CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL DECEMBER 14, 1940 Our Party Vote In Minnesota TWORKERS FORUM AFL Gave Undue Prominence To The Racketeering Issue Weing ST.
Louis ASS AITKIN. Duluth WIL OTTERTAIL brainerd GRANT DOUGLAS TRAVERSE 3A 5sandria LEKTOR 59 SWIFT St. Cloud 34 MOKA BASAHINGTON TARLE74 RENVILLE LIN: LYON REDWOOD WASEGADODGE OLNSTEAE The Socialist Critics of the CIO They Provide a Pseudo Radical Alibi for Hillman and the AFL 1940 VOTES BY COUNTIES CAST FOR GRACE CARLSON LAKE KITTSON ROSEAU LOR TROTSKYIST ANTI WAR PARTY 45 But Neither Dubinsky Nor the AFL Chieftains in 40 THE CANDIDATE FOR WOODS International fols Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the Took a Correct Working Class Attitude Toward It 31 SENATOR MARSHALF labor movement what are the workers thinking about. Sell 44 TOTAL IN STATE 8, 761 us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops By ART PREIS Concerned primarily with the BELTRANT and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn TON 51 The problem of racketeering occupied an altogether dispropor questions of dues collections, ironprint and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open Valton!
KOOCHICHING COOK 8P LAKE to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you tionate place at the AFL convention at New Orleans. It is a very ing out interminable jurisdiction4 minor problem in the trade union movement as a whole. Had the al disputes, and curbing the dos 33 do not want your name printed.
POLK AFI. chieftains been grappling with the basic problems facing the tres of the members for militant 107 Em 1TASCA Briggs Worker Tells 18 men were turning out only 24 workers, the racketeering question would have automatically been tradenton action, the leadership 134 NORMAN AMHAM relegated to the subordinate place it should have taken. But since il control from the top. So long enforces the principle of dictatorpanels per hour (1 3 per man. Story of Shutdorons This company excuse is a downlen 30 15 the convention was given no real problems to deal with the main as these untons pay their dues, 525 At Briggs Plymouth right lie. When the company fired time was consumed with canned speeches from government officials Green and Co. do not care whether the six men it expected and deCLAY BECKER and other people who had no business being on the platform it is the members attend meetings, or Editor: manded that the rest turn out the 94 165 81 The grievance which provoked sante amount of production as be no wonder that both at the conWL.
CROW 68 the strike of eighteen workers in fore.
vention and in the press the ques: petlon prevails, such as in clean. Whether local meetings are ever held. 11 members who dare The Chief Steward would WING CARLTON the panel division of the Briggs not stand for this, and then the tion of rackeetering loomed out of ing and dying, laundry and res to oppose the policies of 60 74 Aitkin all proportion to its importance.
KIN Manufacturing Co. here in De company canned him. Then the their cfficials are arbitrarily ex194 BOSSES RESPONSIBLE pelled without proper trial, that troit, on November 29 and which whole department walked out.
34 DUBINSKY PROPOSAL TODD led to a one day shut down in Shirt No. went through the same RINE Dubinsky, too yellow to fight on What is more significant than no skin off Bill Green nose.
volving 10. 000 Briggs workers and procedure.
82 MORRISON LORELE 69 real issueshe didn open his the limited extent of union racket CIO HASN ANY 10, 000 Plymouth workers, is a ty 94 LACULAMA This particular misunderstand LithFalls 571 mouth even to second Philip Ran cering. Is the fact that it is direct RACKETEERING pical example of the cruminy way ing was finally froned out after 52 colph eloquent plea against Jim Ly Invited and sanctioned by the The proof that it is the lack of the auto bosses are dealing with the company met with the union STEYEN POPE STEARNS Crow picked this popular issue borges in these industries. As democratic practices within the 52 the auto workers officials in it three hour conter22 176 e. popular with the capitalist Stark points out, Almost invar AFL which enables the few rackWhen this trouble happened all ence.
the local boss papers immediately But the settlement of this one KANDI racketeering flourishes only Dubinsky proposal to empower been found linked with dishones eteers to flourish within it, and put the blame on the union 57 LAC grievance hasn changed the YOHI MEEKER WRIGHT77 the AFL Executive Council 8118 business men, crooked politicians in small crafts, Is demonstrated shoulders. They gave an account whole pleture, not by a damu law. THIPPEWA 7591 100 HENNE pend any union official convicted and outright criminals.
by the complete freedom of the which presented the company sight!
