CommunismCommunist PartyFifth ColumnFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 4, 1941 TWORKERS UAW Fisher Body Local Local Blasts TRADE UNION FORUM Top Board Rotten Settlement NOTES The War Labor Grace Carlson Boards Of 1917 Speaking Dates Thurs.
Jan, 17 Thurs.
קו FLINT, Mich. The following and these officiais did agree unit of os neno men, and Union, depends upon the reversal Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the the text of the resolution with the Company to ne gull of at the expiration of si. months of the now existing policies of labor movement what are the workers thinking about! tell adopted by Local No. 581, Fisher 17 men causing them to be fired wigit apply. personally, as were the Departinent as prac.
by Farrell Dobbs by the Corporation, and men to the Manager of Wisher ticed by the Director, there.
us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsBody, in protest against the ae WHEREAS The Officers of Lo No. for employment. Il accepted. fore be it THESE WORKERS PICKED BOSS TEARS and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn tion of the International Execu cal. 681 and the 17 men affected they would have to serve an addi AT CHRISTMASTIDE print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open tive Board in the recent depute were offered the alternative of actional probationary period. the tional Executive Board be request RESOLVED: That the interna. THEIR OWN PROGRAM The recent strike of 000 CIO As the result of strike action, to you. Letters mitest carry name and address, but indicate if you between the UAW Cto and the cepting this Union breaking saree length of which to be decided twed to remove Immediately the aluminum workers in New Kens. a contract was signed on the do not want your name printed.
ment which was arrived at after Baker No. Management. If the present. Director from the by the removal of a kink as de the Transformer Corporation of Fisher management: nine long weeks of half hearted services were satisfactory for the of Local 581 VAW C1o. were un a. Department or face the posnel only by the Management. nota member of the International two cent raise in pay.
WHEREAS: 17 men, members negotiations on the part of the probationary period, to be determ. position he now holds and select manded by the workers, and a America, a New York City conThinks We Don velopments of the Greco Italian justly suspended by the Manage bility of a strike which the In they would have their seniority Executive Board so he may be cern, and Local No. 430 of the Realize Importance war you have not seriously con ment of Fisher No. on Septemternational stated they would fighe restored to its original date, and Bela responsible for this nexiohe peanut politician around the won an increase in wages, plus While the strike was on, every UERMW (CIO. The workers publiely, and WHEREAS: no part of the military collapse. In my opinion WHEREAS: Upon proper noti Of Italian Events WHEREAS: Bleven of these International Constitution does it the Membership in the Pittsburgh industrial area took a vacation provision. Just before the faseist regime is just waiting lication of this action by the Filmen under the settlement, aecept state that the International Union Plants, and be it finally the opportunity to sound oft Christmas a letter of Christmas for the proletarian undertaker. sher No. to the Internationaled by the G, Department, ave can remove without trial Comunit RESOLVED: That coples of to demand laws forbidding the company was handed to all against the reds in the union, greetings from the president Editor: He is not very far off. Union, Walter Reuther with back to work in Fisher No. un teemen or Stewards, and The article on Italy appearing If you consider the estimation one other of the staff of the der a siw mowil probation pe WHEREAS: This settlementation, and copies of the settlement strikes in the defense indust. manufacturing employees. The following are extracts from the in the Socialist Appeal of Dec. of the situation as expressed in Department and Locat 584 offells riod and a one year sentence of bas the effect of causing dissatis on the 17 men be given to al ries ete. etc.
Shortly after the strike ended letter: of the collapse of Italys imper yet have to analyze the character pancr conferences were held ents of the contract for Union stonment among our Membership Council convening in Detroit Dec. an election was held in this union would mail an agreement benthis 1940 for their information and Local of the Aluminum Workthe attack on Greece fail miser masses, the split among the rul und Corporation officials without lored to return to Fisher No. WHEREAS: The welfare and action.
ors of America. One of the slates type with the same enthusiasm ably, but Italian imperialism nowing stratum of the Italian bur Lovel 581 Officers being present. Det scould be paced in some other perhaps the very existence or the LOCAL 581 VAW Cro in the clection ran ona More as has been evidenced by the pay and less speed up platform. tunately, these gains place an admajority of the men. Unfor.
