BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 18, 1941 TWORKERS Navy Backs Union Busting Bill FORUM Highlights in To Militarize Merchant Marine The Labor Press The Record of the War Labor Board of 1918 By CARL SHEA Would Compel All Seamen to and the CIO) among their use as strike breakers in the engineers has been unanim time of pene. What he meana national defense, the Minneapolis per annum. or course Mr. Green Commenting on the substance of increase from 12, 000 to 20, 000 Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the Work Ships For Coolie Wages ous in its opposition against this is. It is obvious, actually usine Labor Heriete. January 3rd, says: noted that extra dough. These labor movement what are the workers thinking about tell attempt to dragoon the seamen Naval Reserve men as strike us what the bosses are wp to and the men and the local copsinto the Naval Norte breakers in time of emergency that in his address the President ing in and it would never do for It was unfortunate, we believe, are strenuous times we are liv.
and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn WASHINGTON, DC. Backed by high ranking officers of Behind the legislative move toward which end the whole spoke against strikes and lock members of trade unions to negprint and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open the United States Navy, Representative Everett Dirksen, in there is, however, a far deeper scheme is hatched.
to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you troduced a bill in Congress this week to make all crews on aim. In the hook already quotcu.
In order to ward off impending out, but did not insist that not lect their leaders to the point do not want your name printed.
American merchant ships members of the active Naval Reserve. Major Flot says: attacks, the maritime unions will only would war profits be regt where like the enemployed) they He said the intention of the bill is 10 militarize commercial It is necessary to say quite bave to take a hand in establish Lated, but that there would be no begin to show the obvious effects war profits. No war profits from of malnutrition. Jabour leaders shipping in event of a national emergency and to break the plainly that a very bad state of ing collective bargaining and the the munitions and equipment of must be kept in prime condition. Laborer On the contractor badge frequently have Communist grip on the American merchant marine.
discipline exists in our merchant union wage scales in the mere war sold to Britain and no profits It takes a lot of nerve to den.
Dirksen bill is merely the culmination of a long smear marine. This is not Neue Army Camps noom or Tater for the chance to campaign against American Samen begin by We Dies sormil GETHER due to union activi forte wantpoke latter de los used work or preparing this nation for have gone out in the middle of the Tells His Story work. Usually when the word tee and drummed up by a series of red baiting articles against No more work! spreads there maritime workers by William Mcle in the Saturday livemus of the men now serving in our le unions up to now and for dos ir instead of all this talk, from and in the same week the den.
necessary to dispense with many conditions and wakes Rained by sweeter land to 80, 000, 000 people a per cent increase in wages, are still some hundreds outside Post.
Texas has the tradition of do the gates, yearning for the chance.
merchant ships.
One of the real reasons behind the move is revealed in To the union busting program those who do no manual labor. uncer ing things the big way. Right They stand gazing out over the Although our rautious of the shipowners and their bosom about increasing hours of toil. year was ort 8, 000 more per now it is following out this tradi camps, a hungry look in their figures released by the Navy Deto shorten the hours without de. Justice, organ of the ILCWU, ton in the construction of train eyes. And behind those hungry partment, simultaneously with National Maritime Union (cloake this express the inner Friends the Admirals, the sea there would be a large scale move size and enormous cost are stag bellion. One day it will no longer Bill. The Navy had set itself ational Union and the Sailors Unit is lo rid of the labor program of their own for 000. 000 or more who vainly seek David Dubinsky has plexiged 100, men unions must counterpose a crease in pay, and put to work the January 1, reports that President ing camps whose scope. gigantic eyes smoulders hatre. and rethe announcement of the Dirksen as well as the Seafarer Tnterna most thought of the brass hats: goal of enrolling 30. 000 merchant ion of the Pacific (APL. the in unions and of the most militant the men in the Naval Reserve.
000 of union Minds 1o a Dress gering to the imagination.
At Ellington Field, Palacios, seamen in the Naval Reserve dependent West Coast Marine union lighters in the merchant Industry Promotion and to And if one is so fortunate as to during the past four years, but remen among the licensed this can be done by building up marine. Major Eliot believes that Corpus Christi, Galveston, Hit get on. unpredictable hours, only 339 such volunteers have personnel, as well as the United the Naval Reserve with men who Subscribe to the The Weekly People reports which the retailers and dress in chcock and other places the work. compulsory tondying in hope of ing people are building their own tomorrow work, flagrant scapa. actually been enrolled in this licensed orficers among the males would be given assurance against fourth International (January 4) that is presidential dustry will of course also contri.
candidate (Alken of the Socialist bute. The next thing you know, future concentration camps. This goating for the blunders of fore period.
