CommunismEngelsEnglandFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

DECEMBER 21, 1940 WORKERS AFL CIO Lumber Workers WinSTRADE UNION FORUM Gains Despite Stalinist Sabotage NOTES Results of Detroit. Toledo Poll on Military Training Flint Auto Locals Demand GM Action TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND Raise and Vacations Won in Joint Strike Write to tell us what going on in your part of the Which Stalinists Tried To Break Up by Farrelt Dobbs Labor movement what are the workers thinking about? tell us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local. copsSTRIKES ARE TREASON. STALINISTS NOTE TO. BAB and the Stalinists send us that story, the capitalist press didn BUT NOT LAYOFFS print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open PORTLAND, Ore. Dec. 12 The joint strike of the AFL and REDS AS UNION MEMBERS About 1800, men have been laid The Nation Convention of the CIO lumber workers, which had tied up most of the logging and to 304. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you off for over 10, noths at the so adopted a resolution condema.
saw mill operations in Oregon and Washington, is over, the strikers do not want your name printed.
QUESTION TO Are you in favor of the present Burke Wade Boeing aircraft plant in Seattle ing communism. However, this returning to work with a compromise settlement including a cent worth. Conscription Act?
and are not expected to be reem resolution also contains the stateNegro Steel Worker Commander to go for a bath, but hourly pay bike and one week vacation with pay.
QUESTION II: Would you prefer military training under trade ployed, unul after January 1st. ment: There is room for us all.
we found the government had a Original demands of the strikers were for certs more an union control?
The reason giyen is lack of in this great movement. thus inTells of Jim Crore Jim Crow Bath House. The white hour and a week vacation with pay. The employers first attempted parts. but the union (AF) dicating that no Wholcanle camAmericans who were in charge of to head off the strike with the proposal of a 24 cent raise for un.
QUESTION IIT: Should soldiers have the right of collective bar.
claims that the company is sub paign of red. baiting was intended.
In the Last War the Bath House told the men that skilled and cents for skilled workers. Following the progressive gaining for better conditions through their contracting parts to other air Acting on the report of its con elected representatives?
craft out its because it can make vention delegate, the CIO IndusI can be mistaken, but as that we went back and reported spread of the strike, on the basis of a united action pledge of 350 Yes No Un Question 11 38. 50 11. more money that way. Hence trial Council in Pittsburgh went have seen it for the past 21 years, to the Co. Commander. He went rank and file delegates of the AFL Lumber and Sawmill Workers decided Question 11 88. 08. 02. there is Wirtual stoppage of proa step further and passed a res.
It is very ignorant for a black down but did not say what the and the CIO International Woodworkers of America made at a Total group polled (363) All women polled (141) duction in this Seattle plant. folution banning from membership man to be the government results were. So the next day we joint meeting in Centralia De.
Question 75. 13. 10. Question 60, 20. 18. When the Vultee workers went those whose ideas are inimical to let him inlist in the asked a first leutenant about a cember the bosses came for. Weyerhaeuser, cooperated to the Question II 34. 43. 22 Question 11 39 29 31. on strike, the bosses daily press to the American system. Anth.
Service. When they want you. bath. So he went down to find ward with a straight cent raise extent of permitting the Stalin Question 111 78. 12. 09. Question III 85. 04. 09. and the hosted stooges in con ony Pederoff, the Council del they will send, for you and Jim out the trouble. Being a fair offer but balked at the weeks ists to set up a recruiting table All trade union members Males of draft age (91)
gress lowled Treason. But noth esate to the cio convention, call.
Crow you up to your neck and minded man, he said to us the vacation with pay. But then the inside one of the mills. At Ev.
Question 91. 05. 03. ing is said about the present situled upon the local central body (101)
say to you that it is Equal Jus Orderlies at the bath house first bosses had to come through with rett also, the Staliniste but ont a printed leaflet telling the work.
ation at Boeing.
delegates to exercise their influtold him they had orders from the the paid vacation.
Question tice.
88. 03. 06. Question 11 32. 52. 14. ers not to heed the strike call.
ence in their own unions to the still remember being Jim Camp Commander that nobody The settlement was reached de Question 11 39. 45. 14. Question III 12. 19. 07. Indicative of the resistance of SWOC DUES SIUMP: end that these unions shall write Crowed with regard to not being could have a bath but a commisspite a treacherous strike break the Northwest co lumber work.
