CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

JANUARY 4, 1941 SOCIALIST APPEAL ra ABOR WITH WHITE SKIN WHERS LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN IS BRANDED KARL Negro Struggle The Germs Of Workers Uprisings Infect All Warring Nations Now Yell For USSR Amity By ALBERT PARKER In an interesting series of articles in The By ART PREIS Pittsburgh Courier, Robert Ming, Jr. Profesin the cause which his arms are 20, inconspicuously carries thetween 30, 000 and 40, 000 British following tiny Item: The first symptoms of a new wave of workers revolutions supposed to uphold.
women will have to work in the Stalin general staff appears now to be con.
sor in the School of Law at Howard University, Leland Stowe, in a dispatch to LONDON, Dec. 19 (UP. Min helds next year to keep agricul. vinced that Germany cannot successfully invade has dealt with the legal and technical aspects of are appearing in Iurope and, in the first instance, in Italy.
Britain. This is the conclusion to be drawn from the case of the Philadelphia sailors who Churchill and the clemocratic ruling class have been quick to the New York Post of December ister of Lubor Ernest Bevin tolatural production up to present 26 describing an interview with the Ilouse of Commons today that standards, Minister of Agriculture the latest article estimating the military developlabel it the Italian disease. as if this penetrating germ can be Italian prisoners of war in Greece, there had been stoppages of work Hudson said today. There are were kicked out of the Navy because they ments signed like most of the previous ones signed a letter protesting intolerable Jim Crow exorcised by incantation and prevented from spreading.
writes: The hasty reassurances exchanged among the democratic There is an enormous differ trary to the legal procedure of workers.
in British munitions factories con now 000 British women land by Colonel Vasilyev, published in Trud, and conditions.
cabled from Moscow to the Stalinist press here.
capitalists concerning the peculiarly Italian character of the ence between the attitude of of settling disputes. Some of these, After demonstrating that the Philadelphia case The compulsory toil in the fields Had Germany launched an invasion last Sum shows how freedom of speech has been stolen from coming revolution remind one of nothing so much as what hap ficers and common soldiers. Virhe indicated, were due to a set invoked against the working wommer, immediately after the French defeat, says those in the Army and Navy, Professor Ming goes pened in Europe when, in the 141h and 15th centuries, the rav tually all the officers profess con tted policy of the Communists. en of Nazi Germany is here forethe article, Daily Worker, Dec. 29) there is on to point out how much power this puts in ages of syphilis spread. The French termed it the Italian dis tidence in and loyalty to Musso Bevin, on December 17. reported cast for democratic England.
ease. the Spanish, the French disease. while the Italians were justify the invasion of Greece. The ten months of 1940 due to strikes, pondent. Larry Lesueur, in a 1! ni, and most of them attempt to 844, 000 workdays lost in the first hardly any doubt that they (the Germans) would Columbia Broadcast corresthe hands of the brass hats. If the public outrout England armed forces in comparatively side can get information about conditions in the absolutely certain that it was spirit of defeatism which preoc higher ranking professional mill in a nation in which Sir Walter broadcast from London, December short time. However, Germany at that time evi.
armed forces from the only possible source that the Spanish disease. No coun cuples the ruling regime. On Dec tarists show obedience to the re Citrine, speaking before the AFL 12, stated that Liverpool shipown dently considered herself unprepared for the opertry would claim it!
is, from those inside how can it possibly do any.
ember 10 the leading fascist news. gime and unquestioned patriotism. convention last month, declared ers complain that the young ations against English territory with the aid of The capitalists in each coun paper, Popolo di Rona, admit. Young lieutenants, aggressively the workers had voluntarily dockworkers have been drafted thing to correct or improve those conditions? This land forces.
try today likewise label the ting heavy Italian losses, increase fascist, are frequently defiant and given up the right to strike.
means that if the soldiers can speak about coninto the army and they are ask As for the present situation, the article says. disease of proletarian revolu ing vicissitudes and hard days arrogant, sometimes sneering and The New York Post, December ing that the workers return in the ditions to the public, the officer caste can do Lately the question of invasion of England tion as one which can strike ahead, stated: discourteous, 17, in a london dispatch quotes form of flying squads of soldiers just about anything it wants.
elsewhere but not in their own. These gentlemen who smell of on the other hand, the Italian the London Daily Express as al to unload ships under military has again been the subject of lively discussions.
