BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

JANUARY 11, 1941 SOCIALIST APPEAL There The Kremlin Child Labor System System Nation Weeps Negro Struggle, Soviet Russia Today Pretends It Socialist Schooling Crocodile Tears For The Refugees Stalin. issued last October a set of ukases whereby; 1) Soviet New Year Message into large scale industry. Heilt pro bis legal text.
There Only One Road For India By ALBERT PARKER The Struggle Against Jim Crow By JOHN WRIGHT and 17! Those not sent directly, juxtapose to their lies the KremTwo of the most important questions facing Scratch a liberal these days, and you will the masses of Negroes today are (1) winning equal children of 14 17 were made subject to draft into a conscript special WHAT THE STUDENTS inevitably uncover a nauseous hypocrite and Uriah rights in the armed forces of the nation, where labor force: 2) the right to education so solemnly guaranteed To Natalia Trotsky HOW THESE CHILDREN WILL GET Heep.
they are being Jim Crowed by the government, by the Stalin Constitution was abolished without a formal conand (2) getting joles in the rapidly expanding stitutional amendment, or consultation of the Supreme Council From Chicago WILL BE ROBBED These are the elements who most ably gild the Article 12 of Order Number But that is not all. The Krem of the Labor Reserves Admini ratie ruling class, and cloak the sordid motives lily of the imperialist war ains of the democ.
war industries, from which they have been gen of the On November 10, 1940, three days after they had erally excluded by the bosses.
lin parasites intend not only to stration follows: The students celebrated the Twenty Third Anniversary of the October revoexploit child labor but to under (F20) are provided at the exof the Allied war lords in the dainty gossamer of The first is as important as the second, if lution, 350, 000 children of 14 and 15, and 250, 000 youngsters of The following telegram was pay these children and thus drive pense of the state with their food, democratic fictions.
only because what is involved here is govern 16 and 17 were drafted as the first contingent, sent from the New Years cele still lower the wages of adult bedding, spetz odezhda (special True to type is the Nation, leading liberal mental endorsement of the principles of Jim Crow bration in Chicago: Under Lenin: All school children must be supplied with workers. Students will receive ists clothing. and those from weekly, and its editor in chief, Freda Kirchwey.
isim, which can then be pointed to by the advofood, clothing, footwear, textbooks and other school accessories Natalia and Seva Trotsky one third of the prevailing wages. rural regions and out of town It seems that the State Department is clampcates of white supremacy as a pattern for all at the expense of the state.
Coyacan, Mexico Article 19 of Order No. is are also provided with housing. ing down ever more heavily on the admission of Our heartiest comradely spheres of American life. But in an immediate (Section TV Paragraph 80. Pro organization of the training pro sued by the Labor Reserves Ad. Pravda, October greetings at the New Year sense, the second is more important in that today ministration reads: Trade Note that Stalin did not even anti fascist refugees into this country, while pav.
gram of the Russian Communist cess for those Trade Schools and with the firmest conviction ing the way for the entrance of rich and well.
Schools, Railroad Schools, and make a pretence of listing school this question is agitating more of the Negro Party (Bolsheviks) adopted at Factory and Shop Instructioh that in 1911 we shall make the o. are permitted to ful accessories or equipment. Let born foreign reactionaries, dispossessed members people.
fill elementary productive orders us examine the three items which of the nobility and others of similar ilk.
And after all, look at what is going on The 18 23, 1919. Under Stalin: Tui trial schooling will take place great strides toward the goal for which our leader laid down for the state. It is hereby estab are designated: 1) spetz odezhda; The Nation and Freda Kirchwey are shocked, whole economy of the nation is being shifted to tions have been introduced into directly in the enterprises themhis life.
Soviet schools to drive the selves (metallurgical plants, coal lished that one third of the rev 2) food; 3) bedding and housing.
outraged, overwhelmed, stunned. They have been a war basis. Production of all the great and children from the school rooms mines. Pravda, November 10, Chicago Local enues accruing from the fulfill. What is specialists clothing important industries is being reorganized and exbeating the anvil for a good, noble, democratic, 1940)
into the factories.
