BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

NOVEMBER 9, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Themi Nat Turner Rebellion Anniversary Draft Health Negro Struggle Bad, Medical Report Shows Negro Slave Led Revolt CARLSON CAMPAIGN Boss War Brutally Exploits Women Workers in Factories are occupants of the nearby planta. for freedom, peace and the right Lions, take their arms, and or to live as human beings.
By ALBERT PARKER canize the slaves as they marched But this was not the end of it from plantation to plantation. Fear had struck into the hearts We think that it will be generally agreed that The night before they started of the slave owning aristocracy, By WILLIAM DIXON predicting that some day Negroes the uprising on August 21, Nat and everywhere they looked, they the shabblest Uncle Tom sell out of the whole November 11. 1940 marks the would be free.
is reported to have made the fol saw the figure of Nat Turner aris (Continued from Page 1)
electoral campaign was pulled off two weeks ago By LYDIA BYDELL 109th anniversary of the hanging INSPIRED BY NEGRO lowing speech to his men: ing to plague them. They murdism itself, the Trotskyist candiat the convention of the United Government Emof Nat Torner, Negro slave who VICTORIES recent highly interesting survey, based on DEEDS NOT WORDS ered hundreds of slaves who had date continued. Both Roos ployees held in Washington. This organization, the latest influx of volunteers for the army, has crganized an insurrection against led by Edgar Brown, claims a membership of number of the white refugees had nothing to do with the up evelt and Willkie, as well as the slavery in Virginia, Althoughput from the successful revolution of about to commence a great work that they took steps to see to it mocratic and Republican parties. Friends and brothers, we are rising, and they were so panicky lesser political lights of the De been reported in the pages of the Journal of the 30, 000 Negro federal employees. It also claims American Medical Association for October 12, to speak in the interests of the Negro people. Both instilled fear in the hearts of the county, bringing their slaves with ered from slavery, and God has preachers in the future. It was tem of private enterprise. All 1940, by Dr. George Leone, captain of the these claims are grossly exaggerated. slaveholders of that area for the them, and there is reason to be appointed as the men to do the reported that even after Turner express a fervent belle in the Army medical corps and medical inspector for For it was at this convention that the United next 30 years, and inspired the lieve that Nat, who was able to biddings; and let us be worthy was hanged, three slaveholders inability of capitalism ultimately to recruiting in the 2nd corps area, including New Government Employees won the honor of being slaves and abolitionist to carry freely move about the neighbor of our calling. am told to slay York City. During the months of June, July and on their struggle.
far away North Carolina died of do away with the social evils of the first and perhaps the only) colored organiza hood as a preacher, was inspired all the whites we encounter, with fright!
August of this year 743 unmarried young men Nat Turner was born in South by the stories he heard from them out regard to age or sex.
unemployment and poverty of tion in the country to go on record endorsing the between the ages of 18 and 35, all part of an want in the midst of plenty. These Vicious Jim Crow policies announced by Roos ampton County, Virginia, October about the victories of the armed We have no arms or ammunt. REVOLT CONTINUES 1800, the son of a native of Af Negroes.
capitalist politicians cannot or original enlistment into the Regular Army, were evelt a half month earlier for the armed forces tion, but we will find them in rica. In his youth lie was im. At one time he escaped from the homes of our oppressors. spirit of revolt that he symbol social evils have their roots in the Turner was hanged, but the win not understand that these examined under his supervision. All of them were of the United States, pressed with the religious customs his master and after being at Remember that eighth grade graduates and many had completed urs is not a war ixed was carried on by the slaves capitalistic system of production high school and college courses; none had ever ENDORSE SEGREGATION and superstitions of the neighbor large for a month returned by for robbery, nor to satisfy our pas and the foes of slavery. The slaves for profit and that no measure hood, and when he was given per himself. In all probability he resions; it is a struggle for free were finally emancipated after a short of the overthrow of the probeen convicted of a felony. These facts indicate First they endorsed the principle of segrega mission by his master to learn to cognized that the problem he was com. Ours must be deeds, not Bloody struggle in which they bore st system itself can end them.
that the social level represented by these men was tion in the Army. Then they went further. They read and write, he trained him interested in could never be solv. words.
