BourgeoisieCivil WarFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorld War

The Defense for Waller Asks Aid Negro Negro Sharecropper white and made up of 10 land Struggle In Virginia GREEN FOR UNITY ON HIS TERMS.
Sam Gompers Ghost Haunts Craft Chiefs Roosevelt!
School for Capitalist. Generals lords, a carpenter and a businessfices in view of the national man, said that in his opinion emergency Green responded with only well to do citizens should be silence. It is expected, however. Continued from page 1)
By ALBERT PARKER Faces Execution on juries.
that Green and his cohorts will Negroes and poor whites are do their bit to gogging any ten leaders, friends of labor, and a clamorous demand from labor LETTER ABOUT THE The National Office of the excluded from jury service by the dency of the rank and file toward many open enemies of labor for On December 19, 1924. Sam Gompers, founder ARTICLE Workers Defense League has is operation of the poll tax law of militancy either in periods of na what is euphemistically called of the American Federation of Labor and chief sued a plea for funds to aid in Virginia.
tional emergency or any other read with a considerable amount of interest the defense of Odell Waller. 23. David Clendenin, Secretary of (Continued from Page 1) time. labor unity, but which really spokesman for craft unionism, was buried. His your remarks on the stand taken by the United year old Negro sharecropper sen the WDL, asks that funds for the means going back to the AFL un leading mourners, William Green, Mathew Woll.
Government Employees at their recent convention tenced to execution December 27 Waller case be sent at once to AFL. meaning the bureaucracy John Frey, William Hutcheson, and John Lewis, der conditions jeopardizing the in Washington. also read in the same issue the at Richmond, Va. on a charge of the Workers Defense League Nar riding on the shoulders of the very life of the new Industrial on that day buried a whole historical period in murder.
resolution of the Political Committee of the sothe development of American trade unionism. But tional Office, 112 East 19th Street, craft unions. prepared to re Labor Should Work fons cialist Workers Party in which they give their they did not know it.
But, fortunately, they withstood 10 to 12 Hour Day on August 6, Waller was extra dollars will be needed to fight the basis of the formula it advanced position on the relation of the Negro to the armed that tremendous pressure. When three years ago.
whence he had fled after having case to its end. Of this, 300 must those opposed to the motion were forces.
DAMNED THE UNSKILLED be raised at once.
This formula means capitula Declares Millis asked for, not even the Amalgated fatally shot his landlord, Oscar find myself in agreement with most of tion of the industrial unions to Bill Green, Gompers nominal successor, and Davis, in self defense during a Clothing Workers delegates who what was said in both articles, but there is at Labor has just received an the craft union bureaucrats. It the rest of the surviving lieutenants continued quarrel over wages. Davis had had spoken for Hillman policy least one thing which am not sure understand What In a Name?
would permit the union which inkling of what national recorded themselves as opposed to in the faith which Gompers had bequeathed refused payment for work per were expelled from the AFL for unity really spells.
BUENOS AIRES, Nov. An crganizing the workers in the In his In your party resolution, under Point 5, is them. Old Sam had always damned the unskilled formed on his land by Waller, policy his wife and his 65 year old mothonterprising restaurant manager basic industries to return on the first interview with the press the following paragraph discussing the question and unorganized, the multiplying millions of insince he was named by RooseWHINING HILLMANITES of mixed or separate regiments: er and had also declined to pay today displayed on his menu Ga old status. But the new unions dustrial workers. Green and his colleagues retired velt for the post of chairman Three epeakers took the floor to the traditional AFL routine of dues collections Because many Negroes have had personal a promised wage to the mother teau Roosevelt Roosevelt cake. would be thrown into the meat of the National Labor Relafor Hillman policy: Franz Danexperience of discrimination and segregation in for four weeke nursing in the The cake is the same as any urinder of the bankrupt craft outand the adjustment of endless disputes between a tions Board, Dr. Harry Millis iel and Frank Rosenblum, of the Davis household.
flicted on them by backward workers in thctories thousand declining crafts.
