BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyGPUGermanyIV InternationalItalyMarxismMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismTrotskyVicente Lombardo ToledanoWorkers Party

SOCIALISM WILL BE SOCIALISM WILL BE Socialist Appeal TROTSKY MONUMENT TROTSKY MONUMENT Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. IV No. 36 NEW YORK, NY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS GPU TRYING TO LIQUIDATE KILLER OF TROTSKY TO KEEP HIM FROM TALKING NEW YORK WORKERS HONOR TROTSKY Goldman Warns GPU Is Now After Its Own Agent To Prevent Break At Trial Clenched Fists Bid Farewell To Trotsky TROTSKYS FINAL MESSAGE 66 Which MEXICO CITY, Sept. The Mexican Communist Party MEXICO CITY, August 31 Albert Goldman, Trotsky attorinvolved in both the assassination of Trotsky and the earlier ney, issued a warning here today that Stalin GPU is attempting to murder the assassin of Trotsky in order to prevent further invesIn a statement issued last night, attempting to answer Presi tigation of the GPU responsibility for the murder of Trotsky.
dent Cardenas, denunciation, the Communist Party stated. If investigations prove that one or more members or sym Goldman told the press and the authorities: pathizers intervened in the preparation or execution of the From a source that consider absolutely trustworthy, have attacks, violating our fundamental principles, they will be ex.
pelled from the Party as elements very dangerous to the work received information to the effect that a determined attempt will ing class.
be made by the GPU to kill Jackson. the GPU murderer of (This and other sections of the Trotsky.
Mexican statement were Party, is among those awaiting published in the Daily Worker, tempore ways The com the assassin is alive, the possibility remains that he may reveal the The reason for the GPU decision is quite clear. So long as Already the Communist Party fended his innocence, but last has conceded that David Alfaro night statement may be prepar workings of the sinister GPU in Mexico, in the United States and Siqueiros was involved in the ation to repudiate him.
May 24 attack but denies that in other countries, and thus endanger all of its agents.
But no amount of repudiation he has any connections with the From the circumstances of the murder of the great revoluC.
However, Mike Gold, in the sibility for the murder of Trot, the murderer would either escape or meet death at the hands of inist apparatus from full respon tionist by the GPU agent, it is clear that the GPU expected that queiros, understand, was not a proparations for that murder, the the guards. Jackson had 890 in his pocket, thus conclusively indibut he accepted its leadership. not possibly be explained awaycating that he hoped to escape. The fact that he struck Trotsky on the outstanding Mexican intel by the Stalinists as the work of the head with an alpine stock indicates that he had hoped to kill David Serrano, member of the cut directly on orders from Stalin him with one blow and casually walk out of the Trotsky house.
Political Buro of the Communist and the GPU. On the other hand, the letter found in his pocket giving the Stalinist reasons for the murder of Trotsky shows that the GPU The GPU does not want any of its agents committing an acwas prepared for the death of their agent.
Under Examination tual crime to live in a penitentiary. While those agents who are More Than 1, 500 The text of the telegrams sent by the New York memorial At Memorial meeting to Natalia Trotsky and President Cardenas, and the reply of the assassin of Trotsky, his original explanation of the erime are generally men who can be trusted to the last not to reveal MEXICO CITY, August 31. With each session of questioning designated for important missions, such as the murder of Trotsky, of Cardenas, follow below: Meeting August 29, 1940 being systematically torn to shreds.
NATALIA TROTSKY When Trotsky cried out. Let him live! as the assassin was their identity, there is always the possibility that they will do so, Denied the opportunity to hon.
or Leon Trotsky with a great AVENIDA VIENA 19 seized by the guards, Trotsky dealt an annihilating blow to the especially if they are jailed for a long period. Hence any agent who COYOACAN, GPU scheme to cover up its responsibility for the crime. Unquest is apprehended by the police after committing a murder at the infuneral demonstration, advanced workers of New York flocked MEXICO From this gathering to honor his memory, we, comrades cither escape or would be dead.
through rain. swept streets to the stigation of the GPU and is thus available for questioning, is The statement he carried on national! As for the energy doomed to die at the hands of his master.