Socialist Workers Party ment of these orders as well as (spetz odezhda. This high fal idealistic, untainted, purely motivated war against panded. The factories and machinery which the That speaks for itself.
for the work done by the stud luting label is intended to evoke No official news of this has the Axis powers. And now the handling of the bosses kept idle for over ten years when people Apart from Trade Schools ents during their training in in visions of hats, shoes, gloves.
appeared in the Daily Worker.
refugee problem by the government is adding a were starvins are now being opened and put to Unofficial periodicals like Sov. and Factory and Shop Instruc have been enrolled in the. dustry is assigned to the state socks, coats, overcoats, etc. To trace of tattle tale gray to the virginal robes of use to produce the instruments of war. The bosses iet Russia Today have been astion Courses (F. referred o. for six months, e. 26 weeks badget; one third remains at the be precise, it means work clothes.
the democratie champions.
and their corporations are rolling in profits. The signed the task of covering up to by Moskatov, there are also and who then will be required disposal of the Director for ex To be still more precise, it is Freda Kirchwey says as much in an article cost of living is going up for everyone, but so in this country the exploitation the Railroad Schools to which to work four years as conscript panding the schools and the nothing but a miserable pair of in the Nation of December 28, bewailing the short.
far most of the unions have managed to boost of child labor outlawed under 35, 000 have been assigned, e. laborers) will receive during 0, and for supplying the cul. overalls, or an ordinary apron.
Food that is indeed free. if sighted policy of the administration, as expressed wages along accordingly, so that the standard of Lenin and Trotsky and reestab less than per cent of the total their training less than five hours tural and living needs of studin a recent State Department statement designed Factory and Shop Instruction a week instruction at place of ents, master workmen (foremen) and when supplied in dining living of many of the white workers is no worse lished under Stalin. The first to silence the mounting protest against the handlthan it was before, 600, 000 Soviet youth. writes Jes. Courses (F20. embrace 250, 000 work. 118 divided by 26. The and instructors; and one third is rooms and kitchens. This, as we ing of the emergency refugee problem created by But where are the Negroes in this busy picsica Smith, enrolled in the new youngsters of 16 and 17. Their rest of the time must be spent in to be given into the hands of the shall presently seo, cannot be the Nazi conquest of Western Europe.
serves schools began their period lours a day. Article of Order known, it actually takes about (Pravda, October Even the As for housing and bedding This statement, charges the article, cited fig.
One industry after another bars them altogether from jobs that pay even a hall decent wage. iet trussia Today, Jawuary 1941: serves Administration, and coun: any new worker for that signed to perform elementarira observed, are assured of lode when published without explanation.
They occupy only two kinds of jobs in the vast This opening sentence with its tersigned by Moskatov, reads: matter how to function produc productive tasksat one third ings on baper. The natives And the statement as a whole only increased. must shift for themselves. And majority of the war industries that do hire them: vista of schools, training, The length of the school day in tively in a mine or plant.
justifiable fears that the refugee problem will in in the menial, non productive positions, or at the Just how many of the 315, 000 study. enrollment is of a the Factory and Shop Instruction Stalin pen prostitutes of both not they alone.
the end be left to the harsh mercies of the most hardest and worst pald laboring jobs. The cost piece with the rest of the article Courses (F. is fixed at eight boys of 14 and 15 only males sexes, who try to throw sand in In Moscow, for example, 74. 600 reactionary, anti alien clements in the State De of living is going up for them as well as others. a web of impudent and cynical hours. Pravda, October 5, 1940) have been drafted as yet who the eyes of American workers, children were drafted, but only partment.
