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Socialist Appeal FOR ORGANIZATION OF AN FOR MILITARY TRAINING INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 51 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1940 267 FIVE (5) CENTS FORD UNION DRIVE AT CRUCIAL STAGE Cafeteria Local Elects Militants Enforcement of Union Many Thousands Contract Flint Style Boldly Join Up La contrast to the forthrigh Grace Carlson Starts National Tour Jan, Hillman Wins In Jersey CIO Body elections between the groupe now broken at previous recořase for Opens in Milwaukee, Will Speak tn At Distin. Wed.
FLINT, Mich The Fisher Body local No. 581 has just given United Front Ticket In Local 302 ls the UAW membership a short lesson in how to enforce union conditions in GM.
But Ford Will Fight to the Death, and Victorious In Fight To Drive Back The other day the Fisher Body management decided that it would lay off several men in the Trim department. After the layIt Will Take More Than NLRB Elections Reactionary Red Baiting Right Wing off they told the men working in the department they would have to fill in on a few odd jobs which others had performed previously.
To Beat Him; UAW Must Prepare to Fight In other words the management stole a job.
BULLETIN Promptly the steward protested, and the entire department DETROIT, Mich. Dec. 16 With 40 UAW CIO organizers conNEW YORK, Dec. 18 Latest returns on balloting in the Local began to raise a rumpus about it. The leader of the group was centrating all their energies on a drive to organize the Ford Motor 302, Cafeteria Workers, Hotel and Restaurant Union (AFL) electhen sent home by the company.
company, and with a union publicity campaign which has succeeded tions give the United Union Ticket, progressive slate, a sure vic.
No sooner was this done than the whole department downed tory. Branch half the local, had a 3500 vote turnout yesterday, in hitting all the front pages, reports from reliable union sources tools and walked out of the plant. The result was a shut down of indicate that Ford workers joining the UAW by the thousands.
which will reach 5000 today, and on basis of present vote tabulaFisher Body and, very soon, curtailment of production at Buick.
From every point of view the UAW now has a great oppor.
tion is expected to give approximately 500 majority to the united The company when faced with this militant opposition practunity to break the notorious Ford open shop once and for all. Union front progressives. Branch votes today. The United Union ticket tically went out of its head. They were so anxious to get producsentiment is sweeping the ranks of Ford workers in a mighty wave.
is expected to carry Branch by to majority.
tion started again that they offered not only to settle the griev.
Ford has shown his anti union policy again by refusing to consent ance immediately. but to go out and call for the steward who was fired and bring him back to work!
to an NLRB vote after Michael Widman, CIO organizer in charge of the Ford drive, made the request. Even Sidney Hillman, labor Ten thousand members of Local 302, Cafeteria Workers of New The steward was nowhere to be found. The management sent commissioner on the National York, will go to the polls December 17 and 18, to elect their union out messengers, flunkeys with cars to scour the town, but the administration for the next year. Sixteen paid offices, the Council steward just wasn to be found (by the company) and no proDefense Council, has been forced wait for Hillman and Knudsen to to make a statement on Ford solve their problems?
and the Executive Boards of Branch and are to be elected.
duction went on that night. The lesson was brought home to the anti union policy and to demand Will they spend the next six There are two slates contending for the union administration: company.
that the Army cancel a 2, 000, 000 months in litigation for an NLRB the United Union Committee and the United Right Ticket. The Finally, at his liesure, the next day, the steward reported contract for airplane engines with vote? And meanwhile will they struggle has attracted widespread interest in the entire New York back to work, and the trim department achieved a complete vicFord. Hillman did not, however let the Ford membership wilt labor movement. In particular over 75, 000 workers organized in the tory.
mention the 128, 000, 000 worth away?
This incident is similiar to one which occurred at the Briggs different food workers locals are awaiting the outcome for Local of other defense contracts with This is how the problem is now Ford. posed. Only a determined stand.
302 is the key local in the Hotel and Restaurant Union (AFL. Body plant not long ago, in which one department walkout over In the last few weeks the struga the speed up and firing of a steward resulted in a complete shutThe recent signing of a new against Ford can inspire the Ford sle has been intensified by con opposed to the arbitration set up Grace Carlson agreement with Chrysler and workers and establish unionisin down, and in a speedy victory for the union.
