN and in fact determines the life hated by the people. That hate of a single moment of any day. duces us to others.
Mon Richard Harrison, ex army of Tues.
Feb. 10 Money is Jim Crowism, segregation and dis from early in the morning to late searce but still the Negro work crimination, and unlimited pro which will guarantee a certain papers a column called Looking Thurs.
or death of the Ford drive, in which the people justifiably have contract contains provisions ficer, writes for 17 southern Wed.
Feb. 11 a program of militant action to for Ford is the greatest insurat night, when a crew of our com ers will always give something, fits.
Feb. 12 Baltimore establish unlon conditions in ance for a union victory in any rades does not stand at some faceven a couple of pennies that want to defend. By national de These are the things they amount of job security to the Forward With America.
Feb. 13 Ford: great battle.
tory gate, some union hall, some they prize highly. These lowest cense, they mean preparations for Fri. Feb. 14 Pittsburgh II Ford won deal with the un.
Feb. 15 He writes it in the Oklahoma Sat. UNION PROGRAM: political meeting some point of paid and most exploited workers war to preserve these condtunion, who was fired by the com state penitentiary where he is ion, the National Defense Coun. Doran, president of the proletarian employment or con are the easiest to talk to. They tlons, with the Negro used to pay pany last July, was reinstated serving five years for forgery.
Sun. Feb. 16 Indianapolis great series of mass meet cil and Hillman department es.
centration with a bundle of frequently ask you to come back for the bullets and to stop them.
Mon. Feb. 17 Indianapolis ings. BRING THE FORD WORK pecially will rush into Detroit and APPEALS.
the following week. The Negro Since this is what the bosses ERS OUT INTO THE OPEN FOR try to stop the Ford Strike.
Feb. 18 Wed.
As the active comrades in Min articles and the Jim Crow pam mean by the nice sounding phrase Feb. 19 St. Louis THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY If you show you will not back Thurs.
neapolis put it: We know we are phlet by Parker have been well national defense which they are Feb, 20 SHOW YOUR FORCES. THROW down an inch, that you will either Fri. Feb. 21 carefully sowing good seed, and received.
OFF ALL SECRECY AND FEAR get a union contract or strike Memphis are not impatient because we do One thing we must do in our leaders attach the same phrase to popularizing, why do the NAACP Sat, Feb. 22 AND COME TO GRIPS WITH THEN THESE WASHINGTON Sun.
not often see open manifestations press is hammer on the question a struggle which is presumably Branch Feb. 28 Arkansas THE FORD DYNASTY IN THE STRIKEBREAKERS WILL BE Amount payd OPEN! There is nothing to fear UNABLE TO SAVE FORD AND of phenomenal success for our of Negro and white workers aimed against these practices of BOSTON Mon. Feb, 24 Arkansas point of view. Our seeds may ap. fighting side by side, and explode the advocates and executors of the NEW HAVEN 100. 00 150. 00 now. The Ford workers have the HE WILL HAVE TO SETTLE!
150 Tues. Feb. 25 Texas strength and the power to do The entire working class will 20. 00 26. 00 pear largely to lie dormant, but the notion that the whites will national defense program. ALI LOS ANGELES 130 Wed. Feb. 26 Texas that is because it is early in the always exploit the Negroes.
162. 45 150. 00 what they wish. This barrage of rally to the support of the strikthe NAACP does by giving it QUAKERTOWN 108 Thurs. Feb. 27 mass meetings will do two things. ing Ford workers.
şeason and not because the soil Our paper 00 50 107 to Thurs. Mar. 13 It w! 11 solidify the Ford workers. Every unlon militant should is barren. We know we are on hands of more workers than ever issue and mix up the question as Berrore 25. 00 26. 15 105 Fri. March 14 Los Angeles bring in those who are waiting speak up now.
the eve of great historical events before and is really being read to who and what is responsible PORTLAND 200. 00 210. 00 105 Sat. March 15 and vicinity to see what strength there is, and Every local union should go on 10. 00 10. 50 105 Sun. March 16 it will raise the morale to great record nou.
sound. This is what fills us with visited for the second or third gro people want changed. In this TOLEDO 50. 00 51. 00 102 Mon. March 17 heights.
