BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo ToledanoViolenceWorking Class

SEPTEMBER 28, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Negro Struggle Mexico After the Elections By GRANDIZO MUNIS Has Mike Gold Made His Last Danger of Reactionary Coup Grows, Aided By Corrupt Stalinist Toledano Methods Blunder?
Negro Sharecropper Facing Trial For Murder of Boss LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN IS BRANDED. KARL MARX This time, much more than on There is only one way to stop any previous occasion, the Mexiany reactionary success, whether can presidential elections have it comes about from a seizure of been extremely important. Pow.
the state by Almazan or a cold By ALBERT PARKER erful interests are in play on and gradual swing on the part of both sides, having mobilized themAvila Camacho: a program of selves for the struggle with an corkers and peasants demands activity which has not been known capable of interesting the masses (Continued from last week) for many years. The strictly na laiming himself the candidate of eys of Moscow have brought close to which in Mexico there must and mobilizing them against the Since Mike Gold lives in the United States tional importance of the conflict order and of the integrity of to us is much greater. The men be added an unbounded corrup reaction.
and, to give the devil his due, isn fool enough is augmented by the existence of the family.
ace of Almazan has not subsided tion. It counts upon the dissa Stalinists and Lombardists have to accept one of those cordial invitations from Generous When it the European war.
Almost all if not all the petty with the proclamation of Camatisfaction in the bourgeoisie and abandoned any demand of this the Kremlin to please come over and participate Costs Nothing It is necessary to give a short bourgeoisie lined up behind Al cho victory. The candidate of petty bourgeoisie, always afraid type. They are avilacamachists in the November celebrations, the GPU cannot, sketch of the conditions under mazan immediately. Certain back order and the family has that the masses may pass from because they hope to continue the arrange to have him liquidated in the usual offiWill a vote for Winkle and the Republicans which the country is now living ward elements among the workers made an appeal for a reactionary reformism to genuine revolution enjoyment of all their privileges clal manner.
be any better than vote for Roosevelt and the and the interests opposing a re and peasants were also pushed insurrection. Immediately after ary action; and on the dissatis under Camache. They are not Democrats? The facts say no.
volt against the control exercised towards hiin by the corruption of wards Calles made an appearance faction in the proletariat and interested in the slightest by any Nevertheless the CPU must put an end to The record of the Republicans on Negro legis on all the presidents of the Re the trade union leaders. In gen. in Texas at a secret conference peasantry, whose economic condi advance of the workers gains. Mike Gold official status as columnist of the lation is every bit as bad as the Democrats. From public by Plutarco Elias Calles, erai three quarters of the impor with his Almazanist cronies. The tion is not improving noticeably in this way avilacamachism has Daily Worker. Many a time in the past Gold the real ruler. Cardenas himself tance which the Almazanist move selection of Texas is not acci and is in many cases getting worse provided a weighty contribution has blurted out things which no discreet GPU 1920 on the Republicans sat in power, in the was only raised to the presidency ment has acquired is due to the dental, it has all the conditions of blaming the corruption of the to the progress of almazanism.
White House and in most states. From them the agent or Stalinist functionary should have whisbecause he was thought to be a repulsion inspired in the masses favorable surroundings and finan reformist bureaucracy on the re Only the weak Mexican Section pered, let alone put into cold print. The other Negroes got nothing. That was why no colored man who could be easily mani by the activities of the CTM bucial support which the reaction volution, the bourgeoisie seeks to of the IV International proposes times Mike ate lots of crow and was permitted worker spent much time weeping in 1932 when pulated by Calles order. reaucracy, directly linked up with needs in order to execute its neutralize the working class in a program of demands based on they were swept out of office and became a mi In rejecting Calles, Cardenas the Stalinist bureaucracy. As has plans.
order to impose its yoke upon it. he improvement of the living con to go on. But not this time.
nority in Congress, had to find some support in the been proven many times in El Almazan has persistently sought. hourgeois pays a Lombardist ditions of the working class and For this time Mike Gold has talked out of Then overnight, they became the Negro poorest classes of the turn about the one crime which, above all, the friend and champion. In a magical way Recountry. By defending the right strength from the reformist bu ism. The latter, which does not strike or fire a revolutionary tion of the Fourth International Feel itself threatened in the slightworker, and then goes on to make is today too feeble for its voice GPU 18 desperately determined to cover up its to strike, which Calles desired reaucracy.
publicans appeared floors of Con with connection with the assassination of Leon to stamp out. he won the good To the destruction of the work est by Avila Camacho cannot be some reflections of the revoluto have as yet any important re Anti Lynch Bills and Anti Poll Tax Bills. The Trotsky.
will of the workers; by promising class represented by Almazan, inclined to provoke a civil war tionary morale of the working percussions in the social struggle.
