CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyLeninMarxSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 28, 1940 TWORKERS Scourge Of The Poor, Kills TRADE UNION FORUM NOTES Workers For Businessman You Can Kill Man With Tenement As Well As You Can With An Axe Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the by Farrell Dobbs labor movement what are the workers thinking about y tell By GRACE CARLSON the lung of the person who has medical science cannot keep us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops ATT. GEN. ARNOLD the anti unlon open shop in in(The author of this authori.
the disease. These germs are very patients well if they must return and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn dustry. It is well to remind the tative article on the ravages of all so that thousands may be to the terrible conditions of hung SHOWS HIS HAND Assistant Attorney General workers and the labor statesmen print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open tuberculosis among the workpresent in a tiny drop of spu er, cold and over crowding which to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you ers is now starting a crosstum. They are passed from in prevail among large sections of Thurman Arnold, who has been that he is a subordinate of a memdo not want your name printed.
country speaking tour. Among dividual to individual by direct the workers in the population, prosecuting the so called anti ber of Roosevelt cabinet, the subjects on which she will or indirect contact.
trust cases against the trade un Some Southern Negroes they able to withhold the news WAR PROGRAM EATS UP of the Spanish workers taking ions, arguing before the United speak in 35 cities will be The When tuberculosis germs at HEALTH FUNDS Learn What Stalinist Right To Life. the workers States Supreme Court, stated that, ANTI LABOR BILLS tack the body, certain natural arms, therefore, it wasn pos.
In many parts of the country. labor. should struggle for health and happisible that there could have been forces of the body fight back. especially in the south. the conted to destroy itself by factional Washington correspondent of be permit: SECRETLY PREPARED Discussions Mean evolutions in these countries, ar ness. Watch the APPEAL for These forces are called resist. ditions for the treatment of the war. This statement was made the Near York Post reports that he news had never reached worknews of when Comrade Carlance. Strong resistance with tuberculous are extremely bad. in connection with Arnold al.
yrs of other countries. then ask son will speak in your city. stands the attack of a tuber.
The sanatoria are crowded to the tempt to prosecute the officials bills siving state and local auculosis germs and the body may doors, the technical equipment of the AFL Carpenters Union as anti labor activity have been secEditor: him if he considered a change About two months ngo, a Negro of system in those countries to be In their fight against low friend of mine came to me and revolutionary when said change wages and bad working condistrong resistance will not with berculosis. collapse therapy) is strike against the AFL Machinist They are designed for submission asked for information concerning had been brought about under the lions, the trade unions are also stand the attack of many tuber lacking out patient clinies do not in the Anheuser Busch brewery at next month to nearly all state lethe Communist Party. and after rifles of Soviet troops and not fighting disease. Take as one exculosis germs. Weak resistance, exist. However, even when tuber St. Louis.
a brier discussion, he informed by the workers of said countries ample, tuberculosis which kills on the other hand, will give way culosis patients are treated in When asked by Justice Frank gislatures.
me that he had been invited to told him that couldn believe 64. 000 people in the United to the attack of even a few tuber well equipped, modern sanatoria Curter whether his argument One bill provides a ten year jail a meeting which was to be held that lenin would ever have sanc States annually. Three fifths culosis germs and if many they must be discharged into a would apply to a similar dispute sentence and 10. 000 fine for any by the and asked me if coned such action, and of course these deaths occur among inwould not like to attend with blm he never answered my question. dividuals from 15 to 45 years of body, a complete preakdown from ment. The meager rations of retro replied that it would. 11 feres with property to hinder, or course, iminediately accepted He then informed us that it age. Tuberculosis is caused by tuberculosis is almost sure to lief budgets are not adequate to the UAW CIO were to strike Ford delay or interfere with national follow the invitation for it just so hap would be better if we didn at germs which pre passed from keep them in good physical con and the Ford company union defense. Another section propened that this meeting was tu tend the meeting, explaining that sick to healthy people who in WHY WORKERS DON similar punishment for dition.