Wilma LEOD 7ths HANSEY 1034 in Montepia Gunty He adds: Small employers in 47 of an act of moral turpitude from racketeers.
It might statement without comment but would have placed in the hands these industries, by their own mo seem that the new unions of the The Brigs men are not celebnot a line of the union state rating over this settlement. be.
YELLOW MEDICIAL 123 st. Paul. in formy County 87 37 DAKOTA St Paul. in Delets County of the reactionary Council the ex tion or through outside instiga CIO, formed quickly of inexperiment.
cause there are scores of other act powers which Dulinsky had tion, form so called trade associa enced workers and prey to many STOLEY SCOTT 166 DB Red Wing This shut down happened be grievances unsettled which are COLN Holler HE SEER RICE GOODHUE opposed when they appeared in tiong to limit or increase prices. unknown and untested elements, cause the company fired the union bursting the union Alles.
83 64 32 the form of the role to suspena steward in the panel division All the auto workers know that BROWN 454 theinselves to the associations at tration of boss racketeers. But it international unions when he tried to protest the Ta not only at Briggs, but at all the Stone MURRAY. COM MATONBLUE CARD STEEL Winona unionism. Militant union leaders, a price. They police the indus isn tionalization firing some work other auto plants, the bosses are 53 50 54 57 lei HOWINONA convicted or framed up in strike try and supply the police from No handful of rats or gangsters and making the rest produce trying to see how much heat they activities, could be tossed out of criminals among their number.
ers who valued their necks would more which the management can put on us. And say for one ROCK NOBLES JACKSON MARTIN KARIMVET MOWE FILLMORE HOUSTOM the AFL by a simple vote of the Racketeering union leaders codare try to intimidate a meeting tried to slip over.
22 67 that either the unions will answer 6662 79 93 Austin 78 operate with dishonest business of Industrial workers who had 53 705 Council.
The company tried to say that this growing offensive of the auto Albert Led By ke terms only conveted men to force other business men stood up to clubs, revolvers, rifles, it had actually cut down the re magnates in the spirit of 1937, or persons could be suspended. The to join trade associations or to machine guns, sawed off shot gung quired production of the panel be swept back tear gas in the hands of pol.
the conditions wellknown tie up between the pol keep them out of trade associa This map of Minnesota shows the distribution the three metropolitan counties: Hennepin, 1755: ice, courts and racketeers pre tions. In either case the object ice and National Guardsmen!
men. It claimed that while it of the old pre union days.
had fired six men, production had This Briggs episode shows that of counties of the 761 votes east for our party Ramsey, 1034; St. Louis, 525. But it is note cludes many such convictions of the trade association is mono it is hard to conceive of the been reduced even more in propor. the auto workers are full of fight candidate for Senator. Significant index worthy that we also received blocks of votes Except. of course, in the case of poly and Nigher prices. appearance of a racketeering sit tion to the number of men left. and willing to fight, and it indtof our party influence throughout the state is from the radicalized farmers throughout the honest union strikers.
From this it is apparent that uation in an industrial union. To It claimed that where 24 inen cates the path forward for the the fact that Comrade Carlson received votes in state. Comrade Carlson vote was larger than Further, this proposal placed racketeering is a direct measure appear it would require a type were turning out 48 panels an whole union.
the combined vote for Earl Browder and Norman the responsibility for dealing with of the influence of the bosses with or connivance with the bosses hour (2 per man) that afterwards every county. The vote was of course largest in Thomas.
racketeers on the shoulders of a in any union, and not a pheno. which is alien to a mass producfew leaders, instead of on the menon native to unionism itself, tion industry and an industrial rank and file of the unions.
