CapitalismCominternEnglandGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

DECEMBER 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Women Workers In The Last War Negro Struggle Now, Again, As The Men Face Death, The Women Face Factory Horrors Military Arts For Workers In New Book Natalia Thanks to All Who Shared Her Grief of women war.
Concrete and Practical Information New Union Problems, As Capitalism Rules Tool Industry Expands German Economy By ALBERT PARKER The Army is the Boss!
By MARY DANTE and night shifts alternating every Roosevelt knows how to put over his policy Almost from the beginning of American industry, women two weeks. Sanitation, air and NEW WAYS OF WAR. Tom Wintring of Jim Crowism in the armed forres in a smooth have slaved in the factories. With the development of improved light were inadequate in most fac ham. Penguin Books. 126 pages 25c.
and polished manner, but not all his assistants machinery requiring less operating skill, the manufacturer main tories.
have the same experience and technique that he Lained and raised his profits through employment of cheap labor, Extreme pressure from the By CARL SHEA has. They often bungle and show the truth of including that of women and children.
worker forced government invest The onthor of this pamplet, before he became the situation which his sweet words cover up.
igations and in many factories What reasons did government such necessities a8 lavatorles, commander of the Local Defense Volunteers in For example, take the case of Brigadier Gen officials and respectable citizens of predominant importance in washing facilities, and drinking England, was a Stalinist. He commanded the eral Hershey of the Selective Service Administra sive for colonization water were finally given the work December 1, 1940 Into industry? Alexander Hamil. Loading lumber, wheeling and ers.
British Battalion with the International Brigade tion, one of the men in charge of the draft.
Lon declaration on this question shoveling cont, and working as Women complained that the viDear Friends and Comrade: in Spain and his explanation for the failure of When he was asked in a recent interview how is typical: In general women street car conductors were some brations of the big machines made must ask that you pardon my long silence. Only a short the Loyalists. we lost because Hitler and Musit happened that the administration was segregat and children are rendered more of the other occupations perform them nervous and tired after a time ago finished reading your letters and telegrams in which soint had then. friends in Britain, powerful ing colored soldiers and sailors when the Selective useful by manufacturing established by women during the last war. few hours work. They enjoyed you share with me the burden of the loss of the one who inspired enough to prevent is getting arms and food Service Act had a provision prohibiting racial ments than they otherwise would Citing the emergency, the ca all our lives. After the death of our son Leon, his father wrote, is one quite acceptable to the Comintern although be.
no home lite discrimination in the armed forces, he replied: recreation after pitalists demanded suspension of work. In families where the There is nothing more for us to lose, because we always it has parted company with Wintringham. The act says there is to be no discrimination, ONE EXCUSE OR ANOTHER labor legislation. The representa mother and father worked differthought that our own death would be together, But let that lie for the moment. Tom Win.
but the act also says that no way come into The respectable citizens in tives of the capitalists in the state ent shifts they would not see On the twenty fourth of May of this year we were very tringham, while he has no political credentials, the army who is not a reptable to the opiny. The sisted that women were kept out and federal government bowed to each other from one day to the close to such a death. three months later did not have the does have military credentials. One goes to the these demands. The government next. There was no chance to of vice through employment. In good fortune to save him, pass through one more trial, the most 13 vy, of course, is worse, and the marines will pamphlet NEW WAYS OF WAR for what the not accept colored applicants. regret this state, stead of being clestitute they were was the first to take away the provide adequately for the rearing difficult of all.
author has to tell us about the very practical provided with abundance for a eight hour day in the Navy yards of the children.
but unfortunately the army gets the final thank you deeply for your support.
side of the military arts. And the average worker And then, as if to make sure that everybody periods the capitalist class have mont approved an Act empower LEFT IN CHILDREN HANDS comfortable subsistence. In The governor of the state of VerCoyoacan, can find a great deal of valuable information in Serious difficulties arose in ma.
