BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandGPUIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLiberalismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 9, 1940 SOCIALIST APPE AL Roosevelt and Wall St. Go Forward VOL. IV No. 45 Saturday, November 9, 1940 PubMehed Weekly by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 political party of their own; and they launch the drive to end forever the rule of the handful of colossally rich who up to then disposed of the fate of millions of human beings solely in the interest of millions of dollars.
Third term in the United States something to astonish the bourgeois politicians, to frighten the more perspicacious of them. It is a harbinger of the more profound changes in the coming period! Let the breaking of this precedent serve as the green light to organization of an independent labor party and the establishment of a workers and farmers government!
Editorial Board: FELIX MORROW ALBERT GOLDMAN General Manager: RUTH JEFFREY Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months.
Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in the United States: centa per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: centa Reentered as second class matter December Act of poetomo et New York, under the FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY ON THE WAR FRONT: For: Military training of workers, financed by government, under control of the trade unions. The establishment of special officers training camps, financed by the gov.
ernment and controlled by the trade unions, to train workers to become officers. Confiscation of all war profits all company books to be open for trade union inspection. Expropriation of all war industries and their operation under workers control. Trade union wages for all workers drafted into the army. Full equality for Negroes in the armed forces Down with Jim Crowism. An end to secret diplomacy. people referendum on any and all wars.
Negro Doctors Barred request that Negro physicians be placed on the Committee on Medical Preparedness of the American Medical Association has been turned down with the weasel excuse that it is impossible to change the membership of that committee until further action of the House of Delegates becomes possible.
The AMA has been using its tremendous influence to hound out of hospitals those doctors who advocate public and socialized health services.
It makes big rake offs on approving dangerous patent medicines, and running fake nostrum advertisements the AMA magazine There is pathos in the fact that competent Negro medical men must appeal to such a rotten outfit. And this is but one further evidence of the falsity of the idea advocated by spokesmen of the bourgeoisie that the Negro will receive better and fairer treatment under the capitalist government if he manages to wriggle around race barriers in the colleges and gain an education.
Only the destruction of the system which holds the entire Negro people in subjection will permit the individual Negro to enjoy his rights as a human being.
BOSSES MAN WORRIED Mathew Woll, a leading reactionary on the AFL executive council, warned the boss class of the peril they faced in building a conscript army. In a statement made recently, Woll pointed with foreboding at the menace of an army of millions of workers trained in the arts of militarism, returning to their communities in search of jobs.
End Secret Diplomacy in prayer.
AT HOME: For: job and decent living for every worker. Thirty thirty 30 weekly minimum wage 30 hour weekly maximum for for all workers on all jobs. 30 weekly old age and disability pension. Full social, political and economic equality for the Negro people. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and fascist attacks. twenty billion dollar Federal public works and housing program to provide jobs for the unemployed. Expropriate the Sixty Families. An Independent Labor Party based on the Trade Unions. Worker and Farmer Government. growing certainty among the American masses that the Roosevelt administration has made secret commitments to Great Britain, and other foreign powers, has evoked a denial from UnderSecretary of State Sumner Welless.
Welles, in a radio address Tuesday, declared There have never been, in the history of our political campaigns, more contemptible and more unpatriotic charges made than the charges fabricated by the opponents of the President that his Administration has entered into dangerous secret commitments with foreign governments.
The Soviet Government at the close of the last World War, when the Russian workers seized the secret files of the Czarist regime, disclosed irrefutable documentary proof that a previous war Administration, that of Woodrow Wilson, did have secret commitments with the Allied powers, commitments which might never have been unveiled had the Russian workers not taken power, and which were an immediate factor in dragging the into the war.
The manner in which Roosevelt put over his destroyer deal with England, the way in which the pact with Canada was suddenly thrust into the faces of the American people, the frantic haste with which the American consulate in Nazithreatened countries burned all documents, the fact that the Republicans Knox and Stimson in Roosevelt Cabinet have not made any effort to deny the charges. some of which have emanated from Republican sources although they are in a very favorable position to know the facts, all give a genuine basis for this certainty.
Capitalist diplomacy in general can be conducted on no other basis than deception and secrecy; otherwise the workers and oppressed would see the cold blooded connivance and the mercenary horse trading which is the whole basis of the diplomatic deals and alliances between all capitalist nations, democratic and fascist alike.
