BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

3 SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 16, 1940 Roosevelt and Wall St. Go Forward deny all this or cover it up. But occasionally they SOCIALIST APPE AL make a slip and the reality is exposed.
Thus the press reports Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox, VOL. IV No. 46 Saturday, November, 16 1940 president of Union College, of having declared on November 9: PubMehed Weekly by the Roosevelt Planned War Program From First Term On; BOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS If capitalism, even under strain, leaves edu 116 University Plach, New York, cation in the lurch, it loses one of its credits and Telephone: Algonquin 8547 increases its own danger. The threat for the rich Economic Crisis Forces Move To Aid Big Business is that the whole edifice of capitalism may be Editorial Board: destroyed. through lack of respect for the By ART PREIS FELIX MORROW ALBERT GOLDMAN American capital fights against the lie manufacturing over to the works of capitalism. Strain or no strain, capitalGerman penetration into Latin daily press, which is read by the II.
General Manager: ism is not at present giving enough to sustain American markets. German meth workers.
RUTH JEFFREY that respect, so far as this one criterion is conThe New Deal was indeed ods of direct barter of manufac Indeed, peace would be a macerned!
short lived. As early as June 1935 Roosevelt had declared, All the are violently denounced. With While Wilkle, the Wall Street tured surpluses for raw materials for catastrophe for Wall Street.
Subscriptions: 00 per year: 51. 00 for alx months. The rulers who sit in Wall Street understand basic innovations of the New Deal the aid of the British blockade mouthpiece, was attempting to de Foreign. 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle better than this university president that in the are completed. Business apSouth America is deprived of the magogically corral anti war sentiorders: cents per copy in the United States: cents peasement became the key note of German and European market.
coming period it is not a question from their point ment, the Magazine of Wall Street, per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
his 1936 campaign.
of view of simply teaching respect for capitalCorn piles up in Argentina September 7, was stating: Relief appropriations began to Chilean nitrate exports shrink ism, but of going beyond that and teaching the be tapered off. The Federal Brazil sadly contemplates mil There is not the slightest Reentered as second class matter December doubt that the American armamasses how to fight for capitalism. The important 1939, at the post obis. New York, under the mergency Relief Administration lion bags of unmarketable coffee.
Act of March ment program will eventually school now is the military training camp.
was then liquidated at the initia The cannot absorb these tion of Roosevelt. From June products. No wonder one Chile produce an industrial boom the Just as we oppose the bourgeois perversion of 1935 November 1935, six million an delegate at the Pan American known before PROVIDED like of which we have never FIGHT WITH THE education in the schools in peacetime, so we opjobless familles faced outright conference, considering Roos WHOLLY UNEXPECTED WAR pose the bourgeois perversion of military education starvation What saved in evelt plea for unification of the DEVELOPMENTS DO NOT SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY in time of war.
this period was partially added to Western Hemisphere countrie PERMIT US TO SCALE the 1936. WPA appropriation for against the menace of Nazi dicta Just as we are for the workers obtaining a ON THE WAR FRONT: DOWN THE EXPENDITURES use just prior to the 1936 election torship, declared, Freedom is no Marxist education and eventually converting the campaign.
NOW CONTEMPLATED (our satisfaction if you cannot sell For: educational system into an instrument that will emphasis. But from the very start of his your crops.
The article adds: Military ning of workers, financed Presidential career, Roosevelt held Now the Roosevelt administra correspond to the interests of the working class inan ace in the hole. Startingtion offers 500, 000, 000 through For years we have been stead of the bourgeoisie, so we are for the workers by the government, under control of not only gaining a military education but of themwith 1938. war appropriations be the Export Import Bank to buy speculating about some major the trade unions.
gan to skyrocket. Each year up Latin American surpluses, thus new industry that would be selves controlling that military education; hence thereafter the arms budget was indirectly financing exports. capable of stimulating the The establishment of special officers our slogan: accelerated; and each succeeding This is likewise one of the ways economy. This is it.
training camps, financed by the govFOR TRADE UNION CONTROL OF MILIappropriation was termed the in which the cash and carry And how! And it the chief ernment and controlled by the trade Preatest in America peace time clause of the Neutrality Act can reason why majority of Wall TARY TRAINING!
history. By 1939, the Roosevelt be evaded: America lends the levelt re election with tongues in unions, to train workers to become administration extracted from the cash to Argentina, for instance, cheek.
masses over 10 billion dollars in which buys up war materials to Stetinius, Steel president SHORT SHORT STORY: Wells called war appropriations.
re sell to Great Britain. Confiscation of all war profits all and Roosevelt appointee to the the British army, in a pamphlet now being dis.
