BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyGPUImperialismKamenevSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo ToledanoWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

DECEMBER 21, 1940 APPEA LABORENANCIPATU PTSEI The Stalin Extends His Compulsory Labor Laws Negro Struggle Technicians, Stakhanovists No Longer Free To Choose Their Place Of Employment of them.
By ALBERT PARKER By JOHN WRIGHT 1940 all short term labor agreements and empowers other enterprises, especially in Siberia, in the East. the center. The vanquished, will either go to jail, or The Hampton Institute Sunday, October 20, will be remembered as Black the authorities to retain the above specified engin The stress placed by the Kremlin on the Far East is to the Kuxbas, the Urals, Siberia, and all points East, Conference Sunday by the entire Soviet technical and administra eers, employees and skilled workers in those enter unquestionably connected with feverish war prepara all expenses paid.
Roosevelt blessed the Hampton Institute Con.
tive personnel, and by all the skilled workers. Some. prises and institutions in which they are now working tions It is too early to predict the course that the conference on the Participation of the Negro in thing had been brewing for weeks. Every engineer, on a contract basis. Pravda, October 20. At the same time. PRAVDA continues with its flict between these discontented lower layers and the National Defense, Lecause he knew who was con. white collar specialist, Stakhanovist, every petty un As of October 20. With Sunday as the deadline, murderous self indictment, there is a surplus of en capricious irremovable tops will take. Sections closducting it and knew that they were not inter derling could tell this just by sniffing the air, or by even the most agile and nimble witted could not pos gineers and technical workers in many old enterprises est to the workers may quickly feel the impulsion to.
ested in embarassing his schemes for the war and adding up mentally the number purged in the last 24 sibly get in under the wire. The Kremlin knows its especially in the industrial centers and in the cities, draw nearer to the mass. But between the mass and its preparations.
hours. That Sunday, when they read the Pravda, they Tascals.
above all places like Moscow and Leningrad. The the main tiers of the technical and administrational In spite of that such is the logic of the learned the news.
transition to the hour day and day week has like. machine there still remains an enormous gulf. Never The June 26 laws had been extended to apply to PRAVDA EXPLAINS WHY position of the Negro in American life that the wise freed a section of the skilled workers. The whole theless one fact is already indisputable: The interne resolution on military and naval policy adopted them! They, too, like the ordinary workers, were Prayda belated Monday editorial clears up the task is to transfer them in an ORGANIZED WAY to cine strife must shatter beyond repair an important by this group of Negro petty bourgeoisie, teachers, henceforth to be shackled to their jdos in the enter little details and bears the modest, if wearisome, title: these enterprises which need competent cadres. Em section of the repressive apparatus.
doctors, lawyers and so on acho on the whole sup prises and institutions which Stalin has converted in MEASURE OF GREAT STATE IMPORTANCE. phasis in the original)
to virtual penitentiaries. If the common workers were port the war, is a slap in the face to Roosevelt!
Attempting to provide a rational explanation for BACKED BY NEW FRAMEUP TRIALS The resolution asks that Negrocs be permitted life term prisoners, then they had become permanent this blow against its labor aristocracy, nurtured so ENORMOUS NUMBERS AFFECTED Within four days of the publication of the October to serve in all branches of the armed forces with supervisors, task masters, turnkeys, guards. trust long and so carefully, Pravda blurts out: While the exact number of those slated for trans 19 ukase, Stalin, in order to keep the conflict from out restriction; that the exclusion policies barring ies! not only de facto but de jure. In many new constructions, especially those far fer from the centers to the provinces cannot be comreaching dangerous proportions, and to curb the disThat could be perhaps endured, except by those in Negroes from the marine corps and the army removed from the regional centers, a section of the puted, it obviously runs into hundreds of thousands. content, has been forced to apply his sharpent meth nurse corps be abolished that the War Depart.
the provinces. But that was not all. They could no specialists, employees and skilled workers enter into Approximately one half of those now in the old: on ods: frame up trials. And with them has been revived ment be asked to put into effect the law passed longer choose their place of employment, that would short term labor agreements. An engineer or a work terprises must be shifted to correct the officially the threat of another blood bath.
some time ago by (ongress, providing for train.
be decided for them, and was, in fact, already indicat er arriving at a factory on a 2 year, contract feels acknowledged disproportion.
On October 24, the Soviet press began featuring ing of Negro aviation pilots; that additional Negro ed in advance for many the provinces, the Kuznetsk not infrequently that he is only a temporary guest.
