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Socialist Appeal FOR ORGANIZATION OF AN FOR MILITARY TRAINING UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party VOL. No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1941 to 267 FIVE (5) CENTS ROOSEVELT DICTATOR UNDER NEW BILL Daily Worker Editor Expelled GRACE CARLSON CIO Executive Board Adopts Bankers Give It Point Plan For Draftees Their Blessing with does not say.
was for Hathaway failure to power than Stalin American Grace Carlson Own Story On Tour Meetings Boss Weakening Flint Chevrolet In 20th Week of Leviton Strike Votes To Strike IN BOSTON Grace Carlson, Trotskyist candidate Senato from Minnesota in the last election, arrives in Boston this week end on her national lec ture tour. The two meetings Neither He Nor Browder Will Tell Why; Accepts Principle That Unions Are Duty Bound to Protect arranged for her in Boston Bill Is Confession That Imperialists are: May Be Dodge to Cover Up Their Tracks SUNDAY, Jan. 19, p. at Rights of Worker Soldiers; But Program Is Too Vague the Workers Center, 158 Whether Democratic or Fascist, Now Broadway. Subject: South Clarence Hathaway, editor in cal of the venal and corrupt America. six point plan to insure Harsh and authoritarian dis cial machinery for the grievances All Wage War By Totalitarian Methods chief for ten years of the Daily bureaucrats of the who are MONDAY, Jan. 20, p. democratic spirit in the army cipline, the CIO statement says, of the worker soldiers, just as Worker, central organ of the ready to avow whatever the at the Aurora Club, 42 Maver. was adopted by the CIO executive in explanation of these points, the most progressive unions did ick Square, East Boston. Sub board at its two day session in has no place in a citizen army.
Communist Party, a member of Kremlin decrees. In the days for their unemployed members? Roosevelt Lease Lend Bill its correct title should be Washington last week end.
ject: The Right to Life. a the Political Buro, and ranking when disagreements could still be The encouragement of initiaThis plan is practically a tivo and self reliance with full should mean.
That what the CIO program War Powers Bill is certain to be adopted with all its essential in the Stalinist bureaucracy sec voiced, before Stalin had sucgraphic picture of the actual sections intact.
ond only to Browder and Foster, ceeded in crushing the Russian conditions under which the word for word repetition of the opportunity for advancement resolution (No. 24) adopted by from the ranks is a first require It is true, as the CIO board That was made plain when the bill was endorsed by Wenhas been expelled, the national Bolshevik party and the CominAmerican people live, and how committee of the Communist tern, Hathaway and Foster were their living conditions can be the November convention of the ment of the American army, says, that harsh and authoritar dell Willkie on behalf of the Republican high command, and by Party announced Sunday oppositionists on a number of transformed by a Workers CIO at Atlantic City. The repetiian discipline has no place in a Winthrop Aldrich, chairman of the great Chase National Conscripted men should be As with all Stalinist execu questions; but when Stalin Government.
tion of it by the Coboard now: guaranteed both in selection and citizen army. But the plain fact Bank, undoubtedly speaking for the dominant section of Wall (Complete schedule of Carl.
in the form of a new six point training against discrimination discipline of the Army, like tions and expulsions, the ex cracked the whip, they knuckled planation given only serves to under and have been his agents son tour appears on page program, indicates there must be The silence of the AFL and CIO leadership, during the first muddy the waters. The official ever since.
notice, in the Sunday Worker, Perhaps Hathaway is now for a union program to protect or any other reason. The civil harsh and authoritarian. Whatever perfunctory opposition they might offer later to one or the rights of the workers drafted as the right to vote, must be pro to remedy that? Its program were in reality already commit and Mussolinis will likewise rights of conscripted men, such does the CIO board propose to do another section of the bill, they a into the army.
