BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 30, 1940 TWORKERS Militarism and Workers Rights FORUM TRADE UNION NOTES Editor: Minneapolis Sunday Forum da dete unavoidable and create By JAMES CANNON Se all for the better. The vol forth the demand for officers from II.
unteer army has been recruited the ranks of the workers and the Our resolution on military policy proclaims no new prin for the most part from the ranks :ions?
ciple, but attempts to apply the old principles of Bolshevism to of half starved unemployed. They RIGHT TO, DEMOCRACY the new conditions. In line with all the programmatic documents ple. helpless and unable to get Haven the workers, who are Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the of the Fourth international, the resolution says: The imperial a hearing. It was customary to risking their lives for democ labor movement what are the workers thinking about. tell ist war is not our war and the mititarism of the capitalist state think of these soldiers as having racy, the right to a little democ by Farrell Dobbs is not our militarism. We are what the bosses are up to ind the men and the local copsATLANTIC CITY The recent Arl proclaimed spirit of against the war as a whole just no human rights whatever, no racy for themselves? Out of the meatus of redress you agitate, willions of dollars of federal funds victory over the CIO has expired in the womb. After a spirited and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn as we are against the rule of the in the way you will be shot. ppropriated for military pur discussion on the second day of the CIO convention, the indusprint and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open class that conducta. and never to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you under any circumstances vote to.
of compulsory wilitary service sum be es marked for the estat trial union workers gave frey, Ilutchinson, Woll and their do not want your name printed, give them any confidence in their who, at the same time, directly or iishment of special camps to train mouthpiece. Green, a clearcut answer: No capitulation to crakt conduct of the war or preparato Tenement Children become officers? unionisw! Forward to a ten million membered CIO! Throughout nounced yesterday by ofRcials of clons for it ta was not a indirectly support this monstrous workers (bildren Aid Society Jones Mecent, not a gou with Our support, military of the volunteer va what wrong about such a de the sessions this theme was echo Forced to Sacrifice niety.
mand? And, for that matter, whated by the delegates. The Atlantic class conscious proletarian Aght morial Center at 407 73rd SL. Our war is the war of the work is Illegal about it? Indeed, it City gathering voted to launch ner. He prefers to seek gains for For War where the party will be held. ling class against the capitalist MILLIONS OF WORKERS a serious mutant worker who large scale CIO organization the workers at the conference ta No doubt one forfeited turkey order. Socialist Appeal. OctoIn the army of conscription the hates and distrusts the bosses and deve, with Ford, Bellulehem and ble of government industry, la in the bouse of Rockefeller. Du ber bor and the consumer. He places situation w! ll be radically chang their agents for good reason, will aircraft at the top of the list.
Just how long are the capital Pont, or Roosevelt. whleh would this method above trade union ac.
ists and their fool organizations never be felt. would more than on of Trotskyism, which alone So wud, for the principled posied. It will consist of millions of stop to think about it. he must tion, instead of using such forms going to be allowed to keep on cover the amount to be raised among all the tendencies in the young workers the proletariat in be impressed by the extreme med. VULTEE SHOWS WHAT IS COMING arms! They are accustomed toesty of the demands of our trans of pressure as a supplement to it.
robbing the poor to pay the rich: But no. the great sacrifice to help international labor movemea re Meantime, events in the Vultee Murray will not go very far alops certain rights. Their mighty num. itfonal program. They represent Yesterday Daily News carried British children and the rich mains consistently revolutionary bers will confer a sense of power not the last word but, rather, the strike were giving a clear indica the road of class struggle, and the following item: ones. at that. must be made by in times of war as well as in times upon them. It will not be posst. Most workers today have ton of the forces of reaction as far as he does go he will step About 130 fenement children tenement children, who are being of peace. But, despite our opposlsible to treat them like cattle for the illusion that the class lineup gathering to oppose the CIO in very gingerly.
will eat meal loaf instead of tur deprived of their only opportunity lion, we have the multarism and Joan Lewis is still a power key at an 11 Thanksgiving all year long for such a delicacy, tomorrow we will have the war JAMES CANNON any length of time without creat which confronts im in the fac this drive. Charges of treason ing a profound discontent in their tory and on the picket line is by have been levelled against the Vulful factor in the CIO despite his party.
that the difference in. and justice for all. In in full scope. That does not change Kanks.