claimed that the cro was striking vides be held in a district where we he thought that our purpose was turn become sick from tubercu GRACE CARLSON GET CURED Many patients become disgust against its jurisdiction. which anyone who intentionally is had previously been doing some lo disrupt the meeting by asking lesis and infect others. NeverBecause so many workers do ed with the terrible life on reit probably would, then, according responsible for any defect in an work. It was decided that we questions, and that he was try. theless, the individual who is in death rate from tuberculosis is break down with tuberculosis bo lief and return to jobs which are to Arnold ogle this 100 would article which is intended to be would also ask some of our con ing to organize a Ford Club among a run down condition is more live times ne high among famil cause of the conditions of povertoo heavy for the person with an be a jurisdictional strike in which used in. connection with national defense.
tacts to attend with us. workers who were not advanced likely to break down from tuber is paying 10 to 20 per month ty under which workers live, the arrested case of tuberculosis. he, the great crusader, would step Virtually everything from comWhen we arrived at the hall therefore he could not afford to culosis then the individual who rent than among families paying individual worker should realize Large numbers of patients break in to save labor from destroying where the meeting was to be. we be disrupted by poiltical ques has strong resistance.
mon pins to cannon can be condown again because of these con self by factional war. 55 and more per month. Poverty that he has probably been exfound a small group of Negroestions. We then asked him why is The power to suppress compelstrued as used in national de and one white fellow. om ont he could not answer questions and duced by good food. warm cloth conly the tuberculosis germ can many contacts with fellow work sanatorium many times to die. son says Arnold so far more See moutarde rekordets bien, coins arrival, the white fellow, who ap whiat was he trying to hide. We ing, decent living conditions, ade do that. but poor housing and ere. If a case of tuberculosis 13 peared to be one of the hotshots assured him that we were not try quute rest and freedom from the subsequent crowding make it discovered in an early stage, it is service to the fight against tuber prices. Arnold refers here not to tance be applied against the trade of the local was standing ing to obstruct any progressive worry. No trade union can feel easier for the germ to spread not difficult to cure the patient culosis in the yearly Christmas the competition between business unions. The word intentionally on the steps of the hall and his action, but that there were work that its wage scales are high from person to person.
and restore him to productive seal campaign. Throughout the establishments, but to the com would be used as a convenient immediate suspicion of us causeders at this meeting who wanted enough so that its members can life. It is very tragic that over 90 rest of the year the one third petition among the workers for pretext in preparing frame ups his face to become as blank and us present, and that there were purchase all of these requisites NEGROES PAY THIS per cent of the patients admitted of the nation continues its los jobs. When he attacks the pow. against the workers.
cold as a statue of Stalin, and many who would never attend his for strong bodily resistance to PRICE OF POVERTY to the sanatoria of the country ing fight against tuberculosis, er to suppress competition in second bill would provide after about two minutes of star meeting when they knew that we disease. good start has been Because the Negroes are the are in far advanced stages of the the great scourge of the poor this case, what he is referring to each state with what amounts to ing back and forta, we turned had been refused admittance. He made, however, and the light most poorly paid, poorly housedl disease.
Moreover, American capitalism is is the right of the legitimate trade an official vigilante organization, away from him and started a con. then told 118 that we were mem must go on.
Anyone who is familiar with finding it necessary to withdraw unions to act as the exclusive bar the members of which would be Versation with the Negro workers. bers of the and he just Evidence that poverty breeds section of the population, they the problems of the working man benefits from the workers rather saining agency for the workers. tree from arrest for almost any.
and after about fifteen minutes couldn agree to our presence tuberculosis has been accumulat suffer greatly from this terrible can understand why a man con than to add to a social security Having camouflaged his real thing except treason or felony.
conversation, noticed that this one of the Negro workers, who ed by the National Tuberculosis scourge of the poor. Deaths from tinues at work for weeks and program. Public health officials sim during the early stages of in the business of strike breaking fellow with a poker face was still had been present at one of our Association. In a recent study, tuberculosis among Negroes are months after he shows signs of will be instructed to concern his anti labor campaign by con it is considered neither treason standing on the steps staring. meetings when we had answered it was shown that nine unskilled about three times as many as illness before he seeks medical themselves primarily with the aning himself mainly to the juris. nor a felony to club down the It was so evident that this fel questions of a Stalinist and ex workers died from tuberculosis among whites. As a matter of advice and is sent to sanator health of the prospective condictional disputes in the AFL Ar striking workers on a pleket line.
