BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

OCTOBER 19, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN The CANNOT EMANCIPATLA TERCE SKIN 1S BRANDED KARL MARX Workers Power Alone Can Defeat Fascism France Fate Shows That Democrats Cannot Lead Fight Against Fascism John Brown Ideas Go Marching On Negro Struggle ATTORNEY FOR TROTSKY WIDOW STORY OF GPU ASSASSIN By ALBERT PARKER By GERLAND Vistula, the sabre of the German, bourgeois democracy and they today, they alone remain to preA Victory On Paper (Fourth International Pro Service)
colonel rules supreme. Whether have fallen with it. new epoch sent to the workers an unsullied Every breed of bourgeois likes to constantly preach morals it is lit up in Prague or in Rot has arrived and it requires men banner. couple of weeks ago, before the conscription By INGRAM bill was passed, two amendments were made, to the workers. The collapse of France furnishes these gentlemen terdam or in Paris, any revolu in accord with its spirit, fighters Confusion is not lacking in the an excellent subject for sermons.
October 16, 1940, the date set by the ruling tionary explosion will immediate who know how to conduct a bitter ranks of the working class at the which were hailed by Senator Wagner of New You see, say some of them, national defense was com tries far more directly than was end.
ly be echoed in the other coun and difficult struggle to its very present moment. The first task class of this country for the registration of the York (and several unsuspecting and gullible Negro of the Bolshevik Leninists is to conscript army, is the 1st anniversary of John leaders) as a signal victory for the forces of promised by strikes, by the class struggle.
ever the case before the war. The French Bolsbevix Leninists explain patiently what has hap.
Others, of lesser stature, but no less dangerous because of democracy in America 11o.
Brown attack upon the arsenal at Harper Fercan Iny claim to that role. The pened. Just as the imperialist that, strike another tune: The French army was swarming with OUR COMRADES WILL LEAD struggle which they have led for war was not our war, so this de ry, Va. on October 16, 1859: One amendment was supposed to prohibit disJohn Brown plan was to arouse and arm the Fascist officers. and conclude by calling upon the workers FRANCE AGAINST FASCISM more than ten years against releat is not our defeat. It is a decrimination in the armed forces because of color, to save bourgeois democracy.
In France the military catas formism and Stalinism has found feat of bourgeois democracy, to slaves and lead them in the struggle for freedom.
so far as enlisted men were concerned, the other Yes, the collapse of France and the advance of Fascism overtrophe immediately marks the complete justification in the most whose fate the treacherous leaders His attempt was foredoomed because he failed to prohibited discrimination against drafted men. the face of all of Europe conprepare and properly organize the slaves in addownfall of the traditional party recent events. Our French com wanted to link the proletariat. It a defeat of a political system But actually, in spite of the statements coming vance of his uprising, so that only a handful tain terrible lessons and menac most bloodiess revolutions at that. Party.
On the Right, all sorts of the alliance of the workers organ of oppression which no longer joined him.
from secretaries in the White House, nothing has ing warnings for the workers. The Spanish workers were to tako Fascist adventurers are raising Izations with the Radical Socialist corresponds to the requirements Though he was unsuccessful and paid with changed. Jim Crow still wears his stripes. But the latter must look upon up arms somewhat later, in July, ther heads. But the best they Party, the party of decaying de of our epoch. The proletariat has his life for it, his audacity set into motion the This was definitely shown in the attempts of this tremendous experience with a Soviet France, their tr can hope for is to become agents mocracy. And it was the support another aim and other methods imagination, will and energy which finally attaina number of colored people to enlist in the service from the point of view of their umph in Spain, would have been of the German command. On the of these bankrupt bourgeois poli. Its aim is the overthrow of the since the passage of the amended bill. They want. class and know how to draw assured. Workers France plus Left, the Socialist Party has aban titans by the workers leaders system of capitalist exploitation, ed the freedom of the slaves, broke the backbone of the Southern slavocracy, and brought us a step ed to enlist so that they can choose the branch from it lessons for their com a Workers Spain would have doned every pretense to an inde which led up to the present calls methods are the methods of of the service they preferred, something that is ing struggles against the bour changed the face of Europe. pendent existence. The trade un tastrophe. The Trotskyists have revolutionary class struggle. It closer to the complete emancipation of the work.
