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Socialist Appeal FOR MILITARY TRAINING FOR ORGANIZATION OF AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL Official Weekly Orgàn of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV. No. 49 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1940. 267 FIVE (5) CENTS NEGROES FIGHT PHILA. POLICE TERROR Farmers Union AFL Convention Blocks Labor Unity Cops Seized 600 Meets In St. Paul By Hostility To Industrial Unions In Street Raids NEGRO SOLDIER arca HITS JIM CROW. attempt to intimidate the IN ARMY CAMP of this city dominant Reporuba ווו: SAILORS FIRM IN WEST COAST SHIP STRIKE Vultee Victory Bolsters Union Aircraft Drive 4, 000 to Attend Five State Convention; Dubinsky Is a Sorry Looking Figure Is Most Progressive Farm Organization Anti Labor Police As Craft Moguls Push Him Around Union Men Jailed Boss Political Machine Took This Chief Is Michigan In Strikes, Kept Out Revenge For Refusal Of Negroes To ST. PAUL, Minn The Farmers and workers require an extenOf Drafted Army ers Union will hold its annual son of this alliance, and not its By ART PREIS Home Guard Head convention for this region Wis. abandonment. In Minnesota a real The American Federation of Labor craft chiefs intend to ride Uncle Sam is trying to Support It In The Recent Elections consin, the Dakotas, Montana and beginning has been made with the keep out of his new army of DETROIT, Nov. 30 to labor unity over the broken bones of industrial unionism.
Minnesota in this city during organizing over a year ago. of draftees trade union militants Heinie Pickert, notorious That was made clear by the just adjourned sixtieth annual conthe week of December 9th. Some the Farmer Cooperative Labor who might stand up to the of vention of the AFL in New Orleans, former city police commissionPHILADELPHIA, Nov. 30 The Negro and working class ficers and demand better con.
4, 000 stockholders of the Farm Conference, which has done much er, who earned the well Despite William Green reiterated pious prayers for peace ditions for the workers army, population of this city is bitterly aroused against the mass arrest ers Union cooperative organiza in building mutual understanding merited hatred of the hun and harmony and his self righteous denunciation of John Lewis Class war prisoners and of almost 600 Negroes, whom police seized in the streets, restions in these five states will be and support. The Farmers Union dreds of thousands of auto as standing in the way of unity, the AFL head and his lieutenants trade unionists who have been taurants and tap rooms of the North Philadelphia 20th Ward in attendance.
nationally has also pioneered in workers here for his vicious failed to make the one simple declaration which might have given convicted as a result o of par last week.
The Farmers Union is undoubt this field with the establishment strike breaking activities, has substance to their charges against Lewis. All Green had to say in ticipation in strikes are placed 128 of those arrested, who were held incommunicado in jail edly the most progressive of the of a joint committee with trade just been given a new job order to clear the path to unity mittee on local and federal organin a special category class IV 24 48 hours, without warrants for their arrest or formal charges major farm organizations. Sev unionists.
fitted to his talents. together with confirmed being placed against them, have already started civil suits for eral encouraging developments He has been named head of took place at its recent annual FARMER UNION GROWS criminals, idiots and moral obstruct industrial organization ization, to deny local AFL coun the Michigan eastern division North Dakota Farm Union false arrest against 37 police officials and police who commanded delinquents, and have their convention in Denver, Colorado.
or to dismember the mass unions ells the right to receive commuor conducted the raids.
has grown during the last two of the new Home Guards.
of the CIO in the interests of the nications from any organization service deferred The police claimed they had instituted the raids in an alLABOR FARMER ALLIANCE years, now having approximately state body replacing the Na craft organizations. The AFL is not affiliated with the AFL Without benefit of trial. The convention reiterated the 16, 000 members. It is also of real leged effort to clean up a Lional Guard. The appointment ready to atd in the building and measure aimed at preventing any these men are not judged good organization traditional policy significance that organization Series of petty crimes in the enough to fight for democracy extension of industrial unions in posiblity of united action against of supporting the struggles of the work has been resumed in Minn off that the Home Guards the m2. production Industries. the employers by local AFL and or perhaps does it mean labor movement and exchanged esota, after virtual stoppage for will take up the strike break The deliberate silence of the cio bodies. This resolution as that they might fight too hard But the arrests were really ing role of the National Guard telegrams of greeting with both over a decade due to a factional AFL spokesmen on this one cru. sumes a particularly vicious char.
for democracy?
inspiring the AFL and CIO conventions. The fight in Minnesota. The more mil. as its chief function.
