BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGPUIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarMarxNazismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

SEPTEMBER 21, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Negro Struggle Get a Lesson Siqueiros, Leader of May 24 Attempt In Democracy On Trotsky, Defends His Foul Deed SIDNEY HILLMAN nas. LABOR WITH WHITE SK SKIN The CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERR LABORED KARL MARX SKINIS BRANDED (Continued from Page 1)
show you that they were not asked of you before?
by Robert Birchman A: will not answer because you want to make me fall into contradictions. will answer no more than what have already Negro People Hold the Balance said: don remember the By GEORGE STERN The 1940 elections are of tremendous import dates nor the subjects of conThirty six Chinese seamen last Saturday comance to the colored race. They take place in the versations nor the number of pleted an elementary course in Anglo American midst of world shaking events. The war in Eu conversations had with Trot By WALTER ROURKE ever, we can be sure that the EL POPULAR and FUTURO (1 write such self incriminating Jet democracy at Pier 97, North River.
rope sharpens and the day comes closer when sky.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 14. The GPU had several alternative stoofficial organs) calling Trotsky ters? Possibly the GPU hopes to These men signed on the British freighter workers, colored and white, will be called on to JUDGE: If you are answer. Mexican public has been witness ries, just as it had several altern an enemy of Mexico in 57 differ distract attention from Serrano.
Silverlarch a year and a half ago for two years ing truthfully, then you should to the curious spectacle of a GPU ative plans to carry out the murent varieties. an attack on the a member of the Political Commitgive their lives to protect Wall Street profits.
service in Far Eastern waters. They were periode not fear that you will fall into agent writing to the press in order. Siqueiros reveals one of Trotsky house could have been tee who has been detained by The crisis of unemployment remains with us, in any contradictions by repeat der to defend his crime and revile those stories which, although it named a sporadic act of the the police since June for the May ically in home ports and could renew among their spite of the huge expenditures for armaments. ing your answers.
This victim. David Alfaro Siquei never came into actual use, has base of the people. Since no attack. If Siqueiros is out of the own people the self respect and integrity so brus Wages stand still, relief and WPA go down, and The whole fraud of Jackson ros, admitted leader in the May the unmistakable earmarks of a difficulties arose over the clec country. this course would present tally trampled on by their British masters.
the cost of living shoots up. The conseription bill explanation, designed solely to 21th assault on the Trotsky house GPU lie.
tions by the time of the first GPU little danger for him.
is rushed for duate and passage, while the Anticover up the GPU, is summed up and fugitive from justice, has In the event of civil strife or attack, this excuse was dropped.
When the war came, however, the vessel was Or is the GPU planning to kill in the final question and answer written four letters and articles trouble, the GPU planned to at Lynch Bill lies a houldering in drawer. The transferred to the trans Atlantic run. The The remainder of Siqueiros ar. Siqueiros? If so, they may hope of this afternoon: from his hiding place tack Trotsky house in the role ticles is simply a repetition of to blame friends of Trotsky as Chinese crew had to go along willy nilly. They Army keeps shouting that it needs men, and it Q: You claim, then, that you He reports the usual Stalinist of enraged citizens instead of the Communist Party line from the murderers: thus they could ran the submarine gauntlet in convoys running keeps rejecting Negro volunteers. The Ku Klux never received any letter of re slanders against Trotsky, critic policemen. complacencles which he diverges only to justify have him write his slanderous between American and British ports. To their Klan gets bolder, and gives out leaflets on the commendation from the alleged izes the Cardenas Government for and lack of legal enerey on the the murder. Thus in a certain and streets of northern cities.
miserable quarters and paltry pay the British member of the Bureau of the persecuting the guilty, and in part of the State before its rear sense he is more honest than of nainst Trotsky in order to prov self incriminating letters All these things affeet the lives and condimasters added the risks of war and virtual imFourth International to Trotsists that the Communist Party tionary and imperialistic opposificial policy. In words as in acide a motive. Or do they think tions of every worker. They affect the colored sky; you claim further that Trot had nothing to do with the crime. tion inevitably carries with it the tion, Siqueiros carries this policy that such letters will convince the prisonment aboard ship.