Professor Ming goes on to show that the country. But in their hearts defeatism are those who read our soldiers are mostly a spiritless, leging that the Liverpool docks discipline.
Estimating the situation in the Anglo German officer caste has still another weapon to keep the they know differently.
theater of military operations, one draws the conmouths of conscripted soldiers shut, in addition tarian revolution was no Rus fed up, those who know every. ged and miserable, and only a city due to labor agitation and to have about 000 more workers clusion that irrespective of the methods of conto the power to discharge those who speak up.
sian disease in 1917 it spread who always have something to ance left. Again and again, they thing, incorrigible rumor mongers few have a vestige of self assur lassitude.
duct of the war by Germany, the struggle will The right. ephemeral though it be. of a consacross Europe, even though it This same dispatch reveals that around the ports to create a resretain a protracted character.
cript to his former job depends on his getting a add when communique is read. Say frankly, We ve had enough the English workers are not serve of men and competition for Which is a cautions and diplomatic way of say.
was drowned in blood.
certificate from the Army indicating satisfac jous, but naturally the unions are It seems to us the hour has come They seem to have no shame willing to sacrifice as Citrine against this.
The first military defeats sus to beat them up so it will leave over having thrown down their states. Two of the largest British ing that Germany cannot succeed, in the estimatory completion of the training course. Under tained by Mussolini have sufficed a mark that will not soon be for wear. ons. They want nothing ex. trade unions, the Confederation Briliste mulines eines are asking, tion of Soviet military experts.
the present conscription set up, a worker who to expose the basic weakness of gotten.
cept food and for the war to end of Shipbuilding and Engineering German aerial warfare, says the article, did would protest to the world outside, would certhe fascist grip on Italy.
The violence of this campaign and to get back to Italy. Unions, with 450. 000 members. In other words, for slave workers, not achieve decisive results.
tainly not get such certificate. This possibil. While direct manifestations against defeatism is in itself an But it is mere wish thinking, and the Amalgamated Engineer Lolling at the point of a bayonet; Neither is Germany succeeding in her attack ity of dual punishment places in the hands of the of the crumbling fascist rule have admission of the discontent with when the Churchills brand it an ing Union, with 400, 000 members, and for permanent unemployed on British communications lines: In spite of the officers of this great peace time army tremend as yet been able to seep through the war so wide spread among the Italian disease.
fact that the losses of the British merchant fleet ours power without adequate controls and safe the totalitarian prison walls of Italian masses. The same 11 PO. It is precisely the knowledge mands for wage increases to off against the employed workers. In are severe, the total tonnage of British merchant guards for the protection of the selectees. Italy, the admissions and protest polo di Roma on December 13 that this is not an exclusively set the enormous price increases, this is revealed the real war the Italian disease which brought six day strike of 5, 000 gar alms which differ not a whit in vessels nevertheless exceeds the required minimum.
Where the Criticism Falls Down and spokesmen are revelatoritate know them. We have iden. forth Churchill recent incitement workers in Lancashire, Eng keind from those of the German But British successes, the article concludes, But these articles in the Pittsburgh Courier It is quite clear that the state tifled them for some time now, ment of the Italians against Musland ended on December 27. The capitalists. cannot yet be called the turning point in the are at their weakest point when the writer atwar, have suffered a standard of make them swallow all their sin against the entire ruling class of ployment of a non union worker: GLARING EXTREMES course of the war. It is clear, however, that tempts to indicate how full rights for Negroes may living as low as any in Europe, ister prophecies, all stupid antiei. Italy. Churchill calls for the but the fact that it was conducted BETWEEN RICH AND POOR this Soviet article considers that that turning be obtained and the right of freedom of speech are now launching an irreconcil. pations of their idiotie defeatism spread in Italy of a mild non. in defiance of a law exacting pepoint is likely.