Unable to blame the regime itself for this catast day by day the trial of three defendants in the Most officers be trained; that Roosevelt and local conBasin, the Urals, Siberia and all points East. Still In the Kuzbas mines such engineers and technicians rophic condition, Prayda, nonetheless, brazenly cow City Court. All three defendants aro technicians.
gressmen be asked to appoint Negroes to the more: directly involved were those who had at long were some time ago spoken of as people with a suit enough, fixes the blame in part on the Jun 26th This establishes the audier for whose particular naval academy at Annapolis, and that they be last succeeded, by hook or crook, to locate themselves case on their minds. The miners would say contempt. laws: benefit the frame up is staged. The GPU gets explicit glyen equal opportunity if they get there there in Moscow, Leningrad, and other capital cities of the uously: This fellow is sitting on his suitcase. in Prior to the June 26 Ukase. when there used to orders on such items. Mityasov, the first deare none there now. that Negroos be employed Soviet Union, ie, those with cushiest jobs, in best referring to those who showed very little concern for exist an ENORMOUS TURNOVER OF LABOR IN fendant, is described as former head of the Central in all branches of the selective service system: lodgings, with best schools, best supply of food, of the fate of the enterprise, as they bided the day of INDUSTRY. the new enterprises would obtain a part Directing Bureau of ferrous metallurgy of the South that Negro soldiers and officers in the army be amusements, clubs, and all other good things in life.
their quick departure. But the normal functioning of a of their labor force spontaneously. Most often these and the Center. Pervushina, a woman, is an.
in proportion to the Negroes in the total popula.
The Sunday edition carried only the text of the were not stable cadres because many workers and em engineer geologist. and the third defendant, modern plant or mine requires a stable and competent ukase; the editorial was devoted to marvels of tion, etc.
cadre, and not prima donnas. It is necessary to have ployes moved on to other enterprises. Nonetheless a Karpushin an engineer employod by the Leningrad The resolution is weak. It fails to demand an Tadjik Buryat Mongol and other native arts. Comstable cadres who constantly perfect their knowledge certain section of the workers did settle down. Today Institute Mekhanobor. All three are charged with ment was reserved for Monday. Stalin loves such end to the separate regiment policy of the Army.
who become familiar with the enterprise in which when a decisive struggle is being waged against labor being members of a wrecking crew of slanderers It fails to ask that colored officers be permitted week end details.
they work.
migration, today when the self willed departure of who not only traduced honest Communists but took to serve in all regiments, and Beerns satisfied it TEXT OF THIS GRIM UKASE. Pravda thus corroborates the fact that the real workers and employees from enterprises and institu under their protection acknowledged enemies of the colored officers and professionals be assigned to brake on productivity of labor is not the inadequacy tions has been prohibited, it is impossible count people. All three of course confessed. Pravda, OcOr it may be that comment was really superfluous.
the four colored regular army regiments. Above or backwardness of the mass of the Russian workers upon adequately filling the staff of the new enter tober 24, 25, 26. The ukase speaks for itself, curtly and to the point.
all, it fails to indicate how equal rights are to but the character of the technical administrative prises on the basis of a spontaneous flow. This The technique of the incumbent head of the GPU.
be won by the Negro masses. It doesn say what The preamble reads: staffs. Prima donnas, cheats, chiselers, and careerists means that the new enterprises and those assimilat. Berya, is as primitive as that of his predecessors. The The task of assuring competent cadres in new is to be done when Roosevelt and Congress and bred by the fatal regime itself are to be transformed ing new types of production must have an ORGAN fraud is self apparent. The criminal activity of the the War Department are asked for these things factories, plants, shafts, mines, construction projects, into devoted and competent cadres by the magic of IZED flow of qualified workers.
defendants is dated back to 1935, that is, one full year transport, as well as in the enterprises shifting over and won give them.
shackles and the whip if only the Ukase is ulfilled What a picture of chaotic conditions in industry! prior to the staging of the Zinoviev Kamenev Trial of It will not surprise our readers to learn that to new forms of production demands a correct alhonestly and to the letter, promises Pravda.
location of engineers, technicians, master workmen The Kremlin foresees nothing, not even the conAugust, 1936. The defendants are charged with haythe conference did not even consider the position ing slandered literally hundreds in the period of 1985 sequences of its own laws. In addition, Pravda gives (foremen. employees, and skilled workers among the supported by the Socialist Workers Party: that WHY STALIN USES COMPULSION itself the lie direct. For weeks it has been swearing 40. Among their very first victims were 37 students the only way to end Jim Crowism in the armed different enterprises; and necessitates the transfer Up to new, explains the editorial, very little suc that the June laws were aimed at a very small secof the Leningrad: Mining Institute who were accused forces is through a well organized struggle for of workers from industries already disposing of comcess has been attained in transferring engineers, empetent cadres into other industries which are in need tion of the working clasy, not more than 4 per cent.
