BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInter-imperialist warLeninMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Stevens Speaks In Cleveland Pittsburgh waters.
Argentina Land Scandal Exploited by Fascists By AL MARTIN In the course of debate on this vention clearly established one CLEVELAND The United Electrical, Radio and Machine subject, the Stalinist. Maties, la thing, that Stalinism in the Workers, potentially one of the most important and strategie unions beled the reactionary Senator is on the wane, that an opposiin this country held its convention here over the Labor Day weekend. Walsh a great progressive because tion with a program could easily Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the The is one of the CIO unions, that got its base and most of his stand on conscription. Due give them a knockout blow.
important growth during the hey day of the CIO 1936 37. As a re chusetts delegation, he was forced ing pot shots at the in his to the insistence of the Massa labor movement what are the workers thinking about tell James Carey who has been takus what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops sult of the tremendous impetus given the labor movement as Reports of nation wide activity entering the factories, and everyto retract his statement and apot column in the news kept with the memorial issues of the where on the streets.
and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn whole during that period by the great struggles of the auto and ogize to the convention silent at the convention, obviously APPEAL are only now beginning As an estimate we figure that print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open steel workers, the was able to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you to establish itself in its nfost imposed to the Stalinists, not only the aggressor nations a resolution portunity. Like any union bureau to reach the office. An excellent with widespread leaflet distrid On the question of denouncing waiting for a more favorable op do not want your name printed.
report from Boston gives a liv. tion announcing the memorial portant bases General Electric for reactionary reasons which was introduced denouncing the crac he will take no chances un ing example of how party meeting in addition to our speand Westinghouse relatively reflect capitalist pressure, but Soviet Union. The Stalinists suc. less he is absolutely sure he can strength can be mobilized around cial APPEAL work, about 15. 000 without a struggle.
also for progressive reasons, nam, ceeded in getting a substitute win.
an issue, to bring the party po people were directly contacted.
UNION PAPER PROV ES ing wage scale was eliminated in the period that followed the ely Stalinist stilling of rank and across denouncing all dictator and the sustenance wage scale was able to establish itselt de leadership, etc.
ships, not naming any country.
The perlod following the consition to the workers. We quote: We estimate that 40, 000 people in BOSS PARTIES FAIL, BOSTON, Mass On the re Boston knew our position on the substituted. Mr. Roopevelt signed and grow without any of the The succeeded in outman.
Similarly on the question of vention inevitably must see the BUT THEN STOPS! the bill without comment. great national struggles that char envering this opposition on all of When a lot of misguided WPA acterized the development of the the political questions.
Oncon Roosevelt, due to pressure of Ca crystallization of a real rank and popt en how we handled the 5000 death of Comrade Trotsky and knew that Stalin was the killer.
the EDITOR. On Monday, the branch meet. We received news stories in four In a recent issue of the AFL against the wage eut authorized Rubber. Its struggles, while some a divided vote was taken, the of endorsement to a committee or better leadership coming from ing night, all comrades were told Boston papers and many others organ here, the St. Paul Advocate. by the Woodrum amendement, workers in Minneapolis struck unluns in Auto, Steel, Maritime seription. the one issue on which compromise leaving the question and the development of a new and times very bitter, such as in May. Stalinist position carried 435 to John Lewis and Philip Mur the ranks.
An opposition based to be at the headquarters every heard of the APPEAL and the Aug. 1, there were two editorials, New Deal distrợct attorney de tag where the National Guard 195, as opposed to a resolution ray.
the one warning the workers about manded and secured Indictments sent the workers back to work at introduced by Campbelt denounc on a program of union accomplish night. Unemployed were told to meeting, and the have spread ment, a campaign for the 35 hour be there at 11 a. every day. in the limelight. We was put Stalinists Insecure Roosevelt and his ant labor poll against scores of the strikers. The the point of bayonets, have been, ing the Burke Wadsworth will but week, minimum wage scales, or Every night during the week we our ideas and program to many cles, and the other characterizing FBI, under direction of a New however, fow and far between.
