DemocracyHitlerInvasionNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorld War

FOR MILITARY TRAINING UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL Just Remember The War Labor Boards Of 1917 Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party AUTO UNION ISSUES CALL FOR GENERAL MOTORS CONFERENCE Detroit This Week Hemmed In From Two Sides Of Flint Locals NEW CAFETERIA LOCAL OFFICERS ARE INDUCTED Ousted Minn.
Educator against VOL. No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1941 De 267 FIVE (5) CENTS By MICHAEL CORT War labor boards? Well, we ve had them before. William Green and Phillip Murray aren the first to demand such boards. Samuel Gompers, first President of the American Federation of Labor, not only demanded but received, such boards during the first world war. Those boards were used to lead the workers around by the nose for an entire decade.
Let look at those boards and see just how they contributed to making the world safe for democracy twenty two years ago, before Green, Murray and Flillman succeed in fastening the ring in labor nose this time.
The National War Labor Board, with jurisdiction over all disputes arising in fields of production necessary for the conduct of the war, was established by President Wilson in March, 1918. But that was only the second act in a three act tragedy that opened in the Spring of 1917 with Gompers capitulation to the War Department, and ended with the anti strike legislation of 1920.
So, our story really opens in the Spring of 1917. At that time the War Department, through its war production conGrace Carlson In tracts, was the dominant factor in the industrial and labor Chicago, Flint, scene. Its functions and activities in the field of labor included adjustments of disputes, fixing of wages and hours, and direct action on housing and the cost of living. There was no aspect of the labor problem which it did not enter the Grace Carlson national War Department was in the process of becoming the largest tour includes the following While UAW Board Honeymoons With Defense Commission, single entrepreneur in America. Just as today.
lectures during this coming week: In the Spring of 1917 the War Department let contracts Bosses Make Hay, And Workers Press Board For Action Conference Will Convene In February; for the construction of 16 army cantonments throughout the CHICAGO: Roosevelt vs.
Hitler The Struggle for EmMay Initiate New, Militant Policy country, and set completion deadlines that were all but impire in Latin America. Ham By JOHN ADAMSON possible to meet. Under cover of national defense, the con ilton Hotel, 18 South Dear DETROIT Much to the embarassment of its leadership, the tractors came into head on collision with the unions by born St. Friday, January 3, United Automobile Workers of America is beginning to play the FLINT, Mich. Dec. 28 Repeated pressure from the ranks of stretching hours 10 10 and 12 per day, cutting wages on unp.
most important role of any of the CIO unions in the unfolding nathe Flint auto workers, who refused to accept the decision of the skilled labor to 30 cents and skilled labor to 45 and 50 cents, FLINT, Mich. The Right To Life. Carpenters Hall, tional defense program. Like the top officialdom of the CIO, the GM Council and Walter Reuther denying a request for a General and filling the jobs with scabs and finks when ever union men Motors conference of the UAW, has forced the International ExecuPengelley Building, Tuesday, UAW Executive Board is growing uncomfortable under the conflictprotested. Enter Mr. Gompers.
January 7, p.
ing pressures of the Morgan DuPont Defense Commission whose tive Board to reconsider its position and to grant the membership DETROIT: War By war program it supports and of the automobile workers, whose its demand. GM conference will be held the first week in February.
Gompers Gets What He Wants Spring? Arcadia Building union the war program undermines.
Members of the leading bodies of all Flint locals of the UAW Samuel Gompers walked onto the scene with his mouth 3513 Woodward Avenue (Hall Against its own wishes the UAW leadership stands today at the Leaders Of United attended the International Executive Board meeting last week in full of phrases about saving Democracy by blood and the Thursday, January 9, head of the two biggest labor organization drives: Ford and the Cleveland, and insisted there that they grant the conference as a aircraft industry.
sword, and pledged labor to this crusade. What labor deTicket Pledge To lemocratic means of thrashing (See complete schedule of The Ford drive, tossed and bandied about for over two years, out the many problems now fue realize that in the steward syssires, he said, is that it have a voice on any board set up by Comrade Carlson tour, on was finally thrust on the UAW Carry Out Program ing the GM workers, and to find tem they would have the most the government to deal with labor and war production. Wilpage of this issue. leaders by an indignant member the hot breath on its neck even a way out of the prosent impasse. adequate method of representason recognized Gompers proposal as an easy way of dealing ship.
closer to home. The General Mo.
These officers refused to accept tion of the rank and file, and prowith labor, 11 Gompers wanted a few pats on the head. line.