It should be noted that in cial point speaks more loudly than acter in the light of Negro population The United Automobile convention also expressed appretant farmers in Minnesota have all the lowery unity talkun example or labor solidarity given most cases the men involved shia. because of their deliance clation for the trade unions legis really been without any kind of Workers CIO leaders are loosed on the delegates. The APL by the various AFL locals in their would have had their service Jative support in the following satisiactory organization since the making strong protests at the chiefs are ready to unite with support of the CIO workers on deferred in any case due to lican political machine. Most manner: We organized farmers Farm Holiday Association has be appointment. They better the CIO only around the funeral strike at the Vultee Arcraft plant dependents. The reactionary Negroes here voted Democratic get busy on a program of in Downey, California.
recognize that except for the faith. come defunct.
pyre of industrial unionismi.
Workers Defense Guards and army officers, however make It will be interesting to note ful support of those members of The resolutions and proceedings choice example of how the sure that there is no possi.
Colored Troops Are in the elections.
Congress representing labor dis to what extent the regional Paym.
a demand for workers mili of the convention merely under. AFL craft moguls are setting bility of these class war priThe Philadelphia political matricts, our national farm program ers Union convention will be able tary training under trade line the real meaning of this sil. traps for the industrial unions, Segregated In Many chine is taking advantage of the soners coming into the army would have been whittled down or to show more resistance to the union control.
in the event of unity, is the res and also brand them as moral wiped off the law books of the Roosevelt drive for national unOne of the first acts of the con olution passed by the convention delinquents in order to dis Phases of Camp Life hysteria, the government drive nation.
ity than was shown by the na.
vention, on November 22, was the on the endorsement of the Exe against striking workers as a credit in advance any protests However, the danger that certional convention.
endorsement of a proposal concutive Council, giving the Coun that they might make.
boteurs and reds the brazen tain elements in the farmers Un tained in the report of the com(Continued on Page 2)
Jim Crowing of Negroes in the ar.
NEW YORK, Nov. 29 How my and navy, the refusal of corThe most glaring evidence. 96 wouldet continue the cost Roosevelt war pressure was seen can we be trained to protect porations with military orders to operation was indicated when the at the Denver convention when it America, which is called a FREE Wire Negrees to force the New newly elected national president nation, when all around us rears groes by terror to support the lo of the Farmers Unlon said, ac tabled to endorse the proposal for cording to report: The Farmers which had been for years a stable a popular referendum on war.
the ugly head of segregation? enl bosses in City Hall. Such This is the question asked by an attempt would hardly be posUnion, in order to get anywhere, part of all Farmers Union prohas had trade socks with ev. Frams. National unity pressure Negro volunteer now serving sible in normal times.
in a Northern army post, where typical example of the ar.
erbody, including organized lawas also able to keep the Denver bor.
his Negro regiment of some 300 resis was that of Lawrence Bry.
Steamschooner program down to little more than men is stationed with a white ant, an engineer on a federal pro.
Both farmers and workers in a blanket. endorsement op the army unit. He asks the question ject, who was on his way home this area do not agree with New Deal farm program and Tie up Deadlocked; in an article entitled Jim Crow from work. He happened to walk Patton, for they have had very this in spite of the fact that the in the Army Camps which ap past a police patrol, was immeconcrete proof of the value of masses of the farmers, disconto Stalinists Aid Bosses farmer labor cooperation. This Boss Press Lies About Union Gains; pears in the December issue of diately snatched up and dragged ented with that program, had vot. Voluntary Wage Crisis magazine, official organ 10 jail. He had to stand all night alliance was an extremely val.
ed against Roosevelt!
No Compulsory Arbitration In Contract Raises Follow of the National Association for in a cell Jammed with 20 others, uable aid to the famous 1934 drivers strike in Minneapolis: SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1stthe Advancement of Colored and was hauled before magis.
The major exception to this polVultee Strike icy of submitting to Roosevelt Was The two months People, in turn, the drivers union old steamtrate the next morning with the helped the market gardeners the reiterated endorsement of the schooner strike remained dead LOS ANGELES, Nov. 27 3700 workers, members of aircrafts LOS ANGELES, Nov. 30. Segregation is rampant in the others. He didn know what the the Twin Cities area to get progressive Parmers Union Debt locked today with the shipowners local 683, United Auto Workers. Co, returned to work today at Wage increases, and promises army post, he discloses, pointing charge was and had no opportuntheir own market. Similar co.
Adjustment Bill, but unfortuna holding tough against vital con. the Vultee Aircraft plant, after a twelve day strike, with substanof wage increases are being out that even in the post theatre Sty to speak: just heard the ma operation was recently disicly no concrete steps were taken cessions to the Sailors Union of dial gains under their belts.
given voluntarily to produc. which is run by the War Depart. ristrate declare 800 bail for played during the troubles of at Denver to organize an effective the Pacific.
tion workers at Douglas Air ment, the Negro soldiers are urther hearing next Wednesday.
the Packinghouse Workers Or drive for the bill.