Thus on all controversial ques Banization of the unorganized, covered house to house in the new workers, and it may well the Republican party for what it Deal attorney general, rounded up in the past couple of years the tion open to be decided in time tons the Stalinists outmaneuver aid in the development of rank working class districts, including bear fruit in the future.
out that labor should not forget the prisoners and paraded them un. cn has been more dependent on of emergency by the organized od the opposition. Yet their vic and file leadership, an end to Stal Dorchester where the tory wasn real, because the coninist domination.
a large section: Roxbury same as SUBS COMING IN In chains through the streets of pressure campaigns and the labor labor movement.
that Roosevelt sanctioned the Minneapolis. When Labor pro board than on strike action. Dev.
above and stronghold of the Subscriptions continue to come!
WPA cuts, does not oppose the tested, Mr. Roosevelt revealed his eloping in such an atmosphere and for years; West End in, slowly, but steadily. Fifty anti trust antl. labor drive, and Boston (where we had good re nine were received during the that it is the same Roosevelt who lack of concern by declaring at the union has not been able to sults in our house to house AP. past six weeks, with Minneapolis, a press interview you can strike generate anything like the rank is speeding this country into war. against the government. When and file enthusiasm of the United PEAL campaigns, finding the as usual, far in the lead. We The editor also proved, what all workers more advanced than in hope soon to publish a report Labor leaders and central Labor Auto Workers. Nor hşs it. in workers know, that Republic other sections. South End Bos from Minneapolis on how they bodles petitioned the government spite of the many contracts it has can party is still the party of to temper its justice with mereysnedbeen able to develop any.
ton, where all the national groups do it. Big Business, and he conclusively or the convicted strikers a perthing like the wage standards set are found Arab, Jewish, Irish. Here is the compilation: demonstrated that the two partie sonal representative of the Presi, in Auto and Steel.
Polish, Lithuanian, Italian, Greek, Minneapolis etc. and the Negro Section of New York City a microscope to see the difference. clared you can strike against member has tended to be more Ofis BLIAI Boston, where almost 1000 Chicago.
After having done this good the government.
papers reached this important California (State)
Scores went to or less apathetic to the unton, ex job of demonstrating that the De section of the working class.
Connecticut mocratic and Republican parties jail and every plea for clemency cept when a militant struggle has Omaha was denied. Finally the President developed here or there. This Also we covered the waterPRE are the parties of the bosses, he was asked to pardon the prisoners situation worked out front, reaching seamen, longfirst very concludes that we should quit this still remaining in cells and Mr. well for the Stalinists. Coming PARTY PARTY Youngstown shoremen, Negro stewards, etc.
holtering for a third party be Roosevelt dented them clemency into the un on at its inception, Stevens. Secretary of the Ohio CLEVELAND. Sept. David We hit sưway entrances where Lynn, Mass.
cause that would muddy up the Let Labor face these facts and and being the most experienced District of the was the workers were on their way to St. Paul their jobs.
Los Angeles quit allbling.
Can you see any sense to such On street assignments, we Philadelphia reasoning? To me it seems that Mr. Roosevelt and not congression. This taken together with Memorial Meeting here tonisht at Let Labor consider the fact that it quite easy to dominate the unmain speaker at the Trotsky yelled the headlines and added And one each from Quakerothers ourselves. We picked one town, Washington, Detroit, the only answers that can be sought appropriations totalling the fact that they were able to the Hotel Allerton. Comrade given after we discover that the two billions of dollars for prepar split the International Associa Stevens described Trotsky lite place where the headquart. Cleveland, Allentown, Rochester, two old parties are boss domin. edness and that within a year he lion of Machinists and come into from that day on which he as ers are located and saw many Kentucky. Illinois, Idaho, and ated, is that Labor enter the pols. hay upped these demands to four the E, with a sizeable group sumed the presideney of the first ers, selling the APPEAL to North Dakota. cal field and come out for that toen billions of dollars. Let Lain the east. placed them in a posi Soviet in world history, the Pet some of them.
why this belly crawling or remember that it was Mr. tion of absolute hegemony over every member of the audience to We spread the APPEAĻ before these so called friends or Roosevelt who proposed the in the throughout the radical debating Join the Socialist enemies in the old parties?