low was in a terrific strain that tended him an invitation to at to every professional or business fact, the death rate from tuberium. Even where he is a union, scripts. Thus finally decided to put him attend following meetings and ask man who died of this disease culosis among Negroes today is there is little sick leave allowed public health watey allotted for old is now preparing his second This becomes a matter of civic work will be turned anti trust prosecution in dis. These bills will be introduced and more brazen line of attack duty.
ease, so informed him of the all the questions that he wished The death rate from tuberculosis the same as it was among whites to the worker by his boss. Long over to the armament program.
fact that we had not met before told this fellow that he could not among skilled workers as well as in 1910. It is clearly apparent periods of illness for the bread Today the fight for health, for piles between the AFL and Co in the state legislatures behind a He then introduced himself and see any reason why we should office workers is three times as that the progress of medical winner of the family mean hung decent living conditions, for even the final stage will be a direct smoke screen of hysterical agitaasked how we had heard that not be allowed to attend and said high as the rate for professional science, in cutting down the deather, cold, worry, and under a minimum of social security be assist upon the established printion against subversive activ.
to be. ities. sabotage, and espionand business men. Tuberculosis rate from tuberculosis, has not nourishment for the wife and comes a fight against the basicples of union he wanted to know what we from any meeting before. He also Arnold is fighting to maintain age.
thought of the answered told him that we were holding paid workers than among those whites. This in a land of equal wonder, then, that workers strug itself. There is no longer a midthat believed in the teaching of meetings in his house and extend who are well paid. Although aity. gle along at their heavy. jobs for dle way. The worker must take Marx and Lenin, but that didn ed an invitation to attend these few occupations like mining, Tuberculosis, could be wiped long periods with the burden of a stand either for the preservabelieve that the was follow meetings.
ing this revolutionary course. After leaving the meeting place definite hazard for tuberculosis, which breed tuberculosis could be chest and other symptoms of tu workers and their families the stone cutting and grinding are a out if the conditions of poverty coughing, indigestion, pain in the tion of capitalism which deries whereupon he began to assure us we met a group of people on their the chief influence of occupation eliminated and if every person berculosis rather than risk un necessities of life, or he must that the was still revolu. way to the meeting. After a few on tuberculosis is the wage level with an active case of tubercu employment.
accept the revolutionary socialtionary and pointed in proof that minutes discussion with them. and the standard of living that losis could be placed in a sana Tuberculosis will not be con ist position and work for the esonly recently there had been re they decided that if we couldn volutions in Latvia and Lithu attend the meeting, neither would goes with it.
torium for the cure. The germs quered until poverty is abolished tablishment of a society of peace ania.
they. They said that they would Another study shows that the that cause tuberculosis grow in from the face of the earth. Even and plenty.
Another comrade then asked pass the word around through the We ve been forced to the con great interest by these workers, him why it was that we had never district as to what had happened, clusion that we threw overboard who look for our interpretation; heard of these revolutions, He and they did.
answered that the boss press The results were: a good thing when we dropped they may be skeptical, they may miserable wouldn carry a story such as failure for the Stalinists in the the heading APPEAL ARMY be more pessimistic about the refor this department. Today the volution than we, but they want that. The comrade then informed organization of a Ford club, and him that the boss press was not also their awakening to the fact title APPEAL ARMY des to know what we have to say.
able to keep the news from ths that the Trotskyists have moved cribes, better than anything we And at the right period, when can think of, the well organized their experiences have taught when the workers took arms in in.
Russia in 1917 and neither were Texas bodies of comrades who cover the them many things they today do BILL GREEN nation important industrial not know, they will remember areas each week with increasing how right we were all along. In (Continued from Page 1) the union six years. He came inimever to permit him at anycostgressives and the Spanish Work. ly larger bundles of the SO. that sense, our paper today is dependent Hellenic Club, Chels with the organization of the Folto win office in the union. As ers Club, includes a pledge to put CIALIST APPEAL. So we relaying the ground work among The following payments were made this week: and Cooks Committee, Polish. tis Pisher cafeteria chain in 1934. a leader of the New York Amal the adjustment board before the vive the title APPEAL ARMY. hundreds of militants for great Ukranian Committee, Committee From the first he distinguished samated Hotel Strike in 1934. membership for a referendum Newark organizational expansion in the 23. 00 of Miscellaneous Workers, and himself as a militant unionist and James Gordon emerged vote. The progressives and Span FRONT RANKS future. It will be to us they turn, New York 96. 00 Women Comunittee.