faces the loss of Albania and her caucracy and you will have to African empire. The collapsing state the direction in which imperialist power of Italy, due events are moving. consider the peared in a long. red Waiting ditional hardship upon the comentirely to the defeatism of the coming Italian revolution as inarticle in the Pittsburgh Press pany. The TCA Management masses, puts on the order of the evitable in the very near future which viciously attacked this has. repeatedly called the atslate: tention of the Shop Chairman to day the overthrow of the regime its realization will fundamentally and the fight for the socialist re alter the entire direction of the On the heels of a publie warn the lax attitude of a number of employees in the shop. it is volution antagonistic social currents of ing by Zonarich, interna your job to recuperate the losses The defeatism of the Italian world history if it can survive tional president of the Aluminum which TCA has incurred and is soldier masses explains the vic. the combined assaults it will face Workers, that Communists were sustaining as a result of emtory of the Greek armies over a from Germany, Britain, and the backing a slate of candidates in ployee activity. It will be in.
numerically and technically su rest of the capitalist world.
Have you carefully noted when Grace Carlson is speaking in Owen Rice (chaplain bi the Pites possible for the option suertest fully perior foe The English recog. Detroit, Mich.
your city on her national tour for the Socialist Workers Party? burgh Association of Catholic compete in the open market un nized this (the Appeal did not. RAYMOND RICE (Continued from page 1)
Here the schedule of the tour: and launched a hastily prepared pine vote that only one or the other would bother to show Trade Unionists) predicted a and successful offensive in Day Date Place Fri.
up to go through the motions.
Hlack day for the union it the methods and attitudes are creatFeb. 14 Pittsburgh ed in the TCA shop. You can Jan. Egypt. The regime of Mussolini Milwaukee Feb. 15 Sat.
slate is victorious. One of the squeeze blood out of a turnip. The article of which Raymond and Co. proceeded to change the Rice complains was George The first problem presented to this board was the quesFriday Jan. Chicago newspaper articles on this elec If TCA is unable to compete.
Sun. Feb. 16 Indianapolis general staffs and purge the Stern column, On the War tion of the strikes sweeping the 16 army cantonment conSat.
tion carried this headline: Reds This wilt mean only one thing to Mon. Feb. 17 Louisville bureaucracy; Gayda raised the Fronts, which that week limited struction jobs.
Jan. in Unions Attacked As Peril to you. either loss of employment Tues. Feb. 18 cry of Fifth Column inspired itself mainly to raising the ques.
The decision handed down by the board provided for Jan. C. Defense.
Wed. Feb. 19 St. Louis or greatly curtailed working by the British not only against tion: How far will or can HitTues.
Jan. Flint those maximum hours and minimun wages compatible with Feb. 20 Thurs.
When the votes were counted hours. It is unfortunate that Jan. Wed.
Detroit the masses but against oppon. ler let his Axis partner slip down local practices. and that the closed shop be eliminated on all Fri. Feb. 21 Memphis the More pay and less speed these sad facts have to be Thurs.
Jan. up slate had won by a wide brought forth at what is normcantonment work unless the individual contractor desires to Sat. Feb. 22 Toledo itself. The further development into the bog of military reverses Friday Jan. 10 Sun. Feb. 23 New Orleans majority. Only one of the can. ally a joyous time of the year.
of this tendency of disintegration which is rapidly engulfing the Sat. Jan. 11 Mon.
of the summits of Italian society Italian military machine? He Sintain one. The significance of this ukase is obvious.
Southern labor continued to receive slave wages. Wherever Sun. Jan. 12 Cleveland Feb. 24 New Orleans was elected. similar red bait ployee will put his shoulder to Mon. Jan. 18 Tues. Feb. 25 Houston is inevitable and can only result concluded Hitler would have to Akron the workers were previously unorganized and paid low wages ing campaign was carried on dur the wheel in an effort to earn move soon.
in collapse of the regime a reTues.
Jan. 14 Youngstown Wed. Feb. 26 ing the election in the East his job and salary.