NATALIA SEDOFF TROTSKY this little pamphlet.
got the point, he said, in discussing the policy of found one excuse as good as an ing the authorities to suspend exseparate regiments for colored men: other to justify their exploitation istine labor laws relating to the ny families. Of necessity small NEW WAYS OF WAR is the hand book which The selective service system has nothing to of the wage worker.
employment of women and chil children took over the household millions of British citizens in the Local Defense In order to fight this it is the It was not until 1914 with the dren for the duration of the war, duties of the working mother. a higher standari of living. Foldo with where the man goes. We are purchasing Volunteers are using today. It gives one a pic.
outbreale of the first world war, etc. etc.
Such cases as this were common: lowing a slight rise in wages the duty of every woman worker to ture of the historical development of war. It agents. What they do later is of no interest to however, that women were re ROBBED OF HOUR DAY An eleven year old girl cared for cost of living hit a new high.
educate herself in the problems shows how military tactics and weapons parallel us. Even though the act provides against dis.
cruited into the factories on a What effect did the war bave whom was a two year old baby.
three younger children one of Many workers were forced to of the class struggle. In the com.
changes in industry and transport.
crimination, the army has the right to introduce mass scale. From then on wom. on the women workers? In the She did the housework and fed live in homes which had inadeing period hers will be the tre the question of acceptability.
en assurned increasing importance munitions industry they were un the children. In spite of equale lighting and ventilation, Im mendous task of protecting those ef From Research Report No. of nition kings began to rob them of ished, unkempt and peevish.
the American labor movement. To Now for the meat of the book. Would you the National Industrial Confer the eight hour day established by This was the family life the ca. the spread of ill health and dis do this she must not only underlike to know how to make home made grenades Scabby Role ence Board, we find the following the men workers after long strug pitalist class held up as sacred rase. Families were broken up, stand the problems of the trade that can stop tanks and armored cars? how to We have had occasion in the past to criticize The proportionate increase in sles.
vnions, but also profit from the employment of women appears to when they slandered the Russian wholesale evictions took place, lessons of the women workers of drill men intelligently? how to make effective the action of Edgar Brown, head of the United have been particularly marked in Without organization the wom workers who in 1917 risked their Today we are witnessing a rep the world war.
ordnance of a regular shotgun and shot gun Government Employees, in approving Roosevelt the war industries, especially in en were unable to offer any er lives to overthrow a government etition of 1914 1918. Roosevelt is From this she must draw the shells? how to make a field unuseable as an air.
Jim Crow policies in the armed forces, and to the metal and machine trades, Iective resistance to the boss. In which bred and upheld the same preparing to throw the American logical conclusion, and that is to drome? how to stop a tank with home made grenpoint out how he in this way played into the some factories women were forced sacred home life.
masses into the war under the IN WAR INDUSTRIES ades? how to construct an anti tank trap? to de.
10 work from A. to or hands of the Negro people.
guise of national defense. Wom recognize the important role of In 1917. 1, 366, 000 women in 15 No more than 15 minutes LIVING COSTS GO UP fend a house (or a trade union hall. to defend en will again replace the men in the working class political party.
Now comes new testimony to corroborate our states were employed directly or was generally allowed for lunch a city against modern arms? to make a road.
The increasing demand for more industry. The war mongers and she must join the Socialist Workcharges against him.
indirectly in factories necessary time. Certain workers were not labor power forced the bosses of profit makers will once again tryers Party, the only party that will block and to defend it? how to check motor cycle For last week, Judge William Hastie, civilian for carrying on the war. Approx allowed to leave their machines munitions factories to pay higher to rob women workers of favortroops? how to build a defense position?
alde Secretary of War Stimson, issued a state imately 100, 000 were employed in cven while they ate their lunches. wages than the mercantile estab. able working conditions and la lead her, along side of the work.
