BourgeoisieCominternDemocracyGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NOVEMBER 16, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL LEON TROTSKY The War Orders Policy Hit Negro Struggle WAR CRISIS We urge our readers to pay particular atten. BRINGS FDR INTERVENTION. tion signed by ra officer of the MEGRO SAILORS Recruiters STILL JAILED Wax Poetic In Film Blurb IN BRIG.
Argentina, still the boldest of Why? Query Draftees 721 AFL Officials weakness of the petition was Protest Contracts its complete failure to recognize and state that the present policy By ALBERT PARKER is Roosevelt and Hillman It To NLRA Violators simply respectfully urges Roos. Continued from page 1)
evelt to do something about this get because the officers want us tion to the articles in this and past issues of the Socialist Appeal, reporting the treatment by the there to serve them.
NEW YORK, Nov. peti disgraceful condition.
There has been no direct reply The higer things of life, art and all that, are Southern officer caste in the Navy of Negro cal AFL unions here urging Press on the matter from the adminis TIME TO WAKE UP nct neglected in the Army. We were pleasurably sailors who have dared to expose to the world the ident Roosevelt to issue an Extration, except the awarding to And the letter ends: We are surprised to find a cultured review of a newly vicious Jim Crow policies in force on the ships.
ecutive Order directing that all day of a 122, 000, 000 plane connot trying to stir strife, hatred (Continued from Page 1) number of these sailors are already in grave released Warner Bros. cinematic gem in the contracts for government purchas tract to the greatest open shopper or dicontentment, we are only try.
November Recruiting News, official house organ danger. To their aid have rallied sailors from of Wall Street, including the es contain a stipulation that the of all, Henry Ford.
ing to tell our people that it is of the Recruiting Publicity Bureau, Army: other ships who are speaking up in their defense bloody puppet dictators, applaud on or any provision of federai Avoiding Class A time to wake up and go to the In several thousand glowing words, the reas well as they can, and signing their names too the military moves of Washing: labor legislation was mailed Oc front and demand what we so justly deserve. We have slept view describes the half hour run special feature in many cases.
ton and assure the world that it tober 28 to Roosevelt and Defense long enough. Now is the time for techni color Service With The Colors. We will let It is our duty on the outside to widely pub won make any difference in the Commissioner Hillman.
NEW YORK recent issue inore action and less talk! the masterly review speak for itself, merely licize the facts they have bared, to defend them democracy of the countries they The petition is one indication of the New York Times carried As the Courier points out: Col. high lighting in bolder type the more exquisite from punishment by mass pressure and meetgovern with machine gun and of the growing realization of the the following advertisement of a Bunjamin Davis has been made phrases.
ings, and to intensify our agitation for taking back stabbing.
labor movement of the extreme realtor. general in the United States control of military training away from the In view of Washington ac danger to union conditions that Call to Arms Army, but that means nothing RECRUITING DEVICE Fourth International Judge William Hastie had been bureaucrats and putting it in the hands of the ceptance of British ports to be will result from the government is The film, frankly a recruiting exploitive used as naval bases on the ap announced policy of awarding war trade unions. Call to Farms Features named a civilian aide to the Secproaches to South America, vir contracts to corporations regardmade in the interests of National Defense by the In peace or acar, your son retary of War, but that means INTO THE WASTE BASKET cally all the Latin American less of the fact that these cor may serve his country and Trotsky Article public spirited Warner Brothers, begins the renothing. Major Campbell Johncountries have reached an un porations are in violation of the triotically in the corn fields as son has been made executive as.
view, features a simple but interesting little Last Wednesday we threw into the waste derstanding with Washington by federal labor laws.
on the battlefieds, and, inci sistant to the director of selective plot. Accent on the simple.
basket a lot of clippings, some of them a full which US forces would be able The petition was initiated on dentally, life close to nature is service, but that means nothing. The plot involves two young civilians, one page in size, from several Negro newspapers, to use air and naval bases on Oct. 11, shortly after Atty. Gen.
ahas seet.
The november issue of THE UNITED STATES NAVY from a typical American home of comfort, the containing the paid advertisements of the Re their soil. These bases, naturally. Jackson and Commissioner Hill In a democracy like the United FOURTH INTERNATIONAL STILL ABUSES, RESTRICTS the monthly magazine of the constitute the cracks where El man had reversed their declared States, the unemployed of course publicans, and editorials from those papers that AND JIM CROWS BLACK other a youth in reduced circumstances and alSocialist Workers Party, will BOYS!
