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Ten Days That Shook The World AUnion Paper On Military Training Negro Struggle Leon Trotsky, 1879 1940 Lewis Shifts Parties But Not Basic Line By LYDIA BEIDEL Lenin, 1870 1924 It is twenty three years since By ALBERT PARKER the birth of the USSR, the first proletarian state. And it is twenRoosevelt Promotes Davis ty years since the death of John THE NORTHWEST ORGANIZER, weekReed, quthor of one of the finest Two weeks ago in this column we drew at.
dramatic records of that birth, ly organ of the Minneapolis Teamsters Joint tention to the failure of President Roosevelt to Ten Days That Shook the World.
Council, published the following story in its The figure of John Reed adOct. 24 Issue in order, it says, to illustrate promote Col. Benjamin Davis, Negro officer, to the rank of brigadier general, as he did with venturer, reporter, dynamic Amerthe need for adequate military training of scores of white colonels at the same time.
ican youth plays a unique and workers under the control of the trade union highly symbolical role in the In it we declared what everyone acquainted movement. We reprint both the story and greatest of all historical crises, with the situation knew that the Army is a Jim the comments of the union paper.
the Russian revolution. His reCrow institution, that it does everything it can bel spirit, batting about in a strug An American non commissioned officer relates to prevent Negroes from becoming officers, and gle against the restraint of tradia personal war experience which casts considera that it sees to it that they don rise higher than tion in the literary arts, gravitat.
ble light upon the cheapness which life attains the post of colonel.
ed unerringly toward Russia in in time of war. During an attack in the Argonne Now, however, Roosevelt has promoted Davis 1917, the focal point of revolution region, ajout a month before the Armistice, the to be a brigadier general, the first such colored against every aspect of the senil.
ity of capitalist society. The addetachment this officer was in, received orders officer in the Army history, Venturer in him sensed that here to take a particular hill, known as No. 252. It Does this mean that there has been any change he could be part of the grandest appears that this hill was of some importance in the Army Jim Crow policies? Does this mean of all human adventures.
as an observation point. It lay somewhat to the that now there will be equal rights for colored side but in the general direction of the main line HE GREW WITH THE soldiers, that discrimination against them will of advance. Had its capture been allowed to wait RUSSIAN REVOLUTION end, that they will receive a proportionate number for the main advance, the artillery would have of officers posts?
But history, in its moments of cleared its fortifications and would have made Look at the facts, and you ll have to answer: creation, distils out of every man the finest in him for the future an attack less hazardous. The orders, however, No.
Seco to cherish. John Reed, adventur were clear that Hill No. 252 was to be attacked In the first place, whatever happened to Davis, er and romanticist though he may at once, and was not to wait for the main line.
the recent ruling of Commander in Chief Roosevelt have been, could not fail to see The hill was encircled with heavy shrubbery that there shall be Jim Crow regiments still rethat he as an American was not through which were cut several narrow passages.
mains in effect. That means that Negro soldiers alien in Russia in November, 1917.
As small units of men dashed through these paswill not get equal rights, that they will still be Hearing and seeing Lenin and sages they were mowed down by planted machine used for laborers or suicide squads, suffering all Trotsky, he perceived that this guns. It took many casualties before these deaththe insults of the Negro hating officer caste that upheaval of a decayed society was spouting nests were muzzled by the force of the runs the Army and will continue to run the Army but the beginning of a universal phenomenon which must remain human bodies which piled up on them. Finally, even if Davis is a brigadier general.
incomplete until it had run its no more than about fifty men reached half way Every anti Semitie firm, every big business out.
course and embraced all of man.
up the hill.
fit that refuses to hire Jews, usually has one Jew kind. He saw more clearly than on its office staff, to be pointed to as an example many a politician of his day that There they halted. They were close enough to of their unprejudiced hiring policies. This one On this 23rd anniversary of the Russian Re this was a class and not a na.
the enemy to be greeted with liquid fire and Jewish employee is used as window dressing to tional event volution, we would also have saluted our Comrade cover up the rotten general policy.
