BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternEnglandHitlerIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 21, 1940 TWORKERS FORUM Here Are Some of the Anti Labor Clauses in Roosevelt Conscription Law SELLING THE APPEAL Labor Control Of Military Training Debated By Union Air King Strike Is Over, Judge Smothered It committee The principal points in the longed lawsuit with a good chance called up for service any time in no specific regulations for exempBurke Wadsworth Draft Law of losing out in the end, as so the next ten years. tions or deferments are included provide that every citizen from often happens today under the The law makes no provi. In the law itself. These are left Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the 21 to 36 years of age shall be provisions of the Wagner Labor sions for dependents. While this to presidential decree. According labor movement what are the workers thinking about. tell liable to at least one year mil Relations Law. Meantime, the may cause only little hardship at to the regulations drawn up by ts what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copstary service. close study of worker can starve.
first when those with numerous the Joint Army and Navy Selec SUPER ACTIVITY the law as passed discloses many STARVATION WAGES get 500 Appeals to the trade and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn dependents will probably be plactive Service Committee in 1926 IN YOUNGSTOWN. defects which work to the dis ARE PATRIOTIC unionists and militants of Little ed in deferred classifications. it in anticipation of this hour, work print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open advantage of the ordinary worker.
One of the most beartening Steel, than to struggle along at to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you This is made easier by the will Inflict tremendous hardshipers will have to submit two amn signs of the continued success of the pace we re going now.
do not want your name printed.
YOU LL GET YOUR JOB fact that the pay for privates is when these men are called up la. davits, one from his immediate ter, when war comes.
superior, the other from his boss mass Appeal work is the flood of Couldn we work out some comBACK MAYBE 21 for the first four months and rousing reports sent in each and promise arrangement? The Draft Bill does not give 30 thereafter. Few conscripts NO PROTECTION This gives employers a perfect every week. Take this one from Needless to say, Youngstown is chance to rid themselves of trou.
New Worker Learns a shame it was to be working so any guarantee that conscripts will will be able to save any nest egg AGAINST CREDITORS blesome trade unionists and fill Youngstown, as an example of now getting its 500 Appeals ench week and making good on its Insurance policies, What It means to hard just to pile up money for set back their jobs. The section at these pay rates. Moreover, no promise to pay for them!
the boss. He sounds good. But on arrangements for job return provision is made for discharge sages, installment purchases, and their places with finks or inex what keeps our morale up: perienced suckers.
Be Chained to a m already learning not to go contains Jarge loophole for the pay to enable the conscript to other partially paid for goods are just by the way people talk. employers in the clause stating de over the period between dis safeguarded very loosely, it at all. Che consequence of the law is YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio We BOSTON RESULTS Factory Machine The only provision regarding in that young workers are already were all pleased and receiving your ON APPEAL WORK and ate by myself because didn scripts, only if they apply within ONLY TWELVE MONTHS At lunch time just sat down that employers must rentre con charge and employment.
EDITOR: want anyone to think was butt thirty days of completing service IF NOT MORE!
the seller may not repossess them get jobs. Testimony to this effect real American, you ain seen BOSTON, Mass. We received am twenty five and soft. The ing in anywhere our first return on our mass work After all and unless the employer cir Por non payment during the time was published in a letter to the mutten yet.
last few years have spent in didn know the fellows. Ana cumstances have no changed as The law does not restrict the draftee is in service, but there Times, Sept. 10: As a At present we handle our Ap with the Appeal. We received a the term of service to twelve is nothing to prevent the seller young man just halfway between peals as follows: First cach com letter from a young worker askprofessional life. But now have the call gathered in the home here to make it impossible or unrea. months. That is simply the mini from taking them immediately the age of 21 and 31 have re. rade takes an individunl bundle in the informatie op tionary, am trying to remake job a minute late and the foreman Men who aren reinstated may state of national emergency or in after That is why storks of fin. cently encountered among pros order for his contacts. He reporte Matthews (Boston organizer) and visited him and found a young mysell.
Our revolution is a factory rev fellow sneaked arrin, and one le suit in the United States case of war. conseripts may beance companies, remained unat pective employers a decided un on them at the following mee worker on the road of indepenyelled at me. couple of the fected by passage of this law.