Dr. Carlson explained that this by no means the lowest or poorest in America, arms and carried on in Nat Turnasked that this principle be extended, that more self to become a preacher. ed by individual action alone, that For three days, the insurgentser heroic spirit.
program did not mean that the or this number, 2, 195 or out one third were Jim Crow isions be established. The SAW NEED TO ORGANIZE the job was still to organize and struck at one point after another, Today the struggle of Nat Turn cialist Workers Party did not rejected because of physical deficiencies which only thing they asked in return was that colored prepare Darning the homes and killing the er is still being conducted this believe in a fight for the immeWhat he learned from reading made them poor material to send onto the battleofficers, instead of white, be assigned to these When his friends among the masters who had oppressed them. Ime against the monstrous in diate relief of the suffering of and what he experienced in his slaves asked him why he had re gathering support as they went justices and discrimination of a the exploited workers and farmers.
own life convinced him that he turned, his reply was typical. He along, but slowly. Their numbers decaying capitalist system that This is an age of militarism, of the men rejected, the largest number (516, Not satisfied with segregation in the land and his race were oppressed and said that he had a vision to return increased to more than 200. It is denies the Negroes equal rights an epoch of wars and struggles or 23 of the total) were turned down because forces, the men responsible for the adoption of that the only solution was to or and wait for his sign. signal significant that none of the slaves in peace time and subjects them and conflicts.
this position by the then asked that it be ganize themselves to fight for that of the condition of their teeth. Among physicians, Before his tragic would summon him and whom they reached refused to to segregation and insult in the death at the hands of Stalin extended to the Navy.
their freedom. He felt that he others to action. He also said take up arms with them, an indi armed forces into which they are GPU murderer, the great revolu.
as among horse traders, it is commonly agreed In the Navy Negroes can become only waiters it was his mission to lead his black spirit were in combat and for action.
was a servant of God, and that that the white spirit and the cation that they too were ready being drafted for a war for detionary thinker, Leon Trotsky, that the condition of health of a subject teeth is a reliable criterion of his general health. The and cooks. In this way they are segregated into people in the struggle. He was that the black spirit was fight. It is also notable that although mocracy.
wrote All the great questions will one part of the ship. Instead of protesting this 11ke the other Negro rebels of his ing fiercely for freedom.
We honor the heroism and mili appalling condition of the teeth of these citizens be decided in the next epoch, arms it was their intention to kill every tancy of Nat Turner on the 10th in hand.
of New York can be fathomed when one learns and demanding that they be permitted into all time in that his philosophy was white they met, they made one anniversary of his death, and wel It follows, therefore, contithat the requirements for acceptance in the Army branches of the service, they asked instead for a queer mixture of superstitious ORGANIZE UPRISING interesting exception: a family of carry on his traditions in these nued Dr. Carison, that workers are ridiculously low. man must have a minia separate battleship, cruiser, submarine, destroy.
belief and a practical understand. Finally in July, 1831, he and non slaveholding whites.
troubled times by urging the work and farmers should avail themseling that nothing could help the four other slaves, Nelson wil er and airplane carrier to be eventually manned mum of three masticating teeth above and three slaves but their own organized liams, Samuel Frances, Henry SLAVEHOLDERS DIE ers, black and white, to learn the ves of the opportunity to obtain and officered by Negroes.
below. This means twelve teeth to a head, even efforts to end slavery. As a res Porter and Hark Travis, met to. OF FRIGHT military arts, to train themselves military training. Not only must if the teeth have been filled. And it means also, In this way they ask for complete segregation! ult, he was able to utilize the gether secretly and began to plan They were finally overwhelmed gle for trade union control of mill learn to protect themselves from how to fight for freedom, to strug American workers and farmers if teeth are accepted as a gauge of health, that They aren satisfied with half way measures. superstitions of the Negroes in the details for an uprising that by tremendous forces, who mowed tary training so that they will be the Hitlers and Mussolinis of a man can be less than 50 par and still be good Negroes are also barred from the naval aca arousing them for the fight for would begin at his master home. them down and hunted them in able to defend their own interurope, but even more important, enough for the Army.
demy. Instead of demanding an end to this and liberation.