The drive in the aircraft in. Lors workers, comprising over one New York Cafeteria Work. the offer of the Reuther Thomas. vide a sound basis for the settleIf his ego required easy access to the office of the President dastry, officially launched almost third of the entire unloo memers, Local 302 of the Hotel and Addes Frankensteen leadership to ment of grievances in the huge year ago, has been vegetating bership and, by every considera Restaurant Workers (AFL. ap hold a conference based on rep plants of GM. This and has of the United States. better yet. If his soul yearned for all this period. But the Vultee tion, the most decisive and best propriately celebrated the holi esentation only from local union always been shelved by the leadlabor boards. excellent. Labor, bound and delivered, was cheap at twice that price.
came like flash on the scene literally soothing with dissatisfac they inducted into office the ated conference based on per the future.
In June, 1917, Gompers appointed John Alpine, viceand in one day accomplished tion. The Flint locals. Buick, united front slate which made a capita, and this also was forced THE LIST. In the GM more than the union officials had Chevrolet and Fisher Body are clean sweep in the local elec through the Executive Board contract the company is still al.
president of the AFL, as labor representative on a three man accomplished in one year. From up in arms against the Internation recently.
lowed to employ out of seniority labor board set up by the War Department. The other two men The February conference a bunch of scissorbills and relaIn victorious mood, the crowd on the board were appointed by the Secretary of War. This. craft workers, inspired by the scy and its vicious sell out of the ot union members which packed should give the progressive mili tives. These are used as a buffer board was to have jurisdiction over the 500, 000 workers emexamples of the Vultee men are Flint Fisher Body local. The Fleet Palm Gardens celebratid, the dotants in the GM locals a good op: against the union, and give a demanding union organization, wood and Cadmac loons of Defeat of the red baiting right portunity to voice a demand for place of special privilege to ployed under War Department contracts. Its decisions were These organization campaigns troit are insistently demanding wing. Their high spirits produced a policy of militant action as come and file demands this binding and there was no appeal.
face today more formidable opro action on their months old griev. some unexpected and amusing re policy of Walter Reuther, who is list be abolished and all employes dominated group. The the ultra respectable Thus Gompers calmly gambled labor destiny in a game Red Baiters Attack sition than even the General No Forge local is taking a strike vote Booed the impartial arbitrator, so busy, playing the role of hired and laid off according to Po anots. The Detroit Chevrolet sults, as when they vigorously where the cards were stacked against him two to one. As it turned out, the cards might just as well have all been in the His 35 Appointment Little Stool encountered three men. The Cleveland Fisher local guest. One of the planks in the attempt to land himself job in bosses hands, for the majority of the board decisions were by Of Grace Carlson years ago. We are living in a is calling for immedlate negotia war period. Besides the ordinary lions on a new contract. The united front slate program was the defense set up, that he can 3. WAGES. Wages in GM have unanimous vote. Alpine servility was such that, according Ihazards of pledge to hold a referendum find time to fight for union con. not increased in proportion to to War Department records, seldom did both of the boss rep.
when challenging industrial Flint Fisher local wants Reuther of the membership on the aboli ditions in GM the needs of the workers. Today resentatives attend the sessions. They were so certain of Al ST. PAUL Dec. 27 Grace giants, these drives. y pushed to removed as Director, Hall tion of the arbitration set up WHY BOARD ACTED rising prices and cost of living (Continued on Page 2)
Carlson, candidate for Sen the very end, teod to direct head a docen unauthorized Jepart. The celebrants made cloar how demand higher wages. GM profits ator from Minnesota on the on collision beticeen the wnion and mental strikes have swept through they were going to vote!
The International Board as is continue to pour in by hundreds well known, is split into two of millions. The workers can and Trotskyite Anti War Party ticket the entire Roosereit war machine. the Flint and Detroit plants, The four speakers of the even cliques. On the one hand there is must get at least a 10 cent an during the last elections, became the Vultee strike, involving oneetc. etc.
ing were the General Officers the Reuther Thomas group, which hour blanket increase. The Chrys.
the storm center of the ouster of the smaller and less important. But a short six months ago the just clected: Costas Dritsas, Pre loyal to Hillman and Roose) ter increase in wages shows it actionary state administration grim warning of this ominous proved the present coutract. To Club. Sam Kramberg (samo against John Rockwell, sus condition.
is the Addes Frankensteen clique, day, they feel the impact of the group. Secretary Treasurer: which thus far has followed a by GEORGE STERN THE SIX MONTH CLAUSE.
pended state commissioner of And it is not only a question of practical consequences of this Larry Phillips. General Organiz policy dictated by John Lewis The GM contract provides that Organizing the unorganized work agreement and the Imid. conser er (United Progressive Group. ind is definitely leaning on Com an employe seniority does not From all indications the mili, fer to preparations for German education, During hearing on Rockers and raising the present stannative policy that inspired it and Juan Aviles. Labor Chie wunist Party support. Bol begin until he has been in the tury time table of the war is not action against Greece via Bul.