Courts against the offending em compelled to serve indefinitely willingness to interview for va olution. That fact is self evident guy winked. PARADISE FOR FINKS Then, considering our fine in dent thinking and thinking sercancies persons likely to be draft dustrial area we have found it iously about the socialist move.
to Marxist. So looked for Towards the end of the day, the ployer. Thus the employed con. After completing his year of tra! It is important to note that ed for military service.
a factory job. must learn all thing that kept going through my script faces the prospect of a proling, the conscript is liable to be necessary to give up house to went. He is against Roosevelt and the problems that confront the mind was how different it is to house work, in order to do jus. Willkie both and is for a workWorking clase, the day to day ones, go on a tour through a plant tice to our work at union meet ers party.
as well as the larger ones. Ford s, for instance, and to trork ings and factory gates. The main He was in the C, for two At last found the job was in one, In the first case. what factory we are working at is a years and states the food was looking for. The foreman put me you observe is machinery, endless, large rubber plant, where the CIO lousy and the reason because the to work in production, on a expensive and massive what won a recent election. We cover officers pocketed plenty and the short line, trimming sheetmetal Marx calls the concentration of four other CIO meetings, with boys suffered.
We gave him some Appeals for auto roofs. couldn even capital. You hear its din and more in sight.
look around, or notice anybody you see its products pouring out. In one CIO meeting a worker and literature and talked with was so busy. When there was But it only when you work in a was heard to remark with the him for an hour or so. We will let up and tried to talk 70 tactory that you really understand The Stalinists and the Hillman National Defense, which was troduce, when the Hillman pack APPEAL spread out in front of keep after this contact and there body could hear me, because there how human beines are chained to forces are clashing bitterly in the merely a duplicate copy of Sid started a move to discredit the The strike of the workers at him. What the matter with is a good chance to get him into was such a racket in the place. the machine how when the CIO, but that these two groupsney Hillman patriotic position resolution by questioning the the Air King Rad o Co. Bronk you guys? You afraid to get one? the party. He is about 20 years wondered when was going to machine speecis have been get a chance to talk socialism. spoed up and how much blood strated when hoth turned their tional defense now being unerly seated by the credentials afspute, which has a great for the In another meeting some of same town happen to he My wrists got awfully tired, and sweat goes into the making fire aguinst a militant delegate folded.
post Alteen weeks, was forced into the officials came out and told born and raised in, and where five and the small of my back becan of the shining products that the at the first biennial convention severe attack on this section arbitration by Judge Nova. The us to come around with the paper of us Irishmen in the Boston to ache a lot. But tried hard machine makes.
Stalinist Yellow Bellies of the United Paper, Novelty and was made by one of the delegates Air King Co. applied for an in at the CLOSE of the meeting, as Branch came from and into the not to show it because everyone felt this in my muscles. And Toy Workers International Union of the United Paper Workers And what did the Stalinists do? junction against Local 430 Unit the workers read it constantly warty at about the same time.
else was so quiet so hard look. began to want to make a revo (cio. last weekend in New York Union of New York.
They started a contest with the ed Electrical, Radio and Machine during the meeting and this dis. We hope to get him in; he will ing and so uncomplaining Then lution right away. began to City.
help us in our work.
For Workers Control Hillman gang to see which of Workers (CIO. and Judge Nove turbs order.
the sheet metal went through my hate the boss with a real hate not The story is significant and stove and cut singer so that it just a literary one. kept think worth telling on the movement interna delegate spoke had gone on re against the resolution for work company The local union for which the other in derogatory speeches the union to arbitrate with the tered into an argument with the these two groups could outdo the before giving his decision, forced. third time a CIO official enHOUSE TO HOUSE 1010 comrade standing there with Ap: IN CHICAGO and Local much of a cut, and was sur and how strong most of the fel the fight between the Stalinists cord at its last membership meet ers control of military training (AFLI.
peals. The argument centered prised that the fellows were so lows looked.
and the Hillman forces which is ing in favor of military train The Stalinists took a disgustingly The arbitrator, Dr. Lapp, after around union control of military CHICAGO, Il. We have sympathetic (because they seemed The main power the boss seems scheduled to come out into the one under the control and suger pacifist position on this funda listening to evidence for four daye training for the workers. After finally come to a point where the so tough. And they made me go to have is just the foremen, the open in full blast at the CIO state vision of the trade unions.
