CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

FOR SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal TRADE UNION CONTROL TROTSKY MONUMENT OF MILITARY TRAINING Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 46 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1940 267 FIVE (5) CENTS NATIONAL UNITY HIDES BLOW AT LABOR MINNESOTA Flint, 1937. It Still the Only Answer VOTE 5, 743 FORCARLSON Ford Gets Big War Stalinists Change. War Drive Pushed Order Day After For Spade and Hoe FDR Re Election Full Speed Ahead Hammer and Sickle Molotov Pays Courtesy Call On Hitlerites Flint Conflict Halted Munitions Workers Orancesco no seu came home. com FLINT, BET Nopen Stooges From elke plant. This who have faced the company with an interaction, ad recently on allerkena made by to bronik Station to the face of the createne memes this the second tuning Workers efforts she expense of industrial unions Lost in the hurly burly of WASHINGTON, Nov. As a the election campaign was the fact that the Communist Party Wall Street Urges War Crisis Brings result of the recent decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals is quietly dropping its tradithat the Ford Motor Co. is guilty tional hammer and sickle sym National Unity FDR Intervention Anti War Stand bol.
of an outright violation of the National Labor Relations Act, the With its usual casualness in At Labor Expense In Latin America Gains Lead Roosevelt administration is now tossing over board every remgiving it to Henry Ford hot and nant of its revolutionary past, heavy well, heavy!
Among Minorities the first notification of the National Unity has become With the third term nailed over Today the War Dept. announced change was made on its pre the chief battle cry of the third his fireside, Roosevelt has rethe awarding of a contract of election petitions.
term Roosevelt administration. turned to Washington to repre. 123, 323, 020 worth of aircraft en long handled spade crossWith this slogan, Roosevelt sent American capitalism for anBy CARL SHEA Lines to the Ford Motor Co. It MINNEAPOLIS, Minn The ed upon a hoe blossomed forth hopes to harness the labor move other four years. He immediately may have been simple good will in place of the symbol borment to the war chariot of Amer accelerated his drive toward war, Socialist Workers Party, on the on the part of the Administration rowed from the October Re.
ican Imperialism and Incidental markets, colonies, plunder, regibasis of the November election to show there was no hard feel volution.
ly, to silence his opponents of the mentation of the labor movement.
returns, has become the leading Engs over the fact that Henry We mention this simply in extreme right wing Wall Street Wall Street reacted with great party appealing to the radical Bord, in his elation over a confer camp now mobilized behind Wen activity on the stock exchange. industrial proletariat of Minnesopassing. Everything the hamsteels, chemicals, and government ence he held with Willkie, had dell Willkie.
mer and sickle represented has absent mindedly left a 46 tip to long since been abandoned by The National Unity campaign securities leading.
The state metropolitan area, a waitress. And the award ochas come as a whirlwind follow. On the home front, Roosevelt the parties of the Third Incomprising Ramsay and Hennepin curred symbolically the day after up of the election. It was ini launched a drive for national counties, gave Grace Carlson, our ternational. Why not the symRoosevelt re election.
tiated in a big way Wednesday unity at the expense of the labor bol itself?
senatorial candidate running on Gone is the memory of Ford evening after the election at Car movement to back up the dethe Trotskyist Anti war Party refusal to manufacture planes for negie Hall, when leading Roosfense measures. Not a capitalist ticket, 2, 782 votes. Thomas trailed Great Britain. And 25 United evelt supporters made a symbolic paper last week failed to carry with 2, 090. The Browder Ford Auto Workers union members are alliance with their Republican op editorials and headlines on the ticket could get only 842 votes, still facing fall for passing out monents, represented by All Lan need for national unity. The and Aiken Orange of the SLP pro union leaflets at the great don, who delivered a radio plen Republicans also backed the drive sect obtained 1, 338. Thus, runRiver Rouge Ford plant gates last for unity from Kanses, and How to a man Willkie, Landon, Fish, ning against traditional candiWeek.
ard Coonley, chairman of the Nate. Some of them suggested tional Association of Manufactur burning campaign literature in dates of long established parties the Fourth International candiers, who spoke in person. bonfires like so many campaign date and program clearly outAustralian CHAIN GANG UNITY promises as a gesture of nationdistanced its rivals.
al unity. At the same time the All the diplomatic chancellories On the same day as this meet or the world are watching the ing. 18, 000 movle theatres through selves the right of loyal oppoVOTED FOR TROTSKYISM Republicans demanded for themReturns on a state scale are no Gall Quickie Strike Visit of Stalin flunke Vyaches out the country began the show sition.
less encouraging. With a hundred lav Molotov to Berlin for a coning of a short film calling on the Roosevelt indicated that he precincts yet to be tallied, Carlson ference with Hitler.