Unfortunately, however, the families and unions must not be tected. Communication political.
ted to accepting it.
maintain themselves in power CIO plan deals very little with interfered with.
ponsibilities assumed by him. for more than one of these Stalinist The officer caste is hand picked They were accepting a personal against the masses, thanks only workers rights within the army.
from the capitalist class. Hardly military dictatorship of the Unit. to their Good Neighbor generIt is primarily concerned with The extreme vagueness of this a single worker soldier ever riser fusing to take steps to rehabili frightened rats when serving requesting an active voice for language is very striking. When to a commissioned officer. The creates that. It vests in the pre ships.
ed States. The War Powers Bill ous donations of arms and wartate himself.
Stalin becomes intolerable to Pressed by reporters for fur. American imperialism.
labor on the draft boards, guar the CIO board wants to make full opportunity for advancesident all the main powers hither ther information, a Stalinist Perhaps the Stalinist leaderantee of re employment when the clear what it is talking about, it ment from the ranks proposed to given by constitution and cus REAL LIMIT OF POWERS spokesman would give nothing, ship fears imminent disclosure of men return from the army, pro can do so very easily.
by the CIO does not exist; and tom to Congress. The process of Fortunately for the future of except to cite two sections of the some criminal activity involving By GRACE CARLSON tection of their families against What, for example, is meant by the CIO board makes no proposal concentration of power in the the human race, the mere con.
lapsing of life insurance policies, the words: Communication with to change that. constitution under which the Hathaway, and is hastily expel. DETROIT, Jan. 10 In centers foreclosures, etc.
presidency, which has been going ferring of these powers on the expulsion was carried out. They ling him to clear its skirts and like Flint and Detroit one has the The only points that deal at all with. Does that mean, as it. unions must not be interfered In short, the CIO board, while on since the crisis began in 1929. president by Congress does not read as follows: have him take individual res feeling of walking on volcanie guarantee him the strength to Breaches of party discipline ponsibility for the crime. The ground. Everyone is certain that are the following with conditions within the army should, that the unions are pro admitting in principle its rus is climaxed by this measure.
pared to defend the interests of ponsibility to launch a program Congress power over the purse exercise these powers. Legal by individual members, finan Mexican investigation of the there will be an cruption in the Living conditions for cial irregularities, as well as GPU murder of Leon Trotsky struggle between the UAW and conscripted men that will imtheir members in the army? That on behalf of the worker soldiers, was specifically established in powers of this or any other kind the constitution in order to pro are only formal and not real, any conduct or action detri has disclosed not only the direct the automobile industry bosses, the unions propose to set up ways has not done so.
prove their health and wellvide a civil check and control unless the workers permit the mental to the party prestige connection of the GPU and the but no one knows when or how being and means whereby they will The struggle to defend the over the military arm of the gov exercise of such powers inand influence among the work Mexican Communist Party with the eruption will take place.
keep directly in touch with their rights of the workers in uniform, ernment, of which the president definitely. Administration of the ing masses and harmful to the the assassination, but has made members in the army and reponde it is taken seriously, will is commander in chief. This bill The whole story of the struggle best interests of the party may The struggle against this conclear that the central direction over the speed up in the auto training period in accord with resent them in their grievances lead thinking workers to demand be punished by censure, public empowering the president inot centration of power in the preof the GPU in this hemisphere is plants, the unadjusted griev. News, Jan. 13)
democratic practice. CIO against the reactionary officers? trade union control of military cnly to transfer the whole or any sident can henceforth only mean censure, removal from respon in the United States.
ances, etc. has been reported in That the unions will set up spel training.
part of the Navy or Army equip a struggle for the concentration sible posts and by expulsion The Mexican Communist Party the Appeal time and time again.
ment to other countries, but alsof power and control in the hands from the party.