It must be remembered that Like a squirrel in a revolving National Defense Commission company books to be open for trade these appropriations were approv. cage, the faster capitalism runs, isn too broken up over tributed, an organization of yessirs led by Haw ed by Democrats and Republicans the less it travels. Driven to mad. Steel profits increasing 1740 per.
union inspection.
haws. Which is another reason why the army alike. For they were the material 108, it smashes itself against the cent in the first half of 1940 over Expropriation of all war industries should be under the control of the trade unions.
expression of the real policy of prison bars of profits. Through 1939.
and their operation under workers America ruling class, its long the violence of war, it seeks its Knudsen can sleep easy know term policy taking precedence escape.
ing the Du Ponts won starve on cver all divisive domestic issues. Roosevelt may loathe war and the 113, 575, 460 net profits Gen5. Trade union wages for all workers Moscow Celebrates These appropriations were the hate war now more than ever. eral Motors cleared for the first calculated initial preparations for but he also loves capitalism. This six months of 1940, although only drafted into the army.
In the early days of the Third International, the time, in an epoch of world greater love dictates his course. 13 percent over the mere 100, Full equality for Negroes in the armed the diplomats sent abroad to represent the Soviet capitalist crisis, when American He is married to the system which 992, 531 take for the first six forces Down with Jim Crowism. Union acted as centers for the dissemination of recapitalism would dispute with breeds war.
months of 1939.
armed might for control of the volutionary propaganda and as the connection betWar will come, with or without And John Biggers, president of An end to secret diplomacy.
world markets and resources.
ween the Soviet Union and the working class Roosevelt intensified his war Germany or Japan. The Magazine poly, can complain too loudly any directly hostile act, either of the Libby Owens Ford glass mono people referendum on any and throughout the rest the world.
drive with his famous Quaran of Wall Street, September 7, made because his patriotic sacrifices on all wars.
Contrast this with the present function of the tine the Aggressors speech in this fact crystal clear, declaring: the NDAC promise to net his corMoscow diplomatic representatives!
Chicago, October, 1937. It was We will not (at least for poration a 1940 profit increase of On November 7, at the Soviet Embassy in timed for the precipitate business AT HOME: several months) consider join 95 percent.
collapse following a flash In the ing the war unless the war Wall Street calmly re assured Washington, Ambassador Constantine OumanFor: Dan boom, which had reached comes to us. Germany has been its following during the fake sky held a celebration of the anniversary of the its peak in August, 1937. serupulously careful to avoid pluster by Roosevelt about tak job and decent living for every Russian Revolution of 1917.
It was at this point that Roos any incident which would give ing the profits out of war. As worker.
Among those who came to celebrate the Octoevelt openly abandoned the methods of priming the pump from the but we have done many things thoritative big business monthly, us an excuse to declare war, early as August, Forbes, an au2. Thirty thirty 30 weekly minimum ber revolution together with Stalin diplomatic bottom, to greasing it at the top. which a victorious Germany declared, What are new Federal wage 30 hour weekly maximum for flunkey were Jesse Jones, Secretary of Commerce Roosevelt began in earnest to could hold against us for taxes going to do to business profor all workers on all jobs.
and Federal Loan Administrator; Sumner Welles, give direct relief to the capital aiding abetting her enemy. fits? What happened during our Under Secretary of State, Joseph Davis, special or heavy goods industries, steel, Administration spokesmen have last great re arming period pro3. 30 weekly old age and disability assistant to the Secretary of State, Henry Grady, auto, railroads, etc. The aug.
made it clear that there is no vides one clue. As the chart pension.
niented arms program was in Assistant Secretary of State, and the chiefs of doubt that if England is de shows, Federal taxes took a big tended, in part, to provide im4. Full social, political and economic many divisions in the State Department.
feated the war will come to us, slice of corporate net income; but mediate profits to the capital AND NOT NECESSARILY war orders so increased net inequality for the Negro people.
Delegations were also present from the capitalsoods industries, whose continued depression charted the chronic THROUGH ANY OVERT ACT come before taxes that the profits Workers Defense Guards against vigi ist governments of Great Britain, Germany, Japan, OF GERMANY (our emphas remaining after taxes had been China, and Finland.
fever of American and world cap.
is. lante and fascist attacks.
italism, paid were substantial.