worker most of all because he is always hardest sky knew that you did not He says that the only reason Illegal sporadte force of the base one more step to its logical con world that there is no connection For in Britain and Canada wartime laws hit in every crisis. The Negro people cannot speak Russian and that he knew that he is in hiding is his fear of the people. It is, of course, clusion. He not only accepted between Siqueiros and the Comhemmed them in and in United States ports no ignore these things, they have to do something you were not an organizer in of being caught in jail if Almazan ridiculous for Siquetros to pretend the lies of Stalin, that Trotsky munist Party? In any case they Chinese may land on pain of a 1, 000 fine for the Fourth International and revolts and thereby he would be that an attack of twenty five was the greatest renegade in his will fail. mere distraction is about them. But in order to know what to do, any shipmaster that lets him set foot ashore.
not even a member of the prevented from participating in gangsters, showing an intimate tory, a friend of Almazun, a coun. of little value.
they must understand what the situation really Siqueiros is Fourth International; you claim the struggle against the reaction. knowledge of the interior of the ter revolutionist etc. but also a killed, everyone will know that The United States, great and good friend of is, and why.
further, that within six weeks The Communist Party of Mex house with five cars, several cepted the order of Stalin to it was not the revengeful hand of dear, heroie China, is like the anti Semite whose The first step on the Negro road to freedom or so after you first met Trot ico, of course, disowns Siqueiros machine guns, best friends are Jews. Morally and physically is an intensified participation in politics. An old sky, he told you to proceed to But he is a product of Stalinist police and army, with the aid of murder his most uncompromising Trotskyists, but the silencing hand argument against this is: We don have enough Russia to organize acts of sa training. a member who was women spies who operated for enemy. Without anti Stalinism. of the GPU that did the job. Ana syphilitic refugee millionaires from Europe are welcome with their sacks of money and gems.
political strength to gain anything. Recent botage and make attempts on sayy Siqueiros, Trotsky would no one will permit the Commun expelled because he had bigger months before the attack was have died from hunger. this ist Party to free itself of responthe life of Stalin and other studies by the Gallup Poll prove this argument things to do; he was to serve sporadie act of the use of the should read Due to Stalinist, sibility by announcins that si But no Chinese excepting an occasional student, leaders of the bureaucracy, and in Stalin secret police.
business man, or diplomat, may defile these completely false. In May this Poll found that you claim also that Trotsky did shores.
there are eleven states in which the Negro vote The writings of Siqueiros may seribes to us is an unused alibi Trotsky did die from a pickaxe. queiros was expelled. His words not give you any details but be accepted as the voice of the of the Stalinists. Following the Not only did he accept the mur are those of a GPU agent and The Chinese seamen on the Silverlarch, howis the decisive one, the vote which will probably simply told you to go ahead and GPU; either Siqueiros himsel! intense campaign in LA VOZ DE der assignment but he also de his acts the fulfillment of an or.
swing these states. They were Delaware, In clo those things. Is that right? has written these articles and let MEXICO (official organ) and fends his crime. Why does he der from Stalin.
ever, had no more stomach for breasting the diana, New York, Minnesota, Illinois, New Jer A: Yes, didn know what ters on the instructions of super perils of Britain way. Chinese seamen, better sey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Connecticut was in Trotsky mind and fors or other agents are writing than most workers of the Pacific, know that and Nebraska. Notice that this does not include didn make any calculations. them and forging Siqueiros name, Britain battle is no battle of theirs! They were The assassin, as can be seen, is in either case the signature realin the first and front ranks of China own battle the heavily Negro populated states in the South, extremely cautious and extremely ly reads GPU. These signed where Negroes are shot if they so much as try against Britain not so many years ago. And there to vote. And still these eleven states will deterhard; it is doubtful if more can documents present with surpris is battling enough to do at home in China own be done with him than to prove ing frankness the real Stalinist mine the course of the national election!
