BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVicente Lombardo ToledanoViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

SEPTEMBER 7, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEL Capitalist Press Muddies Trotsky In Death, As It Fought. Him In Life The Lesser Known Trotsky Assassin Story Falters TWORKERS FORUM Under Examination order ny.
Trotsky Honored Pledge Cardenas Affirmed the Editor: Trotsky By GEORGE STERN triumph of the proletariat could In life Leon Trotsky was al be assured.
ways a feared and fearful figure THEY DARE TO SPEAK Write to us fell te what going on in your part of the to the capitalist press of the OF VIOLENCE!
labor movement what are the workers thinking about! iell world. In death he is still the How calmly and easily these us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsbated symbol of the workers rev. newspaper bucks indict the Rus olution. Upon his still and sil sian revolution and its leaders and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn (Continued from Page 1) met some of the secretaries of enced figure the newspapers confor the violence that shook the whether he was a member of Trotsky. Yes Did he ever ask print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you tinue their vituperative assaults. world after 1914! The reprehenthe Fourth International, he said them whether it was the custom no. Asked whether he knew that for secretaries to wait in Mexico do not want your name printed.
They know that while Trotsky ble violence was not the viol Is dead, Trotskyism is still the ence of the First World War the Bureau was the highest body for eight months or so before in specter that haunts their halls outcome of capitalist greed and of the International. he said yes. troducing themselves to Trotsky White Guards Drink remarked that since his exite of power. They tried to splatter rivalry, which took the lives of Asked whether he knew that not No, he had never asked them.
from Soviet Russia, Leon Trotsky even members of the organization What Is True!
Toasts To Celebrate has served as the Marxist con.
his name while he lived. They 20 million men, women, and chil.
knew who the members of the The last question at last Trotsky Death science of the world. The pickstill have the job of muddying dren, and twisted the lives of Oh, no, Bureau were, he also said yes, night session was then put as axe blow of Stalin hired ashis memory now that he is dead. scores of millions more!
Editor: From their obituary biographies it was the force wielded by work Asked who introduced him to the follows: sassin struck down the Marxist As the Kremlin gang rejolces conscience of the world. With member of the Bureau, he said, You claim that you met some emerges a fantastic caricature ofers who rose in revolt against a man with a checkered career. this senseless slaughter and estabsome Greek members of the or one in Paris, whose name you do over their success in murdering griet, say farewell to the oia ganization.
as the saying goes, an adventur Ished their own power as the Did they introduce not know.
the Bureau member by name? he told you to go to Mexico totonst by the White Guard officers The spirit that animated his work You also claim that Trotsky, they are joined in the Man. lle is dead in the flesti.
er, a fallen Napoleon, a would be forerunners of world socialist Genghiz Khan, a wandering Jew order. This was their crime. This No. They simply introduced him see Trotsky and that he gave you whom Trotsky drove out of Soviet will not dle.
on the face of a planet he defited. was Trotsky crime.
as a member of the Bureau! the expenses for the trip. You territory.
Aug. 28, 1940 From the limited bounds of their The armed support giving by Changes His Story also claim that he furnished you! The Akron Beacon Journal of vision they could not, after all, States to the White Russian ar JAMES FARRELL rare photo of Trotsky at a recent picnic. The unsuspectFrance, Britain, and the United ing lad in front of him is his grandson, Seva. In his statement Jackson with all the papers and that he neust 23 reports a group of officers, here be expected to perceive the figure Editor: of Trotsky, the revolutionary ti mies after 1918. the invasion of ber had supplied me with all the ent in your efforts to see Trotsky, attending the national encampA foul blow has been struck tan. The venom of their Anal Russia by French, British, Amer sell, who fought to make it and tion, as a revolutionist, was in means, expenses of the trip, pa but to wait until it would appear ment of the Army and Navy curses over his dead body recam, and Japanese troops did not then fought to extend it because deed a life filled with violencepers, etc. Pe Under police quen that a visit to Trotsky was most Union, drinking a toast to cel the Fourth International! But vealed only their instinctive sense cold cruelty. That term the triumph only as a world order. against those who make violence got 2000 from the Bureau mem claim that you were instructed You also ebrate Trotsky death.
anything resembling the understood that socialism could but it was violence employed tioning, however, Jackson said he natural and casual.