Congressmen. ad withdrawal from the presidency.
soune miracle eliminated in the Lee Strikers.
the What hus been said above of Mus.
cost may be sent to help children deed!
in England.
Our matitary transitional prooomain of war and militarism. ministration officials and The plan was an New York City our principle, but it imposes upon or direct clashes with these local of transitional de boss press have launched a many ray applies with equal force to as a certain line or tactics since authorities and police. But la gram is not for a day, but for our program we do not want to remain aloo their overwhelming majority, the comorrow. for a long time. It mande proceeding from the Marx. sided attack on the union. The Lewis. The two will collaboratd Dies Committee has announced very closely in the coming period.
as mere oppositionists. We do workers still think of the nation ouly a part of the militant work ist principle which never recog.
Stalinist Manager Fired OL vest content with general op al government as something dif or take interest in it and regard sizes a suspension of the class that it will investigate the strike. While Lewis may influence Muxposition to capitalism and general ferent. They respect it and at it as a good thing if it could be struggle in the class society. Is This announcement provoked a ray to greater militaney lagainst advocacy of the socialist revolu. the same time they fear it as accomplished that is already a designed to break this fllusion, public statement by Attorney Gen. the AFL and towards some in.
For Excusing Absentees tion and simply repeat our ulti. reruote power which cannot be catifying initial success. It is this fetish. That is the purpose eral Jack on that the FBI has al crease in tempo in the projected The working of the new Stalin being rescued by a cutter. Red formulas. We seek in each and trade unionist. who considers a workers that our demands are gram.
puteams as a set of soul saving combatted. The average militant up to us then to convince these of our agitation around the pro ready investigated and found that organization drive, they will find the Vulee strike was started and no disagreement between them.
prolonged by communists. selves on fundamentals. Murray ist labor code is illustrated by a lotf generously excused thein for every situation to devise the tac battle with local cops as a part reasonable and practical in the Headlines in the boss press are and Lew see eye to eye on the story which the Associated Press their absence from work. tical slogans around wbich we of the day business in a strike, present situation, and fully with In my speech to our Chicago beginning to brand all strikes as question of relations with the he past the Moscow censorship However the district committee nay carry on continuous and ef is inclined to flinch away from me. tbefr rights, as indeed the Conference devoted a big ser impediment, it not outright sa trosses and the bosses government.
Lion to our agitational approach totage of national defense. Their diferences on the question Redroff, former manager of that the storm has nothing to the goal. The problem of the the whiskers, the popular name WORKERS QUESTION to the workers who think it nec Comment is being introduced in of supporting Roosevelt were only the Kluieff saw mill on Lake Bal do with the case. The men missed hour is to find a realistic basis for the federal government and Our aim, it must always be re essary to defend the country the press through the Gallup poll a disagreement on tactics.
kal, wrote to the Communist Par work. The manager acted as for our irreconcilable class agita its police agents.
membered. is not to convince against fascism by military means and by other means to imply that The Stalinists will find them.
ty organ. Prarda, complaining their protector and should be extion in the arena of war and mili quibbling factional opponents who bat imagine it has to be left in public opinion is in favor of dras selves in a less comfortable postthat he had been unfairly dismis pelled rom the party. Redrofitarism which now, and for THE ACE CARD sed from his position by the dis was dismissed and tried onwbolé epoch, will dominate the You can strike against the wake a fictitious political struggle full charge of the bourgeois ultically curbing the unions. Fromtion in the CIO under Murray.
trict committee of the Communist charges of protecting tardy work world. This is the aim or our govero ment this is not only the in the form of literary exercises, ers. argued against this pre various quarters demands are al Realizing this, they made a rial: Party.
ers and disorganizing work. resolution on military policy.
