BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers Party

SOCIALIS TONAPPEAL SEPTEMBER 7, 1940 Flint Auto Workers Fight Bosses Speed Up Workers Want Union Control Max Geldman Is Of Military Training Chicago Speaker Angry Protests Meet Program Of Intimidation Trotsky Memorial Newark Meeting In Los Angeles nye mbetetaking the monederobiy huis toe opportuni. Cannon Speaks At Attended by 300 erats and place other members in the position de Boston Meeting Minneapolis And Red Baiting Drive Dominates New York AFL Convention sky death. Thousands of so olution, Lenin. The speaker CIALIST APPEALS were put in drew on his experience of a year to the hands of workers on the collaboration with Trotsky in waterfront docks, outside factor Coyoacan to highlight the peries, at warehouses, in working sonality of the great revolution.
FLINT, Mich. Tension in the Flint auto plants increased CHICAGO, Sept. Max Geld class suburbs, etc. The main ist.
man, Minneapolis labor leader, shopping and business districts The well filled hall, the rapt at and spread this week, as pressure from the corporation became By CARL SHEA sions that intimately concern his welfare, his just released from Sandstone Ferang with our comrades accusa tention of the audience, and the So heavy that a delegation from the UAW locals left for Detroit The Socialist Workers Party has advanced the very life. Protests and infractions are met with deral Prison, where he had served tion of Stalin the murderer as ready response of sympathizers of today to demand action on the settlement of the rapidly accumu proposal for trade union control of the workers the court martial.
an eight months sentence as a hundreds of APPEALS were all political leanings to appeals lating grievances.
military training. The party put forward its There is discipline in a union too. The union leader of the famous WPA strike sold. The black bordered leaflet for funds, all attest to the workUnder the weight of the corporation offensive the speed up sound reasons for this proposal.
membership will decide what hours are to be was the principal speaker at announcing the meeting was dis ers deep hatred of the GPU and and other tactics the union militants are beginning to realize What has impressed me is the readiness of worked, what the wages and conditions are to be. Trotsky Memorial Meeting here tributed and read in every nook their profound sympathy for that the General Motors contract rammed down their throats trade union men not at all Marxists to ac Members who chisel on the hours, or kick back Friday night, at the Midland and cranny of greater Boston.
Trotsky and his ideas.
by Walter Reuther has imprisoned the union in a strait jacket. cept the idea that some form of compulsory mili part of the wages, are disciplined by the union. Over 200 attended the meeting The dangers of compulsory artary training is inevitable, and that by all odds They are fined or forced to quit work for a period. representative of the Revo bitration, the so called Impar that is still raging. city wide the most desirable system of military training Protests of chiselers against the union law re lutionary Workers League extial Umpire and the 30 day conmitteemen meeting this is the system wherein the unions themselves con ceive but seant sympathy.
tended his condolences at the The Trotsky Memorial Meeting strike clause, are now becoming week was the scene of angry pro trol the training, the government furnishing the But if bureaucratic union officials try to hand meeting.
in Newark, New Jersey, was held obvious to all. This lesson is tests and demands for direct ac funds, the equipment and the expert instruction. down unfair regulations and conditions to the at Wurkmen Circle Hall, 190 learned however, at bitter cost. Lion dirty tacties. The GM conMany of these unionists have experienced Belmont Avenue, Friday evening, August 23.
ty to rise up and collectively remove the bureauFelix Morrow, editor of the drive was begun in the Buick tract is generally cursed because both army life and union life. They are able to Close to three hundred people and AC divisions of General Mo months for every grievance. Hun ways of life.
its bargaining procedure requires draw devastating contrasts between the two attended a memorial meeting for SOCIALIST APPEAL, was the leadership to express the collective will. In the tors here. wave of grumbling dreds of grievances pile up, while The worker in the army and the union workLeon Trotsky called by the So. principal speaker.
union movement the masses, if they don now BOSTON. Mass. Sept. Over cialist Workers Party here Aua few protest votes in plant meet local condtions grow worse by the er in industry live lives as different as day and enjoy the democracy they need and should have. 200 people heard James Can gust 25.
Inge, the International succeeded night.
have always the possibility of fighting for and non, National Secretary of the Opened by a color guard which in squelching the brewing revolt.
The situation is so bad that Mr. Westbrook Pegler sarcastically suggests winning this democracy. Not so in the army.
