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FOR SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal TRADE UNION CONTROL TROTSKY MONUMENT OF MILITARY TRAINING Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 45 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1940 267 FIVE (5) CENTS WALL STREET WINS ANOTHER ELECTION Carlson Campaign in Minnesota Points the Way No Labor Party On National Ballot WEST COAST Greek Resistance Slows Down Italians SHIP TIE UP Training Camp STILL FIRM News Blocked By Censorship to Wins Leviton NLRB Election Labor Only Road Is Organization of Bethlehem Steel Third Term Heralds TROTSKY ON THE Union Leaflet Japanese Withdraw Independent Party Blasts Lewis Hope Beginning of Basic GPU Watch for the next Nov Brings Arrests Forces in South Flash!
For Deal Changes in Politics ember issue of FOURTH INPart of China At Ford Plant TERNATIONAL Out of 551 precincts in Twin Cities, 509 with complete returns Featuring the article on John Lewis reasonable The refusal of the American SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3show voting as follows: trade union bureaucracy which Leon Trotsky worked By GEORGE STERN hope that his support of The Pacific Coast steam schooner Carlson 2179 launch an independent labor parstrike continued this week with FORT DIX, Nov. Re from the first of June until Willkie would be rewarded by DEARBORN, Mich. Nov. The Italian war machine has Thomas 1647 ty during the past period bore the deadlock unbroken, following ports that a strict censorship is the time of his assassination: a reasonable deal with BethThree weeks after the Cirevidently not been able to main Aiken 968 Cirtain the same kind of schedule Browder lehem Steel, open shop foe of rejection by the unions of Sec being exercised at the Army post its inevitable fruit at the polls The Comintern and the cuit Court of Appeals upheld the that Mussolini has always boast Out state returns not yet avail 719 the CIO, was sent glimmering Tuesday with the re election of a retary Perkins arbitration propohere have been circulated in the principle of free speech by aled he imposed upon the Italian able.
as Eugene Grace, Bethlehem boss government.
press. The reports include the ruling, in the Ford Motor NLRB chairman, announced through The second world war now With 47 steam schooners of the charge that releases of news.
case, that Henry Ford has the railway system. The degree of rethe press on October 31 that flaming over Europe and the Far right to distribute anti union liter sistance offered Coy the puny forecoastwise trade tied up, members paper correspondents are cenof the Marine Piremen. Marine sored, that only authorized officthe firm is not negotiating East likewise saw its reflection in es of the Greeks has of necessity MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Nov. 1Electric Union ature. with the CIO.
the election. For the first time Cooks and Stewards, and the Maers are permitted to speak to ters of the United Auto Workers not been great, but it has ap in a stirring appeal broadcast Grace added, to make the in the history of the United rine Engineers are on strike, the newspapermen, and that the enCIO union were arrested for dis parently been great enough to early this evening over station Sailors Union of the Pacific lock listed men were being deliberateStates a president is serving his trituting pro union leaflets at the prevent Mussolini mountain WLOL, Dr. Grace Carlson, candi point emphatic, that the Beth.
third term.
ed out.
ly prompted by the army author big River Rouge Ford plant.
troops from making it an easy date of the Trotskyist Anti War lehem bosses still held that a signed contract was not a The election returns show that Anticipating increased governities to write home and present jaunt over the Albanian passes. Party for Senator from Minthe masses are far more disment pressure on the unions fola favorable impression of condiThe arrests occurred Friday, Meanwhile those who necessary part of collective were nesota, called on the workers and when United Auto Workers organ watching Turkey to see what farmers to east their votes lowing the national elections next tions in the training camp.
turbed over the world situation bargaining. This is the bosses than they are over breaking preizers and members attempted to would happen got their answer against the oppression and violThese reports brought a denial week, the shipowners apparently way of informing Lewis that hand bill Ford workers as part of last week from President Inonu, ence of capitalism and for the he can still cook and serve the cedents. But the unceremoniousForrest, have gone back on their im from Colonel Herbert NEW YORK, Oct. 29 fax. the big Ford organizing campaign who announced continued Turkish socialist reconstruction of society.
broth for their table, but will ness with which masses plied promise of a increase. chief of staff. Forty fourth Divi orable settlement of the nine which the union is trying to get neutrality despite previous by supporting her candidacy to continue to eat out in the kit.
brushed aside the no third term The boss press has insistently sion. In his denial. Colonel For week old strike of 1, 500 workers under way.