but because they are excluded from the better lies. Most of these children have But an innocent or gullible come under the other category of feel so immune as to boast that 25, 000 will be housed at governalready been thrown into indus reader may object a school day Trade School Students (and the Soviet children (who have ment expense. Report of the Mos Strong language, with stronger to follow The paying jobs in the strategic industries, their in try and are studying in conl of hours is one thing, and an who are enrolled for 2 years been driven from the real schools cow City Committee (five days record is one which must sicken any person of come isn able to keep up with it. The hullabaloo and iron mines, in basic plants hour working day is something before serving years more) will and institutions by the introduc before the draft. Out of the ordinarily humane instincts. It is as if we were about the end of unemployment is being used as and large scale industries, in the else again. Nog in Stalin lan be assigned at once to industry tion of tuitions) are not asked required 25, 000 beds, only 9, 000 to examine laboriously the curricula vitae of flood a good pretext in each state to slash the relief heaviest and most dangerous oes guage In the writes the remains one of the Kremlin to pay for this education. The have been prepared. Pravda, victims clinging to a piece of floating wreckage budget and the rel! ef rolls far more sharply than cupations.
same Moskatov, according to dark secrets. As Moskatov clear students in those schools are sup. Nox. ever before. Negroes who want to work and can and finally to decide that, no matter what their the entire program 118 hours are ly states, however, the plan is to ported wholly by the government. Report from Yaroslavl: Previrtues, all but a few had better be allowed to get jobs suffer from this more than white workWHAT THIS SCHOOLING alloited for instruction at place do precisely that. Their school. Tuition and maintenance includ parations for opening of the REALLY IS of work and the remaining 1, 138 day is fixed at hours. hours ing housing, bedding equipment, schools proceeding poorly. Not drown.
ers, because at least some of the white workers On the very first day of the hours for productive work un productive training and hours food and transportation are a single place for housing has Outraged virtue then gets down to the nub of are able to escape from the need of getting relief draft, Moskatov, head of the der the guidance of the master for general education and special free. Soviet Russia Today, been prepared or arranged for. the question: But politically the behavior of the for the time being.
special Labor Reserves Admin workman (foreman. Pravda, discipline (Pravda, October January 1941. There are not enough beds or State Department is even more shocking. It be the Negroes are being left out in the istration wrote a special article. November 10, 1940) 5 hour working day for But the editors of Soviet Rus. bedding. One esn hear trays ofound fail leading officia cold. The old saying about the last to be hired It is very important, he Clearly, this means one thing children of 14 and 15 in coal sia Today dare not quote from any discussion about providing the department to understand cven the elements is still true.
warned, to assign in advance and one thing only: Everyone mines, and metallurgical indus. the official decrees to substan fr wood for the schools, equipof the conflict in which the United States is inex. Correct Understanding work places and to prepare the of the 250, 000 youngsters who tries! An hour day for those 16 tiate these vile boasts. Let us pirg the dining rooms and kit tricably engaged. Has the preservation of democchens. idem)
racy anything to do with the conflict? If it has, Report from the city of Ridder Necessary (during the draft itself. Nosurely the leaders of democratic thought and acThere are many obstacles that must be faced lody knows what trades will be tion in Europe will not be deliberately sacrificed and overcome ir this situation is to be correcta taught in the schools. Workshops to their and our fascist opponents. This posi.
and the doors of the war Industries thrown open are not being prepared; there are tion should. determine every act of every official to the Negro workers.
no lodgings, either. Pravda charged with the. conduct of our foreign affairs.
First of all, there is the opposition of the bosses, Nov. 12)
It thus seems, according to Freda Kirchwey. Nov.
of the ruling class that owns and controls industry.
that the democratie motivation of the war for 12. However, who want to keep the workers divided along rainstitutions have not yet been understood by the State Department. that 19, cial lines: divide and rule. Included as part completely equipped with living of this is the government; acting in the interests the department which has most to do with Amer (The author of this article basis of the social structure is shillings a year, e. 24 per fam history of sell outs and compro quarters.
of the bosses, it does nothing to interfere with is a comrade from Ceylon who agriculture.
ily of five.
mises against the millions of In: Comment by ican foreign policy and is the most direct agency Moskatov. their exclusion of Negroes from the important is now in England. for the promulgation of this policy.
