BolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninMarxMarxismPopular FrontsRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 28, 1940 ST. PAUL UNION PAPER BLASTS Minn. Federation Fights For Steel Workers UNION CHIEFS IN GOVERNMENT Use Quickies To Win Demands FORUM you carried. HELPED ELECT OLSON, HE OUTLAWING THEM NOW send Editor: torial and ours (which apThe enclosed editorial on Dan peared in the August issue iel Tracy and other deserters of the APPEAL under the title ST. PAUL, Sept. 19 Thwarting polis, summed up the debate by peal of the Woodrum amendment: from labor ranks who have Which is the Crime. The an attempt by reactionary State reminding delegates that what the restoration of citizenship rights Victory at Republic gone into the government was UNION ADVOCATE concludes Federation of Labor officials to state, federation had called for to the WPA prisoners; repeal of Write to tell us what going on in your part of the printed in the Sept. 17 St. Paul that the crimes of Hillman and betray the workers of Minnesota some time back was a little Was the Homestead lien law; condem Steel in Youngstown labor movement what are the workers thinking about! lell Union Advocate, the official or Tracy demonstrate the futility into taking a stand for mere ner Act for Minneapolis, to pronation of Thurman Arnold antiamendment of the us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops gan of the AFL Central Trades of Labor getting into politics.
vicious vide what the national law did trust campaign against the Is Latest Example and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn Labor Assembly. It ought to We, however, concluded that Stassen Slave Labor Act, Min not provide. He stated, the unions; against the registration print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open be reprinted by every workers union officials who enter the neapolis delegates emerged vic Stassen Act does not even faintly of the fink Associated Indepenpaper in the country.
capitalist government can torious in the Sept. 16 18 50th resemble the bill drawn up and dent Unions and all company to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you Anniversary convention of the presented by the federation. To unions; for union wages and conYOUNGSTOWN, Ohio The do not want your name printed. send it to your paper espe thereby serve only the capitalcially because was very much ist class and never the workstate labor body by keeping it vote for anything but repeal is altions in the military forces and organized steel workers here are pleased with the editorial on Dan ing class. But we ARE wholeofficially on record for complete to give aid and comfort to the on all defense projects: for the making use of a union tactic Tracy that yo repeal of the act, long and employers in other states. hour day and the 30 hour week. similar to the quickie strikes Trotsky Lived By and North Amerien out of the St. Paul, Minn.
heartedly in favor of Labor stormy debate in which well. Recognizing their defeat, the getting into polities but into On Military Training employed so effectively by the The Sword And Died mud of the Middle Ages follow. Labor, independent, working known progressive trade unionists officialdom of the state federation ing these great changes. Or does The resolution on miiltary train. West Coast sailors when they We are glad to reprint the he believe that the vulgar foot.
class. polities. The UNION of Minneapolis beat down this through their spokesman, George ing, as originally presented to the were building their union.
By It, What About The Steel Workers Organizing all rooting politics indulged in UNION ADVOCATE editordisgusting display of boot licking awson, federation secretary, mov. resolutions committee, concluded ADVOCATE policy, though Abraham Lincoln. of Governor Stassen ended in a ed for an amendment to the re with the following: that we call Committee does not feel strong during the nominations of Willkie ial. for it does demonstrate critical of Hillman and Tracy, cy: decisive victory for the militant solution. The amedment and Roosevelt, were also discus pro for union wages and conditions enough that, at any rate, is the that some sections of the trade ends up where they do: it sions and more indicative of de delegates who took a resolute vided for the introduction into in the military forces and on all feeling of the Murray leadership union movement are beginning leaves the capitalists forever stand for reaffirming the action the 1941 legislature of the old defense projects, and to that end to wage a general battle against in control of polities. e. of (The following letter was mocratic methods? Perhaps disto realize what Traey. Hillman sent by a Cleveland worker to cussions and fearless writing Irk and their ilk are in the gover.
of the 1939 convention which de Federation Bill which in itself we demand that the government Little Steel. Meanwhile hun.
everything. Our policy, on the the CLEVELAND PRESS, as Mr. White. No doubt he prefere ment for other hand, leads to the workmanded repeal of this union calls for the repeal of all other furnish expert military instruc dreds of grievances have piled busting legislation.