as the bosses try to claim. union. It pays a boss to connive The convention leaders turned with a small craft union, even to this proposal down. Creen and WHY IT ISN ENDED the extent of paying relatively Co. didn want to be placed in The question is: If the extent good wages. He could never feel a position where at any time in of such racketeering is really so that way about a mass production the future they might be com Himited, if the vast bulk of the industry, where the wage bill pelled to act against a pal. The AFL local unions and leaders are loons as the key factor and where defeat of Dubinsky proposal also free of any such talnt, why is it an industrial union is bargaining reflected the concern of the vari seemingly so difficult to eradicate on behalf of all the workers in the evil?
ous international officers for their the plant.
jealously guarded control over which would clean out the racket anteed in advance against raekets The answer is simple. policy The ClO is thus well nigh guar By FELIX MORROW pinie is very clear; one has but to Hillman on the key question of nure, is now engaged in efforts to aid of a delicate recording in their individual unions.
As a counter proposal to Dub eers in double quick time is pos eering. The less favorable situa(This is the third of a series read its strikebreaking stories a continuing the fight for industrial raid the warehouse fields in com strument invented by the Call adtof articles on the Atlantic City safnst the Vultes alrcraft work untonism to call this baiting plete disregard of industrial un: tors, Lenin once said, making fun insky the Executive Counc!
ers. The New Leader is now in Hillman constitutes a distortion ton jurisdiction. This is follows of people who talked about wheth. merely put through a resolution reactionary craft leaders, and it in the AFL could, however, he is the one policy of which the overcome if the rank and file in At the convention more accu. der the editorial control of a of what happened. And to describe ed by a paragraph to prove that er or not an opponent was in plously condemning labor rack bosses those who cry loudest any union were aided by the narately, in the corridors one heard group of demoralized and disori. the majority reasoned argument the Communist Party is opposed cere, that nobody had ever in eteering in general and suggest against the evil are in deadly tional AFL leadership to establish a type of pseudo leftist criticism ented refugees, whose lack of un as factionalism and bitterness to AFL CIO unity for unworthy vented a sincereometer. But the ing that the various internation fear.
genuine democracy and use it of John Lewis and his allies derstanding of the American labor. that disqualifies the Call cor reasons. Then the call passes on Call editors have done just that, als make steps on their own ini.
That simple policy is to restore against any racketeer.
which, upon examination, turns movement flows from the failure respondent as a reporter.
to other business, as if it has it appears: The convention failed to expost democratic rank and file control But real union democracy that out to be merely a cover for a to understand how fascism in IGNORES REAL ISSUE proved that there is no difference The outstanding weakness of pro Hillman, pro AFL line. This their Social Democratic policies The call works up a case for between Hillman and the Lewis the convention and of the co the real character and causes of within the unions of the AFL! means militancy and strikes, and The prevalent leadership domi you can get the Greens and Wolls prowar Soe Democratic Peder their European homelands. In ice of denying that the maintentifies the Lewis forces with the Both in the Hillman camp and in which would enable the member was the line common to both the assured the victory of fascism in nates the ranks with an iron fist. to go for that!
Note that the Coll blandly iden effective polley on Ronext deltet. for strengthening the democratie ation and the anti war Norman their impatience to get home to Thomas Socialists.
SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY their old well paying posts, they ance of industrial unionism is the Stalinists. false, and pretty the Lewis camp. there is much point at issue. the CommunNEW YORK LOCAL rive at their pro liitman orienta notblue must slow up the the defenders of industrial union the call a volds this, the real boys are so marked with Com LITTLE RACKETEERING These two socialist groups aroutingo the Dies Committee:ist Party and Lewis are alleged stupid, assumption. Will unity be hypocrisy. Hillman forces are ship to make short shift of dis a blow to industrial unionism? more honest. Lewis and his honest elements.
diametrically opposed to each them the path home, hence their forces who are advocates of peace Its case comes down to saying: burocratic trade unton practices question.
munist alliances, Wilikle deals, EXISTS GERMANIA HALL What is the extent of the rack that Lewis is hostile to aid to gainst the basic labor movement between the two great bodies or if Hillman is no friend of indus. and unprincipled vindictiveness eteering within the AFL: Con 3rd Avenue and 16t) St.
organized labor. But the truth of trial unionism, neither are Lewis that they constitute on even more trary to the impression deliber Admission: One Dollar Britain in league with com. the cio.