a particularly agressive fighter as an oustanding union fight. ish Workers contend that the ad FOR CHICAGO. Portland because we have pounded away 10. 50 Stepping into ranks previously week after week, we have been against the racketeers. He was er. He was General Organ justment board is a backward step Pittsburgh 00 OUTSTANDING CONTEST clected to the executive board in Izer of Local 110 before its merger leading to compulsory arbitration. monopolized by Minneapolis and there with our program and our Flint Most significant individual con20. 00 December, 1935, and served a year with Local 302 in 1936. As the and one which provides the union Newark and exceeded only by criticism of all the stupidities of San Francisco 30. 00 test of the election was the race and a half term. In August, 1936, original organizer of the United conservatives and reactionaries, New Haven of Larry Philips, for six years he was a delegate to the intern. Progressive Club, Gordon has the as well as the bosses, with a well into the front ranks of the Apour exposure of all the lies of the 75 a bitter and outspoken opponent ational convention of his union satisfaction at last of witnessing pon to hold up and sidetrack mil. peal Army with a doubling of its bosses. They will remember our St. Louis 00 of the reactionaries and racketeers. He has also served on two con. the program for which he has itant action.
bundle order. For a full month consistency; they will be ashamed Allentown 00 against William Kincheloe, chief tract negotiation committees fought so tong become realizable. Representatives of the United now, the Chicago branch has been of their former indifference, or Toledo 00 spokesman for the United Rights, In the local elections of 1938 Quakertown During the campaign, it became Progressive Club and the United taking 000 copies of the AP their former failure to under2. 50 as they are and 1939, Phillips ran unsuccess apparent that there were no more Spanish Workers have declared PEAL each week. and getting to stand. When this time comes, and Rochester 10. 00 is nown to the food workers fully against Kramberg for the active and vigorous groups than that the task ahead for the new new layers of the working class it is coming fast, we will reap Los Angeles The election of Phillips marks secretary treasurship. Kramberg at the United Progressives and Unit officers is to prove to the mem30. 00 with them.
Philadelphia the first time that a present mem that time had formed a joint slate ed Spanish Workers Club. Abership that they really intend to the harvest of what may seem 00 ber of the United Progressive with Mesevich Comrade now now to many comrades a painful Chicago 25. 00 great deal of credit goes to these carry out the program which the as Chicago literature agent task, or a thankless one. In this Club, for years the most consist.
Buffalo Among the United Progressive groups for their indefatigable la membership endorsed in the elecwrites: Our work is going way our paper. and our consistent 00 Hutchinson 10. 00 machine, and the initiators of the members elected to office are John bors in rallying the membership nem the Bilsbury, Branch organizer: to the United Union ticket. gressive declared, Our job has covering two unions, a po wae to lishing Us as a leading force speed. We are distribution of our paper, plays As one leader of the Pro forward full Boston 14. 00 united front election proposal, has Joseph Fox, Branch business a most important role in estab.
This program of the United Un. Just begun! This will be a real the Negro area, and TOTAL 299. 75 been named to one of the four agent: Sidney Moraski, Harry Pelton Committee, which was pub vietory for the union members house work on Sundays. Our among workers. Branches which Branch Quota key posts of Local 302.
Amount paid Kincheloe, who had been attach Boston 100. 00 131. 00 131 ed formerly to the United Progres Sam executive board members; issue of the Socialist Appeal, In they voted is carried out. Every serious attitude toward regular their future work more difficult.
Portland 10. 00 10. 50 sive Club and was expelled some Branch Gus Sosa and Christ drive in which the entire mem members are saying Produce, or Roth, vice president of cludes a general organization officer is now on the spot. The 105 work with the press. In Flint we have had all exToledo 50. 00 51. 00 102 time ago for pursuing recationary Cordista, general council membership will partielpate; the abol. else. Rain or shine our papers are tremes in the reception of the Milwaukee going out at the regular time. Appeal at the plants. There have 00 10 102 policies in the union, made a bloc bers: Victor Gregorson, Branch ition of separate branches and the Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 The test will come this spring and we will double our order heen times when we had to face 100 in this election, together with his executive board member. Ja elimination of wage differentials; Detroit every time there is the slightest not merely indifference, but ac200. 00 200. 00 100 followers, with William Mosevich, mes Gordon, delegate to the Cena vigorous fight for the miscella when the contracts run out excuse.