Republican Party. they said, has been the friend ing to divide up the large estates the official party, opposed in Mexico, particularly now, when class leader! In this way the bu The determining element in these few facts are first necessary in order to of the Negro people since the days of Abraham he won the good will of the peas its own candidate, General Avila the Monroe Doctrine has just as reaucracy performs the double hours is the policy of the CTM understand the enormity of Mike Gold blunder.
Lincoln, and still is. Don you see what we re ants. By these two simple means Camacho.
much value as the American na service for the bourgeoisie of free bureaucracy, aided by the Stal: trying to do for you in Congress?
he succeeded in carrying through vy, according to old Theodore ing it of the workers revolution inists. This policy seems to have Bosom Friend of Mike Gold What generous people! During the years the political move and changes CAMACHO PROGRAM Roosevelt expression. But the ary action and giving it argu been specially thought up to aid when they had the power to pass such bills, they which permitted him to defeat DOES NOT EXIST Texas politicians have a different ments against the workers move the reaction. As to whether the David Alfaro Siqueiros made a get away just Calles.
were nowhere to be found. The Anti Lynch Bills Avila Camacho program? point of view and seem disposed ment. The success of this bour progress of the latter will be pre as he was about to be arrested by the Mexican which came up in Congress when they had a maThe latter principal support. some impudent Trotskyite will to support Almaxan to the finish. geois propaganda is most consid sented to us in the form of an police for having led the May 24 machine gun the National Revolutionary Party ask. It doesn exist. in order He will receive money and war erable in the backward sections Almaza ust insurrection or a right assault on Trotsky house. About a dozen of his jority, were always shelved and forgotten by them was dissolved and the Party of to calm the most conscious work material from Texas, in case an where the workers cannot distin. ist swing on the part of Avila accomplices, however, were caught and amested.
in the same way the Democrats do it now. And the Mexican Revolution (Partido ers Lombardo Toledano bureau Almazanist uprising breaks out. guish between the corrupt trade Camacho is something that can Most of them realized the jig was up and signed now, when they are sure that the Democratie de la Revolución Mexicana) was crats take pleasure in repeating The workers organizations of this union bureaucracy and a revolu not be predicted. In any case, depositions contessing their participation in the majority will defeat such legislation, they very created in its place. In opposi that Avila Camacho is going to state should begin to act against tionary class policy. In case Al the Stalinists and Lombardists assault.
boldly propose it!
tion to the trade union movement continue Cardenas work.
Almazan and the American poli mazan succeeds in making an in have given almanism encourage of the Mexican Regional Workers Bat, regardless of what Lom ticians alding him.
surrection he will not fall to enment and disarmed the working There are two reasons for this hypocrisy. First, From these depositions and other evidence gathConfederation (CROM) completely bardo Toledano camarilla says, It is a cheap way to build themselves up as We need scarcely say what the counter an auxiliary, passive at class by means of avilacamachism. ered by the police it was established conclusively friends of the Negro. Secondly, it embarrasses controlled by Calles, Cardenas in the attitude Avila Camacho will victory of an Almazanist insur least, in the repugnance which they will be the ones responsible that Siqueiros, dressed in the uniform of a high tiated the creation of the Confed take towards the working class rection would mean for the work the activities of the trade union for the victory of the reaction, official of the police, had led the machine gun the Democrats who have to take the responsibility eration of for laws that neither party really wants passed.
Mesin Peasants a Workers (GTM) and the gains is more than suspect. In ing class and the peasants. There and Stalinist bureaucracy have wherever It may come from.
band, similarly disguised in police uniforms. Luis Mexico September 13, 1950 Mateos Martinez, a Communist Party member, Only simple people will fall for this kind of fraud. Confederation (CNC)speech made at Puebla ne fin would be a return of the epoch provoked among the workers.
