CommunismFascismFifth ColumnFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyWorkers Party

SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal SOCIALISM WILL BE TROTSKY MONUMENT TROTSKY MONUMENT Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 37 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS FLINT AUTO WORKERS READY TO STRIKE Natalia Testifies Jackson Saw Trotsky DEAL WITH BRITAIN One Week Deadline Only Twice In His Private Office HERALDS DRIVE Set For Grievance Trotsky U. enBelgian Legation Stamps Jackson Claims To Be a Belgian as Falsehoods FLINT, Sept. 10 The International Executive Board of the Acquisition of Bases Marks Entry of Believes He Led United Auto Workers (CIO) was given one week to get the men Imperialism Into Expansionist Race fired at Fisher Plant No. back to work, or else. That was the Attackers On decision voted by a membership meeting tonight, in the face of a demand by Reuther, spokesman for the International Executive May 24 With a deal negotiated behind closed doors and sprung sud Board, demanding that the workers go back to work while he denly on both Congress and the American people, the govern negotiates.
ment has taken a long plunge forward toward its new place in a MEXICO CITY, Sept. Nawarring world.
Furthermore, a mass membership meeting was set for Suntalia Trotsky gave her statement The deal, blandly made public by President Roosevelt on Sep. day to hear the International Executive Board report on its netoday to the judge investigating tember. involved the swap of 50 over age destroyers for gotiations. militant spirit is prevailing among the men, and the murder of Trotsky.
bases in the Bahamas, in the Caribbean islands of Jamaica, San. they are determined that those fired by the corporation sevenShe declared that she is of the ta Lucia, Trinidad and Antigua and in British Guiana on the teen in all so far will go back on the job or the company will firm opinion that the assassin northern coast of South America.
not operate.
Jackson, was the one who perReuther and Thomas, International president, are In addition Britain gave outright Hance with Canada and the deal suaded Robert Sheldon Harte, to the the right to bases in with Britain were bothe carried playing hatchet men for the company lockout of the Fisher secretary guard, Newfoundland and Bermuda.
Congress was simply Informed men, but this is one retreat before company pressure that the open the outer door when the Relative Positions after the fact. Isolationism was men here are determined shall not be put over on them.
May 24 attempt assassinate Trotsky occurred. Harte was The obvious one aldedness of put to rout not on the duly con (See editorial, page 4)
murdered by the attackers afterthis exchange serves only to stress stituted public forum of Congress ward in order to prevent him the relative positions now occu but by a scratch of the presidenpied, by the British and tial pen. And the loudest isolafrom telling who had fooled him FLINT, Sept. (midnight. General Motors Corporation into opening the door.
pires in the world picture. The tionists do little more than wheeze tonight locked out seven thousand UAW CIO workers at Fisher has in effect taken over and whimper a little because they Body Plant No. As a result Buick is also down. The company Harte did not know Jackson strategic control of all British were not consulted in advance: provoked a fight by dealing with the discredited and hardlyvery well, but he knew him as imperfat holdings in the Western Even Willkie was able to make existent Martin union (AFL. The workers answered by throwSylvia Ageloff husband, and as The virtual alliance no effective political capital for one who had made himself helpwith Canada and the acquisition his campaign out of the pres: ing the Martinites out of the plant. Five CIO committeemen ful to close friends of Trotsky of the bases on British territory dential action. Willkie is a res were thereupon fired. The whole city is boiling and a strike may the Rosmers. Arriving at the door to the south carry inevitably the ponsible representative of Amert result.
with a story of an urgent mes corollary of American political can big business and he knows sage from the Rosmers for Trotcontrol as well. The empire that the Roosevelt deal is right in sky, and with the other attackFLINT, Mich. Sept. As predicted in last week SOCIALIST las begun its own fresh mareli line with the needs and desires APPEAL, the tension of the speed up, the whip hand tactics of ruised in police uniforms, toward expansion.
Jackson could have gotten Harte 1t Britain had to disgorge so only hall hearted protest aver General Motors of the past few weeks, have reached the explosion to open the door.
