CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal SOCIALISM WILL BE TROTSKY MONUMENT TROTSKY MONUMENT Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 40 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1940 207 FIVE (5) CENTS PACT MEANS WAR IN TWO OCEANS Proletarian Military Policy Is Adopted At Nazi Japan Alliance Socialist Workers Party Chicago Conference Has USSR In Its Pincers TROTSKY MEMORIAL FUND SWP PROTESTS New State Guard Units Are PARLEY OVER EFFORT TO BAN LAUNCHED BY DELEGATES CPFROM BALLOT Organized To Break Strikes FLINT FIRINGS DRAGGING ON Soviet Union Now Faces Threat on Two Frontiers Which Stalin Thought He Had Eliminated Local Leaders Jailed In Strikebreaking Move Expresses Determination of the Party Party in California This little story is written entirely for the benefit of those In Berlin on September 27 Germany, Italy, and Japan en innocent boys and girls who think that the government has soldTo Carry Out Trotsky Final tered into a formal political and military alliance, which is des Fights Issue of iers only for the purpose of warding off a foreign enemy. General Motors Stalls tined to have profound repercussions throughout the world.
Injunction to Go Forward Civil Rights The government has now gotten from Congress the necessary The terms of the pact obligated the signatories to go imauthority to mobilize millions upon millions of soldiers. Included To Avert Walk Out mediately to each others aid in the event that any power still among these are the National Guard units of the 48 states.
CHICAGO, Sept. 30 The three day Plenum Conference of the uninvolved in the European or Asiatic wars took up arms on the SAN FRANCISCO Vigorous But now Congress is considering passage of ANOTHER bill, In Flint Plants side of Britain or China Socialist Workers Party closed last night, and the delegates and protest against outlawing of the to have the states raise, and the federal government finance, new The pact most obvious edge was directed at the United National Committee members were on their way home today. bring Communist Party in California regiments of the National Guard, to take the place of those ining back with them to the party branches in all parts of the country cialist Workers Party, San Fran.
FLINT. Mich. Sept. 30 No States, which was openly warned that at a certain point its id ducted into the regular army.
an inspiring program of political and organizational activity.
settlement has as yet been se to Great Britain would involve it in war with Japan. This was What for? The answer is provided in a circular letter now cisco Branch, in a telegram to The plenary session of the National Committee on Friday had Governor Olson.
cured by the International Execu. Hitler primary purpose in formalizing his deal with Japan at being sent by New York colonels to former members of Guard Live Board of the United Auto this particular time. On Japan completely confounded the Japan been followed Saturday and Sunday by a conference of delegates Despite its profound political regiments, urging them to re enlist. The key paragraph reads: Workers from General Motors on part, the pact was concluded as ese by his pact with Hitler. But and activists from the branches, which prepared the party for the disagreement with the Commun. The service contemplated for the New York Guard will be the company suspension from a warning to the United States like all the ghosts Stalin thinks stirring times facing the working class.
ist Party, the SWP branded the entirely within the state. Besides the drills necessary to prepare work of 19 union members in the that any attempt to interfere he was laid, the ghost of the antiIt was the first national meeting of the party since the death move a direct blow against the for service within the state, active duty will be limited to riots Fisher Body No. plant.
of Leon Trotsky, and it was dominated by the determination to carry labor movement as a whole.
or other civil disorders.
Phillip Murray, CIO vice presi with Japan expansionist drive Comintern pact has come to life out his last words: am sure of Utilizing the war scare to strike dent, was scheduled to meet with in the eastern Pacific would in suddenly and fearfully in the the victory of the Fourth Inter possible to conquer power and es at the currently least popular see. Riots or other civil disorders that means strikes and mili top officials of today in Devolve it in war with Germany form of an ironclad military at tant labor activity.
national. Go forward. The Ple tablish socialism; and in these tion of the labor movement. Call troit, but meanwhile unton mem and Italy. The pact is primarily liance. In effect, the secret If Labor supports the formation of such anti Labor guards, bers are in the dark as to the an attempt to immobilize the pact have been brought out into clauses of the anti Comintern num Conference honored the times the masses in the military fornia reactionary legislature memory of Trotsky, not by empty cranizations are destined to play made the first open move toward it is just cutting its own throat.
progress of negotiations, for no United States in the war by the open grief, but by taking up his work the most decisive role of all. Our chaining labor to the war machine Workers Defense Guards, loyal to Labor interests, are the report has come from the Interna threatening it with the dire contask is to protect the class in by approving a bill denying a tional officers.
