CommunismCommunist PartyFascismFifth ColumnFranceHitlerIV InternationalNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal SOCIALISM WILL BE TROTSKY MONUMENT TROTSKY MONUMENT Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 39 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1940 0357 FIVE (5) CENTS SURVEY SHOWS WORKERS WANT UNION CONTROL OF MILITARY TRAINING. CAL. BOSSES WANT TO STOP LABOR ROWS Approve Enactment of Conscription, But Also Favor Union Control of It Newark Polls Representative Body AUTO LOCALS IN FLINT of Workers To Get Views on Training PREPARE TO FIGHT What Destroyed France. OUR NATIONAL SAFETY DEMANDS STOP LABOR ROWS. ALL Who Destroyed France. Να 17. Drive Against Unions On Pretext of National Defense By GEORGE BREITMAN carefully conducted poll of a representative group of workers in New Jersey, completed last week, established that a LOS ANGELES The Mer FLINT. Mich. Sept. 22 To this date none of the 19 key union majority of them are in favor of the conscription bill which has chants and Manufacturers Asso.
SASA mer suspended by the Fisher Body division of General Motors have just been enacted into law, but that a majority are also in favor ciation has plastered Los Angeles been back to work a result of the hearings on the cases which of placing military training under control of the trade unions.
with full sized outdoor advertishave been conducted by the UAW CIO and the corporation manage These significant conclusions were the result of a four week ing signs which read, WHAT DESTROYED FRANCEY OUR ge W ment for the past two weeks.
survey among workers in Newark, in a poll conducted by the Foster Klelser NATIONAL SAFETY DEMeanwhile the Fisher Local No. 581 is preparing for any ne Newark branch of the Socialist MANDS STOP LABOR ROWS!
cessary action, with strike kitchens already set up with full equip Workers Party, trade union control of military training.
The material tabulated was ment, and all decks cleared for action should the militants not be This will prove to be only the Once Again In the light of these established first in a series of public stateput back to work and a satisfacsecured by visiting the homes conclusions, we may say confi.
ments to miseducate the American tory decision reached on their second stages of negotiation as of nearly a thousand workers dently: Woe to the pacifists and a result of the corporation stub in two representative working semi pacifists (the Socialist Par workers even more so than ever cases.
born refusal to live up to the class neighborhoods, the Iron uy, the Communist Party, etc. before. And it is a bold step for the first.
The 19 men were suspended by provisions of the GM contract, is bound section, heavily populat Whoo to the workers walling the corporation after fights broke preparing to demand a more deed by industrial workers, and against conscription, but offering They are telling the American In an organized propaganda campaign, Ame But the workers made the mistake of listening tween AFL and cio members. The Buick grievances, which the Third and Fourteenth tem of military training to take workers not to strike for more wages in spite of the increasing rican boss groups are trying to terrorize the to these false leaders, to Blum and the Stalinists. The incidents, obviously the re nave been on nle for months both Wards, heart of Newark Ne test placuitarestera inince to the gro population cost of living being caused by unions into silence by holding up the horrible They gave up the positions they had conquered. sult of company provocation in with the corporation and with the make no headway, and especially Those who conducted the poll not among the most important the boss war. They are telling example of France.
They stopped their labor rows so that the boss an effort to sidetrack the increas. International union, mainly are the workers they know what 137. What destroyed France ask their rostside es could are the national safety against for CO men to the Company incation of jobs resulting in Suence the answerer given by the it is instruct! ve to break dowit ng militant bhjention on the part crucerned with speedap, reclas extremely careful gul la inceptione nf the working class best for them. That is what Hit signs. Our national safety demands: Stop labor Hitler.
workers. Those questioned the figures of the poll that show ler told the German workers rows!
But when the showdown came, the bosses Lt lailure to live up to the GM con wage cuts, discrimination against chosen at random were told that the majority of the workers to be when he was risins to power; American workers must not fall for this the country wide open to Hitler. They preferred beast resulted in a two day lock union men in transfers, etc.
These grievances have been way a poll of the neighborhood was in favor of military training un that is what he is still telling baloney.
Hitler to workers rule. And with Hitler help Following the lockout an agree laid and sidetracked by the com being made that their names der trade union control. The them today. And precisely that It wasn labor rows that made for the col they are now attempting to destroy every remment was reached to start produe panx The Internat. onal officers would not be taken, and that their following were the percentages happened in France and led to its defeat.
lapse of France. It was the French bosses who nant of the French labor movement.
These despicable creatures, opened the way to Hitler hordes.
That is the real story of the collapse of evidence and settlement of the 19 grievances to pile up without do dential. They were not told who union workers, 308 unemployed The French bosses placed their own safety was conducting the poll before or housewivos, 531 whites and 398 France. That is the real meaning that lies behind cases.
whose use of thugs and scabherdLocal Will Act Now however, Buick militants they answered.