dicture or Roosevelt, but also the hut workers who take the ques. udice in terms and by means of ready arising for compulsory culous spectacle or Whemselves at labor The mill being far from the col. The story reached the press only disputes, the convention trying to keep feeling of the great majority or on as they take all questione. Silustrations which thought arbitration of why we hinge might be effectively employed by involving defense production. Their Draft Lewis movement on lective farra market, he explained, because the bureaucracy wished to PROGRAM OF AGITATION American workers at the present our agitation around sllustrations our party agitators. summed The appointment of Doctor Milits toet. However, the best they he had organized expeditions of purge the district committee and Our mtitary program is intend time. Some of them think they from the life they know that of up a whole section devoted to 18 signalizes sharp turn to could do for themselves was to the workers to go fishing in their to show its benignancy. ed as a program of agitation. In have a right to do it as was spare times and bring the catch But that such an incident could order to be effective such a pro shown by the strikes against the class attitude in the factory is ing statement: the factory and the union. Their such arguments with the follow the right by the NLRB. The set Joseph Curran elected as a The back to the restaurant at the mill. cecur at all is sufficient commen. gran must take into account not WPA, but the great majority ap the product of their experience, themselves must take charge of officials in the mediation of labor quite a few of the Stalinists out workers increased participation of military vice president. Murray will prune Forty of these amateur fisher tary on the arbitrary character of only the objective circumstances proach any prospect of a conflict aided by the agitation of the more this fight against Hitler and any disputes foreshadows an added of the cio apparatus but there men were caught in a storm, and the Stalinist rule and the degree (the epoch of militarism. but with the federal government with conscious elements. The right of Lody else who tries to invade their use of the military boot against will not be an immediate whole eleven carried for out from shore or its separation from the work. 180 the present consciousness the feeling that you can get and mood of the workers. The away with it. These illusions of the workers to organization, to rights. That is the whole prin striking workers.
Lossed about for two days befreles.
sale purge. As a matter of fact, nave union officers of their own ciple of the new policy that has American workers are against the workers are the wce card Choosing to be represented by been elaborated to us by Com. GREEN AND HILLMAN the present position of the CIO war. they are fearful of war, yet the sleeve of the American imper indicates that Murray, just as they are convinced in their bones ialists.
shop committees of their owu rade Trotsky. The great differ Lewis before him, cannot afford irusted people these precious and ence between this and the social The AFL leadership will, no to indulge in any form of outA letter from a Toledo comrade necessary rights were not conter st military policy in the past is doubt. attempt new incursions ibe millions of young men who highlights this attitude: and red upon our workers by benevol that it is an extension of the old into CIO territory in the mage right red baiting.
Analyzes Workers Vote te being drafted and sent up for other comrades have noticed in ent bosses or an impartial govern policy, an adaptation of old prin production industries. Striving INSPIRING SIGNS AT THE fact, they also were riplex to new conditions.
Workers bolleved the Depyoga, gevation of social gains at home. When monoderato come our military program the follow ance Illegal, and more than one AN EXTENSION iniopiats will play a miserable The most encouraging sign of role in this effort. As in the past. CIO strength lies in the sport and last election, Ted Dostal, St. Paul mit to conscription; because they rerhaps all of it subconsciously needed, and express distrust of viction that they need section of the working class and agreed that military training a cating them. The workers con my speech (Socillist Appeal, Oc text for the corporations and their as reflected in a somewhat die From a reading of the text of they will frequently furnish a pre determination of the membership.
these party. told a Sunday Forum au will keep them out of war androing to war. Even the National seription will, they are extremely set limits to oppression and ex. Sibility of misunderstanding that ent struggles for wages and spirit of class solidarity among.
dience in Minneapolis November maintain social gains.
