BourgeoisieCapitalismDeath SentenceDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalJohn DeweyMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

Socialist Appeal FOR ORGANIZATION OF AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY FOR MILITARY TRAINING UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party VOL. IV No. 52 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1940 267 FIVE (5) CENTS CIO WARNS AGAINST HOME GUARD BILL Cafeteria Workers United Front Bad Housing Spreads Sabotage Bill Makes Clean Sweep In Elections Iness In Army Camps Also Denounced Flint Auto Workers Negro Sailors Hear Grace Carlson Defended By Boston Meeting about.
Waller Gets Stay Of Execution With thousands of soldiers housed in totally inadequate tents and living conditions unfit for human being while storms Only Military Law Could Touch Guards, Red Baiters Fail To Win Single Post sweep through them, a full fledged influenza epidemic threat Murray Points Out; But He Fails To ens to sweep the army camps.
In Local 302; Winners Are Pledged To Dr. James Dolce, in charge of sanitary reports for the Public Health Service, last week reported the following condiIndict Their Purely Anti Labor Role Carry Out Militant Union Program Tuesday, Jan. tions in the army camps: Camp Murray, Washington, where 12, 000 soldiers are staWASHINGTON, Dec. 23 The CIO has taken a stand against tioned, topped all army camps in influenza cases, with a total of The United Union Ticket, united front slate of the militant FLINT, Mich. Grace Carl682 cases on Dec.
the model Home Guard and Sabotage bills, proposed by the son national tour brings her workers of New York Cafeteria Local 302, Hotel and Restaurant BOSTON Dec. 20 mass here on Tuesday, January bosses for adoption by state legislatures as national deferise There were 1, 328 cases of respiratory illness in Camp MurWorkers Union (AFL. has just scored a decisive election victory measures.
over the United Right Ticket, candidates of the reactionaries and at Carpenters Hall, meeting of Negro and white ray, according to the Army Surgeon General office.
Pengelley Building.
workers was held here this evenScoring the Home Guard bill, which would replace the National Camp Clapsop, Oregon, had 251 influenza cases among its the remnants of the racketeers who at one time dominated the food She going to give a talk ing under the auspices of the So 875 soldiers.
Guard units taken into the regular army by military bodies under workers union. The elections were held December 17 and 18.
on a subject which the work cialist Workers Party to protest Camp Beauregard, where most of the Michigan men are complete military direction, Philip Murray, newly elected CIO preThe final tabulation of the vote gave a three to two majority ers of this auto city are cer the mistreatment of the Negro stationed, had 480 respiratory cases out of 10. 000 soldiers in camp.
sident, today called on all members and affiliates of the CIO to opto the united front candidates. The total vote cast was 5, 098. The tainly interested in: The sailors on the Philadelphia At Alexandria, La. there were 30. 000 cases of colds, influenpose this bill on the grounds that It leaves these state guard units union has 10. 000 members.
Right To Life, a graphic pic. and to demand the discontinua completely free from any civil responsibility for their acts by mak.
All posts in the and ture of what the auto bosses za and fever. This is a city where 35, 000 army camp workers and tion of the government policy ing them responsible to military law only.
and their kind do to the lives defense project laborers are stationed.
branches of the local, as well as of Jim Crow in the Navy and Murray did not, unfortunately, of the workers in their grip.
all general offices of the entire other armed forces.
And the comment of the health service on all this was.
oppose the establishment of a drive of the bosses and the govern.
local, were won by the militants, Comrade Carlson knows There is no cause for alarm.
By unanimous vote, the meet Home Cuard altogether, but mer ment.
what she talking as an aroused union membership ing adopted a telegram to be sent It is a fortunate accident that the current epidemic is inely the provision of this partie The model sabotage bill comes finally cleaned house of the bossShe worked with and talked to Secretary of the Navy Knox fluenza of a mild form. Nevertheless, it reflects the fact that the utar ball fixing the control of the in for even stronger criticism by minded, super patriotic jingoes with thousands of workers. and Admval Nimitx calling for men are subjected to dangerously unsanitary living standards. Home Guard. This section of the President Murray. This bill, saya during her years of connection release of the two imprisoned Ne.
and gangsters who have been at Strict army censorship has succeeded in keeping out of the bill should be stricken, declared Murray, would make it a felony tempting to throttle the local.
with the famous Glen Lake gro messinen on the Philapublic eye any protests against these conditions which the draft Murray. Its place. there for any person intentionally to During the campaign, the United Sanatorium, the Minnesota delphia, and revocation of the sun ees may be making.