The total area of British India With this despotic rule imposed dia. Certain Executive Committees Industries, but endorses it by its own treatment of is 687 million acres, 22 of this on India by Britain, the GovernIt is obvious that the telescope of local Soviets are likewise apThe State Department understands full well the Negroes in the armed forces and civil service.
By de SILVA land is totally unfit for cultiva ment of Churchill dares to speak development of Indian capitalism, proaching very lightmindedly the what it is doing and why. It leaves the blather Secondly, there is the antagonism on the part about democratic ideals to the Freda Kirchweys, LONDON (By Mail. few tion, 13 is covered with forests of the loyalty of India to the due to the presence of a ruthless selection of buildings for the new of some, not all, white workers, who have been who also understands, but like the whore in the badly miseducated and have fallen for the propaweeks ago, Pandit Nehru, chief state owned and charge for current stownite On the other hand the master print des content permet de mi schools in Podolsk, for example, fable cries, te love m really after.
ganda of the bosses, and have thus permitted sentenced to four years imprison farming is 232 million acres, e. under Nehru and Gandhi, two ma role their counterparts played in for housing. Pravda, Nov. 10)
Why the behavior of these liberals must sicken themselves to be used to weaken the strength of ment, for asking his white masters 35 per cent of the whole. 80 of rionettes who dangle from the the struggle against feudalism in PICTURE OF Citas labor as a whole, including themselves.
Porta Filtle more of the pier more the land cultivated is given to strings of the mill owners. While Europe. Indta is left with only AND OF BUREAUCRACY any person of ordinarily humane instincts, is forcefully demonstrated by one of the concluding And thirdly, there is the misunderstanding opportunity for the black capital coreals, pulses (leguminous we could ignore the wishful think one road on which to travel, the Report from Chita: It was de sentences of this scandalized lady: among many Negro workers themselves, expressed ist to exploit India. It is difficult to believe that the President in an incorrect attitude toward the trade unions. Let us not weep or laugh, but chiefly for export. Dividing the clique in Britain, the treachery for only the industrial workers cided to select an apartment We intend, in coming issues, to devote ourselves try to understand, for while we total area of land cultivated by of the Comintern must be unmask. In alliance with the peasants can house that is being built for the himself would knowingly countenance suchen to a discussion of the entire problem. But here support every move against Brit. the number of cultivators, we get ed, if we are to avoid a more play the revolutionary role vital school building. But as yet only change.
ish imperialism in India, we know agriculturist. These holdings con than in Spain.
an average of about acres per bloody massacre of the masses to the success of the Indian strug. the walls of the first story have been raised. The second story is According to this outraged female, frantically we want to touch briefly on one aspect of the at the same time that it is not wist of isolated fragments.
third question, about which we have been asked There is, however, a very great being completed poorly and will rubbishing among the scrap heaps for a democthe India bourgeoisie which is goCONGRESS REPRESENTS significance in the recent events hardly be ready by December ratic rag to throw over the suddenly denuded to comment by some comrades who have run into ing to solve the problem of India. LIFE UNDER THE THE BOURGEOISIE in India. We know that without And where will the students live? paunch of the American ruling class, the policy it in the course of their distribution of the Ever since Nehru was sentenced, BRITISH DEMOCRATS The Indian National Congress mass pressure Congress would who will be the director of the of the government toward the refugees is some Appeal to Negro workers, middle class intellectuals, democ The cardinal disability of the which Nehru represents was from never have begun even individual school? What equipment must thing alien to the real motives of the war mongers, Especially in the smaller industrial cities, some rats and the lackeys of Moscow In Great Britain have each in peasant is the existing division its inception a bourgeois move civil disobedience. We know this the schools have! There is now a ravishment accomplished in the dead of night Negroes have come to feel a hostility toward the their own style emptied buckets and distribution of land, alons ment. The expansion of British also in advance the second wave body who can even answer these behind lock doors, and hidden from the eyes or entire labor movement. We say to them: The full of sentiment on the cultured, with the tremendous taxation im capital created in the process a will not have by far the peaceful questions. Pravda, Nov. 12)
noble men like Roosevelt.