cause that he is lying. But that is being policy as known by that. highest True, the colored man has not benefited much proved to the hilt! And it is of organ of Stalinism its secret Today He Is the Chief Lieutenant So they started off in a body from the Silver from politics so far. But that is because he has course clear to all honest people murder society, the GPU.
larch to try to see the Chinese consul, to state used his political strength against his own inthat the only purpose he has in STALIN COMPLAINT Of the Bosses in Labor Ranks their grievances, and somehow to get back home.
terests. majority of the colored workers have lying is to cover up his GPU AGAINST CARDENAS At the foot of the gangplank they met Ame. always voted for either the Democratic or ReIn an article entitled The Real publican Parties. brief examination of these New Moves As the war crisis deepens, Big most any other figure in the la Political Identity of the Cardenas rican democracy. To them it materialized in the American merchant ships. parties and their presidential candidates will form of two gun muzzles, pointed in their directruee had been declared in San Unlike the attacks on Cardenas Government published in Business no longer cares to exer, bor movement. Ikiliman SocialFrancisco.
tion. As they tried to make their peaceful and show why this has been a tragie mistake. llere appearing in the Dadly weekly. HOY. Siqueiros discueses cise its rule through their puppet Democratic training accentuates we will not take up at this time their policies in reasonable intent plain, screaming sirens anThere were no happy sighs Worker, the Stalinist party here the reasons for Cardenas perse politicians. Politicians are greedy these qualities.
The industrialists who serve on from the cooks and stewards, who nounced reinforcements for the gun muzzles.
regard to the general questions of war, low C. delegation waited nas, he says, is the. loyal, moves directly to the control room the Commission are there for one had to go to work with their de Three radio cars and eighteen cops. By this small wages, unemployment, etc. Just analyzing their hat in hand to see him yesterday, merhanical executor of the violent of the government.
purpose: To Get. They mean to mands unmet.
policies in regard to the special problems of the army they were backed up the gangplank.
but he would not receive them. repressions and condemnation by The control room in the defense get orders for themselves and the colored race is enough to expose them for what The delegation met one of his that (bourgeois democratic state program is the National Defense corporations they represent, and WHAT HILLMAN DID THE SINS OF THESE CHINESE they are. In the words of Roosevelt, Let look secretaries and whined for an against the transgressors of its Advisory Commission. This group to get concessions from Congress. TO THE BOEING STRIKE at the record. Let look at his record.
hour about their support of Car British officers told police a sneering story.
Law, without stopping to consider is in charge of organizing the Sidney Hillman and his fellow typical Hillman job is the denas. He of course. stands by the political propositions and the production and purchasing the The Chinese seamen were upset when antiThe Roosevelt Record of a foreign power who murder. dure. Without considering also What can be mote Teasantly slice on the role polecone Tere Bhoo FI Machinists Union aireraft guns were put, aboard and tested at Singa borsa denunciatone of the agents human resous for their proces soods needed by the war machine. haber statesmen are on the Com threatened strike of 000 memDuring almost eight years in office Roosevelt apore. They saw several ships torpedoed. That the political position of these per profitable and patriotic than leav. duce organized labor to bow to le ever a strike was justified, it was about all Chinese nerves could stand.
developed the idea of must legislation. By this Having cautiously waited for sons. And why did Cardenas ing a 100. 000 a year job in in the wartime needs of Big Busi was this strike, voted by 97 of was meant the bills in Congress that he badly The British official press is all aglow about its Wanted passed, and on many occasions he has own nerves under the Nazi air attack. But Jackson accomplices were not demonstrate that. his Gov man on the Commission or oneness, to give up one condition the unionists involved in a situa Chinese nerves have been braced against Japan publicly thrown his weight behind such bills. caught they have undoubtedly ernment. was not a Bolshevik of its staffs and making mil after another, one weapon after tion where the company was propanother, and above all, not to re. osing to slash the hourly wages Often he has made the proposals himself, on such lled the country by now and Government, the insolent Social lions by ordering goods from one sist. The garment workers have for hiring in from 62c. to 55c. equally brutal assault for more than three years and were braced before that for a hundred years things as money for armaments, conscription, etc. During these cight years several versions Jackson won spill anything, the campaign of the extreme right market. moves prepared in the their heads as they can reach a wage scale more nearly com against the repeated shock of British steel against Communist Party officials have of the North American press talks Commission?