Joseph Travis, and then spread the woods until every last rebel equal rights for Negroes at the academy, they He not only knew how to read, throughout the area. There was was captured. Turner was tried ests and not those of their op. they must be prepared to defend pressora themselves from the menace of DISEASES OF POVERTY asked instead for a separate Annapolis in the but he had some knowledge of vague talk about setting up a and convicted and calmly went mechanics, and experimented in Negro government, but most of to his death on November 11, dec.
fascism at home.
Virgin Islands.
Next in order of frequency came disqualificamaking pottery, paper and fun their attention was paid to the laring he felt no guilt, that he The speaker then pointed to the Of course, it isn too hard to figure out why tions because of bad eyes. Twenty one percent powder. But in spite of this he practical details of the insurrec had only been trying to lead the Join the Socialist lessons of the French defeat. Pe.
the convention adopted this position. They knew changed masters several times and tion.
of those rejected (479 men) were turned down tain, Weygand. Laval and the slaves to freedom as Washington what discrimination and segregation mean to the Workers Party other democratic leaders of yesbecause they suffered from eye conditions which once was severely whipped for The plan was to kill the white had led the American revolution terday, upon whom the French the report admits could have been avoided if atNegro people but they weren thinking of the people depended for protection tention had been paid them earlier in life. Most Negro people. They were thinking about themfrom the foreign fascists, capitu. of the recruits did not wear glasses and had no selves, and their jobs, and their salaries as govlated before Hitler and established suspicion that their eyes were not good.
ernment employees, the present brutal Petain regime By telling the colored people, This is a good under which the French people significant commentary on the widely pubthing for us: all we need now is more of it and are oppressed both by Hitler and licized report that present recruits are on an by their own dictators. The only colored and our probler average two inches taller than those of the last effective defense against fascism ed, they attempted to keep in office the Adminwar is the fact that 15 (308 men) of the reis the seizure of power by the istration that signs their pay checks and wipes cruits examined were rejected because of stature workers and the establishment of its feet on them.
a socialist society.
deficiencies. Most of these were found to be unIn a withering attack on the derweight for their height, a condition which is WHAT IT REALLY MEANS By MARY DANTE munitions factory in Hades, Eng for two years at:10 shillings or child? Rest assured not the boss philosophy of pacifism within the especially alarming to military specialists, since But putting aside for a minute the sordid In a world today torn with 80 land, employing women workers, 12 shillings was considered quite government of England. She was labor movement, Comrade Carl it indicates a fundamental lack of reststance and motives behind it, let examine the proposal on cial strife and war, when hunger. Dante Inferno is nothing to the enough for these ladies, whose forced to go to work as soon as son showed the ridiculousness of marks such men as the first to break down its own feet and see how well it stands up. exploitation, and death in the boss noise, the force, the flare. pluck, endurance and gentle in she left the bed. Whom did she the workers hesitating to use physically when they come up against the rigors What people who support such proposals don war affect every worker home HEAVY MANUAL LABOR fluence have done much to win leave her child with? neighbor relative, or other children of the interests She exposed the fact arms in defense of their lives and of military life. large number of these men understand is this: The policy oj discrimination throughout the world, the role of In munition factories they were the war.
showed such signs of undernourishment that the woman worker becomes as im required to lift 50 pound boxes The boss knows who can get family. Most of the time the child that capitalism, against which they were potential candidates for tuberculosis.
and segregation in the armed forces places a portant as that of the soldiers. of material and in sugar factories, the most work from his workers. received improper care and was these pacifists do not protest.
stamp of approval on discrimination and segrega The boss war monger makes no 60 and 80 pound bags of sugar These better class ladies are subjected to all kinds of disease.
daily destroys with the utmost Complaint is made that much of the physical tion in civilian life.