Take Wendell Willkie. the utility boss who lishment of the ejidos, by divid direct polities into Christian Islands and of unpunished shoot.
one of those arrested, confessed that he had been was picked by that small section of the race that ing up mumerous large estates paths. In other perorations he ings: all democratie liberties commissioned to buy those uniforms by David alone is responsible for and benefits from Jim among the peasants, the establish allowed it to be seen that his would be suppressed, the land Serrano, a member of the Political Bureau of the Crow, the bankers and big businessmen.
ment of a minimum wage of two policies would be directed against would be torn away from the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Ser.
Because he is an out now, and wants to get the rano former wife, Julia, confessed that she and tion of the national railways and After proclaiming his victory in even below what they are already.
another woman had been commissioned by Si in. he chooses his words about the colored people of the off companies, are the basic the Chamber of Deputies the press Against this threat the living very carefully. He remembers the eleven states measures which gave Cardenas that once sympathized with Al conditions now enjoyed by work queiros to occupy a house near Trotsky s, to se duce the small police guard stationed outside the where the colored vote will be decisive on Novem government its early popularity mazan is now submitting itself to ers and peasants are not, how.
and its democratic character.
CHATHAM, Va. Sept. 20, 1940 important witnesses. The protest ber But every once in a while he makes a Trotsky house. She had reported the results of Camacho, inducing him to start ever, sufficiently attractive to. Protest telegrams pouring in to telegrams brought a sudden her spying on the Trotsky household over a period slip, and gives the game away, showing that all THE LIMITS OF WHAT a radical change of men and meth throw them with enthusiasm into the court put a halt today to the change and the judge granted a his fine talk about equal opportunity is nothing CARDENAS ACHIEVED of months to Siqueiros.
oda. In this way the Stalinists the struggle against Almazan. The attempt to railroad Odell Waller, continuance until September 26.
more than the hot dog and glass of beer that and Lombardists, by removing latter as hoping that the impor: young Negro sharecropper, to the Siqueiros flight from the police was itself a Waller, 23 year old Negro share But however important these ward heelers give away free before elections.
confession of guilt. In addition, however, when may appear, they have only servdemands of the poor classes, have trayed by the Lombardist bureau only three days after he was in to death his white landlord in be electric chair by rushing his trial cropper, is charged with shooting those arrested gave the show away, the GPU deed to confirm our estimate of the made possible with Avila Cama: cracy, will view any reactionary dicted.
dispute over the division of the cided it was unwise to attempt to maintain that Willkie Likes a Jim Crow, Book character of modern social move. cho victory the annihilation of uprising with passivity.
Siqueiros was innocent. Instead It was decided ments in countries of colonial or those gains already made.
Judge Clement of the Circuit crops. Walter is married, has Recently the New Jersey Herald News, a Negro semi colonial economy. From the CORRUPT BUREAUCRATS to develop the line that Siqueiros was indeed Court of Pyttsylvania County, no children but supports a widow.
paper, addressed an open letter to him. In it first day, the bourgeoisie and pet ALMAZAN DANGER HELP ALMAZAN ed mother. He has had three guilty, but that he was in no way connected with Virginia, backed by Common they quest foned his enthusiastic praise of the ty bourgeoisie have been reject STILL IMMINENTY the Communist Party. In accordance with this book, Capitalism The Creator, by Carl Snyder. ing Cardenas modest reforms.
The reaction always counts for wealth attorney Whitehead, had years of high school education.
