BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 9, 1940 TWORKERS Stalinist Henchmen Follow Lewis SELLING In Giving Support to Willkie THE APPEAL FORUM a lars Negro Resolution on War equals or with respundesirable asFor the right and segregation!
By LYDIA BYDELL the interests of Wall Street may The well practiced technique of Roosevelt. NMU. Your leadWrite to us tell us what going on in your part of the Dirtiest and most cynical of all be more open and outspoken, but telegram sending has been played ership needed more than ever.
the political opportunists trailing it is not more effective than that for all it worth in this com Count me in as one of those who labor movement what are the workers thinking about tell MINN. SPECIAL EDITION 22 house to hottee. Only two of in John Lewis wake are the of the Roosevelt Democrats paign of support Lewis new stand solidly behind you. Ed 10, 000 COPIES. us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops us out, and BOTH TOGETHER.
Stalinists and their CIO hench Must they now edit out the sen political betrayal. Not only every ward Cheyfitz. am in com and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn All branches this week will re. And this on 30 papers about ten men. Ever since October 25 when tence on page 13 which correctly kind of CIO organizational set plete agreement with your obšec ceive (along with their bills) a or more given away! That the print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open Lewis made his historical radio declares the Republican party to ap from organizing committees tives. Lewis Merr. Endorse sample copy of the Minnesota best ve done here at one time.
to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you betrayal of American lador, the be the party of the Associated through unions to state and re your stand 100 and urge all our Edition of the SOCIALIST We rather think your average do not want your name printed.
Kremlin boys have been outdoing Farmers and the open shoppers. gional bodies, but every Townsend members to vote for Willkie. APPEAL. 10. 000 of these special must be something comrades themselves in the art of double Do they still want to mouth the unit. Negro organization, farm (Utility Workers Organizing Com APPEALS, with a completely elsewhere would like to attain, dealing.
statement still impeccably true association and youth group mittee. Congratulations on your different front page designed for Worker Asks Information Demands Equal Rights The Daily Worker blossoms out. that both parties are war par where the could wangle en stand in refusing endorsement to the local campaign issues were GOOD WORK IN before its startled public one day ties, Day parties, parties of dorsement of a message got its Roosevelt because of his failure ordered by the Twin Cities two MILWAUKEE From Petty Bourgeois Be Extended to Women with a full page advertisement imperialism, reaction and hung. pat across to John shoulder to fulfill obligations and promises weeks ago. The appearance of MILWAUKEE, Wisc. Our for Willkie and a Voice of the er?
Even a number of AFL rank and to labor. Michael Quill. the impressive MINNESOTA sale of Appeals at Seaman Body.
Revisionist Group In All Fields People speaks up in the columns IN LINE WITH THE CP filers were persuaded to give The officers of this local will APPEAL climaxed a genuinely UAW. CIO has caused a ripple in of its brother sheet. Freiheit, The CIO NEWS of November Yolce to their synthetic enthuexhaust every avenue to convince Bolshevik propaganda campaign the plant and among CP ers who wondering how come. Whereupon reports some 5, 000 wires resiasm.
tion is correct. United Tubbet around the senatorial candidacy are powerful there, writes the Editor: Editor: the editors of Freiheit explain. ceived at Lewis office. 90 of PANEGYRICS TO of Dr. Grace Carlson new and youthful Milwaukee Workers. We shall do every Here is a copy of a letter have Equal rights for women is the The Communist party, they say, them acclaiming his stand. The THE LEADER All during the months of the branch. We have contacted a cannot be held responsible for list of signers of these love notes thing possible to make your speech campaign the large Minnesota leading militant who is very much sent to the so called Workers demand of every woman who un Party.
derstands that this need not be a sources and income throughout the reads like a roll call of Stalinist the source of inspiration for many possible for you to resign as pres. burder ordection worden en however, to say. He purchased several last ads by the Daily Worker. Editor Labor Action: the outstanding contribu man world alone, that some of since the paper was sold and is such well known figures as Jos look at their wording is a dead Industrial Union Council. as. When the 10. 000 Specials hit town, week and passed them around in to November 4, 1940.
nber of and now owned by two old ladies of eph Càrran, president of the Nagiveaway. Congratulations. forces in the Twin Cities were the plant John Lewis has just conclud culture of the world have been virginal political innocence enthe tional Maritime Union, Michael the most glorious and courageous that you have said and approve perlined to working class home it. We are planning a real Apon sociate myself with you and all mobilized to get every single pa members are reported to have seen publican Party, the more reacthere have not been more such died and turned up in her obit. Workers Union, Edward Chey. labor. wholeheartedly support Printing Pressmen. Berry, Mape of selected areas in working real concentration at the plant tionary tendency in American cap contributions is that there has unry as a member of the Com fitz, national executive secretary your objectives. Jurich, Inter These opportunists and lick.
class districts had previously been next week. Send on a report italism, just as Stalin made a not been equality of opportunity munist party. of the National Association of national Fishermen. We. spittles! How they trample each prepared, squads organized to of how it worked out comrades, with refor both sexes.