Question III 65. 17. 06. G. Negroes (111)
Question 10. 18 11. SOME REASONS WHY into their constitutions regula given a chance to take a bath. sioned officer. But you can rest ing move by the Staliniat control or to the Stalinists, is the action CIO union members (61)
Question II 12. 36 20. Plans are being made by the tions barring such persons from My outfit was the Co assured, he said, What found led executive board of the WA of leaders of the Columbia River Question. 88. 0. 96. Question WI 83. 09 07. Steel Workers Organixins Com membership.
811, Pioneer Infantry. After sail out that the camp is Jim Crow. CIO, which so undermined the District Council in securing an in.
mittee, cio, to present new de Just as they voted to condemn ing out of Camp Dix. we You will have to wait until you CIO locals in the strike as to em junction against Orton act Question 111 68. 22, 08 Question 13. 23, 02. mands to Steel. Al a recent communism at the CIO national were on board ship for 11 days. set to another rest camp as we danger the entire strike movement ing president of the IWA, to pre AFL union members (34) Question 11 39. 47. 13. During this time we were unable are now leaving soon.
conference of the Swoc directors. convention, the Stalinists voted for at the most critical juncture.
the following, getteral terms were the red baiting resolution in the vent him from disposing of a 13, to take a bath for shortage of Just a half hour before, a bat Question 88. 02. 08. Question III 83. 10. 05. mentioned: ingressed wages and Pittsburgh Council.
water but the white soldiers were talion of white soidiers had fin STALINISTS ATTACK STRIKE IWA. While it is an unwise pola 000 organizational fund of the abolition of wage differentials, an able to get a bath.
ished bathing.
improvod seniorly salem and After that 11 days we made landing in Liverpool, England, at Dix, until we had a bath local membership of almost every trolled court, the action demonsFrom the time we loft Camp Strice had been approved by the cy for union men to take their vacation plan, and an improved DANGEROUS INCREASE IN dues collection system.
LENGTH OF WORKING WEEK one of the so called rest camps in (Nantes) Frances, it was 30 CIO local, including the affiliates trates the hostility of the rank The October dues report was the in Camp Winchester, England. days.
of the key Columbia River Dis and file members of the IWA LO highest in the history of the rear of Labor Statistics has re.
The Department of Labor BuWe had orders from the Co. Colored Steel Worker wict Council of the IWA, the IWA the statinist leadership.
SWOC. However, there was a national executive board met in noticeable slump in the Novem. weekly hours worked in some of leased a compilation of average Seattle on the Wednesday follow WORKERS WIN GAINS ber dues payments. One reason the basic industries for October ing the Centralin meeting and The strike was militantly confor that was Lewis Pro Willkie 1940. They are as follows: en.
passed a resolution condemning ducted and sufficiently widespeech. But not the only reason. Blues, 44. automobiles, 41. 3: Iron Age official publication of shipping. 41. 7: aluminum. 41. 4: Additional Contributions to the Trotsky Memorial Fund are or the IWA with the AFT. Sumber treachery, to compellie bosses But Reuther Gets Executive Board to the steel bosses, reports volun. blast furnaces, stoel works and as follows: workers.
The resolution, disre grant genuine abse Plys Refuse Request From Flint Unions tary wage increases among some rolling mills, 38. 8; machine tools, Nawark 30. 00 sarding the progressive signific picket squadrons mobilized from of the smaller companies in the 44. 1: aircraft. 41. 3: electrical maPhiladelphia 00 ance of the labor solidarity achiev. Tacoma, Snoqualmie and the Mor In other sections of chinery. 41.
ed in this strike, and concerned ton Mineral area shut down many Flint the metal working industry.
10. 00 FLINT. Mich. An attempt by done now.
solely with re enforcing the wan plants, including seven plants in local unions here to air the probWith the present trend of weekBuffalo 15 ins prestige of the Stalinists in Seattle where the men had prevllems of the General Motors work taken by the upton, or by a size Sies, have come to the forefront, If a strong militant stand were notes Tron Age, wage controsely hours worked rising above the Boston 40 hour level and with nine to 10 16. 25 the lumber industry, stated that ously secured an agreement for Akron 00 the united strike action can only the scent raise. Despite this facters and to force a program of able section of the union not only resuluing in strikes in some in stances.
million workers still looking for Pittsburgh 00 the IWA and in the betrayal of seven planis refused to go through ership. was initiated last week by GM be enforced. but many ben Pittsburgh Press bemoaned at week. And they have the full result in retarding the growth of the 2000 AFL members in these action on the International lead could the present agreement in One such instance, which the Jobs. the bosses are howling for further lengthening of the work Los Angeles 37. 05 New Haven Buick Local No. 599, UAW CIO, eficial changes could be secured. 75 the cause of the woodworkers. the picket lines and joined the but the proposal was met this. That however requires a union marring a three year record Minneapolis St. Paul 100. 00 This strike breaking move strike in solidarity with the rest week by a slap in the face from which depends for its gains not contractual relations, occurred backing of the admirals and the generals.