Socialist Workers Party, speak placed four red banners before a But only for a day. Immediately one local president of a UWA 10 that union principles apply to the army. He jokes the Corporation followed up its cal remarked that no matter what about this, but union men don joke about it at sky. the meeting paid tribute to advantage. It is the custom in Walter Reuther says, if we don all. It is their future that is concerned and they of the nation for Leon Trotsky.
The solemnity of this Labor the memory of this heroic fightbureaueratic they are, still have a vested interest Day Eve meeting was testimony er for socialism.
MINNEAPOLIS Memorial the plants to leave the line a few get some action, we re going to in the continuation of unionism.
Meeting for Leon Trotsky was minutes before lunch time to pull the men out, contract or no discuss it with the seriousness it merits.
to the realization of loss by BosBut the most anti union group in the United Ston advanced workers. In addi ter presented the background of polis and St. Paul branches of An address by Comrade Al Mil srranged jointly by the Minneawash. In order to assert its pow. contract. This sentiment is wide Army Life Alien to Unionism er, the corporation tried to put a spread. Strike talk is rampant The army way of life that has hitherto been States is the general staff of the army. It is tion to Comrade Cannon stir the assassination, and laid bare the Socialist Workers Party here stop to this practice by sending But there is too little organized concentrated reaction, tied by a hundred strings ring eulogy, the immortal voice the methods and aims of Stalin Thursday evening, August 29.
whole shifts home at the noon work, no one knows where to be known in the United States is the very antitheto the Sixty Families and the protection of pro of Trotsky himself was heard in GPU. The evidence presented Dunne gave the Memorial hour, and at the nightshift lunch sin, how to proceed. The failure of sis of the life that unionists strive for. Through perty rights. Every time the army has intervened the hall, through a recorded left no doubt in the minds of the Address to a filled hall. feature hour, punishing them in that way the International Executive Board their unions, workers in private industry have in national life, from the great railroad strike of The meeting sent a telegram the murder lay at Stalin door. program, which included a bioaudience that responsibility for of the meeting was the printed for taking a few minutes to wash to provide leadership has left the been able to restrict the hours they must give the By this punishment the men lost union tossing in a stormy sea, employers. Through their unions, workers have 1877 on down the years, it has intervened of condolence to Comrade Nata Comrade Charles spoke of graphy of Trotsky and a lengthy four and five hours time.
AGAINST the unions and POR the employers. lia Trotsky, and a telegram to Trotsky life and work. He traced list of his works.
More and more of the secon been able in many industries to win a living wage And it can not be otherwise, for the army is the President Cardenas, thanking him his political development from a dary leadership committee some measure of control over their own lives, Workers Fight Back!
men and local union officers over their union officials.
military arm of the ruling class whose govern for the asylum which Mexico young rebel to one of the great Other meetings held during the But while the International are beginning to realize that Not so in the army. the most anti union force ment the army supports. Even today the army is alone granted the leader of the est revolutionists of all time. He week, from which reports were Board members are impotent and the present conditions cannot in American society. Army hours are about twice considering plans to put down labor. Not so long world revolutionary movement. revealed the amazing parallel be not received at press time, were fearful, the rank and fie in the go on. The piling up of griev.
ago the magazine Life told that the general In the five days preceding the tween the ideas and activity of held in San Francisco, Detroit.
plants still have plenty on the as long as union hours, with no possibility of ances cannot be allowed to staff of the Army considered it more pro meeting the whole city was made Trotsky and those of that other Allentown, Toledo, Cleveland, and ball. The next day the men te grow. They are beginning to the lower ranks of the army being able to debable, that it would be used at home against the aware of the meaning of Trot great leader of the Russian Rev. Flint.
turned to work, and stubbornly realize that extroardinary crease the number of hours. From early moru people rather than abroad in defense of naat the lunch hour AGAIN knock measures will have to be taken until taps, the army private must serve his. ed off early to wash. AGAIN tional interests. From time to time columnists before General Motors will set superiors. Army wages for the lower ranks sink the bosses sent hundred men tle the thousands of have observed that the staff officers in Washingso far beneath what any union considers a degrievances, or more home five hours before and cease its campaign of in cent living wage that no comparison can even ton are becoming more and more open and frank quitting time.
timidation, wage cuts, speed up be attempted. Again, there is nothing the lower about their plans to regiment and run the nation, It was going to be a battle to and the like.
ranks of the army can do to improve their lot.
and more and more contemptuous towards ANY the end. The Buick workers took The International Officers are They are refused the right to organize, to draw civilians who challenge their plans.
the challenge. The next day, for trying their best to throw cold up their demands and to present them to their The State convention of stand for co operation with the For the Union Way This, notwithstanding the high.
the third time they refused to water on the spreading flames of the AFL, in session August 21 23 administration in all matters perly relevant words of New York break their custom of washing militaney in the Flint plants. But of employers.