The SUP together with the Despite efforts of the boss press to minimize the extent of the craft, North American, Lock forced to sit in a row of scats, Unable to raise the ball, Bryant, ganizing Committee with the (See Peter Graves article on Masters, Mates and Pilots (AFL) gains made by the Vultee workers and to play up the agreement as heed and other aircraft plants seating not more than fifteen who has a wife and eight chil.
Fargo (N. packers. the farmers, on page of this are the only unions which have really a company victory, the actual agreement includes basic in this vicinity as a result of men. This he adels, is the dren, went back to a cell.
Further advances by both surm. issue. not been able to write an agree gains: a minimum wage of 62. cents an hour from the previous the fright occasioned by the or the almost 600 arrested, pol Reserved fox Colored noction ment with the steamschooner 50 cent minimum for all the 3700 Vultee production workers now Vultee strike victory, accord The Negro soldiers are also seg. ice were able to find only twenty operators. Their efforts to or employed, two weeks vacation with pay, pay for all principal holi ing to reports from these ganize an effective strike and days, and an annual sick leave of five days.
regated in the Post bus, which on whom any kind of a charge plants. This is a last minute carries the men back and forth could be put, although all spent win real gains for all the mariact of generosity to con to the nearby town. It is far one to two nights in juil. Finally, time unions have been continual.
The reports in the local boss vince the unorganized aircraft from any idea ever had of army ly frustrated by the disloyallpapers made a big fuse over an than one year previous mechanworkers that they don need life seven were held for susplelon alleged compulsory arbitration ical experience, will start at 15 by GEORGE STERN game of the Stalinist clique in clause contained in the agreement. cents an hour, with an increase a union.
and 13 for vagrancy or carrying the Maritime Federation.
Now that Greece has joined resistance is Britixh naval conThe contract, however, the unto 67 cents after 30 days, and But this is not all. the article concealed weapons.
The SUP negotiating commit ion declares, merely provides for an additional increase to the reg. the fight for freedom our big trol of the Mediterranean. Like tee was bluntly informed by the the establishment of arbitration ular minimum of 62 cents after including a number of militant and the Post Exchange, and on concludex: Also in the library ANTI LABOR JUDGE newspapers find it convenient to all the smaller nations of Europerators that no concessions be machinery for the 16 months dur another 60 days. Previously, Negro workers, Walked the picked the post in general, the Negro is Among those arrested were a omit any discussion of the char opc. Greece was placed het: yond those granted the firemen. Htion of the contract. This mas new workers were bired at 59 les solidarity with the strik treated as if he is not wanted umber of WPA workers. Due to acter of the Greck regime of ween the hammer and the anvil (MFOW the cooks and chinery is for the purpose of ar cents an hour, with a promise of ers.
John Metaxas. There is good by the development of the war.
Many of the young men enlisted the terrible unemployment among reason for this, because the gov. Had Metaxas chosen to throw stewards (MCS) and the engin bitrating differences over the car a 35 cent ratsc after three From every standpoint the con in the United States Army are the Negro masses who are last sers (MEBA) would be given rying out of the various condi. months, and another 29 cents ernment of Meaxas is one of the in with the Axis, his coastline the sailors. They were further in tious contained in the contract. raiso after six months.
At the duct and teachty of the stykker thoroughly disgusted because of to be hired and first to be fired.
bloodiest dictatorships in South was at the mercy of the British formed that these three unions The union has not agreed not to cud of six months, tbe workers were exceptional. The press bad segregation. Many were faith any cross section of Negro workeastern Europe. It was estab fleet.
beeb hammering them with an uw fully promised. before enlistingers will have a large percentage had written a clause into their strike after the termination of were usually transferred to a new lished by coup etat four years ago and maintained itself by the Greek policy is Turkey. Greece Lional inerease given the sailor the contract. This type of arb. department and started all over paralleled barrage about sabotas tration machinery is provided for again as apprentices.
most ruthless terror against all within the Axis would have bo would also be given them!
ing national de cusc and being tunity to learn a trade, or con of relief clients and WPA work.
led by reds. But the striker) tinue with their previous studies. trs.
come not only the theater of few days later the Sailors Vultee contract establisbes no ex cures in this strike: the marvel in many union contractsand the fts opponents.
There were two outstanding few scorned this propaganda.
As yet there are no educational But Magistrale Beitel. the antiUnder Metaxas there has British naval operations but received another stab in the ceptional principle.