In its resolution the local demental question. And these scoun gave his decision in favor of the a long discussion, in which the whole neighborhood in which we to the first aid room. went, stool pixcons and a few signs. cor convention this weekend, drels dare to claim the heritage company and the He comrade was supported by the have been concentrating knows although was a little afraid of course all the bosses together manded that the government of Lenin!
being thought sissyists maintained that a contract signed union members standing by, a of our existence and the name take have all the police and the mach Hillman Gang Strategy supply the facilities, equipment time off for that.
inery of state as well. One sign At the United Paper convenThe resolution could not pass by the company with scab herder promise was extracted from the Socialist Appeal. Our thorough and instructor niecessary to in to or tried not to look tired, so no above the tool room door reads: tion the Hillman forces sought to train the workers in the milito do the following things: Representative of the LB. adopt this program. Sorry to say If you don like our country prevent a serious discussion of the versatile trade union of Stalinist and Hillman forces was legal in spite of the fact that he didn keep his promise; but body would say couldn take it arts and sciences, to de It popularizes the Appeal This reporter did witness, how. not one worker in the shop voted we re still hitting them with But was secretly glad when the the effects on the labor movement that you live in in a working class neighborhood.
militants to becomie workers 42. It gives us a contact list cuting machine operator took us of the National Defense proGo back to the land from where delegates who expressed the it to accept the contract. He told Appeals, and the promise will not to the toilet room where we could gram. Their strategy was to stall officers upon election by their from which we can build a bigthe workers to go back to work be forgotten.
you came.
agreement and sympathes to the and save the boss the right in To get 100 copies of the rest a minute without the fore this question until the last hour fellow worker soldiers, and that ger branch in that neighborhood.
No one here will ever miss you, man watching of the convention and then with the the control of the trade of training be uk delegate who haid introduced the select which of the strikers ne vem adequate. We feel we could mine whether it worth white It also helps us to deter: resolution.
The only subject of conversa And only your ignorance is to a plea for adjournment, refer the der tion was the lousy wages and the blame. question to the International unions. This position had been Incidentally, even some of the Through a ruse Beedle prevailed handle 500 papers a week and working where we are now or to poor union in the place, decided Most of the workers are Polish Executive Board, which is com adopted by an overwhelming pro Roosevelt supporters protest upon a member of the strike com pay for them if we didn have to move into another location. better go easy about socialism, and Italians. Nearly all are sec pletely under their control. vote of the local union, ed when the administration rail mittee to call a strikers meeting pay quite so heavily each week On September 17th we are and chimed in about the wages and generation. But none of them Their plans were, however, mis. No sooner had the delegate roaded through a resolution in at the AFL Headquarters last Fri on the bill incurred before the holding an open meeting to test what knew of unions in Detroit seem to want to go to Europe calculated. On the second day of concluded presentation and argu favor of a third term for Roose. day, Sept. 13. He proposed there split. We feel, as we hope you the results of our work in this very strongly, and tried to tell strikers could get their jobs back So guess ll around.
out over the report of the Exe local had instructed him to in. permitting no discussion.
they did.
cutive Board. In question was the in the plant they would first have One boy even mentioned what NEW WORKER section of the report dealing with to help him brenle bther shone Jobless Negro Lad away from the CIO union and into his own private racket. The Tries To get into In AKRON, the APPEAL may meeting on Monday Sept. 16 re The Army. be obtained at: lected his scheme and will remain with the The union will NEWARK, For many NEWS EXCHANGE, endeavor to place all of the work months, a strong, giant Negro 51 Main St.
ers who have lost their jobs in youth had been unsuccessfully other shops.
PORTAGE CIGARS, seeking work. Everywhere his cor, Howard (Continued from Page 1)
color was against him.
cuts, and general intimidation.