It is Hillman task to betray parable with the scale paid for of the Anti Lynch Bill were introduced. Not come out proposing an investiga about. Siqueiros criterion Chinese flesh.
The National Defense Commisthem and the whole working class. similar work in other industries, once did he offer a single word in favor of such tion of the to establish their of a progressive government is sion is Big Business personified, He must induce the workers to ac. This situation was important But the Chinese aboard were not only sinning bills! Each time he was as mum as a dummy innocence. Since a systematic in the degree of freedom the GPU at the control room in Washing cept the speed up, to give up their not only to the Boeing workers in trying to keep out of the way of German while his party joined hands with the Republic cans to kill the bill. In his years of office he has already going on, and since an being an agent of Stalin excuses sont 10 lists the personnel of the best weapon, the strike to slve but to all workers in war Indusbombs meant for British ships. They were also it seems, getting a little tired of the arrogance made hundreds of speeches, talked on thousands Solo equally systematic investigation is crimes against the working class. Commission and of its stafts, their loyalty to the employers and As Lundquist, leader of the of the white man burden bearers. Here how the government that rob them Aeronautical Mechanics Union Lo it is told by the Herald Tribune: things but never once a speech, or a sentence, May 24 attempt on Trotsky, for shevik Gov is one on the Rus. Among the corporations represor a word about the Anti Lynch Bill.
and organize their misery and cal 751, said in his press releases Eight southern states use a poll tax to keep which David Serrano, member of sien patter where frame up and ented are: General Motors: death The union recognizes that The Chinese were a bit more cheeky than the Political Buro of the legalized murder is developed to Steel; Burlington Quincy: Air Hillman has made a career of the successful conclusion of its the colored people from voting. Several bills, supthey have been before. a) man from the is being held for trial, it costs a high technique. Cardenas should Reduction; White Engineer this sort of job. For thirty years negotiations as an opening with the employthat ing: Industries (mining)
ported by Negroes and the labor movement, have ship said. One Chinese who waits on table the exactly nothing to make take into consideration ers for the ship apprentices, young men sery boen introduced in Congress to eliminate this this public proposal for an in. the supposed responsible Eastman Kodak: Malcolm Belly he has been an expert class col.
He can have no wedge in a nation wide cam ing a four year stretch preparatory to be vicious legislation. They all went where the Anti vestigation.
persons for the assault were not Co. tin. Chas. Hardy Co. laborationist.
paign by workers in war induscoming officers, told one apprentice he did Lynch Bill went. And Roosevelt continued to Simultaneously, however, the professional delinquents, but rath (antimony. Mica Insulator: Un illusions about his functions on tries to gain for themselves a not want to be called Boy anymore but make speeches about democracy. in Europe. has issued a special edition er recognized fighters of the Revo. ion Carbide Carbon: Bethlehem the National Defense Commission.
His own paper, THE ADVANCE, fair share of the enormous From him, not a word, not a syllable, only the of La Voz de Mexico with another ution, who had fought in Mexico Steel: General Foods: Stev.
wished to be addressed as Mr. Kong.
armament expenditures. The es.
silence of the grave, on the poll tax.
line of defense. It consists of and abroad. for the same ens (textiles. Wellington Sears published by the Amalgamated tablishment of wage standards One of the apprentices said later they one long splurge about Almazan, principles those supported by cotton. du Pont: Scott Paper: Clothing Workers, reprints Ludand working conditions as defelt there was no use in knocking the Chinese Jim Crow Is a General the key to which is this sentence: Cardenas. We might ask soho Mellon Institute (chemical and well Denny article from the manded by the union will serve The Communist Party ardently recognizes as fighters for the coal products. Union Pacific: WORLD TE as a model for the rest of the down when he made the remark, but decided Hillman is supposed to keep As Commander in Chief of the Army, Rooseinstead to report the incident to the steward calls on all the people to concen revolution such agents as the Are. Central: Libbey Owensindustry, and as a vivid exlabor in step with the defense trate all its forces in the decisive nal brothers, Serrano, Carlos Con Ford; United Aircraft: Curtissvelt has much to say about its policies. No inand have his pay docked for insubordination.