New York 80. 00 threw consternation into the of their union brothers.
ranks of the CEO locals. It suf decisive show. down is brew. the International Executive upon the Hillmans and the Knud. last month in the Crucible Steel The bosses seek to avoid yield.
TOTAL Board, whose GM representative sens of the National Defense Corporation at Midland, Pennsylficiently disoriented the ranks ing between the YWA rank and8297. 20 upon its own inde vania. 4, 500 workers walked out ins up any part of their war pro to slow up CIO participa file, especially in the vital Colum Walter Reuther, succeeded of the Crucible plant in protest fits to the workers through inBranch Quota Amount paid Lion in the strike. The AFL and bia basin area, and the Stalinist putting over a refusal to listen pendent organized strength.
The refusal of the Internatioual against company stalling in the creased pay rates for more work ers under a shorter work week, Boston 100. 00 117. 00 117 CIO members already out on finks on the international execu to the locals in a meeting of the Board, and Reuther in particular. settlement of grievances, some of Therefore, they brazenly adyoonte Milwaukee GM Council in Detroit.
Live board. 00 10 102 strike were forced to move more Meanwhile both the AFL and The Buick Local, supported by to act favorably on the demand which dated back four months and longer hours of work at prevaile Baltimore of 10. 09 10. 00 100 rapidly to a settlement and under Rockville 00 00 100 worse terms than they might have CIO workers are looking forward the membership and officers of all ior a GM conference by the whole more. The workers complained. ing, or preferably lower, hourly Toledo secured with a more complete to a real showdown with the lum. Flint locals, had demanded in a Flint UWA, only chats up an a speedrup system, under 50. 00 50. 00 100 united front.
ber barons this conning March resolution the calling of a del other piece of evidence that these a man hardly had time for lunch. rates of pay. They also want a Detroit 200. 00 200. 00 100 provide a favorable labor mare This action of the Stalinists was when most of the contracts now in egated GM conference to take up, men are afraid of the rank and Clinton Golden, Regional swoc permanent army of unemployed to Lynn 100. 00 85. 00 85 not unexpected. With their in.
in force, both AFL and CIO, will end the GM contract and the general file, and have no intention of al Director, urged that the anau Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 135. 07 68 problems facing the GM workers. lowing the membership to set the thorized strike be called off. Un iet, e. to pit the workers fluence gone in the IWA locals. Simultaneously.
course for militant action, der pressure from the swoc orainst one another in the comNewark 150. 00 100. 50 67 particularly in the important co WORKERS WANT RESULTS The membership however will to 48. to go back ficialdom, the workers voted, 52 petion for jobs.
Los Angeles 150. 00 The slogans for a 30 hour week 93. 70 62 lumbia River District Council This resolution was passed at not take this slap in the face out having their grievances set at 40 hours pay in auto, and for work with Pittsburgh 10. 00 00 60 which has a reputation for mill.
Attention Chicago! a meeting of all Flint local union quietly. Those who inaugurated tled.
New Haven a six hour day at eight hours pay 20. 00 11. 25 56 tant and progressive policies, the executive boards. Obviously, both the campaign for a GM conferSan Francisco 100. 00 About a week later. Golden in steel indicate the course which 55. 00 Stalinist tops have been trying to 55 the leadership and membership is ence can be expected to continue apoke before a gathering of bosses the trade union workers must take Minneapolis and St. Paul 1000. 00 secure a new base.
this key GM city is greatly dis their demands. The powerful at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New in their fight to raise their stan 530. 00 53 Flint satisfied with the failure of the Buick Local No. 599 which inav York City. The occasion was a dards of living and combat the 150. 00 79. 00 In printed leaflets, the Stalin 53 ists called on workers in SnoqualInternational Board to settle gurated the campaign, Fisher Philadelphia 30. 00 14. 00 47 mte. Washington, to pass the Buffalo srievances with GM management, Body Local No. 681, Chevrolet Sinner in connection with a con evils of unemployment 25. 00 11. 15 45 picket lines of the AFL at the New York and with the policy of conservat. Local 659 and other locals will ference on management. In his 1000. 00 435. 00 Snoqualmie Mill Company.
