BolshevismBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxNazismNon-aggression PactRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 2, 1940 Fort Dix Soldiers Win Demand For Better Chow TWORKERS FORUM Stalinists Supporting Pro Willkie Stand of John Lewis SWP Broadcasts to Minnesota Workers Hillman Merely Helped to Break Boeing Strike FORT DIX, Oct. 26 Recruits of the National Guard regiments, in training here, have won the first round of the classic beel of the privates over bad army food.
John Llewellyn Lewis, Masterfully restricted the liberties to be policies of the CIO is more imThey forced recognition of their complaint against the poor Totally disregarding the fact Opportunist, has taken his stand. taken with it.
portant to labor than the ques that Lewis did nothing of the Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the preparation of the food, and in a number of cases secured better And all the lesser and cheaper From the farm equipment work.
kind, it claims that the Myth of labor movement what are the workers thinking about. tell cooks of their own choice.
tion of who occupies the White Opportunists are dancing around ers union in Chicago (located in House for the next four years.
the New Deal, now abandoned and us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops number of the complaints were backed by the threat of a the huge black hole he made in what is known to Chicago work. This from the spokesman of a betrayed, had to be dispelled.
and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn letter home to my Congressman. which apparently proved a labor history, hoping to be able ers as the Little Kremlin on Oak party which is supposed to have some one had to stand up and print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open powerful enough suggestion to some of the officers, who want to somehow to break the fall they ley and Ogden) comes a statement as its chief function the politicry out the obvious truth: The to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you keep in good with the politicians for promotion sake. face when, in a moment, they leap which expresses Complete sup calization of the experiences King is naked! Lewis did it, and do not want your name printed.
in after him.
port for John Lewis leadership The ranks are not too backward in objecting to the new nonof workers Ed. The tremen thus far performed an historic Noisiest and most frantie of of the CIO but also declares that dous contribution of John service.
commissioned officers recently appointed. National Guardsman, these Althy and cowardly follow the cio affiliate would refrain Lewis to the creation of these Forgetting that Lewis, precisely talking to several of his buddies, was heard to declare, Why theers of false leaders is the com Worker Finds Soldiers Political Prisoners from endorsing any political can policies and to their fulfillment because he has played a role of captain must be off his nut to appoint such a for ser munist party, now confronting didate.
in real life is the best answer tremendous importance in the deMust Not Separate geant. He should have asked some of us guys beforehand for our the logical outcome of its policy Another such item reports that Have Little Faith to his critics.
velopment of the American Labor idea of the guy. We know the men from before they were in the of tagging along behind the hefti. New York leaders of CIO unions Efforts to interpret his de movement, is guilty in his supIu Holy War From Others In Jail army.
est and most unprincipled of la wired John Lewis approval for cision as determined by anyport of Willkie of a greater act bor big shots. This Stalinist cari his sharp criticism in Friday thing other than his desire to of political treachery than a lesser cature of a workers party has for broadcast of the Roosevelt admin better the lot of those who. Editor: Editor: so many years wantonly tossed istration on its pro war program, Daily Worker can find nothing bet: Last Sunday while attending a work for a living and of every Last week Appeal has an acaside all consideration for the but most of them made no endorter to do than turn the scorn inhabitant of our country are non political plenic in the County basic interests of labor that now, sement of elther Willkie or Roosresented by workers regardless which should have fallen upon Park, got in with some soldiers count of hunger strikes in the as it faces the necessity of openly evelt.
Lewis on those in the labor move from a regiment of the regular prisons of India over a demand of their political opinions.
Still another item indicates the supporting the most braxenly adfor better treatment for political park.
army camped in Six national officers of the Nament who, though not one whit don know much vertised candidate for Wall Street fear the has that Lewis act tonal Maritime Union, headed by better then he are certainly no After having a round of beer prisoners.
that Amer. can politics has ever of treachery will have inevitable Joseph Curran all Stalinists. of.
worse. The Daily Worker says: together, we got into a conversa about the situation there, but seen, it needs only toss three for and serious repercussions in the fered by telegram their full and There can be nothing but tion, and the boys were pretty immediately wondered what would mulae about in the air for a day ranks of the CIO. It quotes Allan unswerving support to Lewis contempt for the howls and epen about their opinions of army be the correct policy here with Grace Carlson, Candidate For Senator, or two and they pull out the one Haywood, national director of when he called for the defeat or cavilling against Lewis, which life. gathered that most of them respect to the conduct of political it wants for the line.