There is only one way to expose this sordid game. If the workers and farmers are being asked to shed their blood in the coming war in the interests of American imperialism, then they have the right to know the conditions for which they have been secretly commited to fight. An end to secret diplomacy! For the full exposure of all treaties, pacts, and state papers to the eyes of those who must fight the wars!
Paralyzing Poison The Background and Future of a Third Term President; From the Ivory Tower Bosses Use to Lure Workers to War and Reaction Of Pacifism By JOSEPH HANSEN By ART PREIS first, that they regarded Willkie ed industrial monopoly. Under as a more tractable tool, not a this Act, the big Industrialists exAmong the few professional pacifists who made The pay off on a tremendous different but a better instrument terminated a large section of comhistorical shell game is now due for their designs than Roosevelt. peting small businesses by monotheir presence known on registration day. Reverend On November the American But even more impelling than poly price fixing and similar meas Musto, secretary of the Fellowship of Reconworking masses were lined up be this reason, is the completely un ures.
ciliation, issued a personal statement that if he Hind two empty walnut shells, la varnished reactionary character Finally, he attempted to stabil were of draft age he would refuse to register.
belled Roosevelt and Willkie. of the ruling class. Through the ize the light, or consumers goods Members of the War Resisters League, the Church They were wagering not merely just completed election campaign industries by pump priming.
of Christ Scientist, and some who simply classified their rights and security, but their the ruling class has served final Through farm loans, unemployed themselves as Christians who object to the very lives.
warning on the workers that it relief, etc. he tried to start the slaughter of other men, likewise rejected military They were certain losers what is through with the nonsense or flow of profits once more. These training.
ever their choice. For the only reformers. Its program, hence funds were intended primarily as winner in the old army game forth, is merciless warfare on la indirect hand outs to the chain You must not hate or be bitter against those who is the manipulator. The manipul bor. In attacking Roosevelt, and department stores, and the will make it unpleasant for you, they proclaim.
ator of the 1940 Presidential elec Wall Street did not attack him textile, furniture, tobacco, chemi Turn the other cheek if any one annoys you. And tion was Big Business. The little as its tool, but as the symbol of cal, radio, auto and other manu they even get a bit of a belligerent feeling about pea, that is, the welfare of the liberalism which he represents facturers. The meagre benefits their pacifism and take a pledge to oppose war to American masses, was hidden un to so many misguided workers. from these measures gleaned by der neither shell. It was palm the bitter end by methods of non violence.
For, in luring an unwilling the workers were included in Ad.
ed in the dextrous hand of Wall people into war, Roosevelt has ministration costs under the head Pastors, reverends, vegetarians, old maids, and Street proved supreme in the art of deng. Plot Insurance and Swart Every racket employs a come ception. His liberal camouflage Politics.
students soaking in a petty bourgeois milieu constion. Dur! past eight years, often appeared so realistic that LABOR APPEASEMENT tute the majority of this pious crew. Some of them the workers have been placing it frightened many capitalists.
will end up waving a flag; the rest will disappear their bets on Roosevelt. They They have always opposed yield While stabilizing capitalism, in the upheavals to come without leaving a trace.
were permitted to win a few ing to labor even in principle. Roosevelt was compelled to apNOBLE NORMAN PIOUS PRAYER them confidence in the game address labor in a more direct Sally certain rights of labor, em Again they have staked every tongue, the conciliatory end of a and, later, in the Wagner Act.
bodied in Section 7A of the NIRA Among these religious objectors to military trainthing on Roosevelt. maybe this black jack.
ing we find some with a political tinge such as Nortime they will gain some real win. Although led by Roosevelt to These measures merely endorsed man Thomas. They base themselves on the tradition nings! But, by a sleight of hand the 111. Wall Street regards an established right 80 long as of the last war when it was considered a revolutionary called War. Wall Street is rea him with distaste. In the past, labor could enforce it by organaction to announce yourself as a conscientious obdy now for a grand kill.
Roosevelt cleverly held the Ananized action the right to collective jector and to isolate yourself from the workers as America Sixty Families are cial pack in leash whenever its bargaining by organizations of la.
they were armed and trained in military conflict.
already counting the take. The impatience threatened to frighten hor own choosing.