should be provisous protecting Interfere with the production of Right crew had the open support Department of Education and desirable discharges of 13 other the rights of workers and the ate plants and intentionally to national defense articles in priya of the bosses and the backing of its subdivisions which handled Negro sailors.
community at large against any Call to note defects in products.
the reactionary bureaucrats headworkers who fell victim to The meeting alo voted to send lawless acts by the State guard it would also authorize local of: ing the international union.
disease or industrial accidents. letters of commendation to cuch units.
of the 15 men involved in this Flint auto workers! Come ficials to close streets and public The successful United Union out and hear this Minnesota case, which arose when they wrote candidates for the leading posts STRIKEBREAKING FORCE highways adjoining private plants were Costas Dritsas, of the United trade unionist and spokesman a letter exposing the maltreatment Murray fails to point out engaged in rational defense profor our party!
and Jim Crow against Negroes in Rank and File Club, President: the fact that the proposed duction.
the Navy. The telegram adopted Home Guard as such, whether un Murray charged: The sabotage Sam Kramberg, of the same group.
by the meeting informs these Secretary Treasurer: Larry Phil.
der mit or civilian law, is provisions of the bill are of such lips, of the United Progressive courageous sailors that workers intended solely strike break a nature that they could be readunited front was based on a cen back home. Negro and white, are ing arined force, similar to the lily used to suppress strikes or Group. General Organizer; and utne fighting program in the in backing them up.
National Guard, and which will other union activity to improve Juan Aviles, of the United SpanĐI Morers Club, Labor Chiết LARRY PHILLIPS terests of all the good workerel Atommittee was estabeislauad Labor And Negro Protests Win Delay be controlled by the bosses in any wages, hours and working com: This election campaign has held the food industry and by the gen event, whether under military or aftions. Reactionary local author Such a united front has been the meeting to continue the work civil law.
ities would try to invoke the pen.
the attention of the entire New York labor movement. The vicJust as cighty percent of Na alities of this bill upon the ground eral anti labor pro war drive of unprecedented in the labor move of organizing protest in this case tory of the united front ticket is the government and the best ment here. It included workers and to carry on the fight against Of Sharecropper Death Sentence tonal Guard duty has been in that labor union action resulted Press. It demonstrates once again of many different nationalities all Jim Crow practices in the arm. enforcing the right to work dur. in interference with national de right wing sector of the union light in their own interests and cluded adherents of various workOdell Waller, Negro sharecrop for Tom Mooney and in the Saeco will be employed.
ing strikes, so the Home Guards rense production.
The bill contains a so called er.
thovement here.
per of Virginia, who was con. Vanzetti case. He served as legal The victory takes on double sis employers.
to resist the propaganda of the ing class political parties. the The action of Murray and the emption in the case of acts with Rights were yelling Trotskyite Attention Chicago!
demned to execution by an all advisor for the international Concio, nevertheles sharply focuses in the rights guaranteed by the nificance in the light of the terwhite jury including ten land mission of Inquiry, headed rific pressure exerted on the un. UNITED FRONT DID who even looked militant. It in. Il Grace Carlson lords for the self defense John Dewey, which investigated bor movement on two of the most But, statos Murray. never.
the attention of the organized 14 National Labor Relations Act.
ion members, not only by the The decisivo actor leading to cluded different crafts chefs.
slaying of his white land the charges against Leon Trock, menacing bills ever proposed theless the enforcement of the law right wing clique whose sole pro this victory was the united front cooks, countermen and unskilled lord, has won a stay ay of execution made in the Moscow Trials and against labor.
would be in the hands of thougram was rodinating and patriote established by an the groups in categories All combined on the Speaks On Friday until March 14, 1941. The stay acquitted him.
sand different local prosecutors appeals in the interest of nation the union which were opposed to one supreme immediate task con was granted by Governor James The stay of Waller execution WHAT LABOR NEEDS and judges, and the exemption al defense. but by the bosses in red baiting. What is more, the fronting the union membership: Price, after many protests was granted on the plea of un This Home Gaard bill, and the could easily be rendered mean smashing the menace of the rack. Grace Carlson, Sena from progressivo Negro and la. fairness in the selection of the concern it has evoked even in con ingless by word juggling.
eteer and boss controlled labor torial candidate of our party bor organizations throughout the jury and prejudicial pressure onservative labor circles, underlines fakers. The chief obstruction in Here again, however, Murray in Minnesota, now opening country.