On January 2, 1939, Waller Tine Streiros (or the GPU in his name) sent The reforms have irritated the union bureaucrats and the lack. tlon provoked by reformist polley, give the defense time to summon vis, near Gretna, Va. The land But the danger which the trade its victory upon the dissatisfac refused to continue the enseo The author of this contemptible book writes in moved into the land of Oskar Dafour letters to the police and the press, admit defense of the greatly misunderstood and abused bourgeoisie without having suc ting his guilt and defending his crime as a pomillionaires. He vigorously defends the right ceeded in satisfying the workers was set out in tobacco, corn and wheat. Davis agreed to furnish Iftical act. while the Communist Party of Mexico of plutocrats to keep robbing and exploiting the and peasants. The PRM, which denounced Siquetros as an irresponsible who consists ts of the top bureaucratic supplies and tools, while Waller great mass of the people. He asks that taxation and military had been expelled from the Communist Party for hierarchies, the was to furnish the labor and reof the wealthy be stopped. His reason? They CTM and the CNC, constitute fun.
celve one fourth of the product. some time. The next step was to label Siqueiros deserve everything they have! He thinks it is damentally the same party that After Waller had worked on the as a reactionary and a Trotskyist! To this end, terrible for the unions to try to get higher wages served as a base for Calles, Any tobacco crop. Davis decided to David Serrano blandly declared before the infor the workers. That will block the road to right swing on the part of the take advantage of the Federal vestigating judge that Trotsky and Diego Rivera recovery, he says.
victorious presidential candidate Government subsidy and plow un had given Siqueiros funds for a publication, Naturally, such an enemy of the working class will find the same basis der the erop, informing Waller he This story was fantastic enough, as every in.
1s an enemy of the most oppressed section of the adaptability in the PRM as dia The Central Executive Committee of the Com furled and so bravely upheld until his last breath would not be paid for his labor.
the left swing of Cardenas.
telligent person in Mexico knew. For there had working class, the Negro workers, and a friend of munist League of China issued the following. the banner of the Fourth International his Davis also owed Waller mother The CTM and the CNC, in the statement on the death of Leon Trotsky: great work will reach fruition. This will be an nursing at 50 per week, hav never been a word of criticism of Siqueiros in Jim Crow. We must realize that certain races the Stalinist press: on the contrary one could are naturally interior, says this ardent champion hands of an extraordinarily cor.
rupt bureaucracy, play and traf the Fourth International, deeply mourns the The Communist League of China, section of imperishable monument to Leon Trotsky, who ing paid her only 50 per week. cite numerous times when he was praised in the of the rich. By this he means they shouldn fic with the workers interests in lived and died for the emancipation of mankind. After some dispute, Waller finally friendliest terms. Siqueiros, moreover, had served have equal opportunities and rights, they should exactly the same way as a piece passing of Leon Trotsky, who met his death at CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE abandoned any immediate claim as a colonel in a Stalinist controlled regiment be seen and not heard, they shouldn have the of goods is trafficked. The gen the hands of a brutal assassin employed by COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF CHINA to money due him on the tobacco in Loyalist Spain and was, at the time he fled, same schooling they shouldn be allowed to sit eral line of the leaders is sub. Stalin international Mafia. To Natalia, his deand fertilizer, and went to Mary.
Shanghai, August 23, 1940 land to work. In his absence, his President of the Association of Ex Combatants in mission to the government, the voted wife and comrade, we send all our symin the game thotres and restaurants, they should Spain, the Mextean equivalent of the Abraham wife and mother, both of whom do the dirty work, cleaning the toilets, acting as line being accompanied with pure pathy in this irreparable loss which we so sadly had worked on the aforementionLincoln Brigade here. However, the Stalinists janitors and washwomen, while their superiors, and simple selling out to The following letter was sent to Comrade ed property, were evicted by attempted to brazen it out, sticking to their story ployers. In many unions the leadthe rich, do more important things such as going ers of the CTM are in the pay gia of the Kremlin has finally succeeded in still After several unsuccessful attempts, the Bor Natalia Trotsky by the Executive Committee of Davis.
that Siqueiros was not a Stalinist but an agent to the dog show.
of the bourgeoisie, from whom the Communist League of China on Aug. 23: When Waller returned from of dark and sinister forces until Mike Gold Publie endorsement of this book by Willkie they receive a regular wage.
ing the voice of the greatest leader of the reThe Chinese comrades send you these few wheat which had been worked on Maryland, he went to get spilled the beans.