Briggs, raising the day of Chrys among the 100, 000 employees of tinuous appeals of the right wing and will seek to do away with ler workers to the highest in the the most notoriously scabby outfit to the International to step in and the Adjustment Board through the Industry, and the securing of a in American industry. An NLRË save their hides from the aroused referendum.
union shop agreement with the vote with a victory for the UAW union membership.
Hudson Motor Car Company by would of course be a great moral The militant membership has, militaney of the program of the the UAW, act as an inspiration victory. But that and that alone however, succeeded in defeating United Union Committee, the right to the Ford workers and increase will not establish unionism. Gove every one of the attempts of the wing has no trade union program the rising tide of unfon senti ernmental pressure will not and right wing to hold on to their whatsoever. In sheer desperation ment.
cannot establish unionism in Ford jobs by disrupting the election.
it has unleashed a campaign of Ford, however, has shown that and, crush the Ford Service Des In spite of struggles in previous red balting and slander that has he intends to fight and fight bit Dartment this age old trick of labor fakers Every day dozens Ford work. ALL EYES ON FORD Committee, they have joined the right wingers yell loudest Least 35 Cities; Schedule Listed ers are laid off, fired, transferred All eyes are on the Ford drive.
hands in the election to save the about the Trotskyists and Stalin Chance To Defeat Hillman Is and intimidated by one means or successful Ford drive would union from the threat of an units uniting against them. The another for union activity. The lead to a rebirth of union action scrupulous, red baiting right wing. United Union Ticket answers that Preparations for the mass meet. Thurs. Jan. 16 Buffalo ranks of Ford workers who have a all auto plants, would pave the it is proud of the fact that it is ings and conferences to hear Dr. Fri.
Tossed Away By Lewis Bloc GROUPS WHICH UNITED Jan. 17 Rochester been thrown out of the plants way to establishing the closed composed of workers of different Grace Carlson, who begins her Sat. Jan. 18 Syracuse Various political tendecies in political beliefs as well as many national lecture tour January Sun.
after joining the union increases Shop in auto as a whole.
the working class movement as nationalities and races, who have in Milwaukee, are in progress Mon.
Jan. 19 Boston by the hour. There is no doubt With the International Board Jan, 20 By GEORGE BREITMAN well as many nationalities and united on a program of militant throughout the country, crafts have united in this inspir. unionism and against the corrupt Wed. Jan. 22 New Haven PASSAIC, Dec. 15The Lewis wing of the CIO suffered that the crucial days for the un still following a pussyfooting pol iey, afraid of strikes, ylelding to ing demonstration of solidarity right wing officials.
Comrade Carlson secured 8761 Thurs. Jan. 23 New York a setback here this week end as the Hillman forces in the New Jer The queston now is. what will the reactionary pressure of the votes in Minnesota for Sen to Feb. against the reactionary. redbaitsey CIO convention succeeded in winning a victory which gave it the UAW leadership make out of Hillmans and Kodusens, angling ing attack of the right wing. The adopted a full slute. It is headed and date of our party.
The United Union Ticket har ator in the last elections as the Tues. Feb. Newark control of the state executive board for the coming year.
the now favorable situation at for jobs on the Defense Counciis, Feb. United Rank and File Club. The by the four candidates for General guishing herself as a brilliant Thues. Feb. Allentown The margin of votes between the Hillman Abramson textile Ford s? Will they courageously there is great danger that the has been the banner bearer of offices: Costas Dritsas (United speaker, Comrade Carlson gained Fri.
Feb. Reading forces and the Lewis Stalinist bloc was not very great, however, and step out and use the militant Ford drive will be muffed. Orily the tide could easily have been turned the other way had it not been tory? Will they take the example vigilant militants in every local Fo. Quakertown progressive unionism in the cate Rank and File) for President: moro votes than Norman Thomas Sat.
teria field for many years: the Sam Kramberg (United Rank and and Barl Browder combined in Sun. Feb. Philadelphia for the bungling and timidity of the state leaders of the Lewis bloc. of the organization of General can force these leaders to take File) for Secretary Treasurer: Minnesota.
militant United Spanish Club, Larry Phillips (United Progress. Among the topics on which Com. Wed.