Labor Party) in 1940 received 14. Dubinsky will be spending his expression is not a personal one. men, checkers and supervisora military and naval expert, esti Major George Fielding Illot, 861 voles in fourteen states, com spare time hawking dresses on the It is in daily use at the fields who know less than the men ummates in his authoritative The pared with 12, 777 votes in sixteen streets.
among the common laborers who der their control and are paid Ramparts We Watch that at least stater in 1936.
plod ankle, knee and even, some three times their wages for.
The San Francisco Labor Clar.
times, hip deep in the rieh, black doing nothing. Is there any 20. 000 reservists of trained caliber ton for December 27 reports that Texas ooxe. It is an expression thing more useless than a fore posts alone in a merchant marine will be necessary to man the key The American Newspaper Cuild on December 19 the locked out Reporter announces that four te. Gantner Mattern knitgood work.
that characterizes not a deep man wo ask? The answer is sident organizers will be addeders were tendered at holiday ban pride in the product of their Yos: two foremen. And of controlled by the Navy under em to the organizing staff of the Inquet by the labor movement. The handiwork, but a shame, a hatred, course, mud mud, mud. And with ergency regulations.
and a rebelliousness.
ternational. The Guild strike in union particularly thanks the it, rheumatism among a majority In reality, the stand of the men Monroe, La. was finally ended officers and members of TeamsMost of the jobs are union, of or those who float from camp to who make up the crews of the with Labor Board stipulation ters Union No. 85 who have, at course. The existing craft bule camp. aching, creaking joints. merchant ships can be clearly un derstood by a comparison between that returns 13 of the 16 strikers a great cost to themselves, reing trades unions are totally une running noses, watery eyes. of By MICHAEL CORT This demand came from labor so frequently and to their jobs, with back pay not used to pass our picket line.
their present conditions of work quipped to handle the demand for safety precautions there are none III insistently that the Board made a brave announce to exceed 11, 000. The January labor. Consequently, a great or. No time to fool with that. Uncle and those in the Naval Reserve.
Immediately upon its inception in February ment that it would set up such wage scales for issue of the Reporter contains The Duluth Labor World in Deganizing drive on the part of the Sum needs these rat traps in a After years of hard struggles in AFL is in progress. The nethod hurry. and the contractors organizing strong unions of mari. 1918 the National War Labor Board enunciated the defense industries. The howl of the bosses several articles pro and con rela cember published the completa used is the You wanna work well. their profits. simple request tablished hiring through the union analyze the Board work is to quote the prin time workers, the seamen have es Declaration of Principles. The best way to soon changed the Board attitude however, and live to the merits of the Youngs list of local signers of petit tous sigri. up here. four after wrestling with the problem for five months munism, upon which a referendum the ballot in Minnesota town resolution condemn nk com to place the Communist Party on please system. The newcoiners dodged as much as possible wa hall and collective bargaining on ciples and then show how they were applied it announced. that for the present the Board is to be held.
This is the first union paper so are not encouraged to become real terboys walk atop the freight cars the vast majority of commercial Principle No. here shall be o strikes or or its sections should consider and decide each We hope the Guildsmen will union men in any sense of the to stay out of sight. And sani vessels. In the Naval Reserve collectors. There were plenty of lockouts during case involving the principle (living wage) on its have sense enough to defeat this far as we know, which has gone in for this dirty bosses game.
word. In spite of this it is signi tary facilities? Describe em your. lective bargnining is banned, ficant to note that the attitude of self, EditorYou can exagger unions to a tolerable point in the of the strikes. There is no record of the Board Wages have been raised by the the war period but the Board only took cognizance particular facts and reserve any definite rule or red buiting resolution.
decision unti! its judgments have been suffthe average common laborer is ate! Phew!
From Washington comes news The union stinks but. and ciently clear to make generalizations safe. This These are the training camps.