The festive occasion was in marked contrast The Magazine of Wall Street But beyond this was an impel. never kids its own ruling class companying chart reveals that net Substantial indeed! For the ac6. twenty billion dollar Federal public to previous celebrations, the press reported.
ling drive toward imperialist works and housing program to provide subscribers.
It is well known that Oumansky, an old GPU war, the inevitable outgrowth of Wall Street turns corporate profits for the four years preceding the last war aver jobs for the unemployed.
agent, is the connecting link between Stalin and capitalism itself.
aged billion dollars yearly: By the beginning of Roosevelt 7. Expropriate the Sixty Families. all GPU activities in North America. It is abfor the war years, 1916 1919, net second term, it became transpar solutely certain that Oumansky was in charge ently clear to Roosevelt that his profits were billion dollars An Independent Labor Party based on yearly, with a 1917 peak of New Deal reforms could never of organizing the assassination of Trotsky.
the Trade Unions.
The representatives of the bourgeoisie could cure the deadly ills of American billion dollars.
When the Excess Profits bill Worker and Farmer Govern. well congratulate Oumansky and Stalin on this economy. At the peak of the (Continued from Page 1) was finally passed and signed by ment.
anniversary of the October revolution.
Roosevelt business boom in 1937.
a national census had revealed of democratie rights for them Roosevelt, it provided such a bra They raised their glasses not to the worker zen guarantee of unlimited war 11, 000, 000 unemployed as living selves.
state and to extension of the workers revolution, symptoms of the chronic capitalWhat still divides Roosevelt and profits, that even the expectant but to a pick axe dripping with blood.
ist disease.
his opponents in the same capl. Wall Street magnates gasped!
And when the Russell Overton For the inability of American talist camp is to a great degree capitalism, despite all internal their differences on the tactics Amendment, which permits the will measures, to unload huge unmar which most effectively government to take over plants One of the most encouraging indications of REMEMBER WHEN THEY SAID THIS?
ketable surpluses on the domestic achieve this type of labor unity. at a fair rental if the owner national trend in the election was the vote cast in German fascism is the instigator of the most market drives it to seek markets Roosevelt still holds for methods refuses emergency war orders, Minnesota for Grace Carlson.
raging capitalist reaction, of bloody oppression abroad. And this task is ham of persuasion. that is winning was attached to the Conscription She ran on the ballot as the representative of pered by the equally stale mated labor to sacrifice itself voluntarily billeliciting the cry of state of the workers, the toiling peasants, the national capitalist nations everywhere.
to the war aims of the bosses socialism from the Trotskyist Anti War Party and her program Willkie Bar minorities and the entire German was a clear cut revolutionary soci The collapse of the internal co Willkie and the sector of the caprons, Wall Street financial weekly.
ple. To September 2, candidly admitted: nomies of every capitalist nationalists he represents want to cut In the Twin Cities where the campaign was concentrate our battle fire against German fas It should be added that in the world has meant an inten out the kidding around and there is no sign of any intencentered she received 2, 782 votes, topping all the eism, as the principal instigator of war and the sified fight over exploiting foreign settle the matter with one blow tion on the part of anyone to other left wing parties.
mortal enemy of the Soviet Union and the proleholdings, over defending these of a well directed club.
misuse the power (to take over In addition, the Willkie gang tarian revolution, is the duty of every revoluholdings from competitors and In the state as a whole she received 5, 743 votes, non cooperative businesses. SO does not intend to forfeit its divi expanding into new areas.
tionary. Ercoli, at the Seventh Congress of the only 203 votes less than that received by ThomasLONG AS KNUDSEN. BIGCommunist International quoted in The Fight American and British capital. lelons of the spoils. As His Ma.
GERS AND CO. ARE IN CON Krueger running on a pacifist program.
ism arrived first on the imperial. jesty Loyal Opposition they fig.
for Peace, Workers Library Publishers, 1935, TROL, THERE WON BE.
ist ground floor. The late ure to put enough heat on RoosThe 3, 000 votes in the outlying districts despite 25. our emphasis. nations, like Germany and Japan. ovelt on domestic issues to exthe fact Carlson could not campaign there due to must hi jack their way in. Thus tract all the take possible. At the. And they are in control, despite limited funds indicates that the poor farmers are two sets of gangsters fight for the same time, the results of the electhe efforts of Sidney Hillman, and right to thrust protection on Lion have demonstrated that the the rest of the pro Roosevelt lathe masses.
Willkie backing is a solid wall of bor stooges, to convince the work and war.
World capitalism, of which the the most reactionary elements ers differently.