declared that the workers lothing workers, and George Bal.
and in trade unions, a sentiment may arise in The case is appealed to the so uger. sust thought the man is having jurisdiction in their should be willing to work a danzi of the textile workers, Only In the golden days of post war Normaley the sell better with the Roosevelt the cour struggle for union control of preme Court of Appeals of Vir name.
of Mr. Green commented favorably ten or twelve hour day in an auto, rubber and a host of other industries were Rosenblum appeared to believe military training for the right of Negro soldiers ginia and w! ll probably have to emergency.
on the morguelike tranquility Yessir! Roosevelt or Willkte prevailing at the convention in be carried to the Supreme Court cake It just about the same New Orleans and contrasted it what he was arguing for. The harnessing new millions of workers to the mass This kind of talk, especially other two put on a half hearted to choose for themselves whether they shall be production machinery. Despite the ever expandthe Aside from its im thing only the Roosevelt brand with the confusion of the Tower when there are still about performance probably reflecting ing need for union organization, the AFL steadily in mixed regiments or in all Negro regiments.
portance in the saving of Waller has a prettier Icing!
million unemployed, will abtheir own real feelings, for both declined from a membership of 4, 978, 740 in 1920 In such a case we must pledge ourselves to suplife, this case involves the probof Babel meeting at Atlantic solutely ensure Millis ap are directly dependent on Hillport the right of the Negro soldiers to determine lem of the legal status of Negros to 2, 126, 796 by 1933.
proval by Wall Street and a man good favor.
the question for themselves.
and poor whites in the South. The Subscribe to the To Secretary of War St! mson They were answered by a barTORN WITH FEAR However, on the very next page, in your ar rage of effective speeches. Per ticle on the United Government Employees, there Waller fury had been Fourth International demand that labor knuckle under fruits of the labor vote for to the bosses and make sacriThe AFL heads were torn between fear of inhaps the best was that of a Negro occurs a case where a group of Negroes themselves packinghouse worker, Neil Weadustrial unionism, which would cut across their have met and decided that they prefer separate ver. He reflected the bitterness cherished craft jurisdictions, and a gloomy picof the Negro toilers at the lily ture of the dues receipts. But by 1933, they could Tegiments as long as they get colored officers white AFL policy: They tell and you attack them very strongly for this. do no longer resist the irresistible demand of the my people we can only be hod car unorganized organization, nor the obvious fact not dispute your attacking them, as believe you riers or porters. And he remindthat if the AFL did not receive these workers, were well justified in this. They were not coned us of the fate of the packingsome rival set up would. The AFL Executive sidering the interests of the Negro people, they house workers during the last fifty were carrying on a political fight to elect RoosBy EUGENE VARLIN Among 116 cadet graduates are affair at which the General year never organized by the Council reluctantly began to issue federal charters, evelt and to cover up that he had announced a The United States Military Academy, West Point, is under listed 37 educators, 28 corpora Staff hosted and toasted the lead. AFL. Weaver didn give the duly safe guarding the interests of the crafts in policy in the army that was aimed at Negroes.
the direct control of the War Department. It is the only school tion executives other than presi ing military lights of South Amer most polished logical argument the plants, to local groups of workers in auto, but his aroused bitterness at the of its kind in the country. Its aim is to produce not merely com dents, 17 corporation presidents, ica.
rubber, etc. also accept the other reasons you gave for attacking them.
Even under this dubious sponsorship the inpelent company clerks, or even competent second lieutenants, 15 public officials, 13 manufacturin this fashion, the commission very possibility of capitulation to But what do not understand is how this but potential officers of the general staff and general officers. ersal engineers, and the rest ed officer is constantly reminded the craft union moguls was bet dustrial workers managed to make their aims Jibes with your party resolution which as felt. In 1933, 812, 000 workers went on strike as With few exceptions. Ied the Ame equally liable for stealing a loaf authors, etc. If this is not as within itself. The officers come the three and half hours de understand it says that Negroes themselves should from one class; the privates, from bate was closed with a speetch by compared with 243, 000 in 1932.