Negroes: ers was exposed by the LaFol ahead of the national safety.
this vicious bosses propaganda in this country.
are howling for action, and there They were asked two questions: lette Civil Liberties Committee Weygand, the French generalissimo, came beDon conducted by those who to destroy the There is no joking about the Is some talk of a strike vote there Are you in favor of the conYes Know have the gall to propose that de fore the French cabinet in those fateful days workers organizations. The bosses don want to local determination to set also, to show the company the scription bill which is now being Union 61 21. mocracy shall be saved by last June and warned of workers unrest result Hitler, but they want to Hitlerize this country justice for its key shop militants union means business and to force debated in Congress? and strangling the working class! ing from the German victories. He compared the themselves.
whose suspension, Local 581 has action. Would you be in favor of mil Non union situation in France to the situation in Russia in already proved, was the result of 51. 27. 20. tary training of workers if they working Workers Aren Fooled We want no part of this. The greatest guaran a well lald plan between the cor.
1917, when the Russian soldiers turned their arms tee of the national safety lies in the increase, poration and a few AFL men to were to be trained under super Unemployed The alert workers are not fool on their own officers and joined the workers and vision of their trade unions. housewives 42. 19, 27. not the decrease of the power of the workers, create trouble. The company ed. They know this is no 180 They could answer to each ques Whites 46. 29. 23. lated cancerous growth. They peasants in revolution. It must not come to tlon, yes. no. or don know. Negroes The experience of France showed that the planned the union has pointed Coffins Are Just that, Weygand told the ministers. Surrender know it is only the spearhead of 55. 13. 31. to Hitler had to be made, he said, so that the re. democrats who act for the bosses cannot safe out, to divert attention from the Here are the results in percent.
a broad national movement, and guard the national safety. Only the workers many grievances, such as wage Part of the Army ages: It is important to point out behind it are the industrial bosses maining French armies could be preserved to Don that practically none of these of the nation. And the industrial maintain order and quiet in the country.
Yes ΝΟ Spain, France, Belgium, and Britain, could have the AFL. CIO fight. an issue Many Gadgets Know would That the real story of what happened!
workers had ever before consider bosses of the nation, those gentleQuestion stopped the Nazi menace once and for all and give it the advantage of saying 47 26. 26. ed the question of trade union men who are telling the workers But it was the Popular Front government, we The United States Army ended these brutal national struggles by inter the trouble was merely between Question control of military training: it not to strike against wage cuts are then told, which in the years preceding the has been making a survey of 50. 22. 26. is correct to say that the polland lengthened hours, are the war rendered the country powerless before Hitnationalizing Europe on a socialist basis. two unions, and not between the the casket industry, to find very ones who are striking against ler, the labor government of Blum Co. This One thing is startlingly clear takers were the first to raise the This is our answer to the question: What company and the CIO.
out how many coffins are befrom this and other tables which question in their minds. Consethe government, and have been they say, was the real source of the defeat. This destroyed France? This is also our answer to But Local No. 581 has so far ing produced now, how many were tabulated from the answers: quently, their opinions on this consistently refusing airplane, the question: What threatens to destroy Ames made an effective fight. And it more car: be produced in an pacifist tendencies among the subject were not, of course, as and armament is why American workers should be docile and naval. steel is prepared to use the strike pow.
workers can hardly be said to ex long thought over as their answers contracts from government take all the lumps, for the national safety.
er given the local Executive men asked the Boss rule threatens to destroy America if it Board by a big membership meet1st of the whole, only per on the question of conscription.
government 80 long as the This is sliced off the same baloney. The Popuarmy to comment on its sur asked that they be satisfied lar Front Government was not a government of is allowed to continue unchallenged. Workers ing last week cent are opposed to both forms vey. An army spokesman of military training! 71. per cent Instinctively Class Conscious Even Reuther. Thomas and with fair and reasonable profits. labor. It was a government entrusted by the rule alone will defend the land. Workers rule Major Robert Ginsburgh favor one or both forms of millIt would be fair to say, there.
Seven or eight percent profit are bosses with the job of dispersing the marching alone will ensure to all the people that they are Frankensteen, International Board said: not enough they want unlimited army of labor. Blum and the Communist Party tary training. The remaining fore, that for many workers their defending what is theirs and not the fleshpots members of the UWA, had to When you have an army 21 were against one form and favorable answer to the question profits. These gentlemen who this was in the days before the Hitler Stalin of the Sixty Families.
take a more militant stand last you have to figure it going didn know about the other, or of military training under trade want unlimited profits are telling pact, when Stalin was still flirting with the week under pressure from Local to fight some day. Fighting instinctively didn know about both forms. union control was Workers power will defend our homes and es. No. 581.
the workers not to strike even French capitalists) told the workers that labor means casualties and casual. Few Negro Pacifists!
class conselous. If they thought tablish real bonds with the worker of all other for costs.
Buick Gets Going ties call for caskets. That lands in common fight against the boss war Interestingly enough, when unions were good, if they felt un Watch out for the next state rows would bring on Hitler.
Inspired by all there is to it.