After giving a number of signs they remained that way. And collective bargaining was wellgime which can neither satisfy Feb. 27 Wed. Jan. 18 Pittsburgh Local No. 601 of the Forgetting business for the the needs of masses nor the of an astonishingly wide fissure nigh hamstrung as long as the closed shop was illegal. This Thurs. Jan. 10 Buffalo Fri. to Feb. 28 to Los Angeles UERMW (CIO. Despite the in, moment, the letter concludes, in desires of the imperialist capital in the Italian totalitarian fac clecision was reached, not over Gompers bloody and protestThurs. March and vicinity Fri.
Jan. 17 Rochester ists. The mass basis of the here. ade. Comrade Stern said: One ing body, but by unanimous vote of the board.
tensive press campaign, none of a two line paragraph after 147 Jan. 18 Fri.
Syracuse March?
the Sat.
tofore imposing regime of Mus. cannot yet by far deduce from Sun.
Jan. 19 Boston March San Francisco ather Rice were clected in this workers, take this opportunity It is entirely probable that Gompers representative, Alsolini is crumbling.
these signs that Italy is close to Mon.
Jan. 20 Sun. March local.
to wish each and every one of Mon. March Jan. 21 Even if Hitler should come to a complete breakdown. But they pine, fought against the decision within the committee, but Tues If there were members of the you a very Merry Xmas and a Wed.
the aid of his ally, bolstering up do show how quickly reverses in once the two boss representatives had decided, Gompers Jan. 22 Tues. March 11 New Haven Communist Party on the progres Happy New Year.
the Italian imperialism, it would the field can expose the internal pledge of national unity left no course open to Alpine but to Thurs. Jan. 28 Wed. March 12 New York sive slates which were elected in The question is, what turnip offer the Italian regime not more weaknesses of a totalitarian re make the decision unanimous. That is the snare of such Thurs, March 13 to Feb than a short respite. To be ef gime. The role in these reverses these two unions they were in is being squeezed? The workers Fri.
March 14 Portland boards.
Feb. Newark March 15 Sat.
a minority. But this is entirelyqueezed a few concessions out of Wed.
fective, the German ally must of the revolutionary defeatism of Feb. March 16 Seattle beside the point. majority of this boss and now he is trying Sun.
take over the entire military bur. the Italian masses has been dealt Thurs.
The Workers Rebel Against Gompers Feb. Allentown the workers were obviously in to put a double squeeze on them.
Feb. March 17 Fri.
den of Italian imperialism: prim with by the APPEAL in previous Reading If the War Department had depended upon Gompers favor of More pay and less Yes, forgetting business for the arily because the Italian army articles and again in an article Sat. Feb. Tues. March 18 Quakertown speed up. They were not at all moment, he wishes them a very will not fight; secondly because in this issue. We confess, how ability to shove the decision down the workers throats, it was Sun. Feb. Wed March 19 Plentywood Philadelphia impressed by the dire predictions Merry Xmas, indeed.
the Germans will soon be infected ever, that unlike our complaining soon disillusioned. Angered by the betrayal, the workers Mon. Feb. 10 Thurs. March 20 Williston of a black day in the union, with the virus of Italian de correspondent we aren ready to plunged into new and more bitter strikes. By the middle of Tues. Feb, 11 Fri. March 21 Fargo and the peril to defense Join the Socialist Wed. Feb. 12 Baltimore Sat. March 22 if the exponents of this platform mans take over the entiro job velution. Our program is the re the summer the War Department. with the unanimous apThur Feb. 13 Sun, March 23 Twin Cities were elected.
proval of the board on which sat Gompers representativeWorkers Party of fighting the English in Africa, volution, now as always; that can one conceive of German im however, doesn blind us to the sent troops into the cantonments and broke the strikes wtih perialism turning back to Italy fact that Italian imperialism has bayonets.
the colonies she has to defend not yet shot its last bolt, and On July 27, 1917, a supplemental memorandum was from the English with German may temporarily be extricated signed by both the Secretary of War and Gompers extending armies?
from its difficulties by German In your treatment of the de intervention. EDITORS. the board cantonment decision to cover all work on order by, or under the supervision of the War Department.