Tio Sam mailed fists will find policy that war orders would not have equal opportunity with the most ready to go on relief.
stumped for Willkie.
soon be off the press. It will the finger holds necessary to tear be given labor law violators, in rich of buying a 10, 000 farm so We had saved them just on the chance that down the last remaining pretense their testimony before the Smith that their sons can find employ feature an article by Leon Tom, the son of this typical prosperous END THEIR CONTROL Willkie might be elected. In that case we were family, hears an Army recruiting program on of independence on the part of Committee Investigating the Nament in an essential industry and Trotsky. The Comintern and That true and it will continue going to use them in comparing his record from the radio and is inspired to enlist. His whole the Latin American countries.
tional Labor Relations Board. thus avoid Class A.
the GPU.
to abuse, restrict and Jim Crow family immediately approve and this fine, cleanweek to week with his promises.
This is the article which them as long as the Negro hating.
cut youngster marches voluntarily off to the reBecause, you see, Willkie was not stingy in HOLDS OUT FOR DOUGH Comrade Trotsky finished but labor hating generals and admir this campaign in his promises to the Negroes.
cruiting station.
als continue to control military a few days before his assasRealizing how important the Negro vote was in the countries south of the Rio sination and which he intended and naval training!
FOR AN ASSURED INCOME many key states, he promised them just about Grande, might ask for a loan of As They File Past as a juridical document for One Negro yeneral, colored as The scene switches to Charley, the unemsistants and aides can do nothing as much as 100, 000, 000. Before everything but socialism.
the Mexican court in relation to the machine gun assault as long as the military caste con ployed, down on his luck youth who shuffles Roosevelt winning the third Lynching? No one looks at it with more conterm, Argentina had opposed upon his bedroom May 24.
trols things.
past a San Francisco recruiting station. An Army demnation than he does, he said, and furthermany of Washington moves. By LEWM thought of democracy. gov. With a wealth of careful Let us, in addition to defending canvasser tries to sell him a bill of goods.
more, something should be done about it. law these boys, take a page from their large portion of this 100. 000. 000 (Editorial Note: The following ernment of the wealthy people. documentation, including spe One can see that Charley is not much imshould be passed. eroic books and carry to a finish would naturally filter through the report was written by one of the for the big business people, and cial declarations by Walter pressed by the recruiting sergeant line of gab;. Jim Crowism? He was against it, he said. If the fight for workers control of what appeals to Charley is the prospect of hayKrivitsky, Joseph Zack, and Argentinian government bureauc women employed to register men by the rich people. Collectively military and naval training!
he was elected, he would put an end to it. Yes, racy in the form of heart balm eligible for the draft. Her in by the elected representatives of Benjamin Gitlow, it analyzes ing some assured income, no matter how small, he said, he would even fire any of his subordinfor conceding without a struggle pressions of the reaction of the the powers: wealth, greed, caple the relationship between the good food regularly, and a clean place in which Again to the demands of Wall Street. registrants reflect not only what talism and Intolerance.
ates on the spot if he caught them at it in civil Comintern and Stalin secret to sleep.
terroristie organization, the Join The Army In Buenos Aires a diplomatie Mccurred in the local boura in looked behind the smoke screen service.
Charley finally gets towed in and is sworn Segregation in the armed forces. He didn in with a group which includes the starry eyed see any reason for it, he said.
give up its tin ore to the US every board throughout the couu thoughts of another young man. ganizer of the May 24 assault To Learn a Trade Who is this guy Hitler? a try. is established beyond all doubt Tom. All dope does that.
that a transcontinental military Job discrimination. He didn like that either.
Tom, a scion of the better classes, as is to by Comrade Trotsky in this saw and helped to register young Negro said, don know And if he was elected, he would see to it that railway might be routed through hundreds of them. The leaders, him; but believe me know plen remarkable analysis. The as For those individuals who may be expected, pays close attention to everything colored men would have equal opportunity to get sassination on August 20 unexpropriation of Standard Oil will so they called them, of tomorrow. ty about Mr. Wall Street, Mr.
have been impressed by the slotold to him by the drill sergeant, and even jobs in private industry.
derlines Trotsky proofs in gans on the recruiting posters studies Infantry Drill Regulations in his off be speedily considered in view of the cream of the crop. and the Lynch, Mr. Jim Crow, and Mr.