means that if he is elected, he can be expected The situation of the small new olutionary socialist movement. Trotsky was words in the hope of comforting you in the dark by his wife, mother and himself. Couldn Have Read Report to carry out the Seas in it! And those colored proprietors in the countryside has murdered because, as the legitimate bearer of days of sorrow which you are now passing Self Defense Involved workers who fell for wnikle promises before not improved with the dividing the traditions of the October Revolution in Rusthrough because of the loss of our beloved Com He went armed, having been Apparently Mike had been in rustic retreat and elections will be given the privilege of shining up of the lands. IC before they sia and the pre eminent leader of the world wide rade Trotsky. We wanted to send you a cable or threatened by Davis and knowing hadn seen the GPU bulletins. At any rate we his shoes as reward for their support.
were exploited by the landholders movement of the revolutionary proletariat and radiogram, but circumstances here are such that his Between the two boss parties the Negro has they are now exploited by the the oppressed masses, he represented the greatrubbed our eyes when we saw his column in the allow hircht. Davis refused bank which tends them money, we must write instead.
anything at all, and no choice. Neither will help him, each will be August 31 Daily Worker. We quote some of. It: est menace to the totalitarian (bureaucracy which, by their leaders, and by the com tray him, both are his mortal enemies.
We had always hoped that you and we would reached for the pocket in which It is as preposterous to believe that Siqueiros panies to which they find them with Stalin at its head, dominates the Soviet be spared the grief which has now fallen upon tent of his life, Waller shot and would become the leader of an assassination plot selves compelled to sell their pro Union and crushes the masses under the weight us, but it was not to be. Despite all the precau killed Davis, and fled fearing as to believe it of Gary Cooper. And why? Be.
TroubleAnd Double Trouble ducts at a low price, of its lucrative privileges and the violent rule by tions which were taken, an assassin employed by mob violence. He was captured cause the face, the hair, the manner of speech, The life we live in 1940 is a strange thing.
The bankrupt situation of the which it maintains them.
railways and oil wells has re.
Stalin succeeded in carrying out his vile task. a few days later in Columbus the whole personality of Siqueiros is almost as The murder of Trotsky was also an act of The workers produce everything, and they live We had hoped that Comrade Trotsky would Ohio, whence he was extradited well known in Mexico as the personality of Gary cently been given public notice, personal vengeance by Stalin, the foul crowning in misery. The bosses produce nothing, and they This is due in part to the boycott deed in a series of murders which has claimed live many more years to continue his great work on August 6th to Chatham, Vir Cooper in this country.
live in comfort and luxury. Because of the profit and to the maneuvers in the cause of the socialist revolution. Now we cinta. Communists do not believe in assassination, the lives of Trotsky two sons and two daughters system, the bosses make the workers live in un. American Imperialists, but to a can only take comfort and we ask you to takel, Lawyers Thomas Stone and because with Disraeli they believe that no ashealthy tonements. Often they shut down the fac great extent the responsibility and thousands of his devoted followers in Russia.
comfort in the thought that before he died Byron Hopkins, both from sassination ever changed the history of a tories and throw the workers into the streets to falls on the bureaucrats of the By the death of Leon Trotsky, the workers Comrade Trotsky had already performed enor Richmond, Viretnia, are co operating in the defense.
starve or live on miserable relief allowances. When CTM. Being the real adminis. and oppressed peoples of all the world, including mous labor for our cause. This work must now The defense attorneys are fight trators of both undertakings they China, have lost their most gifted and ardent the workers dare to ask for a little more from be carried to completion by others, less fitted for ing to get a change of venue. Siqueiros, understand. was not a member grant themselves extremely high champion. Tirelessly and selflessly and without life, the strength of the whole system is thrown of the Communist Party of Mexico. BUT HE salaries and bonuses, while the thought for his personal welfare or safety, he the task, but inspired by his selfless and gifted Judge Clement showed his bias by against them: the laws, the police, the newspapers, ACCEPTED ITS LEADERSHIP: the outstandeconomic position of the workers battle for more than forty years in the cause devotion to the cause of the downtrodden and his insultine remarks to defense the courts. When this decaying profit system faces ing Mexican intellectual who did so, and for this has either not improved or has the oppressed.
rotinsel Hopkins, Neero. The a crisis, the bosses of the different countries put obviously deteriorated. The rise of the downtrodden and oppressed. To this great We recall with especial gratitude the great local businessmen of Gretna and renegades like Rivera have hated him with a peculiar venom. Now Rivera and the fascistguns in the workers hands and send them out to in prices, which has been going liberating struggle he brought a diversity of contributions which Comrade Trotsky has made Chatham are united in crying kill each other to decide which bosses shall get the on for years now. aggravates the talents rarely given to a single man. Together Almazan gang to whom he now gives his adherto the revolutionary movement in China. His that damn nigger ought to be labors have armed us with a program which in unpardonable sin resisting a Waller committed the situation of all the poor classes with Lenin he led the Russian Revolution to vicgravy.
ence, are using their chance to destroy Siqueiros.