You will find this priceless information, to.
ment which by implication at least tries to divert munitions, airplane, and metal other girls worked 10 12 hours lishments. This, however, did not bor legislation won through long ing men to the victorious emancilurgical factories all of which are a day on split shifts, or on day mean that the workers enjoyed and bitter struggles.
ration of the working class.
gether with illustrations and formulas, in NEW part of the blame from Roosevelt. Said he: WAYS OF WAR. Divided opinion among colored citizens on Despite its political dross, this is one of the the problem of segregation in the army makes most valuable books published in recent years, for great difficulty in solving the problem. As recommend this book to every comrade, to long as people who are opposed to mixed units every serious worker, to every Union Defense are able to point to colored persons as also agree Guardsmen in the United States. Study it, pass ing with this position, our problem is extremely difficult.
it on to your friends.
Usually, when the great majority of the work.
Wintringham tells how troops in Spain were ers in a factory have organized a union and trained by being shown old war films, corrected presented demands to the bosses for a contract by short lectures. Wintringham band book is and better conditions, one or two scabs appear to be used in the same way.
The needs of the imperialist war they have built up by hard strug. and unemployed into the industry. lectual pimps are conducting a of gigantic capitalist monopolies, The capitalists and their intel era of financial capital, the era who say that the boss is a great gay and doing machine have suddenly spotlight cles after a period of many years. That this solution is not utocampaign to show that Nazi the era of the transformation of His Politics Worse Than Useless what he can to help the workers, and so on, and ed the machine tool industry as the bosses always point to these scabs as justifica one of the vital parts of American Custry poses big problems for some unions have already taken discredit the idea of socialism. trust capitalism shows an unpreThus the development of the in pian is shown by the fact that economy is socialist and thus simple trust capitalism into State Politically now, he is a Fabian with a strong tion of their attempts to smash the union. Brown industry.
both the skilled and sem! skilled it up and in at least one case. Prof. Sidney Hook is among those cedented strengthening of the People Front hangover from Spain. His political Until recently this industry men. The answer cannot be sim that of the International Brother who have tried to picture Nazism State and an unheard of de is playing the same role as a scab in the fight withstood the great specialization ply a blind opposition to new tech hood of Electrical Workers, has as having overthrown capital velopment of its bureaucratic ham would reform the British army, but would criticisms are those of the Fabians. Wintring.
against Jim Crowism.
which characterized other indusnological changes changes that achieved some real successes.
tries. The all around machinist, are inevitable.
and military apparatus, side by not call for an army under control of the organ.
trained over a period of years, For the hour day with no following: Let him, if he can, explain the side with the increase of oppres.
Nor can the answer be found in decrease in pay!
ized workers. Wintringham is for defense of the was in demand in preference to sion of the proletariat, alike in It Always There the man who could operate only a trade. Those union leaders who The German Economist, a lead the monarchical and the freest British fatherland, now, under Churchill. He opposing young workers learning In Philadelphia last week the city business, one or two machines.
ing Nazi financial magazine, has republican countries.
is not for socialist revolution.
professional and military leader threw a lunch. With the introduction however, believe the problem can be solved recently launched a campaign But let him speak for himself: Those who eon at the exclusive Manufacturers and Bankers of automatic and semi automatic by simply demanding some trade under the slogan, More private LENIN FORESAW IT say that this war is a war between two great In Los Angeles machinery, the skilled machinist anion representation in the adfinanciers to the fore!
Club in honor of the first 150 young men they He adds, as if to complete the Empires, each fighting for the right to rule and ministration of the schools will were sending off to the draft from that city, has in many cases given way to The magazine makes a plen picture of the modern Nazi refind that this too will leave every Buy the APPEAL at exploit other peoples without the latter consent, the specialized machine hand, Among these were 16 colored men.
for the investment of more priv gime: Here we have what is ate capital, pointing to many fer most essential in the theoretical are speaking of a war that is past. They are, Once this division began, its thing exactly as it was before Then, the story goes, twenty gifts were preLazerus Candy Store 2109 spread in the industry proceeded There is only one solution. real to be exact, speaking of Mr. Chamberlain war.
tile fields for investment which appreciation of the latest phase sented each of them by mid city merchants and at a terrific puce, until today one campaign by both the skilled and Brooklyn Ave.
