Civil WarCommunismCommunist PartyGPUIV InternationalImperialismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

False Passport of the Assassin of Leon Trotsky Traced To GPU It Belonged To Loyalist Soldier In Spanish War SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal FOR MILITARY TRAININGUNDER CONTROL OF UNIONS!
Another Stalinist Jailed For Attack on Leon Trotsky (Special to Socialist Appeal) 13. 1905. Babich used this TROTSKY MONUMENT MEXICO CITY, Oct.
passport when he went in Stalin GPU passport forging Spain, where he fought in the factory supplied the false Loyalist army. On May 12, Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International passport with which Frank 1939 the Spanieh government Jacson. the Assasin of Trot issued a death certifete for sky, came to this continent, Tony Babich the Mexican government In. But Babich passport VOL. IV No. 41 NEW YORK, NY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1940 vestigation has revealed. meanwhile, was skillfally al.
FIVE (5) CENTS Jacaon used one of the many tered in Moscow. The name of passports which Stalin GPU Tony Babich was erased and took from American and the name of Frank Jacson put Canadian volunteers who enl. in instead. The photograph of listed in the Loyalist army in the dead man was removed Spain. Taken from the volun. and replaced by that of the teers in the course of their mau who had been assigned to transportation to Spain murder Trotsky, through Staliaint controlled The assassin thought that he channels, the sports were had prevented the possibility then sent in diplomatic pouch of racing his passport back es to the USSR from Spain to the GPU forging factory Walter Krivitsky, former head from which it came. He told of the Soviet secret service in the judge he had burned the Western Europe, kas told how passport along with his other bundles of these passports personal papers. before he came to Moscow in every si went to Coyoncan the day of during that period. There, in the murder. The burning of the hands of the most skilled the passport was in itself passport forkers in the world confession that Jacson WAR the passports underwent the fearful that government ex.
necessary alierations to make perts would trace the passpor them usable by GPU agents.
This Wednesday over five million men must back to those who falsified it.
derstand that in this age of universal war and ards, etc. Thus some ten million organized work. Concretely it means at this moment that the The one which the GPU al.
register for conscription. That day should be a However, the Mexican ac.
militarism it is necessary for the workers to learn era today have some voice in saying what has to military training of the workers shall not be in tered for Jacron use was thorities have been able to solemn day for the masses of this nation. It well the use of arnis. The most backward work be done in the factories. There is no reason why the hands of the enemies of the workers. The originally issued by the Canad trace the passport back to its should be a day of hard thinking about the future. er who has grasped this fundamental thought is they should not have a voice in saying what has workers do not want to trust their fate in the ian authorities to Tony Babich, source, and thus to establish For most of these ive million who are able hy that, infinitely far more advanced politically Lo be done in the armed forces.
hands of capitalist officers any more than they resident of Canada and na. Brother irrefutable proof that hodied know, or they should know, that they are than the socialist Norman Thomas and the want to trust their fate in the hands of capital.
Compulsory military training? Yes, certainly.
Turalized British subject, borr the murderer of Trotsky is an lated to undergo training in the use of arms communist Earl Browder.
at Lovinac, Yugoslavia, June agent of Stalin GPU. and they will use those arms in battle. That is But why must it be done in the open shop nt.
ists in the factories.
Yes, we say, it is a fortunate and hopeful fact already determined, the die is cast. Only pacifist that the great mass of the workers who are remosphere of the army, under the life and death Let the trade unions, the organizations which fools can long delude themselves that it is not so. quired to do so will go to tho registration placos control of tatterly reactionary. capitalist minded represent the workers, control the military trsinofficers? It doesn have to be done that way.
About a million of those men will undergo on Wednesday soriously and without whining. ing of the workers!
ompty regrets. They go to the army 38 they go If the workers insist strongly enough, it will not military trainips this year, another million next be done that way. Concessions can be won in this Let us demand federal military appropriations year, and so on for five years. Five million trained to the factory. They do not like the exploitation field from the bosses, their political agents and for the establishment and equipment of training soldiers! But that staggering thought merely re. to which the bosses subjeet them in the factory, camps which shall be run by the workers own cords the government admitted program. What They will not like the exploitation to which the their aimy officers, just as they have been won organizations!
are those men being trained for, what are fifteen bosses, in officers uniforme. will subject them in in the factory. The open shop is no more elernal Fifteen billions have been appropriated for in the field of military training than it is in the MEXICO CITY, Oct. David transgression independent of billions of dollars already appropriatod for? Not the army. But they do what has to be done, in field of industry!
armaments. At the very least, then, appropriate Allaro Siquctron sought by the all organizations, international for dress parades and to stock maseums with the army as in the factory.