Both the Dies Committee and facilities for the Negro.
labor judge who held hearings ous support given by the AFL to the Department of Justice, as well been neither freedom of press, might also have been the object back from the Stalinist gang, Compulsory arbitration, in the cal untons, unemployed workers, as representatives of the War De on 111 of those arrested, com nor freedom of assembly, nor of immediato Turkish operations The contents of a telegram sent toleration of political parties. Overland.
menting on these WPA workers strictest sens, would mean an and small business men and farm mirtment and National Defense Happy Days As it is the Greeks have chos. Unithe Council to Roosevelt and agreement by aunton not to crs to the strikers and their vict Commission. put the pressure on Those opponents of the regime boing among those arrested. dec.
who could, like many of the lared, That the trouble with en to resist Italy and have se Madame Perkins was made pub strike during the periods to be us sangup of the press. bis bus the entire government machinery in the Army Venizelists, fled abroad. All cured. naturally important Bril lic. For to apparent reason the ween contracts. In this instance, iness and the government against the strikers to force them back In a description of the Alberi WPA now there are too many others were thrown into vile ish support. They can in addition telegram informed the national seruring such an agreement. In As soon as the strike was called, eral Jackson came out with a blast to work. Assistant Attorney Gen.
can professional soldier. the in thugs and thief on the pay roll.
prisons or concentration camps regard Turkey, for the time lic government that an agreement antry Journal for September Oe No warrants were used in mak.
located in penal colonies on ising at any rate, as a friendly ally between the MPOF W, the Mcs fact, the rompany was finally members of the AFL building at the most critical juncture of tober 1940 derlares: Your indus ing the arrests. Ho were ime.
lands in the Aegan. Not a few at their rear.
and the MCBA and the steam. Coreed to reduce its demand for trades locals working on new the strike with it blanket denne of our Fourth Internationalist trialists extinot get a man to worldiate hearings permitted, the two Cold and hard self interest wchooner operators had la two year contract to one for 16 plant construction at Vuliee Jaid ciation of the leaders of the strike comrades suffered this fate. based on strategie considera signed; that they were ready to down their tools. Throughout the known communists. The overtime 15 minutes without giv proceedings required by law.
Thus Greece fight cannot be tions govern Greece role in return to work; but that the The company statement, yesternrike, they respected the closimple demand of the striker foring double pay, whereas the pro fessional solder in peacetime can NEGROES FIGHT BACK day about a riid check up to lekerline, and many of the join an increase ouer the 50 cent an remotely characterized as part of the war, not noisy abstractions SUP which had not been on weed on undesirable clements. ed the strikers on the line. The tour slave was al Vultee was Work 24 or 18 hours at a stretch. mass meeting of all Negro any fight for democracy. It is about freedom and democ. strike at all had suddenly ruined implying the possibility of diser ATI. cu nisters flatly refused to almost drowned in the flood of hart, rather, of the imperialist raey. The elements of a genstruggle for power in the Medivine national struggle by the return to work.
organizations here is to be held demands and was holding up spinating against union militante sarry any commenteer hentet fint midatingonpany atiduveen Silly and Wednesday, December 4, at the terranean. Greece was better able Greeks in defense of their St. Paul Baptist Church Scores homeland are completely obSTALINISTS AID BOSSES se face for the management. Waitresecs officially took comment officials to resist attack first because the Unscientific In a deliberate muncuver the The union has indicated that mand of the strike kitchen and attackers were the Italians. scured within the framework of those arrested will attend and The signiticance of this victori Events have already proved that of the interimperialist conflict Stalinists. by what amounts to there will he real trouble if the kept warm food and hot coffee us strike alt in the open Advice on war propaganda in the testify to their treatment at the the Mussolini military machine in which Greece is but a pawn.
collusion with the employers, are compons tries to discriminate ava lable 24 hours a day for the shop uircrafts industry is already September October 1940 Infantry hands of the police. The meeting does not match in striking power Certainly they are smothered tlocking SUP attempts to get against any actual employec.
army of pickets.
apparent. Hundreds of new work Journal insists: Do not say te will be for the purpose of organthat of Hitler Germany. totally by the Metaxas dicta better conditions. At the same APPRENTICE RACKET Tons and tons of food and other ers are daily flocking into the a soldier that war is silly and an izing the campaign to all the torship.
In the mountains of Albania time they are inciting the mem ENDED supplies were poured into the the comparatively ill armed Freedom for Greece cannot bership of the firemen and cook The contract also includes Strike commissary by the local union in the other aircraft plants scentifle. We agree. Say to him vicious police terrorism against Greeks have demonstrated this be won under Metaxas but and stewards against the SUP clause dealing with new employ small tradesmen and the neigh on this aren, where the greatest that it ar sensible as Wall Street the Negro people and to aid the with the greatest of ease. against Metaxas. The war doesn for the prolongation of the es red after the conclusion or boring farmers.
portion of the industry nationally profits and as scientific as the conduct of the suits against the The second factor in Greek change this fact. Continued on Page 4) the strike. Apprentices, with less Scores of unemployed workers, is concentrated.
electric chair.