of Trotskyite activity, And yet, in the same breath, trade union control of military training. After ployees and skilled workers in adequate numbers from Now comes an official declaration that the decisive we are told that: Their reports were carefully all, there wasn a single trade unionist present.
one enterprise to another. section of the workers struggle is being directed against an enormous checked and each time (in five years JGW. the or even a worker, so far as one could learn from Article of the ukase lists those affected: has shown no concern for the interests of the state slanderous character of these reports was revealed.
section, skilled as unskilled, bookkeepers as well master Engineers, constructors, technicians, the conference publicity.
and has refused to transfer. number of employees as engineers and technicians, all of whom participatech And as a logical consummation of their slanderworkers (foremen. draftsmen, bookkeepers, economand specialists, from among the reduced central apSchuyler Writing in an enormous turnover of labor in industry. The activity, there they sit in the prisoner dock.
ists, accountants, employees in the finance and plan paratuses in Moscow, have tried to settle down in the Stakhanovist in the Kremlin produces decrees at (Pravda. Oct. 24. That is, the defendants slandered And His Action departments, as well as skilled workers above and insame old place instead of leaving for the periphery such record breaking speed that it is impossile not and were exposed as slanderers not only under YaBefore the Hampton Institute Conference was cluding the sixth category, Categories above and inwhere they could benefit the country greatly. Pravonly to prepare for them politically, but even to regoda (who was shot) and Yezhov (who was purged. held, many of the Uncle Tom headers were talk cluding the sixth include the Stakhanovists. All said da. October 21. but also under Berya, but they were not brought to concile today explanations with those of yesterday.
ansfer persons are subject to compulsory ing things up. pointing to it as the way out, as from The seemingly casual phrase underscored by us in to say nothing of tomorrow. until October, 1940! Such is Prayda logic.
the instrument of struggle against Jim Crowiem one enterprise or institution to another independently the above passage discloses that the October 19 ukase The bureaucratic summits are becoming more and in the armed forces. The only person who gave of the territorial location of said enterprises and inis only the consummation of a whole series of steps more isolated not only from the mass of the popular NEW WITCH HUNT BEGINS a correct indication of what was going to happen stitutions.
already taken by the Kremlin in its campaign to tion but from the lower ranks of the bureaucracy as The purpose of this frame up really lies in the Article fixes the penalty: was. George Schuyler, in his column in the make over and discipline the lower ranks after the well. confession of the defendants that they shielded Pittsburgh Courier of November 30, sent to presin All persons guilty of failing to comply with dismal failure of Stakhanovism. silent purge enemies of the people in particular, a woman before the conference was over. What he said orders. are considered as having left their entaken place in the central apparatuses. But the reBATTLE FOR PRIVILEGES Trotskyite, who was exposed by the Leningrad deserves to be quoted and remembered: terprise or institution arbitrarily and are remitduction failed to produce the desired results, and has Within the lower ranks a muffled nationwide bat party organization. It is very rarely that anything new or un ted to the courts on the charge of violating been supplemented by state police action, it will fail tle is now raging: Those in the provinces are pitted How are we to explain the fact that you took Article of the June 26 ukase of the Presidium of usual is uttered in any of these addresses, or as dismally against those in the centers, engineer is pitted against upon yourself the defense of the defendant is anything really helpful added to the cause or the Supreme Council of the USSR, The penalty Pravda cautiously computes that the concentration engineer, Stakhanovist against Stakhanuvist, one asked by Prosecutor Khabarov.
causes for which the conference is ostensibly held. is the GPU dungeon, of competent cadres in the periphery e. the white collar functionary against another, and so on It was my mistake. softly answered Pervushi.
After the ordeal of speech making comes the To dispel any illusiors among those working on provinces is about one quarter of the concentration down the bureaucratic ladder. The methods and na. Pravde, October 26, our emphasis. round table discussions, where various egos battle short term contracts which applies especially to the in Moscow, Leningrad, and other capital cities. The weapons utilized in such a struggle transcend des The hunt is on again for the enemies of the for utterance. Out of all this tonsil and ear provinces Article abrogates as of October 20.
inference is obvious. While the apparatus swells to cription. The arena of combat extends into the ranks people. In the Leningrad organization of the party, torturing usually comes a set of resolutions so This guarded formula refers to the conversion of monstrous proportions in places where life is easiest of the party, for a great number of the combutants the GPU uncovers a woman Trotskyite. The general and so platitudinous as to make tragically many plants into armament and munitions factories, and merriest, the outlying regions suffer more and whose vital interests are affected by the ukase are Prosecutor deres not mention her full name. More wasteful the spending of so much carfare, unless not foreseen by the Third Five Your Plan but made more from an acute shortage of necessities and of party members, together with their wives and rela significant is the fact that the term Trotskyite has the real purpose is to enrich the railroads and necessary by the Finnish experience and the growing men, for example, the vast industry of the Kuznetsk tives, and hold various party posts. Those able to reappeared in the columns of Stalin press two gasoline companies, war danger.