ism and anti militaney on the not stand by for long while the leadership today has changed its AFL TOP LEADERS CRAWL Akron 10. 00 00 40 1114 Pratt Blvd Chicago At Everett, Washington. the part of Walter Reuther and the officers refuse to do a thing about early concept of fight the man Allentown ON THEIR BELLIES 15. 00 6:00 40 Stalinists are reported to have whole executive board.
the many problems confrontingagement.
Emphasizing that the AFL conYoungstown 50. 00 00 12 made a deal with the WeyerhaAuspices: The feeling of dissatisfaction the membership.
Individual Contributions vention at New Orleans pledged 80 euser bosses in order to block the with the leadership has taken dir Socialist Workers Party strike of the ATL a deal where.
BOOM FOR THE BOSSES Pull and sincere support of the ferent forms. Some of the local BUT NOT FOR WORKERS defense program, even if such supleaders demand, the ousting of TOTALS 3509. 00 1962. 07 56 by the fabulously rich and bloody CHICAGO LOCAL Reuther; others demand the rev.
The CIO Hconomic Outlook has port entailed strict self discipline Cleveland, Hutchinson, Portland, Quakertown, Reading, gave a contract to the Stalinhanded Weyerhaeuser interests ocation of the CM contract which issued a graphic chart of Pros and important sacrifices, the APL Rochester, Texas, and St. Louis have not yet started payments ints to head off AFL organization.
Subscription: One Dollar Weekly News Serrice makes a big they believe is the root of all the perity and Unemployment based on their pledges.
The most hated boss in lumber, evil. The best informed millon statistics compiled by the vari point of the fact that the two ants. however, understand that ous governmental bureaus and by strikes affecting the defense pro the first requirement for effective the CIO itself. It shows the Fed. sram Involved CIO unions and action is a policy, a program of The December festle of the eral Reserve Board index of in that there has not been a single militant action in settling sriev. Pourth International is now on dustrial production for October strike by any American Federaances and in enforcing the agree the newestands.
1940 at an all time high of 127. tion of Labor nion wh ment with GM. Such a militant feature of this edition is level.
This is almost 18 above the 1989 impeded the government preparedness efforts.
program could then be concretely France Under Hitter and Pe contrasted to the policy of the In tain. a Manifesto of the fourth bosses, we find that while 92 on the West Coast, which Attor In contrast to this boom for the However, the CIO Vultee strike We publish below the full text of the militant program jobs to countermen by eliminat ing of our living standards ternational Board which confines International, which the United Union Committee of Local 302, AFL Hotel ing chefs or cooks from working through the rising cost of living its activities to crawling on its of all workers were employed in ney General Jackson attributed Restaurant Workers, pledged itself to carry out upon being we propose to include a clause in knees to the government and mak or particular timely importance 1999, only about 83 of all work partly to communist machin.
elected. Grievances and complaints the contract to protect us against ingrepeated fats to the local imperialist fight for South Amer 1940. This decline in employment Opments in the cio camp, the of unemployed such an eventuality.
acterials ica by the Argentine revolution becomes even more significant statement continues, have given adjustment board.
Any complaints or charges e. The incoming General Coun against unauthorized action.
ist, Quebracho, entitled Inter Im when it is realized that the total anti labor groups an excuse to a. For a militant progressive We believe that a referendum against a Labor Chief for dis cil should search out ways and Once a sizeable group of local perialist Struggle for South working population has been in pounce on all of organized labor union.
on this question is the best pos crimination, favoritism, unequal means for the future establish. unions launches a program of mil. America.
creasing at the rate of 500, 000 to with unrestrained attacks. No discrimination against sible solution. The membership distribution of work or abuse of ment of a controlled system of itant enforcement of the GM con any member on ground of race, shall have complete freedom of official duty shall be promptly promotion, from miscellaneous to tract Reuther and Co. would ett and Leadership. is published for This pronounced decrease in Austrate the cowardly type of Leon Trotsky Class, Party 600. 000 a year.