the CIQ and Michael Quill pres President Roosevelt and the elec come from the camp Roosehad joined the army only because prisoners, especially since we can It is of course from the labor ident of the Transport Workers tion of Wendell Willkie. al velt Labor lieutenants.
they couldn find jobs elsewhere expect an increasing number of Puts Our Military Program On the Air stooges of the Communist Party Union and ardent stooge, as ly Worker, Oct. 28. Their state Among these Lilliputians, They all expressed the idea that political prisoners with the devel that the statements emanate. having warned 200 delegates of ment said at a further point: We Lewis has stood forth as a they would rather have any kind opment of the war situation.
There are two alternative lines the Third Annual Convention of are sure that the great number of of half decent job than be in In my opinion, the political ofMINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 28 In used by these labor leaders. The the Connecticut Industrial Union Organized and unorganized work siant. They have grovelled at fender in prison should not disthe feet of the War Machine the army.
SUGARING first is reported extensively in the Council, against permitting pollors and their families will recogand would deliver Labor in They seemed certain that war tinguish himself from the com the second of a series of radio broadcasts, Grace Carlson, SWP October 27 issue of the Daily tical differences to divide union nize your (Lewis. sincere mowill come and that they will be mon criminal in any social sense.
chains for the reward of RooseTHE DRAFT Worker in the form of letters, ranks.
tives in their behalf and give you velt smile. Lewis has at least among the first under fire. ask There are class lines in prison candidate for Senator from HARTFORD, Conn. Oct. 21 telegrams and public statements ed whom they expected to fight also, and better treatment often Minnesota, gave The Socialist their support and loyalty which and what they thought they would means association with safting Speaking over Station WLOL to lense Committee of ConnectiThe State Joint Executive Deanade in the name of a number of ONE STEP FURTHER CIO unions securely under the In another set of statements, ap. you deserve in this fight. And nite gain as the price of Labor domination of the pearing in the October 28 issue of they conclude with pious hope yote, even though such bargain eut has finally hung sex resignedly that they didn know stool pigeons the rats gallery night Comrade Carlson charged the Daily Worker, the develop that Lewis action will bring is dubious and unsound, and angle on military conscription. that they could only do just as. and ostracism by the popula that the senatorial candidates of the other parties had no realisIt has ruled that the draft MERELY SUPPORT LEWIS ment of the line along its logical about an overwhelming defeat to dangerous for the future.
they were ordered. One thing tion.
nequivocal course toward open support of Franklin Roosevelt.
THE REAL LINE tie program against war. Their registrants girl friends may support of the great John but willkie can be seen. Lewis Mer ALIBI FOR LEWIS they seemed to be sure of they The political prisoner should be Toward Willkie the Stalinists wear the draft pins, given all pretends, with a very delicate ac rill, president of the CIO United would not be fighting to save de especially careful not to demand feeble anti war declarations, lackBut the official statement of the ing the necessary economie inthe soft jobs like working in the mocracy.
draftees in this state. This is cent, a hesitation about endorsing Office and Professional Workers itself, carried editorially in are performing the same function When asked then whether warden office, or waiting on ta terpretations of the causes of to encourage the replacing of his choice of candidates in this and mouthpiece, has this the issue of October 27, takes the as they did in 1936. Then it was they believed that the coming warble in the guards mess. de war, are as futile in this period fraternity pins by draft pins election. few samples of this to say: as the action of a man who tries in the ritual of campus love.
cake. It does not go to the length Defeat Landon at all costs e. ne are all that are needed, since would create jobs for them to mand for reading and writing If there is any man who of its stooges in the labor move elect Roosevelt. Now it is Up.
come back to or help the work material comes under a different to hold back the tide with a Sweet and glorious it is to the rest of them follow the for. has earned the right to counbroom.
ing class in general, they were in heading, but here again, the de ment but it makes up for that hold Lewis at all costs, e. elect lay down one life for love mula represented with such rigid sel the workers of this counagreement that there was little mand should be raised not as a Quoting at length from the young dream and Wall Street. ity that the must have sent try, it is John Lewis. The up of the real implications of the Wikle.
hope of jobs when and if they special one for political prisoners, Manifesto of the Fourth Internaout a sample statement and care vigorous application of the Lewis statement.