ample to workers everywhere.
production speed up and orfight against the seditious and treras, Siqueiros and the murd. Wright; Ethy! Gasoline: Stude.
portant decisions are made without his approval. reactionary plans of Almazan. erer himself Jackson. On the other hand, failure to baker: McGraw Hill: Motch ganized labor does not like gain these basic principles will BRITAIN REAL FACE SHOWS But the history of the Army under Roosevelt is And forget about the assassina The GPU insists through Si Merryweather Machinery: Gidd speed up and stretch outs. He be a set back rot only to airthe same history of discrimination against colored tion of Trotsky, naturally. While queiros that a progressive gov. inge Lewis Machine Tool: Amer. is supposed to prevent stopcraft workers, but will possibly Out of this little story stares the face of Britsoldiers and applicants as under the Republicans yesterday these scoundrels claimernment should give its members icas Telephone Telegraph: Gen. pages and strikes and unions eneourage employer interests to ish imperial rule over its Oriental slaves. In China before him. Negroes are given the dirtiest jobs ed that the anti Communist pro the same rights they have in Rue eral Electrie: Union Cargo Line rely on strikes as their legiti.
attempt to lower still more the inflated British clerks can employ Chinese sermate and best weapon. He is in the Army, they are denied the opportunity to paganda was being used as a red sia to murder opponents with charges. Columbia Broadcasting: living standards of all work vants for decades and never know them by any herring to divert attention away impunity in the name of the Rev. Macy, etc.
supposed to develop wholesale advance themselves, they suffer insult and segreers.
other name than Boy. Hewers of wood and beargation. Jim Crow is a general in the Army, but Among the trade associations apprentice training in war infrom Almaxan, today they are olution. Such is the service of dustries while unions restrict Hillman and Knudsen, working themselves using Almazan as a the Stalinists to the cause of represented are: Rubber Manufacers of water are not persons entitled to names.
the Commander in Chief has never been heard red herring to divert attention Bolshevism. together with the president of frightful turers: Tron Steel Institute: more their rigid apprentice systems And lo, should one of them demand of his masters to say u word about it.
the International Association of from their own crime.
to control labor supply and to be called by his name instead of a tag, it is All this absolute silence from a man who talks slander of the significance of Edison Electric Institute: Wool civil war in Mexico today Bolshevism could not be devised Manufacturers: Tanners Council; wage rates, and oppose governMachinists, first put through a time to show the famous British self control.
so much means only one thing: Roosevelt favors would be a godsend to the Stal. by the most reactionary members Association of American Rail. mental interference.
ten day truce, and then maneuver.
Don knock him down just have his pay the policy of discrimination!
of the capitalist class, roads: Lake Carriers: National His chief asset is the confied the union back to work with docked. for insubordination! In the old days on its unmet demands to be thrown dence he inspires. He is trusted Roosevelt was not elected and re elected on It will be remembered that Association of Motor Bus Oper.
into arbitration. Instead of the the China coast the mess boy Kong would proalmost as widely in business as the basis of his smile alone. His election was after the May 34th attack, the ators: American Trucking: Na bably have had his head smashed for his imperGPU following its usual practice, tional Petroleum: Federal Reserve in labor circles. His chief Boeing struggle providing an inmade possible by a political machine. This attempted to frame the victim and Board: Millers National Federa. weakness is that his loyalty to spiration and a rallying point for tinence. But right now the British are fighting machine is well known as the Democratic Party, workers in defense industry, the the President is a blank check make him appear as the culprit; tion; Russell Sage Foundation, for democracy. So kong is merely kept an unTrotsky Last Work Its main source of strength comes from one place, outcome of that fight has been a it tried to turn accuser into acetc. if it is Roosevelt, it right!