custom points directly to more raised the phony national de rest disclosed that a special pub of the Leviton Manufacturing Co.
chen by himself.
pledges of assistance to the morrow.
profound changes in future polifense wail, and the shipowners lic relations office and officers electrical supplies firm, appeared day after Municipal Judge Lila continued concentration of Ger speech of the most vigorous mtThe latest arrests followed the Greeks in case of attack. The Dr. Carlson, in this wind up tics in the United States. The has been safely tucked away the to facilitate the dissemination majority in an NLRB election, in ANTI PICKETING death agony of capitalism has begun to have its effect on the government will move in and turn of accurate facts to the many designated Local International wolving Thomas, UAW. pres: Bulgarian border and the conducted in this state, declared: political consciousness of the on the heat. Capitalism is a great des STATUTE VOID newspaper correspondents on the Brotherhood of Electrical Work ident ruled that the anti hand stantly repeated threat of a direct workers and farmers.
the Marine Engl post.
ers, AFL, as their collective barn distribution ordinance was uns German attack on the Dardanellestroy Without the slightest doubt a neers, instead of holding fast to clear call for an independent He added, Any authorized gaining agency. With 98 percent constitutional. Thomas case was may mean that the Turkish stand ure millions of young men mur. IN OREGON the sort of united union front newspaper man may get items of the eligible Workers voting dismissed by Judge Neuenfeite on will avail little. When the diplos dered in its bloody wars, but each originally proposed by the Sailors ordinary news value from the 1299 voted for the union, only 70 born ordinance requiring a license the Axis drive for the Near East men, women and children die labor party from anyone of the Union of the Pacific, have reduced PRO and items of questionable SALEM, Ore. Oct. 26 Ore such as Lewis, Green, etc. durleading trade union bureaucrats their original demands.
nature will not be supplied until Mass picketing of the Leviton toime leaflet passing had been inwe will continue at the Nazi pace. needlessly because of the failure gon reactionary anti picketing ing the past year would have The unity proposal of the sup, authorized by the division PRO. plant has been continuous kindelsdated by the state supreme court.
which would bring the unions to Indication, that some restriction She likewise stated the union gether to act collectively as they is being exercised in the provi August 22, when the strike be must be protected in its rights of Meanwhile on the Far Eastern with the means of life adequate two years ago, was declared un magazine among the workers, redid under the old Maritime Ped Sion of news, especially from the after the management had re these granted Ford by the of new developments of consider and proper medical care.
ovigan. The walk out was called corresponding to front there are ample indications food and clothing, warm houses constitutional today by as 1de leasing a burst of enthusiasm cision of the state Supreme that would have undoubtedly eration, has been met only with ranks, is given in Colonel For fused all demands for union re Circuit Court of Appeals decision. able magnitude. Last week JapScoring the tragic irony of want Court.
nude such a party a major conthe phony Stalinist excuses of the rest additional statement, cognition, wage increases and imThe decision was undoubtedly tender in the national political Bridges machine. News correspondents are ex proved working conditions.
While Dearborn officials an anese forces began a systematic amidst plenty, Comrade Carlson The agreement which the sup tended every courtesy to interThe company bitterly fought the nounced their intentions of ap withdrawal from the south China said, The United States is the the result of a protest campaign hende proposed was: view. specific persons or inspection, and attempted to run scabe pealing Judge Neuenfelt ruling province of Kwangsi. Nanning, foremost capitalist power in the initiated by the AFL, CIO and It is hereby agreed among the parts of the area, with the PRO into the plant. Hon october 15, the to the Wayne County circuit the provincial capital, was reoe world, but she cannot Insure lives Railroad Brotherhoods almost im. rest of the Wall Street lieuten following unions: SUP, MFoW, or qualified officer remaining management called the local arate court, in an effort to secure an cupied by the Chinese. few speace and plenty for the Amermediately after the statute went ants remained mute until the presidential campaign reached Considered the most stringent the last laps then came out for unions pool their efforts to secure or inspection. Few army priv. in establing some scals allegedly tending that a local Justice was Kwangtung island base of Wal world sold is in MM and MEBA, that the with them during the interview director and asked for police aid mjunction against the unton con days. later evacuation of the con people. Two thirds of the into effect.