and other civit liberties restored. For in his disable struggle against conditions which has not and sever will infectious form of the revolution nal sentences, shows that the strikers were whipped back to While the Lancashire garment In this estimate of the war by Soviet military eussion of this, which is the key question, he which the present war bas have any hold on the granite mass ary disease, one which would source of the strike was much authorities we have the clue to the suddenly.
work with prison threats, the New limits himself to legal procedure and ignores the brought to the intolerable stage of the Italian people gathered leave intact the Italian Royal fam more deep rooted.
launched campaign of the Communist Party and York Times on December 22, pub.
actual character of the courts and other instituclose around their Duce.
FASCISTS TRY TO ily, the army generals, the police BRITISH DEMOCRACY lished the following: apparatus, the fuscist machine, PUTS THE SQUEEZE ON its front men for American friendship with the ttons of the government.
APPEASE MASSES THE WORKER SOLDIER the profiteers and capitalists MANCHESTER, England, Dec.
Soviet Union. letter by Corliss Lamont to the How is the power of the officer caste to be Mussolini regime, unable to WILL NOT FIGHT We can expect that Churchill, 22 (UP. Corporate profils New York Times, urging a Soviet rapproche of the limited? Operating under the Articles of War, gloss over the appalling living This defeatism, and it grows Italian masses. Above all, a rais Mke Mussolini, will shortly be Lancashire cotton spinners this ment, speeches by Browder and Poster cautiously they do just what they please, replying to critic conditions, makes haste to lament with each one military set back case which would contain no forced to denounce the hoarders year it be the largest since 1991 launching the same line this is preparation for ism from the ranks with arrests and discharges suddenly blossoms forth against serious condition in the Italian Italian borders into the British the British press announced that today.
and to criticism from the outside with haughty racies. But as long as Hitler has his teeth, Stalin contempt (the Philadelphia mess attendants were the hoarders and profiteers. Not armed forces.
Lord Woolton, Food Minister, is Empire.
Milo Thompson, chief of the the fascist regime and the capi. It is the custom of the democ.
kicked out In the best interests of the Navy will remain respectfully ready for new deals like For while Italy at the present expected to introduce a further Associated Press London Bureau, talists it serves, but anonymous ratic capitalist press to attribute moment appears most susceptible reduction in the food rations in who has just returned from Eng.
the partition of Poland.
and themselves, says Rear Admiral Nimitz. hoarders and profiteers, whose the defeats of the Italian army to revolution, conditions in EngJanuary, 1941. Even the cheapest, land, describes the luxury and Stalinist preparations for a possible new turn Says Professor Ming: Practical solution presence had up to this time el in Greece and Albania to the land also indicate no great impoorest meat scraps are to be racomforts of the bomb shelters for in the United States are already evident in the of this problem created by the conflict be.
uded the all seeing eyes of the brave fighting qualities of the munity to this contagion.
tioned, under the new regulations, the rich in London, such as that slogans raised here on military questions. In tween Army regimentation and civil liberty secret pollee, are held responsible Greek and British forces aan die ehe British rulins clase fears this shilling ten pence (about 35 cents with those for the ordinary peo for the plight of the Italian peo cowardice of the Italian fight more than a thousand military worth of meat per person perple. The rich sleep in the beds The and the present allowance of one of the Savoy Hotel, and contrasts Britain and its colonies the Stalinists are ultrais possible. One simple device to secure the radical. For example, in Canada the Young Com.
desired end would be to provide for review by ple. Regime Fascista, newspaperers.
munist League recently issued a manifesto which edited by Roberto Farivacci, forever, know better. Thus Hanson week, is to be reduced to one shll civil courts of actions by court martials or of luxury you read about in the says to drafted, men: Trainees, form camp com.
mer secretary of the Pascist par. Baldwin, writing about the STRIKE STRUGGLES ling punishments inflicted on members of the pence (about 25 cents) mattress advertisements. They ty, declares but without maming Italo Greek war in the New York IN BRITAIN worth. This for the first time. have dance floors, orchestras and mittees, to protect your daily interests. Fight armed forces by officers.
names that these profiteers Times on November 26, says, And One of the indicative symptoms till also affect the soldiers, sail bars. There is no crowding: all against the fascist officers clique in the army.