One of these White Guards, a der the impact. Comrades and of Trotsky as an enemy, a power ful and fearful enemy of the so Captain Koodroff. vice com sympathizers have set their teeth cial order they themselves defend. defense of the Russian workers, cllable struggle against Stalinism tem of society, employed against son s) mother for the trip to iness. Now ask you, if this mander of Garrison 297 Where more serious blographed by Lenin and Trotsky.
as well as against the whole of the capitalist rulers of the world America alleged member of the Fourth In Army and Navy Union, an ex mination the struggle with laborg The capitalist order then, as the capitalist world of the dis who govern by gun and club and Why Months Wait?
ical attempts were made, as in ternational were an agent of the ecutive at the Vought Sikorsky enemies and misleaders. We will now, is indeed foreing the peoordens of this capitalist world, bomb. Our masters and their the New York Times, a combinaples of the world to In answer to a question what GPU and you also were on airplane plant at Stratford, Con carry on the strugete with Wade Hitler and Mussolint are only two journalistic acolytes glorify the was the nationality of the Bureau give you exactly the instructions Christian, said: From the standtion of Stalinist and boargeols through a sea of violence.
course, a pious realization that each of us most agent of the GPU, would he not necticut, and, be a little more strong, a little It additional and especially virulent violence that bolsters their own member, he answered that he was distortions were arbitrarily gratt was the effort of Lenin and Trol. manifestations. They represent way of life. They shudder and Roumanian or someone from the that you claim le gare you point of Christianity, of course. more sacrificing, a little more un ed upon slim framework of sky then and it is our effort to the hypodermie injection of Fascrightly at the violence which Balkan states. Asked whether he When the assassin denied this, we should not approve murder inderstanding now that the revolulife. The Times, intent up reduc bloodied sea onto a far shore of aing to prolong its last hours. In that challenge Trotsky was a Jackson said no. How, thendes if you were to substitute the GP view of giving peace to a civilized no more.
the actual physical facts of his day to lead them out of that is with which capitalism is try challenges that way of life. Ofrecaived a letter of introduction he was asked: other words. any form. But from the point optionary genius, Leon Trotsky, is ing this gigantie historical figure new kind of peace, How symbolie is it that a hire socialist the revolution that will again to the puny dimensions of the peace. These capitalist choir boys paise Trotsky banner alott, Hit mighty symbol. That is why they he expect to see Trotsky without for this alleged member of the world Trotsky death was ning of Cain Stalin should with men it better understands, resur. Who write these band editorials review in wen sie among hated him so while he lived. That enheter of introducetinerea bilet sata tional and for your mother, who Hitler is not one tenth as dan Bureau of the Fourth Interna evitable. Talk about Hitler Judas like methods destroy the rected the charge that Trotsky in their newspapers are quite con. the first to fall.
true leader of revolutionary sowas jealous of Lenin power and tent to see these millions drown is why they still fear and hate of the people who had sent him.
you claim gave you 5, 000, toota gerous as this man.
Trotsky life as a man of ac. him even now that he is dead.
not your story be the exact discontented with the fact that in their own blood as long as Another. Captain Alexis calism. In his fear of this great Stoopenoff of the Czarist army. Bolshevik, Stalin has committed truth he did not have an equal share their deaths can keep the worm.
sky s? To act as a translator or in controlling Russia destinies. eaten hull of the capitalist secretary. If that was his func Whereupon the assassin went said: The United States should an act which exposes the entire mechanism of bureaucratie tyranAlso out of its grab bag of handy afloat. Is it not the Tribune tion did he not think that it was into a long harangue against breathe a great sigh of relief now But his cowardly blow will lies, the Times pulled the asger which has openly called upon the that Trotsky is gone.
Throughout this ses very peculiar that he should be Goldman.
Yes, these white Guards are not save him. for the Fourth Intion that in 1926 Trotsky eap United States to declare war on sent without a letter of introduc ston, unlike previous ones where grateful to Stalin for murdering ternational will live on and will tulated unconditionally (to Stal Germany? Is it not the Times to tion? No. Testimony then brought he had sat meekly and answered Trotsky. They understand that struggle on. The priceless beri in) and publicly reputiated his day that is in the forefront of (Continued from Page 1)
out that he arrived in Mexico in questions, the assassin abused with Trotsky death, the possi: tage of Leon Trotsky lacid writTrotsky. Then, in action.
that band of boss warmongers February, October, 1939, and did not get Goldman. Trotsky attorney was bility of capitalist restoration in ing will serve as a beacon for rectly quoted, were never de 1933, Laborde and Campa were the Soviet Union is immeasur revolutionary thinkers leading Trotsky as the greatest, slyest closer every day into the present in compliance with this order pro Trotsky e, for having The New York Daily News Saw dragging the American people nied by the Mexican Stalinists. themselves expelled for beine to see Trotsky until May 28, 1940. getting under his skin. eight months later!