Unemployment? Of course he was against the fact the election is over.
hope of the future. The syndi Raw Deal. Those are the types blood.
moments. Of course, this makes him just too and newspaper editorials emphasI want to fight!
that too. Just elect him and he would do away cabe newspapers had given them Don miss getting your copy izing the opportunities to earn popular with the rest of his buddies in his Roosevelt legal experts are a fine send off. They were get please! smiled knowingly. Next of the November issue of a trade in the Army we quote off moments.
with it, and put everybody to work.
now puzzling out a plausible preting ready to defend democracy: Relief? He promised to do away with the FOURTH INTERNATIONAL the following from an editorial in text to take over the French pos but what lies behind that smoke 185 pounds.
He was over six feet, weighed containing this last article to the Army and Navy Register of EVEN BUMS CIGARETTES theory that relief is a Negro reservation. He sessions in the Western hemis screen of patriotism and alleglo November 2: But Charley, who comes from a non typical said he would abolish discrimination in its adbe completed by Trotsky.
phere. In view of the switch the ance for these young cannon stop said: but want to fight for Sure, m willing to fight. he In painting the pieture of uni poor family, is simply terrible, talks back to ministration and continue it for those who French bourgeoisie made into the pers?
versal military training many sec.
the sergeant, everything. He tried to bum a couldn get gainful employment.
orbit of the Germany bourgeoisie, One lad took up a few of my sond. something that will make Long Time No See!
tions of the American press are they hope perhaps to construe busy minutes explaining why he me go to bed eaclf night feeling smoke from a smart looking gentleman in civila prone to stress the idea that the was speaking to colored audiences. Of course, he to fit the ease. On the island of he had to. Another asked me up in the morning ll know no These were the promises he made when he provisions in the Monroe Doctrine didn want to register and why safe and secure and when get draftees, will have an opportunity ian elothes, who happens to be the regimental colonel.
did not say these things when he was speaking Martinique there are 100 former What is democracy anyhow? He for training in skills which will NEW YORK, Nov. A be useful to them and may serve The colonel, incidentally, true to the officer in the south, as at Amarillo, Texas.
American airplanes held by the said that his dad had fought for ce wille fire me because they Just city wide shakedown racket to help them into jobs when they and gentleman tradition, smilingly hands the unNor did he explain why it was that in the Vichy government, hence action it and died a pauper.
that apparently has cost ele return to civil life at the end of my hair, or skin. want to fight inhibited recruit his package of cigarettes and utility industries, where he is already elected. is considered urgent. The New vator companies millions of wanted to define the true for security. For peace, for eco dollars in the last 30 years their year training. Such may engages him in friendly, casual conversation unhe has never done anything to wipe out the Jim York Times feels that it would meaning of American democracy: nomic freedom.
be the case with a minor portion til the sergeant comes up to haul the offender be annoying to find that this but this was not the time or place.
Crow hiring policies, which either exclude colored was brought to light yesterday of the great draftee army those American contribution to the So registered the next lad while little card in his hand.
And then he was gone with his into line. We remind our readers this is an Army with the suspension of 26 in young men who are assigned to workers completely or confine them to common Allied cause should now be imspectors in the municipal De. the motorized or mechanical units colonel, not a Boy Scout captain.
labor. He did not show how he could abolish job mobilized in the Caribbean, ex partment of Housing and and those who draw the mainten SKULKS IN WOODS discrimination easier as head of the government posed to rust and deterioration.
ance outfits of the Air Corps Charley goes from bad to worse, and finally than as head of a utility corporation.
It would of course be better to That this racket was not but it probably will not be the Nor did he comment on the fact that the have them deteriorate in a hurry tries to desert, while he is skulking through a known to city officials for case with the great mass of drafover Berlin.
near bye woods, he encounters a radio detail led promises and general remarks he made now were tees who are to take their place thirty years is as likely as the made pretty much word for word by the Demoby Tom behind a huge pile of heavy lumber. At Four days after the election the in the line of the Army.
story of the man about town erats in 1982 and 1936. He did not touch on this this point, Fate Knocks on the Door!
who married a chorus girl and State Department moved in on at all. to show why he would keep these promises heavy truck is about to back into the log Mexico with a diplomatic request five years later asked for a in contrast to the Democrats who broke them for leases of Mexican ports for divorce on the grounds he had Join the Socialist heap behind which are the men of the radio de Having just completed a suci a couple of billion dollars worth just discovered she had a military bases, the rent to be cessful dress rehearsal on the ot diamond studded pelts?
tail. Charley, forgetting self, rushes from the when they were once elected.
wooden leg.