Above are two photos of Frank Jackson. the assassin of Leon Trotsky. Jackson destroyed much, little Costa Rica and little the methods employed by Roos point in this spearhead city of the corporation, and in Pontiac.
all photos in his own possession and tried to avoid having any pictures taken in obvious fear that The Stalinists arrested as pari Ecuador may not be expected to evelt but stressed his approval of In the Pontiac division of GM, the speed up offensive of the ticipants in the May 24 attack, they might come into the hands of someone who might recognize him and bring his GPU connec 69 any loss than offer to the the deal itself.
corporation reached such heights that it was met with a form of tions to light, larid tory bases on the stra nine of whom have confessed strike action, a spontaneous refusal to work the higher time standtheir complicity, claim that they retty located Cocos and Can. Willkie Knows. com do not recognize Jackson. Even Bos islands located in the south Willkie knows that if he takes arde set by the efficiency experts As an answer to this refusal of the men, the company sent men if they are telling the truth, ern Pacific west of the Panama over in the White House he home by the thousands, when the men refused to stretch their nerves however, it may be that JackCanal. And as the reaching fin gers of American imperialism exbecause he knows as well as Roos and muscles to the breaking point son was used only for the moment of opening the door and tend further out into the Pacific evelt that the American people for the luxury and the profit of forts. In addition to the tacties used last week laying men off then told to disappear before the we may before long expect to see aren going to vote themselies the DuPont dynasty.
attacking band had the opporsimilar deals made with Austra into a war if their rulers give. Every day for a week. 6, 000 several hours as a disciplinary tunity to see him clearly.
lin, with the Dutch rulers in the them the opportunity to be heard. men in Pontiac would report for move the company tried some East Indies.
They ll have to be dragooned into work. The time study men would new ideas this week. Things have Nails Jackson Lic MEXICO CITY, Sept. Walter VI. The accused affirms that mentary knowledge of the Flem.
it, fed into it by backdoor meth make the rounds with their stop become especially tense now in Jumping Off Places Natalia also proved that the Lorigan, charge affaires of the his mother lived for a long time ish language. The accused, how.
Chevrolet ods. That what Roosevelt is watches.
What is happening before our doing and that okay with Will. Step up the line, boys. Gotta This week Baldy Mathewson, statement by Jackson that he saw the following official declaration de Havre in Brussels: No such plest phrases that spoke in that eyes with strikingly little publiekiem get out production!
well known militant Commit.
Trotsky alone many times is ab: to the press yesterday: The destroyer base deal opens This familiar command met teeman of Chevrolet Plant solutely false. He was in the In the course of the interview is a chaussee de Wavre No. 11 answer ino. NEEN in Flenish. the rulers of the are taking up, in effect, a new and broad deaf ears. Hurriedly the corpora was told he was to be transcourtyard many times, since May that had Saturday, August 31, on that street is inhabited by a instead answered NEIN in Ger over new advance posts of empire phase of the development of Amer tion executives called an emer ferred. This meant that he was 28, the first time he was admitted, with the accused, Jackson Morn: dig Store, mell known to the inmate Foreigners who have even from which the ultimate spring can imperialism. It imples the gency meeting. Send em home. to be separated from his men.
but in the house itself only three ard, arrived at the conclusion habitants of Brussels. The ac lived but a short time in Belgium to world domination will be made. placing of American strength be That ll teach them a lesson. his plant, the place where he times, and only twice including that he is not of Belgian nation used began by saying that his know that no is pronounced It is consequently of no little hind British resistance to the But just as this tactie did significance that the Roosevelt re German assault. It implies a new work for the company in Buicked him to represent them. On he alone with Trotsky in his and that all his statements in me seeing undeubtedly the skep the foregoing, as well as some simo has adopted in carrying ou: partnership in which beleagurin Flint. it was a total flop in consultation with Chevrolet this respect are falsehoods. ticism on my face he added: other erroneous answers that the this program a policy of system. ed Britain gratefully accepts sec Pontiac. Men reported for work, leaders, he decided to refuse Natalia also testified to the in The prisoner claims to be There is a store below, but my prisoner made, to me as well as tically flouting Congress and the ond place, holding off the Nazi worked the regular spoed which the transfer. The next day HE teresting point that on the occa a son of a Belgian Minister and mother lived above.
to my colleagtie. Mr. Varthaliti, broad democratic rights which threat while the prepares had previously been standard. WAS FIRED OUTRIGHT.
sions when he saw Trotsky, Jack to have been born in the (Bel VII. man who completed in the interview that was had Congress, for better or worse, is to meet and defeat it in its own and cheerfully put on their caps This creates as explosive a sitson spoke a great deal about his sian) legation in Teheran (Per the courses of the Military School with him, are sufficient to dem supposed to represent. The all good time.
uation as has existed in the Flint officials elosed down the plant plants for many months. The ar. boss. what a genius he was in sia. There has not been a Bel in Belgium and that claims toonstrate that he is not a Belgian, because the speed was not to rogant and flagrant flouting of business and how lucky he was sian diplomat named Mornard, have studied in Dixmude the and that he does not know Bel.
their liking.
in the stock market. Natalia de and the one who represented my Flemish part of the country gium.