munazis, sabotaging national de the matter is that Harry Bridges, and the Stalinists. In that case, repulsive force to increasing secately fostered by the boss press The case of Norman Thomas the main plllar of the struc logie would demand that the Caritions of the C10. My italies. there is relatively very little.
fense: therefore the New Leader Canl is somewhat different. It is is for Hilman. The Call says not (yet) yelling for war. It sup denounce both Lewis and Hillman And with this type of argument Such racketeering as does exist Lewis is as much a war monger ported the Vultee strikers. Hence and call upon the CiO workers these socialists justify support is almost entirely confined to 88 any body, his Stalinist friends its socialist arguments are likeC. ASKED TO to mobilize under a third banner ing the opponents of industrial small unions, and these mainly The following additional contributions to the Trotsky Memorial will shift to the war camp tomorty to carry much more weight in defense of industrial unionism. unionism against Lewis and his lin a few secondary service indus Fund have come in during the last week: row, etc. therefore the call is for than those of the New Leader. It But these Norman Thomas Social allies who, whatever else they are, tries.
Buffalo 00 Hillman. How can the New Lead is necessary, therefore, to take ists know only one method in are on the progressive side in the This fact is made clear by Louis New Haven 00 er and the call both favor Hill. apart the Call case for Hillman.
trade union politics. pick which key issue which at the present stark in an article in the New of the big shots you ll back. time forms the Lynn man, but for opposite reasons. dividing line York Timer. Dec. 1: Investiga 00 Bitterness Dominates Scene At throughout the entire trade union tions by prosecuting officials in Boston 28. 50 THEY HATE THE CIO Atlantic City; Lewis Communist THE CALL NEW movement.
New York, Chicago and other New York 100. 00 Little need be said about the Bloc Tries To Bait Hillman. Such INVENTION The voice of the Can doesn large c! ttes have disclosed that Los Angeles 50 New Leader attitude toward the is the call headline (Nov. 30 is MINNEAPOLIS, Minn The Having thus dismissed the real travel far. But its socialist case racketeering is prevalent in small Flint 13. 00 CIO, for the motivation for its sue. Lewis dignified challenge to Communist Party here has re issue. industrial unionism. for Human and the AFL may industries where cut throat comSan Francisco 20. 00 jected a challenge by the Social the call goes on to find socialist be picked up by the pro Hillman Chicago 14. 00 ist Workers Party to debate the reasons for supporting Hillman. cliques in the newer industrial Minneapolis St. Paul 200. 00 subject of the attitude American The contention of Hillman en unions. In the United Auto Workworkers should take in this mili cmies is that he is war monger ers, for example, where the military epoch.
and is interested in national de tant membership wouldn Haten TOTAL 389. 75 The challenge was issued Nov. Cense to the exclusion of labor for a moment to Hillman own Branch Amount paid ember 10 in the form of a letter interests. Aha, says the Call, line, but might be confused by a Milwaukee 00 10 102 to the state secretary of the Lewis and the Stalinists are no socialist stooge for Hillman.
Boston 100. 00 100. 75 101 By WALTER ROURKE Trotsky, to shoot only with the Communist Party. The letter re better. Does the Call, therefore, Such radical arguments for Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 100 MEXICO CITY David Alfaro Intention of terrorizing him into corded that suggestions for such propose to support neither Lewis Hillman policy must be exposed Rockville 00 00 100 Siqueiros has finally submitted a inaction, and to injure him only a debate have been made from nor Hillman, which would be the for what they are: a left winToledo 50. 00 50. 00 100 formal statement to Judge Trust he tried to prevent the theft various persons attending the logic of that argument? No. In dow dressing for the most reac the labor The December issue of the Detroit 200. 00 200. 00 Jillo at Coyoacan. As was expected, of documents the injury was not Sunday Forum which the social stead the Call proceeds to tlp the tionary tendency in 100 he has added nothing to what was to be serious but only enough to 1st Workers Party in the Twin scales in Hillman favor, with the movement today.