Stalinite stooge Len De Caux, Die Casting actionary tendency in world im editor of the CIO News, in its is. Lewis Merril, president of the Bledged our unstinted and whole other in the mud to get on the cover them. These squads leaped and don hesitate to ask if at perialism. Both Lewis and Stalin All through the campaign, the sue of November throws the United Office and Professional Win great leadership and go androgenerelt for principle and was over had successfully com operation at this end.
Republican party has pointed party line around like a rope Workers Union, Henry John Along with the policies as outlined concern for the basic political incomrades at the same time never JERS were prompted by purely oppor proudly to the plank in its cam.
ected in the most brutal and bupaign platform calling for the praise of Lewis and his great Packing house Workers Organiz. Packinghouse Workers officers, they have left only that cheap con of the center in their real. The artist. The paper beams with son, assistant director of the in this presidential election. terests of the working class. Now for a moment forget the problems ST. PAUL UNIONISTS ST. PAUL, Minn. The headrole. courageous leadership ing Committee, and Jurich. We declare our sincere belief sideration which is the one item money for the issue reached us line on the New Jersey Conscripment and revulsion workers are supporting Willkie. But the and constant wise guidance. president of the International that the millions of workers and in the backage of every opportun interests and arousing the resent chief reason why so many women real attitude of Willkie and his One after another of the second Fishermen and Allied Workers their families will. bring about hist: Who can pay me the most even before the bundles arrived in Lion Poll was a very attractive everywhere.
and third rank leadership of the of America.
cohorts is revealed in the text of CIO (known through sad experI an overwhelming defeat of to him shall sell out! Minneapolis. With that type of one for the Trade Unionists here. should now like to ask you petty. bourgeois revisionists who the campaign literature of the ier. ce to the rank and file as close out a different special edition ev Packing house Union, writes Wendell ery week. and they took the paper split away from the Fourth Inter neapolis, in which it is stated that fellow travelers if not actual eagerly and stumbled up the national because of its uncondi. Walkie, if elected, will appoint members of the comes for BUFFALO JOINS stairs reading it. The few who APPEAL ARMY spurned the paper were told by when involved in war with a capi. as a representative of labor in the ward in its pages with wreaths and garlands to place on the brow BUFFALO, Here other unionists that they were talist country the following ques cabinet, an honest, able and rep tions: and lay at the feet of their resentative labor MAN and they great leader, John Lewis.
capitalize it, just like that. Resolution adopted by the famous Secret Information Con how to be a waiter, cook or valet. write our industrious APPEAL of one of them, You ought to some more money on our bill. making a mistake. In the words In view of the reactionary Sometimes one almost feels they Political Committee of the Social cerning Black American Troops. They are not permitted to attend workers in Buffalo. Had a small read it. It would be good for policies and actions of John They are opposed to Frances have him confused with another ist workers Party. in which they cautioned the the naval academy at Annapolis. Red Sunday yesterday collected you.
Lewis in the present presidential Perkins, not because she is an ap opportunist betrayer of labor French not to treat Negroes as Negroes in the infantry are conflict, does the CIO still remain pointee of Roosevelt not because named Joseph Stalin.
since they used principally for two kinds of a worker organization. Militarization of the Unit might entertain work: as laborers in the labor the abuses of the armed forces all branches of the service, in If a CIO union, say the slons as she most certainly has HARRY BRIDGES United Mine Workers, led by Le not because she is tied to the De FOR WILLKIE battalions where they dig trench under control of the bosses which mixed regiments led by officers ed States, including conscription pirations.
Loudest and most obscene of poses before the workers in a cause the general staff fears soli It is because of this, and be es, fortifications and latrines, or impel the white workers to fight and generals of whom a proporwis, should initiate an attack up mocratie machine and not to the om a company union controlled by workers, but because she is a them is Harry Bridges who on more acute form all the problems darity between black and white gerous sections of the front.