What this vote proves beyond all doubt is that November 11, 1940, the 22nd Anniversary of American sector is the most high which will be re enforced in the National Business magazine, in the national political situation is ripe for the organization of an independent labor party.
the signing of the Armistice which ended the War ly developed, struggles wildly in next four years in readiness for September, at the time when maa straight Jacket of contradictions a real grab.
ny corporations were refusing deto End All Wars, was marked by extensive celeWith the slogan PUT WORKERS AND The re arming of German capital. NATIONAL UNITY Pense orders to bring pressure for FARMERS GOVERNMENT IN WASHINGbrations throughout the world.
ism was done with the aid and a favorable Excess Profits bill, reconsent of British and American FICTION TON, such a party could dominate the political Germany, which formerly failed to observe imperialism, an off set to French Roosevelt in his turn, is em The Defense Commission is arena.
Arimistice Day in the manner of the Allied nations, celebrated the occasion for the first time control on the European continent. ploying the National Unity defending business against French capital has had a thousand drive to split the willkie camp charges of a capital strike, put.
with a simple but impressive ceremony, which in links with German. Even while or immobilize it with a sort of ting profits before patriotism, cluded the dropping of several hundred tons of their opposing troops slaughtered black mail threat. If you impede etc. AND SO FAR IT HAS BEEN SUPPORTED IN THIS each other. French steel flowed the war drive, if you reject un.
Into Germany: German coal, into ity. will blast you as saboteurs BY PRESIDENT ROOSEThe ruling class attempts to utelize every inGreat Britain, with its traditional flair for France.
of national defense, Roosevelt VELT. CONTRARY TO EXpomp and ceremony, honored the day with the General Motors, whose chief ex. tells them in effect.
stitution in the nation as a means for maintaining PECTATIONS. THE NEW ecutive. William Knudsen. To a certain degree, Roosevelt DEAL REFORM ELEMENT its rule. In the army it organizes a caste of officers shooting down of 25 Axis planes and fraternal heads the National Defense Com strategy will succeed at least HAS BEEN KEPT COMgreetings delivered in Berlin by a fleet of bombers.
to command the armed forces and so control the French and Belgian officials, in a moving gesmission, owns the huge Adam auto with a certain section of Republi PLETELY OUT OF THE DEplants in Germany. In 1933, these cans. Such Republican bg wigs military power of the nation for its own ends as FENSE PICTURE.
a class.
ture of peace toward their former foes, drank a plants produced 36, 000 autos. In as Knox, Landon and their crowd, Yes, Roosevelt in the saddle in good will toast in Munich beer. The French and 1938, they produced 140, 000 units, who are willing to make the most Washington is riding for Wall The ruling class attempts to utilize every inthe capitalist will through a staff of trained seals Belgian people maintained, a solemn 24 hour plus tremendous equipment for of Roosevelt commanding post Street. When, in the name of silence, an extension of the two minute ceremonial the Nazi war machine. Standard Lion, have already signified their National Unity, he placed Henwho applaud the existing regime, cover up all its silence of previous years.
Oil is half owner of the Hydrier intention of crawling over the ry Stimson and Frank Knox, sores, and who oppose the very idea of the workers werks Poelitz, which supplies syn wall.
two big business Republicans, at controlling anything.
In the United States, an inspiring ceremony was thetic fuel for the German war But the fiction of national un the head of the War and Navy conducted before the tomb of the Unknown tanks and planes.
The ruling class likewise perverts the educaity will be exposed soon enough Departments, this was Roosevel tional system, staffing it with professors who fill Soldier, which included a stirring address by American policy toward South when the Wilkie group gets an fire side way of telling Wall Street, President Roosevelt, broadcast over a coast toAmerica, of which Roosevelt has opening to cut into the war spoils, Don shove, boys! You don the minds of the youth with lies and misrepresenbeen a chief exponent, likewise and when the increasing burdens need more than your snout in the tations about the nature of the capitalist system.
coast hook up to the millions of America future reflects this fantastic pattern of the corning war begin to crush trough!
Naturally the capitalists and their defenders Unknown Soldiers.
While aiding German production, labor to the earth. To Be Continued)
Prediction of Trotsky Triumph Of Marxist Analysis By JOSEPH HANSEN Fourteen months ago, upon the invasion of Poland from the west by Hitler and from the east by the Red Army, the social democrats and those clinging to their coat tails were thrown into complete confusion by the complex events. With the disappearance of the Polish bourgeois government and the advance of Soviet troops, they were utterly incapable of foreseeing what might be expected to occur in the eastern Decupied territories.