This went on for a full week. outright firing of a leading unionunion bargaining procedure; the knew that people were wonder 1908 was Maret Serstevens, reThe plants had been running ist; the refusal to settle griev.
ing what kind of work he was placed in 1908 by Havenith.
about two hours a day. The plans doing, and went to the extreme, When questioned Jackson of intimidation did not work. The ances, the vicious speed upso far as Trotsky was concerned about other diplomatic posts that men stubbornly determined mot and fast and demand action.
these things are piling up thick to speak to him about his boss. his father might have held, he to give in.
Ranks Want Action The boss is of course non answered that he was ignorant FLINT, Mich. Some idea of In his many Americaniam At this point last Friday WalThe rank and file of Chevrolet existent.
of what they were, a lack of the sort of raw deal workers can speeches the judge huris. Com Uppermost in his mind was to by all evidence is sick and tired knowledge which is very curious ANGLO AMERICAN DEAL GIVES JAPAN expect from Alth column invest munism charges right and left.
of the do nothing policy of the in the part of a son.
igations throughout the country once in a while, recently, he puts avoid a STRIKE. that haunting WAW tops. At their last meeting 11. The prisoner said also PAUSE IN FAR EASTERN GRABS may be surmised by observing in a gentle poke at Hitler out devil that keeps the Internation militant committeemen, stewards Sailors Get Chance that he does not know what posts the men conducting the inquiries, he has never been quoted criticizal Executive Board of the UAW and union members voiced their by GEORGE STERN rank example is the secret one. ing Nazism or Fascism generally awake nights. He issued a state demands for a policy of action.
ment to the press: To Express Opinion brother who, he had affirmed, was The Roosevelt Churchill deal to Japan not to prove the truth of man grand jury inquiry now unor Mussolint individually. The difficulties at Pontiae are Many pointed out the fatally reof Allies Committee which does not exist in Belgium. British territory in the Westing invasion of Indochina ime is Judge Paul Gadola of circuit Arth column activity this judge lack of materials.
a secretary of consulate a title swap destroyers for bases newspaper reports of an imperd ler way in Flint. The one man The kind of subversive and due to engineering faults and strieting character of the GM. but Jackson Delieves that his ern Atlantle has caused the pen diately revealed the new temper court.
The Sailors Union of the is looking for is obvious. Under brother is in Brussels, awaiting dulum to swing once more in the in Washington resulting from the Pacific. New York branch, got This is the same Judge Gadola the guise of an investigation for was trying to fool. The corporaWorkers wondered whom he up bargaining, stalls off the settlement of grievances.
a chance Monday to express dispositione rand, not in the Min Pacific. Japan was all but ready destroyer deal announced by Roos who ordered the arrest of thou the good of America, and with his tion They knew well enough UAW CIO Representative Liv.
its opinion of the Committee a week or so ago to begin, by inevelt two days earlier.
sands of auto workers in the sit authority as a circuit judge, he they had materials. The work trouble shooter. tried at the ingstone. Walter Reuther IU. The prisoner afirmed to vading French Indochina, to capito Defend America by Aiding down strike of 1987. When Gov. will unearth anything or everyers. they knew too what was Chevrolet meeting to defend the me that be had sem Behind the Allies.
studied in the talive on the prospective German the destroyer base Frank Murphy refused to let the thing possible to smash organized going on. They also knew University of Brussels, in the Fac victory in Europe. The Anglodeal correspondents were enFor on Monday night the sheriff shoot the men out of the labor in Flintin all Michigan. they could expect no leadership ability of the leadership to force GM contract, to excuse the inulty of Sciences. said to him American deal or more properly union membership meeting got couraged to see the frame plants. Judge Caciola blurted out if he can.
no inspiration from Walter Reu bargaining, to settle the mounwork of a broad collaboration a letter from that committee, signed by one Irwin Jaffee, university and asked him if belonings Tokyo pause. Impok amounting to what Hanson To Hell with the Governor. He He has started slowly and carrther and his fellow. burcuerats.