What are these civil courts anyhow? Fair and should be shot.
the heart of the Italians is not that the workers of England are ors and airmen, who up to now the comforts of home and aristoc(Daily Worker, Dec. 15. In the United States, however, no slogans retalist class? if Professor Ming doesn know from says La Vita Italiana. There are few picked Fascist troops, the interests of British imperialisme antonance imam dedi amach larger ratic club are there. The ever present nurses and motely resembling this are raised. Here there his own personal experience, let him ask workers many other things of prime ne Italian army seems to have no is the persistence of strikes in More and more, the British rul physicians in such places add to is not a whisper of soldiers committees from the cessity. With things increasing Illusions of the glory.
vital British industries. The news ing class is introducing those ex. the feeling of security. It is easy Stalinists. After all, the United States is the who have been out on strike. Let him ask a Not courage but morale, is the of these strikes has managed to tremes of exploitation which they there to forget the hundreds of poor man who has tried to sue a rich corporation. aries to remain unaltered La decisive factor in the Italian mill. trickle through the rigid British have hitherto condemned on the thousands cramped in their chill unquestioned dominant figure among the democOr let him look up the decisions of the courts Vita of course offers no answer tary defeats. The Italian soldier censorship. And they are parti part of the Nazl and fascist re Anderson shelters, the millions racies, and the one which Stalin will have to with regard to the Negro people, the courts ap to its own question, but hopes to the direct descendant of the cularly significant because they gimes.
court, if Germany loses the initiative in the war.
who sleep in ordinary basements, proval of segregation in education and on trolley mollify the masses by echoing magnificent fighters under Gart are waged in defiance of the diccars, their approval of the poll tax and the white The following Hem appeared in and the great army of those who their feelings.
baldi doesn want to fight in tatorial law against strikes. the Post, December 19: But most of all, it is the increasing this war. He does not believel The New York Times, December primary laws and the other legislation aimed at LONDON, Dec. 19 (AP. Be platforms or the cobblestones un are glad to have concrete subway maintaining white supremacy.
der the arches below them if only If we consider here not the words about justhey are safe from the death and tice that are written into the laws, but really dismembermentrained from understand how they work, then we can under above. New York Post, Dec. 23. stand that workers in the armed forces, colored POVERTY FOR NOW; or white, would get no better treatment from the PROMISES FOR LATER There been lots of talk about labor sabot.
civil courts than they do from the military. In It is a sign of the complete de age of the war program, but here one story fact, the consistent refusal of the civil courts to generation and incapacity of the of sabotage that they haven been yelling about.
interfere with military decisions, is proof that British ruling class that it perthey approve segregation, discrimination and demits this fantastic spectacle to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, was for a few years the so on. Future historians will re home of the Army Field Artillery School. The nial of freedom of speech as practiced by the of By MARY DANTE the role they began to play in more because she is secure. things the housewife can in cord that not all the previous site was considered unsatisfactory as the years ficer caste, and don want to interfere with it.