He played his role in the Rushand grenades. To advance further meant certain Davis is going to be used as the window dress Leon Trotsky on his 61st birthday. The Russian death, but by this time retreat meant equally sian revolution and then, with ing of the Army, for a time, to cover up the certain death, for they would have faced their Revolution has been hetrayed by Stalin and the the simple acceptance of an indisclan or theorist but simply as a That of all the figures of those sensitive, intelligent rebel. Yet ten days it was Stalin whom they putable fact which characterized he epitomizes some of the finest call the greatest genius of all vicious anti Negro policies of its general staff.
own artillery which had been advancing in the life of Trotsky, one of its chief architects, was all the Russian Bolsheviks, hast aspects of our revolution. His time, who completely escaped meantime. It was imperative that a message But even more important than this reason is snuffed out by one of Stalin assassins. To the liv.
ened back to the United States audacity is an inspiration to all John Reed attention and record!
the fact that election day is almost here.
should be taken to General Headquarters, about in 1919 to carry the revolution American youth. His understand that the name of the executioner a mile behind the line.
ing tradition of that revolution and the rich revobeyond the place of its beginning ing of the worldwide implications of all the old Bolsheviks could Vote Catching Move by helping to form a communist of the Russian beginning is a re he smuggled into this great work, lutionary heritage of Trotsky we re dedicate our party here.
In the last month Roosevelt has lost considerproach to every Stalinist maligner with its laudatory introduction During their slow climb to the present posiselves for today and the future.
John Reed came to the revolu of the permanent revolution. His from the hand of Lenin, only via able votes as the result of his statement on Jim tion they had dispatched at frequent intervals tion not as a proletarian politicevotion to the founding of a pareditor notes in the back! Let Crow regiments. He has taken a heavy walloping five different messengers, but as no relief was from most of the Negro press on it, and from the ty to serve as an instrument for them explain John Reed conin sight, it was assumed that they must have extending the revolution is a pat stant coupling of the names of for his attempt to make it seem they perished. The narrator and the lieutenant of the tern for every member of the Lenin and Trotsky throughout his had approved this policy.
company volunteered to try their luck on getting Fourth International. And he has book.
In many states the colored vote may prove a message through to headquarters; by one of ieft as a deathless contribution How Jack Reed would have dedecisive. Consequently, Roosevelt has attempte to the history of man struggle spised the Stalinist record of panthose rare miracles both men got through exby promoting Davis, to repair some of the fences tor freedom a clear and inspiring dering to the most putrid parts hausted but unhurt.
he broke himself.
record of the first act in the re of the decayed body of capitalism!
General Headquarters was housed in a dugout As proof, we point to the date of the announce making of the world. We salute How his rebel soul would have about thirty feet deep. staff meeting was in ment of his promotion: October 25th. This is his memory.
shuddered at the sterility which progress when the messengers arrived. The narjust in time for the last issue of the Negro weekly THEY REMEMBER HIS DEATH che present day Soviet bureaucra rator recalls particularly vividly the rough brown papers that will appear on the news stands be Support of Willkie, Like Support of Roosevelt, Is WE REVIVE HIS WORK sy tries to pass off as proletarian boards which served as a table around which the art! How he would have wept fore November It thus gives him the final officers were seated; the flickering, shadowy light Last week the Stalinists com that they could build Betrayal of Interests of the American Working Class punch in the campaign, in even the papers that memorated his death with a meet monument in America to of two small candles; and the tap tap tap oppose him and support Willkie.
ing. These people are always saf hoot licking and the Cossack water dripping down upon the boards; for the The general staff of the Army won like it, scene formed a weird contrast to the fire and din By JOSEPI HANSEN est commemorating deaths. There knout of bureaucratie censorship even though they recognize it as a necessary po.
males who might question Wallis no fear that the one whose and call it by his name the John he had just emerged from.
litical maneuver that won change anything fun.