Magazine of Wall Street, Septem off the labor quarry. Wall Street This grant principle was If this kind of politics was understandable in the her 7, informed its silk hat sub is used to free ranging, and dis sained in fact solely by labor itlast war as the result of the immaturity of the reseribers: likes even the mildest restraints. sell. From 1933 1939 there were volutionary movement in America, it is now com Tentative Washington gues. Although the leash is now off, Big 17, 862 strikes, involving 8, 261, 000 ses put it (immediate PEACEpletely inexcusable after the example of the Russian Business dislikes even the fact workers (Labor Information Bulworkers in 1917.
TIME national defense ap that it still dangles from Roos letins, Dept. of Labor. propriations) at probably not evelt hand. It only Yet we find Judah Drd, secretary of the Norman less than 10 billion more for could be destroyed the leash These strikes occurred in every altogether!
single industry without exception, Thomas youth group, coming out as a conscientious the Navy and 10 billion more That is why Wendell Wilkie and were fought with a fury une objector. In brief, piously repeating the errors of the for the Army an aggregate was Wall Street first choice for qualled in American labor history.
past. Drob it seems is in favor of demoeracy and 80 capital investment of some War President. Willkie is one of The fury was required. During cialism and nice things like that, but he is sincerely 35 billion.
the pack itself, who has tugged Roosevelt administration the NaTHIRTY FIVE BILLION DOL hardest at the leash. He would tional Guard, financed and equip convinced that militarism is one of the most antiLARS Just as a starter! For the have been certain, had he been ped with federal funds and train democratic forces in our society. How shall we fight Defense of Democracy. No! As elected to have led the assault on ed by Regular Army officers, has it as an anti democratie force. By retiring from the CAPITAL INVESTMENT! labor with undisguised ferocity. played its most active strike struggle, proclaims Drob, and presumably uniting But that just pin money to breaking role. From 1933 35 alone, Wall Street. Barron s, one of the ity of Wall Street magnates pre were called to active duty, 32, 645 Yes, it is true that the magor out of 42, 737 National Guards who Wall Street financial weeklies, ferred Willkie. But they are not or 47 percent were used to break THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN However, by close éxamina election of Roosevelt. They under National Guard was employed in greatly concerned about the restrikes. In the one year, 1935, the special case is that of the petty bourgeois retion of the testimony before stand fully well that Roosevelt has 73 strikes in 20 states, a major visionists who split from the Fourth International Congressional committées and no choice represent them. ity of them under New Deal and set up what they call the Workers Party. Since other expert opinion. it be. And, after all, the bankers anl state administrations. During the Burnham, their former head, went hurtling into the comes evident that the total industrial bosses can feel too National Textile Strike, Roosevelt camp of the big bourgeoisie, this pacifist splinter sum involved takes on stag harshly toward Roosevelt when himself threatened to send Regugroup has lacked a brain. Shachtman, it is true gering proportions. Certainly it profits for the first quarter of lar Army troops against the seems firmly fixed in the saddle borne by long sufferis much greater than that 1940, prior to the shoot the works Rhode Island strikers.
has been publicited so far. The ing Abern and tries to scare people now and then war spending, were already 67 percent higher than the same In 1934, Roosevelt already clear.
minimum is perhaps 50 BILby waving a jack o lantern of analogies and quota.
LION DOLLARS and the maxitions carved out of the texts of Marxism. However, quarter of 1939: In fact, higher ly demonstrated that his labor mum may be as much as 75 bilthan in 1928, a peak prosperity permitted General Hugh John platform Was Jerry built. He Shachtman still remains nothing in politics but a lion dollars. These figures, year, son, then his NRA administrator, headless horseman.
to publicly denounce the textile As such he has been jousting fiercely in his newsTHE UNITED STATES WILL Roosevelt ability to make the strikers and the San Francisco paper against the military policy advocated by the Socialist Workers Party. Ho will have nothing to do NOT ENTER THE PRESENT masses think they are getting general strike. New Dealer Paul CONFLICT. Our emphasis) something has been his greatest McNutt, as Governor of Inwith fighting for trade union control of military trainA FIFTY BILLION DOLLAR contribution to the preservation diana, terrorized the Terre Haute ing. This slogan he proclaims with strikers for two months with marrighteous air MINIMUM TAKE FOR WALL of capitalism. For his primary and more than a touch of snobbery probably from STREET IF THE DOES objective ever since first taking tial law. Roosevelt later reward.