IC Europe is now covered with lon leaders have rallied to Petain had 10 undergo ignoble insults and is but necessary to apply them ing class of the world.
zot permitted for drafted men, geoisie and its lackies.
the black stains of Fascism, those or disappeared into the void, like incessant persecution at the hands tirelessly and implacably and vic He first struck a blow against slavery on the In five cities, reporters of the Baltimore AfroWE NEAR THE END responsible are Blum, Jouhaux, Jochaux. These people belong to of the bourgeoisie, the social de tory is assured.
plains of Kansas. In the Spring of 1855, he had American attempted to join the Aviation Sept. 2, 1940 OF BOURGEOIS DEMOCRACY Thorez, and all their colleagues, other times. They grew up with Imocrats and the Stalinists. But sent his sons there to settle and help win the Corp. In each case, these colored men were met The biggest loser of the war is working class with false hopes in all those who infected the French territory for the free soll party. In May, his son with flat rejections. And in each instance the bourgeois democracy. In the years democracy. The workers of the and namesake sent the following appeal to old reason given was always the same no openings preceding the war, it underwent United States, the workers of the John Brown: While the interest of despotism has for colored men.
one defeat after another in the entire world will easily be able secured to its cause hundreds and thousands of Another reporter of the same paper tried to field of diplomacy. With Hitler to recognize in their own coun the meanest and most desperate of men, armed enlist in the field art:lery, a branch of the service holding the whip hand, the entire tries the counter parts of these BLASTS to the teeth. the friends of freedom are not that has been closed to the Negro people. There policy of democratic capitalism same gentry who, under different one fourth of them halt armed, with the result are no vacancies for colored, was the answer and waiting for a better future names, spread the same paralyz that the people here exhibit the most abject and he got which never came. In September ine polson. Learn to liberate David Alfaro Siqueiros, the We can expect that from now by doomed to death at his hands, cowardly spirit. We propose. that the antiAnother applied for admission into the 1939, England and France could time, that what the experience yourselves from these traitors in leader of the machine gun band on the friends and defendants of and the same of course applies slavery portion of the inhabitants should immediNavy this week in Washington, the capital of this not retreat any further and Hitler of the French workers cries out which attacked Trotsky home the GPU, who once upon a time to his friends whose opinions ately, thoroughly arm and organize themselves in great democracy. He was told that the only place allowed himself the supreme lux. to their brothers elsewhere.
on May 24th, 1940, less than 80 energetically propagated the coincide with those of Siqueiros, military companies.
open for Negroes was as mess hands, that is, as ury of forcing them to declare three months before another theory of self assault. will grab TRIES TO SHIELD GUILT Without hesitation John Brown set about securkitchen slavies. He protested, saying, was of war on him, under conditions THE GOVERNMENT OF of this new theory that the OF THE AND GPU GPU assassin, Frank Jacson. which he chose.
MARSHAL PETAIN was successful in assassinating attack was made in order to dising military supplies and in August left Chicago the impression that the conscription bill, either in Siqueiros anxiety to white wash This war was, on both sides, Trotsky, is now awaiting trial cover documents. counter re the Communist Party and the with a wagon load of guns and ammunition.
Hitler left a piece of France to fact or in spirit, had changed all this segregation. merely the continuation of the lead an fridependent existence.
in Mexico City for the first at volutionary activity, Shortly after his arrival he was elected captain Well, the officer declared, don know what polley carried on until its out. Not that he has any more love CPU is evident in almost every tempt on Trotsky. He was capof the anti slavery forces and led them in bloody can be done about it. We haven had any break. The great secret of Game for the French than for the Poles tured after a five months hunt.