affecting labor laws. Failing its tions and equipment to the trade up in every plant. As a result, in an answer to an article appear. the military exploits, political However, we ask and ing class taking over this world and transforming it into a isoIn his report to the convention. enactment, federation officers unions so that the organized la certain departments the workers ing in that paper, but was re rackets and secret police of Hit.
everyone else to note the fun fused publication and returned. ler, Stalin and Co. not to mention damental difference between ciety of peace and plenty. President Robert Olson stated that were directed to work for amend bor movement, rather than the have resorted to a form of guerEditor: other varieties closer home!
the UNON ADVOCATE ediWilliam White, writing on CLEVELAND The full text of the UNION ADVOCATE editorial follows the decision of the 1939 conven would cllminate its most undesir. control the defense training pro is not endorsed or encouraged by the SwOC leadership. is at the assassination of Leon Trotsky (It will interest our corres The appointment of Daniel Tracy, president of the Interna go on record for amendment any amendments that would fur The resolutions committee, how least not stamped on by the union in a local newspaper, illustrates pondent to know that, appro tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, as second assistant sec rather than repeal of the State ther lamper organized labor. This ever, left only the following in officials.
glaringly the extremely low calpriately enough, this Mr. White retary of Labor, brings to the fore the very much discussed question Labor Act. This paved the way amendment was adopted unanimits final version as presented and Concretely, the tactic involves ibre and entire lack of respon who slanders Trotsky was, be of Labor in politics.
for the report of the legislative siblity that afflict many small fore the Hitler Stalin pact, an Whenever a Labor leader is given a political appointment it is committee which recommendeet sly by the convention delegates adopted by the convention that the shutting down of a single deOther Resolutions we call for union wages and con partment until certain grievances men who have access to the col. ardent ally of the Stalinists. He concurrence with the resolution Other resolutions adopted at ditions in the military forces and are adjusted. So far these shutumns of public news vendors.
patent to all that the one granting the appointment is on a fishing of federation officers calling for the convention included a demand on all defense projects.
devoted his column on scores of It was downs have been quito successMr. White deduces from the occasions to defending him expedition for Labor support. In a word, it is a form of political amendements to the act. Al for a state housing authority; re. voted without debate.
fact that Trotsky was killed by not against reactionaries but bribery, and it constitutes one of the gravest menaces the Labor though a large number of dele Fight at Republic Steel a pickaxe that this was a logical against progressive critics. We movement is compelled to face. The Minnesota Labor movement has gates appeared before the legisA typical example of this ocmethod for his dispatch. He al. recall particularly his defense had its full share of experience in this line.
lative committee to speak against curred last week in the Inspection leges that the Russian Revolution of Stalinist wrecking in the Some time ago Mr. Roosevelt named Sidney Hillman to his the resolution and in favor of Department of the Electric Weld was achieved by means of similar Auto Workers Union and his newly created war jitters board. The President said he chose Mr. repeal, the committee recommend Mill of the Republic Steel Corweapons in the hands of mobs whitewashing of their murder Hillman because he was midway between William Green and John ed adoption of the amendment poration. About 150 men were lcd by Trotsky among others. squads behind the lines in Loy. Lewis. The President would have been nearer the truth had he stand.
involved. The grievance centered Abe Lincoln was shot to death alist Spain. EDITORS.
One after another delegates took stated that he named Hillman because Hillman Amalgamated the floor on the question of doubling up while witnessing a theatre per protest against this on shifts. For a number of months formance.
SACRAMENTO, Cal. Sept. 23. Stalinists, are now paying them the company had instituted the Would the fact that Clothing workers had indorsed Mr. Roosevelt for a third term. backward step proposed by fedLincoln was dispatched by bulAs soon as the White House felt the reaction of this appoint eration officials.
Gene Larson, The California legislature, con back in the usual coin of such practice of requiring the men who lets rather than by a pickaxe. Worker Wants Unions dignify the murder? If so, then To Take Control of of errand boy between the of and the White House. Tobin repeal. Brother Larson was re a resolution, sponsored by Olson Communist Party should not pre hours rest between. The men de as a gesture of appeasement, so he named Daniel Tobin as a sort Milk Drivers, opened the sight for ernor Olson, is about to consider Nevertheless, the crimes of the work eight hour shifts, to do two ed to reach their target Leon Military Training took the job, but the real job he craved went to Dan Tracy, and there membered by delegates as the and the Democrats to ban the went us from defending the right manded that either they be allowTrotsky in the attempt on him on May 24 should deify him above (The following letter was that it isn always Labor that is getting into politics it is more report last year calling for repeation ballot in November and to ment to exist. We, the advanced shifts or else that they be paid Lincoln in Mr. White regard.