In coming out in support of Wendell Willkie for the pre Street dictatorship.
memory they insult by their vie Reed Clubs! Let them celebrate sidency of the United States, John Lewis did not betray the damentally. But they won worry too much. For Lewis discloses his absolute ious perversions truth may the death of John Reed. We shall He thought of the contrast as he crouched Davis is 63 years old, and will reach his retirecelebrate that part of him which working class to any greater extent than if he had come out again bankruptcy as a labor leader rise up and answer back.
for Franklin Roosevelt as he did in 1932 and in 1936. That necessary conclusions to the fol John Reed neglected to mention them try to explan why cannot ever die: quietly and unobserved into a corner, leaving his ment age July So Roosevelt will get his votes is what must be understood clearly first of all.
TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK superior officer to recite the plight of the men when Davis gets his promotion, and a few months on Hill No. 252. He remembers wondering later when Davis gets his walking papers, the gen. What is most noteworthy about Lewis espousal of Willkie the in paescription de makes of even once the name of Stalin! THE WORLD.
cause is that it is an astonishingly naked display of the absolute today finds itself: whether he was alive or whether he had died that eral staff will get the pleasure of being 100 lilyday, as he had seen so many of his comrades die, white again.
bankruptcy of the American trade union bureaucracy before the The Administration spokesmen development, the socialist system last vestige of the rights of labor.
crucial political problems facing Although the appointment of Davis is partially and was now in some strange world of darkness forget to say what will happen of production for use instead of the working class.
they are prevented from voting to economic America when the profit.
What must be done? What is and ghosts.
a concession to mass protest, it is primarily a vote catcher. It is no reason for relaxing the fight about the war in which the United calculations of a capitalist politi in foreign nations and the 70, 000, DOESN LEWIS SEE THE needed now, is not political cow What shall the workers do and hence don enter into the 25, 000, 000 men now under arms ards coming out for Willkie or Jim Crowism must still be fought by workers, He was soon, however, awakened to reality States will soon become a millian? Willkie attitude toward 000 citizens who service the ar DANGER OF FASCISM HERE? seeing trade unionists who can Roosevelt, but courageous and far by a lively argument which ensued among the colored and white, in the armed forces, as well as tary participant? Should he sup the Negroes is the same as Roos mies, are returned to peacetime Surely it should be obvious to stand up and face the issues squar officers. He was particularly impressed by the. in civilian life.
port it or struggle against it? evelt hound them, persecute pursuits. The manufacturers of Lewis that Wall Street, in order ely. What is needed is a new How shall he struggle against it? them, segregate them.
America will then have to com to compete with the capitalists leadership that understands it is eloquent, almost tearful, pleas of the Colonel of What shall the worker do about Lewis stumped for Roosevelt, pete in the remaining world mar who are now locked in military elther Fascism or Socialism and the regiment who urged a discontinuance of the attack on Hill No. 252. Do you realize, the Judas Goat Dunjee the increasing militarization of handed over to the Democratic kets with the quantitative produc conflict for domination of the who will come out militantly and the United States which has now campaign hundreds of thousands lion of foreign nations, whose world market, will attempt to boldly with a real labor program.
Colonel argued, that it will take 5, 000 men to Judas goat is one of those old, hardened. registered some sixteen million of dollars out of the union treas workmen will occupy the relative crush the American trade union Anything less then that means capture that hill? He emphasized the number to well trained animals used in the stockyards to men for induction into the army ury in order to make sure that economic and social status of movement, thus reducing the the doom of the labor movement indicate that he regarded the risk grotesquely How shall the workers secure mi Roosevelt gained office. And he chattel slaves.
lead the sheep up the incline. When the goat American workers to the econo in the United States.
litary training but not at the did this, in 1936, after four years Where will our country then mic and social status of chattel gets to the top, he steps aside, but the sheep keep price of being enslaved by the re under Roosevelt of injunctions sell its goods? Surely not in Eu slaves.
could have done a treright on marching until they run into the butchsctionary officer caste? How shall and court decisions against labor. rope, nor in the Baltic or Medimendous service for labor if he The General with whom the final decision It was this contradiction of cabad laid a plague on both the ers knives. Then the goat comes down again, the workers win trade union con strike breaking, tear gas, thugs, terranean areas. Surely not in pitalism dynamically expanding rotten and perfidious houses of rested, did not reply at once. His fingers drummed and is used over and over again to lead more un ditions in the armed forces. National Guard bayonets.
