BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceImperialismMarxMussoliniNazismSocialismStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

One of the most wonderful that matter. any other proposal est reactionaries of all, who good enough for the UMW is to him in 1918 when be came things about the convention was of their own. They were con through long tenure in Concomplete absence of speeches by spicuous by their silence. Matles, gress rise to hold most of the Hillman. Needless to say, the en town from which he had been government officials and other Quill and Curran were their only all powerful committee chair. Stalinists have never, in this drafted, They ripped the medal By ALBERT PARKER capitalist politicians, such as big guns who took the floor and manships in Congress and whole period, ever published filled the first week of the AFL then only to agree with adminis thereby spread their rule over from my breast and the uniform that disgraceful fact about the from my body and drove me back BANDIERA ROSSA HILLMAN IGNORES JIM CROW convention. Whatever motivation tration proposals. The only time the whole country all this was constitution which John to the cotton fields. There were It is not only on the question of awards to John Lewis may have had for their Fur Workers delegation brought out by a series of Lewis rules over.
enough moments like that in the The biggest and most important news that corporations guilty of refusing to recognize the thus arranging things, the net sent a man to the microphone dramatic speeches by Negro convention to make it more than has yet come out of the bloody and destructivo ceult was fine. Think of it! was to speak for a resolution and white delegates from the For long, dreary hours the worth while. Never mind the rights of trade unions that Sidney Hillman is war of the imperialists is contained in a little trade union convention in which against the government frame South.
convention would drone along. responsible speeches of Lewis being attacked nowadays. It is also because he news item tucked away in the corner of the paper only trade unionists talk! up of the union leadership. And Incidentally they showed how drugged in routine. Then, sud and Murray and their associates, has taken no steps to do anything about the war last Friday. A, United Press dispatch from Harry Bridges never once took deep is the bond of black and denly, some delegate would come their talks of colla oration with Production industries almost universal policy to Athens, dated November 22nd, says: In its own way the capitalist the floor!
white solidarity in the CIO alive at the microphone and tbe employers, etc. etc. That tonrefuse to hire colored workers at all, or to bire News of Koritza fall, given to several press indicated which convention it was just a matter of course youse the entire convention. vention was as much a part of them only as porters, etc.
thousand Italian prisoners in camps here, started it considered most important. With the national elections to them and the rest of the sometimes with just a single sen the class struggle as any picket. One instance after another has been widely The crackerjacks came to Allan over and done with, an attempt off a spontaneous demonstration. Anti Fascist convention that a delegate was tence. As when a Negro delegate. lane that ever slapped down a a brother no matter what the publicized in the Negro press, giving names of tic City, while the second string by the clothing workers delespeaking on the need for more fink.
Italians sang Bandiera Rossa. the Italian recolor of his skin. What a congates to work up some indig.
men were sent to New Orleans.
sscores of the largest corporations receiving conF. democracy, told what happened volutionary song.
tracts from the federal government that openly total of 105 reporters registrast to that painful moment nation against the CIO NEWS What a message of hope and promise for tered with the press committee. failure to print pro Roosevelt at an AFL convention. when announce their Jim Crow hiring policies.
tomorrow that brief item contains! And what speeches was a flop. One of the lone Negro delegate. testimony to the real feelings of the Italian Hillman has not done a thing about it to date, them dramatically (No he Philip Randolph of the Rail That 43 minute ovation to any more than he has done anything else generalsoldiers which found tumultuous expression at the John Lewis on the first day thought) pointed to the fact road Porters. rines to plead first opportunity. Now the world can know the ly for the working class in his post of Labor with the lily white craft was a pretty mechanical affair, that the post election number Commissioner of the National Defense Council.
real meaning of the defeats of the Italian army.
unionists for justice for his engineered by the Stalinists was perhaps the only paper race!
The brave soldiers who sang that song to celeHis announced intention of resigning as viceand perfunctorily participated in the that didn carry brate Mussolini defeat at Koritza were saying president of the CEO in order to devote himself in by the rest. But, make no Roosevelt picture. He got The Waldorf Astoria is seething The high point carefully pre ment problem for least for all the world to hear that they have no infully to protecting the bosses interests in the very little applause for his mistake about it. the ovations The pared for and finally reached with social consciousness.
eleven men.
labor field should produce no tears from work he got during and after his pains. Negro delegate folterest in the tyrant war of conquest and that of Hillman speech was his de National Association of Day Nur PAINLESS PRINTS lowed him to the mike and for them, as for the oppressed masses in all imers, Negro and white, for whose interests he Tuesday afternoon speech on asked him why the CIO should claration that he had the full series hoids its second annual con labor unity were the real The move to help big business perialist countries, the main enemy is at home.
has shown by his actions he has no intention of thing. Lewis made the greateringe before the powers that confidence of the President of the ference under the seris. who build better blacklists was given fighting be. the applause was good and est come back have ever seen.