his association with professor Burnham who also took NOT GO TO WAR! That what office has been to save the Ameri. ed him with the post of Social an academic interest in the working class is a deevery worker voted for when he can capitalist system. He attempt. Security Administrator. parture from Marxism.
voted for Roosevelt. 50 billioned to do this by reconciling the New Deal governor in Ohio, Mar.
dollars that not hay! And it workers to the interests of the Lin Davey, smashed, the Little Steel strike in 1937 with armed Why all Shachtman sudden interest in Marxism, coming out of the flesh and bones bosses.
its theory and defense? Just Shachtman way of of the American workers. That From the start, Roosevelt yield troops. The New Deal Kelly Nash scaring off any undue questioning on the part of his the Old Army Game of 1940! ed to labor only in principle. machine in Chicago murdered ten followers concerning the heresies of Campaignnot fact. His first act as Presiunarmed workers in the Memorial WALL STREETS dent revealed this. He consoli Day Massacre in 1937.
Manager Dwight Macdonald. Dwight has been laying SECOND CHOICE dated the leading finance capitalThese are but a few of the end down a publie barrage against the most basic premIf Roosevelt is really the tool ists through the bank morato less facts which give irrefutable ises of Marxism. An embarrassing position for canof Wall St. why did so many of rium, while wiping out most of proof that Roosevelt gave labor didate for Congress Shachtman, who tells his followthe bankers and industrialists and the small independent banks and just what labor has been able to ing that he is running on a simon pure Marxist platthe big business press endorse millions of small depositors. Next, tako without any boss politi form! For Shachtman finds it inconvenient to lay Willkie?
through the National Industrial clan blessing!
rough hands on his own Campaign Manager. What The answer to that question 18, Recovery Act, he further entrench (To Be Continued)
if anti Marxist Dwight should decide to fulfill Trotsky prediction and, like Burnham, make a personal desertion from the movement right in the middle of the electoral campaign!
The answer? Attack the deviations of the Socialist Workers Party and if you can find a real deviation, get friend Dwight into a bloc to dig up Bulletin CIO, after weeks of fruitless et ances, a signed contract, and imsome quotations with which to concoct one.
forts to negotiate with the commediate reinstatement of Red We are not interested in cluttering this short To the Socialist Appeal pany. The management sought to Doran, local president, fired July article with the bleached bones which Shachtman has YOUNGSTOWN, October 31, limit meetings with the union for insubordination.
tied together as the framework of his argument in 1910 After three days picket committee to one a week, refused The strike has become a major ing the strike at Republie Rub to settle some 30 to 40 major issue between the local bosses and support of his pacifist tendency. Shachtman himself ber Company was settled before grlevances which had piled yp police and the entire Youngstown will hasten to hide this skeleton in his closet where a labor conciliator on Wednesday, and deliberately provoked the CIO movement. Members of all it will collect cobwebs in the dark along with the October 30 and the terms un workers by employing legal aid CIO locals are augmenting the previous articles he wrote against the ideas of animously ratified by the union from the Associated Industries of mass picket lines, as large contin members on Thursday morning. Cleveland, a notorious strike gents of police are on hand to inWork was resumed at once. breaking agency.
We admit quite frankly what Shachtman only timidate the strikers. The local The terms of settlement re The union is demanding a gen Teamsters union has refused to dares insinuate in a veiled and cowardly fashion quire the company to negotiate eral five cents to 15 cents per hour deliver raw materials to the plant.
that our military policy: with the union as sole bargain wage increase, upward revision of Only the plant supervisory force (1) Was formulated by Comrade Leon Trotsky as ing agency and conduct negotia plece work rates, enforcement of is being permitted entrance into tions not less than three times a the seniority provisions, settle the plant, on condition that their his last great contribution to the Fourth International.
week, reaching a signed contract ment of all accumulated griev. cars are left outside the gates. 2) Is Trotsky application of his Transitional by Decebe 31. Recognizing this Six seabs managed to slip through Program to the conditions of world war and the milisettlement as a definite victory, the pickets today, and three cars tarization of the United States.
the members of the Union hold broke through the line. They will no illusions concerning the good MORGAN Have a helluva time running the faith of the company and are ERRAND BOY plant by themselves.