SIQUEIROS JUSTIFICATION sentence that he utters. He plays reprisals on the pro slavery, sympathizers. In lin and the British General State or the Norwegians. He securea FOR MACHINE GUNNING urther orders. The conscription bill hasn Upon his arrest his leading role up the fact that he was expelled short time the mere mention of his name struck changed the situation for us. As far as we re was to temporize. By 1941, they for himselt all the necessary strain the machine gunning was Siqueiros presumes to justify from the Communist Party in fear into the hearts of the slave owners, and infigured, they would have more tegic positions for his struggle have been in jail since June.
concerned, it just as if nothing happened.
confirmed by accomplices who the assault on the ground that it 1929, as if such an expulsion, asspired the forces of freedom.
was an act of revolutionista suming it to be a fact, would And so it goes, up and down the line of the The struggles of the next year, resulting in the factories would have turned out France with its mineral riches Unable to deny his complicity, against counter revolutionists. We prevent him from doing everydifferent branches. The marine corps is still lily enough artillery to make possible and all its coastline. The rest Siqueiros told a weird story to shall at this time not ask the thing that the Communist Party pillaging and burning of the settlement of Os.
white. So is the tank corps, the air corps, the an attack on the Siegfried Line of France is of no immediate stra question: What right has a gang. and the GPU told him to do. sawatamie, saw Brown son killed, his forces the investigating judge. The That he followed the Commun.
artillery, the coast guard, the engineers, the signal ster and murderer to assume the beaten and scattered. Thereafter, Brown and his The purchase of material from tegic or economic interest to him. following analysis of Siqueiros corps, etc. Only the infantry, the cavalry, the band were outlaws, living on the run, launching role of a revolutionist? We shall ist Party line very closely is quartermaster corps, mess hands in the Navy, and over a number of years. Hons of refugees. He left the care Mexican press by Albert Gold. confino our questions simply to known to everybody, and he ad sudden raids on the proslavery forces. He conto a very limited extent, the medical corps, are these ne projects needed was Hit of regulating their fate to the first man, who is acting as attorney clude that Trotsky was a counter tactical differences between him.
this: How did Siqueiros con mits it. His attempt to create tinued this guerilla warfare until Kansas was open to colored people.
ler consent.
White, in the course of the Win. along. Every day he grants or clique of politicians that came for Natalia Trotsky. pacified by the Federal troops revolutionist?
self and the Communist Party It is very significant that Sifalls flat, to view of the fact that For the next two years John Brown shuttled ter of 1939 1940, the Anglo French withdraws from the Vichy crowd back and forth between Kansas and the East, The White House is Unmasked troops were softened up by inac: Whatever he pleases. Petain is queiros did not take the trouble he never wrote about these tacBy ALBERT GOLDMAN tion, the German army was being nothing more than the Gauleiter After a White House conference with Walter to mention which of Trotsky stical differences and no one ever seeking support for the struggle to make Kansas trained in a new and terrible of meridional France. Only he White, Philip Randolph and Arnold Hill, it about them until his arrest.
Stalin GPU may be skillful in books he read, and which one of knewa a free state. But under the conditions of armed became clear this week that only white officers strategy by means of which it was has to bear a certain amount of organizing cowardly murders, but these books is counter revolu. And to show that he is not a neutrality, there was not much room in Kansas soon to unleash its torrents of shame with his job.
will be called in to command colored draftees.
for him.
Roosevelt was quoted as saying that so far as Lead and fire upon its astonished the struggle with England stories to explain the criminal action having read a single article in Spain he was too busy fight He reverted to his long cherished scheme of adversaries.
that Protely wrote. safe ing to be GPU agent. We do mountain Warfare in the Southern states. He training colored men as commissioned officers or should be prolonged, Hitler needs tivities of TVs agents.