Finally because of increasing distinction between the sexes. As No consideration was given to quite capable: yes, they are ac debility of American workers springs from their When Roosevelt endorsed segregation in the he makes a place for the working their physical condition. The fact customed to wringing every ounce protests and complaints, the Brit bratality thousands of the poor and weak.
faulty diet, made up in too large part of potato Army, he said in effect: Yes, Negroes are not man on the battlefield, so he that from this hard unnatural la of work from their servants in ish government was forced to and flour starehes and sugar, which provide surlike other people, they should be placed off on a makes a place in the factory for bor some women would not be the home. Naturally they had pass laws favorable to the young face energy and an unhealthy fatness but give an the working woman.
side, they are inferior, and they should be sepable to bear children or that all no scruples about overworking the mother. No woman could be em inadequate supply of the minerals and vitamins arated from white men in the Army just as they The first world war proved this: kinds of serious complications of women in the factory. It takes played within four weeks of givnecessary for real strength and resistance. If When wars are fought are separated from them outside the Army.
a mass their reproductive organs could de no more training to drive a working birth to the child. How genany of these military physicians cared to go In other words, the Jim Crow policy in the scale with modern equipment un velop was not even considered by er in the factory than it does in erous! Any doctor will tell us further into statistics they might find that the der the present industrial system the bosses. Very little or no mod. the home. The fact that these that a mother, especially one who The Chicago Local of the Army is based on the theories of inferiority of and men are needed for the batical care was at the disposal of fine ladies never did a stitch of has been subjected to overwork incidence of starches and sugars in the diet of work in their lives, let alone and under nourishment, should not SWP regretfully says farewell Negroes and the necessity for white supremacy.
tlefields, women are forced into these women workers, workers has a direct relation to the level of to one of its oldest and most Let Mr. Edgar Brown ask any Southern lyncher the factories to carry on the In the factories they were forc their not understanding the do. any strenuous labor for at of factory least two months after giving loyal sympathizers, DOCTOR wages on the one hand and the price of various or Ku Kluxer and they ll tell him that what work at home.
ed to eat in canteens where the multiple problems JONAS RUBY, who died on types of foods on the other, it is!
In 1914, when women were sug: food was of two classes. One for work and machinery, did not birth to a child. These were the October 20 of a cerebral the forewoman and one for the bother the British Imperial same saviours of civilization, Roosevelt, by announcing this policy for the gestod as non combatant sol hemorrhage.
worker. Conditions were very unists when they appointed these who tried to crush the Russian BOURGEOIS PRESS ALARMED Army, says to the owners of industry, to big busidiers, Lord Kitchener said, Wom Dr. Ruby selfless devotion ness, to reller officials, to movie and restaurant ens work will not be wanted. Our sanitary, sometimes no lavatories better class watchdogs in the fac Revolution which gave prospecto the needs of the working The bourgeois press, notably the New York men must fight and our women whatsoever being provided in the tories during the first worlative mothers in Russia a vacation slaughter.
proprietors, and even to some reactionary labor three months before and three class extended beyond the field Times, in commenting on the findings reported by must knit. Three years later a factories.
And all these ladies ask is ten months after giving birth to a Dr. Leone are properly alarmed at what the of his medical contribution in fakers: Sure, go ahead Jim Crowing them, the human being can stand so million and a quarter English to the sphere of politics where survey has disclosed. They are fearful of the government is doing the same!
women were employed in industry much and no more. So it was or twelve shillings, like the dollar child, with regular wages and comhe identified himself from the possibility that the army now being created may And Brown and his supporters elves in England. In November 1917 with these women. In one great a year, men on the Defense plete hospitalization.
earliest days with the strug be made up of men who are not physically now in the position of saying: Roosevelt is right, there were ten thousand munitions arsenal complaints in the canteen Boards.