unions belong to the working class, they belong ex Cambridge Pandit. That Neliru posed. The peasant is burdened class of Indian middlemen who almost good natured plous char: Pravda, November 13: We On the contrary, as Freda Kirchway well to you; true, they must be reformed, and the has taken as his symbol in the with enormous taxes: one to the grew rather rapidly and invested acter, that the first has had. have received a telegram from knows, this is Roosevelt policy, as it is the polscissorbill leadership of some of the unions must struggle against British imperial state, and the other to the land their wealth first to land, and will be more mature, more stub. Voronezh that the leaders of iey of the whole boss class of America which give way to a truly representative, progressive, Roosevelt represents, as it is the policy which rank and lile leadership but the unions belong not the hammer and sickle, seems sets a salary of about eight shil. The economic confliet arose be from the disillusionment of the the Borsk combine that it take most truly reflects the actual motives for the lings month pays about four tween the imperialists and the workers and peasants in the poloer for the school a building to the workers and they themselves must make to delight them.
American war preparations.
these changes. But these Negroes reply as folOf course nothing has been said shillings in the form of tax. As a rich landowning class with regard tcy of the Congress and their own which is threatening to cave in.
Pravda comment: These manof the 4, 000 militant workers and result, all of them are heavily in to revenue, and the policy of the initial venture.
lows: This picture of a Roosevelt deceived, kept in peasants who have been jailed in debt, and the debt was estimated British in heavily taxing the The conclusion is inescapable. agers apparently think that laws the dark, surrounded by secret enemies in the We don see how the trade unions are our rat holes of prisons during the at about 900 millions in 1937. young native Industries and up. There is today in India the burn are not written for them. Will it guise of friends is the only fig leat left to the organizations. They ignore us and in some cases past few months. Release Nehru On the other hand are the land holding the monopoly of foreign in need of a program, an organ really be necessary for the proin the ization, a plan and a staff, under secutors to teach these people ly reactionary character of the war.
liberals whereby they can still cover up the nakedthey even kick us out of our jobs. Why should we even try to reform something that is so harm is the policy of the bourgeois about 75 of the agricultural forming of the Indian National the banner of the revolutionary how to fulfill Soviet laws?
Marxism of Lenin and Trotsky. Pravda. Nov. 13)
Scratch a liberal these days, indeed, and you ful to us? What reason have we to believe any lackeys. First Nehru then we island. There are two types. 1) Congress.
good can come out of them for us? And on the policy of the Communist Those who were put in possession This is how the children are will And a cowardly, yellow bellied, hypocritical The Congress knew that it they under the bariner of the Fourth of vast estates by the British as were to get any concessions from International Leing lodged, fed and maintained apologist for capitalist war and plunder decked in more than one occasion we have heard Negro a matter of political expediency: their British masters, they had wholly by the government. the garments of a vesta! virgin. But a white robe workers say, We might just as well try to reform SIMPLE FIGURES REVEAL (2) Those who have acquired own. to have the support of the masses: Similar data could be adduced at can hide her smell!
the Ku Klux Klan.