or the act and it was his report abolish the Communist Party in workers, must settle accounts time and one halt for the second brought into the St. Paul headThat the first World War toll often a case of politicians getting into the Labor movement.
that was then adopted.
with the Stalinists within the la.
of the lives and persons of some quarters of the Socialist Work What can Mr. Tracy do for Labor as second assistant secretary The Stassen Act was adopted The Socialist Workers Party bor movement, without any helpshift. Almost three months ago the superintendent, McCoy, agreed 20 million men, women and chilers Party by a worker. of Labor? What became of his prestige as head of a great interna after the election of Republican has wired protests against this from the capitalists.
The Social Democrats in Ger done.
to their demand but nothing was dren and that the proportionately tional union the moment he went on the payroll of a politician? Governor Stassen. It enforces a 10. resolution to Governor Olson.
Fellow What can he do as a rubber stamp stooge in the Department of day waiting period before a union The Socialist Workers Party is many were directly responsible About three weeks ago, they fell to the lot of the Russian peo. believe that this country is Labor to oppose one Thurman Arnold, also a government employee, may strike, restricts picketing also proposing that joint action for the assassination of Lebagain went to him and again he ple: that the initial move away headed for war; believe that but one with authority nternational officials to the moves a long way toward com be taken by the entire labor knecht and Rosa Luxembours: promjsed to fix it up but again from this world catacomb of hor us workers are going to be regi penitentiary? What can he do to further the fight he began long pulsory arbitration, etc.
movement Socialist Party. Com yet the revolutionary Communist nothing happened. After waiting rors and toward peace was taken mented into the military machine ago against the discriminations of the National Labor Relations If we vote for amending the munist Party, the trade Party of those days defended the for about two weeks, the men under the inspiration of Lenin, of this country. do not like the Board. law, that means we approve of unions, etc. for a joint campaign Social Democrats against the capt, mostly swoc members, called a it in principle, said Larson.
against this reactionary resolutalists. Likewise we must defend meeting of their department and The answers are obvious. His prestige as head of one of the the pickaxe Russian Revolution don believe that it should be tion.
the Stalinista, degenerate though decided to stop the work until Among those who spoke for achieved with less in repeal were Walter Frank, CenIt is ironical that Governor Ol they are, responsible though they their grievance was adjusted: in the nation in a single month anything to say about what we yes man for Madam Perkins. There nothing he can do for orberg a Burnding a service heront this vicious move ironical but we must defend them against the as the 3 shirt came ott duty.
casualties sustained after the the case in other untons, we de after all is said and done Madam Perkins is a politician and not a Municipal Employees: John Bos type of democrat And it or wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwyours they wonited met the gate, they stopped the 11 shift from and that the largest part of the are doing. In my opinion, as is ganized Labor that Madam Perkins does not want him to do, and agenin State Counter and in the classical tradition of his capitalists.
Russian Revolution resulted thra eide by a majority vote when we trade unionist. He cannot oppose Thurman Arnold without jeopardiz coe, Central Labor Union; Lastis tainly ought to be an eye opener foreign invasion and civil war strike or when we do anything ing his own job, and Mr. Tracy evidently wanted that political job or Boerbach, Painters: Harold Ul to Communist Party members conIn NEWARK, refusing to get to work in spite inspired by the invaders that else. We also elect our own lead he would not have taken it in the first place. Furthermore, he has son, Building Laborers: Peter cerning the policies pursued by buy the APPEAL at: of all the pleadings and promises of their immediate superiors un become a member of the weakest sector of the President cabinet Warhol, Upholsterers: Walter their leaders; for Olson was general Ludendorf, the Germans are not the best we elect new and a mere errand boy for Madam Perkins, whom the President. Hagstrom, General Drivers. all elected with the full support of Newsstand, Broad til McCoy finally came and setwere defeated not by pickaxes. Jones. Wm. Sts.
tled the matter polson gas, tanks, bombs, shrap. That should be the nature of for some unknown reason, refuses to eliminate from his official Minneapolls, and many from St. the Communist Party That, of course, was in the The workers got what they nel, etc. but by Bolshevik propaour military training. We should family. Mr. Roosevelt has gradually shorn the Madam of most of her Paul also spoke.