Don be surprised if you find BOSSES RESPONSIBLE of the Left Opposition and the equipped to stand up and take it as a good Amewe don deserve equal rights, we should be segre.
factories employing mainly wom and workshop went unheeded unThe irony of all this is that the Fourth Internationalist move rican should. They grasp at the traditional straw gated.
en. The Birmingham shop alone til a real row was raised. Doris Duke, Brenda Fraxler, or ment.
employed 000. Other branches Stretchers and police were requi maybe Ethel DuPont Roosevelt, as responsibility for the inhuman when they point out that these men are, after Those who support this position now cannot of the English government em sitioned. We ll wager there were your forewoman in the factory treatment given the worker mothall, volunteers most probably largely from the complain about discrimination in civilian lifeploying women were: Admiralty kicked up by the working women, will know how to handle you ir lies with the same British boss many other real rows that were during World War No. They er bearing a war baby in 1914 unemployed ranks and therefore representative either. If a reactionary school bónrd in the North 3, 000; Agriculture, 84, 000: Muniof a lower level of living than the normal crosswants to send colored children to separate schools, cipal Trams, 10, 000. The War Or and many more women carried you complain about wages and who today is responsible for the Correction They have murder of thousands of these same section of the American population. The direct how will Brown be able to argue against it? All fice alone employed forty to any out on stretchers after being beat. hours and speed up.
Our attention has been called to had experience with their serv war babies who have been thousand in everything from driven by the police, which were never ants. While the women in the drafted into a war to defend the a misleading sentence in the story the could do is weakly say: All right, but don opposite is however the probability.
forget to give us colored teachers in the Jim ers and mechanics in France to recorded.
Dr. Leone himself records that these young clerks and gardeners at home.
After toiling all day under such factories are blessed with such brutal profit system of British Im of the need for trade union con Crow schools.
miserable conditions the English fine forewomen their husbands perialism. As you are born, so trol of military training which we men had volunteered for Army service because THROWN INTO FACTORIES mother came home tired and worn will be equally blessed in the shall you dle! Yes, every woman reprinted in last week issue they had thought themselves physically fit to LIVES OF NEGROES INVOLVED fight for the defense of their country. They were Women heretofore had been el only to face another one of her army with the James Cromwells, worker of England set a man free from the Northwest Organizer to become a soldier in the last The sentence, part the Organsurprised and annoyed at the rejections, having As long as the Negroes are separated from ther housewives or hired out to many problems: Feeding her fam Tommy Manvilles, and Roos war, and so it shall be in the izer editorial comment, reads: other considered themselves, in comparison the white soldiers, it is very easy for the labor one of the better class families ily on the ration cards. Porridge evelt Jr. as their officers.
second world war in England, Such a program would place the hating officer caste in charge of the Army to of England. Overnight they were instead of bacon and eggs, rice DEATH RATE RISES France, Germany. Al workers in the position of being men of their acquaintance, good physical specipick them out for special assignment and work: thrown into the factories. This und macaroni instead of meat, And what of the young mother ready the boss class of the United fully able to defend their own inmens. It is quite obvious that men suffering as labor battalions, digging trenches and latrines, was wartime (1916 18) and work margarine for batter, lentils as ing conditions were horrible.
The Aller in nearly every dish, practito be whose husband was at war? States is drafting the men into terests and would be rede best from pulmonary or venereal diseases or display ing noticeable skeletal defects simply do not norand as suicide squads, for the most dangerous work day was twelve hours, day cally no fruits, no milk for the Did the British government pro the army and the women into the sunrantee to capitalism against fascism, either the foreign or nawork, wifere men lives are thrown away cheaply. and night shifts.
baby. Because of the shortage of vide for her? This was wartime factories.
mally volunteer for Army service.
Let us not permit these lessons tive brand.