Rightly reading in this decision a precedent that would guide the government for years to come, a great cry of protest went up from the workers. To stifle their resentment and justify his position, Gompers declared. Continued from Page 1) have against Hillman is that he With the Vultee strike still its organized strength to cut deep Payments made this week are as follows. This war regard as the rejuvenation of mankind. We management, but they are is such a piker and perfectly win. ringing in their ears, the Board into the swollen profits of the Chicago Indiana Harbor 40. 00 (labor) will make every sacrifice which may be necessary to not reconciling themselves to it. ing to sell Labor down the river bastened to wash its hands of all manufacturers. It must do all of Pittsburgh 00 make our (i. e. the government war) triumph sure. From The wave of the workers resent or the few menslyfebe. Lewis responsibility in the afteraft situ. this and constantly march for: Flint 39. 00 that moment on Gompers was not even a trade union bureau even more bitterly against their he says, recognition. He is hold thority here as they previously war period as the auto union and Minneapolis St. Paul 100. 00 crat; he was the country number one scab and war monger. own union department, is ing out for the same price that had abdicated in the case of the the rest of labor went under in New York 25. 00 This was the inevitable consequence of his endorsement of the the first sign of the rising revolt the English capitalists paid. He Ford drive. The CIO will ap France.
Texas 00 war and of the labor board.
against the whole rotten mess wants an assortment of cabinet point a director who will have The auto workers, it must now Newark 26. 50 that is being sold them under the posts and a volce in the manage full authority.
be said plainly, cannot depend on Buffalo More And More Boards name of National Defense. ment of the war drive. That is One might ask, of course, why their present leadership to push what the differences between Le the Board exists altogether, if the through this job. The present Reading 00 In rapid succession boards similar to the War Depart UAW ROARD MEETING icis and Hillman amount to and most pressing and important un leaders, shortsighted, bewildered New Haven ment were established by other government departments.
The UAW International Execu that is all they amount to. ion tasks are planned and exe and stunned by the rush of ev.
San Diego 50 The Navy Department patterned its labor board and protive Board held its quarterly meet THE FORD DRIVE cuted by other people. But only ents, have already sold themsel.
Allentown 00 ing in Cleveland last week, the How is the Board solving the an ignoramus would ask a ques. ves to the Roosevelt war govern.
cedure after the War Department precedents and the agreefirst meeting since the Atlantic pressing tasks of the organization like that. Everybody knows ment. They have taken on the job TOTAL 257. 00 ment was signed between Gompers and the assistant Secretary City CIO convention. It proceeded tion drives. With the same bril the Board is welghed down at the of Ed McGrady of NRA days and of the Navy, Franklin Roosevelt. The government, with to the union pressing problems Mance and tactical wisdom dis present time with the awesome of Sidney Hillman today the job Branch Quota Amount paid increasing enthusiasm for Gompers, began to set up addiwith customary brilliance. The played in the situation. In responsibility of how to manufac. of a fireman putting out striker BOSTON 100. 00 131. 00 131 hot potato was gingerly dis, the case of the Ford drive, the ture 500 Spitfires a day and na. and labor trouble.
PORTLAND 10. 00 10. 50 105 tional labor boards within the more important industries such posed of by tossint it back into Board acted with complete fraukturally has not the time to worry The nuto workers still believe TOLEDO maritime and clothing.
50. 00 51. 00 102 the lape of the local unions. ness. Acknowledging its bank about petty shop grievances or in Roosevelt today.
Pittsburgh They sup 10. 00 10. 00 100 There were two drawbacks to these boards, however. In Henceforth the top negotiating ruptcy in black and white, it vot cavilling demands for wage in port the National Defense setAllentown 15. 00 15. 00 100 the first place they did not prevent various governmental decommittee is a bolished. All need all questions concerning the creases.
up in the mistaken notion that gotiations will be conducted right Ford drive, its policy, selection of Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 200. 00 100 partments from competing for labor and thus inevitably raisThe Vulter strike reminded ev. they thereby help defend democ at the plants between the local personnel, etc. out of its owneryone that the mass production racy. But they are learning fast.
Milwaukee 10 10 100 ing wages to attract workers. This was naturally frowned upon union bargaining committees and hands and into the hands of Wid workers are unbeaten. They serv. This is indicated by the growing Reading 00 00 100 by the bosses. In the second place, the workers didn share the plant management. If no man, the CIO appointed Ford Di ed notice on the plutocrats that unpopularity of Hillman. This is Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 100 Gompers enthusiasm for the boards and their decisions and agreement is renched, the dispute rector.
the workers have not yet had indicated by the auto workers San Diego 50 50 100 showed an increasing determination to disregard them. may then be placed in the hands the campaign is in a crucial their way in the matter of the contempt for Walter Reuther furRockville 00 100 of the impartial umpire. Pro stage. Thousands of Ford workers coming war. That fact is brought tous efforts to land a cushy gov.