As workers, the Negroes suffer all this. But Accordingly the hatred of the tory and created the Red Army which fought the end will triumph. When the masses of China white boss. They want to burn They would try to weave the same plot around a workers and peasants is concen off its enemies. Despite the later degeneration that isn all. Because they are Negroes, they marching under the banner of the Fourth Interim to maintain the vicious Gary Cooper or a Charlie Chaplin in America, trating itself against the bureau are treated even worse. The Republicans and crats of the CTM, of the CNC, and of the Soviet state, he continued its most able national, throw off the chains of imperialism and cropper system.
if they could, and it would be as murderously the Democrats defend this way of life, but they revolutionary defender and labored indefatigably The first skirmish has been won the government.
step forward on the road to socialism, they will grotesque as a Hitler invention.
won do anything to let the colored workers have for its revival by promoting the cause of the in learn of the great part that Comrade Trotsky but victory will demand a long Gold is, of course, ready to write that what THE REACTIONARIES RALLY ternational socialist revolution. He kept undeat least the same rotten conditions and opportuplayed in assuring their trumph, and they will ap. hard fent. The Waller Defense was murderously grotesque yesterday was in AROUND ALMAZAN nities that the white workers have. The colored viatingly to this course in the face of streams of propriately honor his memory.
Committee in Richmond, Virginia reality a fact, and that Sinueiros was never within workers are herded into the worst of the bad For its part the feeble Mexican slander, monstrous frame ups and continual Dear Comrade Natalia: we grieve with you calls on workers and friends to twelve thousand miles of the Communist Party.
houses. They are given the dirtiest and worst bourgeoisie, always opposed to threats against his life by the Kremlin clique in this terrible bereavement and we honor you Committees tunitine Nerro and organize local Waller Defense But the damage is done. No recantation by Gold Cardenas reforms, has exploited and their hired agents.
paying Jobs. They are hired last and fired first.
as the beloved wife and comrade of our departed white in can undo it. Gold must therefore be liquidated.
the situation in order to rise in common national They aren even permitted to join their bosses The hand of Stalin, guiding the hand of the leader. Please accept our fraternal love and symetrumele on this case. Labor ana a tumult of totalitarian fever.
The GPU is now deciding just what is to be Army. Many of them are terrorized and lynched This is the origin of General Juan assassin who encompassed his death, has brought pathy. We shall continue to uphold the banner of Negro organizations are need to done with him.
when they try to vote like other workers, even Andrew Almazan candidacy, con. the career of the great revolutionist to a pre international socialism, the banner of the Fourth cooperate by holding protest meetfor Republicans and Democrats. Insult is always ceived in Monterrey, the most im mature end. In his writings and labors, as well International under which Comrade Trotsky lived ings and hening to raise the neadded to the injuries they suffer under capitalism. portant grouping in the Mexican as by his exemplary life as a man and a revo and died.
cessary funds to fight the case Columbus, Ohio, woman is shot through her Send mail Why is this? Why must colored workers carry Executive Committee. Communist League of through to a victore.
Mexico City as candidate his rolutionist, Leon Trotsky has bequeathed a rich hands while they were elevated in prayer. It to Camplon, Waller Defense a double burden?
China (Section of the IV International)
Committee. Co Stone, 1519 an odd kind of God that can proteet his people declaration was made in condem. heritage to the international proletariat and all (Next week: What Causes Jim Crow. LI FU JEN Ination of the class struggle, proc. the oppressed. Under the banner which he unE. Main St. Richmond, Virginia. even when they re in his presence.
Communist League of China Honors Memory of Trotsky em share.