anti picketing and anti strike law one or the other of the capitalist not the proper official to deter chow. was announced. Rumors vaults: American Warehouses new agreement on the steamates can be expected to speak of draft age, holed up in the plantmine so important a question, soon. multiplied these evacua. bulging with surplus food, Amer. of its kind the statute prohibited parties. Green advised the workschooners and that no union or their grievances openly before by the pickets, to leave unmolestunions shall return to work until their officers, for fear of punished in order to register for the the latest 25 arrested unioti men tions. Chinese reports said that can cotton srowers destroy acre almost every form of picketing ers to let their conscience the all unions secure new agreements ment or reprisals.
draft. The union exposed this Justice, Leo Schaefer, who or soon be reoccupied. Similarly in plants, yet conethird of the mua phrase that served to outlaw follow if their conscience resatisfactory to their own mem The staff also announced the move as an attempt by the com dered all to stand trialer Pullera Central China the Japanese were thon is ill. fed, ill clothed and in every strike by permitting the jected the boss parties on the bosses to tag a jurisdictional ballot.
berits further agreed that no police with a special division for scabe not out of but into the plant. was not binding that a ruling from Yochow and Ichang, far: and misery of modern society as talled the rights of the unions to launch the drive for an indepenExposing the roots of the wars label on it and drastically cur remarkable opportunity to official, union or unions shall sub counter subversive activities. From the start of the Levimit any point in dispute on the This usually means protests ton battle the management raised from a higher court was neces thermost points reached in last rowing from the soil of capital. Taise funds for political purposes dent party of labor was thus sary.
spring Yangtze river offensive.
steam schooners to arbitration of against bad conditions.
Ia howl about national defense. Continued on Page 8) or aid to sister unions.
The current explanation in the knifed in the back.
any type or form.
THE BOSS ANSWER press here is that the Japanese As in previous elections the It is also agreed that this This was the answer the UAW. are preparing for hostilities çampaign was completely dom agreement shall be binding upon Wall Street Profits Soar the Headquarters and the Branchcial protection when it an. against Hongkong, on the South tical parties, the Democratic and es of all unions signatory hereto.
nounced Thursday, after Thomas China coast, and the naval base Republican. As in previous elecand it is fully understood that in Bethlehem Steel profits for the Steel, which recently received the tended to defy further attempts it is reported that many of the case was dismissed, that it an. at Singapore. In support of this tions they had no fundamental the event that any union or un shird quarter of 1940 have sonred sanction of the Roosevelt adminisin prevent union leaflet distribu evacuating forces are being contesting the intolerable Jim Crow on and kicking around we receive for either of them was a vote for Because they wrote a letter proter as a result of the treading differences in program. vote ions violate this agreement before to percent higher than the high tration. The District Court all untons have agreement satis est pre depression corresponding of Appeals two weeks upberations by a big turn out at all Ford centrated on Hainan, island off conditions in the Navy and here (without being able to do the bosses and their rule.
factory to their own membership. quarter, in 1929, Eugene Grace a series of NLRB rulings against sates the next day at P. the South China coast.
sent it to the Negro press, 15 anything about it. But the election platforms of However such a move would young colored messmen on the In explaining why they were the two parties were likewise as rute to arbitration or any type for the three months ending Sep the Wagner Act. This decision bits bandbill passing on certain such extensive Japanese with clapped into the bris, according ter. regardless of any action the differed an iota on matters of agree to submit any point in dis nounced last week. Net profite ing it with a plain violation of the arrests have been based proht not be enough to explain in itself Philadelphia have been signing their names to the let tonishingly alike. Neither of them shall be released from this agree pared with the 1929 take of 11, expressed policy of the federal ad. the word alaeeongestionarea urbon Foldings war situation has been they are being punished, ac bo, they said: was. nullified in advance by the streets, mainly those leading to drawals from Chinese fronts. to wires received this week by the Navy authorities may take or capitalist policy either foreign or whatever the consequences may domestie. Both favored peace, ment. We only know that it could Deal reforms, both claimed Loth favored the so called New the Stalinists have replied only the new Excess War Profits tax. war contract awards.
To this proposal of the sup, taxes, including allowances for federal labor laws are no bar to cus congestion has usually been the liquidation of the stalemate cording to the Courier, because precipitated by the ganging up in China in order to free Jap they used the democratic process not possibly surpass the mental themselves friends of labor, with evasise exeuses. The Voice That this profit is just chicken In addition to the war profits of Ford service men on any anese forces for further adven to appeal against their mistreat cruelty inflicted upon us on this both asserted big business would ment.
of the Federation, organ of the feed to what the coming months made by Bethlehem Steel. the union agitator who happened to tures against the British.
not suffer if they acted as its CP waterfront machine, declares will bring to the Bethlehem cou New York Times last week disappear.