The truth was that a struggle Chevrolet workers dissatisfied.
tain of grievances. He left the recalled the names of some pro cannot count right now on the Baldwin in the New York as Judge Godamit. Director of Trade Union Acappropriate moment for a jingo was going on. struggle is what tivities. and by Louis Hollan fessors. Je didn remember a early departure of the fleet Times called an unofficial alEver since then he has branded spree or a red scare sensation, he the Reuthers fear the most. They More and more there is heard liance between Britain and the from Pacific waters.
der. Nathaniel Spector, Fred. single name.
most labor leaders as Commun, may be expected to spring some don want to recognize it even from militant stewards. com erick Umhey (of the IV. The accused claimed to be too sure of the total collapse United States. To the Japanese when it is a reality.
mitteemen and union members and Jack Altman, have studied and finished the of Britain in the wake of France this means chiefly the prospect ists. He has repeatedly called thing Flint a guinea pig of Commun. Proceedings are secret, which is the demand that General Moof a fleet based on SingaStrike Sentiment Strong tors be given its 60 day notice Norman Thomas comrade. The Dixmude a small city of Flan. It has consequently to revert to pore collaborating with British Ism. and other words to that a double advantage for the judge.
letter asked the offieAll that can be learned about ders where there is no military a more cautious policy.
termination of the contract and probably Dutch East In effect. He has issued several in He can report to the press wall the Pontiae situation, as this is ers to sponsor a Trade Union as provided in the agreement, school. in Belgium discipline is functions against picketing and ever he considers good propagan: dian forces to resist any JapDivision of the pro Ally comvery strict in the Military School, ultimatum to the French InAs a first result, the Japanese has arrested workers for conda. He can suppress any facts being written is that by all and that the union proceed to anese pressure southward.
and in spite of that, Jackson tempt of court if they still insist which he does not consider suit. signs, the men have agreed to fight for and get a real agree.
work for the time being, the comWhereupon the sailors The issue continues to rested on the right to organize unions able for workers to know.
dochinese authorities of a week ment.
claims to have secured permis passed the following motion ago simmered down to nego however, upon the outcome of the and fight for higher pay or better. During the anto strike helalle. plant, and the union and the core way to solve the proslem of the pany has agreed not to close the In actuality. this is the only sion from it to hear courses at unanimously: the University of Brussels. It is tiations. The French there, it Battle of Britain, now in the full working conditions. To answer these people in appears, have already bowed to sufficient to remark that Brussels furious swing of its opening aeri Judge Godamit has been for ed an eye witness account of vill Standards. It is a sure bet that grievances.
time hamstringing of negotiations on the strongest possible terms, is 130 kilometres (8114 miles)
a Japanese demand for the al phase. The Japanese admirals giving them our stand on their right to land troops in Indo and generals probably calculate many years a leading member and antes taking a union leader out the men will not quietly take a What the UAW needs is a from Dixmude.
china and to transport them to that in the end they will be able Batron of the Sons of Italy. At into the country and beating him kind of settlement that requires new, militant. fighting leaderprogram, and informing them Jackson claims to have stuthe Chinese border. This right to take over the rich British presided when speakers includeresting the reporter only spread whether their leaders in the file who are looking for decent meetings of that order he often up. When he discovered that ar them to step up their speed, ship. leaders of the rank and we want nothing to do with died in the Jesuit college in Brustheir committee.
the Japanese will hold on to The sailors are scarcely this college does not exist that sels, Saint Ignatius of Loyolarealms in the East and that they representatives of the Fascist the scoop to other papers. judge AW tell them it is for Na working conditions, and are not but for the moment are likely pacifists. But this is not their to be judicious in their exer. Deed not rush in until conditions League of North America and con. Gadola released the man.
There are thousands of Judge tional defense or not.
busy scraping and bowing in was situated near the forest, op war. Their war is against all the Waterloo highway. But the cise of it.
are wholly favorable. They can suls or vice consuls of the Fascist government of Italy. He has Gadolas in this country. Woe to Struggle In Flint the bosses.
search of government posts as In Flint the GM corporation National Defense recruiting Jesuit colleges in Brussels are Secretary of State Hull strong afford to wait to see how things helped dedicate Fascist Italian the workers if they trust these situated on a very different road. statement last Thursday warning turn out.
Irlaga at such meetings.
men, or cooperate with them! has continued its speed up ef. sergeants.
interese people that dachten unter andere root ooght to at the least a counter Signed) WALTER loniGAN. Fascist Judge Heads Inquiry Into Fifth Column at Flint Behind the Lines