RESOUNDS THROUGHOUT United States. He stopped and does not these days of national a delicate shove forward on waited for the applause. It was preparedness. The Rev. Dr. Ralph venber 14 wheu members of the strong.
He could get practically any.
THE WORLD HARRISON APPOINTMENT thing out of that conventionpretty tepid. The speech was Sockman told the delegates Above the sound of the biggest guns that supreme effort by Hillman, but how the child is the first line Architectural League of New York PROTESTED except one thing: re election to the presidency. He made it posed a constitutional amend is committee room and string raped audience that day nurser The Hillman crowd had pro it fell flat. Hillman strong point of defense and assured his mink Interrupted a pleasant luncheon to be fingerprinted by Detective message resounds throughout the world today. Vigorous protests were entered this week James Kenny, purely in the For eighteen long and terrible years now the quite clear, however, that he ll ment barring Communists from pulling stuff; he is neither an ses are an inportant link in the Interests of the anthropometric against the rumored appointment of George be back for that next year.
Italian masses have known the yoke of fascist raid office. Fortunately it didn orator nor has he the necessary nation preparedness program. method of identification. They Harrison as next Secretary of Labor by both And in his speech after elecget very far. Nor did the Hill presence for the platform. In adPar sighted, these bourgeois! were photographed in radiant tyranny. But deep in the hearts of the enslaved the National Urban League and the National there aides the memory of their song of free manites carry the issue to the cition, of course, he had a very Munitions must be made for papa smiles, presumably to show that Association for the Advancement of Colored almost involuntary ejaculation floor. Unfortunately, however, tad line to sell the duPont wants take papa place in the doesn It the use to which the to use on the nasty enemy. Mama Enger printing doesn hurt. It dom. At the first opportunity it came spontanPeople. Harrison is the grand president of the which was edited out of the the Lewis controlled resolutions Morgan Defense Commission.
eously to the lips of the imprisoned Italian Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, and his policies stenographic record that he committee brought in a thoroughfactory. But something has to prints are put that does.
soldiers in Greece.
and record in the labor movement with regard was under no illusions as to ly reactionary resolution de John Lewis has the best Nursery springs into action as a ANOTHER WAY OUT be done with, junior. So the Day When the journalists and commentators specto Negro workers were offered as more than the quirk of fate which had nouncing communism, a resolu poker face in the business. He munitions plant auxiliary. Who ulate about the further progress of the war, they given him the job.
adequate reasons why he should not be permitted tion which can easily become the save no sign of any kind during says Park Avenue isn doing its Domenic Stevens, 23 and a are in the habit of considering only the proto receive a post where he would have wider native of Belgium, was hauled base for a red baiting campaign Hillman speech, but kept doing it?
in any CIO union. As the vote two things as he sat on the platnouncements and plans and schemes of the into psychopathic ward after jurisdiction for his Jim Crow policies.
statesmen and generals in the rival camps. They enough to try to persuade Lewis was called for, at grinning swoc form fucing the audience. He SALVATION AT LAST having made several attempts Harrison, according to the Urbani League, has leave out the people. It is customary also for to stand for re election. After organizer called out. Watch the kept teetering back in his chair to get himself run down and Grace had been said. Sixty.
as head of this union, concurred in its membercynies, capitulators and renegades to rule out the the Draft Lewis resolutions, commies vote for it. They did. until he had to grab something three starved, homeless men killed by automobiles, His parship policies which shunt colored railway clerks passed in whatever locals they people the workers in the fascist countries as to save himself from falling. And sat around the breakfast board ents were murdered by the off into auxiliary locals where they pay the could manage it, the Stalinists Next to the debate on labor he kept spitting on the floor.
an independent factor in coming events. The Nazi invaders of Belgium and at the Salvation Army Social flooded the convention with same dues as the white workers but have no he had been torpedoed on his Service Center in Pittsburgh.