No clearer example is needed to color, creed nationality, age or expression on this question at turned over to Grievance Com skilled work, based upon the er have to follow along or face the first time in this issue of percentage of all workers employ leadership the Art workers political belief special membership meetings to mittee for deliberation and ac length of time a worker is em being pushed into the background the Fourth International. The doed reflects the effect which tech will get from their top officials The union shall actively resist be called primarily for this pur tion.
ployed in his shop and the length in the fight against GM and cument, although not finished. is nological change has had on the in the coming period of rabid antiany attempt tby the bosses to dispose. The forces herein united The Council shall authorize of time he held membership in thrown out of office at the next sufficiently complete to give clear workers under capitalist man union activity on the part of the convention, criminate against any member in maintain their complete freedom the Unemployed Committees with our union.
ly Trotsky analysis of the causes agement and capitalist plan. bosses and their government. Subour ranks.
to either defend or oppose arbi limited powers dealing with any For a one year contract. THE FIRST STEP of the Spanish proletariat dening. Fewer workers are prod. ordinate yourselves completely to II.
tration during the period of dis matters involving the unem For a one week trial period. Ixperienced unionists know feat.
ucing mone goods to further swell the war program; don provoke For the organization of the un cussion.
ployed. For the seven hour day for that although this GM agreement review of the recent AFL and the super profits of the bosses and, the bosses or they might get organized through the active parIV.
all women.
is not the best in the world. far CIO conventions is provided in of workers into the dismal swamp the AFL officialdom is giving to at the same time, plunge millions tough that is the advice which ticipation of the entire member UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Girls doing men work shall from it. nevertheless the FIRST ship.
For practical steps to alleviate a. To meet the rising cost of receive equal pay for equal work. STEP is to enforce it and squeeze an article by Farrell Dobls. Na of unemployment. the rank and file.
Large scale voluntary organiz the serious plight of the unem living and to maintain and im For the recognition of sen out of it the last ounce of benefit tional Labor Secretary of the ing committees shall be set up ployed situation.
prove our present standard of liv. iority rights of night workers in for the workers. This is not being swP.
and put to work through the ena. Equal and just distribution ing we propose a general raise the event of vacancies on the day John Wright contributes tire city. Only through this meth of jobs.
in wages for all categories of shifts in their shops.
The Ideal Gift od can we carry on successful. efficient organization of La work, particularly higher mini To guarantee the payment of men they shall receive men New Legislation in the Soviet organizational campaigns. Spe bor Chief office.
mums for the miscellaneous of one week vacation with pay: wages. This shall also apply Union, on the latest laws against Treasury of the clal organization campaigns shall Strict enforcement of pro workers.
that each employer places a bond to promotions.
the workers passed by the Krem be conducted among the unor ratio.
In the meantime we prepare as security against any chiseling.
ganized National Chains, such as There shall be but ONE our union morally, financially and VI.
BY LAWS Bickford s, Horn and Hardart, manager recognized in each es organizationally for the coming PROTECTION OF a. For the abolition of branch. Milwaukee Brand of Socialism Other important articles are.
from ancient days to our own time, containing one of Waldorf, as well as many indepen tablishment struggle to achieve our new con CONSCRIPTED MEN es one branch in the union.
Trotsky letters and dent shops. While spreading out All others using similar titles tract.
a. Any member who is con The salaries of officials by James Boulton, Engels on Testament.
in this new territory, we must to come under the jurisdiction Establish a uniform wage seripted shall be guaranteed his shall not exceed 55 per week in Dialectics of Nature by Wm.
Selected and Edited by rafeguard the jurisdiction rights our union and be dealt with ac scale in our industry and bring job upon his return and full sen cluding expenses.
Warde. Discipline in the Ameri LINCOLN SCHUSTER 75 of Local 302 and conduct a deccrdingly.
the wages of Branch workers iority maintained. All officers to be elected can Army by Michael Cort and termined fight against all outside e. Prohibition of replacement to the level of the entire union. Replacement of conscripted no appointments.
MODERN BOOKSHOP forces who encroach upon us. of chefs by cooks and cooks by Uniform seniority rights in men by men. Any member in good stand a roview by Joseph Hansen of III.
kitchen men.
ail shops. In the event of labor short ing for one year shall be eligible Tom Wintring bam book New 27 University Place New York City For a referendum on thel Bring back extra lunch! To insure against a lower age and women taking the place to run for paid office.
Ways of War.
New Year Eve Celebration DECEMBER JUST OUT Cafeteria Workers Program Oy WORLD GREAT LETTERS