Basin. The same situation exists in a number of exert special pull will remain with the fleshpots in months after he had Trotsky murdered. or the 200 authorities assembled at Hampton, it is probable that few had anything worth while to offer to solve the question of the Negro place in the current National Defense scheme or anything else. have sat through several such conferences and always left with a feeling of de jection. To solve the problems of the Negro in Amerutions must be preceded by revolutionary thinkThe British muling class finds it hard to under: ing and be led by revolutionary leaders. Solving stand, why it should spend money on providing the Negroes problems (if, forsooth, they CAN be By G, MUNIS they can be summarized thus: deceived. They neglected to vanged ideas, bave discovered in this experience the reactionary adequate air raid shelters for the teeming masses.
solved) is going to be a long, hard and messy MEXICO, During the elec Fatherland, religion, order, and sive the working class a candidate the bottom of their hearts a hid character of their leaders, and the of London. One group at advisers to the ruling job. And the kind of soft handed, well groomed, tion campaign the Stalin Toledano property.
cultured, income tax paying pillars of society who heralds proclaimed at the top of point to his remarks, he started to politics forenew that Camacho conguere now and unsuspecting sopner or later, a new erade union wing of the British Labor Party, undertook in movement, more independent, de a recent issue (October 1) of their weekly, The a Pullman drawing room or a dash by airplane, character of Camacho as opposed to praise God and the souls of the right. But the CTM bureauc The heterogeneous class compo: mocratic and healthy.
Tribune, to explain to their betters why this task shudder at the thought of anything revolutionary to the reactionary Almazan. The the Stalinists and Toledanists who raey cannot adopt an independentsition and the lack of ideology of policy without running the risk the so called Party of the Mexican ready to purchase tolerance at the turn up: The Communist Party appears was so urgently necessary. Some revealing details They are mostly house broken by government whole weight of propruganda, dis brought him victory.
cipline and coercion which the The reactionary nature of the of unlopsing a real revolutionary Revolution converts it into a doe price of Silence. Their press and berths or sinecures, institutions owned or conCTM (Confederation of Mexican new policy announced by the can movement. We had been told that the defenses of London trolled by the very people who keep race preju Workers) bureaucracy could dis aidate of the people is so marks masses was necessary in order to any fraction of the Mexican bour most every newsland in the capi: were completed, and sufficient arrangements had dice alive. pose of was put at the service of ed that the president of the Al preserve the interests of this bur seasier Ar few changes to more tal, have already almost complete been made for the sheltering of the homeless or There has been very little consistent, per the candidate of the revolution. maxanist party hastened to pro. caucracy.
trustworthy men will suffice to ly disappeared. The printing undefended. It was a lie; and the victims are sistent and intelligent action (to solve the Negro The Trotskyists, too weak to claim his own and his party sup The collusion between Camacho accomplish the course to the right press which ran them oft has been angry. Now, the Labour members are, if they problems) because, to tell the simple truth, we nominate a candidate of their port of Camacho of the.
Do have had no real democratically organized, naown, declined, nevertheless, to en: hours later he rectified his some country is beyond doubl. With However, it is probable that ca sold. The rare copier which one are anything the protectors of the workers.
tionwide and ably led organization controlled from dorse either of the candidates. what stunning words, but this corraacous glee, the conservative ca: macho will dissolve the PRM and and non believers to support the they reflect this anger? you know what that Basically, both candidates had, a rection as well as the previous bal prepares to use its forces and form another party which the Al progressive policy of the gove anger 18, you will answer NO at once.
below and responsive to the needs and demands bourgeois character and the two grandiloquent threats of Almazan carry out different projects. Re: mazanists would be invited toernment. One gets the imprese of the masses of colored people everywhere outcome of the may well depend If there were such an organization it could mum one, which could guarantee terences exist; it is a letter of hierarchies of the goxerament. more satisfied and the Almazan. all and devote itxell to activity, icial Commissioner Wink) is able to tackle the go into action on any and all problems faced by the conquests of the workers and exchange for greater political con distribution of ministries and sub ists would have greater access to more apparent than real, with the problem. Unless this is done successfully the Negroos in our American barbarism. And because peasants.
either cessions and higher public posts. secretariats, new selection of governmental posts. In purpose of conserving legality.