rican Army in the Mexican War, of bread.
hostile class. These class dif John Lewis. He had come have the right to determine this question. Civil War, the Spanish American If by some miracle a young EMILY POST IN THE ARMY ferences are emphasized in the the convention in a weaker posl.
to MEMBERSHIP DECLINES It seems to me that you owe your readers War and the World War. They worker genius should manage to We are used to having officers most common every day forms. tlon, unquestionably, than at any a bit of explanation on this contradiction. feel occupy the Army highest pass all these barriers, he would described as bluff or blunt. Officers and privates eat separ time in the last decade: pledged By October, 1933, Green was pointing with pride to a membership of 3, 926, 796. But on Authat you should have discussed this, at least, in positions today.
have to pay an entrance fee of An officer who lacks command of ately. They live in different quarto resign the CIO presidency, a your article.
gust 1, 1984, the Federation had to report a decline 300. Any salary he made during strong language in dressing down ters. And the national unity loser in the eyes of those who WANT TO BE his four years at the Academy a private is considered not worth of wartime only serves to inten like Lewis himself give decisive to 2, 608, 011 pald up members.
ANSWER TO THE LETTER would go for his own upkeep his salt. And we have all heard sify these class differences.
From the start of the 1933 upsurge, these craft The bulk of the appointments not the best prospect for any de the term mess, which the buck WEST POINTERS DIE IN BED picking the winning capitalist part We do not find any inconsistency in the article importance to the question of to the Military Academy are pendents he might have.
leaders fought effective industry wide organizaon the epdorsement on Roosevelt Jim made on the following basis: six what provisions might be made in food, a term somehow not 1880Just privates, use in reference to their tion and refused to charter autonomous internaIf the vital statistics of the ty, and a bitter disappointment tionals in the mass industries. Above all, these Crow, military policy and in the resolution our from each state at large to make such a case is not known, inas ciated with attributes of gentility Class of 1900 are typical, West to those in the crowho had party has adopted on military policy.
a relics shuddered at the militancy of the fresh, much as there exists no record of like the correct handling of Pointers, unlike buck privates in hoped that Lewis would support We condemned the Edgar Brown policy congressional district totaling any young workers ever being ad knife and fork, or whether to rise war, have an amazing record of neither Walkie nor Roosevelt. The young layers of industrial workers, their willingfor the following reasons: 1305; 172 from the United States mitted to West Point.
ness to battle and to die on the picket lines.
at large, and 180 from the enfrom table before a lady. In other survival. When they die, it is 43 minute ovation for Lewis on It was dictated by the political needs of the first day of the convention generally in bed.
Green stifled a strike of the auto workers in words, few of us associate Em Let us take the class of 1900. Was largely a mechanical contriv.
1sted men of the Regular Army ONLY GENTLEMEN the Troosevelt administration, not by the demanded the National Guard. These NEED APPLY Pes Past, with the Army.
1983 against the infamous merit clause of the of the Negro people for equal rights in all phases four categories cover all but sev. What kind of families do West In this we are badly mistaken. They averaged 25 years of age on for instance, with 116 members. anee, engineered by the Stalinists.
NRA auto code by shoving the notorious Wolman enteen of the 1964 cadets ap Pointers come from? Arthur The strength and effectiveness Cadets at the Military Aca graduation. In 1937, those left of Lewis speech came from the Auto Labor Board on the auto workers.
of American life. Some Negro group was needed When to win back the votes that were endangered or rointed.
strike sentiment continued, Green sent his paid Hide West Pointers of 1900 sup demy are required to study social alive averaged about 65 years in fact that on this question unlike lost when Roosevelt himselt said that the Jim Appointements are made by the plies some revealing brief bio usages for two hours each week age.
practically every other question henchmen, like Bill Collins and Francis Dillon, Crow policies in the armed forces had proved President as follows: from States Fraphies of members of the class And for good reasons. Hyde West Pointers of 1900 he could be absolutely honest and to coerce the auto workers into submission. satisfactory over a long period of years. As of 1900.