In respect to the United States, and carrying it forward.
only guards for the working class!
sequence of war in two oceans the pact of Berlin formalizes a It was in that spirit and, interests of the workers in the place on the ballot to any party Murray appearance in the plc simultaneously.
deed, under the direct inspiration army no less than in the factory, using the name Communist ture may mean either one of two set of conditions of which the Blow at USSR This destruction of a basic de things that the VAW officere exrulers of the United States have of his thoughts in the last days and thereby strive to win over The pact other edge of his life, that the main docu the majority to the idea of trans. mocratic right clearly reveals the tpect Murray, with the prestig tle less obvious but was a lit long been aware. One of the tacof the CIO bebind him, to get a no less sharp tors which has been deterring ment of the Plenum Conference forming the war into a struggle nature of the democracy for the Resolution on Proletarian for their socialist emancipation which the workers are told they favorable settlement: or that it was directed at the Soviet Un Roosevelt Company froh hast.
Military Policy. was formulated hinges its starting points at this Approved by bath house of the poor settlement will require a ton. In the treaty itself, the Axis ening the pace into war has been good salesman to put it over with sub 12 tri power. Arrangement maisement La Atlanke would diplomats took pains to explain the knowledge that American and adopted.
stage of war preparations of legislature just before the cose Fight Against Pacifism did not affect relations establish live the green light to Japan imperialism, the demand for fed of the recent special session, the Strike Preparation ed or to be established between the Pactfie. Hitler has simply exThe resolution boidiy draws cral funds for training camps un measure declares: Harry Van Arsdale, business The District Attorney had see the necessary tactical conclusions der the control of the trade No party shall be recogunder an Meanwhile, however, prepara the and the three sigua: ploited this fact. He and the from the nature of this epoch of unions.
nized or qualified to participate trical Workers Union, Local of ancient statute against rioting Lions locally are going on for cortes. This did not, however. Japanese now are hoping that war and militarism. Dismissing The need for a proletarian mi. in any primary election which the AFL. and four dating back to 1794, and having atrike action.
all racifist delusions about the litary policy was grimly under uses or adopts as any part of other members, were dragged out nothing to do with striker. Pre stoves, tables, etc. are being prep confronts the Soviet Union with United States inactive long enough possibility of the United States lined, the day the plenum opened its party designation the word of their beda last Friday by police text for application of the statute ared by the suspended members the prospect of war on two fron to allow Germany to complete remaining at peace in a world by the news of the Axis pact with communist or any derivative. acting under instructions of was a Aght between pickets and Buick workers directly affected there if it fails to remain obedient victory over Britain and allow to Hitler dictation.
whose chief characteristics have Japan, signalizing the extension are beginning to clamor for Japan to gather in unhindered Any organizations directly or Queens County District Attorney armed strikebreakers.
In Moscow the first reaction the Far Eastern holdings of the of the war to all the continents indirectly affiliated with the Com. Charles Sullivan, in a crude The entire New York labor strike vote in their local too.
The strike vote in the Fisher was one of frightened silence. defeated Western powers.
Full texts of the resolutions of the glde.
munist Party of the United States, boss attempt to break the nine movement is roused by this outra the Third International, or for week old strike of the union at Bous strikebreaking move of the Body Jocal totalled 3, 000 votes For two days Soviet news.
Cannon Report adopted by the Plenum ConferLikely Next Steps The CIO has which is one of the largest votes papers abstained even from What are likely to be the imence appear on page James Cannon, National Sec. eigu agencies which advocate a the Triangle Conduit and Cable District Attorney Glendale, Queens.
program of violence against the Company publishing news of the joped with the in de cast in a strike ballot at any time retary of the party, made the United States are denied a place mediate effects of the new pact?