Vincent Dunne delivering the main address at the Minneacircles on Boston Common, and come tax increases and the sales James Matles, the leader of the read the confession found on taxes to pay for these war prepar machinists, took the strategic post that the crime was committed polis Trotsky Memorial Meeting elsewhere. We reached workers Workers Party. St. Paul, Minn.
ations. Let Labor remember that of organizational secretary which by the GPU.
it was Mr. Roosevelt and not placed the Communist Party in Cleveland workers were very tact with him in the house in TEXT OF ST. PAUL UNION ADVOCATE scription of boys and girls for of the organizational setup in the receptive to the several thousand Coyoacan.
military training. Let Labor reinternational. Emspack, another copies of the memorial fasues of member that the so called Burke Stalinist, became secretary Treas buted. During the labor Day Memorial Meeting for Lon Trotthe APPEAL which were distriEDITORIAL FLINT, Michigan, Sept. The St. Paul Union Advocate tion proposal now before congress retary of the CIO duplicated thai parade of the CIO unions, soine sky was held last night in the August editorial on Roosevelt, was written at the specifier role in the E, us President, stalinists tried to rough up one Carpenters Hall in the Pengelley Buliding. Flint auto workers, veterans of the great sit down has been sent in by two other let Labor remember that at no and is a puppet for John Lewis: PEAL aloft and correspondents also. It is well time has Mr. Roosevelt raised his in the other he was the willing God, these people are right. strikes, heard Art Preis of Toledo worth reprinting. It is entitled volce in condemnation of the prisoner of the Stalinists.
speak on the meaning of Trot.
By QUEBRACHO land. organized a great mecting of democratic Let Labor Face the Facts. Its Day plan which will give the sky life, and point out that Stalinists On Way Out BUENOS AIRES, August 29 (by mail) The affirmation and American solidarity in support full text follows: United States a military dictator wherever a worker stood up latest events here, of which the cables must have of Ortiz, at which appeared among the spectaLabor is reluctant to give up ship the day it is invoked by the Thus the Stalinists were in a against the oppression of the boss, informed the public, are nothing more than tors the secretary of the Embassy, by speits idols.
position were they could have wherever a striker stood firm and a new stage in the struggle between the two cial invitation Labor wants to go on belleving Let Labor remember that the built powerful citadel of angry on the picket line, there camps of the bourgeoisie linked to the two imTrotsky still lived.
As a result of all this, Ortiz came out the champion of the underprivi. were to destroy the trade union portant industries of America While a stool pigeon reporter perialist camps in the world war.
strengthened; but this has been of little use to leged: that he is still the advo movements in those two nations.
Yet nothing like this has taken for a local vigilante outfit hur.
The fascist elements in the Senate began an him, for he is ill (of diabetes, and had previously cate of peace that he is Labor Dictators are opposed to unlon place, and in th union where well known leader of the famous emphasized the determination of the army in El Palomar, knowing that this purTOLEDO, Sept. Art Preis. riedly made copious notes, Preis investigation of the purchase of some land for to all this turned over his executive powers to friend Castillo) and unlikely to return to take charge scates have a way of keeping up are today facing a situation where Toledo Unemployed League, spoke the Fourth International, founded chase involved grave irregularities, which the of the government.
Labor wanted the prevalling the morale of workers. union their influence is definitely on last night to a meeting in honor by Trotsky, to continue without fascists desired to utilize to eliminate from the So that in spite of everything his ministry wage scale provision retained in man feels a lot more independent she wane. They have thrown it si Leon Trotsky at the Hotel interruption the struggle of the cabinet the Ortiz group. President Ortiz repre felt itself obliged to resign and now, vice presithe 1939 1940 WPA enactments. than a non union worker. Let La The Stalinists are and have the well attended meeting, one the boss class.
sents the pro Anglo democratic group, At no time did President Roose. bor remember that you can dent Castillo, unquestionably inclined to the velt Indicate a like interest. As strike against Mussolini in ita been always ready to cynically of the best ever held by the Tol Later, movies of Trotsky life and his removal would give vice president Castil Nazi fascists and who was largely responsible a matter of fact, Colonel Harring ly. And let Labor remember al for the obstructive attitude of the Argentina sign contracts which set standards edo Branch of the also in Coyoacan were shown, during lo the chance to reorganize the cabinet with the delegation at the Havana Conference, and whom ton, Mr. Roosevelt personal ways that conscription is the toolower than open shops and there heard Trotsky voice on a rec which the stool pigeon and his pro Nazi Fascist elements with whom he is con pointee, appeared before the house of totalitarian dictatorships and by make a hundred times more ording, and saw motion pictures personal guard withdrew, evident nected.