What scoundrels!
tional, she urged listeners to but as the right of any prisoner.
At this point one of the soldiers compare this forthright program Perhaps the demand for better against war with the confused, broke in with a reference to ffth treatment for the political prison misleading and utterly inadequate tely told him to shut up. that receive India Isa result of their declarations of the other candihe had been six years in the arthe others. That is most likely.
my and knew what he was talk On Monday, November 4th, at ing about. The latter then went It will be the case in America. 7:45 Comrade Carlson will Editor: Actually, in this case Hillman more heat generated against this supposed to be a powerful one, it on to tell of his bitter experiences larly brutal to conscientious ob on other issues of the campaign. est that read your article in the tion of permitting the men to Brown of the of only a named and from many more better title for him would be The prison guards were particu asain speak over Station WLOL It was with considerable inter local union never had any inten played along with President strike than against the other two is as yet far from it. m much while he was unemployed. After the discussion, he had a private sectors and radicals imprisoned At a meeting to be held in the Appeal of Sept. 21, analyzing Sid strike. The Company knew this secondary or auxiliary role to the sources. Not only were the gov.
during the last war. In every in Odd Fellows Hall in St. Paul on ney Hillman job as Knudsen all along the men in leadership Local fakers. Hillman: a Boon to Bungling conversation with me on the stance, however, the political pris November ist, Comrade Carlson stooge on the Defense Counell. As of the Union didn have any back ernment representatives yelling Bureaucrats. Right now, his whole question of what the war one should attempt to solidarize will speak on Proletarian am working at the Boeing Plant, bone.
to high heaven about National main preoccupation seems to be was about and what it would lead himself with the other prisoners tary Policy. She promises if elect your use of our recently liquidatea quist and his machine grabbed But the way that Lund Same In Marine Cooks Defense. but the entire appara publicity and to get his finger to, and insisted that contact him and be carful to raise no barrier to introduce a bill into the strike situation as an example at Madam Perkins request for about as far as Hillman work Coast was geared to the job of versies as possible if only as far So far as can learn this was tus of the CIO movement on the into the pie of as many contro again.
soldiers so open to this type of It seemed unusual to me to find between himself and them. true.
movement with military equip that the role that has been cur ous. Lundquist was very skillful of the Marine Cooks Stewards. Even the great Maritime Arbi. He has a long way to go, however Buffalo, discussion. It made me think ment and instructors so that the out for Hillman is as you say: To in handling this and all the other the last thing in the world that trator. Dean Wayne Morse, who before his authority will be as that possibly the army ranks will workers might receive their mill. Give (to the employers. How maneuvers by which the strike Burke, Cayton Co. wanted was learned the principles of Steve great as his position warrants.
not be the quiet sheep in the comtary training, not under the labor over, as you uncover the complete situation was liquidated and the to put their men on the bricks. doring and Maritime Layor Reing war that they appeared to be Join the Socialist hating army machine, but under story of the Boeing negotiations, agreement which by comparison Not only would that bring down lations while pursuing an aca ing situation was concerned, the At least as far as the Boein the last.
their own auspices.
there appear other facts which is lousy signed. So skillful was the wrath of their rother demie career at an Oregon cow Workers Party workers in the plant did not give Two election rallies have been may throw some additional light he, in fact, that the men began Bridges of the Longshoremen College, saw fit to let forth a de planned for Sunday, November upon Hillman work, or at least to catch on too late that it was but getting on the bricks would vastating blast against the Ta in to Hillman pressure, nor were 3rd. Dunne will speak at upon the actual stage of develop a put up Job between the Compaput the Cooks in a really good coma Longshoremen as being ton. The sell out, like charity, bethey maneuvered from Washingthe meeting at 919 Marquette Avement of this job.
nue in Minneapolis at 3:30 Your story says (after descrit. By now Lundquist has even re few obnoxious officials as well as against the Government.