Africa or the Orient. Surely, it productive forces in a narrowing Wall Street. Lewis could have upon the rough brown boards; the others waited suspecting shoep to their end.
Lewis does not even pose these is obvious that South American world market. which faced Ital given a great impetus to the widein suspense. Then the General rendered his verRoscoe Dunjee, about whom we had a few questions. He mentions that VOTING FOR EITHER ONE Roosevelt program is bankrupt. IS VOTING FOR WAR y the ian capitalism after the last spread sentiment for an Indepen.
dict. In a well composed but determined voice things to say last week, is the editor of The cheap labor products of the worla world war.
The capitalists there dent Labor Party if he had come that the New Deal failed he said, Well, if it takes five thousand men, Black Dispatch in Oklahoma. Last week he wrote a single one of the problems from Now Lewis asks labor to sup. United States of America.
commercial adversaries of the succeeded in imposing their solu out and said what is obvious: what of it? We ve got em.
an article asking that all Negro newspapermen be tion that is, fascism, which that both Roosevelt and willkie which the country was suffering port Willkie, whose program exempted from conscription. Why? Because they in 1982. And then Lewis says, against labor is identical with THE WORKERS MUST DRAW started its horrible and bloody pre riding the armored tank into had been very valuable, he said, in getting the The NORTHWEST ORGANIZER prints this If not Roosevelt, whom do re that of Roosevelt Lewis coula THE OBVIOUS CONCLUSION. task by smashing the labor move war, that war under capitalism is Negro people to accept the draft. And if these ment.
commend. why, of course, not have given more treacherous Lewis in these words touches inevitable, and that the only thing story to illustrate the need for adequate military very valuable newspapermen are drafted, he feels, recommend the election of Wen advice if he were in the direct upon the insoluble contradiction It was this contradiction of ca. to do about it is launch the strug training of workers UNDER THE CONTROL the newspapers will be weakened, and may not be dell Willko. Of course! pay of those who shot down the in which capitalism in its death pitalism which the German Imsle to put a workers and farmers OF THE TRADE UNION MOVEMENT, the sort able to do such a good job in the future.
perialists staved off by installing government into power in WashAs if the program of this utilities CIO strikers in the Memorial Day agony finds itself. He does not of training that can equip workers themselves magnate were something different massacre at Chicago.
Hitler. They wiped out the last ington.
Roscoe Dunjee is a Judas goat who has led elaborate on this theme nor fol remnants of the labor movement The militant trade to command troops. If every worker became exfrom Roosevelt program!
unionists Lewis speech in support of an low it to its inevitable concluhis followers up the incline of the Jim Crow in Germany.
pert in the use of all sorts of arms and in the must begin using the speech of draft. But he doesn want the same fate as the LEWIS NAMES THEM ONLY other four years of capitalist dic. sions. To do so would be to ex command of troops, you wouldn see the brutal tatorship is a curious monstrosity pose himself in the eyes of the It happened again in Spain.
Lewis as a club to smash all the sheep. He wants to be excused so that he will be TO BETRAY THEM disregard of the common soldiers as shown in in reasoning. He speaks against workers as an agent of the bosses pretentions of the henchmen of safely on hand to lead more sheep to the butchers What about unemployment? Are war with a shudder as if he real trying to lead the workers to the pitalists, faced with this sameGf the American working class. relation to each other as existed between the In France and England, the ca Lewis as serious political leaders every battle engaging the armies of today, which knives.
the desperate unemployed, 9, 115, ly hated it puts the men and the officers in about the same He mentions the rolls to vote for their mortal en contradiction, instituted a milita000 of them according to Lewis fact that war kills off the vigor emy.
figures, to continue to marehous males who, it permitted to The capitalist produces not for which regimented the labor move Independent Labor Party with a ry form of capitalist dictatorship They must begin organizing an slaves and the slave holders of less modern times.
meekly between Republican Hoo live, might question the financial use, but only in order to sell and ment and took away overnight all labor program. They must no equipment and instruction at the disposal of the The United States government places army Forty Dollars Head vervilles and Democrat social in exploitation of the race. Lewis make a profit. If there is no mar.