It is expected that Army of tells us that in 1937 only 38 or tell the whole truth. He did, and He treated the rubber workers of Akron simsuch, the resolution is an endorsement distries on the recommendation of These biographies show that that is, in the social circles of of these, only one had been killed man.
ficers shall move only in Society, one third of this class had died. threw the page of battle at Hill ilarly, using Coleman Claherty, a venal skate, to of the theory that the Negro is different and in ators and representatives from West Pointers almost without ees the rich and the socially accept in action. One was slain in his MILITANT POLICY LACKING block strike action with a phony settlement enferior, because that is the principle underlying gineered in Washington. When the Toledo Chev.
segregation in the army. That means an endorse Guards of the states and territo generals, professors, blue blood Journal emphasizes this with its ritory, and three died from the cessary prerequisites for the ac rolet workers struck in early 1935, Dillon rushed ment and acceptance of Jim Crow policies every ries on the recommendations of families, the wealthy layers of the extensive society pages.
to the scene and jammed over a company union thtir respective governors; and population.
Army and Navy Journal or Army juries. Among the casualties tual victory of industrial unlon. agreement with a threat of pulling the strikers charter. The separate regiment policy cannot profrom men enlisted in the Regular West Point graduates, when and Navy Register reams of print listed were two who died of ap isma militant, class struggle tect Negroes, even if they have Negro officers.
Army, on recommendations of the time hangs heavy on their hands, are devoted to the blue chiffon rendicitis due to lack of medical policy against the bosses, a firm What they have to be protected from is special NAMED DILLON commanding general of the parti. may engage in civil occupations. dress and orchid corsage worn at attention. The rest died in bed. policy of rejecting collaboration cular army corps from which the The civil occupations of the such and such a select affair by West Point. the exclusive with the bosses political agents At the 1935 auto workers convention, Green choice for the menial, flunkey jobs and the assignappointees are drawn.
Class of 1900 are a conclusive in the wife of officer So and So. Only training school for the most in Washington that was not ments to duty in situations where mens lives was compelled to grant an international charter, In only one case does the gov. dication of the bourgeois character a few weeks ago, the Washington important officers of the Army, voiced in the convention. Instead are thrown away like matchsticks. Because the of course, properly protecting the crafts. He offcrnment provide specifically for of the West Point graduates. press was all a dither over a gala is a capitalist institution in of demanding that Hillman resign Negro soldiers will be off by themselves, the Jim set this by arbitrarily naming the hated Dillon competitive examination, and that from the National Defense Com.
every respect. The manner of mission and cease to serve that Crow general staff, as long as it controls things, selecting its students, the famias president of the new born international. Twelve is in appointements from the body as a Judas against the workwill always be able to pick them out for special lies from which they are days later, he tried unsuccessfully to pull the United States at large. Of the 172 in this grouping, more than two.
ers, Lewis, Phil Murray and the assignment, as they did so often in the last drawn, the class training with same stunt at the rubber workers convention with thirds are selected without exam which they are saturated, all others are calling for more Hill the likewise hated Claherty.
mans in the government bodies Now what, on the other hand, does the fight ination as noteworthy students of give conclusive proof that the Under the Green policies, the industrial workso called honor schools (colleges Military Academy is defor the right of the Negroes to decide the quesby GEORGE STERN ers went from defeat to defeat. The membership where military training under ar signed to safe guard the ruling tion imply?
of the auto unions, for example, dwindled from my officers is given) or as New Japanese moves seem to pretty plain that an Anglo Amerclass domination of the armed a 1934 peak of 100, 000 to 20, 000 by February, 1935.
First of all, it implies a fight against the gov worthy sons of deceased war be waiting upon completion of ican understanding already exists forces. And this set up likewise ernment policy. The ruling class says, Negroes veterans.