28 suicide squads in the most dan for workers control of militars tionate share shall be Negroes!
training apply even more acute the bosses or their immediate November 1st stood up and did involved in the death agony of Stop using Negroes as laborers and lackeys!
agents, which side should we supOnly a small percentage of the to the Negro.
This is the equality of which his well known trained seal aet capitalism. The main political Soldiers in the same way a boss Negroes are permitted to become For the Negro worker as well For the full right of Negroes port?
Willkie and his colleagues boast officers, and they are Jim Crowed, the white worker then, the min to rise to any position in the With Lewis in control of To oppose an individual any. Industrial Union Council in San tactical approach were outlined tory, that Jim Crow continues in wartime as too. Regiments which are all Ne question today is taking control armed forces!
its leadership, can we assert in where, in politics, in business, in Francisco. He repeated for Will in the resolution on military the armed forces an extension of its use in civilian gro are usually officered by away from the bosses and placing For the right of Negroes, along advance that, as revolutionists, we science, in the arts or on the job kie benefit the little trick of policy adopted by the Chicago life in peace time. Nesto suffers whites, not Nekroes, and whitel it in the hands of the workers with other workers, to elect comunconditionally support the CIO because she is a woman is medi sell out he perfected in 1986 when Conference of the Socialist Work Consequently, the In any conflict with the bosses? eval. This is the method of the he conducted his labor agitationers Party.
white soldier regiments are never officered by through their class organizations, mittees to present grievances to the officers pertaining to condi. How could the cause of the fascists, not of liberals, not of under the slogan of Defeat LanThis resolution analyzed the does, and in addition he finds the Negroes. Negroes are not wanted the trade unions.
Since the Negro, however, hastions, including specific cases of don at all costs and used his falseness and complete bankrupt seneral staff adapting pence time in the higher councils of the Ar workers be best defended in such organized labor.
discrimination and a struggle? By remaining neutral? Minneapolis tion of the Maritime Federation ist, reformist, Stalinist and pacif. war and conscription as follows ever risen higher than the rank lite (that is, he suffers extra. on tend training schools for officers!
influence to postpone strike ac ey of all the old liberal capital Jim Crow to the conditions of my, where the Jim Crow policies a special problem in the armed Negroes to at.
Or by demanding, as a precondi tion for participation on the CIO velt, then running for a second the face of the death agony of OFFICIAL ARMY POLICY of colonel, and this exception was pression and persecution becausa side the removal of Lewis? Or term.
dictated by the momentary poli. he is a Negro. the Socialist capitalism. It analyzed their role by fighting against the bosses and ELECTION GRIEVANCE (4. The policy of the war Although not endorsing any in weakening and disarming the department is not to intermingle not because of any fundamental its general slogans as to express cal needs of the Administration Workers Party must so concretise their agents at the side of the WALL STREET CIO members, while explaining to Earl Browder stated in a radio candidate, Bridges made it very workers and turning them over colored and white enlisted person change in the rule.
plain that the most important tied hand and foot to their nel in the same regimental organthe special needs of the Negro in them the necessity of ridding speech that the Democratic or job before labor was to see that enemies. It pointed out that in izations. This policy has proved RIGHT TO DECIDE the struggle for union control of themselves of their reactionary ganization in New York aimed to Lewis remained as president of the lepoch of militarism great satisfactory over a long period of military training. This will make leaders, like Lewis. Because many Negroes it easier for Negro worker soldiers capture 200, 000 Communist votes How does your position on by keeping the off the bal. the CIO. Since John himself questions can be decided only by years, and to make changes would have had personal experience of to join in the general struggle.
ELECTION has already declared he will re military means, that the epoch produce situations destructive to discrimination and segregationi these questions of labor polities to cand thus assure victory for sign from the CIO presidency of the death agony of capitalism morale and detrimental to the flicted on them by backward as follows: These slogans can be formulated harmonize with your attitude of Roosevelt.
Indifference or hostility toward If Mr. Roosevelt cannot win obvious that Stalinist Harry is by the definitive victory of the declared Commander in Chiet, unions, a sentiment may arise in Abolish Jim Crow in the Army (Continued from page 1)
the analogous problem of the de this election without Communist asking for votes for the Repub proletariat.
Roosevelt, in a recent statement.
votes. Browder declared, he has lean candidate.
