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Socialist Appeal FOR ORGANIZATION OF AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY FOR MILITARY TRAINING UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 50 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1940 to 267 FIVE (5) CENTS NEGRO SAILORS OUSTED FOR PROTEST Finerty Court Order Denounced Here A New Angle 13 Discharged;2 Joins Aid By Minneapolis Unions On National Defense Face Navy Trial For Waller HOUSTON DAIRY DRIVERS STRIKE AFTER LOCKOUT AFL CIO Unite In Big Lumber Strike National defense has been the pretext to break strikes, Drivers Union Rejects Judge Order abolish labor laws, cut wages, lengthen hours, refuse to recognize unions, and fifty other anti labor moves reported in your morning Seamen Who Exposed Vicious Jim Crow newspaper, but it remained for John Pew, brilliant president Famous Attorney To To Remove Loyal Unionist From Office of the Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, to invent an apIn Navy Get Undesirable Discharges solutely new angle in this racket.
Fight Execution of For the Good of the Service By CARL SHEA His company was charged with fostering a company union, Negro Sharecropper espionage, and coercion, intimidation and discrimination against MINNEAPOLIS, Minn With one voice the union movement its employees, and notified to appear before the National Labor By ALBERT PARKER here has decided to cry HALT to the presumptious efforts of the Relations Board for a hearing on the charges.
Rear Admiral Nimitz, chief of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy NEW YORK John Finerty. district court to dictate to the Minneapolis General Drivers Union All Deliveries Stop Whereupon President Pew addressed himself, not to the Department, last week finally told what had happened to the fifteen famous labor attorney has joined through the means of the famous fink suit.
Labor Board, but to his most profitable customer, the Navy. He Negro sailors on the Philadelphia who had written a letter the defense lawyers who are pres served notice, in a letter to the Navy Department, that he couldn Friday morning, November, 29th, Judge Paul Carroll handed As Milk Trust Tries protesting Jim Crow conditions in the Navy.
sing last minute efforts to save make any more ships for the Navy unless the NLRB hearings Nimitz announced, in an interview with Prattis, Executive the life of Odell Waller. Negro down his ruling on motions by Local 544 and the finks to amend his To Stall Contract were put out of the way!
Editor of the PITTSBURGH COURIER, that 13 of the sailors had share cropper, sentenced by a Vir original findings in the long drawn out suit. The court utilized the The company, he wrote, finds it is impossible to (a) exoner been kicked out of the Navy with undesirable discharges, and that ginia court to die in the electrie occasion to take another crack at the union by ordering it to remove ate itself from the charges of the board and (b) perform the the other two were still in the brig, probably being held for even chair December 27 for slaying his Nick Wagner, trustec, from office, on the grounds that he threatBy a Truck Driver tremendous task of increasing plant facilities, personnel, pur more drastic action.
white landlord.
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 2chases of supplies and equipment (in order to accept Navy conMr. Finerty was a defense coun. ened and intimidated finks.
The commanding officer of the Philadelphia, after the boys sel for Tom Mooney and in the tracts) at one and the same time. The letter concludes by posing The Local 544 executive board met. surveyed the situation and The bosses of this Southern letter had been printed in the COURIER on Oct. 5, had placed them Metropolis appear headed for a the question: Sacco Vanzetti case, and acted as all under arrest. He had then forced them all to write statements, legal counsel for the International resolved to challenge the court organizing the 12 state area overshow. down with the entire union Which is more important that the national defense program telling why they had signed the letter and who had suggested it.
Commission of Inquiry which ac decision head on. Carroll deci rond drivers.
go forward on schedule or that the Industrial Union of Marine This was obviously a move to find quicted Leon Trotsky of the Mussion sets such a sinister prece While conceding all this, the movement. And they re going to and Shipbuilding Workers of America be given an immediate out who was the brains behind Jall, which would indicate that cow Trials charges.
get that show down.
the commanding officer decided dent that it must be fought judge given credence to a few the letter.
An all white jury including 10 through the highest court. When of the thousands of viciously anti Yesterday morning, Sunday Sure! What the hell! You can expect President Pew (or his When he had these letters, the that they had instigated the letthe managements of the six big lawyers) to put down his tools, take off his overalls and go down commanding officer filed charges ter, and that Admiral Nimitz has carpenter passed the death sen boss courts presume to replace were attempting by this suit to tence on Waller in a trial at Chit the union membership in decid have the union officers removed all their milk drivers and dairy gest dairy concerns locked out town for just an old Labor Board hearing! Not while HE is workagainst the boys and recommend accepted the recommendation of ing so hard on national defense!
ed to the Navy Department that the commanding officer that they they be court martialed.
be court martialed.
ham, Virginia. An appeal is being who shall and shall not be of as disbonest.
ing made to the Supreme Court ficers of unions, it time for a moth eaten legal technicality, the workers, over 700 men and He charged them with violating But the case would not be closed of Appeals of Virginia to throw showdown.
judge used the occasion of his ori. women. All milk deliveries were sub paragraph of Article of even if all the men had been set the verdict aside on the grounds ginal decision to order the union Chapter of the Articles of War. Cree. Indeed, the fight must go suspended.
to remove Carl Skoglund from hie of evidence of prejudice in the which reads: on as long as the officer caste con.
conduct of the trial and the selec. LABOR ARMY ASSEMBLES postas 544 president on the Local 133 of the Teamsters Un Or joins in or abets any com trols military training and has tion of the jury.