The fantastic bail of 50, 000 manding dismissal of the case and by any local in the International Axis deal. They finally issued become war and militarism, it de political report, stressing that all on the ballot.
the text of the treaty. The first First of all, appeasement of Jaeach was demanded by the Dis cessation of attacks on the strik The percentage that voted for clares that the workers fight for questions the party activities Under the guise of pressing detrict Attorney. Van Arsdale anders.
strike was also one of the largest; official comment, three days pan with respect to the China power requires a positive pro work in the trade unions, atti tense necessity, the reactionary the others refused to permit the Local of the is one 2100 voted for strike, 900 against after the pact, tried to convey war will come to an end. Britain will no doubt re open the Buria the impression that Stalin had gram which takes the facts of tude toward opponent organiza: bill was passed in a rusb by the union to pay for such exorbitant having jurisdiction for all elec. with approximately 000 workers war and militarism as the start tions, etc. are subordinated to legislature, the assembly approv. ball, and remained in jail until crter work in New York, and this in the plant.
been privy all along to the axis Road, which it closed three negotiations and that whatever President Roosevelt has already months ago at Japan demand.
The debilitating poison of paciian military policy of the party, and the Senate the folderher day. Comment on hoon Judge Charles frontal attack on it is a significant benefit dance and party bela set ball of 500 each for index to the growing boldness of for the suspended members Satthey decided was all right with placed an embargo on iron exports fism must be drained out of the The delegates found especially him.
Once again, the rank and file Van Arsdale and Assistant Busi. the anti labor forces, operating urday night was well attended by movement.
to Japan and a new 25, 000, 000 illuminating his emphasis on the of the Communist Party is being ness Manager Hansen, and 1, 000 under cover of the no strike all locals here and by many out But it is not all right by any loan to China has been announced.
For only with the masses is it (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
each for the other tbree.
of town locals.
declarations from Washington.
means with the Soviet Union, as Along that Burma Road the preLondon and Washington have vious trickle of American aid 18 both been quick to polat out. De likely to thicken into more of a spite all his super weaseling. Sta stream in the months to come.
in finds himself now precisely in Across the Atlantic, United States the position be 30 tried to avoid when he entered aid to Britain will increase, rath er than decrease.
into his bargain with Hitler a year ago The pact of Berlin of The Will thus stiffen Brit: that bargain. Stalin thought in Wiether and at what point such September 27 is the pay off of sh resistance to Germany and to Japan: August, 1939, that he had smashed actions will bring the Pact of Ber.
needed for the war machine by levying hidden the anti Cominteru alliance and in into operation is of course The government at Washington is now en when other commodities fail to keep down the which limit hours of work or fix ninimum wages what remains to be seen.
gaged in the biggest business in the United cost of living.
taxes upon the necessities of life (the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the WageStates. This is the business of building the great The truth is that commodity prices cannot be Hour Law, the Walsh Healey Act, etc. are to be Thus the workers and their families are to Wooing The Kremlin est war machine the world has ever known. The scrapped for the duration of the war! Back to the Two Jailed Drivers prevented from soaring under wartime condibe doubly squeezed. First, by keeping wageFinally, fresh efforts to deal a whole economic life of the country is being re. tions. In England they have increased over forty sixty hour week and the weekly wage! Re levels from rising while prices do and then by Union Leaders Now Jlations will now be made. The new hand in American Soviet reshaped to serve the needs of the military pro percent since the outbreak of the war. The cost store paradise to the bosses: give hell to the taxing vital commodities. Heads we win; tails of living becomes higher and higher; food, clothyou lose. such is the new Army game!
day after the pact of Berlin, the gram.
workers! That the advice given to the War and Cleared By Court New York Herald Tribune Wish From now on, the government regulates and ing. shelter, recreation srows more expensive Navy Departments by the economists they chose The Brookings Report, initiated by the govington correspondent reported with each passing week. If the worker wages to advise them.
ernment is only one of many similar indications controls national industry. Every decision, every that definite American efforts to are not increased in proportion, it means that Let there be no illusion about it. The hard that the government is preparing to clamp down Howard Fouts and Ralph measure taken by the administration directly and woo the Soviet Union would fol they suffer a real reduction in wages. The same boiled Generals and Admirals are going to follow on any struggles for higher wages and is conJohnson. Sioux City Drivers immediately affects the lives and livelihood of low on the heels of the Axis alamount of dollars buys less and less.