people haven spoken yet but they are going to unity, the high point of the enormous buttons bearing the voice in the determination of union policy and convention was the discussion way here. He found it pretty Amen had hardly been uttered say the final and decisive word. The revolutionlegend, Forward with Lewis and Hillman scored off Lewis on the poll tax. The way in no representation on the policy making bodies, just once, but that was very when they dug ravenously into hard to laugh at fascism and ary song of the Italian soldiers in the Greek CIO. Lewis poured cold water which it enables a tiny handwar.
effective. That was when Hill.
a meal including angel food or conventions.
prison camp is a signal. The explosive which will cn all this in his very first speech ful of Bourbons to perpetuate man, in the course of his cake and pancakes. In a few SCALP BELTS It was also pointed out that Harrison had blow the fascist tyrants to hell is located in their the first day, but the Stalinists a naked dictatorship over the speech, reminded the delegates niinutes two of them rose from fancy shop advertises scalp own countries.
played a prominent smelly role in the fight till kept hoping. None of them. eight Southern states where that the United Mine Workers the table, staggered across a belts of leather with eight dab: against colored freight handlers (reported in the however, dared to take floor the poll tax still is in force; constitution bars communists hall and fell dead. Nine more ing gilt disks, on each of which HEROIC ITALIAN WORKERS article below. The NAACP telegram to Roose and make the proposal. Nor, for to send to Congress the stark from membership. What died in hospital beds, and fifty is engraved the initials of one The heroic Italian proletariat showed its metvelt said, Negro Americans their feltwo others lay retching and of the men in your life. How low workers who are seeking full democracy in writhing for days. Roach pois about tatooing this data around tle in 1921. The workers occupied the factories the labor movement view with justified alarm on had been served in the pan the waistline? It just as color and were ready for the next decisive steps. Bepossibility of having as Secretary of Labor a cakes. The Salvation Army had ul and can be changed each trayed by pusillanimous leaders, and lacking a NIN week.
at last solved the unemploy.
man who believes that Negroes are not entitled strong party of Bolshevism which alone could lead the resolute struggle for power to the very Bo full members. bip. in organized. wiona. Continued from Page 1) bilities of peace.
After telling the story of how end, the great movement of the Italiani workers.
Both organizations also objected to the trade the debate of the union chief We have explored every the AFL chieftains had des.
suffered defeat. In the reaction from that defeat union segregationist who is already in the De gures: Van Bittner, Secretary proposition said Lewis. What perately attempted to break the they fell under the iron heel of fascism. But partment of Labor, Dan Tracy, head of the AFL Treasurer Thomas Kennedy, have we all been doing? have Auto Workers strike against we must believe that they have lived all theso Electrical Workers Union.
John Owens. They went over the been an explorer in the Ameri. General Motors, Lewis turned to history of the last five years and can Federation of Labor. Ex Philip Murray, who confirmed the Fund have come during the last two weeks: The following additional contributions to the Trotsky Memorial terrible years on the memory of their great hope pilloried the AFL leadership at plore the mind of Bul Green?
that the people will yet go forward. Avanti o SEEK SHOW DOWN fact that at the negotiations with 32. 50 Boston Why Bill and had offices next the AFL for unity, the AFL netempts to smash the new induspopolo. under the scarlet banner. Bandiera door to each other in the same trial unions.
Rockville Rossa. AT AFL CONVENTION gotiators had said of the Steel 00 00 Lynn James Carey and James corridor for ten years. have Workers union: We will take Efforts were being made this week to bring Detroit Matles spoke of the growth of done a lot of exploring in Bill in certain organizations but, Mr.
50. 00 POIGNANT MEMORY to the floor of the AFL convention the story their union, the United Electrical, mind, and give you my word, Murray, with respect to your Los Angeles 29. 15 The brief dispatch from Athens recalled to of a fight being conducted to the colored National Redio and Machine Workers. there is nothing there.
Steel Organization, that is a mat.
Milwaukee 00 me the poignant memory of the departure of Council of Freight Handlers, Express and Sta They claimed an additional 50, 000 Explore Mathew Woll ter upon which you will have to St. Paul and Minneapolis 130. 00 organized during the last year. mind? did. It is the mind of the Italian delegation from the Fourth Congress tion Employees, representing about 50 federal confer with the officers of the Individual Contributions 30 of the Comintern in Moscow, at the end of 1922.
union locals and 2, 000 workers throughout the What they had to say as par an insurance agent, who used various organizations in the Newark 20. 50 The news of the fascist coup etat had arrived country, to protect their rights as union mem ticularly impressive for it is an his position as an officer of the AFL, some 21 in number, who Younstown 00 and the delegates were returning home to take bers.
open secret that, whatever con AFL to promote his insurance claim jurisdiction in that indus15. 00 Toledo ceivable concessions up the underground fight. The great hall in the the craft. After six years of struggle to establish these business. It is so because told unions may come to make to try, and we can take in the him so and he agreed with me.