Developments of the last few grounds that Skoglund was not lon has turned the lock out into bination to weaken the lawful the power to Jim Crow Negroes.
According to the evidence at the days show that the whole labor yet a citizen. Skoglund is still a general milk drivers strike, callauthority of or to lessen the re. This was indicated also by the Chatham trial. Waller had shot movement is of one mind on the president. Nothing was done about us for an additional per week spect due to his commanding of Courier in its issue of December the landlord. Oscar Davis, in sol decision 19 ppoal, the case. All the judge order, pending a hear. Ion the guaranteed wages of the ficer. in the story entitled Here Are defense, after Davis attempted to ready the Minneapolis Testostersing on the motions to amend totaltoute drivers and four ad In adulton to this charge was flore Chain bermaids Yoit draw a gun on Waller who was Joint Council, the Building Trades decision. ditional days Vacation with pay.
trying to set the shares dues Council and the executive Board further and ordered the removal came one that even another conduct prejudicial tocan Pre, Rear Admiral Nimitz.
Now the judge has gone a step The lockout, and now strike, 45, 000 Rival Union Men Join Hands good order and discipline. which contained another letter, for work performed by him, bis of the Minneapolis Central Labor of Wagner because a few Ally strike against the of a planned DANGEROUS PRECEDENT from a group of six Negro sailors key Phenix To Wrest Wage Gains From Timber Lords wife and 69 year old mother.
In other words, if a Negro sailor of the Davis, stationed at Waller had carried the gun itance by unanimous vote resolved Anks claimed that Nick Intim Dalries here, and was an evident cause of the previous threats of to support the stand of 544.
dated them.
signs a letter saying he is being San Diego, California.
If this precedent move of the Houston Dairy Coun Jim Crowed and doesn like it, This letter, which is the sixth ORTLAND, Orc. Dec. As the joint strike of the AFL and It is certain that Nick Wagner were to stand, bosses everywhere cil, the milk borses association, law permits a citizen to carry a will be nominated and will stand would send their stool picons to get the sump on the Milk Drly. co lumber workers moves into its second week, the entire lumber weaken alien average authority to signed by groups at moss atten fun 17 he believes his life to be for re election in local 541 an and finks into unions to cook up ers and start the drive to bring industry of the Pacific Northwest is virtually paralyzed.
on as many is commanding officer. in danger.
nual election this month.
a case against the officers, drag back the open shop once more.
in the Navy in the last two It he writes Throughout the states of Washington and Oregon, sweeping the people out. months, tells the same story that The case is vital ini disclosing them before an enemy court and Testimony throughout the long have the court behead the union the labor leaders here that the het is the general belief among the mighty Columbia River Basin and up into Puget Sound, the side of the Naxy and asks to belp the others did, of segregation, the sordid injustice which the trial showed that the leadership and lay down the policies the unemploying class as a whole workers of both the AFL and CIO have joined hands to wrest decent put an end to the policy that per brutal discrimination and vicious white Southern landlords impose of Local 544 has acted consistently on the Negroes, and in providing on sound trade union principlex ion is to follow.
this city is planning to utilize the wages and working conditions from Weyerhaeuser and the rest of mits Negroes to become only mess punishment for any back talk.
attendants and cooks, then he Unfortunately, like the others, an example of the legal methods in the interests of the union inen BOSSES DEMAND BLOOD dairy situation for the start of the lumber barons.
employed against the Negroes in bership and organized labor. Logging camp and sawmill op. Sullty of lessening the respect the authors of this letter, while the poll tax southern states.
There is no doubt that the presa general drive against the 20, 000 due bis commanding officer. Judge Carroll himselt has conced sure of the employers on Judge organized workers here whose erations in Portland, Seattle, Ev they demonstrate great courage in That, at least, is the viewpoint signing their names, make the Organization of the defense is ed the wion elections are fairly Carroll must be terrific. The contracts are due to expire within erett, Tacoma. Morton and a score of the officer caste that runs the mistake of urging as a solution of other filmber towns are at a ships and every day violates the that the Negro youth of Amer.
fense League, which is appealing the union has acted within its out to get the militant union strength to this belief is the fact for urgently needed funds to suve rights in using its funds to con which for six years has turned that coincident with the breakBy last night the number of law passed by Congress that pro ica. celse you chlist in the hibits discrimination in the Navy.