Nava! Reserve the scab standards ever having disciplined a boss for locking out The Canadian Labor Herald for that the AFL has chartered its statement of policy was approved by the Board December comments on the AFL 106th International union: the here the speaker usually glares) Editor. The men are not in the persist. On union ships overtime his men. There are plenty of cases where the down on the strik. don you forget that its MY yet, but as they rise from the pay is religeously adhered to; in Board cracke unanimously!
convention: This month the AFL Wine, Liquor Distillery Workers union, cuy. In short, while the muck of Texas it is already clear the Naval Reserve there is no The first step taken in this direction was the When the Board announced its abandonment held its 60th annual potlatch at International. Representatives of methods of the bureaucrats act to those that have eyes to see that New Orleans and re elected WII locals composed chiefly of whole.
ing as labor contractors for, at those who ordered them are buildof any minimum wage scale, Compers was bil Here is a comparison between enactment of a rule that provided that once most partners of the hated con ing not instruments for their own scales and the Naval Reserve outlaw and could not be heard bofore the Board monthly union wage workers in any plant had struck, their case was terly attacked by the more militant locals of the Ham Green for his seventeenth sale liquor salesmen won of the term as president with a salary offices.
AFL. His reply was. In the midst of a war tractors, completely antagonises preservation, but instruments scale: Thereuponall there can be no discussion among those who have and outrages the ers, these same workers will not sigantic explosion. an explorating e oppressed work which will one day prectpitate Inion Sale Ilexcrue mobilize bourgeois public opinion against the us trained upon them. therefore, let us defer 54 workers; if this failed to break the strike, troops questions which can be cleferred, questions that for one moment forget that the son that will wipe then from the Seaman 72 895 union still stands between them face of America and, we hope. Ord. Seaman 55. 70 21 were used. If the workers struck after the Board are likely to divide us in this war.
and the bosses, and that without it from the world. This is my be Firemen 72. 95 60 had made a decision, then the case was turned Workers wero tually awarded about the same their wages would be even lower liel. Of course, am only a Oilers, Waterover to the executive branch of the government wages they were receiving when they filed an than they are. button man tenders 82 95 7284 COMMON LABORER and the workers involved were barred from all appeal. In October 1918 the Board gave a basic is a proud man, and the envy of Cooks 95. 150 72 84 Brother Hod Carrier. Int his neighbors. The few seeds bewar time employment, which meant 90 of Amer hourly wage of 36 cents to the street car conductors The reaction of the unions the tean industry, ing planted in this field will one Hod Carriers, Building and in Memphis, Tenn. One month later it awarded day bring rich harvests, you can Common Laborers Union, The workers at the New Jersey plant of the a basic wage of 61 cents to conductors in Butte, be sure.
Wesson Oil Company revolted in the summer of Mont. That is, the unorganized southern workers CIRCULATION pect to increase our bundle order The common laborers hate their by 100 1918 against working conditions that the Board received about what they were already setting Last April, when the pettycheckers, they hate their foremen. We feel that the proposed had failed to correct, and went out on strike. The before coming to the Board: the workers in highly bourgeois splitters had done their changes in the APPEAL are they hate their supervisors, and Board declared the case outlaw, and handed organized Butte were in a position to force a worst, the party absorbed de further steps in the transformatheir hatred is particular for the BANQUET the case over to President Wilson. The President better award fiantly the resultant decrease in tien of our paper into a mass contractor. But most of all they threatened, not only to bar the workers from Appeal eirculation. At that junc paper and will do much toward hate army shavelails and officers For any war time industry throughout the country.
Trouble With Bethlehem Steel ture the o. had the courage to making our party a mass party.
in civvies who even today prowi GRACE CARLSON Fri. Jan. 17 Rochester but also threatened to send them into the front There were cases where conditions demanded plan a program of expansion that The expansion of APPEAL about the grounds with a tomorSat. Jan. 18 The Trotskyist Candidate for row m gonna giteha and really Syracuse line trenches. AFL President Gompers joined in a change in wage scales and the Board was un would run the circulation up a work in Detroit to Minneapolis Sun. Jan. 19 Boston Senator from Minnesota the threat.
full 75. It was realized, and proportions following on the make you work you sunnab! exable to dodge the responsibility. Such a case was Mon. Jan. 20 for weeks we walked around in heels of similar recent expansion pression in their eyes.
Her Voto Exceeded the Com.
Lethlehem Steel. The Board instructed Bethlehem Tues Jan. 21 bined Votes Cast for the SoThe National Run Around And by the way, don let the a daze dreaming of a complete by Chicago. is the surest sign to raise wages of all common labor and certain doubling of the April circulation. We can think of, of the rapid Wed, Jan. 22 New Haven kept press fool you about bigtime ciulist and Communist Parties. Thurs Jan. 23 New York Principle No. Labor has the right to or. categories of skilled labor. Bethlehem took ad That was realized. We stopped transformation of our party into proletarian patriotism. The near.
to Feb ganize and bargain collectively. The workers vantage of the red tape surrounding the Board dreaming and just walked around a mass party. Get the snow out est approach to it is a hopeless Saturday Feb. Sun.