When a colored man is even suspected of killvestigators forever? Why, of then proves that Roosevelt poli.
ing a white person down South, all resources of more e says Lewis, recom. cy is directed towards military houses, the factories close their through decades of painful strug. longer hope that Lewis or his six employers, so that they may train at Plattsburg will do this job for them. We mend the election of Wendell participation in the world war the capitalists set about to gle.
to equip themselves to command the workers in the state are used to capture him. Rewards of soldiers uniforms, just as they command the Willkie.
Now the labor movement in the must roll up our sleevs and do thousands of dollars are offered, blood hounds and workers in their factories.
posses called out, and the victim is given short And the 45, 000, 000 people, ac Roosevelt like Lewis hates war. slaughter entire populations, blow United States faces the same ter. the job ourselves.
cording to Lewis figures, who are After listening to Lewis, and his up billions of dollars worth of narible and inescapable problem.
Is there any good reason why the United shrift when he is caught.
States government should not agree to do the But it is different when the victim is a colored. What should they do? Continue program, which is the same as going hungry in the United States advice to vote for Willkie war tonal riches in their fight for Vet Lewis demands that labor markets.
shut its eyes and vote for one of same for the union movement.
to go hungry under another Wall Roosevelt s, the laboring man The national wealth flows into the two candidates whom Wall HALLOWE EN It is now certain universal military conscripIn Washington, capital of the nation and Street regime, comforted by the should understand one cold fact the hands of an ever narrowing Street has set up to act as its exantry will envelop ithin a few weeks PARTY frontier of Jim Crow land, seven Negroes have thought that they loyally follow. If he did not already know it circle of corporations completely cutive officer in Washington.
or months. The trade union movement must sen to been fired on by a mysterious white maniac during ed Lewis advice as they did in that war under capitalism is ine dominated by a handful of capitalat Bronx Branch Headquarters What is involved in the coming it that when workers are to receive military 1932 and in 1936?
November 2nd the past few months. Five were killed and two vitable. All the pacifism of Lewis iets who perform no function in period is nothing less than the training, they should receive such training under injured.
Lewis addresses the Negroes, in the face of that fact means production whatsoever. At the rate of the entire trade union Socialist trade union control. Such a program would place Little effort has been made by the police to that is, the Negroes in the North nothing but treacherous blindfold same time the industrial machine movement in the United States. Workers Party ern States. How his heart bleeds ing of the working class and send becomes so complex, involves such American capitalism has reached the workers in the position of being fully able capture the maniac, who picks only colored vie.
With the comfor their votes! He does not even ing them like cattle into the an intricate organization, requires the cross roads.
857 Westchester Avenue to defend their own interests and would be the tims. total reward of 200 has been posted mention the Negroes suffering in slaughter. Voting for Roosevelt such a vast number of workers plete failure of the New Deal it (Prospect Ave. Station, IRT) best guarantee to capitalism against fascism, for his capture. That comes to 40 a head, or, one the Southern States under the or Willkie would not even change for its operation, is so highly pro now has no alternative but some Games, Refreshments, Prizes either the foreign or native brand.
twentieth of what a slave was worth 80 years Lash of the Bourbon whip. Why the date Wall Street decides upon ductive, that it is completely ripe form of capitalist dictatorship Admission 200 For Military Training of the Workers Under ago.
didn he mention them? Because for killing off the vigorous for the next stage of society that will stamp out in blood the Trade Union Control!
to solve