going to wait upon the scasonsgariaStill others regard the well suspension held by the dards. Like beasis of prey. the mountain of unsettled griev. United Spanish Workers Club) croups voted for the infamou plant six months. This makes it this year. The British appear to forces mainly as forces for State Board of Education yester. manufacturers are in full cry ances, endless delay, red tape and Dritsas struck the keynot outlaw strike policy, and bott possible to hire a man, work him expect the postponed Nazi inva cupation of Romania. Their ac day before a crowd of 350 people against the present conditions: buck passing demoralization of when he spoke of the fight for al groups were instrumental in put Ave months and three weeks, and in the State Office building audi. the 10 hour weck, the right to the union stewards, and tbe ro sion sometime in February. tual numbers have ranged in better contract for the 19, 000 ting over the miscrable sacrific then lay him off, preventing him Meanwhile either for purposes of these reports from 60, 000 to torium, Tedd Evans, assistant strike. etc. The manufacturers introduction of the murderous a grandiose fcint or because he 600. 000 attorney general representing campaign to house break the la. speed up on the lines. The members of the union. The prea of the 17 militants in the Flin from acquiring senioritye hiyo the state hoard, quickly turned bor movement in hitting on all workers are face to face with the sent contract expires in April Fisher lockout several week make it possible for new workers Even if the latter figure is is actually contemplating a total new unyielding attitude of the victory of the United Union on the question of the GM con to get the protection of seniority, ly different strategy. Hitler is correct and even if all three the inquiry into an investigation eight cylinders.
of Rockwell appointment of Dr. The VAW Executive Board fecis (Continued on Page 2)
the militants in the union are domoving considerable forces south of the reported purposes of Ticket showed that the workers ference, however, the Addes manding a 30 day clause, so that Carlson in 1935 to a post in the eastward, through Hungary into their movement were more or were prepared to struggle in de Frankensteen group saw an op a new man acquires seniority Rumania.
state educational department.
fense of their rights. even in portunity to get at Walter Reu after 30 days employment.
less accurately reported. it still In anticipation of either of Comrade Carlson recently re these days of national defense ther, and therefore supported the These are the main problems these moves or of both, Roosenot concentrating his main signed the post to take up full ballyhoo. Labor will never give demands of the Flint locals fo of the GM contract. Many other CO99 Jus Aviles declared that he The truth is, however, that will of course also be discussed at velt speech last Sunday time work for the Socialist Work forces along the Channel for up the right to strike, he said, a conference questions related to the contract ers Party.
served notice on the Axis that an invasion of Britain.
Evans opened the attack with non belligerency was realized his responsibility to do neither of these cliques have of Certainly there is every reasona question as to whether Rock all that can be done to aid the fered a programe the confer. paring, in addition, to voice ques of action. They Progressive unionists are pretive phase. In shrewd, decer: Sorexpect that Hitler plans this well knew that Grace Carlson had unemployed by equitable distri. will attempt to tive language, Roosevelt bution of Jobs ence for their own clique inter tions at the conference concernlaunched an attack on the to attempt roduction of the Brit New York.
ish Isles. Hitler knows that Yes, answered Rockwell.
Larry Phillips began his speech ests. At the least sign that thing union policy in general. EsNazis that was worth a dozen hy honoring those foreign born rank and file is getting up on it pocially important will be the Roosevelt threats are by no By OUR SPORTS EDITOR bombing raids to the British militants, who justly belonged on hind legs and heading for mili question of the action of the Exmeeting Meanwhile, however, Europe is means empty but that they who knew she was going to a Socialist short hard travelling body blow had Sidney Hillman, so the platform as elected officers, tant action, these clique bureau ecutive Board in the Fisher Body being covered over with that fog take time, precious time, to carry of Yumor and speculation which out. Before aid to Britain planning to open another line or on the ropes at the end of the second round of Hillman non title right to run for election by When Evans appeared to be called labor representative on the Defense Commission, hanging but had been deprived of the crats will unite against the rank dispute with the company, in and file.
which the Board, represented by out Reuther. Thomas, Frankensteen, the Nazi method of preparing to tip the scales of aerial prebim and demanded: dominance, Hitler will certainly Why don you go ahead with to labor law violators.
because they were non citizens. CONFERENCE TASKS and Addes, agreed to a vicious For the progressive unionist solution with the company which military moves.
Our readers will recall that, in the first round, Canvasback Phillips laid special emphasis First of all, it is a notable stake his present superiority on that? would like to see some a single, gigantic drive. semblance of procedure.