All that the workers need to do away with it hall billion dollars to pay for training camps police since June as the leader of or national.
specimens of orrnament! These men and arma Let them ponder deeply, however, what has to be run by the unions!
the machine gun band which made IL Is clear from this statementments will he used, make no mistake about it. to be done. Most of these five million men, bet.
is a program around which to rally, and a firm the assassination attempt Agalna! that Siqueiros will center his of leadership to fight for that program.
That is already settled question weer the age of 21 and 36, are workers and poor The workers would undergo military training Trotsky on May 24, was captured forts on autempting to fit the Some meifist deydreamers, some voices of farmers. considerable number of them are That program will vary in many of its details far more confidently if their own union brothers, yesterday morning the militants from the picket line, the shop union members, especially CiO members. They at different stages of the unfolding of this epoch Ho vas Ildine out on a rooch And Stalin GPU, and particular yesterday like the Norman Thomas socialists have learned that what has to be lone in the of militarism and war, just as the program of stewarde, led them. Then let us demand federal in the state of Jalisco. He had ly attempt to absolvo David Ser and the sinister puppets of Stalin like Browder, factory includes not only what the bosses de any union veries with changing conditions. But to train worker. officers in union training camps!
Krown a beard and mustache and rano, member of the Political join in a chorus to call for repeal of the conseripmand, but also what the workingmen demand the foundation of that program, in the military As we register on Wednesday, let us resolve was dressed like a typical ran. Hure of the Communist Party, who tion law. And what do they propose to take its has been in prison for this crime place? Nothing. In other words, they adopt a and can secure by organizing into unions. Be field as in industry, does not change. It is the to go back into our unions and into our shops From ting, during the last elnen June. Siqueiroe w! soek negative sttitude toward ail forms of mass mill cause they are many and the bossos are few, defense of the Inte of the Forkers against in the time that is sun left, and rouse fellow months, he had sent four Jetters to pos. As one and the same time. tary training. Fortunately, the workers do not they have won many conocasions in the factories all their enemies. That means: the defense of the workers to join with us in pushing this workers to the press Justifying the allempl as a Stalinist in ideology but to listen to this pacifist clap trap. The workers un union wage scale, working rules, shop stew working class against the capitalist class.
progrant for military training!
to murder Trocky no way connected with the Stal To the police upon his arrest Intet organizations, to made the following statements, presy before death, 10 la his last interview with thor concerning the May 24th Attack: Yaened that Siqueiros, it seizodi. First will demonstrate would attempt to pose AS Trotthat it deals with a crime of skyist who became disgusted political order, and not against wh rotsky the same CPU for common law.
mula which the assassin, Jacson. Second. that it deals with Pater Lined.
the transgressions of revolu Siqueiros statement will be made ALLAHABAD, India. July (by mail from the Foreign Detionaries against counter revo mainly for International consuop Judge Concedes Baselessness Of Cose partment of the All India Congress Committee) The intensity lutionarire.
tlou, for Mexico Itself any al Key Auto Parts Factory in Cleveland Is of repression is increasing every day. In the beginning the gov. Third that it deals with tempt hy in lo pone a non Against Drivers Union in Minneapolis Stalinist is slmply laughable. De ernment arrested Socialists and Communists. But gradually it Closed Down By Militant Picket Line the transgressions of revolu.
tlonaries against a keneral the 3labus movement for many has been a well known Agure in has begun to round up all active workers. Arrests are most active headquarters of reactionaries, in Bengal, United Provinces, Bihar, Madras and Punjab. Though years, lo president of the Stalinist MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. October In a 54. puye ruling. Dis.
it is not possible to know the exact number, in Bengal alone the (Special to Socialist Appeul, telerated illegally by the Gov.
ernment of Mexico. And Spanish civil war veterans organ trict Judge Paul Carroll today terminated the two year old Ank number of persons detained, arrested or warhed exceeda a CLEVELAND. Oct. 1200 workers of the Midland Steel Proization, and was a major in a suit against the Minneapolis General Drivers Union, Local 544. The Fourth that it deals with a thousand.
ducts Co. manned the picket lines here today after wocks of fruitless Stallet battalion in Spais. Judge denied to the plaintiffs, four tools of the Associated Industries Hanger strikes have taken place in Allahabad and Lucknow gang, their mais demands for the removal of the union officers, negotiations. They are demanding five cent hourly increase in prisons on account of bad treatment of political prisoners. The base pey, upward revision of piece rates, the union shop and reem.
the appointment of a receiver for the union, and the holding of a political prisoners are not given a special status and if their posi.
special election Lion is not improved soon, a conflict is bound to arise.
ployment and back pay for Mack Cheek, local president red two The lengthy ruling conceded the contentions which the union (Readers should take pote that this description of British years ago for union activity, has established in the nine munths trial. Among the basic points imperialist policy in India comes from the leadership of an or.