Waller life. The league na duct strikes, to defend arrested aside every other blow they have down of the negotiations of Local estimated strikers rose to over armed forces against any person tional office is at 112 East 19th union members, to aid other la sought to deal it. But this time 133 for a new contract with the 30, 000, with the end of the walk.
because of race or color.
As we have indicated in our St. New York City, David Clen bor organizations, to donate to the Carroll has gone too far.
Dairy firms, several key compa out spread not yet in sight. The The commanding officer wanted pamphlet, Defend the Negro Saitdenin, secretary Parmer Labor Party, to assist in whatever the cost, Local 544 nies in bottling, baking, trucking pledge of the joint conference of them court martialed. But the ors of the pailadeiphia means to establish its right to ea to renew their union contracts. 19 Cops, Judges the representatives of the Lumber Bureau of Navigation takes such a policy will not solve the and Sawinill conduct its own affairs completely Workers Union lighter view of the matter. il problem because it is ineffectivo (AFL) and the free from intervention by the Behind.
biased courts wo use their legal cil stand powerful oil and bank Transferred For Woodworkers Union (CIO. wbich agrees that this action is almost in the face of conscription: be.
met in Centralia, Washington as bad as a mutiny, but doesn cuttse it will not help the 000 position to sanction the rottening interests who would move Mass Negro Arrests last Sunday and agreed to united feel it wise to have the mess boys Negro sailors already in the Navy: and because it does not take into by GEORGE STERN charges of a handful of links fheaven and hell to break the un auced and guided by the bosses. tons of this town.
strike action, to effect as broad banged from the yard urm.
so the Bureau over ruled the consideration the need for illia tioup as possible, is being fulHow far will or can Hitler let all enemics, actual and potential. Throughout the nation, in Wash his Axis partner slip down into the reduction of Italy to a minor ington and in every state capitol ALL UNIONS COOPERATE Atled. The strike appears to be recommendation of the highly res tary training of all kinds by the PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 19 heading towards shut down bepected officer and gave orders for oppressed Negro people and the which is rapidly engulfing the doubtedly forms part of his plan and industrial center, the losses his second day, the milk drivers volved in the legal mass street dan bordered to the malipopata terred to the receiving station able to defeat their enemies, Although the strike is just in policemen and magistrates, in every camp and will from the Can thirteen of ihe boys to be trans working classic they are to be The latest developments in the The German legions that have tories in Albania are satisfactory set to swing on organized labor. sible support from the ci and in the North Philadelphia 20th The major demands of the given uudesirable discharges. Philadelphia caso polut once again (A discharge of this nature differs to the need for the Negro people already been concentrated in to the Nazis.
Tbc courageous stand of tbe Vul Railroad Brotherhoods here, as Ward on November 16, have been strikers, formulated at the Cet Hungary and Rumania are in a But again, how far will Hitfee strikers stopped the enemy well as the AFL.
from a dishonorable discharge to join in the struggle for a syrquietly transferred into other tralla meeting by 350 rank and in that it does not deprive the tem of military training under position to attack the Greeks in ler let his ally slide? The AlPublic sentiment is clearly on areas as part of the efforts of the file delegates from 76 local wolons the north, via Bulgaria. So far for moment. Now Local 544 adube side of the strikers, despite Republican municipal political representing 45, 000 timber work. discharge, as the Navy offers take control and power out of the banian defeats have already man of his civil rights. It is a the control of the trade unions there has been no indication they opened an astonishingly wide the Minneapolis union movement the horrible pleture of dying the machine to quiet the storm arousers, are for a minimum wage is call 16 for the good of the serve hands of the Jim Crow and antt.
will do so. Greek minister is fissure in the Italian totalitar mean to challenge the whole reacties which the bossos bave been crease of cents an hour and ice. still in Berlin and a German ian facade. The army and navy tionary union smashing campaign painting in almost hourly blasts Meanwhile over 130 of those are one week vacation with pay.
labor officers and put it in the minister in Athens. Extremely The other two men are st! ll in hands of the workers themselves.
commands have been split circumstantial reports from varThe two unions agreed that any asunder. The official Italian should give new confidence in its rull page newspaper ads. And woe ther evil suits against the police plant closed under particular The example of this brave fight over the radio and in sercaming rested are continuing to press jous quarters suggest that the news carries a curious report Germans are by no means enbetide the luckless scab who tries and officials who ordered and con union would re open under the of protests by returning Italown organized power to labor ev. to deliver milk to any worker ducted the raids.