Of the union men with whom have discussed at Niagara Falls, adopted a retaining to national defense. State Solicitor General, Henry before lunch. But by this time unless they can satisfactorily set Outside the army, union men have some labor attitude toward conscription and military solution opposing the passage of Debate On Roosevelt Epstein, in the best speech of the the company realized it was no te the increasingly more serious measure of freedom and mobility. Not so in the training, most have not a class concept of life. present form and opposing con occurred at a special evening ses. neither the Democratic nor ReThe climax of the convention convention, to the effect that user Rank and file solidarity grievances, it is not likely that army. There you are ordered when to arise, what could not be defeated that is, Reuther, Addes and Company will Most feel it their duty to defend the country, to scription until such time that it sion on the second day, when the publican parties had adopted to cat, what to wear, when to work, when to play, and still produce Buicks.
respect the government. Most feel that President is proved that voluntary enlist resolutions committee reported position on the Department of be able to stop the brewing trou where to live, where to move. Your reading and This little incident is of the ut ble from breaking out at one your recreation are extremely limited.
Roosevelt has the same concepts of democracy ments fail to fulfil the needs of concurrence in resolution en Justice unior smaghing drive.
most importance, and is symptom point or another.
and labor welfare that they have. BUT EVERY national defense.
You live in the barracks. The barracks are dorsing Roosevelt third candi He had concluded with the sur atic of the possible solidarity and LAST UNIONIST SUPPORTS THE IDEA OF The convention position was dacy.
gestion that the state leaders strength of the workers in the The next period in the auto not union built, they are scab built. You ride in industry will witness many UNION CONTROL OF MILITARY TRAINING based on the views expressed by few belated cheers and a present their legislator Triends auto industry.
trucks. The trucks are not union driven, they are cut breaks, brought about by AND BEARS FEAR AND HATRED FOR William Green in an address made smattering of applause greeted with a questionnaire on that driven by non unionists. The food you eat is preat the opening session, in which Same In Other Plants just such local issues and plant ARMY CONTROL OF SUCH TRAINING.
the announcement; the boss press burning issue.
pared by non union cooks, the articles you use The same tactics were repeated problems as are currently causCan the union movement really succeed in he declared that the bill was unanimously reported that it was Red Baiting Drive ing tension in Flint. It will not are the products of non union sweatshops in by the corporation in Chevrolet a wild ovation. Dan MeSpadden many cases. You dare not protest.
gaining control of military training for the work not well thought out and failed From the first word uttered to be surprising if the first of and the Fisher Body plants.
ers? This will be decided in the struggle for snel to properly pace the draft with or local 3, took the floor Green arms production.
In the Fisher Body plant a new such outbreaks should occur in Outside the army it is possible for many a program. If enough workers, if enough unions previously in his speech demand union busting adventures of tion was foust the reds.
had to remind the delegates of the the last, the tenor of the conven.
device to terrorize the men was Flint.
workers to support their families, to have at enter the fight for control over their own milied the preservation of social leg flunkeys, Jackson and Arleast a small measure of family life. Not so if developed this week. On the prod Subversive Nazi Communist actary training, this can become a reality. The islation favorable to labor and nola.
tivities will not be tolerated. bel.
uction line, there is always a cer you are in the army. What sort of family life tain amount of defective stock difference between the army way of life and the union standards.
can an army private have, on 21 (or 30) a In the same breath, however. speech, the microphone mysteri governor Lehman.