Chicago workers in the steel industry unKremlin resounded to their song. Bandiera Ros20. 00 federal locals, during which they received no other new unions, the E, now sa. in which the delegates of all the other countil you make peace with each one help whatever from the Brotherhood of Railway Explore Tom Rickert the fourth largest union in the TOTAL 316. 45 tries joined. Many of those communist fighters Clerks, and during which they obtained con CIO, will be dismembered if there mind, of the United Garment of these organizations.
went to their death; and so did thousands and Workers? did, and here is Buffalo has pledged 25. 00 to the fund. Allentown pledges 15. 00 is unity in the immediate fu(To Be Continued)
tracts from a number of important railroads, what was in his mind. He said and Texas 00. CHICAGO INCREASED ITS PLEDGE TO tens of thousands of others of the flower of the ture.
they were ordered last September by William 200. 00.
Italian proletariat, in the course of these eighteen he did not propose to let the Green to comply with the order of Harrison, John Lewis was the final Quota Amalgamated Clothing Work What Do Amount paid tragic years.
head of the BRC, to turn in their charters and speaker against the Hillman proers into the AFL if he could They Expect?
Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 100 posal, and it was unquestionably their treasuries and soin powerless, Jim Crow SEED OF COMING REVOLUTION help it. said to him that he 00 Rockville 7, 00 In an editorial of the Army and 100 one of the most effective speechauxiliaries.
ng ever made by that powerful was getting 20, 000 a year 50. 00 50. 00 But the blood of these martyrs is the seed Navy Register for November 16 Toledo 100 Meeting in Cincinnati at that time, delegates kraft out of the advertising orator. Not the least of the reasfollowing: we read Lynn 100. 00 83. 00 of the coming revolution. It flowered spontan83 from these locals voted not to abide by Green 100. 00 Troops have been encamped in Boston 59. 50 60 ons for his effectiveness was hichopoly in the AFL, and eously in Greece the other day for the first time, had a my to order. They demanded either a separate inter these days of chilly night in tents Detroit 200. 00 115. 00 58 at the first opportunity. We have ground to be himself in a position where he prove it. He knew it and agreed national charter from the AFL or the right to with less than a quarter of the Chicago and lieve that those Italian soldiers in the Greek to that as true. And thought Sibley Heating facilities. Troops Indiana Harbor join the BRC with the same rights that other could speak with absolute hones200. 00 105. 07 53 prison camp expressed the profoundest sentithen had explored his mind members enjoyed. In the meantime they decided ty and truthfulness.
have been for weeks in camp Newark 150. 00 70. 50 enough.
47 ments of the enslaved masses at home and the without hot water for washing Allentown to continue their work under the National CounLEWIS CHALLENGES 15. 00 00 40 equally enslaved soldiers in Mussolini army of Explore the mind of Bill and bathing.
cil plan.
HILLMAN 00 Milwaukee Hutcheson? did. There wasn Well, what do the draftees ex 00 conquest. In that sentiment in the hearts of the 40 The AFL has not recognized anything there that would do Flint 150. 00 56. 00 37 Harrison has indicated that we will not surpect snug well heated quarters workers in all the warring countries and in the principle of industrial unionrender jurisdiction over these workers in his you any good. So what? Waste 100. 00 35. 00 like the officers? After all some San Francisco that alone resides the hope and the confidence 35 izm in the mass industries, said more time on unprofitable ex150. 00 letter to Arthur Williams, head of the Council.
one has to get hardened up to do Los Angeles 49. 15 33 that the bloody and terrible war into which the Lewis. Can we make them recog plorations?
the lighting for Wall Street.
1000. 00 New York 255. 00 Green is backing him, of course, in spite of the 26 imperialists have plunged the world will be nize it? No, not now: Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 230. 00 23 fact that the AFL official position, as written brought to an end by a victory of the people. There is no peace because Milwaukee 00 00 20 down on paper at several conventions, condemna Avanti o popolo. forward, people, under you are not yet strong enough 20. 00 New Haven 50 all forms of discrimination on account of race or 18 the scarlet banner! Bandiera Rossa trionfera. to command peace upon honI.