Feb. Newark in the New England plant of the Madison Kipp procedure and stalled on compliance with the in a daze.
of your shoes Minneapolis! This acceptance of the inevitable, but a Mon.
Feb. New York Lubricator Company in 1918 were working 12 order until after the armistice, then it discharged After a while we caught on Detroit expansion is no accident: rebellious acceptance none the Tues, Feb. Trenton hours per day on piece work. However fast they the workers involved. The Board took the only that the Dialectic had become in Your leadership is being seriousless. Its most distant pole is the 160 Third Ave. Near 14th St.
Wed. Feb. desire of some attitude it could, that Bethlehem owed the dis volved, and regained our poise. ly challenged by the up and com.
the workers worked, their piece work earnings were always Thurs.
New York City have heard to install polecat nests Feb. Allentown computed in such a manner as to keep their matter of ing comrades in Auto. charged workers back pay: the difference between We now announce as Fri. Feb. under the officers quarters. say Reading course that the APPEAL presstheir wage and the one granted by the Board. Yun is now 160 more than it LOS ANGELES AUSPICES: Sat.
wages at a fraction over 28 cents per hour. Upon Feb. polecat deliberately. Use your Quakeria Sun.
Socialist Workers Party Feb, announcement by the NWLB that employes were Bethlehem countered this by claiming that it imagination was last April, with another 10 REPORTS didn know the addresses of its workers and increase scheduled two weeks Mon. Feb. 10 guaranteed the right to collective bargaining, the LOS ANGELES. In sev.
Working conditions for us are Admission Tues. Feb. 11 workers organized and demanded their rights.
terrifie. Even button men with the could not notify them by mail of the money due hence. What more, we have no cral places, our APPEAL work is Wed. Feb. 12 Baltimore The boss not only refused to lower hours and them. Furthermore, Bethlehem said, most of the doubt that the Dialectic will re beginning to bear fruit. At the Thurs. Feb. 13 raise wages, but he completely refused to bar. workers were foreigners and wouldn be able to main on our side (Though we waterfront, San Pedro, many Fri Feb. 14 Pittsburgh gain collectively. Immediately an appeal was filed read a letter of notification if they got one. Be know if we asked William workers stop to talk to us. We Sat. Feb. 15 with the Board.
fore this dispute was settled the Board was dis Warde he say it will and it cover meetings of the Vultee Air, Sun. Feb. 16 Indianapolis After some months a traveling examiner show olved by its own vote and the entire case passed won craft local of the and Mon.
17 Indianapolis NEW YORK receive excellent response. Ours into limbo Branch ed up to hear the case. Conditions were so bad Quota Amount paid is the only labor paper being dis Tues. Feb. 18 TO THE FORE BOSTON that the examiner was forced to find for the 100. 00 150. 00 150 Wed. Feb. 19 St. Louis Nearly half of the most recent tributed at these points.
Wage Raises With a Catch NEW HAVEN 20. 00 workers, but the boss ignored his decision. Faced 26. 00 130 Thurs. Feb. 20 increase is due to the efforts of The comrade from Flint, LOS ANGELES The Board did get compliance with wage in 150. 00 with an unyielding boss, the workers appealed 162. 45 Fri.
108 Feb. 21 Memphis proletarian New York. The New Michigan, wrote an excellent let QUAKERTOWN 00 Sat.
Feb. 22 crease orders from some of the bosses, but this was the case to the Board itself. After several more 50 107 BUFFALO 25. 00 months the Board affirmed the right of the workers 26. 15 Sun. Feb. 23 Arkansas usually accomplished through a deal. For ins hid their individual laxness be PEAL. As he pointed out, mass 105 DETROIT 200. 00 Mon. Feb. 24 tance: many of the Board hearings were devoted hind 210. 00 seemingly impressive APPEAL work, regularly. will Arkansas to bargain collectively, instructed them to again 105 PORTLAND elect a shop committee, and again wait upon the to the conditions existing in the various street10. 00 Tues. Feb. 25 Texas city wide total, are today de open the way to thousands of 10. 50 105 Wed. Feb. TOLEDO boss for discussion of their grievances. The boss Texas 50. 00 railway systems throughout the country. The manding their place in the sun eager workers.
51. 00 102 Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 Thurs.