Workers Party bushes shouting a warning to the men, who Nor did he spend much time explaining why ists whose ill gotten land has evelts and the other Sixty Famto the skunk and ermine for beauturned over to American capital. American proletariat, the Roos Very well, then. The ribbon goes spring to safety. But poor Charley is himself the Republicans when they controlled Congress been expropriated by the Mexican lies who count have gone in forty at the Horse Show. Surely, buried under the pile of logs.
completely in 1921 22 killed the Anti lynch Bill government, and a far from dip the real McCoy the National however, the horse has one retreat in exactly the same way that the Demderats who lomatic request that president Horse Show at Madison Square left: that unique badge of equine ROSE BUDS AND SERGEANTS completely controlled Congress have been killing elect Camacho initiate negotia Cardens. The sponsor list is glory, that symbol of human rich Getting bumped on the bean by a couple of it ever since 1987.
tions with the expropriated oil strictly blue ribbon, sporting such ness and progress the good, tons of lumber miraculously turns Charley into Nor did he say much about the right to vote, companies, that is, hand over to pure bred names as Betsy Cush: healthy, invigorating, aerid smell The following additional contributions to the Trotsky Memorial a good soldier. There follows a scene the although he talked a lot about equality, and he the oil companies the oil landsing Roosevelt and Mrs. Franklin of manure! Alas, no! Even herd Fund have come in this week: one false note in the film of the hard boiled did not at all take up the question of how the Rewhich they stole in the first place Jr. herself.
the Sixty Families do their das New York 120. 00 sergeant bringing of all things! a bouquet of publicans have helped the Democrats kill the from the Mexican people.
The horses, however, have the tardly worst to mock the strong Flint 31. 00 flowers to the blushing Charley. can go on, Geyer Anti Poll Tax Bill this last year.
edge on the American workers. creativeness of the horse. They Chicago 20. 00 boys! m all choked up. But those who were able to, voted, and settled Already in the first days of the call in the fascist Coty at 50 an Toledo 10. 00 show, the horses can see the polite ounce to smell up the place with But while Charley has redeemed himself unthe question. So we threw all these promises Oehlerite Paper Allentown 00 double cross handed them by the his Intimate Hour and Blistering officially, he still must receive his official punishNew Haven 50 sporting American bourgeois. The Kiss. Horse show? It stinks worse ment for attempted desertion. He is brought, as would have throw them in the waste basket if Arbitrarily Banned canopy in front bristles with than a boudoir.
soon as he recovers, before the colonel, humane he was elected, and in the same way that the TOTAL words which would lead an in 188. 50 By Authorities Even from the standpoint of Democrats have thrown theirs now that they and understanding, who explains in kindly, nocent horse passing by to believe patriotism this show throws a Buffalo has pledged 25. 00 to the fund. Allentown pledges 15. 00 fatherly fashion the proud records of the fine have been elected.
that horses were to be the main sneer to the old standard. It and Texas 00.
show inside. Yet in the ring any swarms with foreigners, but the Branch POLL TAXES HIT BOTH move in the direction of sup representative of Quota the noblest right kind. All the Good Neigh Amount paid Contrite Charley bueks up, cries he has pressing workers anti war paperetriend of man who possessed some bor horses and horsemen are Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 100 been an utter fool and takes his punishmentThe poll tax laws in operation in eight Southern states kept ten million people from voting in the mails of the October 15 is would hesitate long before brashlycans with one sad exception.
The Lynn was taken with the barring from Instinct for self preservation there Chileans, Cubans, Mexi Rockville 00 00 100 you guessed it like a man. The wind up scene 100. 00 75. 00 the presidential election last week.
75 shows Tom carrying the National Colors and sve of the Fighting Worker, organ putting down a foot. There is Jolly Canadians, tually such a Toledo 50. 00 35. 00 70 marching along proudly beside him and carrying This, says the Afro American, was in addi of the Revolutionary Workers Lea more than an even chance that charming embellishment to a Chicago and the regimental colors, Charley.
tion to some five million residents barred from gue (Oehlerites. bis only toe would be ruthlessly horeshow, could not come. Their Indiana Harber 150. 00 85. 07 57 The issue contained an attackground into the sawdust by the interest in and devotion to Allentown the polls by sheer intimidation.