Midland Sleei produces auto frames for Studebaker, Hudson by GEORGE STERN which the judge conceded are that the union elections were fairly ganization which purgues a conciliatory attitude toward Britain. and Buick. The strikers belong to the United Auto Workers cio, run, that the elected officers arely Local 486 This is the secondy (This column was formerly part of the leaning process. But honest and have not wasted usjon of the union to support thote nc entitled Behind the Lines. Stal! w! ll not loan too far. The funds.
tivities striko at the plant within the Mack Cheek, the local prestEvery sticceeding day, however entry or German troops to R8 The Judge also dismissed com.
While the union thus america past year, the last one nelung dent was Gred two years ago has rendered that title more ma on Oct. opened up the plaints of the finks against Local tronu court vindicated in 118 basic contract and untos recognition after distributing union leaflets Large squads of mounted police at the plant gates. While on re and more archaic. The front prospect of establishinent of Ger 544 policy of financing the Fed policy, the Judge seized upon Enlly armed. swarmed on the Hound WPA during the past two Jines are everywhere. Modern man forces on the Black Sea and eral Workers Section, unem number of technical tea to Joala scene as macs picket lines balted cara. he continued to organize.
technology has rendered mean offered direct and clear warning ployed workers union sponsored few blows at the unlon. production. The copa barn! Under pressure from the interen ingless the distinction between 1o Biatin to stay within the res by the Minneapolis labor move: ervation Qusts Militant Oricer caded themselves behind all plans tonal and regional offers, the the worker in the war indus.
ment, and of giving contributions cates and attempted to laudate ment during the last strike which local was forced into an agree.
The winter cani pain monte teles which now means all inThe most serious of these tech to the farmer Labor party and apen in the Mediterranean and the the strikers The company an dustry and the worker who the North Central District Drivnical rulings was the decision that nounced the formal Clouing down atled to include the relnstatement Near East will doubtless reveaters Council, The judge declared sa ancient clause to the consist operates the products of those what new part of the reservation such donations to be well with toa of the International Brothers of Choek.
Socialist Workers Party Offers or the plant, and the union is om industries. Which countries are the temporarily opened to in the power of the union so to bood of Teamsters the boste ploying skeleton shifts on the Tho strikers plan to secure the at peace and which at war? Statim as part of the Axis strategy United Front to Fight Ban line now. Police outnumber the co operation of the Detroit Mid.
One can speak only of the ex. at denline with Frst things first skeleton crews three to oue.
land Steel, Local 410 of the UAV tent of participation in the war He also conceded the right of for a non citizen to bold office in in an effort to tie up all plants Le union to time the union fundo the local. On this basis the judge Negro White Solldarity at any given moment. Hence LOS ANGELES. Oet.
in the conduct of strikes and the ordered be remors from his poet bellevo in the principles of unlod the new title for this column.
In the the new Axir Tegal defense of arrested when Carl Skoglund, presidenta While Governor Olson tonight front action against the attacks piket line is the olidarity of NeEDITORS)
aliance has produced a new workers. The and notable frankness, both of complint on this skue, focul failed to complete the require fornia legislature to ban the Com the controvertien wthin the work former are among the most active Hillman Moving Into ficial and unofficial. Secretary point of the bous tastigated stack ments for elevene hip papers. No munist Party from the hallot, the ink clacu novonvont.
Socialist Workers Party here of the Navy Knox in a speech against the union, the ruin other charge against Skoglund we second appoa! for united nc. and militant union members.
Signature of the Romo Berlin Flint Auto Workers last minute attempt to fore The fact of bis non Tokyo alliance was followed las at Washington on Oct. said: stated. Uunlly, strikers have to sustained xwaited word from the Commun tion was addressed to the Com sten the strike was made by Dav: Fight With week by fresh Anglo American cf An adequate Navy at this time money to pay for or defend the citizenship had been known to the The here is undertak for the Dept. of Labor.
Ad Rondley. local conelliator forts to woo the SS. into a demands that we be able to selyes, and it seems to do that toternational officers who, bow. ist Party on proposal for united muut Party on October new war combination. Great Bril moet enemies far from our own it is entirely legitimate for the ever, made no attempt to enforce front action against the ban.
to e alate wide radio broadcouting ou extensive drive to secure Other Plants Affected FLINT. Oc1. The Inter un announced the Bura Road shores and defeat them in both union to use this money in but the archaic rule.
1v add! lon. the sudse assumed following signing of the act, the repeal of this act. Protests hational officers of the United would be re opened on Oct. 18 occans, simultaneously if neces. way.