Cohen wanted and as a result the Swoc All pointed out the evils of the honeymoon days of the collective ganda, are facts which Mr. White train ourselves to be able to responsibilities but she remains as Secretary of Labor, and Dan law and demanded to know why security. Popular Front line of Confectionary, will not find it necessary to in handle firearms to protect our un Tracy, whether he relishes the idea or not, must take his orders the reactionary state legislature the Stalinists, when any scoundred has been given another spurt forward not only in this departvestigate 11 SPRISGFIELD AVE.
that had passed the law would ment but throughout the mill. Of Hitler, Stalin, Weygand, Petain that may threaten them. We All of which should demonstrate the futility of Labor getting even amend it to benefit labor. against fascism was certain to near Court House. course the local newspaper car.
and the old men of France Cham. Should, believe, be prepared to into polities. Whenever it gets into politics it immediately loses get the support of the Communist or write for delivery ried no news of this episode at Dunne Sums Up Party.
to all the rest of the betrayers of America, such as the Fords and sight of its cconomic objectives. Thats what happened in MinneMiles Dunne, delegate from the These same scoundrels, lifted 0, 352, Newark, the European peoples, are immune Morgans and the Rockefellers who sota. That what happened to Dan Tracy, an otherwise capable, Teamsters Joint Council, Minnea into office with the help of the from pickaxes, as are those of have been fighting our unions for competent and worthwhile union executive.
similar bent in this country vears. Especially should we be 100 PROFIT They are men of Infinite material prepared to shoulder a gun in resources and backing.
time of war when the bosses will President Roosevelt has perThomas Paine, the Immortal in feel that they can break any sonally promised that no corspiration and political strategist strikes that might be forced upon poration will coin profits from of the American Revolution, was us because the increased cost of the arms boom. Well, the permitted to rot in a French Bas living. We must improve our Thompson Automatic Arme tille and later to die, almost unskill in the use of arms because Corporation, maker of the noattended in his fatal illness, a we will have to use them.
lonely old man in the the Now think that the best way Editor: concern. All the more reason that torious Tommy machinegun, has just declared a specnation which he, more than any to get this done without being The Minnesota State Federation a campaign to organize the future Classes Begin Irving Plaza ial dividend of 50 a share.
other man, fought to bring into bullied by sergeants and peanut of Labor at its just concluded soldiers must be started immeAt the current price of the existence. While Mr. White has lieutenants who think they know 1940 convention had before it a diately.
Monday, October 21 Irving Place 15 St. stock that a fifty percent been taught to extol George Wash everything is to get the unions resolution concerning the military To realize the aim of the Minbonus!
Ington et al. he, just as a hun to which we belong to sponsor training of the workers undernesota Convention that of obSupplying machine dred million other schoolboys, is military training for all its mem union control. This convention, taining trade union wages and The Philosophy of Marxism Dialecti The Epoch of Imperialism.
guns to the international probably unaware of Paine crea bers who will choose their officers through some of its spokesmen conditions in the army and on all cal Materialism William Warde.
gangsters is as profitable as The Death Agony of Capitalism and the tive role in the origin of this and can remove them whenever lauded the advance of the labor defense projects the organized selling them to the Capones movement of the past few years, course in the historical origin and essential Rise of Fascism.
labor movement must begin now, nation; or if he is, perhaps he they see fit. In this way we will But on this resolution one that by calling on the government to ideas of the Marxist view of the world.
And that only a beginning, regrets that Paine was not deget the necessary experiences to The Program of the Fourth International.
Financial circles estimate the stroyed by the pikestaffs or the be able to better protect oursel concerned the very life of the supply funds and equipment to The Philosophical Background of Dialecti Tuesdays 7:10 to 8:40 PM sessions 00 year earnings of the comguillotine of the tribunal of the ves and we will really be defend workers organization the con unions that will train men demo cal Materialism.
pany will be from 10 to 16 French Revolution.
ing the interests of the workers vention went only part way. It cratically, in a manner that will How Hogel Revolutionized Logic.
IV. Trade Union Leadership Farrell a share, more than one hunMr. White waxes sarcastic and not the interests of the Mor agreed that we call for union be agreed to by the men them. The Main Laws Dialecties.
dred percent!