Texas The National Industrial Conference computed the man5. 00 00 100 gram of action for The have joined the UWA. Now the home even more forcibly today ernment job. The auto workers Detroit 200. 00 200. 00 100 hours of work lost due to strikes in astronomical figures and Beard did not have any, and what drive must be pushed to its na at every important union gather are bound to learn even more rapNewark 150. 00 150. 00 100 hysterically demanded that something be done about it. Even is more was considerably annoyed tural climax: either the opening ing where one meets young local idly in the coming period of tis.
Hutchinson with having its time wasted over of negotiations with the company leaders and plant stewards, burning prices and growing repres10. 00 10. 00 100 Gompers was disturbed by the maze of counter rulings and these paltry details.
St. Louis for the purpose of signing a uning with a crusading zeal for the slons. 00 00 100 interpretations propounded by the various boards. And since The Executive Board of the ion contract, or preparations for union and constantly demanding Flint 138. 00 92 he had already committed himself and the trade unions to the UAW is not a homogeneous body. the calling of a strike. Unforto more action, a former, more real plete their education. They must The auto workers must comSan Francisco 100. 00 85. 00 85 boards, why not a super board that would have jurisdiction One part, the majority. is lined nately no such perspective Seeros istic and more aggressive poliey ming away the hypnotism of the Lynn 85. 00 85 over all departments, all industries, all workers? Again Gomp up with the Lewis, Stalinist back to rexist in the mind of the Ford of their International leaders. company inspired National De Los Angeles 150. 00 123. 70 ers and Wilson saw eye to eye.
ed group: another 40 of the Director. He is depending on the These militants, still scattered and lense propaganda. They must New Haven 20. 00 16. 00 Board supports the Hillman Reu National Labor Relations unorganized, are being drawn to break openly and without equivoIn February, 1918 President Wilson appointed a comBuffalo 25. 00 19. 15 77 ther group. The conflict between on Hillman and Roosevelt to do gether by their common aspiraeation from the Roosevelt war Rochester the two groups is growing sharp the job for him. It was proper tions and a ms. That is why the government. They must cut 100 15. 00 10. 00 67 mission to explore the possibilities of the establishment of such Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 630. 00 63 a board. Within a few short weeks the commission report was for Personal belations are become Bordemand an, NL RB election at bosses, in spite of all the belly from the capitalist politicians and Philadelphia 19. 00 63 in, and in March the President announced the formation of at times to lead to an irreparable time to consolidate its position and the others, fear the union as dependent party of labor. Once 1000. 00 New York 556. 00 56 the National War Labor Board. The avowed purpose of the break. Despite all this, the fact and strengthen its defenses. But the plague itself.
Quakertown on this road the auto workers will 00 50 36 board was to prevent work stoppage during the war. It never remains that the two groups stand to depend on the NLRB or Roos The UAW has a job to do. It find no difficulty in building a Akron 10. 00 00 30 entirely succeeded in this respect but it did, with Gompers on the same principled position. evelt, to depend on anything but must launch a whirlwind cam. new union leadership out of the Youngstown 50. 00 12 help, deal terrible blows to the American labor movement.
Cleveland 70. 00 00 00 (The strikebreaking activities of the National War Roosevelt war machine and its itself, is a terrible mistake and fold the hundreds of thousands of wards and uncorrupted local un Individual Contributions 30 executive agency, the Morgan Du unless corrected, might well lead unorganized workers of the auto ton officers, who will lead the Labor Board will be reviewed next week, in the second article Pont Defense Commission. The to the same disaster that overtook motive, aircraft. steel fabrionting unlon forward on lines that give TOTALS 3517. 60 2518. 82 72 of this series. only thing Lewis and his frlends the Little Steel strike. and parts industries. It must use every assurance of success. Top Leaders Of Auto Union Are Hemmed In From Two Sides TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND 00 00 00 150. 00 100. 00 82 80 30. 00 00