James Dewey, ace concilia the power to decide which contri. Oglasbed at his onecmc ailles bave been wired to the Governor and Ivan Maluky. Sove: ambes On the plaintiffs demands for butions of the 10:00 to sister is the Stalinists helped elect him.
and the mate legalaturc. tele tor of the government is belas Auto Workers met this week Sary. Col. Frederick Palmer, a sador bn London, Wu upproached military expert writing in the removal of the union officers bor organizations were appropri Progrceve later circles bere geam was atro tent to Asserably seat into Cleveland to uttempt the end in Pittsburgh. The choice of city for the conference is with a proposal that the Soviet Times, said on Oct. 6: because they are revolutionists Rte and which were not. Her view the dans the beginning of man Paul Richte. Sacramento, same trick te pulled in December reported to be for the conven Union buy British rubher and There are signs that we no the judge was constrained to say: derrd union officers to repay out a drive against the entire labor commending ble stupid in oppost: 1989. Ke maneuvered the nid ience of Sidney Hillman, fresh Other goods and pay for it with If the members of this union de retorn pocketesonteam. ouo novement in ae with the war on to the bill. The message and steel workers. ibed Dew longer shall have to depend stated. While we have proloand volonisu, tack into th plant web arnia for China. Simultaneously in from his exploits in putting a upon the false scare of land desire men who are believers in whict the union had loaned or pregavatiose.
Washington Sumner Welles call invasion to arousr our people the Trotsky movement to be their contributed to striking volons not crimp into the Bethlehem As carly as September 24. the political differences with this or ed in Soviet Ambassador Ouma Steel workers upsurge.
to the need of preparedness.
officers, and the Dunne brother directly in the Minneapolis area, Los Angeles bracch of the Socials sanization (Comin volst Party) we of the strike means probable sky for a talk along similar lines.
main issues conSteinhardt, bassador In Our army. will be freed of Pet friendly with and asseinted with ciel piblication or ite stinaca ser united action to the trade un protocols auch attacks on politics and Duter, due to borty frame fronting the vam slicers Moscow, went to seer Foreign Com.
lot of motion for public effect.
this movement, they have a right polla Teainsters Joint Council, to one, the Socialist Party and the the fight with General Motors which will be wa war missar Molotov pesumably for the Thousands of leaflets have been to do so.
the North Central District Conimunte Party, declaring We The strikers are in high spirits over the ng of 19 key union comes. The best Jerouse is circulated by the Trolkylsts in carrying fighting bouters and in some purpose The finks bad also bitterly mers Council and for the defense men four weeks ago at Flint Los Angeles and other parts of the appeal to the truck drivere not to Stalls will probably jean enough the offensive and the ability to tacked the role of the local in the of the union officers in a liber maintain it until victory is stale urging the California werkurive through the picket liner.
Pirher Body No. plant. The over toward the Anglo American organization of the over the road sul brought against the Stalline Success Story ours.
local affected overwhelmingly ors and organized lebar to Tully Hundreds of the strikers, whic eloven state committed, which wonDaily Worker.
xido to secure more speenly pay America is a land of wonvoted strike authority to its ment to him from the Axis for against the cou. The tealtet relieved uf immediate picket duty 111 other words, we are now tola a contract for 250, 000 trees arv. Union Busting Case derful opportunity. Take Elwarns that In fact the law barbecue of the need for only skel local officers. The Interna bis acquiescence in the now all that the country has been deliberers. The focai Union Defense Hot Roosevelt, for instance.
This case, nationally known as Guard, established to protect Ibe ance set up. TASS London re vins the Communist Party from to crows at the moment, are clonal officers stepped in to who has just demonstrated Port ou Oct. noddexty Anuraduately prepared by Malee scares The ballot provides that any party remaining at the nearby nnion conduct negotiations with union local in the what hard work, perseverance may be banned should the Secro headquarters and sn the vicinity wbich have dragged on for Inga Nendly cone about the pan say the real thing c prepar union against the silver Shirts the hak suit, against the out and the right connections can ticipation of Butisa workers inution of this country for an etiens Wine assailed. But the couri, in Northwent, a local which had been tary of State and Attorney Gen. of the plant, it the event the top four weeks now. Continued on Page 4)
do for young fellow.
cral deeln itu baersive.
Ils Ana) raling, upheld the right British defense, was undoubtedly live wur in the future.
start any trouble.
Eocat 544 Defeats All India Congress Reports Auto Workers Strike Anti Union Suit Vicious Repressions Midland Steel Plant ON THE WAR FRONTS OLSON BARS STALINISTS FROM CALIFORNIA BALLOT of the company.
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