That last question particu ably facilitated. These are the them to the Fourth International, plotter of the Russian pre revo day son of violence?
to create the necessary atmo called to murder him. new months? Nothing except wait for What did he do all those larly strack home. So far as class forces whom Stalin has aid and leading the fourth Internabroad details of his leaving lution, a devious thinker who EVILS OF CAPITALISM ed with his murder machine.
sphere. Toledano had made this and more desperate leadership an opportunity to see Trotsky. Europe and coming here are outwitted everyone save Stalin LAID AT TROTSKY DOOR!
Akron, Ohio cialism will conquer with the particularly vicious speech. came in and the concentration Why did he wait so long? Well, concerned, the assassin is un stainless banner of Trotskyism!
Cardenas strong sta of GPU agents in Mexico began that was the instruction to wait: doubtedly telling the story as St. Cloud, But they have a way of makin defense of Trotsky cainst in carnest.
THE DELIBERATE LINE and he further testified that dur it actually happened except to PRILLIP CLARK ing Lenin and Trotsky respons. these Stalinist slanders slowed up Cardenas public declaration ing all this time he pretended to OF THEIR EDITORIALS leave out the agency of the Author of Studs ible for today slaughters as well the Stalinist murder campaign defending Trotsky did not, there be in business, insisting that too GPU and substituting for it Lonigan On Editorial comment on the mur as two decades ago. Isn it part for the moment.
fore, save Trotsky from the GPU was part of his instructions. He his mother and the Bureau Russian Revolution der of Trotsky varied on two of the threshing agonies of a dy.
The aftermath of Cardenas murder machine. But Cardenas was then asked whether he had member.
Trotsky Death themesftrat, Trotsky was a viering capitalist order festering with statement was to Still Lives, Despite tim of a system he himself helped a sore call Fascism? Nothing of ints to more desperate camere statement of November 19, 1938 know of no words strong Stalin Crimes work flowered in Hitler, Stalin, Herald Tribune. It all due to. Campa expelled from the Com charge that Trotsky had plotted enough to be employed in con Editor: demning the murder of Leon Allow me to express, my indig.
and Mussolini.
munist Party the secondary lead against Cardenas a charge inces. For his monument (said the ership (Guerra, Ramirez, etc. santly made in the Stalinist To Trotsky. And am convinced nation and that of Simon Simons The American workers are to Tridune editorial. we need only who had falled to carry out suc. ledano press and now repeated by that he was murdered by an agent at the foul deed perpetrated of the GPU. Continued from Page 1)
against the world revolutionary murderous regime of Stalin is the look about one. Trotsky cessfully the campaign against the GPU. assassin. Let us say farewell to him natural outgrowth and not the Berlin and Moscow and Rome: by Stalin. Those mentioned in.
For Leon Trotsky, felt both movement by the murder of Leon in a manner worthy of his dis admiration and affection. was Trotsky.
debased and twisted degeneration it roars through the propaganda cluded Trotsky daughters Nina, ciples, like good soldiers of not a follower of his in the strict It seems that this deed of of the workers revolution 1928 and Zinaida, 1933; his sons Trotsky army. Not crouched and literal meaning of this term. Stalin foulness was designed to which Lenin and Trotsky led to ministries loudspeakers, loads the Sergel, 1937, and Leon Sedov, in weakness and despair, but victory. The world revolution for bomb racks, fuels the tank col1938; and his friends and secre.
But was in Muenced by him. The put an end to whatever decency umns, infuses the fifth columns standing upright with dry eyes Old Man educated some of the there remained as a Vestige of taries: Blumkin. 1929. Moulin and clenched fists. With the with members of my generation: was the Herculean spirit of the Rusnewspapers tell us, is now ac Trotsky was often in his life (Contintied from Page 1) before the entire world, the sov Wolf, 1938; 1937: Ignace Reiss, 1937: Erwin song of struggle and victory on one of those whom he educated. sian Revolution, just as the Staltually being realized. by HitAugust Klement, ler and Mussolini.
the victim of amalgams false and people of Mexico to main ereign right of the Mexican na 1938, and Sheldon Harte, 1940.
our lips. With the song of con Were it not for his writings. in Hitler pact marked the coup fidence in Trotsky Fourth Incouplings with his enemies and tain a state of security and tion.
would be a different person than de grace.
