BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

The Way of Lenin and Trotsky Is Still the Only Way Out!
23 Years of the Russian Revolution Socialist Appeal FOR TRADE UNION CONTROL OF MILITARY TRAINING 2267 FIVE (5) CENTS Twenty three years ago this week, on November 7, 1917, the workers of Russia established their own power under the Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International leadership of Lenin and Trotsky.
It was the first great break through in a war weary and blood sodden world. The triumph of the workers in Russia VOL. IV No. 44 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1940 opened the road to the fight of workers everywhere for peace, bread, and freedom.
In the days of October 1917, Lenin and Trotsky warned a thousand times that the Russian Revolution would stand or fall upon the success of accompanying workers revolutions in the the more advanced countries of Europe. In Germany, Austria, Hungary, and through the colonial empires of the great powers there was an answering surge of revolutionary struggle.
Trotsky welded the workers power in Russia into the Red Army that crushed or expelled one after another the interventionist forces of Britain, France, the United States, and Japan, and defeated and dispersed the White Russian puppets of the interventionist powers Kolchak, Deniken, Wrangel, Semenoff.
LEWIS DOES IT AGAIN; THIS TIME FOR THE REPUBLICANS of government only to preserver intact the capitalist evdex. War Scene Shifts To Mediterranean As You Go to the Polls Deals Blow To Labor Freedom HOW STALINISM GREW But elsewhere in Europe the power that fell to the workers was snatched from them in one country after another. Social Democratic agents of the capitalist rulers assumed the mantle. everywhere but in Russia. The victorious imperialists gained thereby the strength to put down by force or by guile the national and colonial revolutions in subject lands from Egypt to Korea. The Soviet power survived only in backward, war exhausted Russia.
An Editorial shift of the main theater of war to the Mediterranean sig.
In this festering isolation, Stalinism germinated and grew.
As you go to the polls this Tuesday, fellow Roosevelt, Lewis and his boys are yelling for The broad workers democracy under Lenin and Trotsky was re nifies the beginning of a new phase of the titanie world struggle workers, what real choice do you have in casting Willkie. The Stalinists, Lewis henchmen, are placed by the narrow petty bourgeois bureaucracy under Stalin. between British and German imperialism.
Hitler has apparently abandoned for the present any attempt to your ballots?
trying to make it appear that his supporting The firm, unequivocal revolutionary internationalism of Lenin crush Britain by direct assault, invasion of the British Isles. He is In a few places you can vote for candidates who Willkie is somehow more praiseworthy than Hilland Trotsky gave way to the conservative nationalism of the moving instead to isolate the British completely from the European labor movement. In New York you can vote for represent the independent political action of the man supporting Roosevelt. We say that there Stalinist clique. Stalin set out to build socialism in one coun continent and from the Near and Middle Eastern units of its empire. a number of local and Congressional candidates is little to choose between these two crimes. John Lewis has done it try a regime in the image of the bureaucracy, a regime To do this he has to make the Both Hillman and Lewis are selling you company again. The tawdry lies and arof the American Labor Party who are running union politics.
doomed, as Lenin foresaw, to be strangled between hostile im Mediterranean an Axis lake.
tificial enthusiasm that he on that ticket and on no capitalist ticket for And at this hour of the clock! At this moment worked up for Coolidge in 1924, perialist camps unless the workers of the world successfully in This is the ultimate objective of LOGIC OF the drive begun by Italian forces that reason they deserve your support. In Minnetervened by extending the revolution.
in the greatest crisis that has ever faced the Hoover in 1928, Roosevelt in sota you can similarly vote for some candidates human race! When, after eight years of the New 1932 and 1936, he has now The steady degeneration of the Soviet State that followed against Greece early last Monday STATESMAN of the Farmer Labor Party. In New Jersey you Deal, it has become clear to the naked eye under the rule of Stalin, produced grotesque deformities at home served up on behalf of Wendell Presumably the Italian thrust can vote for George Breitman, Socialist Workers no capitalist politician, party or government can Willkie.
and weighed like a leaden yoke on the revolutionary move at Greece is one point of a many.
Party candidate for United States Senator. In lead us out of this epoch of war and militarism.