is now desperately engaged in what seemed to me unique and empowering him to draw from of the workers organizations. Party members found to clearing its skirts of responsibil extremely encouraging was that the Treasury such amounts as the first stages of that struggle be strikebreakers, degenerates, ity its members involved only our party carries on mass may be necessary. wipes out are clear enough. In civil life and habitual drunkards, betrayers in the assassination, including propaganda work among the workCongressional control of the industry: keep the hands of the of party confidence, provocat David Serrano, a member of itsers. Hundreds of Socialist Appurse. Thus all financial and mili bosses and their government off eurs, persons who practice or political Buro, now in prison peals are distributed weekly at tary powers are fused in the the trade unions, and make the advocate terrorism, sabotage, awaiting trial. Hathaway ex factory gates in both Flint and hands of a single omnipotent in unions real fighting organizaespionage or force and viol pulsion may be a measure in ad Detroit: pamphlets are sold in aividual tions. In the armed forces, likeence, or members whose actions Vance of exposure.
house to house sales drives in the The motivation for this perwise, the workers organizations are otherwise detrimental to Expulsion of a prominent working class sections; open meetsonal military dictatorship it must fight for the rights of the the party and the orking party member has been a mens ings are held; educational classes Electrical Workers Strike Power Given to Local Board, to plain enough. It is an obvious fact worker soldiers. Trade union conclass, shall be summarily dis ure taken in a number of cases on Marxist theory and trade un that Congress is always mortrol of military training is the missed from positions of res where that member has been as ion problems are conducted. Be Are Smashing His End Company Dodging of Grievances amenable to popular pressure way to get those rights.
ponsibility, expelled from the signed to GPU work. For ex sides this many of our comrades than is a president. By abdicat We are many, they are few.
party, and exposed before the ample, David Alfaro Siqueiros, are active as stewards and officers Union Busting Boast ing its powers, Congress will pro. They can pass the laws. We run general public.
now in prison awaiting trial in in the various SUAW locals.
FLINT, Mich. jan. 10 Chevrolet Local No. 659 complet tect the war plans of the pre the machines and bear the arms.
The most suspicious aspect of Mexico as the admitted leader of Formerly, the Socialist Workers ed a strike vole today in which the overwhelming majority of sident against future changes in All that is needed is that the the scandal is Hathaway silence. the GPU gangsters who attempt Party competed in these cities BROOKLYN, Jan. 13.
Chevrolet 12, 000 workers recorded themselves in favor of giv the outlook of the people. workers grasp this simple fact.
Newspaper speculation that el to assassinate Trotsky on May with the Lovestoneites, Stalinists By constitutional provision. tr Hathaway may have come to dis. 21, was expelled from the and Norman Thomas Socialists. The twentieth work of the Levi ing strike power to the local executive board. The ballot was ten protect the people against a war agree with the Stalin Hitler pact some years prior to turning up Now, understand, none of these ton strike began last Thursday to one in favor of strike.
This follows the vote in favor of authorizing strike powers has the power to declare war making president, Congress alone is nonsense. Hathaway is typi in Spain as a GPU colonel. sroups do any literature distriba. with growing indications that Isi.
tion or hold any open meetings.
dor Leviton, is beginning to rea to the board of the Chevrolet Drop Forge local in Detroit. This provis The small numbers of union of ze he faces defeat, Leviton made other GM plants issues have arisen in the last few days which been violated more than once. Bu cials, etc. whom the Stalinists 12, 000, 000 through his exploita also will probably lead to strike votes.
the present bill simply wipes out and ers still control are votion of the Leviton electrical man If Walter Reuther and his aides de camp on the UAW that constitutional provision.
luntarily far, far underground. ufacturing workers tende ortore in executive board, who have been so possessed with high military END OF DEMOCRACY And tbe field is clear for us. questions, wished to analyze the by GEORGE STERN The last open meeting which breaking the strike if necessary.