that advice, if they can. Bethlehem Steel, Elec sidering the suspension of all laws protecting Union leaders, now in Leaventhe mass of workers. The workers must, more liance. There has been a notable worth penitentiary serving Jabor. This means that the trade unions have a Unless the workers through their unions declosely than ever before, watch their rulers tric Boat Company, and Douglas Aircraft will relaxation of export restrictions two year sentences, have just tough job ahead of them. They ll have to struggle on vital materials going to the mand and get higher wages, their standard of not be the only ones permitted to ignore the Washington, to understand what is being planned, been cleared of the charges by Soviet Union in the last few living sinks lower and lower. Such is the auto Walsh Healey Act. All the big corporations will against the government attack upon all the the South Dakota Supreme At the request of the War and Navy Departmatic mechanism of price control under the capimonths and the recent signature demand and receive that right on the pretext of standards and conditions won by labor in the Court to which their convic of a new Soviet trade agree ments of the government, the Brookings Institalist system which always works to the advant producing for national defense at labor ex past period, an attack undertaken for the sake of tion was appealed. The court ment like wise created the atmos.
tution of Washington, a well known organizaage of the bosses and to the detriment of the pense unless the organized workers prevent the war profiteers.
reversed the conviction on the phere for a new friendliness.
tion of conservative capitalist economists, has wage laborers. This means that the labor unions them from getting away with it.
grounds that the evidence was PREPARE TO made a study of wartime price control. The os Actually, however, Stalin will must keep control of wages in their own hands That why the worker need a Labor Party insufficient.
de guided in this as in his whole tensible purpose of this impartial, academic and not surrender this power to government of their own to fight in Washington and in Con DEFEND YOURSELVES!
The charge was that they polley now by the calculation of survey was to suggest ways and means to keep agencies which are in turn controlled by Big gress for the retention and extension of every Big Business is now in the driver seat at had destroyed a truck in relative strengths. So long 18 prices down during war. Its real aim, however, law protecting la or rights. But, even though Washington, supervising the war machine. KnudMarch, 1939 during a Sioux Business.
Hitler star continues to rise, is to prepare public opinion for the wage cutting.
The best way for the unions to meet this lacking a powerful mass Labor Party, the CIO sen, Stettinius and their associates are out to City bakery strike. The FBI Stalin will ride along in Hitler and union busting drive which has already been orbit, however much his own star danger is to provide in their contracts for a RIS and the AFL unions are strong enough to curb stepped into this local case put the workers in their place, with the help of and spent untold sums on en is dimmed thereby, and whatever started in many war industries and which will ING SCALE OF WAGES to equalize the rising, this reactionary drive, provided they rely upon labor men in government service, like Hillman.
inevitably be expanded as militarization gains gineering a frameup.
the consequences to socialist ecocosts of living.
their own independent action, and not upon the Tracy and Tobin. If the trade unions don mainOther unionists framed in nomic organization in the Soviet momentum.
empty promises of capitalist politicians.
tain their freedom of action, if the rank and file this case and now serving two Union. The German alliance with WIPING OUT LABOR GAINS isn on the alert to fight against every encroach LIVING STANDARDS MENACED year sentences are Lou Miller Japan further marrows Stalin (2) The Brookings report goes on to urge TAX BURDEN ON WORKERS ment upon their rights, the Big Boys are likely of the Omaha Drivers Union freedom of action. It will take The important recommendations of the Brookthat all restrictions upon production be done (3) The Brookings report further recom to get away with it.
Jack Maloney. Sioux City driv. decisive turn in the direction ings report are aimed at labor.
away with. Does this mean that the unemployed mends that the government get most of its war Here one preparedness campaign the or ers organizer, Francis Quinn or the war to switch the policy of (1) Wages, it proposes, are to be controlled are to be given jobs, or that idle factories shall funds from taxes, and then warns that excess ganized workers have a real interest in getting organizer of the Des Moines the Kremlin. Such a turn will by the government. How? In the interests of the be turned over to idle workers for operation. No.
never be taken on the Kremlin profits taxes alone cannot preyent the adverse under way! Prepare to defend the workers drivers, and Shorty Stultz and bosses. For wages are to be raised only in the effects of inflation. In plain English, don be Carpenter of the Omaha driv.
On the contrary it means that all the existing against the war profiteers and their agents in own initiative. That it will leave, half hopefully, half fearfully, to last resort to insure health and efficiency or laws which bring any benefit to the workers, too harsh on the war profiteers! Get the money Washington!
Program To Break Labor Back Is Drafted By Leading Economists Of The Country ers,