The course of the struggle for unand Navy!
fense of the Soviet Union?
dom of the press, will be attacked no right to win it at all. This is true for the work That is, in those branches of lon control of military traning End segregation! Stop shoving with greater vigor. The farmers The New Deal doesn like ing class as a whole, and applies the service where Negroes are ad. for the right of Negro soldiers Negroes into separate regiments and workers unless they begin If possible could have of authoritative answer from ever would have thought Roose me, wails Bridges, and wants with especial force for the Negromitted they are segregated into to choose for themselves whether where they can be most easily immediate steps to organize depeople.
your expert on this question, Pro velt was going to welch on the if haven got the support of Jim Crow regiments, and Negro they shall be in mixed regiments discriminated against!
fense measures will be herded fessor Burnham?
As long as the bosses control soldiers are not permitted in the orin all Negro regiments.
like fattened cattle into the People Front too?
Open the doors for Negroes in slaughter pens of the war for organized labor and military training, the Negro faces same regiments as white. This such a case we must pledge our Having thus belatedly admitted the same dangers as the white the policy in the national de selves to support the right of the which Wall Street intends the and only because his own misera worker: that the armed forces fense training program of the Na Negro soldiers to determine the National Defense Costs armed forces of the nation.
ble hide is in danger apparently will be used against his interests; tional Youth Administration and question for themselves.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 The Wall Street on the other hand. that not the bourgeois govern that the officer caste may capit of the Civilian Conservation ment but the strong fist of or plate, sabotaging the struggle of Camps. If the question of separate regi Agricultural Dept. today advised skimming off the cream from the ganized labor is the only guaran. the workers; that it will foe used Negroes are barred from enlist the bosses never give the Negroesate increase in food costs dur find profits increasing, new crops ments arises we must explain that consumers to expect a moder monster war appropriations will The following additional contributions to the Trotsky Memorial tee of protection to the trade to establish a military dictatorne in most of the branches of the the right to determine this ques. ing 1941. Meats, dairy and poul poration treasures richer than at Fund have come in this week: Milwaukee 00 the knife out of one side of the throw away millions of workers them from exercising free choice shunt them off on the side where Blus including most of the food any time since the last war.
Baltimore back of labor and plunges it into lives in imperialist adventures.
10. 00 in designating the branch of the they can use them for their own staples are in line for price inAs for the Stalinists who first New York 60. 00 the other by asking support for IN ADDITION: The Negro Service in which they wish train reactionary ends. Unlike the boss. creases.
supported Roosevelt with their Minneapolis 100. 00 Willkie.
faces the certainty that bossesing, as white enlistees are permites, the Socialist Workers Party Peoples Front policy and then ted to do.
10. 00 Newark SUPPORT LEWIS control will be used to maintain supports their right to decide this switched into the camp of Will 100 PERCENT and further the system of Jim other name for labor battalions. same time that we tell them we re Negro Engineers is only an. question for themselves. At the kie, they will feel the inevitable TOTAL 181. 00 Claiming that Roosevelt Crowism in the armed forces.
repercussions of their opportunThe few cavalry regiments of cognize their right to choose what Pittsburgh has just made a pledge of 10 heading toward a form of dieist policies: further exposure in the labor movement of their comBranch Quota Amount paid tatorship which will smash JIM CROWISM IN THE ARMY Negroes are principally used as they want, we sincerely and corlabor right to organize, he says (3. The system of Jim Crow. chambermalds for cadets and of ally urge them to join us in plete bankruptcy, stiffer blows in Baltimore 10. 00 10. 00 their direction from Washington.
Rockville 00 00 100 dent now in the White House straten very clearly to the desegno the military academy and the variation then the clinerima Nothing but a pawn in Stalin rious service schools.
Lynn 100. 00 75. 00 do this is additional proof that 75 you re well on your way to that the hypocrisy of slogans about foreign policy, further develop(Continued from Page 1)
Toledo Negroes are permitted in the we not only consider them equal 25. 00 50 kind of a set up. So far so good! war for democracy. But the Chicago and But then comes an unequivocal ruling class maintains Jim Crow infantry where the greatest num and brothers, but that we want a peace. It is by no means likely ment of the war will swiftly elimber of casualties occur, and to to be side by side with them in that the evacuation is by agree inate them from the political Indiana Harbor ism in the armed forces. For it 65. 07 The task before the labor San Francisco 100. 00 43 statement: am 100 in superannot wipe out this system in limited extent, the artillery. the the struggle against Jim Crow ment. It is far more likely that 35. 00 85 port of John Lewis on everyquartermaster corps and the med In short, we differentiate be Japanese are meeting all Detroit movement is posed clearly. All 200. 00 33 thing he said. Since Lewis was the armed forces without en cal corps.