27 1001. 00 was admonished to meet with the committee this records reveal that wherever the Board awarded for their steady expansion of NEWSSTAND SALES: 100. mass APPEAL work. Starting ATTENTION AGENTS!
to Thurs. Mar. 13 Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 time. The boss refused to meet the workers this an increase in wages to the workers, an accom 100 with last Fri. March 14 Los Angeles panying petition from the Board was submitted to APPEAL order of the New York Pittsburgh Please send to this office a 10. 00 time too, and they again appealed to the Board.
10. 00 100 Sat. March 16 and vicinity Allentown the municipality, asking a change in the laws fix15. 00 15. 00 Before the Board got around to consider their 100 Sun. March 16 proletarians was increased by complete list of the newsstands ing the rate of fare. The Board petitions always 10. which is also, as they Milwaukee in your city which carry the 10 appeal, the war ended and the Board was dissolved. 10 100 Mon. March 17 Reading 00 00 Tues.
100 March 18 226 Board decisions were concerned with the explained the hardship imposed upon the boss by proudly state. 40 more than the APPEAL, so that it may be pubBaltimore 10. 00 10. 00 the incroased wage order and called on the city total NATIONAL circulation of lished in the February 1st issue, 100 Wed. March 19 right of collective bargaining and the majority San Diego 50 officials to grant the boss the right to raise fares the paper now being issued by in a national newsstand listing.
of the case histories parallel the one just cited. 50 Thurs. March 20 100 Be sure to send it with your next Rockville 00 the petty bourgeois splitters. Fri. March 21 Principle No. Where union and non inion and pass the cost on to the worker consumer. 00 100 Texas 00 Sat. March 22 San Francisco men and women work side by side the continuance This increase means that now remittance, so that your city may This, then, is how the Board five principles 00 100 Sun. March 23 Newark 150. 00 150. 00 of such conditions shall not be deemed grico were applied to prevent strikes and keep the the average New York branch is not be omitted.
100 Mon. March 24 Hutchinson 10. 00 10. 00 workers shackled to the machines throughout the doing at least as well as the most 100 ance. This prohibited the closed shop and there.
Tues. March 25 active branches elsewhere in the war. All the decisions quoted were by unanimous party, barring Minneapolis and Bronx House Party St. Louis 00 00 by robbed the workers of the backbone of any 100 Wed. March 26 Akron vote of the Board 10. 00 10. 00 100 Thurs. March 27 genuine collective bargaining system.
Chicago. And they caution us Philadelphia 30. 00 30. 00 100 Fri. March 28 And what happened in the 82 cases where at that this latest increase by no DANCE DRINK DINE Rochester 15. 00 15. 00 Sat.
Perpetuating Coolie Wages 100 March 29 least one representative of labor rebelled? The means exhausts local New York LATEST RECORDINGS San Francisco 100. 00 100. 00 100 Sun. March 30 Portland Principle No. 4, in firing wages, hours, and machinery was this: an unmpire was chosen by possibilities. We ve seen these Classical Williston Swing 10. 00 10. 00 100 Mon. March 31 conditions of labor, regard should always be had the Board, and his decision was binding upon all Young Big City workers in Flint action, and we know they mean 138. 00 Tues. April Seattle parties. If the Board was unable to agree nan business! In weeks to come we for conditions prevailing in localities affected.
92 241 169th St. Apt. D12, Bx.
100. 00 April Lynn imously upon an umpire, then one was chosen hope to publish reports of their January 18, 90. 00 90 Through this paragraph the Board justified wage Thurs April New York 8:30 1000. 00 by lot from a panel of ten nominated by President excellent activity with the AP.
706. 00 71 differences between the South and the North, beFri.
April Plentywood Cleveland 70. 00 10. 00 14 Wilson. Thus the final arbiter was always the PEAL.
Sat. April tween the organized and the unorganized workers.
Williston Admission 35e, including food Youngstown 50. 00 00 12 Sund. April The Board was dedicated to the status quo, not boss and labor representatives could do nothing DETROIT DOUBLES Individual Contributions 30 Directions: 6th or 8th Avenue Mon.
April Fargo to reform.
but maintain the farce of national unity by vot. ITS APPEAL EFFORTS Tues. April There arose, however, considerable demand ing Ja. Oh yes, the name that led all others on DETROIT. Beginning subway to 167th Street station TOTAL 8527. 60 8198, 67 91 Wed. April Twin Cities for the formulation of a minimum wage scale. the panel of ton umpires was that of Henry Ford. with February 1st issue we exAPPEAL ARMY SCHEDULE OF CARLSON TOUR)
99 TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND 200. 07 ཆ ༤ 13 160. 00 Wed.