Mr. Chamberlain lost that war. It is over. We lie fallow at the present time. of capitalism, that is imperialpretty girls pinned carnations on their lapels. can list more than 30 different unskilled workers for the six hour Book Store 1st St.
The magazine reveals that there ism, viz. that capitalism becomes are now engaged on quite different struggle, types of machine hands.
Then Judge Vincent Carroll, a colonel in day with no decrease in pay!
Rowan Ave. a vast capital hungry market monopolistic capitalism. This fact etc. etc.
in Germany.
This is the only way in which the Cavalry Reserves, had a speech to make about must be emphasized because the ELECTRIC EYES DO WORK And Wintringham wonders why India is not Sam Smit Newsstand 5th the wage scales of the skilled men The German Economist, which reformist middle class view given its freedom, and why the British govern.
the Negroes and national defense.
This division of labor has fol. can be protected and opportunity Main St.
prints the mind of the Nazi rehat monopolistic capitalism. You are showing the world, said he, that lowed the increasing development given to absorb the semi skilled gime, also advocates allevintion whether private or State, is no ment, instead of arming the Local Defense Vol.
the Negro people of this nation have at heart the of technological improvements in cf taxes on businesses and cor longer capitalism, but can alunteers, takes their weapons away.
maintenance of democratic freedom, as they have the industry. Semi skilled men porations in order to facilitate ready be termed State Socialismº But as say, we go to this book for military, since Crispus Attucks, one of their race, lost his can now operate lathes equipped the creation of more private capi of something of that sort, is one not political knowledge.
with electric eyes and turn out tal.
of the most wide spread errore life on Boston Common with the other patriot minute precision work at a very of the Revolution. speed. Formerly this high rate of HITLER REAL FACE The trusts, of course, have not Trade Union Control But the photograph of the affair printed in kind of work could be done only The following additional contributions to the Trotsky Memorial High dividends cannot be Siven us, and indeed, cannot give Of Military Training considered immoral, states the system in production. But, howuts, full and complete order and the newspapers shows yes, you guessed it the by highly skilled men and at a Fund have come in during the last week: 16 Negroes segregated off at a separate table! much lower rate of speed.
Our party advocates universal military train.
Milwaukee 10 article, and suggests that estab ever much of an ordered plan The big machine plants find Buffalo 00 lished enterprises increase divi. they may yield, however closely ing under trade union control, and financed by this development economical for Detroit 85. 00 dend payments to shareholders capitalist magnates may estimate the United States government. Whether we can them in more than one way. Over as a means of increasing the in advance the required extent achieve this will be decided by the struggle.
Boston 13. 00 IC Cavalrymen Won be a period of many years the skilled amount of capital in private of production on a national and 16. 00 enough organized workers demand it, we can have Chicago machinists both in the AFL Interhands for development of new even international scale, and it. Our very demand raises the political under Jim Crowed national Association of Machinists Philadelphia 00 enterprises.
however carefully they may regstanding of the workers.
An interesting story was printed in the Afro and the CIO United Electrical, The article concludes that ulate it, we still remain under American last week, telling of the determination Radio and Machine Workers have TOTAL there must be an increase in the In the meantime we have the problem of capitalism capitalism, it is true of several members of the Tenth Cavalry situated built up relatively high wage Branch Quota Amount paid number of people who can dis in its latest phase, but still, unguarding our union halls, our picket lines from at Fort Dix, not to be Jim Crowed.