The final blow was the defeat of John the Soviet Japanese negotiations with reference to the coming ev reveals the deadly fear of the must go into separate regiments, whether they THE COMPETITIVE which were interrupted by Molo entualities. The British have unLewis resolution for the chartering of industrial capitalists at the thought of like it or not, because we think it most satistov trip to Berlin. It is gener doubtedly made Singapore avail the workers learning the miliunions, with unrestricted jurisdiction in the mass EXAM FRAUD tary arts, factory. That is, since under the present policy ally assumed that one of the able for the use of the fleet. Continued from Page 1) physical examination is comIndustries, at the October, 1935, AFL convention.
already been things Hitler impressed upon Sta That fleet has previously warned by War Depulsory, and justifiably so. men. Iin emissary was the necessity strengthened by a number of Negroes don have any say in the matter, the These were the conditions which bred the CIO TRADE UNIONISTS ARMY partment officials not to use.
first thing they must do is fight against the offiJust compare, for instance, the PROFITS RIDING HIGH and compelled the split from the AFL.
The cial policy that denies them any voice in the only if the candidate cannot show for rapidly coming to an under cruisers and submarines.
discipline maintained in an army But profits at Hercules have certificate of graduation from clear the road for the Far East Philippines has likewise been in ctficered by workers trade union.
WORKERS SURGED FORWARD matter and segregates them at the same time.
Secondly, it means a fight for control of milicreased by several squadrons.
ists with that in the capitalist been riding high on war orders.
Once freed of the dead weight of the craft tary training. Whoever controls military traincase, a validating, but not a com. ern diversion that Hitler wants.
Plants can be re built, especially The Japanese, for their part, These steps are not likely to army. Members of a democratic petitive, examination is required. ing is in a position to decide what happens to ally run union are united by com when property damage is covered leaders, the industrial workers surged forward.
move and from prove a sufficient deterrent for mon interests. We are accustom by insurance and huge reserves In 1936 and 1937, they stormed the citadels of or show a college board certificate, are preparing the soldiers, colored as well as white. struggle auto, rubber, steel and other major industries.
in which case he need not take their polnt of view it is not at the Japanese On the contrary, ed to elect our own officers, to piled up from previous profits.
for the right of the Negroes to determine whether an examination. Hence, comAs for the dead and crippled By 1937, the CIO industrial union movement counted over three million members and constithey shall be in mixed or separate regiments petitive examination is really a to grasp hold of the Far Eastern in speeding up matters in order decide a course of joint action by common vote after discussion. Not workers Well, the flesh of humeans a struggle to take control from the officer fraud which conceals this simple strongholds. of Britain empire to be entrenched as far as por through fear of punishment, but man labor is cheaper than safe tuted the most dynamic and progressive union caste that runs things today and to put it into fact the politicians are at fullHeavy concentrations of troopssible before the is actually through common interests, we manufacturing processes.
organization ever built by American labor.
the hands of the soldiers themselves.
liberty to choose whomever they are waiting on Hainan, island oft ready to go war on a big scale.
What of the most recent exam.
then carry out the majority deci Green and Co. nursed their hatred of industrial the south coast of China, and in How different this is, then, from the hat inwant without regard to ability.
Formosa, to begin the southern CONCERNED sions in a disciplined manner. ples of sabotage. In the New unionism. They harassed it with guerilla jurishand, body braced for a kick attitude of Brown and The only place where the com thrust. First step is evidently to OVER ATLANTIC This type of workers training York Times, November 17, at the dictional war and taxed the AFL membership for his cohorts.
Furthermore the situation in would condition the character of tag end of an article devoted to petitive system really operates is be Saigon leading to acquisition an anti CIO war chest. Bill Green publicly gloat In short, said the resolution of the Socialist in the few Presidential appoint of the important French naval the Atlantic is not such as to en. an army led by union men, and the menace of sabotage, this dead ed over the CIO defeat in Little Steel while the Workers Party, we differentiate between segre ments. The nature of the men Tase at Camranh Bay. This would courage the Washington admin would be a guarantee that the sive away slipped past the editor blue pencil: blood of martyred steel workers poured on the tal examination shows clearly in turn by the starting point for istration to go ahead in the Paci. army would not be used by Wall gation under bosses control and self determinathe class of people who have a eventual attack on Singapore and fic.