THE MARXIST ANSWER perfecting their machinery for a The strikers, men and women, Marxism has a different answer from that of possible resumption of the strike Morgan Co. would undoubtedly name the next Negro and white, are very milt pacifism. It advocates that the class conscious worker if necessary.
Secretary of State if Willkie tant, and have not permitted even stay with his class. If the workers are forced into a wins, since Morgan a drenching rainstorm today to war he goes along side by side taking all the chances, Co. has always named the Secdampen their spirits. One of the on every occasion struggling for their interests. But picket captains, a militant Negro YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. Oct. 29retary of State in a Republi.
worker, successfully blocked the even more, understanding that unless socialism gains officials the Reput can Administration. declared Rubber power imperialist war is inevitable, he advocates miliattempt of a threatening plant of Democratie National Chair.
Co. subsidiary of the big Lee Rubficial to drive his car into the tary training for the workers. He advocates military ber Co. are seeking a court in. man Flynn last Thursday.
training for the workers under their own control.
Junction against mass picketing in We agree with Flynn. Only plant gutes.
an effort to break the strike of we like to know who named The CIO has been organized in In the face of universal militarization, to the 700 rubber workers which Sunday the present Secretary of War the struck plant for three years.
workers question: What to do next? our answer for night at 10 o clock shut the Re. Henry Stimson who hap It defeated the independent the present period is the slogan launched by Trotsky, public plant down cold.
pens also to have been Hoov.
company union in an NLRB elecThe strike was called by the er Republican Secretary of TARY TRAINING.
executive board of Local No. 102 State.
tion for solo bargaining agency of the United Rubber Workerson July 20.
That is the Marxist answer.
Rubber Strike Victorious Trotsky.
Third Term Like revolution, war forces life, from top to bottom, away from the beaten track. But revolution directs its blows against the established power.
War, on the contrary, at first strengthens the state power which, in the chaos engendered by war, appears to be the only firm support and then undermines it.
Leon Trotsky made this penetrating observation in 1929 in reference to the reaction of the Austrian people at the outbreak of the first world war. He could have made the same observation, had he not been assassinated by Stalin GPU agent, of the presidential election in the United States in 1940. For the third term which was granted to Roosevelt in defiance of all previous political tradition in the United States is a reflection in the consciousness of the American masses of the world war now raging upon our planet.
War intensifies to an agonized degree all the class contradictions. The ruling class concentrates its power, increases its oppression of the workers and poor farmers, thrusts them onto the battlefield.
seems more powerful than at any previous period.
The workers and farmers not seeing the distinction between defense of the nation and defense of the interests of the ruling class turn towards the only firm support which appears to be the existing state power. At the same time the changes brought about by the war sweep through their gray, monotonous, humdrum lives like a fresh breeze. Nothing could be worse than their present condition. They feel the change as a relief. They have not yet tasted the fire and horror of the war. They become more patriotic.
But the process of war exposes all the predatory interests of the ruling class. It reveals the state power for what it is, the instrument of that class, in this case the instrument of America Sixty Families. The hunger, blood, misery, oppression of war become unendurable and the masses, already launched on the road of change, begin seeking a way out.
The state power is undermined. The will of the massés finds expression for their interests in a Its domination seems complete and invincible. It Bourbons Shelve Bill Not only did the Administration, in a united front with the Republicans, put thumbs down on a vote on the Anti Lynch Bill recently, but it put another measure supported by the Negro people on the shelf a few days later.
This was the Ramspect Bill calling for elimination of photographs and the substitution of fingerprints on Civil Service applications. The photographs, naturally, have been a big help to those who discriminate against Negroes. bloc of 50 to 100 Southern congressmen said they would stand like the Rock of Gibraltar against passage of the bill.
Whereupon the Republicans and non Southern Democrats decided to put the vote on the bill off until after the elections. The excuse they re using is that they can get a quorum on the measure.
But if Roosevelt suddenly asked for a few million dollars more to strengt ben bis Jim Crow regime in the armed force, they would get a quorum quick enough!