It is time for the auto workers inspiration and this is what keeps time that the paper was fine or way the NAACP weakens the Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 1001. 00 March 18 At such mass meetings a to take this drive into their hands us going. In three, two or even a certain article sure gave the fight against Jim Crowism in the Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 200. 07 100 Wed March 19 committee should be elected to and write a great victory at Ford in less than a year from now, we real true story.
armed forces and the war indus Pittsburgh 10. 00 10. 00 100 Thurs. March 20 represent every plant in every into the glorious pages of the can be sure that revolutionary The paper itself is changing tries.
Fri March 21 zone.
history of American labor.
15. 00 seeds will sprout in the most unul in style and make up, articles But it is not the name alone Milwaukee Allentown 15. 00 100 Sat. March 22 San Francisco This committee in 10 turn 10 expected places.
more simply written, shorter which is to be criticized in the Reading 100 Sun. March 23 should draw up a union contract In Minneapolis the major stories of interest to workers. NAACP plans for National De 00 00 100 Mon, March 24 and present it to the Ford work SAVE THIS DATE!
APPEAL work is house to house More stories of the every day onse Day. In its call to its memBaltimore 10. 00 10. 00 100 Tues. March 25 ers for consideration and appro8. 50 This work in the past period was struggles of workers and the con bers and sympathizers, it points San Diego 50 100 Wed.
Saturday, January 25, 1941 March 26 val. 00 00 not merely doubled, or even quad scripted soldiers and we will ads to the need for concrete action. Rockville 100 Thurs. March 27 for the And this Agreement should pro rupled, but was increased tenfold, vanee further in our work. Let us see what concrete action Texas 00 00 100 Fri.
March 28 vide for at least the same condi and has been steadily maintained JANUARY JAM the NAACP leaders plan. Mass Newark 150. 00 150. 00 100 Sat.
March 29 tions and wages as prevail in GM at that level. Mass APPEAL PITTSBURGH COURIER 10. 00 10. 00 100 Sun. March 30 Portland We are pleased to note the fol meetings will be held in key ci Hutchinson and Chrysler and should abolish work is credited by the Minties. National groups (which St. Louis SESSION 00 Mon. March 31 the service department for all 00 having lowing comment which appeared supported the anti lynch bill. 100 neapolis comrades wit Tues.
10. 00 time.
April 10. 00 Seattle contributed essentially to the on the front page of the Jan 10 will be asked to cooperate. Philadelphia of the 100 Wed. April 4. THEN THIS FORD COM Jarge vote rolled up by Comrade Pittsburgh Courier, leading Negroso far 30 good. Calling upon Rochester 30. 00 30. 00 100 Thurs. April MITTEE SHOULD CALL ON Boro Park Branch SWP Carlson in the recent Minnesota Great publicity has been given their Sunday services on Jan. 28 San Francisco 15. 00 15. 00 100 Fri.
April Plentywood HENRY FORD AND HIS MAN100. 00 elections.
Entertainment Refreshments 100. 00 100 Sat.
to the discrimination against Ne for the voicing of protests. Williston April AGEMENT TO MEET WITH Williston 10, 00 10. 00 100 Dancing THE UNION AT ONCE!
GOOD WORK IN BOTON April gro sailors by the SOCIALIST That can do any harm. The Flint Games 92 BOSTON, Mass. We get our APPEAL each week. It has not plan calls for floodinig Congress Lynn Mon.
April If Ford reuses Ford will then Fargo Swing Interpretations by 100. 00 paper into the hands of many only scored the discrimination in with postcards, letters and tele New York 90. 00 90 Tues.
be exposed before all the people April MLLE. MIMI 1000. 00 856. 00 Wed.
86 of Americe as a flagrant violator April Twin Cities 50. 00 day. We send out four crews that has issued a pamphlet Defend sams. And that about Youngstown 20. 00 40 of all the laws and all the rights 3623 15th Ave. Bklyn established for generations by cover four different sections of the Negro Sailors by Albert Par.
all of the concrete action. Cleveland 70. 00 13. 00 19 Boston working class districts. ker, selling for two cents. The WHAT WRONG WITH workers in this country.
Individual Contributions 30 Subscribe to the THE UNION MUST PRE Each group meets at a certain Appeal is published at 116 Unt THIS CONCRETE ACTION PARE TO USE ITS ECONOMIC Subscription 25c place at a given time and stays versity Place, Our criticism of this plan of TOTAL 3527. 60 95 Fourth International POWER! THERE IS NO ALTER 3198. 67 SCHEDULE OF CARLSON TOUR LAPPEAL ARMY Tues.
TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND Quota 100. Tues. weekly: 150. 00 138. 00