Mon. Feb. 10 As a result of this poor leadership, therefore, a strong weapon Motors in the great days of 1937 the only road the rond of millFeb. 12 Baltimore is now in the hands of the group in this state CIO which is ready, Or will they stall around and tant action the most exploited miscellaneous ive Club) for General Organizer rade Carlson will speak, accord. Fri.
Feb. 14 Pittsburgh when Hillman gives the word, to workers: the Independent Helle and Juan Aviles (United Spanish ing to the preference of the Sun.
Feb. 16 Indianapolis capitulate to the government and branches, are The Road to Social. Mon.
nic Club, and the Chefs and Cooks Club) for Labor Chief.
Feb. 17 Louisville the craft unionists on the crucial Committee these are the groups The Progressive Club is well ism. American Imperialism, The Wed. Feb. 19 St. Louis issue of industrial unionism.
that comprise the United Union represented on the rest of the Right to Life and The Rise and Frid. Feb. 21 Memphis At the start of the convention Committee.
slate, with Sam Roth running for all of the Minnesota Farmer La Sun. Feb. 23 New Orlcans Mon.
Knapik, one of the Hillman leadThe United Union Committee Vice President and Pillsbury and bor Party.
Feb. 24 ers, made this clear when he stat.
has adopted a militant program. Fox running for Business Agents. The schedule of the Carlson Tues. Fe. 25 Houston ed that the CIO should immed!
It contains the main points of the Three Progressives are running tour has just been announced as Fri. to Feb. 28 Los Angeles program of the United Progress for the branch executive boards follows: Thurs. March and vicinity with the AFL. The lack of apive Club.
and two for the Council. Three Day Date Place Sat. March San Francisco plalise was a warning to him, and. Jan. Milwaukee Sun. March he hastily added that negotiations Detroit Toledo Poll Also Shows Considerable Sentiment Justment Board. on which the central bodies for the Central La Friday Jan. Chicago Mon. March 10 must not lead to destroying a Jan. Tucs. March 11 single one of the CIO interna Favoring Trade Union Control of Military Training United Spanish Club have always Gordon: for the Joint Board of Sun. Jan. Fri. March 14 Portland tional unions.
joined in differing with the Rank the Food Workers Unions, Larry Fun Jan. Flint Sun.
and Pile Club, was settled by ad. Phillips: for the United Hebrew March 16 Seattle The Hillman leaders apparently Wed. Jan. Detroit Wed.
TOLEDO. Ohio. American very significant majority were by any opposition to the general decided that it would be unwise March 19 Plentywood opting a clause in favor of a men. Trades, Sam Roth.
Jan. in a closely contested convention workers accept universal military in favor of collective bargaining idea of military training unde bership referendum on this major (The full text of the United Friday Jan. 10 Toledo Thurs. March 20 Williston to bring into the open their real training, but favor collective bar rights for the common soldiers, union control. As one garage issue after the elections. The Pro Union Committee program ap.
Sun. Jan. 12 Cleveland Fri. March 21 Fargo position on industrial unionism, Saining rights for soldiers 78. Only 12. were against, mechanic put it. would favor gressive and Spanish Clubs arel pears on page of this issue. Mon.
Jan. 13 Akron Sat. March 22 so they put it away in the back through representatives of their with undecided. higher union control if the proper men Tues. Jan. 11 Youngstown Sun. March 23 Twin Cities ground. The Lewis Stalinist wing own choosing. In addition, there percentage of those polled were wero in charge.
permitted them to do so. is a strong trend to prefer mili in favor of this than favored cons. Among the Negroes. adding tary traning for the workers uncription. The ratio of to is weight to the conclusions of the WHITEWASHING HILLMAN The first fight broke out on an ions.
der the control of the trade un sufficiently decisive to establish poli conducted by the Newark as a fact that the workers of this branch of the SWP two months attempt to whitewash the role These are the sentiments ex vital industrial area draw a direct ago. there was a majority in fav.
by GEORGE STERN Hillman is playing in the Nationa Defense Council. It was drama pressed in a poll of a represent analogy between the boss army or of trade union control of mily tary training. This reflects the Prince Radziwill, aristocrat and standing before the choice of tically announced that lillman and Toledo. The poll was con. Those who conducted the poll healthy hostility of the Negro landowner, is one of the few re complete submission to Ger.