GM situation from the army man The demand of Roosevelt foi the Stalinists held bere several Now he has indicated that he will point of view, they would undoubt such powers constitutes a confes EAST CHICAGO, Ind. One Joseph Stalin has again shown direction. And while he waits he months ago for James Ford, their negotiate with the representa sion that democracy goes by edly find that perilous situa that his bread is still buttered remains compliant to Hitler.
vice presidential candidate. tives of the strikers, who belong tion prevails which threatens to the board in this epoch of world hundred and fifty chippers of the become general. For this kind of wide collisions between the great Indiana Harbor, Ind. plant of the heads of all the wishful thinkers Soviet Union into Germany has open meeting which addressed Brotherhood of Electrical Workthing Reuther and Co. will prob capitalist powers. Modern imper. Youngstown Sheet and Tube in London and Washington about not up until now met Nazi exin the headquarters of the Detroiters.
ably sound retreat: but it ialist war can be waged only by Company went on strike this a Nazi Soviet break came the pectations, it is certainly plain Branch of the last night The strikers demand a wnion doubtful that the GM rank ane totalitarian methods on either week. After weeks of fruitless news of a new series of Hitler that under the new accords this had 46 people in the audience shop, a minimum wage of 16 a the democratie or the fascist negotiating with the company, Stalin pacts. The most important flow will increase.
and this did not include the more week and a minimum increase of The Chevrolet Workers in Flintside.
these chippers all members of of them was sweeping new The Deutsche Allgemeine Zeit than a dozen comrades and friends 10 cents an hour for every emtook their strike vole after the There are of course, plenty of the Steel Workers Organizing BROOKLYN, NY. Jan. 13.
trade agreement, said to involve uns, commenting on the pacts, who came to a Wednesday noon ploye.
fat headed liberals and labor Committee (CIO) Working un.
the greatest international grain said that the Russo German un meeting because they are night Pickets on 24 hour duty at the The strike against the Marks Pro management refused time and deal in history.
derstanding. stands, indeed, on workers.
plant described to a Sorialist Apduets Co. 80 No. 9th St. entered again to negotiate on importan leaders who are prepared to give der the most difficult physical Perhaps the most encouraging peal reporter some of the intoler its fourteenth week with rein srievances. According to Regional us their personal guarantee conditions, were forced to strike It is probably true that Hits closer cooperation. Can this be features of the way that he or hoe able conditions which led to forced upieket lines to wonderant Director Carl Swanson Chevrole backed up by nothing that after when the management refused to the war is over, the country will grant their demands.
go back to being a real democ.
taken to mean the Balkans? Is attending this meeting were col strike action. Forced collections attempts of the company to run management has consistently vio The chippers are asking for a wants from Stalin regime in racy. It may be a paradox, dollar a day increase in wages Russia. Indeed, he won get basis of the revealed weakness UAW locals. Colored workers are ces with which to buy presents tection into the plant. Members ment, they have unjustly dis they say, but dictatorship is in order to be able to meet the ing in with all his horses, his of the Italian axis partner? Re the most exploited both in the for foremen. Some girls were of the division of Local No charged committeemen and they necessary now in order to have ever increasing cost of living which is especially high in this marks like this in Nazi news shops as well as in the army and forced to make loans to certain of the International Brotherhood have caused the complete break tanks, his planes, and his men.
Yet these are the very same area. Despite its tremendous This does not change the es even be that it is Hitler who is tary program for the abolition of papers are never aimless. It may they received the proletarian mt foremen which were never repaid. of Electrical Workers were in down of collective bargaining ir democracy later.