West Market EDITOR: the editor it receives and their pact with Hitler fear of the One day last week, impelled by vote will undoubtedly be over. The union has a clear case in ship by the Reuthers and the hunger and attracted by a color believe the Appeal should attitude powerful German military whelmingly for arming the Fish Fisher Body. It is only neces Thomases. Is obviously a por ful poster which proclaimed Un carry a steady stream of articles The next stage of the develop machine, the terrible weakness er executive board with strikesary to present the facts to show greement. The grievance procecle Sam Needs You Join the Buy the APPEAL power concerning the coming Soment of the as the mass of the Red Army after the that the corporation tried to use dure is long and drawn ont, the my Now he entered a local re.
viet Union pact. We must predict revolutionary party of American purge of its commanding IN MINNEAPOLIS In the face of this determined the AFL issue to smash the union, impartial umpire clause is a cruiting office. The fat, weli. fed it, we must explain how Marx labor will be the splitting of the cadres, the abyss between the stand it is pro able that the cor and get rid of the key CIO men. foolish illusion that there can be looking officer, gave him a dis.
at: ist analysis enables us to foresee and the winning over of Kremlin and the Soviet masses poration will be forced to drop Alert militants are now con. anything impartial in a fight tasteful look and said, We don Shinders News Co. this, we must denounce the Comits revolutionar elements to our hence the fear of direct involve its frame up charges against the vinced of the necessity to bring between company workers. want no damn black boys in the intern for not informing their ranks.
6th St. Hennepin Av.
We must understand this ment in the war will keep 19 Fisher unlonists and reinstate out the real issues facing the But in general a union contract Army now. You have to wait ranks of it, we must demand of and orient ourselves accordingly. Stalin close to Hitler side so them on the job.
Morris Kroman, If they don union: they realize it is necessary can be made as good as the union for conscription.
long as Hitler dominates Euthe rank and file why he vigorous campaign around the they will be faced with a strike. to pile up a record of evidence to members can make it by their or 4th St. Nicollet Av.
Infuriated, the youth reached hasn been told, and then explain coming change in line will play rope. Stalin will switch over to because there is no doubt that show that the corporation has all anized strength. The GM Con over the desk and yanked the to him why, e, because the decisive role in achieving this the side of the United States the Fisher Local No. 581 means but abrogated the contract. retract has never in atuality been frightened officer to his feet.
Pioneer News Co. 238 Second Av. South business. They know well enough fused to settle grievances, intl put into effect.
line will switch to support of the objective.
only under the protection of that should the corporation be al. armies and navies e. The company Listen, Mr. Army Man, he said. government.
midated union men, Peterson News Stand, ignores its provisions. And the even if you don want to al DETROIT, Mich.
lowed to get away with this ac. It is not enough to allow these union due to its inexperience, and low any Nerroes in the Army.
only after American victories Washington Av. way am doing this at present to over Hitler in the coming war. tion against the 19 key men it wgrievances to smoulder in the to its cowardly top leadersh you better take my name down.
Labor Book store, the in my local and it is That is why the present cam all but destroy the union. breasts of the rank and file. The has done little to enforce its prov. When you draft me, ain com very effective. Their change in 919 Marquette Av.
It is important to add to line following the Hitler Stalin what comrade says this paign of the State De The militant spirit of the union record must be made against the islons, and to make use of it to ing. ll have nothing to do with partment to woo the Kremlin has not died down, but has accompany in hack and white, and the fullest degree.
your Jim Crow army. You ll have pact confused them terribly now further point: Stalin is unlikely tually increased since the meet the union must adopt an impreg. The contract provides that to come and get me and you bet they feel that anything can hap to switch partners so long as Stalin will only switch in the ing of a week ago. The meeting nable position of attempting to wages shall be negotiated on ter bring your lily white army sendoff party for pen Here some of their tel Hitler is in a position to pun. course of the war, and then hall yesterday was full to over enforce the agreement, while the plant basis: but instead of this along with you.
PLENUM DELEGATES marks when predict the com ish his satellite for switching. only if America is winning vieflowing.
company refuses to live up to it. the company has been allowed acing pact Who told you. a birThe same factors which motiv. tories, and not before the While the UAW membership in Dancing. Drinks, Food good tually to cut wage levels in many Struggle Only Beginning die? Then explain the prob ated Stalin in concluding the war. EDITORS.