On the first of these two themes, opponents, unscrupulously menu tranquillity for the inhabitants. Cardenas distinction between speech, the audience rose to its As comrade Cannon ended his ternational, the International am and would think differ. Providence, both the New York Times and factured in attempts to destroy Party that shall be the human ently than do. The loss of HARRY DERMER these elements have committed those who carried out the crime feet spontaneously, the Internathe New York Herald Tribune, his influence over the workers. the crime of treason to the race!
and those who cooperated in mak tional resounded through the Leon Trotsky at this particular SIMON SIMONS played. The Tribune (Aug. 28) He and Lenin together were country, have prostituted their ing it effective is interpreted as building and thus the meeting moment is tragte. In this black said that Trotsky tramped rath smeared in 1917 as agents of the doctrines of proletarian pro directed at Lombardo Toledano ended, as Comrade Cannon had (Reports of other memorial and bitter period of reaction. We appreciate the depth of lessly over millions. and was Kaiser. Trotsky was smeared gress, have wounded their and his associates, who by their proposed in his conclusion: meetings appear on page of Trotsky was needed, and needed feeling of our correspondents, trampled as ruthlessly himself. by Stalin as an agent first of country, committed a crime incessant attacks on Trotsky this issue. not merely as a symbol, but even but cannot accept the thesis meeting an end only too charact the British, then of Hitler, then that history will censure as dis sought to prepare the necessary more so as a leader. Now, those that Stalin has administered a points on which one disagreed COUP DE GRACE to the Rus.
eristic of the age which he had of the British again and now of honorable for those who indone much to produce.
with him Pade in importance. Onte the United States! The Tribune spired it and as abominable for its might more boldly carry out sian Revolution. He has not Sald the Times (Aug. 23: The simply adopts this mechanism for sees his greatness, the inspiration succeeded and will not; the long arm of Stalin Ogpu. in the benefit of its own purposes. cooperated in making it effecthose who consummated it and the murder of Trotsky.
which was gained from his very economie foundations estabally completed the job with a blow and seeks to bracket Trotsky sim tive.
life, from his indomitable fight, lished by the October Revoluinto Trotsky skull. Brutal? of ultaneously in the minds of the Trotsky Last Wo MEXICO CITY tion still stand and, on that course it was; but it was no more American people with Stalin, with Cardenas concluded: gust 28. of Trotsky on the 24th of May, and from his brilliant writings El Nacional, Mexico City daily which foundation, the Russian People MANIFESTO OF THE carried out hy Alfaro Leon Trotsky was a great revobrutal than the Stalin tyranny as Hitler, and with Mussolini. The Executive Power that and organ of the government, to Siqueiros and his associates, and lutionist. a great writer, a great will yet destroy Stalinism bea whole, no more ruthless than the Russian revolution which ABYSS BETWEEN STALINISM represent condemns unreservedly FOURTH INTERNATIONAL day states categorically that a he also tortured and assassinated Wilson, the literary eritie, oneel Revolution. EDITORS. fore it destroys the Russian acts so shameful and declares on the high official of the Mexico City Sheldon Harte. Trotsky secrethis consummate firebrand in ex. AND TROTSKYISM that it will hunt down the direct He had himself set alight and police identifies the assassin of tary, a high officer of the metroBut between Trotsky and Stal responsibility that they have had IMPERIALIST WAR Trotsky, Jackson, as me of the politan stated yesterday afterkept allame a generation ago. in, history itself has dug an in the assassination of citizen and the participants in the May 24 at noon, reports El Nacional.
The victims of his cold cruelty, abyss. Stalin embodied in his Leon Trotsky, whom Mexico gave PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION tempt on Trotsky, for which 1, Alfaro Siqueiros took his orand of Lenin s, can be numbered person and his regime the degen protection on its soil without any 48 pages in the millions: the wastes of eration of the Russian Revolu other purpose than to comply cents per copy tical Buro of the Central Com individuals with whom he met in Siberia are bleached with their tion. This degeneration flowed with its principle of granting Order from mittee of the Communist Party is one of the apartments of the Exbones. It was not enough for from the isolation of the Soviet asylum to all political refugees. PIONEER PUBLISHERS awaiting trial, and David Alfaro mita building, in Tacubya, where We have just received word that the Sydney headquarters him that Russia should be drench Union and its backwardness in By hunting down the direct re 116 University Place Siqueiros, another Stalinist, is a Siqueiros and Gomez Lorenzo of the Communist League of Australia, section of the Fourth ed in blood and suffering: the the midst of a hostile capitalist sponsibility for the murder of New York City fugitive from justice. another Stalinist) lived and International, were raided by the police on Saturday, June 24.
whole world had to wade through world. Trotsky was the living Trotsky, Cardenas finished, the Jackson is the same man where Jackson asked Sylvia Age The Federal government had declared the League illegal the a sea of violence so that the embodiment of the revolution it. government will make patent.
who led the assault on the house off to address her mail. day before. Raids have also been carried out at the homes of the secretary of the League, Baracchi, and other leaders.