Amerfenn people to forget their would push for unity between got 5, 743 Thomas Kruger, 6, 946: UAW Officials Sanction Reprisals Upon Union Militants LITHGOW, Australia. The The State department in Wash political differences and unite be the CIO and the AFL Pressure Browder Ford, 2, 520; and AlkenLithgow branch of the Arms, Ex ington is particularly interested, hind the President in the interrom the White House to unite at as our party confined its paign almost exclusively to the agreement was reached this week countered by the company with a immovable front and have made stop work meeting of 2, 000 his pact with Hitler.
to our democratic way of life.
the delegates to the two trade Twin Cities, it is extremely grati. in the week fight between the shut down and lock out. In addi an uncompromising demand that workers at the Commonwealth threat to Japan from the Rus Paramount objective of the un union conventions at Atlantie fying to lave obtained over 3, 000 Fisher Body Local No. 581, United rion, 17 key union men were then the fired men be re employed with Small Arms Factory.
sian flank coincides with the im. ty campaign is to regiment la City and New Orleans. There was The half day strike protestea bertalist interests of the United bor behind the war drive of the talk of appointing Mayor La candidate listed on the ballot as eral Motors Corporat:on. The The jurisd:ctional issue proved Inve resulted undoubtedly in arritating delays in paying com. States in the Far East. martica American ruling class. While di Guardia as Secretary of Laborto the Trotskyist Antiwar Party agreement provides for re employ to be a company trap. Instead real union victory.
candidate, with all that name im ment of 17 suspended Fisher of a concentrated fight against The local leadership, due to inof fines on employees who are all booty of the colonial possessions policy, which take on a completely On the question of increasing plies.
Body militants, but without back the company on the real issues of experience and the pressure or leged not to have clocked in and of Holland, France, and Great secondary character in view of the taxes, especially the indirect The state candidates of the pay and with severe company repBritain.
other radical parties obtained but risals forced on six of the most of the union contract, the Fisher to take the best advantage of the primary international objectives taxes which pick the pockets of speed up, wage cuts and violations the International officers, failed out, and other matters.
Stalin, on the other hand, fear of American imperialism, the ew the workers, and increasing the an infinitesimal vote, the largest militant union men involved. local was maneuvered into what situation. They did not make ful of involvement in the world pitalist class, as represented by national debt to 65 billion dollars being a few hundred.
According to the agreement, 11 the company could play up as an. clear the real issues at stake. The Getting Big Hearted war and the internal repercus both its political wings, the De to take care of loans to finance The state combined radical of the suspended union men were other AFLCIO jurisdictional attacks of the International board stons involved which would un mocratic and Republican parties, construction of the greatest milivote more than doubled that of put back to work at Fisher Body scrap members were met with silence 1936 when it hit bottom following without back pay. Six men, how Once the 17 men were fired, or liseless outbursts of anger in comparatively high vote in 1932. ver, singled out as the best however, it was the elementary e local moetings. No real pro 500, 000 annually will be given from a successful attack by the tion a completely docile working to do this job now or wait until The Navy Dept. announces that a progressive revolution of the ot foreign policy. And this revelt conferred with Democratic nay increases amounting to 3, workers against his regime, or quires for its successful realizan leaders. It was undecided whether The combined vote in 1982 was son fighters, were refused employ duty of the CIOUAW to fight to sram of action was developed.
31, 577 (Thomas, 25. 476: Poster, ment at the Fisher plant. The restore them to their jobs. The 44, 000 civilian employees of the Hitler military machine, has been class.
That the local came out of the department in order to bring their collowing his traditional course of 6, 101. In 1936 the radical can union negotiating committee was focal union met the issue by tak aght even with some gains sal salaries and cages into conform licking the boots of his most his re election. Roosevelt stressed ON THE WAR FRONT In his first interview following around Christmas time.
didates obtained only 6, 407 votes forced to accept a deal whereby Ang a strike vote. Thomas, 2, 872: Browder, 2, 574; these six men would be put to vaged is due to the consistently ty toith prevailing standards. No threatening enemy.
that his first task will be to in At this point, the International militant attitude of the rank and mention is made of paying to On the war front foreign dipAiken, 961. work at the Buick plant here in Until Hitler finds himself contervene in the split between the lomats and foreign governments In 1940 the combined radicaletead. Deprived of their accumu officers, Thomas, Reuther Co. Ale of the local.
these employees the millions in fronted with a tremendous mill. AFL and Co to gffect united along with Secretary of Navy vote is 16, 626, a gain of ten thou lated seniority at the Fisher plant, stepped in. refused to sanction There is no question that, de back wages due them for the years tary catastrophe. Stalin will re: labor movement. This unity, how. Knox correctly interpreted Roose.