65. 00 Chinese demand to demonstrate the class contradictions in the tween segregation under bosses Newark 150. 00 50. 00 339 heard to say that he favored the dangering the whole system of But they are not admitted into control, and self determination un terms can be discussed. Since greatly increased tempo. The very actual withdrawal before peace coming period will sharpen at Boston 100. 00 27. 00 27 election of Willkie, Bridges must Jim Crowism practiced in civilMilwaukee 00 00 20 take the next logical stop, which ian life. in industry, in civil the air corps, the marine corps, der workers control.
ernment in Tokyo a few months themselves will be at stake. If Flint 150. 00 25. 00 119 Prince Konoye took over the sova existencen e re se determinedThen wery New york 1000. 00 135. 00 It takes a man like Roosevelt, booth, in housing, theaters, res the signal corps. the chemical war right of the second. It is partago, there has been a disposition they follow a bold policy, striking 14 Los Angeles recede from previous Japanese out courageously with a militant 150. 00 20. 00 he theorizes. to be a dictator taurants economically, political fare service. These branches of of our program, but is not a Gela 13 Minneapolis St. Paul 1000. 00 because a Willkie never could. Ily, socially. The capitalists fear the service are completely lily for extensive agitation at this peace terms and to offer the 100. 00 10 program on the road for an inNew Haven Chinese removal of some garri dependent labor party and a 20. 00 00 What is there to stop him that NO NEGRO TRAINED TO white.
No colored men may enlist time.
10 We must take the occasion, Who is Willkie anyway? Does PANDEFULÀY GUN BARULD branches may even transfer to wherever possible, to show why spesent weathedra South China prebe workers and farmers government 10. 00 00. 00 00 Cleveland 70. 00 00. 00 00 he have less Wall Street backing THE OLD LIFE OF BASCRIMthem as white soldiers are often it is that the officer caste insists recent withdrawals may be part they can play an inestimable part Hutchinson 10. 00 00. 00 on separate regiments (to keep scious of his class role in support FRANCHISEMENT AND IN INATION, SEGREGATION, DIS permitted to do.
in the preservation and develop There remains another hypoth ment of civilization. If they folIn the Navy, the same general the workers divided to make it Philadelphia 30. 00 00. 00 00 Pittsburgh is followed, although life easier for them to assign the Ne esis: the withdrawals are delow the Lewis Hillman Green 10. 00 00. 00 of capital against labor than SULT. AFTER TRAINING IN shop does not permit ex kroes as a group for dirty or dan signed as pressure on the nego type of politics, it will mean their Roosevelt? Bridges, Stalinist bePortland 10. 00 00. 00 trayer of the working class, does AN ARMY WHERE HE WAS Quakertown 00 00. 00 00 clumsy job of white washing TREATED AS AN EQUAL acel a dime terá o procedure Negroes emo use work, to reenforce the sya Hators at Moscow, a warning that certain doom. Under the policies Reading 00 00. 00 00 Attendants division, can rise no life. We must point out that well as south in case of need. strangled as the trade unions St. Louis 00 00. 00 Street alternative candidate In the last war, when Jim higher than officers cook or stew. success in the struggle for mixed Further, they might be designed have been strangled in Europe.
Youngstown 50. 00 00. 00 00 for the presidency.
Incidentally. Crowism was also the estab art, cannot become petty officers regiments can protect the Negrocs to weaken the Soviet hand at Against the venal politics of he also puts the in an em lished policy in the forces of the or chier petty Officers. Conse from special selection as a group Chungking.
the trade union bureaucracy must TOTALS 3, 397. 00 640. 07 19 barrassing spot in respect to its United States, the general staff quently, they receive lower pay for dirty or dangerous work, can In any event, important devel. be organized a nation wide drive Election Platform of 1940. pub fears that the Negro soldiers ratings and are denied the oppor unite the soldiers and build up opments portend on a front that for trade union control of miliBranches which have not made pledges up to date are as lished before Lewis made his deal might become instilled with ideas tunity that white men have to solidarity of Negro and white, an is likely to be of even greater tary training, for an independent follows: and speech. Will they suppress of equality from their contact learn and practice a trade. While help to undermine the system or importance from the standpoint labor party, and for a workers Allentown, Fresno, Houston, Oakland, Omaha, Rochester, Sac the sentence on page which with French soldiers reached the cthers learn mechanics and other Jim Crowism everywhere. of American workers than the and farmers government ramento, San Diego, Seattle.
reads, Republican advocacy of point where they sent out the in useful trades, they can learn only (6. It is clear then that all war front in Europe.
WINS ANOTHER an IN leaders.
TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND GREEK RESISTANCE 50. 00 150. 00 Akron 00 00 00 00 in