OF LABOR ments abroad.
pronged attack. The Italian drive Up to the last moment, many Minnesota you can vote for our party candidate, This is the epoch of the death agony of capifrom Libya into Egypt and As the capitalist world went from crisis to crisis in the post toward Suez is certain to be reGrace Carlson, for United States Senator. And talism. But like a dying monster convulsively militants in the labor movethere are a few scattered candidates here and war decades, there came again opportunity after opportunity to sumed. At the same time Hitler FIRST PREMISE: threshing about, capitalism can deal us terriblement hoped that Lewis would check the capitalist plunge toward new and still more ruinous is dangling huge pieces of Africa With this gold the Republican there who are also running as representatives of blows in its death agony. It can even if we let not do it. They hoped that it, destroy modern civilization in the course of the Lewis would support neither of wars and to put the world back on the rails toward the new so before the nose of Franco to faci party attracts its spokesmen, it labor groups and do not appear on any capitalist Second World War, and plunge the remnants of the candidates of the two old cialist order so brilliantly heralded by the Russian Revolution of litate passage of German forces influences its newspapers. It ticket.
through Spain for an attack on loosens its flood of propaganda; But this list of candidates that you as a work the human race back into barbarism. The class capitalist parties. They hoped November 7, 1917.
that embodies capitalism can lead us to total that Lewis would utilize this destruction and to nothing else.
But in every case the narrow nationalism of the Stalinist the Mediterraneanwesten en nidler thoughts andere trecemos public can conscientiously vote for is pathetically dramatic occasion to call upon clique sapped the revolutionary vigor of revolting masses and Petain and Hitler Laval meetings means or foul, to debaach and nor the gubernatorial tickets, nor in a word To vote for representatives of this class, the workers to begin right now produced fresh defeats in coumry after country in Clutna; in flm was assuredly had a rendere helpline electorate as it cover more than a tiny fraction of the Willie Roseveltor Zilck, it doesn matter to build Labor own, indepen. Radio Address by John offices cast.
what his name is is to vote in favor of death dent party.
Austria, in Germany, in Spain, in France and in Belgium.
tion of Syria and other Mediter Lewis, Oct. 17, 1936.
Isn it a pretty shameful picture that, at this and destruction. That is what Hillman and Lewis ranean holdings of the French as SECOND PREMISE: hour of the clock, you can go into a ballot booth and Green and Tobin are telling us to do. Halfway through Lewis bases for the seawide operationsIn 1932 this party (Demo and cast a straight ticket for Labor own, indeTHE PRICE WE PAY Let us resolve, before it is too late, to change of an SWOC lodge. the whisp.
speech. reports the organizer The new world war of 1939 40 is the price the human race against the British.
This was not because of the vir pendent party and a labor program? You our course, and change it fundamentally. Let this er went around the hall: Lewis is paying for those defeats. The Soviet Union itself in the name Lengthy Struggle tues of the party, nor the talents wouldn dream of voting for the bosses man in be the last election in which Labor isn repre turning thumbs down on both of whose security Stalin strangled revolutions in all those coun From the standpoint of the war nor policy of its leadership. It an NLRB election in your plant, or in a union sented by its own party. Let us turn our backs of them. And there was a riptries stands today in the utmost peril of its very existence. in general. the Mediterranean of. was an act of a despairing popu election. You re not a company union man, you re on company union politics. Let us, from this ple of strong approval, even moment on, dedicate ourselves to building Labor from those who have been Workers everywhere have been herded into the new slaughter fensive of the Axis opens what lation; u population stricken by a loyal union man. Yet you re being told on all which is the only way capitalism has left if its domination over costly struggle. Probable Axis first magnitude; a population polities, you re told to vote for one bosses man is certain to be a lengthy and an economie depression of the sides to be a company union man in national own, independent party. And let us build it, not wearing Roosevelt buttons as just another party, but as the party of the handed out by the SWOC leadsociety is to be maintained.
CLASS that represents the only salvation for ership. That what they want.
ed to hear that the head of Has anybody in these fateful years shown the peoples of the issue until British seapower lectual bankruptey of the Repub or another Roosevelt Co. or Willkie, Inc.
And loudest among those who re selling you humanity. For only the rule of the working class the world any other road than the road of Lenin and Trotsky? useless. That will not be speedily can put an end to this epoch of war and milithe CIO wasn taking either John Lewis, in company union politics are the labor statestarism.
one of them.