It financed and backed its elected delegates and The Communist Party there Almazanism had died as unneces. the diplomatic corps protec case the social base of the PRM The legality the wants a spirit of Londoners may move through sullen re agents, they would be free, yes, compelled to rep upon accused the Trotskyltes as sary.
tion of capital, free hand for will adapt itself completely to the a relative legality and freedom sentment to an open refusal to accept the sacri.
The ag of reaction has passed Imperialism, restriction if not interests of the reactionary bour of action for GPU agents who fices necessary for victory.
resent only the Negro masses, and not be con Almazanists. It is known how the Stalinists pictured Trotsky as without any transition or grave suppression of the right to geosie.
cerned about what anybody else thought.
pullulate like ants in Mexico. Pol: an ally and collaborator of Alma convulsions from the hands of strike, and in Draconian mensures For their part, neither the lead. itically Stalin doesn expect any. They are the provision of heller accommodation The dealres of the people are very reasonable. If we had had such an organization, it would zan. The confession of the one to those of the other. Some against the most elementary needs ers of the CTM nor the Stalinists thing from the of Mexico. of a type giving more protection than the surface have been working on the army and navy dissassin of Trotsky, Jacson, inst armed bands that rose against the of the working class.
have dared to raise a single ob. But as a GPU base of operations crimination problem through the years, educating nuated something in the same government acted without coord. Will Avila Camacho succeed in section to Camacho remarks. As it is absolutely indispensable for shelter that will allow them to lie down and the masses of Negroes by consistent and persistent sense. Stalinism cannot support, ination and have surrendered to accomplishing his reactionary aims far as the future is concerned, him. To permit this, the sleep at night in an atmosphere that is not dans propaganda and action. It would have worked even in the slightest, the existence the forces of the army. Almazan with the aid of the same bureauc they only hope to retain their will invent any progressive pre gerously unhealthy, and is not rank with the out some technique of fighting other than sending of a revolutionary policy: Stal never solidarized himself with ratic satellites who surrounded posts. They even offer their serv. texts which will allow it to exist stink of human excreta.
letters and telegrams of protest. By this time inism carries on calumnious them. Finally, the arrival of Al Cardenas, that is to say, the Party ices to the president elect to al and support Camapho.
it would have been so powerful that a national campaign, attempting to identify mazan in the capital excludes all of the Mexican Revolution and the tow them to subdue workers who wonder if Mr. Churchill is aware that, in possibility of struggle and his dec. Confederation of Mexican Work might have the courage to prorevolution with reaction Thus the struggle between Avila spite of all the talk, there is no schome at all.
conference would have aroused far more than the Camacho and Almazan which for the removal of old people or invalids from indul smirk which doubtless greeted the Nevertheless, Camacho The dano. spoken of stituting place of Hampton talkfest.
umph has sufficed to give com the leader to cach And yet. two days after this excellent article plete justification to the analysis Trotskyists were completly right: strata of the PRM who hold the Toledano in the leadership of the other, and which gave the faint. mothers with children of school age who want made by the Trotskyists. Barely between the two candidates no important state posts will not op CTM, Fidel Velazquez, a secondhad appeared on the news stands, Schuyler was certain that he would occupy the fundamental differences existed. pose Camacho desires. From the ary figure who won mind dis hearted chills of elvil war, resolv. to leave London, unless they live in a few spe down in Washington participating in another presidential chair, Camacho sum.
Lombardo Toledano and the moment Camacho expressed con placing his boss. As a whole. the ed itself miserably like a storm cally selected areas, or can find their own billets.
conference on national defense. attended for moned the newspapermen and Stalinists, by their unconditional trition before the altar for his corrupt bureaucracy of the CTM a teacup, and of course, at the very few London working class women can do the most part by people who had attended the made a few remarks which gave support of Camacho, have deceivabominable revolutionary delir will be perfectly submissive. But expense of the workers and peas. this, so they and their children are forced to me main in London and swell the nightly casualty Hampton conference!
rise to great joy in the national ed the masses. The Stalinists and ium, many of those who yesterday the proletariat grouped in this ants.
lists. Next week: The Courier Conference) land foreign press. In essence Toledanists cannot say they were were frightened by their own ad trade union center will learn with November 28, 1940 Camacho vs. Almazan: Tempest in Teacup British Workers Carry War Load se poate for the element com en el centStalinists Deliberately Deceived the Masses in Supporting Camacho same ert. Warations recognize Camacho es dominated by Lombardo Tole soorten Tore su beting. pre place of started with harangues in der London? There is no evacuation scheme for