fugees from democratic Poland many or of a revolution, might On June 26. 19:10 the Kremlin decrced what has become had entered a protest that day duelen by the Toledo and Detroit were extremely careful not to in workers toward the Jim Crow aragainst the granting of a govern. branches of the fluence those questioned in any my system.
who have been able to make their eventually considera third known as the June laws.
ment contract to Henry ordl, and total of 363 men and women, way. The worker questioned This Detroit Toledo poll, while way into this country.
solution, that of peace, which They abolished the 35 hour week (7 hour day, day week, the H:11manites introduced a res selected at random by visiting were simply informed that a pol: 100 limited to be conclusive, adds Now safe in this country and would certainly be welcome to with the 6th day off. replacing it with the 48 hour weck (8 hour olution to commend Hilman for homes in working class neighbor of the neighborhood or plant arca weight to the contention of our secure with the bank balances his the whole nation. have the day, day week with the 7th day off. and made it a criminal this action hoods or by meeting them at fer was being undertaken that they party that thic American workers class doubtless bad maintained feeling that maybe the moment offense to quit one job. punishable by imprisonment or by few delegates managed to get tory gutes, were asked the follow did not have to give their names are becoming more and more here for just such eventualities, is near when American diplo forced labor terms to be served at the same place of employment the floor in spite of the burcuncing three questions: and that their individual replies aware that the leadership of the Radziwill has assumed the posc maey could develop a very cau.
at 25 less pay.
ratic chairmanship of Hillmanite Are you in favor of the would be kept confidential Army is in the hands of those of adviser on American war pol tious activity for a daring, no fcy. His first essay into this field doubt, but in my opinion not The Kremlin also assumed the right to compulsory transfer Abramson, and to point out that present Burkc Wadsworth Cons It is interesting to note that who represent the same boss class this was a whitewash resolution cription Act?
while 39. of the trade union that controls Industry. Hence to is in a lengthy letter published of any worker from any part of the country to any other part.
necessarily hopeless, attempt designed to cover up Hillman 2. Would you prefer military ists favored military training to workers, thinking of curbing this in the New York Times on De in this direction.
These infamous laws have been systematically extended to treacheries. What about his hand training under trade union con der trade union control, a higher boss control, overwhelmingly far.
cember 11.
The speculations of this Polish the whole population until now they have been applied to the ing of Bethlchem Stecl? they ask rol?
percentage than for the total or collective bargaining in the Radziwill sces Mussolini prince are very illuminating. lle lower ranks of the bureaucracy and to the Stakhanovists, tho ed. What about his handling of Should soldiers have the group including non unionists. Army, as in the factory.
Italy in a precarious position poses Mussolini two choices labor aristocracy.
strikes? An amendment was made right of collective bargaining for 15. of the trade unionists were. In addition, an important soc as a result of its military resurrender to Hitler or overthrow These facts appear here for the first time in this country.
that the CIO oppose the granting better conditions through their definitely opposed to this idea. tion of the workers are ready to verses. He says the heavy by an anti Fascist revolution just as the Socialist Appeal was the first to publish the facts of contracts to all violators of the lected representatives?
threat of interior revolution and turns away from both of them Some of the statements made so beyond the limited curb of the about the June laws. On page of this issue we publish this labor laws. Discussion was cut 71. were in favor of the cons. in explanation of their negative borses which is provided by cal.
hangs constantly over Italy.
with a shudder. And we may be latest article by John Wright. Read it and read Comrade off, and in the voice vole, it scen cription law. 13. against, and cpinion on this question indicate lective bargaining, and are prep That threat could be averted ed, the amendment was carried. 10. 79 undecided that the replies of many trade ared to support trade union con.
for the present by a complete quite sure that for him the pros Wright articles regularly they appear here almost every week Abramson. However, refuser a roll 31. of the total group polled unionists pect of an anti Fascist revolution surrender to a German military were cond tioned by tro of military training. if you want to understand how Stalin is strangling the Soviet call vote and declared the original were in favor of trade union con their distrust of the conservative (The tabulation of the Deand diplomatic protectorate. is by far the worst of the two Union.
motion carried After this, the trol of military training, while and reactionary bureaucratic troit Toledo poll appears on Mussolini, he goes on, alternatives. Continued on page 1) 13. were opposed.
trade union leaders, rather than page Workers Favor Collective Bargaining Rights In Army 19 Thurs.
ON THE WAR FRONTS Stalin Latest Ukase!