the Rome press says is planning to establish a and senate committee to demand the forerunner of despotism. difficult the fob organization. An revealing int mate details of Trot ly understanding the contempt And it produced the effect which its initiators government that will bring the country toward that the prevailing wage clause These are facts. Let Labor face example of this type of contract sky lite in Coyoacan. and hatred which the class con desired, seeking as they were to discredit the de the totalitarian axis, is forming a new cabinet.
be eliminated. Under the Wood them regardless of how much thesis one negotiated at the Mergenth scious workers of Flint have for mocratic regime. In the land affair there ap At the time of writing these lines, everything their kind.
rum amendment which Mr. Rooscut human pride and shatter tem sler Linotype corporation in New peared to be implicated important government indicates that the cabinet will be a compromise evell never protested, the prevail. porary Idols.
York, where in spite of the fact that the plant inevitably must reYOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, Sept. functionaries and deputies of various parties, inbetween the two struggling camps. This, far from celve millions of dollars in gov Sixty persons were present at cluding the so called popular parties, like the resolving the situation which is convulsing the BOOKS and PAMPHLETS ernment contracts, they accepted the Trotsky Memorial Meeting Radical party. The affair produced a profound country, does nothing but postpone the solution.
contract which actually calls held here Sunday afternoon at the impression in the country, and was utilized fully It is evident that with Castillo in charge of the By LEON TROTSKY Por wage cut, in spite of the Central Auditorium. David Stew by the nationalists and the nazi fascists, who government, the nationalist and Nazi fascist act that workers are paid higher ens, Ohio District Secretary of went into the streets calling for the resignation sector will have greater prerogatives, as can be The Stalin School of Falsification 50 826 pages wages for similar work in open the delivered the main of Ortiz, crying. Down with the thieves. and seen by the freeing of General Molina, ordered The Third International After Lenin 50 357 pages shops.
by Castillo, as well as the freeing of the Nazi DETROIT, Sept. In spite of address. large quantity of books with their chief, General Juan Bautista Molina Lessons of October cloth. 75 125 pages But to organize on a militant a red scare attempt to prevent and pamphlets by Trotsky were at their head, announced every day a coup de leaders recently arrived in Argentina and who paper. 50 hasis is not only the way to go the Trotsky Memorial Meeting sold to a number of workers.
etat, in a veritable war of nerves designed to had been arrested.
Whither France cloth. 75 160 pages forward, it is the only way to here, a large and determined AKRON, Ohio, Sept. In spite confound the masses of the country.
paper Castillo is certain to give greater freedom of. 50 preserve the nation. The comertus gathering met heren tom is het eers of the small size of the swP Democrats Recover, Fight Back action to the group called Argentine AffirmaIn Defense of the Soviet Union 10 arge machine building plants ful uled.
tion. organized in opposition to the pro AngloWar and the Fourth International. 10 But the result of the Senate investigation, 34 pages y intend to crush any and all Stake My Life. 05 24 pages inions whether they are militant Branch of the Socialist Workers of determination Argentine Action. incidents between the This afternoon the Detroit was arranged which was address fine spirit grave as it was, and which at the beginning left two take place daily in the streets, in the schools Stalinism and Bolshevism. 10 32 pages or not. They have on their side Party received a communication throughout the audience who were did not suffice to force that camp to flee. It rewas evident disconcerted the democratic Anglo camp.
and universities, and in theaters and other public Leon Sedov (In memory of his son). 10 rust laws, the labor board, the bitrarily cancelling the renting of outlined the great contributions which the fascists were pursuing, also went into places.