This was the practice in the last war, and it At dawn one could see the piti milk mothers were urged to nurse Prospective mothers worked unor 1914 to fall on deaf ears. Let This a misprint. The sentence Military circles express a vain hope when they will be the practice in this war, as long as the ful figure of the woman worker anticipate a higher physical level among the mass der the same conditions and same us learn the lesson from our Eng should read: Such a program No one told her how she was to hours during pregnancy as berish sisters and the American would place the workers in the leaving Woolwiek Arsenal after of conscripts who wifi soon be called for trainofficer caste controls the Army, and as long as Negroes are in separate regiments.
spending twelve hours under ar. get the strength and milk to nurse fore. Many of them were forced to woman of yesterday. Don per position of being fully able to de ing. Only then will the real ravages of malnutificial light and foul air. Her her child.
work right up to the period of mit the boss politician and class fend their own interests and trition and bad social environment become noticeHaving Negro officers for these separate regi. eyes were bloodshot, senses stun ARISTOCRATIC FOREWOMEN confinement. They had no other collaborationist labor leaders to would be the best guarantee able. Then we shall begin to hear the real statisments will not change matters in this respect ned and flesh numb from the The British were well aware of means of livelihood. Many of them wipe out the horrible memories against fascism, either the for at all. They won be able to prevent choice of tics on tuberculosis and pelagra, on syphilis, on night labor. At home undernour the terrible exploitation of these had other children at home to sup of the first world war with fancy eign or native brand.
their regiments for dangerous assignments at all. ished children, crowded rooms, and women workers who were driven port. In some factories as soon phrases and sugared words.
bone deformities and rotten teeth. Then it will Consequently, in spite of who the officers are, a day of housework awaited her. into the factories through econo as a woman was known to be When they call upon mothera become clear even to the officer caste that the In a report of the British Min mic necessity. The government pregnant she was discharged be and wives to send their men to separate regiments will not protect the Negro EXTRA EXTRA penalty for the last decade of intense depression soldier from the most important discrimination istry Investigating Committee we had dragged their husbands and cause she couldn turn out the defend democracy and civilizaread: Women day begins at sons to war. No, the British gov. work. Maternity hospitals were lion from the barbaric Huns. let Boro Park Social has been for by a serious weakening of the of all: a high proportion of assignments that 4:00 or 3:30 She reports for ernment took no chances when it rew, many women were forced to us fling into their faces the barendanger his life.
physique of the potential American soldier.
work at 6:00 works four came to appointing forewomen give birth to their babies in the barie treatment women received at Those who want to protect the Negroes from teen hours. It usually takes her (watchdogs) in the factories. workhouse. Skilled nursing and from these same boss war mong. OUR NEW HEADQUARTERS Under a workers and farmers government, insult and discrimination must join the struggle two hours to get home. She never Ethel Tweedie, English writer, mid wifery not available. Theers in the Inst war. Let us pledge not only would an imperialist war have been 3623. 15 Ave. Brooklyn for union control of training. This struggle alone gets to bed, before 10:00 or 10:30 (reactionary) in her book, Woman death rate in childbirth rose, es that tomorrow we shall tear from will abolish Jim Crowism in the Army, will Her housing is inade ond Soldier, says The best sort pecially among women bearing our backs the yokes of these avoided, but the present generation of young men Dine, Dance and Drink Beer quate. Married women preferred of forewoman and they have 100 their first child. As the prospec bosses and fight along with our in a land of such abundance as America would create the conditions whereby Negroes will be FUN and PRIZES to work at night so that they to 400 girls under them are the tive mother received no pre natal men for a free society, a society have enjoyed food and decent living conditions able to enter any regiment, free of discrimination, could do their housework during better class ladies. The aristocrat care, so she received no post natal for working men and women! SAT. Nov. 16 9:00 that would have given them the healthiest bodies and officered by workers, black and white, selected in England, Germany, Britain and the day.
who is accustomed to rule in the care.
by the soldiers themselves.
An English writer describes a household. Twelve hour shifts Who supported her and the these United States.
in the world.
Dr. Ruby Dies