Up to the present, no leading militant of the Australian or ganization has been apprehended.
The government action took place after agents had been (Continued from page 2)
testament. He had confidence in us. He assured us with his sent down to take notes at a public meeting of the league in And here at his grave we testify also that we shall never contradictions, its conventionalities, its false values, its lies. last words that we are right and that we will prevail. We need Sydney on the previous Sunday. The meeting was held as usual The class society poisons and corrupts everything. We only have confidence in ourselves and in the ideas, the tradiforget his parting injunction That we shield and cherish his in the Sydney Domain in defiance of an order prohibiting are all dwarfed and twisted and blinded by it. We can radical meetings.
tion and the memory which he left us as our heritage.
warrior wife, the faithful companion of all his struggles and More than 2, 500 workers gathered in spite of the ban to hardly visualize what human relations will be, we can hardly wanderings. Take care of her. he said, she has been with comprehend what the personality of man will be in a free HE NEVER DOUBTED OUR SUCCESS listen to Comrades Baracchi, Kavanagh, Royston and Jock me many years. Yes, we shall take care of her. Before every Little, according to the Australian papers. The speakers are society.
We owe everything to him. We owe to him our political thing else, we shall take care of Natalia.
quoted as saying: Comrade Trotsky gave us an anticipatory picture. In existence, our understanding. our faith in the future. We are We come now to the last word of farewell to our greatest We favor Trotsky who is persecuted by Stalin but neverhim, in his personality as a man, as a human being, we caught alone. There are others like us in all parts of the world.
theless we are for the defense of the Soviet as a workers Always remember that. We are not alone. Trotsky has edu comrade and teacher, who has now become our most glorious country.
a glimpse of the Communist man that is to be. This memory of him as a man, as a comrade, is our greatest assurance that cated cadres of disciples in more than thirty countries. They martyr. We do not deny the grief that constricts all our hearts. The French capitalists have preferred to throw in their the spirit of man, striving for human solidarity, is unconare convinced to the marrow of their bones of their right to But ours is not the grief of prostration, the grief that saps lot with Hitler rather than have the workers establish comwe victory. They will not falter. Neither querable. In our terrible epoch many things will pass away.
Iter. am the will. It is tempered by rage and hatred and determination munism in France.
Capitalism and all its heroes will pass away. Stalin and Hitler sure of the victory of the Fourth International. s0 said We shall transmute it into fighting energy to carry on the Old In spite of the ban, our Australian comrades continue reand Roosevelt and Churchill, and all the lies and injustices Comrade Trotsky in the last moment of his life. So are Man fight. Let us say farewell to him in a manner worthy cruitment, in particular from the ranks of the Stalinists, and and hypocrisy they signify, will pass away in blood and fire. we sure.
of his disciples, like good soldiers of Trotsky army. Not are carrying on activity in the name of the Fourth InternaBut the spirit of the Communist man which Comrade Trotsky tional, naturally adapting methods appropriate to the situation.
Trotsky never doubted, and we shall never doubt, that crouching in weakness and despair, but standing upright with represented will not pass away.
Our warmest greetings of solidarity to the Australian armed with his weapons, with his ideas, we shall lead the op dry eyes and clenched fists. With the song of struggle and vic Fourth Internationalists under attack. Together with the ad.
Destiny has made us, men of common clay, the most im pressed masses of the world out of the bloody welter of the tory on our lips. With the song of confidence in Trotsky vanced workers of every country, we say to them, More power mediate disciples of Comrade Trotsky. We now become his war into a new socialist society. That is our testimony here Fourth International, the International Party that shall be to you!
heirs, and we are charged with the mission to carry out his tonight at the grave of Comrade Trotsky.
the human race!
Laborde rand in the station murder caliber CLENCHED FISTS BID FAREWELL TO TROTSKY Cardenas Points At en gegen einen eigen stylin Assassin Was In May 24 Attempt Says Mexican Government Paper Our Australian Comrades Fight Despite Government Ban To THE MEMORY OF THE OLD MAN