Flint and elsewhere is full of time for all. Auspices of the lems confronting American im The struggle against GM is only plants. The contract provides that fight, the local leadership is inex beginning. great responsibility speed or time standards shall be Bronx Branch. 857 Westehester perialism and the Kremlin bu perienced and in constant danger falls on the leadership. In the necot nted on a plant basis, but Subscribe to the Avenue 8:30 Sept. 21 Sat.
reaucracy showing them that fol.
of beine ontmaneuvered by the next weeks the grievances will this too has not been effectively Fourth International lowing the defeat of Britain the inurday Night Admission. 20c.
terests of both become parallel.
members have shown their inabi ne militaney will surge up every company. The International Board pile up even higher. Rank and done.
Then demand of them cate.
ity to get the company to live where The union is well enough or gorical answer on whether they Our friend and party comrade, us precisely on the basis of his up to the contract, while at the But the rank and Ale courage sions and force the ganized to enforce these provi.
will support the ti. gov First John Brooks Wheelwright, was family tradition. But there was same time they try to tone down will ebb and dle unless it Op agree to union to that with well under certain and died in Boston. Sunday, Sep. Yet somewhere he had imbibed Locally, the militants show is given a program of action baser that is needed is a planned mautomobile a twinkle in his eye as he said it. the fighting sprit of the men, SPECIAL THIS WEEK ganized, unless it is led, unless it wages and time standards. All conditions it might become neces. tember 14. He was forty three a rebel instinets. Despite an tendency to become confused in pon a cool understanding of what waign, and ser. ous action to show sary etc. We must follow the years old.
development closely and give it the company they cannot get Two Books of Vital Interest TODAY Comrade Wheelwright had de George School, private schools violation of the contract, and the wide publicity in our press. monstrated his firmness and loy of the rich, at Harvard he de International leadership self leaders in the UAW CIO. The arrogant attitude.
There are plenty of potential away with their present openly week or two ago, LOOK mag alty to the revolutionary move fended the famous Boston police satisfied policy of doing nothing membership is well known for its LEON TROTSKY A son and Allen concerning the the second world war, so many brought upon himself the weathing resentment of the ranks stores events show that well enough. It union is determined to reinstate. History of the Russian Revolution parallel interests of Russia and petty bourgeois o intellectuals de and calumny of the Harvard an. une notate and evedeohe explodes in is now up to the leadership to the one (3 volumes in one. 00)
come forth and show the magni uspended men, and when this is done, to follow up with ship between these columnists ment, John stood firm on the solid tocrats and was forced to resign Planning Ahead Needed ficent fighting membership that LENIN and the government, and knowing rock of Marxism.
his post as editor of the Crimstrong campaign to settle on More conscious union militante it is able to lead a successful fight the certainty of this development Far from conceding that his son.
recognize that it is necessary for against the huge GM corporation unlon terms the multitude of inImperialism: The Last Stage of Capitalism one can definitely say that this background was a handicap in al Not the least of his roads to those who claim to be leaders to The International Board has justices the corporation has up to article in such a mass publication revolutionary workers movement the Fourth International was his take a firm hold, to plan a cam. already been forced to get busy this point forced upon the men was directed by the propaganda he was born into of the poetry.
paign that will force the company by the Fisher Body Loral No Keen interest has been shown machine of the government for a oldest families of New England The revolutionary party is to cease its anti union tactics, to 581. Other locals will follow suit by workers in other plants in twofold purpose: first, to orient a descendant of the Rev. John rooted in the working class, bat live up to the agreement, and win and insist on action to settle the the Fisher struggle. It is to be the public mind in such a direc Wheelwright who founded Wells) it draws to itself the best from also force the International Board mountain of grievances they have expected that from now MODERN BOOKSHOP on the tion (most of whom think this in Maine and Exeter in New all classes. Among them was Joht to get off its swivel chairs and had on the fire for months. union will become more aggres.
fantastic. second to sound out Hampshire he used to insist Brooks Wheelwright. last undertake to whip the company The GM contract, rammed down sive, under pressure from the 27 University Place New York City public opinion by the letters to most solemnly that he came to Salute; comrades!
into line, stop the speed ups, wage the throats of the VAW member. ranks.