Halfway through MeSpadden lowed his excellency, the bankerthat is scrapped. Bolts, nuts, union way of life is tremendous. In the months month? Today he may be stationed at Fort Snellsheet metal, various parts are to come it will have the very greatest meaning he pleaded with his constituents ously went dead. His associate Internal subversive forces con ing, tomorrow he may be ordered to Texas, or tribute greater menace than in.
often picked up by the man on for every worker, Faced with the certain pros. For peace in industry. negotial and business manager of Lovasion. was Lieutenant Governor the Panama Canal zone or the Phillipines.
the assembly line, found to be pect of universal compulsory military training. plication of common sense and tions, not strikes and the ap 3, Harry Van Arsdale arose and Poletti contribution.
poor. in quality, or actually de Army Discipline a Slave Life every sensible worker will much prefer to take the principle of justice in Indum flayed the perpetrators of the fective, and tossed into scrap boxsuch training under the direction of his own trial disputes. He reassured the state his opposition to the propments. Communist, Nazt, and all Bill Green obliged: We must Everyone knows what army discipline is. It fight in nitration of subversive ele.
es which are placed here and the discipline of the master over the slave, union and his own officers, drawn from the union White House that the Executive there along the line for that pur.
osed endorsement of Roosevelt on with no provision for the slave to protest deci ranks and leadership.
Council had already adopted isms.
pose. This has been going on for the grounds that the administra years, and every auto worker tion had, in addition to sponsor Only Communists and Nazis knows it.
ing Professor Arnold, cut the are for unpreparedness, parrotBut now that the Men have prevailing wage in ted Meany.
the run of the plant, they thought Larry Phillips Speaks On this question, Tom Lyons up aswell way to introduce a nearriot ensued when Larry was quite expansive.
feeling of suspicion, fear and in.
Phillips, delegate of local 302 We will not allow the injec.
timidation. Every now and then, Partitioning of Rumania Done Cafeteria Union, charged gross tion of foreign ideas into our they mysteriously take one of PHILADELPHIA MEMORIAL MEETING inconsistency in the support of movement, he foamed.
these scrap boxes, and with elaWithout Stalin Consent Speaker: FELIX MORROW Roosevelt, silent partner of the To climax the orgy. Joe Ryan borate show, photograph it.
Editor of the SOCIALIST APPEAL S anti labor crusade. He constitutional committee reconIt is later whispered around by GEORGE STERN Phonograph Recording of Trotsky Speech berated the Federation for enslav mended the adoption of the conthat this was done to get eviThe further partitioning of Ru ing the AFL to the Democratie vention first resolution, Intro.
are still putting chips on StalInstitute Auditorium Friday, Sept. dence of sabotage.
Party. In the midst of his call duced by mania summarily ordered last the Plumbers and in card in Southeastern EuUnion Blasts This week by the Axis powers at the rope, Stalin is still playing his P.
for independent political action Steamfitters, Local 2, New York 810 Locust St. Phila.
and a labor party based on the city, to wit: Henceforth, no memThe union has quickly nipped Vienna conference gives fresh ev. hand at Hitler nod.
trade unions, a barrage of bronx this face in the bud. Men are YOUNGSTOWN MEMORIAL MEETING of a political paty advocating dence of the actual position now cheers from the delega the overthrow of our democratic instructed by Committeemen tu occupied by the Stalin govern The operation of the Stalin HitCentral Auditorium tion unloosed itsell upon him. form of government shall be per take each and every detective ment in Adolf Hitler constellaPresident Lyons recovered tons mitted to hold any office in the plece of stock to the foreman, retion.
war has shown sufficiently that Sunday, September 225 Boardman St.
port its condition, and ask author.
as far as Stalin is concerned be 2:30 enough to demand that Phillips State Federation of labor.
ity to throw it into the scrap.
Bessarabia and Bukovina had is going to play along with Hitler Youngstown, Ohio apologize for remarking that the Stalinists Yellow evidently been part of the same AFL had become the vassal of This will undoubtedly cost the as long as Hitler continues his The Communist Party, well repRecording of Trotsky Speech Hitler Stalin bargain which winning streak. British success company so much in lost time Motion Pictures of Trotsky in Mexico a political party. The latter com resented at the convention, was operated in Poland, in the Bal that the photographing will soon in holding off the first aerial atplied, but requested to he record. conspicuous in its utter silence on stop.