Is there a way out in the program of bourgeois democracy? or easily accomplished. Times interview, Jan. 25, 1940. men. Hillman and his crew are yelling for But if these men were bitterly Nobody seriously believes that anymore, least of all the bour. In more immediate particular. THIRD PREMISE: disappointed, it was only because the As to the Republican party, they had harbored illusions about geois democrats. In Europe they gave way supinely to Fascism. war brings Turkey and beyond it Mr. Lewis said, it was not claim 66 don want to lose my boy. Lewis. They had come to think Now they are lashing us into this war on the strength of prom the Soviet Union once more to ing to woo labor and was indeed But the tears are in vain. Vain that Lewis was different from too, the laughter mostly hysteri illman or Murray or Thomises the same false, empty, hollow, promises that after it is the crumbling edge of the preci frankly hostile to labor.
all over they are going to erect some new kind of system. But pice. The Dardanelles lie right in. Report of John Lewis cal, invoked by the monstrouss, because Lewis had not joined jest that here at last is a job. the others in singing Roosevelt we heard all that in 1914 18. The democrats were victorious the path of the new Axis ad speech, Times, Jan. 28, Before the war is ended, there praises. But what did the differ then. They produced for us the shining, new world. of 1940. vence. The Turks face not only 1940.
the Italians crossing Greece but FOURTH PREMISE: will be heaped up mountains ofence between Lewis and the Is there a way out in the program of the Social Democrats? even nearer home have to calcu am serving notice upon the personal agony for hundreds of others really amount to? quesScarcely! They are the ones who helped the bosses fight the last late on the likelihood of German political parties in this country Within the hour in which Sec. Gonzales, of Brooklyn, when he millions. For them, the wretched tion of price. The others sold miserable war and they are the same ones who are helping to attack from the Rumanian Black and don expect anything retary of War Stimson drew the heard that he held the lucky and disinherited of the earth, cheap. Lewis held out for a big from the Republicans that Ame first fateful nunder of those who number. Whoopee! m in the there is no hope of individual zer price. And when Roosevelt fight this one and are mouthing all the old lies over again on Sea coast and from Bulgaria.
rica cannot be permitted to drift, will be called for the draft, the army now. he shouted gleefully, justice.
wouldn pay more for Lewis than behalf of capitalist rule.
What Will Stalin Do?
drift, while politicians merely news spread through all the back George is 25, single, and has been But there is another justice on he had paid for Hillman. Lewis Is there a way out in the program of Hitler? We know what For cooperation in the pre hope, hope.
tenement halls, down into the jobless for over year. Regular the way, not a personal but a decided to sell his wares to Wil. Speech by John Lewis, dime flops of the Bowery, back meals and a place to sleep lock class justice.
Fascism means to the human race. We have seen it at work in sent Axis strategy. Hitler has and forth between the dark win good to him.
Leon Trotsky saw his sons and Lewis shares with Hillman and Germany, in Italy, and in the countries conquered by Fascist France and a small share of the FIFTH PREMISE dows in narrow air shafts. 158! It tough getting a job these daughter die, the victims of a the rest of these labor statesmen armed might. We know that Fascism is the logical development spoils to Spuin. What, if any. Labor has no cause to feel The mother of David Nathan cays, bitterly exclaimed John bloody reaction. He wandered the the same outlook: they all ac of capitalist rule. We know it is the road back to barbarism. thing, has he done to assure any confidence in the Republican Goren, 23, of the East Side was Guerin. of Amsterdam Avenue, face of the earth, and lived in knowledge the capitalists as their Is there a way out in the program of Stalin? But it is the iet Union. Or, more exactly, has. John Lewis, Republican David suit pressed. The news first called. The employers are sought no personal justice, but in the political arena as a work program of Stalin that strangled the revolution throughout the Hitler reached the point where Convention, June 24, 1940. came to her on the street. The holding off, you know, on men of fought only for his class. To all ing elass fighter against all the world, deformed and all but destroyed the revolution in Russia. he may take Joseph Stalin ser. CONCLUSION: suit fell to the sidewalk. She draft age. They surely won give the anguished people of the world bosses. Like Hillman, Lewis disIt is the program of Stalin that produced the decay of the great vices for granted. Why, OF COURSE, recom wept hysterically. m just a me a job now.
revolutionary Communist movements that arose after the last relations with the bosses. Like war. It is the program of Stalin that has effaced all but the single proaches still another Soviet Willkie as the next President be probeer widow panid, they have to Mrs William Karachine, of the torical destiny, he gave this union methods, and prefent trade Hillman, Lewis wants above all Frontier, Stalin may feel fear the United States.