To this end a considerable ef In their letter of protest (re In the Navy, evidently, impri representative in Washington.
this week in an editorial titled pon clippers, is indicated by closed its compilation of the pro At the time of the court ruling fort has been made in recent printed in the Socialist Appeal of sonment is the reward for com. The campaign consequently re Hang Together or We ll Hans Grace further report that orders fits of the first 150 leading cor in the Ford NLRB case, CIO lead months to get Gen. Chiang Kai Oct. 12 from the Courier) these plaints of any kind. If you re volved on secondary and tertiary Separately. disunited labor movement, end of September totaled 1, 123, first nine months of 1940.
on the Bethlehem books at the porations so far reported for the ers and press had hailed it as a shek to talk peace with the Jap boys had related the story of dis being kicked around, you ve no issues even looking at it from the The great union victory, Ignoring the anese. Chiang, who clearly crimination against them as Ne right to say anything about it. viewpoint of Wall Street running off in different directions 081, 930, or virtually four times net aggregate income for these portions favorable to Ford, the see a Japanese American clash in sroes on the ship, how their job even in a letter to friends outside The re election of Roosevelt at the same time despite the fact the back log of 288, 521. 487 on 150 corporations was 341, 971, 003. union officials pointed to that the offing, has been in a position opportunities were curtailed and The officer caste, which runs er: that we all want the same thing. June 30. This tremendous in an increase of 31. percent over part of the decision ordering Ford to take a stiff stand. In all prev, their chances for advance in pay erything in the most autocratic and development of his policies means the intensified application better wages, hours and conditions crease in orders is due entirely the 259, 124, 379 reported for the to cease interfering with union ivus parleys and presentations of and rank far more limited than way, won like it.
towards plunging the United. can never preserve unions in to government contracts: Bethle same period of 1939.
organization, indicating that peace terms, Chiang has always those of the white sailors.
Only the struggle for union States into the world war. The this day and age.
hem Steel has received 28 30 per. Republic Steel showed a 224 per constituted a major weapon in or demanded Japanese evacuation of They were treated as sea going trol of military training will election of Willkie naturally These are weasel words of the cent of all naval contracts. cent profit gain. Jones and Laughganizing Ford Chinese territory. This, until now, bell hops, chambermaids and dish abolish Jim Crowism in the armed would have made no diference on most obvious sort, in view of the The latest reported Bethlehem lin Steel gained 2, 110. percent. The this score or on any of the other Stalinist actions in the steam profits are 250 percent greater Libby Owens Ford, the rationes ehete presente arrests are evidence the Japanese have always refused washers, their work limited to forces.
waiting on table and making beds Only a system of union cond problems facing the American If the Bridges than the 5, 377. 470 melon cut in monopoly, whose executive head, mit to the court rulings without It may be, however, that the for the officers, tions in the armed forces will per capitalist class.
controlled unions mean what the the third quarter of 1939. John Biggers, is on the National a fierce battle. The problem of present withdrawals are part of They complained that in the mit the men through their com The drive against labor and its Voice says for them, all unions These phenomenal profits are, in Defense Commission made 7, 314, organizing Fordt still is one which the latest Japanese attempt to last nine months there have been mittees to present grievances con past gains will be intensified.
involved in the schooner bect part, a direct reflection of the 781, or a gain of about 100 per only the direct action of the auto woo the Chungking regime into. nine mess attendants given soli cerning their conditions, without Civil liberties, free speech, freewould now be acting in unison. open shop policy of Bethlehem cent. Patriotism pays!
workers can solve. Continued on Page 2) tary confinement on bread and wa fear of reprisals. Continued on Page 2)
Cho roceed to complet for eta arance the British, in particular Negro Sailors Put In Brigliente e emocrite palia SPEAKERS: Celebrate RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Friday, November JOSEPH HANSEN Former Secretary to Leon Trotsky P.
the 23rd Anniversary of the FARRELL DOBBS National Labor Secretary HEAR An Analysis of the Significance of the Russian Revolution Have the gains of the Russian Revolution been lost under the Stalin Regime?
What is the role of the Soviet Union in the present war?
Irving Plaza MURRY WEISS Organizer, Local Nest York 15th Street Irving Place New York City