Milwaukee 00 10 102 pose of private financial means, doubtedly, capitalism.
fascist groups. The fascists will have a mighty The bosses find it much cheaper Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 100 e. more wealthy capitalists. The Motion pictures were being shown at the post Thus 15 years before the comtough job cut out for them if every trade unionist to hire a semi skilled man and Rockville 00 00 100 article warns that Otherwise assimilates the knowledge available in this pamphtheatre, and those in charge of it attempted to place him on one machine, doing Toledo 50. 00 50. 00 100 private initiative would be over ing to power of Hitler, Lenin Begregate Negro soldiers into one part of the let and helps form a Union Defense Guard to called the turn on those democ specialized operation, than to 200, 00 Detroit 200. 00 Mire trained machinists or tool ruled by State administration.
100 building. They refused to be party to such an Lenin wrote in State and Re ratic capitalists who term so defend himself and his union. This pamphlet Lynn makers and pay the full scale.
100. 00 83 act, and left the theatre, demanding their money volution: cialistie the State Capitalism of should be a hand book for every worker.
100. 00 Many of the older men in the Boston 72. 50 73 back. Imperialism in particular, thel the malevolent Hitler rule.
121. 07 trado refer to the younger semi. Chicago Indiana Harbor 200. 00 61 But the most interesting part of the story skilled workers as bali haked. Newark 150. 00 70. 50 47 tells the complaint of one of the men to the Afro These older workers have not yet Allentown 15. 00 00 40 reporter: understood that as a result of the Flint 150. 00 56. 00 Real Good Time This 37 READ. The colored soldier is not promoted because improvements machinery today San Francisco 100. 00 35. 00 35 of his character, intelligence and ability, he said, does more quickly and efficiently Los Angeles 150. 00 49. 15 33 SATURDAY, DEC. 7th he is promoted because of his docile attitude, his great deal of the work which Philadelphia 30. 00 00 27 inability to think for himself, and his willingness they had to spend years in learn8. 30 1000. 00 New York 255. 00 ins 26 to accept orders from his superiors in a hat inMinneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 230. 00 23 hand manner. The order to segregate the sol THOUSANDS IN SCHOOLS Buffalo 25. 00 00 20 diers at the post theatre would be rescinded it To meet the need for large scale New Haven 20. 00 50 18 16 pages 2c per copy production, the government is putour (colored) officers demand it, he said.
50. 00 00 12 This emphasizes again the need for a system ting thousands of young workers Youngstown 10. 00 00 IRVING PLAZA 00 11c in bundle orders of 10 or more of military training under control of the trade through the defense schools, giv. Akron 70. 00 00 00 ing them a quick training in prep Cleveland Victoria Hall unions, which would end discrimination and seg.
10. 00 00 00 aration for running specialized Hutchinson regation, and would establish special officers Pittsburgh Learn the truth about how the colored sailors and soldiers 10. 00 00 00 machines in war industry Irving Place and 15th Street are Jim Crowed in Uncle Sams Armed Forces! And in industry!
training camps to train workers to become offi After the war has ended and Portland 10. 00 00 00 cers, so that the worker soldiers would have of the market it created for machine Quakertown 00 00 00 Read this pamphlet and understand why it is absolutely necesficers on whom they could depend to fight for sary, that we have union control over the military training of tools collapses, these young work. Reading 00 00 00 Dancing Refreshments Entertainment their rights.
ers will find themselves out of Rochester 15. 00 00 00 the workers!
Next week we shall discuss the widely pub5. 00 St. Louis 00 00 New York Local At present, many of older licized Conference on the Participation of the Ne5. 00 00 Texas workers in the industry resent 00 PIONEER PUBLISHERS 30 gto in National Defense, held at Hampton Insti.
ADMISSION 49c the sudden influx of these young. Individual Contributions 116 University Place New York, tute, Va. and see what if anything it contributed er semi skilled workers, seeing in to the fight for equality in the armed forces. 3509. 00 1275. 12 36 them a threat to the wage scales TOTALS TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND 180. 10 83. 00 Defend The Negro Sailors Bof the Philadelphia OLD TIME BEER PARTY