Youngstown 50. 00 00 12 color.
orable terms. And there will be (Continued from Page 1)
10. 00 Akron 00. 00 00 no peace with a mighty advertreatment of Negroes in the 25. 00 Buffalo JIM CROW WOMEN TOO 00 00 sary until you possess that do that Jim crowism when cap Navy.
It not only men who get Jim Crowed by the strength of bone and sinew that tioned by that lofty term, The Added to these this week were Cleveland 70. 00 00. 00 00 10. 00 Army. Women are cligible for this treatment will make it possible American Way. or race discrim the names of Negro sailors from Hutchinson you 00. 00 00 An Analysis of the Two Conventions 30. 00 to bargain for peace on equal ination even when covered by the two other ships. Those on the Philadelphia 00. 00 00 too. An example will show that women can be 10, 00 American flag to disguise its Brooklyn, stationed off Pittsburgh 00. 00 00 hurt pretty hard by this kind of treatment too.
10. 00 Lewis publicly threw down the viciousness. stinks to the high Mare Island, California, show Portland 00. 00 Mrs. Burmeda Coleman and Miss Hattie 00 00 that they understand what is go Quakertown 00. 00 00 gage of battle to Hillman. He heavens nonetheless.
Combre, employed by the Louisiana Industrial and recalled the defection of Dubin. We are definitely united to ing on behind the closed doors of Reading 00 00. 00 00 Insurance Company in New Orleans, took a sky and Zaritaky. And now lend your worthy paper every the Philadelphia case when they Rochester 15. 00 00. 00 00 civil service examination for tabulating machine above all the clamor comes the possible means of support in ite weite: St. Louis 00 00. 00 00 operators at Camp Beauregard, near Alexandria, piercing wail and the laments of drive against this outcropping of They are trying to make an Texas 00 00 00 La.
the Amalgamated clothing injustice which has now. come to example of Johnson and Good Individual Contributions 30 What are the differences separating the On November they received telegrams from workers. And they say, Peace it AFL and CIO? Will there be unity between the Camp to report for work. They then quit is wonderful. And there is no Navy.
to try to scare the rest of us in 3507. 00 TOTALS 1145. 02 33 them? Are the bosses preparing to crack their jobs, which were relatively quite good ones, peace. Dubinsky took the easy! We have one aim and that is to submission. But these con down on American Labor? Will the trade way. Zaritsky took the easy way to see that justice is secured for stant letters to you are the only and spent a bit of money travelling from New unions survive the war?
If there is anybody else in the the colored men in the Nawy, who hope Johnson, Goodwin and the To All Branches Orleans to Alexandria.
Speaker: When they got there on November 11, how. way, then in God name, take for demanding their rights as that of the and other Pioneer Publishers announces that the new pamphlet Defend men and American citizens.
ever, they were met by Major Dupont, commandsuch organizations throughout the Negro Sailors by Albert Parker will be available to the FARRELL DOBBS ing officer in charge of the camp, who told them RIDICULES AFL TOPS MESS ATTENDANTS the country so that this case will branches in bundle orders at 19e per COPY PLUS POSTAGE.
Labor Secretary, that it was not known that they were Negroes. The convention delegates EXPOSE AIM not be dropped into obscurity and fortunate circumstance makes it possible to offer this Wednesday, December and that Negroes could not be used in that roared and hugged themselves Since their arvest, the mess at forgotten by our people while pamphlet at this low price. However it is imperative that the capacity at the camp.
with delight as Lewis interspers tendants on the Philadelphia conditions remain the sume. We 8:30 entire press run be gotten into the hands of the branches for imed logical argument with some have been joined by sailors from part of the messmen of the So there they were, Jim Crowed as hard as are prepared to she mediato distribution as this pamphlet deals with a subject which IRVING PLAZA screamingly funny Shakesperean at least three other ships who Brooklyn, is very current. The pamphlet will loose much of its value to you any private in a separate regiment, without any comedy, ridiculing the Amalgat have spoken out and in most rifice the time that we have in Irving Place and 15th Street reimbursement for the expenses they had in cd Clothing Workers resolution cases signed their names, cor here and ourselves to help unless it is used now! 1!
Get your orders with cash in at once!
curred, and no jobs. It a great country! proposal to explore the possi roborating their testimony about remedy this condition.
TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND Branch Demand Freedom terms.
AFL. CIO 888888 WAR