Rockville 00 00 leader of 100 racketeers. His a tral Trades and Labor Assembly. neous and women workers, whose big fight with the bosses is in tual physical assault from misHutchinson taken workers. On one occasion 10. 00 10. 00 tacks on Phillips and the United These, together with Phillips, have conditions are the worst in the the offing. Only militant labor DAFTALMOUS FLINT St. Louis remember had a regular picket 00 Progressives went the limit in been the especial targets of the industry: general wage increases action will get results, as most No words of ours need be added squad of unionists surround me 00 100 slanderous red baiting.
Pittsburgh 10. 00 00 90 reactionaries for years.
Allentown Phillips election was undoub.
and the improvement of working of the members realize. They have to the following inspiring letter, and forbid me to sell the papers.
15. 00 13. 00 Fox was a leader of the Square conditions throughout the industedly the bitterest dose which the Deal group, the first to challenge try against any form of discrim put their hopes in the new leader received last week from a lead On the other hand, have had San Francisco 100. 00 85. 00 85 them stand in line and wait to Lynn 100. 00 85. 00 United Rights had to swallow. It the rule of the racketeers. The ination on the job or in the union ship to be the fighting spearheading Flint comrade: was he who single handed at the racketeers expelled him for this on the grounds of race, creed, col of such action. And they will be It quite a commentary get a paper. this is only a proNewark 150. 00 128. 50 82 AFI, state convention in August in 1935; but he was reinstated by or, nationality or political belief: satisfied only with results.
all other so called radical par cess of political development Los Angeles 150. 00 123. 70 challenged the program of colla the membership in 1937. protection of the jobs and senior ties that none of them dare to which always seethes in workers Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 160. 07 boration with the boss political Sam Roth is the editor of The ity rights of conscripted members distribute their papers at the minds.
New Haven 20. 00 14. 00 machines advocated by the AFL Spotlight, publication of the Unit. Pull measures to safeguard the un plants, or in any way to individ Other parties don risk going Rochester 15. 00 10. 00 cliefs and who proposed the ini. ed Progressives which has been employed members and to secure ual workers except through the to the workers in periods of reIn Los Angeles Flint 150. 00 tiation of an independent labor mercilessly pilloring the right more jobs; democratie adminis99. 00 mails. By means of regular week action. We find our way to them 66 political party. He met combined wing.
Buffalo 25. 00 16. 15 in and week out plant distribu at all times. We understand them, 288ault of Willkieites and Roos.
tration of the unton, with the Buy the APPEAL attion the Appeal has been made and we patiently explain. We Philadelphia 30. 00 19. 00 New York eveltians alike. Although a num. GORDON BEGAN THE JOB 531, 00 53. ber of Stalinists were delegates at The election of James Gordon to union posts from above.
on all issues, and no appointments Lazerus Candy Store 2109 Minneapolis and St. Paul 1000. 00 paper is so well known as ours. will learn to respect us for that 530. 00 hat convention, none took the marks the first real recognition Brooklyn Ave.
The workers have come to ex quality. They know we mean Quakertown 00 50 floor in defense of Phillips prop by Local 302 of the worker who ARBITRATION ISSUE Book Store 1st St.
pect us at the plant gates; if we business, and that we are not Akron 10. 00 00 wal. Phillips AFL convention has borne the blows of the rack of vital importance for the fu Rowan Ave.
miss a week they wonder why. merely fair weather friends.
Youngstown 50. 00 00 12 speech led to the split between eteers longest. Gordon is undoubture is the question of the adjustwhere were we. We are a sort Individual Contributions Sam Smit Newsstand 5th 30 Kincheloe and the United Progres. tedly more hated and feared by ment or arbitration board.
of institution.
Join the Socialist the reactionaries than any other The united front program. thanks Main St.
TOTALS 3509. 10 2261. 82 64 With every crisis in events Phillips has been a member of man. They had openly vowed to the insistence of the United Prothe Appeal is looked for with Workers Party APPEAL ARMY Cafeteria Workers United Front Makes Clean Sweep In Elections TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND or Crapshooters serving ol 100 87 85 82 80 70 67 65 63 1000. 00 53 36 30