THE TASK IN INDIA ership by purchase or otherwise Therefore they maneuvered and Now Available will. Suffice it to quote in conIt is very difficult to convince these workers India, with a population of 353 during the last 100 years. More struggled ceaselessly for two ulIn Limited Quantity clasion Pravda own summary of that they must be in the union movement, and millions, has an area of 808. 000 than five sevenths of the cultivat timately incompatible ends. 1)
the situation: must even fight to get into it. As Horace Cayton, square miles. The workers are able land is today in the hands to gain ascendancy over the mass Bound Volumes nai movement and (2) To win the the prominent Negro labor expert said recently, distributed as follows: 66 in of one third of the landlords.
ing is lacking and it is hard for a Negro worker to assume the role agriculture, 18 in trade, transamong The industrial workers are com revolutionary elements ings are not even being looked The London bobbies are to be armed with of a Hy white angel. making sacrifices for a port and Industry, in domestic posed of expropriated peasants, both the workers and peasants 1940 for. These signals testify to this firearms for the first time in their history. The principle which allows him nothing but unemservice, in public administra Nearly 50 of them work in the over for Congress aims, and divert that in a number of places the British Purchasing Commission has placed an or ton, in unproductive occupa textile factories where the wages them from the economic struggle.
enormous state importance of ployment and starvation.
der for 25, 000 revolvers for the London police tions. Thus we are able to visu are to pence a day, for 12 to Thus the policy of CongressBefore these Negrocs can be convinced, they alize the structure of India so 14 hours work. In the mines (a) non violent, non cooperation: being appreciated, and that cerwith the Harrington Richardson Arms Company must be shown in action and through experience ciety. small class at the top they are paid to pence a day (b) boycott of British goods. c)
tain workers are obviously viol of Worcester, Massachusetts.
that they need unions to improve their conditions (about a million consisting of for 14 to 15 hours work. In in civil disobedience. The advocacy ating discipline and not fulfilling ssuance of revolvers to the bobbies, it is Abstract arguments are not enough.
wealthy land owners, and others dustries like the TATA Works the of non violence was a method of government directives. Pravda, claimed, is to enable them to help repel any living on private incomes. Below wages are the same, and in the holding back any revolutionary November 12. invader.
Already there exists some literature on the 50 each them is the middle class (15 mil plantations they are no better. tendency of the masses, and pro We know what Pravda means events of recent years showing the gains made If the arms ordered were rifles, machine guns, Lions composed of clerks, teach These low wages have put the tecting the property interests of hy a number of places and grenades and similar ordinance, this claim might by Negro labor on all fronts: their improved ers and small businessmen, trad. workers, like the peasants, into the landowners. The boycott of Place your orders immediately certain workers. It means appear plausible. But not revolvers. These are working conditions, the improved relations inside ers, students, and others. Then heavy debt to the tune of several British goods was of very great everywhere; it means every bur.
the unions between white and colored workers.
going to be used for an opposite purpose: not come the vast bulk of the hungry hundred millions of dollars. With financial advantage to the mill For February 1st Shipment eaucrat from the satraps in against Invaders, but against the British workers.
Outstanding among these is the book dealing with masses, in two categories. a) 70 the exception of an insignificant owners, and as long as it remainMoscow and Leningrad to the the CIO, Black Workers In The New Unions by million pensant cultivators and minority composed of the landed a passive resistance movement Socialist Appeal These arms are ordered for the not too distant pettiest scoundrel in the provinc(b) workers of all other occupa lords, the princes and the white no harm could come to the India Horace Cayton and George Mitchell. We es. It means that the children are tinto when the British masses begin open protest tions. 90 of the people live in bourgeoisie, the average per capita bourgeois; but it was a powerful 116 University Place recommend its study and use by our distributors being subjected to working and actions against the abominable a raid shelter villages, of which there are 700. income of the remainder of the lever to use against the British.
of the Appeal who reach workers interested in New York City living conditions even more in protection afforded them, in contrast with the 000. Each village is a muddle of population nearly 348 millions The outcome of this criminal polthis question.
Kuman than those endured by the safe, swank and luxurious under earth playmud huts. Needless to say, the out of 353 works out at 16 icy has been, as is well known, a adult workers.
grounds in which the rich disport themselves.
SOCIALIST Preparing labor research is not APPEAL