Bourgeois democracy thus prov. will grow from day to day. That the story which Siqueiros guess that Siqueiros did not read not know how much fighting si for the air corps went, plans had not yet been supposed that he could hide in the mountains, developed.
ed to be just as impotent in in. Is the course which developments wants us to believe in explanation a single book nor a single article queiros actually did. The fact is make raids on the plantations, inspiring the ternational war as in the preced seem to be taking these last few for the May 24 assault on Trot written by Trotsky, and that his that all the GPU Colonels camo slaves to rise up and join him. Then they would Colored reserve officers will be called on active ing peaceful struggles. Its weeks. The project of moving the sky is as bad as the story which view to the effect that Trotsky out alive from Spain, and it is a form a new free state in the mountains, composed duty only to fill vancancies in units now officered methods, its parties and its men government to Paris appears to the GPU created for explaining was a counter revolutionist sim. fact that one of the principal reabelonged to another epoch. The have been abandoned.
ply comes from the GPU, the or sons for the defeat of the Loyalist the murder of Trotsky of Negroes whites.
by colored personnel. Since the only units now Courier officered by colored men are the National Guard, very fact that Hitler was able to can no longer pass over the border Early in the summer of 1859, he rented a farm If one is to believe Siqueiros, sanization that Siqueiros is so Army was the klyd of fighting find conniving support within to the other side of France. he transformed himself into a de time to disassociate himself from participated in while in Spain.
anxious to defend and at the same that Colonels like Signeiros this means that drafted men will be placed in near Harper Ferry, collected his men there and prepared the attack.
France is not a matter of chance, French prisoners of war are sent tective overnight. The motive for separate units under white officers.
He felt that arms were but one of the clearest symptoms to Germany as factory hands. To the May 24 attack, according to It would be exceedingly wise their main fighting was not the against the Fascists, but against needed, that he could seize them, distribute them As to the Navy, says the Afro American Col of the decomposition of demo morrow, it strategic or economic Siqueiros, was to find documents formas netrans that directemen onel Knox allegedly stated that while he was symto the slaves nearby, and spread the struggle.
Judge exactly what Trotsky wrote the revolutionary workers who racy.
They seized the armory, took a few prisoners, pathetic, he felt that the problem there was almost Inside each country Fascism ter will occupy an of France and sky counter revolutionary activ that can be considered counter were anxious to defeat fascism aroused some of the slaves, and then they were insoluble since men have to live together on ships, now except by means of proleta eral. How pitiful are the specches ally. Siqueiros did not see fit to claim that he had secret conversa. Spain. The GPU Colonels SIC cannot be combated victoriously replace Petain with a German genities, nationally and internation like the assassinJacson, will ers were killed by the GPU in surrounded by companies of militia and marines and that Southern and Northern ships are imheaded by Robert Lee. After a fierce battle, possible.
rian arms: workers militia, the of in which two more of Brown sons were killed, arming of the working class, ac ter national reconstruction and what documents he was looking tions with Trotsky in whiel Trot ceeded in gaining victory for Tf Jim Crow still rules in the enlisted Army, they were overpowered. On December 2, Brown The testimony of all his accomin spite of the fine anti discrimination amend.
tve defense which prepares to go prostrate themselves before Hitler for and in what part of Trotskye sky proposed to him that he go Franco.
over to the offensive, with the and try to get into his good graces home he hoped to find these doca rate let Siqueiros indicate exactly plices makes it impossible for si was hanged.
ment, how much more will it rule in the drafted seizure of power by the working by imitating him! For more than ments.
army! It becomes clear now that the only reason class as the aim. Likewise, on the three months they have been re Now it is well known that there sky wrote so that the Mexican bility for the May 24th attack FREEDOM MUST BE FOUGIIT FOR these amendments were passed was to get the international arena, the war cancelving nothing but kicks in the were thousands of documents in people and all others can judge and for the murder of Sheldon John Brown great place in American history colored people to support the conscription :11, and not be prevented, nor the post pants from him.
the Trotsky home.
It took six for themselves whether or not Harte. Nor will be succeed in rests on the fact triat In addition to recognizing make them feel things were going to changes tions of Faseism shaken, except PERSPECTIVES OF huge cases, especially constructed Trotsky is a counter revolutionist. convincing any intelligent person the necessity of emancipation, as did many others, far as they were concerned.
by means of the proletartan revo. THE COMING MONTHS for that purpose, to ship the docu.