it from the outside the need for the trade unions to backwaters, and says some sab.
the path of the union member national tour, speaks in ChiWaller shot his white planterThis stay does not end the men press for the countermeasures otage laws are needed, but en.
ship has been blasted away. With cago this coming week.
boss, Oscar Davis, after the lat. ance Waller life. but merely lons advocated by the Socialist forcemene should be federal.
the program sponsored by the Her first lecture will be ter threatened him when he came delays his execution until the Vir Worker Party The conduct of the government of united front, the rank and he by GEORGE STERN Friday, January 3, at p. Labor needs its own organized theials in the Vultee strike and the for his wages and those of his sina Supreme Court reviews the at last have the opportunity of at the Hamilton Hotel, 18 defenses, Workers Bethlehem Stec situation, as wen The fateful year of 1940 draws cleanly and swiftly. Everywhere concentrating on the job of win.
wife and aged mother, who had case. The fight to save Waller and trained must he continued, as in all likeli Defense Guards, against the grows in its policy of granting war South Dearborn Street. The also worked for Davis.
to a close. Amid all the bloating but in Russia, they failed. The wing decent conditions in one of subject will be: Roosevelt vs.
bood the white ruling class courto ing danger of employer inspirert ardere to labor law violators, about Xmas goodwill and peace workers lacked the revolutionary the most extensive and exploited Hitler The Struggle for EmOutstanding attorneys, such as in furtber bearings will endeavor vigilantes, fascist gangs, profes. shows clearly cough how little on carth, the carnage goes on. parties capable of leading to vie. Industries in New York City, pire in Latin America.
John Finerty and Toomas 11. to coprict Waller more legally. sfonal strike breakers and simi. labor interests would be regard.
The coming year can only wit tory. The socialists and other where over 100, 000 food workers The Workers Defense League. lar nutfits which are taking aded in the enforcement of such a Stone, are acting as defcuse coun. For Comrade Carlson ness its extension to even broud fakers who led them were con are employed.
sel for Waller, testifying to the wbiet is in charge of Walier vantage of the anti labor pro war law under federal jurisdiction.
other lectures and conferences er fronts, a deepening of the hor cerned not with building a new. The groups officially forming vital importance of this case as defense. has asked for urgently in Chicago, ask for informa.
Fol s, an unimaginable inerouse of power of the workers but with the United Uvion Committee were typifying the miserable servitude needed funds to carry on the fight.
the tension, the suffering. the preserving the power of the boss the United Rank and File Club, tion at the Chicago headquartto which the Negro masses in the unds may be sent to the League crs of the SWP: 160 Wells mass privation engendered by the es. For these crimes and failures, the United Progressive Group southern Bourbon states are sub in carc of its secretary. David Street, Room 200. world war of the bosses.
isolated workers Russia had to United Spanish Workers Club. To Clendeniu. 119 19th Street, New The past twelve months have pay by passing into the control (Continued on Page 2)
Mr. iscrty was defense counsel York City.
witnessed volcanic changes in the of the Bonapartist clique of Stal political map of Europe. Mori in. The capitalist world retched bund bourgeois democracy went and writhed on into a new world down in Norway. Holland, Bel conflict.
The First Businessman Is Called Up In xium, and finally in proud France, This war is encompassing the where it was cradled. Totalitar. destruction of the old political Flint And The Board Asks New Ruling ian Germany became master of system of capitalism as we have the continent and came to grips known it for three centuries. The with England for mastery of the new totalitarianism is the har.
FLINT. Mich. Flint business men are regarded by local draft world. England itself shed itsene capitalist order, a system democratic fig leaf and is girding for r of a new political system boards as a special group entitled to extraordinary considerations. special national convention Workers Party hereby it up to date and correspond all its strength for the test that based upon contracted produe of the Socialist Workers Party solves: What applies for an ordinary working stiff just doesn apply for with new developments which the coming year must bring. And tion and reduction the masses was held at Irving Plaza Hall in a respectable business man who has many, many responsibilities.
even England leaders admit o unrelieved slavery. And in thi: New York City on Sunday, Dec. its affiliation to the Fourth In. To formally discontinue have transpired since the Foun.
Imprisoned By dation Convention.
mainly looking after his profits.
that afterward, win or lose process, millions must die and 21. convened at the call of the ternational as of this date.