The role of the woman worker the labor movement, the Knights Whether as the wife of a worker a strike.
contrasts between rich and poor went by It was an area of subnormal rain fall, If you really want to abolish Jim Crowism, if has always been a decisive factor of Labor, in 1881, admitted or as a woman in the factory, We cite a few examples of the drove the British masses toward and the water shortage was getting worse with you really want to protect the rights and improve in the history of the trade union women into their organization. She is just as much an integral militant work of housewives dur revolution as much as did the the years. But the school had a normal garrison the conditions of the soldiers and sailors, there of about 3, 400 men, their water supply could be can be no half way measures: the officers will ized her as a source of cheap mitted women into all their na her interest lies and she must tile strike, 1926 7, the housewives ground shelters of the rich.
labor and later to replace mentional and international unions. Sght for its emancipation. More organized into the Council of Nor is it that the British rul supplemented by bringing in water, and the usual either have the power to do what they want, or who were engaged in union acinertia of the army kept the school there. But they won Either you go the whole hog and tivities. He used every means contributed their share of hard stantly finds herself affected which members belonged and concer. Every week Harold Laski, the situation was conceded to be bad.
take control of military training away from the available to create hostility be work and sacrifice to the organ directly or indirectly by the suc tributed from all over the na: Raymond Postgate and other aYet, in September, when the Forty fth Naofficer caste completely or you waste your time tween men and women workers. ization of many unions, some of cesses and failures of the trade tion. These women set up child. Sor supporters of the war wall tional Guard Division, comprising Oklahoma, Ari.
and bat your head against a stone wall. Any it was not long before women which today are among the union and labor movement as a ren kitchens from which 500 in The Tribune: We wonder if zona, Colorado, New Mexico and Arkansas, was program which falls short of military training recognized the fact that had strongest in the American labor whole. She and her children will children a day were fed. On the Mr. Churchill is aware that, in under control of the workers themselves is one a serious economie problem to movement.
ordered to active duty, an astonishing thing hapalways be affected by the wage picket lines the wives took their spite of all the talk, there is no pened. Fort Sill was selected as the site for the which leaves the reactionary officers with full solve. Some effective means of The ten hour day, then the cuts and working conditions of share of picket duty. evacuation scheme. no power, and is therefore completely ineffective and resisting the boss was necessary, cight hour day, labor legislation, her husband.
Division tent camp! Every army officer who The only answer was organized higher wages and better condi. During a strike in which her In the great steel strike in improvements of shelters. The useless.
knew his business knew the trouble with Fort unions such as those the men had. tions enjoyed by workers today, husband is involved her role is Gary Indiana, the wives and outcome of the war may well de Sill but nevertheless it became the site for the Correction So we have the daughters of are the result of the militant doubly important. The morale of daughters of strikers organized pend on the speed and efficiency tent camp which was eventually to house some In our pamphlet on the Philadelphia men, native New England farmers in struggles of men and women the striker depends much on the and marched en masse to the of adequate sheltering. But 30, 000 to 40, 000 men. total of 8, 500 men and officers were sent issued before their discharge, wo feared because Dover, 1828, organizing one workers. Women alongside of the understanding and cooperation of steel mills and helped persuade to no purpose. The ruling class of the silence that surrounded the case that the of the first walkouts by women, men faced tear gas and machine his wife. She must stand firm be the non strikers to join the strike. continues to rhumba at the Savoy.
into camp. Construction was started on hospital boys would be framed up in a court martial. We buildings, recreation halls, utilities, etc. The camp said, The court martial, when it takes place will monthly payments. These textile picket lines. Others were sent to give him courage to carry on his groups to contact wives of these perfectly willing to make prom workers organized street parades prison because of their militant struggle against the boss in or men and gained sympathy for the ises.
was prepared with much labor to house more than 18.
be conducted behind closed doors. The men)
der to give her and the children strike from many of their wives. Churchill, on December 21. 000 men in short order. Work went on. Soon and protest meetings to publicize action during strikes.
will not be permitted to use lawyers from the their demands. Women textile Through such experience the a better life.