14. Because they associated gains The primary problem of Amer Guardsmen who left town last sceptical of the possibility of get. ploitation is the result of their dices of the workers and not a Hetween unions. They will give hest illustrated by the attitude of was arguing against the preju. conditions as jurisdictional flights the industrial union workers was month were accompanied by weeping the unions to control trainexperience.
they had made themselves with ican capitalism today is that ing mothers and sweethearts.
the Roosevelt administration, the American imperialism must ex ing or of winning union condigainst any principles hitherto some support to certain form the Negro delegates at the conworkers supported the Democratic pand in every direction, Dostal The workers like to hear the tions in the army. You can UNEXPLORED TERRITORY maintained by our movement. On of anti labor legislation and antivention. Their role at Atlantic candidate, he said.
Their scepticiam regarding the the contrary, took pains to asfabor White House policies when city stood in sharp contrast to said. The contradictions which promises of Roosevelt and will strike against the government.
Workers believe that Roosevelt capitalism has created are such Nie that American boys will not you agitate in the army you will possibility of realizing analogous sere that our new concrete pract directed mainly against the croche role of the Negro in the lilythe of be sent into foreign wars, but the lhe shot. You need trained mili conditions in the field of militar. tical slogans are simply an ex n their eager desire to weaken white post of the craft unions.
ing falsely in his domestie poli problems of the world. the speak great mass of them do not believe tary men to have good training. iam arises from the fact that for tension of the old policy, an adapt the cio, the craft unionists win The Necro delegates at the clo cles, they did not vote for his for er stated, and closed with a call believe the isolationist and pacl. answers. Even some of the ritory. But unexplored teration of old principles to new con forget that by these actions they convention spoke without any apa word of it. Neither do they These are the three most common them it is as eign policy or the war to which for military training under work they will soon disditions.
speech as a whole. are also feeding on the own parent feeling of restraint or subhe is leading the United States. er control and an organized list liars who say it is possible, nolitically developed sympathizers cover that the opposion, exploit as well as the resolution adopted flesh.
serv. ence. They felt that the CIO Against Hitler and for the pres labor party.
under capitalism, to Keep Amer of the party say that our program ation and class discrimination at the Chicago Conference and Sidney Hillman, whose speech was really their union and that ica out of war.
has value only in an agitational which are the substance of their the published letters and com. at Atlantic City reached a new the convention was their convenHATE AND PEAR FASCISM sense but that it cannot be ac daily lives as workers, reappear ments of Comrade Trotsky on the low in grovelling before the pow Lion. Every Negro delegate who Marxist School Finishes The workers are profoundly im.
complished. My emphasis. also in the prussianized militar subject are all vermeated with ers that be and playing on every took the floor, and there were a ism of the capitalist sate in a this idea. We stand now as bechord of reaction among the work number of them, poured out the pressed by the fate of the Euro MISTAKEN OPINION form that is more intensive, inare core, on the principles of Bolshev. rs, will prove to be more of apent up wrath of his persecuted pean countries which have been Successful Term in Y, By such expressions which are brutal and more contemptuous of ism and we aim to advance these detriment than a benefit to the race. And of equal importance overrun by Hitler army. They quite typical the workers exprese human life. The military experi principles by a transitional pro ICIO. Hillman made it clear in the Negro delegates were treated hate and fear fascism. So far the mistaken opinion that the ence of the workers will come cram in the military epoch.
NEW YORK The Marxist William Warde is continuing they see it incarnated only in the class struggle ends when they powerfully to the aid of our prohis convention address that above as equals by the white delegates.
School has just finished a very his course from 7:10 to 8:10 and foreign foe, and they are ready leave the arena of the union and gram, giving it a burning actual. honest dispute with us must begin build the war machine.
Anyone who wants to conduct anererything else he is out to help this factor in itself reflects the successful semester both from the Farrell Dobbs follows from 8:50 necessary to ko to war against the factory and enter the new real strength of the industrial unpoint of view of the calibre of the to 10:20. The registration fee is it. especially it the war is pre arena of war and militarism. They liat struggles for a minimuin of fairly and honestly and then cri THE ROLE OF MURRAY ity and make it the banner of their by stating our actual position Sons of the mass production work.
lectures and the large attendance 50c. for the three lectures or 25c. sented to them, as it surely will do not antiepate in advance the class independence and self pro tieze us from one of two stand AND JOHN LEWIS at the classes. At least 176 work per session.