An analysis of the basic role of the trade about the interminable debates gans and Rockefellers in some wages and conditions in the mill selves. Then these men will real Dialectical Materialism and Natural Isn it time the government union movement in the class struggle. study between the Stalinists and Trot. foreign land. say let have tary forces. But the convention ly show enthusiasm to fight Hit Science.
nationalized these superprofit.
skyists. Read history. Mr. White, the unions organize this training failed to take the next logical ler and Fascism and anyone else of the day to day problems of the workers and and discover anew the white hot and let have democracy in this step to bring these conditions in who may desire to take away the Trotsky, the exponent of Dialectical Maeering arms industries?
the technique of trade union leadership in the terialism.
discussions which preceded the union controlled army. to realization, namely, that or rights of labor.
fight against the employers.
American and French Revolutions St. Paul, Minn.
ganized labor should control the The Contemporary Critics and Opponents The Role of the Trade Unions in the Class and of the plucking of Europe Fellow Worker military training camps.
So long as the army is unor of Dialectical Materialism.
What does a union do when it ganized, it will always serve as Mondays 7:10 to 8:10 PM sessions 00 Trade Union Leadership.
wafits to get union conditions in a threat to labor in the form of in a strike breaking organization II. What is Trotskyism. James Cannon. Union Contracts Negotiations, Mediation BOOKS and an unorganized place, such as the strength of organized workPAMPHLETS and Arbitration.
Trotsky Last Work Ford. It does not simply go on ers depends on their ability to of Trotskyism to revolutionary Marxism.
These lectures are on the specific contributions Strikes How to Organize and Conduct.
By LEON TROTSKY record. It must more than that. The union must set itself tainly, the auto workers could extend their organization. Cer1. The Foundations of Trotskyism in Marx Traditional Demands.
MANIFESTO OF THE the task of getting to the work not feel secure if they organized and Lenin. Trade Unions and Politics, The Stalin School of Falsification 50 326 pages ers at the plant and organizing Detroit alone; they had to or Trotsky theory of the Russian Revolution.
Tuesdays 8:50 to 10:20 PM sessions 00 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL The Third International After Lenin 50 357 pages them into the union. If they are ganize all the auto workers. In The Struggle between Trotskyism and StalREGISTRATION on the Lessons of October cloth. 75 125 pages unemployed and are waiting to be the same way, the unions to be inism: Its theoretical basis.
Registration may be made at the school office,. 50 called back to work, the union secure must organize the soldiers Colonial Revolution: China.
116 University Place, every day (except Sunday)
IMPERIALIST WAR must fight for them on WPA or in the army so that the reactionWhither France cloth. 75 160 pages in unemployed organizations. Ilary officers will not use the The Revolutionary Fight against Fascism: between 12 noon and PM. On Wednesdays and and the paper. 50 unions do for workers when soldiers Germany, France, Spain.
In Defense of the Soviet Union Thursdays the office will be open from PM to. 10 40 pages they are unemployed, they fi herders of scabs. Let 6. Proletarian Militarism.
War and the Fourth International 10 PM. Registrations can also be made by mail PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION. 10 34 pages get going now!
these same workers easier to orMondays 8:50 to 10:20 PM sessions 00 Stake My Life or by calling Gramercy 9317. 05 24 pages ALLEN sanize when they do go back to III. Elements of Marxism Murry Weiss.
Stalinism and Bolshevism 48 pages cents per copy. 10 St. Paul, Minn.
32 pages the factory.
ATTENDANCE ground course in the basic principles of Leon Sedov (In memory of bis son). 10 32 pages Exactly the same thing must Marxism; indispensible to the beginner who seeks Those who do not wish to register for a full be done insofar as the military an understanding of the Marxist view of history course may attend single lectures. The charge Order from In Combination Au for 00 ADVERTISEMENT forces are concerned. The future and current events. This course will be useful for single lectures will be twenty five cents.
soldiers must be contacted now Man wanted to share an apart to those who wish to review the fundamentals PIONEER PUBLISHERS SCHOLARSHIPS ORDER FROM: uefore they get into the army, a ment. All improvements. Call at of the Marxist doctrine. limited number of scholarships are availa116 University Place very difficult place in which to PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE Marxism a unified theoretical system.
organize. It is more difficult, Apartment, 27, 244 East 13th ble to unions, clubs, and unemployed. InformaNew York City even to organize in the army Street, New York City, between The Materialist Conception of History. tion about these can be had by writing to the NEW YORK, than in the labor hating Ford 7 Marxian Economics.
school office.