An official release of the union structed to concentrate at Marks The Michigan state labor media people who accuse us of mystieprofits gained from lucrative desential significance of Stalin present course. He is playing exploring the possibility of us. Jim Crowism in an enthusiastie charged that some girls had been Products in place of the Levito tion board Iras announced it wil ism when we say that a dictator. Pense orders, the company pays ing Stalin to fill the gaps left in way.
loreed to submit to certain foreplant unt! the union demands attempt to invoke a 30 day waitin: ship of the proletariat is the only these men wages which are far along with Hitler and will conOne thing is certain, that the men in order to hold their jobs his armor by the Italian reverses.
for a weekly wage increase and period in all strikes, in which wa read to REAL democracy. They lower than those paid by other tinue to do so until Hitler The report that a Soviet devotion, enthusiasm and self sac When employes throughout the a closed shop are won.
production plants are involved an see how a Worker Gov steel corporations for similar military predominance is cantrade delegation is en route to rificing spirit of the Flint and De plant were forced to produce more The Marks plant uses 60 per The labor board has asked the rnment will establish genuine work.
celled by events not now fore.
Buenos Aires to buy huge troit comrades who are bringing or lose their jobs, their piece cent of the output of clectrical opinion of the attorney general democracy, but they can see how In spite of the fact that both seeable.
quantities of grain awaits con the Marxist program to the muss rates were then cut, resulting in parts of the Leviton company, as to the legality of the action Wall Strect dictatorship will the company and the boss press Groping in the fog of Balkan firmation. If it proves to be production workers these cen more production at the old pay, and its strikebreaking attempt is Undoubtedly the entire la bol voluntarily make way for democ. are using the war hysteria to developments, watchers in Lon true, there can be little doubt ters will bring forth fruit a hun. Some men employed on an hourly backed by the Leviton outfit.
movement of Michigan will opvacy. And these people call them attempt to raise public opinion don and in this country have that Stalin would be buying for dredfold.
basis went to work at 6:30 Previously organized, the pose this attempt to destroy the selves realists!
against the strikers on the looked hopefully for signs of de Hitler account.
but were not allowed to Marks Products Co. attempted to strike weapon Coming events contain many grounds that they are wabotagveloping strain in the relations In any case, the new Hitlerpunch the clock until A. set up a company union when While the strike rotes at the unpleasant surprises for these ing national defense, these miliNEW YORK. between Hitler and Stalin. And Stalin pacts make it plain that to cvade the provisions of the sentiment grow among the worlo Chevrolet plants in Plint and Dr people. They will see Roosevelt tant workers are holding firm.
out of that fog comes now fresh the Kremlin policy still flows Don forget our Lenin Wage and Hour Law. Many meners for an increase on their mis troit now face the Executive employing his dictatorial powers The Indiana Harbor SWOC local evidence that Stalin is just as frem a shuddeving fear of Hit Memorial Meeting at which with families carned as little as erabic wage of 12 to 13 weekly. Broad of the UAW with an im to back the British Tories against of the Youngstown Sheet and firmly hitched to Hitler chariot ler plus no less a fear of internal Grace Carlson will be the prin 11 a week.
Wages were so low More than 70 percent of the work mediate problem, the General Mo the demand of the majority of Tube Company, representing as before. The bluster of the upheaval. These two factors de cipal speaker.
that mothers had to hurry back ers are women. The IBEW chalors Conference moves closer. The the English people for a labor some 6, 000 workers in the plant, Moscow Pravda and Investia termine Stalin policy. Incidental Friday, January 24, pm.
to work, weak and sick. after lenged the company union, and the date has been set for February Government. Churchill will rule is supporting the chipping de Wabout Stalin independent factors which seem to contradiet at Irving Plaza, Irving Place having their babies. Mothers National Labor Relations Board and in Detroit. With the temper England thanks only to Roose partment and is preparing to call policy does not conceal the fact this from time to time are pure and 15th Street, New York worked beside their husands and decided in favor of the IBEW. of the GM workers on the rise. velt threat of withdrawal of a general plant strike if necesthat Stalin still waits because ly transitory. Stalin always City.
children at the bench and the ma. Marks responded by organizing a the leadership can expect plenty arms supplies from England. sary to force the company to he does not dare to move in any knuckles down in the end.
chine, new company union.
of heat from the ranks.
The Latin American Hitlers come to terms.