Hillman peddled the bike all over the ring, keeping well out of the on the task of the union in raising this conference meant forced four key militants out of fact that all the reports of the American aid to Britain can Evans returned to this line of way while billions of war orders were granted to Bethlchem Steel. ing the wages of the miscellan much more than the petty poli: the plant, took away their senior German troop movements questioning, asking whether Rock eous not assume decisive proporDuPont, and other open shop southeastward have come from well had recommended Dr. Carl Wagner Act violators, including the War Department, issued Do Anritun killed) workers in the ties of the Reuthers and the ity, and applied extreme pena. contract. The militant Frankensteens. It is an oppor. ties on all the other men involved tions this spring and summer.
tradition of Local 302 was vertunity German controlled points make heard their many in the dispute.
And precisely this spring and son appointment.
a 123. 000. 000 contract to Ford. cember 27: mainly Budapest. In place of Rockwell answered that he had. After careful consideration of tain to produce rousing shop grievances against the company summer will witness collisions There will undoubtedly be deand against the do nothing policy mands to oust Walter Reuther as the normal secrecy that would When the second round opened the protest against the award struksles for a decent contract.
of decisive importance. Bour and described her as the most of the leadership.
accompany such movements, these have been surrounded uperior and capable employe in however, Hillman appeared ne previously made to the Ford Mo Local 302 could now struggle geois military experts appear GM director of the UAW. Franklled by the taunts of the ring for Company of a contract for as never before. Phillips pointed by Buick Local No. 699, is called look favorably on this for fact The conference, first demanded ensteen and Addes will, of course, with ostentatious public notice. in general to have shifted their the department.
The ouster of Rockwell, insti. wide labor spectators, who kept the production of 500 light re lout, for the new officers had been primarily to consider proposed tional reasons. Progressive urfionThe Hungarian railway author. views on the chances of a sue. ated by the four wan Tward mavelling: Stand still and fight. connaissance cars, the War De elected on a program seeking the changes in the GM contract cessful Nazi invasion of Eng.
ities announced revision of ists will have no hesitation in jority who are appointees of the you bum! Hillman therefore at partment announced today that abolition of the artificial division land. They now believe Britain train schedules to accomodate This demand of the Buick local bouncing Reuther if possible, but ecationary Governor Stassen. is tempted to carry the fight in the the award would be allowed to of the union in separate branches high lighted the many faults for other reasons. To them Reuthe German troops and macan withstand it. The Kreman effort to retaliate against second round. opening with stand.
es division deliberately creat of the GM terial. In Rumania, likewise on. lin military specialists appear Rockwell for his pro lahor symlight left tap to the face: a proWhile his handlers were worked by the racketeers to keep the to share this belief. Before, tirely under German control.
bathics. Rockwell Mrved underest to the War Department ing frantically to revive the semi new members in the chain care sold to rement, which was ther represents the cowardly the membership policy of inaction which has typiarrival of these forces has been long before another New Year forced upon them against their he previoux Farmer Labor party ist sew Purd contract for conscious Hillman in preparation terias separated from the old better judgment, but at the in fied the whole board during the acknowledged.
rolls around. events should administration.
31. 367. 600.
last year and more.
Only after their arrival in have provided the answer.
Dr. Carlson. leading figure Whether Reuther is ousted or Infuriated by the temerity of to murmur through puffod up stores. Now the members could gistence of Reuther and the whol Whatever the outcome, the around whom the state board and its opponent, the War Depart. lips: Don that gøy know this really join hands for common executive board, Rumonia has the cloak of real not, the rank and file delegates military secrecy descended upon battle will only have been Stassen are attempting to justify ment opened up with a volley of fight supposed to be fixed?
The main questions involved ir at the conference are determined them. All kinds of inspired re another in a long and widening the ouster action against Rock right hooks that drove Canvas Hillman looks in bad shape. It was clear from the speeches the needede change to win the GM to throw out his poltes.
ports speak of German troop disseries yet to come. It will decide well, begins a national speaking back to the ropes. The fina! Betcha his seconds throw in the and the splendid morale of the (The text of the resolution positions along the Bessarabian nothing final, that decision rests tour for the Socialist Workers mighty belt, which had Hillman towel. Well he was only a set up audience that the bosses are in THE STEWARD SYSTEM Frontier, Stalin gingerly held ahead, and rests with the victim Party, starting in Milwaukee, Jan laying half out of the ring. was for the War Department, from for a fight when the new contract This demand has been a constant adopted by UAW Local No.
581, Fisher Body, appearson southwestern outpost. Others re ized peoples of the earth.
uary the following announcement of the start.
negotiations begin.
desire of the rank and file, who page of this issue. Hillman Groggy 2nd Round In