Siqueiros claims to be a revolu who doesn take orders from he alone at that time saw the general road it lution.
ments to Harvard University. It tionist. Siqueiros also, no doubt, Moscow that he acted indepen. It is now clearer than ever: The fight to end The fate of France, of the work took six guards and secretaries feels that not only Trotsky but dently of the GPU. His boasting would have to take, and was willing to take it.
Jim Crotoism in the armed forces, the fight to see WHO IS RESPONSABLE ers France, is that of all the peo two days simply to get all the Trotskyists in general are counter about the amount of money that It was he who taught that those who want free that colored soldiers have the right to pick their FOR FRANCE DEFEAT ples of Europe, reduced by Hitler documents together and to pack revolutionists. He also claims he could make (and not what dom have to fight for it arms in hand, own officers be won only as part of the gen Since 1984, under the pressure to common servitude. The war them for shipment.
that to kill anyone he designates he did make) not cor He knew that he had organize, gather men eral struggle for trade union control of military of the Fascist menace, of the eco is still going on and the armistice if Siqueiros was such a good as a counter revolutionist is a po anybody that the financing of and materials around his ideas. He spent his training.
nomic crisis and of the general will not preserve France from detective, he undoubtedly knew Iftical act and should be judged such an expensive attempt as the life doing this, under immense personal hardships, decline of the French empire, new military involvements. all about the number of documents accordingly, one made on May 24 was the work revolutionary crisis was maturing talking, exhorting, opening schools for slaves, asTo all appearances Hitler has in the Trotsky home and he also it is obvious that if Siqueiros of one individual. It could only sisting in the work of the underground rail.
The Army doesn want colored men to become in France. In June 1986, the given up the plan of invading knew that he would have to send is permitted to go free, then every. he done by an organization that road. giving all of his tremendous energy and officers. And it has an unwritten rule that those French workers occupied largu England before the coming of into the house at least six people one whom he chooses to designate has inexhaustible financial rewho do become officers shall not rise higher than singleness of purpose to the cause.
numbers of factories. The fright. Winter. The two adversaries are who knew three or four languages, as a counter revolutionary is there sources, like the GPU.
the rank of Colonel. And few of those!
ened bourgeoisie remained silent exhausting each other with avia who could spend two or three days He knew also that you need more than enand went into hiding. At the thon duels. But aviation in itself in examining all the documents thusiasm and well wishing to meet the guns of the The reason 18 that they don want colored gates of the occupied factories does not decide anything, if it in order to find the ones that he slaveholders. He gathered fighters around him men in the highest councils where they can see the policemen would arrive to in cannot be accompanied with ter wanted. But the evidence shows and trained them in the military arts, he taught from the inside how the Negro ranks are discrim quire the number of strikers in ritorial advance. The Polish and that he only sent men with revol: the free settlements to form their defense guards.
inated against, how it is decided that they are to side for statistical purposes. French campaigns revealed that vers and machine guns.
He knew this when he organized the League of play mainly two roles: to do the dirty work in that was what their role was re the terrible weapon of the new The most peculiar thing about the labor battalions, and to be given the most duced to! The slightest attempt strategy consisted of the combina. this alleged search for documents Gilesdites whose purpose was to band Negroes dangerous assignments in active duty.
at suppression would have provoktion of the airplane and the tank, was that none of the people arm FALL TERM 1940 together, teach them to advance their own inter ed a gigantic explosion. In waves, But to transport thousands of ed with machine guns and revela In 1917, when officers were being promoted, Begins Monday, October 21 ests, and resist their purguers. He understood the burning breath of the revolu tanks across the seas, with their vers touched a single document.
this when he ordered a thousand pfkes to bo General Jim Crow and his staft decided that Col.
ton could be senised passing over essential supplies and munitions on the contrary, they threw in Irving Plaza, New York City made, to arm the slaves for his invasion of the onel Charles Young, highest ranking Negro the great Industrial cities.
is not an easy task.
cendiary bombs in order to des Irving Place and 15th Street South. And in spite of his mistakes at Harper West Point graduate, was suddenly retired beIn the Fall, the North Sea and troy the documents. Of course But the workers were soon to canse he had high blood pressure. The real Ferry, his aim of arming the slaves was fundathe Channel are the worst waters Siqueiros claims that the people mentally the correct one.