In Mother Jones autobiography speaking at Harrow, exclusivo the number in camp reached 14, 000 soldiers. To workers of Lowell published a working woman also began to The boss doesn care one bit she tells of the valiant work of school for the British upper outside.
make a long story short, the tent camp Its cost According to Professor Ming, however, this is paper in 1845 called the Voice take an active part in politics about the welfare of the worker the wives of miners during classes, declared that the advan 18 estimated at 5, 000, 000 was well on the way of Industry. This newspaper Increased exploitation contin wife and family. During a strike strikes.
tages and privileges which hithnot legally correct. His explanation not only clears to completion, and many additional projects conup this point, but shows why the boys escaped was devoted to publicizing con uous struggles with the boss, he will suddenly display a pre In a society of class conflicts, erto have been enjoyed only by nected with it were completed.
ditions of women workers in the seeing the armed forces of the tended interest in then in order women in the factories and in the the few shall be far more widely Finally, in mid December e. nearly three court martial and even worse punishment than textile industry. The militant or government in action against the to persuade the wife to make homes must take their place in shared. when the war is over.
they received.
ganization of textile workers workers, opened her eyes to the her husband return to work, thus the ranks of the working class. Hitler, a few weeks ago, stated and a half months after the camp was selected Public opinion was aroused (after news of the water situation became so bad that the camp save an impetus to the women zeal meaning of this so called using her as a means to break They must recognize the unions that he will introduce the perfect had to be abandoned. The Division will be transthe arrests leaked out. You know what the workers in the printing, shoe and democratie system of govern the strike. The movies, church, as the most effective ECON socialist state. when the war is tobacco trades. Social and educa ment. Such material forces as schools and even personal con OMIC weapon of the workers.
Navy did in the face of this public outcry. They over.
ferred to Abilene, Texas as soon as a tent camp turned down the recommendation (of court tional gatherings were initiated these impelled her toward the tact are the instruments availTomorrow she will stand Thus it is, that each in turn, has been constructed there.
martial) of the captain of the Philadelphia. That by groups of organized women working class political parties able to the boss to use in con alone, that is why today the offers the benefits of a mild inno crew of Oklahoma businessmen are at the was dangerous 18 these men had been subjected workers. These groups became and away from the democratie tacting workers families.
woman must learn. Tomorrow culation of socialism, to offest bottom of it. They stood to gain and did gain to a general court martial they would have been centers of hundreds of workers parties of the boss.
Every wife should understand she will be the worker in the the dread plague, the workers from the selection of Fort Sin. They had friends where they spent their free time.
entitled to the assistance of outside counsel, and The importance of the woman and have confidence in what the factory, supporting her family among the officers who had a say in it. They re For many years women were or in the home to the working class striker is fighting for. Her place trying to earn a meagre living But the innoculation will not public hearing, a statement of charges, and the not weeping about the mistake, they made other protections which our legal system has ganized into separate local unions movement, is no less than that is with him on the picket line while the boss squeezes every work. The Italian disease will plenty out of it.
with no national or international of the woman in the factory, and at the union headquarters. ounce of energy from her. Be spread.
devised for the safeguard of the defendants, even affiliations. This was only be Marriage is no escape from the At strike headquarters there are cause tomorrow the men will be War and revolution. they were There are no indignant articles in the press if they are members of the armed forces.
cause they were refused entry problem of earning a living. Gone any number of things the wives taken from their homes and inextricably connected in 1917.
about Fort Sill. Nobody is pointing the finger Instead the brass bats decided that these men into the international unions of are the days if they ever ex can do. Arranging mass meet families, thrown into the armed It took three years, the last of indignation at those Oklahoma businessmen.
should be discharged from the Navy. not honor. the men workers. Recognizing the isted when a woman can say ings, money raising affairs, or forces of the bosses government time, for the first rumblings of Can you imagine what would happen if a trade ably. but rather, they were to be given un. significance of the self organiza that she is going to be married ganizing food and clothing com and sent out to die once again revolt. It will not take that long union made an honest mistake which cost one per desirable discharges.
tion of the women workers and and will not have to worry any mittees, are only a few of the or the battlefields.
this time!
cent of what this Fort Sill spree cost?
Women And The Class Struggle One Sabotage Case They re Not Pushing. They Play Decisive Role In The Labor Movement revolution