In Combination All for 00 nolice and if need be the Army. the hall because the meeting was that our fallen leader had made the streets to support Ortiz and to ery: Long The present situation, therefore, signifies ORDER FROM: Only militant action can save the for reds. The afternoon paper nothing more than a momentary truce in this battle. It leaves as real as ever, on the one side, PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE Par from preserving themselves cancellation, so that many work as well as all other unions. carried this announcement of to the education of the workers.
live democracy! and Democracy yes, fascismno. etc.
the danger of a seizure of power by the nationNEW YORK, hy playing safe, the Stalin sters thought the meeting was not Meanwhile President Ortiz, feeling himself ureaucrats have endangered the to be alists together with the Nazi fascist Afth inion resistance.
o be held involved by the Senate investigation and seeking column (which is particularly important in ArIt is with such a background that prominent labor lawyer, the manHowever, with the aid of to recover the prestige that he may have lost, gentina and is well armed. and on the other The Newark District of the the convention had to meet agement was forced to live up to Socialist Workers Party joins sent a spectacular resignation to Congress; at side, also a seizure of power carried out under ind deliberate. Yet in spite of the same time General Molina was arrested and democratie slogans, which would openly place SPECIAL THIS WEEK 11 the vast problems facing the with his wife and children in its agreement the country in the imperialist war on the side In spite of these obstacles, a mourning the death of comrade on the other hand, one of the popular deputies in on the answers were not there of England and the United States.
The Stalinists in spite of the large crowd of auto workers and Charles Cooke, militant Negro compromised by the land business committed other sympathizers met to hear steel worker and unionist, who suicide.
Confronted by these two alternatives, the act that they were only a small Jules Geller. Secretary of the Two Books of Vital Interest TODAY saw in the party and the soninority at this convention were Michigan District of the Ortix resignation produced among the people strategy and tactics of the revolutionary proletariat, we believe, should be the following: in ble to get by. chiefly because he opposition had no program deliver a moving address on cialist re organization of so an impression even more profound than the Senthe ciety the only solution for the LEON TROTSKY ate affair; and various demonstrations were orcase of an attempted seizure of power by the life of Leon Trotsky and its or organization problems of the working class ganized by the Radical party, by the Anglophiles nationalist Nazi fascist sector, the working History of the Russian Revolution meaning for the working class. and the Negro people.
Opposition Still Confused class should place itself, arms in hand, at the It was one of the most success His passing away means a of Argentine Action and by the Stalinists, who passed at this point over to the democratie side of the democratie sector in the fight (3 volumes in one. 00)
The opposition leaders. Matthew ful meetings yet held in Detroit.
genuine loss to the party, and against the fascists.
Campbell of the power Spring Fifteen thousand leaflets had one which will not soon be re. group in one of these sudden turns ordered by LENIN ield local, Al Coulthard of been distributed previously at placed. His willingness to their bureaucrats (they had been viciously anti When, however, the United States proceeds yon. Maton of the plant Detroit plant gates.
learn, his desire to help, his Ortiz until the day before, indistinguishable in Imperialism: The Last Stag of Capitalism to disembark troops in our country as it will Camden understand only one The recording of a speech by disciplined attitude all learn heir policies from the Nazis. certainly do and for which Roosevelt has just ed the hard way, over a period These pro Ortiz demonstrations continued obtained Congressional authorization osvay to fight the Stalin sts, that Trotsky, was heard. Movies of super. patriotism and redbait Trotsky life in Coyoacan were of many years in factories in during several days, demanding the refusal by tensibly to collaborate in the fight against faseing: they lack an organization shown by one of his former body which he sweated away his Congress of the Ortiz resignation. Also the Con ism but in actuality to turn Argentina into a program that could expose the guards, Chris Andrews, who life to make profits for bosses federaction General del Trabajo (General Labor battlefield of the inter imperialist war, then the MODERN BOOKSHOP Stolinists; and so were in abso poke briefly on that side of the. were an inspiration to all federacion General del Trabajo (General Labor revolutionary workers should take a stand who knew him.
utely no position to make the great revolutionist character tion of workers in Argentina, with a member against both camps. For the North American The party pledges to carry 27 University Place New York City opposition understood by the which is little known his lovamembership. And this in spite ble personal qualities as revealed on the fight to which he de ship of 300, 000 and controlled by the railroad troops will not have come to liberate us from of the fact that they were op. to those who lived in close con voted the last years of his life. union heads (the railroads are owned by Eng Hitler but to subjugate us to Wall Street.
Preis Speaks In the president is concerne belle cose are to the moderne et eget an Power on the traded to: Flint And Toledo Detroit Meeting Success Despite Move To Block It 40 pages 32 pages Charles Cooke BOTH FOR 89