Roosevelt is doing to the coun. weeks ago. Her only son, Joseph Neither to laugh, nor to weep good relations with the capital.
remaining conquest of October the collectivized means of pro fully compelled to move again John Lewis, Radio Ad try.
22, holds the draft number, 158 But to understand.
duction. Continued on Page 2)
Ist government. Essentially they dress, Oct. 25, 1940.
Into the streets ran Georgel just lost my man, she wept, And then to act.
hink of gains for labor as crumbs from the master table.
OURS IS THE ONLY PROGRAM That mentality of Lewis was No, the only program that still stands is the program of especially revealed during his Lenin and Trotsky, the program of the October revolution of the speech when, after declaring for Willkie, he added:. it workers of Russia.
is a reasonable hope that these It is a simple program. It says that capitalism has outlived NASHVILLE, Tenn. Oct. 25 Scotch and Irish settlers who Tennessee and that is to see that The first Negro slaves arrived hands would not deign to do, gentlemen (Willkie support its usefulness as a way of organizing society. It says that capitalist powers can no longer produce for the needs of the world Negroes have done nothing to aid came here and shed their blood all men of draft age register. on the mainland of America at the Negro has poured his sweat ers, Girdler, Weir and Grace)
acting in their corporate capacor build up the United States, for it. White men cut down the white and colored, and don in. Jamestown, Virginia, in 1630, less and blood into the deepest founda ity, will soon execute collective people, can only build machines for war and can only wage war according to Governor Prentice trees, plowed the fields and de tend to have any trouble or con than a year after the first settlers tions of this country.
arrived in New England. From bargaining contracts with the for division and control of markets, of wealth, and of labor. It Cooper, and they are lucky to be veloped America. The Negro had rusion doing it.
The reports that last that time on the Negro people June in Brownsville, Tenn. Negro nothing to do with the settling of CIO. Thanks to my support says that the way out is the fight for a new socialist international able to live in this country.
Governor Ignorance Such was the reply given to America. Of course Negroes workhave played a great role, and par citizens tried to register to vote of Willkie that was Lewis!
order of society. It tells the workers to take power from their committee of colored citizens ed some, but they came to the plain meaning. capitalist rulers. It calls for destruction of artificial national bar that called upon the governor to scene later, after New England by the blood thirsty bigotry of his South, in doing the most coilsene in the November elections and.
What of the many martyrs who died on the picket lines? Presum.
riers on a socialist basis, their replacement by a rational world ask him to appoint some Negroes was settled. You fellows ought class, but his profound ignorance work in developing the country. Others were driven out of town what is wide production and exchange of goods. To each according to to the draft boards. He added. to feel proud that you are The Negroes played a leading to the economy of the south was by mobs. Governor Cooper did ably they died in vainhis need, from each according to his ability. And it says that This is a white man country. great country like America. It is Roosevelt or wolkie, as Hillman The majority of the working the best place for you and your part in the building up of the one of the prime factors in the nothing to try to catch the lynch really necessary is to support ers.
this can be achieved only if workers wrest the power from those population of Tennessee are people. Now, one important thing early colonial empire in America. background of the Civil War. orta and Lewis tell us. Governor Cooper thinks it all One beneficial result of Lewis that hold it today.
This is the banner of Lenin and Trotsky and of the Russian Governor Cooper remarks, reboys is to go to the stations and crew on Christopher Columbus War, the Negro workers, as the right for Negroes to register to speech for Willkie can be record Revolution. This is the banner of revolutionary workers the ported to the National Association register for military serv. co, be first voyage to the New World. official records show, played a die for America, but all wrong ed many union can lite record for them to register to vote and now understand that Lewis is no arrested and fined 10, 000 or put Italian, Dutch and English vesAs a hower of wood and draw. help choose the people who will better than Hillman.
world over. This is the banner of the Fourth International. Under for the Advancement of Colored cause of they don they will be From 1520 on. Spanish Portugese truly brave role.
this banner the program of November 7, 1917, will tomorrow This is a white man country. in prison until they work it out. sels poured Negro slaves into the er of water. something which rule over them. the Other articles on Lewis speech Governor Cooper lily whitel statement declares.
appear on pages and 3)
become the program of all peoples on the face of the earth. America was settled by English, have a job to do as Governor of West Indies. Neither To Laugh Nor To Weep وو Negroes Good Enough to Draft But Not to Vote, says Governor