While their delegates were at be, in the guise of defense tremendous new experiences tection. Our program anticipates points. 1) the principles of Bol.
Phillip Murray, the new co the convention, the CIO members ers attended the school with a Many of those who have taken against a foreiga ttack. Fai godly portion of them attending Murray Weiss excellent course on ing the prospect of war it is ob a powerful impression on their prepare the minds of the workers the practical slogans designed to ability to resist outright capitula the struggle against the bosses.
which are destined to make such this experience and attempts to thevism are wrong and, likewise, national president, has indicated back home were busy carrying on all of the courses. William Elements of Marxism have al. vious the serious minded work minds, and that in a comparativ for a speedier and more conscious apply them; or. 2) the transition to craft unionism under gov. The wave of sob actions among Wardes course on Dialectical ready registered for the additional ers that military training is needely short time. Even the reported reaction to it. Materialism was the best attend lectures of William Warde, whoed. That is why they submitted remarks of some of our sympath tional program violates the prin ernment pressure. He also ap the industrial union workers con Our slogans orry the class line ciples of Bolshevism on war. pears capable of going a certaintinues to rise. They are winning ed with a registration of 101. in the coming sessions will give universally to conseription; withixers to the effect that our pro into the new conditions of milldistance in an organization drive an adjustment of their grievances There was such a large demand special attention tº the dialectical out enthusiasm, it is true, but gram cannot be accomplished. tariam. In the factory a militant METHOD OF CONFUSION in the face of the growing pres and improvements in their work.
for a continuation of this course method used Marx in creating also without any serious oppost reveals an unconscious tendency trade unionist wouldn trust an Shachtman, Writing in Labor sure from the bosses and their ing conditions. They are throw.
as well as of Trade Union Lead great economie work Caption. This attitude of the rank to accept as permanent a situation employer or an agent of the em Action (November 4) employed a government. However, it is not in the finks out of the plants: crship by Farrell Dobbs that ital.
and file of the American working which is radically changing beployers as far as he can kick an different method of attack, a metbeeldent that he placed the strong. they are beginning to go on strike these instructors were prevailed. It is very heartening to report class is a thousand times more fore our eyes and which will con. onvil in his bare feet. But in od designed not to clarify, but est emphasis on a demand for for contracts. The Industrial untures. All those who want to re Marxist School have shown that of the pacifist muddle heads who speed and sweep. Respect for the ent set up, the officers corps from his article, as the first point for each industry, in his remarks for action. The class struggle sister for these lectures may do they have imbibed the teaching proclaim the necessity of social status quo is out of tune with the top to bottom is dominated by which sets the tone and shapes at the convention. Murray is a grow sharper in the period 80 at once either at the office of the great masters of Marxism, ism and yet oppose compulsory times. War and militarism will people of this boss type class en the character of his article as a labor statesman. He is not a lahead.
the school at 116 University Place for they have applied for member military training in a world uproot the workers from the ola emies who regard the workers in whole, he ufts my above quoted or at Irving Plaza, 15th and Irv. ship in the Socialist Workers Par gone mad with militarism, lag Place where the lectures are ty and are now ready to partake environment in which their pres the ranks as cannon fodder, and statement out of its context and Our military resolution takes et convictions were formed, im have no regurd for their welfare tries to make it appear that gets to the end of his juggled party, Shachtman runs true to being held every Monday evening. Tactively in the battle for socialism. the foregoing circumstances, ob pose new and terrible experiences and safety. Why shouldn the am arguing not against the pre and misapplied quotation the car form from beginning to end. The jective and subjective, as its point on them and compel them to workers, in such a situation, put judices of the workers but against nal and unsuspecting reader will tublous methods which he omof departure and attempts to show think in new terms.
the principles of the modern Trot be too muddled and confused to ployed in his promise are mainthe workers how to carry on their BOSS EXECUTIVE skyist movement! Then. with know the difference. To answer tained throughout the article.