British Police case in point came up recently when to the great embarrass. This task can be performed things can never return to their stuffer and starve ment of Flint draft board No. 1, the manager of a large store in old grooves The old way is gone. The great National Committee to consider To continue its struggle satisfactorily only after ad.
equate time has been provided Flint drew a number which required his immediate examination for The capitalist system has long question is still before us: Who possible problems which may for consideration of proposed autonomous party. ierre Frank, a French re.
service. Still more embarrassing for the draft board flunkeys all been incapable of providing ade shall usher it out? Who xhan arise under reactionary federal for socialism as a completely changes and their discussion in While complying with the volutionist, has been sentenced of them middle class citizens with quately for society needs. The build the new world and what legislation recently adopted.
the ranks of the party. As a The main report was made by provisions of the aforesaid Can a selectee be given 60 days to six months at hard labor proper respect for business man first world war of 25 years ago kind of a world should that he?
first exposed the cancers that we say there is still time for James Cunnon, National Secstep towards the preparation of legislation, we affirm our opagers this particular business in which to wind up his business by a London police tribunal.
this task, the Fourth (Special) Frank explained to the au man passed the physical exam affairs? asked draft board No.
position to this and any similar were already then destroy the workers of the world to take retary.
irg it. That conflict brought the into THEIR hands the business. Two resolutions were adopted measures designed to disrupt National Convention resolves: thorities that he had been con ination and was ready for im. Amplifying its question, the crisis of society to a time of of re making the world. We way by the convention. One, on In local board further stated that 12 To suspend and withdraw the international solidarity of mediate induction.
demned, in his absence, to feels that a 60 day period should great decision: this society would there is still time to check the ternational Relations, reads as the workers. We assure our co.
the Declaration of Principles several months imprisonment Now it was all right to seed be allowed between the final adopted at the Foundation thinkers in other lands that in France. Had he registered either be permitted to live on onward rush toward a new form follows: young workers to the army amitation and induction to allow to rot from within and to kill in of capitalist barbarism. We way Whereas, federal legislation nothing in this decision of comConvention; with the British police in the soon as they passed the physical busincus meu to straighten out its agony all the myriad organ. there is still time to put the (the Voorhis Act. ctc. has normal way, he would have To authorize and instruct pliance with arbitrary discrimNo our had to pay any atteotton business affairs and climinate irms dependent upon it or else world on the rails toward a new been adopted by Congress inatory legislation alters in any the National Committee to pre run the risk of being delivered to tbeir allara or to their need possible timanchal loss or embare it would be thrust away once and socialist order, an order of now which imposes burdensome re.
way our ardent sympathy with pare the draft of an amended into the hands of the French to readjust their lives.
and for all and a new society created realization for all men quirements on political organ. their own struggles for socialauthorities, Declaration of Principles for with buurde Working better fitted to the means of pro women.
draftees W1114 Frank is member of the izations afiliated to interno submission to the party for disdifferent. No sooner had the store however, continue to be jorked duction and the human needs of The Fourth International tional bodies, including the for. The text of the second resoluMolinier group, which has cussion and eventual decision manager. Herbert Wineman out of their accustomed Ives, and been outside the Fourth Inthe modern world.
stands for this future and none mal periodic registration of by party convention or refertion adopted was: the Federal Stores, successfully plunked straight into the army The great movement of prole other. In lands already engulfed lists of individual members; and The Declaration of Prinendum.
ternational for several years. passed the physical examination without further ado.
tarian insurrection that rose out by war or about to be, its parti Whereas, such regulations ciples of the Socialist Workers Protests against the vicious series of motions were also than draft board No. made a The only reason this question of the ruins of 1914 18 repre sans fight on toward this goal. could be of service only to the Party adopted by the Founda adopted, amending the party conpunishment Vented on Pierre request of the State Selective bas come up sn late in the gari sented the tremendous effort To them, this end of the year of should be directed to the Britchemies of the workers, the stitution so that it now conformis tion Convention. Dec. 31, 1937 Servire hoard in Line for a here, is that Mr. Wineman hapmade by the submerged masses 1940. we send our fraternal Fourth (Special) National to Jan. 1938) requires some to the sense of the two resoluish Embassy in Washington. special ruling in cases involving pens to be the first and only busiof the world to make the change salute.
Convention of the Socialist changes and additions to bring tions adopted.
business men.
ness man thus far called up.
ON THE WAR FRONTS Equality Before The Draft Boards. Oh Yeah Special National Convention Of SWP Acts On International Relations TE