Street for imperialist adventures. ONE CAUSE streets of Chicago, Canton, Youngstown, Welton.
tion under workers control. We are against the chance of being selected. The the Dutch East Indies.
This winter is destined to pro. But that is the exact opposite Some experts on explosions at Today, Bill Green plously speaks for unity.
first, we are for the right of the second. It is mental test requires a knowl.
vide the major test of British sea of the character of the present tribute last week blasts to acel But he seeks to embrace the cio merely to part of our program, but is not a field for exten edge usually acquired only STALIN MAY GIVE power and it is not at all accl. Army regime. The aims of the Ardents and pointed to the fact that strangle it. Yes, unity of organized labor is the dental that the prime concern of my are now decided behind closed erplosions often occur when plants sive agitation at this time.
through a first rate college edu GREEN LIGHT most pressing need of the workers. But not But our letter writer correct in saying that cation. It is not a test of native As in so many other critical policy has been and remains doors, through conferences res that are expanding take on reiaability. The subjects covered are junctures of the war, Stalin this the strengthening of the American tricted to the General Staff and tively untrained workers.
Green brand. Real unity can be achieved only in our article on Brown we should have conwith the guarantee that the principle of industrial algebra, plane geometry. English time also is expected to give the Atlantic position, the acquisition the best people, through secret Expert workers command more trasted his attitude with our own position on the grammar, composition and liter green light. The expected Soviet and development of bases in La pacts and treaties. These aims nay. But profits demand cheap unionism will live and grow, and that the Bill question of self determination on the question ature, the history of the United Japanese pact will presumably tin America under whatever are imposed on the ranks by a labor. Untrained workers, desperGreens will not toss it into the grave beside the of mixed or separate regiments.
anci Greek and Ro come in due course as one of the guise the Latin American govern martinet discipline, the whip of ate for jobs, will work for low bones of old Sam Gompers.
man history.
results of the Berlin parley. The ments requires and fresh effort to one class over another. wages. Women workers, notoriCORRECTION Japanese are meanwhile employ back Britain in the hard and dit. We want an army modeled like ously low paid, were widely emIn our column last week on the effect of the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ing every possible means to ease ficult months that lie ahead. democratie trade union! Anployed in all the wrecked plants In London the Ministers and Religious Workpoll tax in eight southern states, we said only of all these factors Japan is army in which those who do the And wherever low wages prevall, Few workers could pass this ex. the pressure upon them in China.
ers Union has been formed and has decided to about 10 (of the adult population) can enter amination. And that is its precise Assuredly Stalin will be expected well aware. This is still the gold fighting and dying have some long hours and speed up are also cn opportunity for the Japanese thing to say about what they are invariably present. The workers constitute itself as a properly organized trade the voting booths. This is not correct.
More purpose to make it impossible to help in this regard too.
for workers to enter West Point. The probability of major events imperialists and they are not like dying for! An army which will are drained of their physical resunion open to ministers and religious workers of near the figure for the presidential election of This examination grants the typ in the Far East this winter and ly to let it pass.
guarantee the interests of the erves. The tired brain, battered all denominations. We are all workers. said the 1936 would be about 20. although in some places ical capitalist equality of oppor into the coming Spring necessar. All they are waiting for is the American masses! The first step nerves, numb muscles may relax Rev. Robert Doble of London, who is the initiator it is 10. This does not change the point of tunity. like that equality of the ily raises the immediate issue of go ahead, signal from Moscow. toward the creation of such an their vigilance for a moment. And of the union. Well, even a capitalist is a worker the article, for the figure of 60 quoted for the law which Anatole France once American policy. All campaign And that signal will not be oing army is a program of trade union the press wails sabotage over by a broad enough definition they work the rest of the country is still correct.
noted holds both rich and poor denials to the contrary, it appears in forthcoming.
control of military training. more torn bodies.
workers where!