Band over 1936. Despite the fair and working at Buck with the strike action and publicly despite their mistakes the local they have worked at the belowo wolve as a satellite to the Nazi erer is not dictated so far as velt re election as indicating ly wide newspaper and radio pub status of new workers on proba. nounced the local union as being Fisher leadership was honest and standard scales.
licity obtained by the Norman Lion, the six are now subject to in the wrong. What was in real militant throughout the struggle. From Binghamton, comesThe development of the war needs of labor itself in its conflict of Washington would be speeded Thomas pacifist sect, his group dismissal without recourse.
ity lock out by the company What was and is required Is a a story of similar generosity. The thus each day further weakens with the os class: but in the in up. It was intimated. in circles has now been passed by the city The struggle broke out after was termed by Reuther an out clear perspective and well planned Endicott Johnson Corporation, the positions of the Soviet Union terests of national defense.
near the White House that workers here in favor of the so long campaign of provocation and law strike. This was an open program of action, which will take which employe 20, 000 workers under the policies of Stalin. The Rooseveit might ask the next cialist Workers Party. That one speed up by the conipany. As a invitation to the company to do into consideration not only the making shoes, just announced a assassination of Trotsky by Stalin FIGHT FOR SPOILS milestone on our road.
imax to this campaign, the comits worse.
Even the most reactionary Congress to repeal the Johnson plant problems but the entire na percent wage increase effective was one of the most terrible blows This thoroughly disloyal blow to tional picture. This will enable November 12. The increase bal he has dealt the Soviet Union. We spokesmen for Wall Street have Act prohibiting loans to nations REVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMpany began to negotiate with the AFL CIO stooges in the plant in the local union by the UAW in the ranks to foresee the conservances a percent deduction for can expect such blows on the part voiced their complete accord with in default of past debts and to The Socialist Workers Party violation of the GM agreement ternational Executive Board led to ative, do nothing and even trai medical costs taken from the. of Stalin to continue in the fu this aim. They are all for lavor repeal the cash and carry provi made its appeal to the voters on with the VAW CIO, which had the long drawn oun negotiations torous acts of Reuther. Thomas, pay envelopes in Spring of ture. Only the crushing of the unity the unity of a prison sion of the Neutrality Act in a straight revolutionary program: the vast majority in the plant.
and the final severe settlement. Frankensteen Co. who have ca. 1938.
Stalinist bureaucracy by the work chain gang shackled together. But view of the present strain on the ringing call to the workers of The CIO men took action to The situation demanded a strong pitulated to the national defense Anyway, it white of you bossesers can ensure the continued ex. they insist on the preservation capitalists of Great Britain. mighty white!
Minnesota, the United States and eliminate the AFL companylunion leadership which would polices of the government.
istence of the Soviet Union. Continued on Page 4)
On the day following Roose velt re election. the British the world to stop the war by overthrowing capitalism and institut launched a propaganda campaign ing the dictatorship of the prole to bring the United States into tarlat and world socialism. For the war as a direct military par.
the time, the words of Lenin ticipant declaring that the idea and Trotsky were heard over the the USA can keep out is just so radio in the Twin Cities. The much bunk. The British argue people who voted for us voted for that Britain can possibly outthe revolutionary solution of the produce Germany in war materhorrible crisis.
Because they bravely exposed Johnson were put in prison for toys are sticking access. The off. The boys of the Philadel in the every day life of the ship out a murmur of resentment com ials, that Britain alone can pay By ALBERT PARKER information that Goodwin and ar they have had no and, in phia are depending on everyone but on Sunday too, for as they ing from us. In case of resentment the expense of fighting Hitler The SWP in 1940 has conducted say: The Constitution clearly we are put on report, restricted, the burden must be shifted onto the finest revolutionary electoral the hypocritical nature of the slo standing up for their rights and the face of intensified inquisition to buck us up.
campaign in the history of the fans about a war for democracy. all the rest of us can leave the are still appealing to the public The sailor who received this provides that all men are created fined, or sent to the bris for being the backs of the American pul Minnesota revolutionary move and because they warned other ship. hope the people of my for help.
letter signed his name, saying: equal, yet in our Naval churches insubordinate to a superior officer. lie too, that they can use at this both Protestant and Catholic etc.
if you publish anything about time some navy units, some pilots Minnesota edition of the Socialist promises of the recruiting ser men tell the truth and go to pri AID COMES Already they are being joined this letter, you may publish When conditions are so bad that words, Don do this or Don do 30 along with the pilots, and that discrimination is openly practiced, Appeal were distributed. Three beants about Joining the Navy son.
by the candidate. Many manstrade, two of the fifteen Negro plains that the Commanding of their aid, helping ay maing bane if you feel it necessary to people who say they are believers that. or you don get liberty for a declaration of war by WashThe other, also unsigned, ex. by men from other ships.