set back for all workers.
willing prisoner and gets his pay docked.
the solid south. There the Democratic Party cused. The official and unofficial Indeed Hillman is understood rules supreme. There the Negro suffers everyThrough this single tiny incident runs all the MANIFESTO OF THE Stalinist press developed the the HILLMAN HELPS TO In one of his last messages to and trusted by business. The thing but legal slavery. There is the home of the ory of self assault. that MASK ALL THIS his comrades in the United States, July issue of THE ADVANCE threads that make up the ugly pattern of imlynch mob. There such good Democrats as Sena FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Trotsky had shot up his own In ordinary times the people publishes editorial excerpts from Leon Trotsky warned that life in perialist rule and inter imperialist conflict, bourhouse. This theory was no doubt would be alarmed at the prospect Steen large daily papers laud this period will revolve around tor Bilbo, who wants to ship the colored people on the a substitute for the original in the banks, the stock exchange ing Hillman the labor statesman geois morals, and bourgeois lies and prejudices.
the war, that the war will develop back to Africa, and Cotton Ed Smith, and the centralization and military dicta Britain fighting for its democratie empire other Ku Kluxers and night riders, are the mast IMPERIALIST WAR the event that the attack had suc descending on Washington to in the August issue of the same torship: that during the war, the ers, and when they say, third term for Rooseceeded in killing Trotsky. How stall themselves in the seats of paper boldly describes a phase hourgeoisie cannot allow the lashes its colonial slaves in its galleys. Demoand the velt. it means something. What self respecting power. The concept of national of Hillman activity: workers any new concessions, and cratic America. its press and politicians bleatcolored worker can deliver them his vote. Mike Gold, apparently ignor defense helps mask the move. The PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION must rescind old concessions. At o clock the morning of ing about tolerance showed on Pier 97 the ant of the fact that his Mexican fact that President Roosevelt, still July Sidney Hillman put The Democratic Party belongs to these men.
that unless there is an awakening comrades had conceded Siqueiros popular, invites Big Business to down his telephone, relieved of the spirit of criticism and inreal face of its racial hatreds and prejudices, Support them and you will be supporting the responsibility for the attempt on take its place at the festive board, himself with a happy sigh. dependence of the war machine, exalted in the laws of the land and represented whole system of Jim Crow. Put them back in 48 pages cents per copy Trotsky and had disowned Siquel helps. The fact that one member turned out the lights and went the unions will be reduced to sort by its guns.
office and you will be putting them in a position ros, wrote in the Daily Worker of organized labor was induced to bed. His intervention. by of philanthropic institutions: and where they can tighten the chains of opposition long distance, had been success that if the workers don place The thirty six Chinese seamen on the Silver defense of Siqueiros innocence to join the seven man board.
around you. Fight for them and you will be fightOrder from and said: Siqueiros. und helps.
ful. There would be no strike themselves and their unions on a Jarch are learning about democracy. It is good ing to keep the Anti Lynch Bill and other prostand. was not a member of the Sidney Hillman was designated of CIO cooks and stewards on military basis, the unions will PIONEER PUBLISHERS gressive legislation in the drawer. Vote for them be doomed.
to remember that the staunchest fighters of the Communist Party, but he accepted for a post on the National Deits leadership, the outstanding fense Advisory Commission be116 University Place Chinese revolution came from the ranks of the Hillman road is the road of and you will be voting for discrimination in priv.
Mexican intellectual to do so. cause he is labor outstanding ate employment, on relief, civil service and in the New York City thousands of Chinese workers taken to France, disintegration and death for the (Daily Worker, Sept. 2, 1940)
Join the Socialist statesman; that is, he can sell out unions. Only the road of strug.
armed forces.
Now the Stalinists will have to his followers smoother and slicker during the last war to do coolie work behind gle and independence can save (Next week: The Republicans)
disowy Mike Coldy Hand wis less conscience then alWorkers Party labor now.
the lines. They, too, learned about democracy.