WALL STREET THEME SONG 15. 00 00 clects of a tank. The place swarms horseflesh has unhappily had to Flint These poll tax laws, originally passed to in on boss conscription and express 40 The review concludes. Throughout the.
ed the idea of the workers setting with trucks, mechanized gun car give way to a passionate preoccu San Francisco 150. 00 56. 00 37 sure lily white elections and to keep Negroes 100. 00 film the song. Then Now Forever, which up their own armed forces. The friers, tanks and other direct in pation with the job of preparing 85 35. 00 from exerting any political influence in Southern Detroit Chicago. Post Office informed the sults to horses. Everything is calibe Canadian working mass for 200. 00 was inspired by the Recruiting Publicity Bureau 65. 00 33 politics, today serve to disfranchise all workers, RW. of the ruling of the Sollculated to impress the world with slaughter in World War II.
Newark 150. 00 poster, is used as the musical motif (original 50. 00 33 white as well as colored.
eitor of the Post Office under the extent to which machines 100. 00 27. 00 emphasis, my dear. always modulated and un27 Most white workers in these states can vote And the proceeds? In the days Boston which the publication was banned. have replaced horseflesh.
1000. 00 when a horse was a horse New York 255. 00 26 dertoned to good effect. Nothing to remind us there either, because they can pay the taxes, While the ban covers only the But if we concede the triumph and not an excuse for a Milwaukee 00 00 of anything so loud and vulgar as a drill sergeant 20 which range from to In some states these one issue named. a dangerous of motor over horse as a draft display of imperialist power. New Haven 20. 00 50 18 dressing down a private or an artillery barrage.
taxes are cumulative, that is, even workers who precedent has been established. In instrument, one would still expect the net income went for the pur. Los Angeles Blah! Now there even talk of putting lace 150. 00 20. 00 13 paid their taxes this year were not permitted to addition, all issues of the right a remnant of affection and admirpose of improving the breed. Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 100. 00 10 curtains in the Army tents!
vote unless they paid up all their back poll taxes, ing Worker must first be scrutination for the physical beauty of Now it goes to the Red Cross for Akron 10. 00 ized by the postal authorities be the beast Time was when every the purpose of sewing and wiring Buffalo 00. 00 00 from the time they were 21 years old and on.
25. 00 00 00 That means that the longer this thing goes on, fore being mailed, it is reported. horse praneed into the show ring and gluing together the disjointed Cleveland 70. 00 00. 00 HORROR ITEM 00 the worse it gets, and the more people it robs of sleek and shining tail in braids bodies of humans blasted to pieces or curls, mane flowing or decked for the greater glory of the Sixty Philadelphia Hutchinson 10. 00 00. 00 The War Department opposition to consor, 00 their right to vote. How many workers or share30. 00 out in little plumes. a master Families.
00. 00 ship was voiced by Lieutenant Colonel Stanley 00 croppers could raise the money to pay for the piece born of days of curry. comb10. 00 Grogan of the general staff press section who 00. 00 Someone ought to tip off the Pittsburgh In Buffalo buy the years of the depression. Portland ing and loving attention, a slap horses that they are being played 10. 00 said that military officials believed the press 00. 00 00 The result is that while almost 60 of the 00 in the face of puny man standing for suckers. The noble name of Quakertown 00. 00 00 would cooperate voluntarily with authorities in APPEAL adults in the rest of the country participate in on the sidelines in awe. And horse is being used as a cover up Reading 00 00. 00 00 such a way as to maké censorship unnecessary.
the elections, in these eight Southern states only 00 now? What with the accumula for a War Show. Or maybe the St. Louis 00. 00 00 Yep, you cannot hope to bribe or twist, thank at newstands: about 10 can enter the voting booths. And these tion of minks, ermines, martens, horses know it. We would not Texas 00 00 00 God, our noble journalist; but seeing what he ll Corner Franklin sables and skunks draping the surprised to see any day now Youngstown 10 represent the ruling class, of course.
50. 00 00. 00 do unbribed, why, there seldom an occasion to.
00 The whole thing is the best possible proof of Chippewa horsey chassis of the female on a string of polo ponies led by a our contention that laws aimed against the Corner Main Chippewa1ookers, any sensitive mount is class conscious mule picketing TOTALS 3442. 00 828. 57 24 driven into a hopeless inferiority Madison Square Gardens. We wish Henry Wallace, speaking at San Francisco, Negro people inevitably hit and hurt the work Corner Main Genesee complex. How can a few hun. it would happen. There must be Omaha and Rochester branches have not made pledges up to said Latin America never before had so much ing class as a whole.
dred prancing steeds compete with some horse sense left in the world. date.