Among our own ranks certain clements raised the question of changing our slogan of unconditional de fense of the Soviet Union because of the Red Army invasion of Poland.
LEON TROTSKY ANALYSIS Leon Trotsky analyzed the Polish events on Sep.
tember 25, 1939, in an article The USSR in War in the following lucid words. It is more likely, however, that in the territories scheduled ecome a part of the USSR, the Moscow government will carry through the expropriation of the large land owners and statification of the means of production. This variant is most probable not be cause the bureaucracy remains true to the socialist program but because it is neither desirous nor capable of sharing the power, and the privileges the latter entails, with the old ruling classes in the occupied territories. Here an analogy literally offers itself. The first Bonaparte halted the revolution by means of military dictatorship. However, when the French troops invaded Poland, Napoleon signed a decree: Serfdom is abolished. This measure was dictated not by Napoleon sympathies for the peasants, nor by democratic principles but rather by the fact that the Bonapartist dictatorship based itself not on feudal but on bourgeois property relations. Inasmuch as Stalin Bonapartist dictatorship bases itself not on private but on state property, the invasion of Poland by the Red Army should, in the nature of the case, result in the abolition of private capitalist property, so as thus to bring the regime of the occupied territories into accord with the regime of the USSR.
Trotsky in his next paragraph explains that this change in property relations could not however cause us to favor the invasion of Poland by the Red Army, since it would be achieved in military bureaucratic fashion and hence lower the capacity of the proletariat to defend the old conquests and to make new ones through socialist revolution.
Trotsky conclusion was that class conscious workers should condemn the invasion of Poland by the Red Army but continue their unconditional defense of the Soviet Union including the new territorial gains.
Trotsky saw the invasion as providing a remark, able demonstration of the analysis of the Fourth International that the Soviet Union is still a workers!
state but suffering from bureaucratic deformations.
He concluded that there was nothing new in the situation which should cause us to change our position of unconditional defense of the Soviet Union. IMPERIALIST OR QUASI IMPERIALIST This analysis by Trotsky drew derision from all sides especially among those under the influence of the bourgeois war pressure. They declared that the invasion of Poland proved that there was something entirely new in the situation, and that the Soviet Union had become an imperialist state seeking imperialist territorial gains.
James Burnham, for example, declared that the policy of the Soviet state had become imperialist or quasi imperialist. Max Shachtman declared in a resolution dated September 28, 1939, that Stalin and the Red Army thus played a flatly counter revolutionary role in Poland. The bitter realities of the recent events, most particularly of the events in Poland, dictate a revision of our previous concept of the unconditional defense of the Soviet Union.
Now it is possible to ascertain just who was right and who wrong in their analysis of the events in Po.
land not that we expect either Burnham or Shachtman to acknowledge themselves wrong!
In an article in the press, Ludwig Lore reports that private capitalist property has been entirely abolished in the occupied territories of Poland. The nationalization of big industrial enterprises and banks. was the first, he states. Then cama other important financial institutions. The small and middle sized industries were a difficult matter, he continues. No immediate nation.
alization was attempted. The owners remained in possession of their enterprises and were merely ordered to submit statements to the workers delegates regarding the cost of production, wages paid, hours employed and working conditions generally. For every branch of industry and again for the individual concerns, councils consisting of representatives of the employees and the employers were established, which jointly fixed a just rate of profit and supervised working and wage conditions. However that was a transitory situation. After seven months complete state ownership was established. According to a government statement, the dual regime of employers and employees control over production was ineffective and working to the disadvantage of state and industry, wherefore abolition of private ownership in small and medium industries was decreed. similar situation was created in the trades.
Wholesalers and retailers were given a period of graca in which to wind up their enterprises and to sell out their cld stocks. After that the Soviet state trusts refused to sell them supplies and private trade died.
Already the Stalinist bureaucracy has purged the local organizations in the occupied territories of any elements who might prove anti Stalinist. This was likewise predicted by Trotsky, when he warned that the workers of Poland must organize resistance against the crushing totalitarian hand of Moscow.
With nothing but the meager details furnished by the bourgeois press dealing mainly with the bare fact of the invasion by the Red Army, Trotsky was able from his analysis of the Soviet Union as a workers státe with bureaucratic deformations to predict with absolute accuracy the course which history actually took. remarkable triumph of Marxian analysis!
Encouraging Vote ready to lock arms with the workers ina na revolu With Bombs ported: Professor Spills Beans high explosives on London.