Grace Carlson has announced tic and in Finland. But the ed in opposition to the resolution all questions before the body.
tacks on Enland will not in itVienna conference showed quite selt be enough to shake Stalin CLEVELAND MEMORIAL MEETING These devices however are miwhich was carried by an aye Many Stalinist delegates were seen her resignation from the office mor when compared to the comHotel Allerton vote of the delegates, their friends hastily seeking refuge in the bar clearly that Hitler regards loose from Hitler tail. Only the Friday, September of vocational rehabilitation pany latest anti union attempt counselor of the Minnesota De.
himself as the sole arbiter of and families, and casual ob rooms and lavatories when the United States will be able to do the new order in the Balkans that, and Stalin knows that the P.
Cleveland, Ohio servers.
third term fracas took place.
Attempt Wage Cuts partment of Education. to de and that Stalin recognizes his United States will be in no posi vote her full time to the SociaSpeaker: DAVID STEVENS, By a clever subterfuge the cor.
list Workers Party.
tion to start doing it for some poration is trying to effect wage District Secretary time to come.
Motion Picture Film of Trotsky chts in all Flint plants. Now that Comrade Carlson made the The dismemberment of RumaSOCIALIST APPE AL new models are going into prod So for the present the reor.
nia has obviously been an essen Phonograph Record of Trotsky Speech announcement on the eve of uction many operations are some presiding as chairman of the tial part of Hitler schedule for ganization of the Balkans is VOL. IV No. 36 Saturday, September 1940 what altered: piece of stock Minneapolis St. Paul Memorial assuring himself an undisturbed proceeding under Hitler dithat last year was placed into balkan granary. Bessarabia and rection and with Stalin full if BOOKS and PAMPHLETS Meeting for Leon Trotsky last Published Weekly by the position in one way, is now landi Thursday.
Bukovina were assigned to Stalin. not overjoyous compliance.
Sed in a slightly different way.
Hungary was assured of the re.
By LEON TROTSKY at 116 University Place, New York, from a different angle: all along She had been in the State turn of Transylvania and no After Rumania, it is quite obTelephone: Algonquin 8647 The Stalin School of Falsification 50 the line slight and unimportant Department of Education for doubt before long Bulgaria will vious, Greece is to be laid on the The Third International After Lenin 50 357 pages changes in production have been five years, and previous to that be presented with Dobruja. What carving table. Here too the KremEditoriol Board: made. There is absolutely no. 75 lin is vitally involved. The ad. Lessons of October cloth remains of Rumania itself has al 125 pages an instructor in psychology and FELIX MORROW ALBERT GOLDMAN change in skill required, or in. 50 a vocational counselor at the paper ready become in effect a German vance of Italy at Greek expense the general type of work being University of Minnesota, reWhither France protectorate, along the lines of will force Turkey to another hour cloth. 75 160 pages General Manager: done.
ceiving her Ph. in psycho Slovakia.
of decision such as that it faced paper. 50 RUTH JEFFREY But the corporation represent logy in 1933.
when Italy entered the war. 10 In Defense of the Soviet Union atives have gone up and down The orders were handed out that time, under the influence of. 10 Comrade Carlson announce the lines, using as an excuse the War and the Fourth International to Rumania without benefit of 34 pages the collapse of France and the Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. 05 Stake My Life ment that she was taking up consultation with the Kremlin. pressure of Moscow. Turkey let 24 pages fact that the operation is some Foreign: 3, 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle full time party work was the Hitler was demonstrating who what changed, and RECLASSI. 10 Stalinism and Bolshevism its pledges to England pass and 32 pages orders: cents per copy in the United States; centa. 10 was boss and Stalin, by duti stayed neutral. In the coming FIED dozens of jobs. Of course Leon Sedov (In memory of his son)
subject of indignant newspaper 32 pages per copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
comment. The reactionary st.
reclassification is always fully exerting convenient pres. period of pressure the on Greece, the In Combination. All for 00 downward, with a resultant cut in Paul PIONEER PRESS, though sure on the Carol government, Turks will have to decide wheth Reentered a second class matter December conceding that she had not conhourly wages.
showed that he knew his part er they must accept a new GerORDER FROM: 1989, at the post office at New York, under the Arouses Workers Anger cealed her party membership. was to carry out the commands man Italian order of things in the Act of March 1879.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE This easily discovered trick demanded an investigation of of the Berghof oracle. While Eastern Mediterranean.
NEW YORK, all the journalistic wiseacres aroused a storm in the plants the Department of Education The chances are they will.
Grace Carlson is Full Time Party Worker Now TROTSKY MEMORIAL Behind the Lines MEETINGS THIS WEEK 326 pages 40 pages