ny and the Local Union Officials. position to settle accounts with a Unpatriotie and Striking san at home. Human Interfer Comrade Carlson will be the ing the situation at Boeing replaced some of the most classical the boss. What a relief it must ence doesn mean too much to the workers yet except where Rally which will be held in Forgether with the president of the used by the out house artists and have been to be able to have some Hillman Failed Here! the Union Leaders directly in.
esters Hall at 3:00 International Association of Ma poets in the Boeing wash room.
heat turned from Hillman! Yet not only did the Tacoma volved are themselves looking for However to get back to But set these two cases beside Longshoremen Strike, but ir an easy way out. Then the comTen thousand coples of a spechinists, first put through a ten (Continued from Page 1)
cial Minnesota Campaign issue of day truce and then maneuvered story both the company and be urged to give in while they the SOCIALIST APPEAL were the Union back to work with to Lundquist were afraid of the Wash. Here, the workers had granted: an immediate rehearing the totally different one of the spite of all this crap they held bination becomes pretty devastatAs he moved in Poland, in Fincan or may be bluntly told that distributed in working class neigh annet demands to be thrown to workers and that 97 strike vote. What would appear on the sur of their case by the Board. Not Seattle, Wash.
AIRCRAFT WORKER land, in the Baltic States, and in if they fight, it their own fun borhoods of St. Paul, Minneapolis Rumania, to push that frontier eral, not Stalin and Duluth.
Hillman Local Helpers would have been very difficult to face, at least, to be a beef not that Hillman did not attempt to a little outward to gain whatever Pact With Japan Johnson, Campaign Manager, What aetually happened was pull off. Lundquist would have nearly so good as either of the take credit for this settlement as defensive advantages he can Aircraft Worker is 100 coragainst eventual Nazi attack If Hitler appears to be agree said The workers received our that the Local Officials of the had either to permit the men to other two. They were striking well. However, he undoubtedly walk out or to keep them in by against an old NLRB ruling dehad little, if anything to do with rect. Where workers have halfIn each of those previous inle, Stalin will move in on the ly. Our only regret is that we did ing about wildly for some device such arbitrary and bureaucratie priving them of the right to bar it at all.
way decent local leadership, The moral of this story is Hillman strikebreaking moves ced in Stalin moves. As far as likely accept the new Japanese not have another 40, 000 for dis to hold the strike off. Hillman means that he would have been sain for their own members completely exposed. In either case giving Coastwise rights to something like this: don work at this stage of the he was and is concerned we may bid for a non aggression pact to great wind up of the campaign. Although his press releases he would have broken his pick. Bridges, ILWU. There was much 1) Although Hillman role is! game. EDITORS be certain that these concessions gain as much insurance as that to the Soviet Union are written offers of a pacified eastern down in the page of his private front while he uneasily watches ledger under the heading: To be Hitler on his western, and perrectified later.
haps soon, his southern frontiers Stalin Frozen Out?
The projected Soviet Japanese pact would then be followed by In the present case the obvious a speed up in Japan Asiatie One or two copies of the following This week, the following branches have made payments on acobject of Stalin concern would parallel to the Axis drive. Part of count: Detroit, 40. Los Angeles, 20. Toledo, 10. New York, 75. be the Dardanelles, the straits the preparations for fresh JapOUT OF PRINT BOOKS New Haven, making a total for the week of 147.
that join the Mediterranean to anese moves toward Singapore The scoreboard to date: LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18 Com cuts relief appropriations, Roosthe Black Sca. The total silence and the Dutch East Indies in munist Party members and sym evelt who beats the war drums out of Moscow and the evident clude a new effort to strike apathizers attending a meeting of American imperialism, DalaBranch Amount paid uncertainty in Ankara as the peace bargain with Chiang Kai: here addressed by James Ford, uler who prepared the surrender 00 00 100 Italian attack on Greece began shek Kuomintang and in this stalinist vice presidential candi. of France working class to the Germany. What Next?