same union.
tirely displeased with Mussolini ian soldiers against the high erywhere, home. The sentiment in favor The raids, made allegedly in an discomfiture.
command in Albania. Another Behind this, these reports say. official Fascist publication of the union is strengthened by effort to clean up petty crimes OTHER UNIONS AID the fact that everyone knows how in the neighborhood, were really Representatives of the luland is the internal struggle within takes open note of an alarm Nazis Arrest 90 the milk trust, including tbe huge reprisals against Negro com Boatmans Union (CIO. and the the Axis. Mussolini is supposed ing increase in the cost of liv.
to have been instrumental in Borden outfit, has been milking munity which refused to vote sailors Union of the Pacitle and ing in Italy. Official Rome com Trotskyists in the the consumers for years. Republican in the last clections. the Masters. Mates and Pilots sviking Hitler attempts to force muniques obviously protest too Some of the vicious acts of the (AFI. who attended the conter Spain into his orbit on much in denying disaffection While no retail milk deliveries Paris Region grounds that Germany was edg Dr. Grace Carlson, who as our and which she has presented in among army and navy officers are being made special arrange police were vividly disclosed at ence. pledged the timber workers ments have been made to see that a mass protest meeting of Negro their full support. The sallors candidate, under the designation highly successful fashion before ing too far into Italy sphere and among the people generalmilk gets to the hospitals and organizations last night in the and boatmen have refused to laul of Trotskyist Anti War Party re many Negro groups in Minnesota.
cf present or future influence. ly.
ceived 8, 761 votes for Sen.
Bim lar institutions, and home St. Paul Baptist Church. Scores ny scab lumber.
Most reports like this can.
The DAY. Jewish daily Women workers will be parti One cannot yet by far deduce of the victims attended and testi not be taken at face value, but from these signs that Italy is consumers can stall the milk Hed to their outrageons handling.
newspaper, publishes the fol As a last minute move to head ator from Minnesota, will make cularly interested to know that German complacence in the close to a complete breakdown.
lowing dispatch in its Dec. 10 a coast to coast speaking toui Comrade Carlson will endeavor they want by fetching it them The victims were picked off the off the tie up, the managements But they do now how quickly sel issue: face of Italian reverses seems during her visit in each local com streets and public places just at or 13 mills in Portland and the startins January The tour is being undertakopmunity to bold conferences on the to go far toward bearing them PARIS. Dec. 10 The police reverses in the field can expose clean ul Victory for the dairy random. No warrants were used out. Mussolini is going to make Columbia hasin had announced. in response to requests from com social and economic problems the internal weaknesses of here have arrested ninety ivers wi Lot only stiffen No charges were placed hins!
a major effort retrieve his totalitarian regime. Hitler can militant Communists, ap camsters organization, but will them. They were given to in two days before the general strikerades and sympathizery in all which confront women under ca.
losses in Albania and if that not afford to have this happen parently Trotskyists, inspire the cutire labor movement mediate hearing as the law pro call. a rent hourly raise for pressed their kecu desire to mee problems of women in industry and effort fails, then Hitler is first even in Italy. It strikes too close questioned them about the bere 10 tibt down the growing vides. And were held ou bail of common labor and cepts an hour Comrade Carlson and hear le under war time conditions likely to step in and by doing to home.
Communist propaganda that is boss oficosivo. The rank and file as high as 800.
more for skilled workers. Unlou speak. The National Committee of the that the disposal of Moreover, Hitler cannot him being spread here recently.
of Local 133 are clearly determ. Those who protested at this ou leaders assailed the employers By special arrangement. Com Socialist Workers Party, which is the self afford to mark time. He They also arrested 63 left ined to make the milk trust come trageous treatment were roughed move as a desperate attempt to rade Carlson will speak before lo sponsoring the tour, bas an rope will be his alone, has to keep his forces in mo. Communists. The Nazi secret Hitler Speech on Tuesday tion and victoriously in nopolice have also uncovered across with a greater share of up by the police. Twenty and out maneuver the efforts of the cal Negro organizations on spe nounced that it will have availa last suggests that he is confident a minimumcial topics dealing with the healtblable the final dates for each city tion at that. It is safe to asnine underground printing the creamy profits which it has gether in cells built for four or workers to obtain problems of the Negro people up that the Nazi military machine sume that he will begin to presses of left Communists. been skimming from this great five people. They were forced to 74 cent increase. The bosses der capitalism, a subject on which on the schedule within a few alone is sufficient to deal with move again and soon.
Houston milk slied.
stand up all night.
move flopped miserably. she has made extensive studies Jays.
PHILA. BOSSES TRY TO QUIET PROTEST STORM ON THE WAR FRONTS Grace Carlson On National Tour the spoils in Southeastern Eu