15 minute radio talks were given seeing the world and learning a ning do so. That, of course, would of God, are choley about who sits a week. We are not wanted to ington would turn the tide of meetings were held. Scores of mess boys on the Philadelficer of the ship is holding all of they can under the circumstances, probably mean that would mateside them, then it is time that talk to cach other when an offices morale in favor of Great Britain.
at Long Beach, us for an investigation trying to One of these, a mess man from the same fate Byron Johnson and we pray and start to do something is around, and in general, an of his friends met. But am fana.
new people have come up to party California, are in prison awaiting force the boys to tell who is the the far away Naval Air Base at ficer is to be treated as though LATIN AMERICAN We (colored) men in the Navy he were god or king.
Opa Locha, Florida, helps to break Acal enough about it all to allow about it.
St. Paul, party recruiting has court martial, and the others are brains of that letter.
EXPANSION prisoners at large, forbidden to OFFICERS GRILL MEN through the wall of silence sur that to happen to me too, if necquickened.
The Latin American countries leave the ship, held for further It is plain from this that the rounding the case by passing on essary. The Courier did not print uniform. It will be found that SHIPS ARE JAILS read the election returns as a go.
APPEALS HELPED investigation.
officers of the Philadelphia are to the Courier a letter he had his name.
on the smaller ships in the Navy, followed by a long let the mess boys really do not have is in jail under observation but their direction. Just as Hitler This Literally speaking, the Negre ahead signal for US expansion in Cursory examination of the Letters from two of the men on determind to put an end to any received from Byron Johnson, who ward and precint vote in the Twin the ship, sent to the Pittsburgh protests to public opinion against has since been thrown into prison. fer signed by Richard Watts. a place to eat their food properly. somebody thought it would sound first swallowed Austria, Sudeten.
Cities reveals a very positive cor courier this week appeal to that Jim Crowism. They have arrest Johnson, in answering a ques. Donald Moran and William Sea Ile either has to stand up or sit nicer to call it the Navy.
relation with the Socialist Appeals paper to publicize the fact thated two of the men and are grilling tion from him on the results of brook, of the Sampson, down on the deck to eat, while The majority of officers seem of Poland, then Denmark, NorCzechoslovakia, the greater part wards where we have concentrat terrorize them because they dared agitators and instigators are. We are now prisoners which, aner paying tribute to the nated tables, where they may sit, race of illiterates who have to really turning loose on his major distributed. The workers in the the officer caste is attempting to the others to find out who the their letter publication. wrote: stationed at Norfolk, Virginia, in the rest of the crew have desig to think that we Negroes are just way. Holland, Belgium before ed our Appeal distribution during to sign their names to the previ. It is inconceivable to them that at large. Of course, we can do courage of the Philadelphia mentalk. properly masticate and en have someone standing over them foe, France and Britain, so it is the past year have answered us ous letter.
maen can be driven just so far and much since they have us restrict they proceed to uncover a system Joy their food.
with a whip all the time and tell expected that the thoroughly by giving the Socialist Workers them what to do.
then they revolt without the help ed until the outcome of the case. of Jim Crow conditions on board hated El Tio Sam will move in Party their vote of confidence. AFRAID TO SIGN of agitators because they just As it is now, we are unable to their shly that cas ly rivals for SENT TO BRIG We are subjected to be roughly We are allowed thirty day on the weak semi colonial LatinThe returns from the Negro preoOne of them. ending am can stand the torment and insult do anything since we can make viciousness the story told about incts have been extraordinarily afraid to sign my name. One of to which they are subjected.
spoken to three fourths of the leave each year, which we rarels American countries. The agents any outside contacts. So it is up the Philadelphia. Continued on Page 3)
the Philadelphia Boys, sends the! But it is equally plain that so to you to carry on where we left! These conditions exist not only time, cursed at sometimes, with (Continued on Page 3)
encouraging Negro Sailors Are Still in the Brig