Leon Trotsky Lynn 100. 00 75. 00 75 suggested strongly that in this effort the Kremlin is obviously date, learned from a leaflet of Nazi war machine, etc. Whither England? 50 Toledo 50. 00 25. 00 50 instance Hitler may well have already playing its part. If by the Socialist Workers Party, that told Stalin to keep hands off the threat of withdrawing support The appeal concludes: Chicago and 50 Revolution Betrayed the Stalinist leaders had con The reactionary drive will Indiana Harbor 150. 00 straits and to seek his leavings Stalin could get Chiang to come cealed from their followers two continue as the war machine of 65. 07 43 Bolsheviki and World Peace 50 in the northeastern provinces of to terms with the Japanese it offers from the for a American imperialism gathers San Francisco 100. 00 35, 00 35 Turkey, in Persia, Afganistan, or would spare the Kremlin the em united front to fight the Califor. momentum. Other issues will Real Situation in Russia 00 Detroit 200. 00 65. 00 33 on the moon, while the Axis takes barassment of openly abandoning na ballot ban against the Com arise in the near future, issues Boston 100. 00 27. 00 27 Our Revolution. 00 over the vital Dardanelles and its support of the Chinese cause. munist Party.
Newark 150. 00 40. 00 27 moves beyond them.
on which united action is pos3. 00 Problems of Chinese Revolution Flint The leaflets gained a friendly sible and absolutely demanded.
150. 00 25. 00 17 Whether this is the case, the But Chiang is not likely to reception, 150. 00 being thrown away Los Angeles 20. 00 00 13 My Escape from Siberia coming days or weeks will have nibble, not at a time when he can number of rank and file Stalin Communist Party to be vigilant We urge the rank and file of the New Haven 20. 00 00 10 to show. Meanwhile the press is actually see a Japanese American ists spoke to the leaflet passers to demand that the leader.
Historical Materialism. Nicholai Bukharin. 00 New York 1000. 00 75. 00 filled again, as in every other like clash in the offing and can look and expressed their approval of ship ceases its blind policy of Karl Marx Akron Franz Mehring 10. 00 situation since the war began, for more effective Anglo Ameri a united front on the ballot ban refusing a united front on issues 00. 00 Baltimore 10. 00 00. 00 Militarism and Anti Militarism 00 with speculation over the possi can support than he has hither issue. Many leaflets were care Karl Liebnecht 00 in defense of labor.
Cleveland 70. 00 00. 00 bility of a switch in Kremlin polito received.
fully folded and pocketed.
For the time being, however, cy. Wish fulfillments die hard.
10. 00 Portraits and Pamphlets. Karl Radek. 00 Hutchinson In this, as well as the previous 00. 00 Contrasting the eagerness of the Decline of American Capitalism In terms of his reactionary poli the center of the stage has moved Stalinists for many years to form united front appeals, the Socialist Lewis Corey. 50 00 Milwaukee 00. 00 00 cy, Stalin will not, dares not, to the Mediteranncan and there a people front with capitalist Workers Party pointed out that Minneapolis and cannot move against Hitler. He it is likely to remain for some groups, and their present reluc the ban was a blow not only at Life and Letters of Lincon Steffens 00. 00 has put himself and his regime months to come. vols. 10. 00) 00 tance to engage in united front the Stalinists, but at the political Philadelphia 30. 00 00. 00 00 in Hitler straitjacket and canactions with workers organiza rights of all labor organizations Portland 10. 00 00. 00 not quite so easily loose himself tions, the leaflet declared, Not in California, Quakertown 00 00. 00 now.
Choice of one or two rooms so long ago the Communist Party The Los Angeles Reading 00 00. 00 The Turks will at best meet a furnished or unfurnished in formed People front alliance branches are sending committees MODERN BOOKSHOP St. Louis 00 00. 00 blank wall in Moscow when they Bronx, kitchen privileges refri with the capitalist class and its to visit the members to disYoungstown 50. 00 00. 00 ask as they must be urgently gerator. Single or double Excel agents such as Olson who now cuss with them the significance of 00 New York City asking right now what they can lent opportunity. Write bans the from the ballot, La 27 University Place their leaders refusal to accept the TOTALS 3387. 00 expect if they fight. They may 116 University Place, o Kellner. Guardia who breaks strikes and united front. 459. 07 13 War Scene Shifts To Mediterranean TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND Coast Members Learn IN STOCK NOW of United Front Refusal Quota Rockville. 75 00 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00