Come to the mock seriousness, he asks: Othim it is only necessary to go Misrepresentation is followed by daily struggle against the bosses COMMITTEE over into the new field of millSocialism and Dog Meat The workers have yet to learn which old policy is our millback and show what we really falsification and reinforced with tarism, tary program an extension? said and what we really meant. a spice of outright literary for that the government, which now and solemny pretends that may The interested reader, who takes gery. In debating with Shachtappears as a sacrosanct institution November 14 was a big day for issued and a promise made. Dog NEW UNION MEMBERS have been speaking of the policy the trouble to read the quotations man one needs not a pen but a Adolph Hitler and a significant meat was legalized as an item of the American workers have standing above the classes, is in of the Liberals, social democrats in their context and that is an pair of hip boots and a shovel one for the German working class. human food for the workers of made great advances in the last reality the executive committee of and Stalinists. Then, after ex absolutely necessary precaution in order to dig down and clear for the Three things happened.
Greater Germany if they can wait Pix years.
plaining to us that Trotsky above Whenever Shachtman is quoting away the filth which he piles over In Berlin, the Fuehrer decorat until January 1, 1941 for the deli ruits have been drawn into the the conditions of militarism and Time of Your Life all taught the movement that the. can get the matter straight. He the essence of every dispute. It ed 85 soldiers of labor for their cacy. This supplements horse trade union movement for the first war, aided by our agitation, w:11 workers themselves must take will also get an insight into the is not a very agreeable task but loyal cooperation behind the lines meat which has been available for time. They have had to fight ev. teach this necessary lesson in the Saturday, Dec. 7th charge of this fight against Hit polemical methods of Shachtman in the line of duty shall return in furthering the conduct of the some time. And the schoonerary inch of the way to gain the coming period. In the course of These developments our program, 8:30 war. All of them, including 40 Adolph did his third deed for smallest concessions, and then to ler, he ends the first point and which became so notorious in the to it again, insofar as the expremise of his article with the fact. onal struggle which he con posure of these methods of the women, were armaments workers. the day wben he promised behind fight all over again and continuif we present it with simplicity and clarity, will not only have VICTORIA HALL devastating question: If that was ducted jointly with Burnham a political underworld helps to facil Hitler disclosed the purpose of the lines workers that Germany ously, to keep them. In the course the whole principle of the new Sainst Trotsky and the majority late the explanation and clarifica the little bribe of medals in his main duty after the war, though of these fights the workers have success in an agitational sense; Irving Plaza policy what was the principle of of our party. He became known Lion of our military transitional. was to serve as a model social developed a fervent devotion to the awakening workers will pass accompanying speech which exIrving Place and 15th Street the old policy?
to the adult members of our move program to workers who are selorted the workers to display ist state.
their unions. They have learner over its extremely modest and eleBut had explained in the sen ment as an unscrupulous twistriously and honestly interested in greater unity and determination They get dog meat; they are te hate and distrust the bosses mentary demands as advancing Polkas. Waltzes. Jant. tences he quoted, and can only er of quotations and a perverter the question the most important to bring a quick victory for Ger promised socialism. As long as who directly exploit them and the troops pass over a bridge to a Entertainment repeat here again, that we are not of historical incidents to serve and burning question affecting new point of vantage.
man arms.
workers anywhere wait for those police and local authorities who enunciating any afferent prin factional contentions.
their lives.
Things have got to a state, how up above to give them things, help the bosses.
The army of conscription will Admission 49c ciple but simply attempting to ap(Editors note: This is the ever, where medals alone seem an that is the way it will be dog In strike after strike the mill be different from the comparaAuspices: Local, ply old principles to new condi. TRUE TO FORM second of a series of articles by Insufficient reward. Therefore eat in the pot, socialism in the lant American workers have de tively small standing army we tions. But Shachtman, obviously In his lengthy attack on the Comrade Cannon. The third will on the same day a decree was future.
monstrated that they have no fear have known, and the change will calculates that by the time he military policy adopted by our appear next week. ors.
Hitler Offers People Old Time Beer Party