Pourth International, which will Lynn 100. 00 85. 00 85 be off the press this week, fea Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 already known but rather has put him out of action. Appar. Cities sponsors. While suggest 135. 07 68 tures as its main article, a mani. San Francisco merely developed his former les ently he expects this fantastic ing a debate on the attitude of 100. 00 55. 00 55 festo of the Fourth International. Newark one step further.
tale to be believed in the face the parties towards the war, the France Under Hitler and Petain. Flint 150. 00 70. 50 47 His testimony always, boils of the mate evidence of Trotsky SWP made it clear that any sug.
150. 00 69. 00 46 It analyzes what has been happen down to two points the May 24th bedroom, riddled by bullets from gestions you may have for a deing in France since the collapse Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 430. 00 43 (attack was not intended to kill three directions. Siqueiros prebate subject will be gladly reA Treasury of the and proposes a concrete program Allentown 15. 00 00 40 Trotsky but only to steal some of tends that most of the bullet holes ceived.
So far this challenge has gone for the struggle for freedom Los Angeles 150. 00 38 the archives; he knows nothing were made by the guards and that Other articles featured are: in New York 1000. 00 355. 00 36 about the murder of Robert Shel. the incendiary bombs were tossed unanswered. Rank and file memter Imperialist Struggle for Latin Buffalo 25. 00 00 82 don Harte. Siqueiros originally by Trotsky in order to gain more bers of the Communist Party from ancient days to our own time, containing one of Amerien. by the Argentine revo. Philadelphia said that he wanted the archives publicity: this is all that remains didn know we had asked their 30. 00 00 27 Trotsky letters and Lenin Testament.
lutionist, Quebracho: The AFL New Haven 20. 00 28 to prove Trotsky counter revol of the original Stalinst theory of party to debate, until we called 50 it to their attention and showed and CIO Conventions by Farrell Youngstown Selected and Edited by utionary activities; now he says self assault.
50. 00 00 12 that he discovered that Trotsky or course Siqueiros insists that them copies of our letter. LINCOLN SCHUSTER 75 Dobbs: Stalin Regime as Mir. Akron 10. 00 rored in the New Legislation, by 00 00 was selling his correspondence he has no connection with the For the information of the fo.
John Wright; Milwaukee Cleveland 70. 00 00 with Lenin to Harvard University second and successful assault on rum audience the letter chalOTHER SUGGESTIONS 10. 00 Brand of Socialisz by James Hutchinson 00 00 Library and wanted to take these Trotsky life.
lenging the CP to debato was read Dialectics and Nature by Engels at the Sunday Forum on Decem. 50 Boulton: Discipline 10. 00 the Amer. Pittsburgh letters. In either case the story SIQUEIROS HELD 00 00 ber 1st.
Anti Duhring by Engels. 00) 65 Portland la ridiculous since the archives STALINIST ican Army, by Michael Cort. 10. 00 00 00 Communist Party members and Socialism and Philosophy by Labriola 25 or special interest is the article Quakertown 00 were not even touched during the COMMAND IN SPAIN 0, 00 00 sympathizers are being urged to Capital by Marx (vol. Modern Library 25 by Leon Trotsky. The Class, the Reading 00 attack, though right out in full 00 00 The Colonel Siqueiros held a ask that their leaders accept our View in the library.
Not Guilty and Case for Leon Trotsky Party, and the Leadership, Rochester 15. 00 00 00 Stalinist command in Span challenge to debate the issues that Special Cloth Cover 00 Edition.
which was found in his archives St. Louis 00 00 Obviously Siqueiros intention states that one of his Communist divide us. It has been four years 00 in unfinished form. It was the Texas is to free himself of the charge friends led the May 24 assault men of the Third and fourth In5. 00 00 article he promised to write dur. Individual Contributions 00 since a debate between spokes.
MODERN BOOKSHOP of attempted murder. He insists ing the internal diseussion last 30 that the participants in the at but that he would never disclose ternationals has been held in Min 27 University Place New York City Spring but which the GPU assas tack were instructed not to kill his name.
neapolis, sin prevented him from finishing. TOTALS 3509. 00 1664. 87 47 New Year Eve Celebration TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND DEBATE BY MINN. SWP Wasn Meant to Kill Trotsky Says Leader of May Attack!
Latest Fourth International Off the Press Quota The Ideal Gift 56. 65 WORLD GREAT LETTERS ឱ! ដ