reason for this move was that an officer who is the bosses right on the spot conto navigate in the entire world. Who got inside and not do a very retired does not have to be promoted, even if he ceded all demands, the workers For, which is particularly heavy good fob, but it is peculiar to There is still much that we can learn today The Philosophy of Marxism own lenders, who they themsel and frequent in these parts will say the least that they did not is returned to active duty.
from Old John Brown, just as there is much we ves had brought to power, were pretty soon paralyze aviation. It indicate the slightest desire to Dialectical Materialism Young rode on a horse all the way from wh.
can learn from his mistakes. For it is as true placing restraints on the workers. looks like a second year of war! And any kind of documents. They berforce, Ohio, to Washington, to show that he today as it was 81 years ago that those who want That means, for England, the posaid indicate a great desire to kill Mondays 7:10 to 8:40 William Warde Leon Blum and the Socialist par. sibility of mobilizing the resources people and to destroy documents freedom must be prepared to fight for it.
was physically fit but he was not promoted as liamentarians, Leon Jouhaux and of her empire, and of receiving a II. What Is Trotskyism all the whites of his rank were. Later on, he Workers of all races take inspiration from the trade union officialdom and was returned to active duty, but only as a colonel, gesticulating wildly right behind constantly more abundant helping claim that the gangsters kidnap Mondays 8:50 to 10:20 James Cannon the heroism of John Brown. In the same way because his retirement kave the general start that he surveyed the situation in his day, and on them, Maurice Thorez and the hand from the United States. The ped Sheldon Harte, Trotsky sec other stalinist satellites all form war can continue for a long time. retary, in order to get docu 111. Elements of Marxismtheir necessary excuse not to advance him.
the basis of the concrete line up of forces decided In that case, it would mean ments? There are indications in History repeated itself last week. President od one big chorus calling for calm Tuesdays 7:10 to 8:40 Murry Weiss that the next stage in the struggle was to be with ness from the workers and for growing misery and despair in his testimony that he will try to arms, we must today look about us and decide Roosevelt, who tells how he loves democracy.
Sheldon Harte of being an social peace. Before the working Europe, with famine immediately accuse of his, even though IV. Trade Union Leadership what our tasks are.
in Europe, appointed 100 white colonels to the class could overcome its astonish. in view. Everywhere national grade of brigadier general over the head of Col.
The best way to honor John Brown memory ment. It found tled around its passion will ally itself with revo Sheldon Harte was murdered.
Tuesdays 8:50 to 10:20 pm. Farrell Dobbs Benjamin Davis, commanding officer of the today is by joining the fight for trade union conneck the rope of agreements signe lutionary aspirations in the strug When the Judge very astutely REGISTRATION: 369th Infantry Regiment, These appointed by the borses, the trade union gle against Hitler. Revolts are asked Siqueiros whether it re trol of military training. Conscription is a law, leaders and the government.
In inevitable. In the coming strugquired 300 or more bullets in or Marxist School, 116 University Place, and as a result, the oppressed and exploited of ments were made by the Commander in Chief one of the months that fol. sles the workers will appear as der to find documents, he nonthe recommendation of the Army.
FEES: our times will learn how to use guns, will learn lowed the Bourgeoisie took back the most resolute elements and chalantly replied that it depende The only difference is that in 1917 they looked 00 for each course (six lectures)
how to defend themselves against their enemies.
in parcels what it had been forced they will give the fighting a class upon circumstances. We pres.
Just as John Brown, and after him the slaves for an excuse. In 1940 they feel Jim Crow is to grant in bulk, at first quite a content. Hitler has wiped out the ume that the next time, having 25c for each lecture during the Civil War, did not shrink back from permanent in the Army, as long as they re in tiently and later on more bru boundaries. From the Northern learned the lesson that 300 bullets the struggle, we too must take our place among control, and they don even need excuses to cover ally.
most point of Scandinavia to the are not enough, Siqueiros will use the workers.
it up.
The revolution was possible in Pyrenees, from Brittony to the at least several thousand bullets.