Just a simple the determined these figures were broken down ions protected or could protect The dor rows of that time 1936 were mongers and warmakers. That is the lesson of stand of the Fisher local, the matter of being prepared with still further, it was found that them, they answered yes, And ment by these open shoppers and France. Down any other road lies conquest by Buick Local No. 599, which has essentials. Caskets are like the in the mean time build your union virtually a revolution. The French workers held Pacifist tendencies were even since as even a recent Fortune and fight for military training power in their hands. They had occupied all the Fascism, either from abroad or by our own a mountainous list of grievances rest of the gadgets we use. smaller than the general per poll had to concede most workunder control of the trade unions. factories and plants in the land.
home grown Hitlers.
which have never reached the cent, among union members (4) ers, whether organized or not.
and Negroes (5. favor trade unions, they were The general conclusions to be struck favorably by the proposidrawn from the poll may be for tion that trade unions should promulated as follows: tect them in the sphere of millPacifism Is Bankrupt tary training as well as in priv.
ate industry.
Workers are looking for some Those, however, who felt hostil.
As we go to press, a big New National Committee, and the first closing the Plenum Conference. It Convening at this crucial mo means of military training. Most ity toward unions for some rea York delegation is leaving for the conference of branch delegates will take place at the Epicurean ment in the history of the Ame: bill Just adopted by Congress heers had failed to protect them on NEWARK, The Dics been ignored because it embar. Plenum Conference of the Socia since the death of Leon Trotsky. Restaurant, 316, South Wabash ricare working class the Plenum cause it appeared to them as the one had, tended to releet enem on Conference has a tremendous res answer to the probem of military the proposition that trade unions using the Hercules Powder Co. plans by placing the blame on list Workers Party in Chicago. The task of the Plenum Confer Avenue on Sunday evening ponsibility for mobilizing the ad training. Most of them. however should control military training.
explosion as a pretext to extend the greed and callousness to hu September 27 29. Reports from ed: to mobilize the party to carry Militarization Main Point Vanced workers in the defense of likewise are in favor of military In spite of this, the yes answers its anti labor red hunt to New man life of the DuPont owned all parts of the country give as out Comrade Trotsky last The main political question on the labor movement against the training under the control of the were decisive in proportion to Jersey. Though army experts and Hercules Company.
surance that similar delegations words: Please tell our friends the agenda of the Plenum. Con capitalist war mongers and their trade unions, once the idea is those who answered horamos company officials stated that they About a year ago, a new system will be present in Chicago. It is am sure of the victory of the ference will be the determination agents in the labor movement.
presented to them. This is es to 2!
did not suspect sabotage, Par of recovering solvents was started We may say in all modesty pecially true among the employed nell Thomus. New Jersey Con at the plant. The system was already certain, therefore, that Fourth International. Go for of party policy toward the mili.
tarization of the United States. however, that the Plenum Con union member and Negro sections Our Program Realistic presaman and member of the Des devised to speed up the powder this important gathering of party fruitful discussion on this key ference will undertake that res of the working class ie. the Committee, Immediately issued a processing and to cut costs. At delegations will be one of the Workers Invited question of his epoch has On the basis of this poll, which eady ponsibility in the unconquerable mont decisive sections of the la we believe quite accurate it statement blaming explosion one stage in the new system a most representative in the his Friends and sympathizers will taken place in the branches, on spirit in which Leon Trotsky dor movement.
should be carefully repeated in on the Fifth Column and an highly volatile mixture is achiev. tory of our movement.
have an opportunity to join in the basis of a proposed resolu, trained and indoctrinated us. The housewives and the unemother parts of the country to nounced that the committee woulded that may be ignited or even two of the activities scheduled tion, drafted by the National investigate.
detonated by a stray spark.
Conference on Saturday Every comrade, friend and ad ployed who, by virtue of their check it it appears to be an es for the week end. One will be Committee. Three internal bulleThe first step taken by the Dles Another munition manufacturer After a plenary session of the the Mass Meeting to greet the tins have been issued to the party vanced worker will be able to and politically developed than the workers Party program for inlist Committee in its Investigation and ammunition experts of the National Committee on Friday, National Committee and the on the question, including discus. acquaint himself with the discus others, give smaller majorities to tary training under trade union has been the seizure of Commun. Army Ordnance Department were the Conference sessions open branch delegates. It will take sion articles by party members. sions and results of the Plenum both forms of military training control is a popular and practical 1st Party state election petitions. acquainted with the new system Saturday morning at 10:00 AM. place at the Medical and Dental Meanwhile, the explanation of They rejected it because they con and will continue throughout Arts Building. 185 Wabash the Plenum conference are at the Conference by reading the rebut senerally show the same ten basis for winning the workers.
the explosion considered most sidered it too vulnerable to accl Saturday and Sunday.
Avenue on Friday evening.
ther Flerwain Hotel, Division and ports in the SOCIALIST AP ers show themselves to be parts. against which the capitalist class probable by munition experts has dents.
This is the first meeting of the The other will be the Banquet Clark Street.
PEAL next week.
cularly receptive to the idea of will fight like cornered rats.
the Capitalist Greed Was Cause PLENUM OPENING THIS WEEK IN CHICAGO Of Hercules Powder Tragedy