New York Memorial Meeting of and friends of Leon Trotsky, send to you, his devoted companion August 28th. For those who came, in triumph as in adversity, our most heartfelt sympathy at his found only if he were dead.
his person was written to be he had expended, when asked by the judge what work he had ever this last good bye to Trotsky was untimely death. Your loss is our loss humanity loss. We re. The full text of the statement done for the Fourth International as poignant an occasion as the dedicate ourselves at his grave to the achievement of the great funeral itself would have been was published in last week AP. prior to coming to Mexico, where task for which he lived and died.
PEAL. he claims to have been sent by The Roosevelt administration successfully prevented a repetFARRELL DOBBS, Chairman To anyone acquainted with the the Fourth international, the as tion of Mexico City mass proces GPU methods, that statementsussin could only admit: None.
To these contradictions even slor and workers guards ol honor August 29, 1910 following line by line the pattern at the bier of the martyred Bolsh. PRESIDENT LAZARO CARDENAS of the Moscow trials was sus more significant ones were added evik louder. But it could not MEXICO, cient evidence of the GPU re last night, when the assassin war prevent Trotsky closeness to the MEXICO CITY, August 30 statement was issued last night opponents outside their own The comrades and friends of Leon Trotsky assembled in a sponsbility for the murder. The examined by the investigating judge.
by President Cardenas, denouncing the murder of Trotsky and minds and hearts of the fifteen territories, for the purpose average reader, however, unac memorial mass meeting in honor of his memory express their Burned His Papers hundred who crowded the im quainted with the GPU meth of satisfying a low passion gratitude and thanks to the Mexican people and their coura and to wreak an Jackson had burned all of wanting the finger of accusation at the Stalinists as those responinglorious pressively decorated main hall of geous President for the generous hospitality accorded the great ods, might be puzzled and connis personal papers. Last night. sible for the murder.
used by it If that was all he the Hotel Diplomat, in mid town vengence.
Cardenas lengthy statement caused a profound sensation. Never New York for the meeting of persecuted exile during the last years of his life. This honorable The first hostile hav.
had to go by. And the GPU through the examining judge, Al tribute that Wednesday evening.
deed will forever remain to the credit of your country and to plans were based on the idea thalbert Goldman, Trotsky attorney, in history has the chief executive of a government thus denounceding failedSaid Cardenas, and One by one outstanding mem you its President. the passion and totalitarian nothing else would be available to put the question whether these a political party which supports him.
In his lengthy statement. Cardenas began by addressing it dibers of the American movement hate growing ever greater, FARRELL DOBBS, Chairman the public except the statement. personal papers would have corrotook the platform and addressed The assassin. Jackson, it was borated the story he was telling rectly to the workers of the country, to tell them the standpoint of they openly went on to the and the assassin answered in the the government concerning the the audience, drawing from their planned, would be dead.
commission of criminal acts.
FARRELL DOBBS Sept. 2, 1940 affirmative.
He is still alive, however, allatest events which have culmin fugees from Italy, Germany and pain filled hearts the words with Then Cardenas went on point116 UNIVERSITY PLACE which they sought to express fit Goldman then asked if that ated with the assassination of a Russia, who have been welcomed edly to remind the Communist NEW YORK CITY though it is certain that the cen.
ting farewell to so great and so tral concern of the CPU now is were so why he had notes de political refugee, and the active to the country.
Party of the freedom under have received your courteous message of the 29th. noble a leader.
which it has hitherto operated.
thank you for your thoughts on the hospitality that Mexico Unfortunately, he went on, The Communist Party, equalto corroborate the story. The asganizations opposed, if not by there arose a demagogie and irly with all political groups, has The same aching sense of in talking.
estimable loss which choked the sought to extend to Senor Leon Trotsky. Greetings But he has already talked. Sansin would not answer that their program then by their ac reconcilable agitation, one cer had under our government liberPRESIDENT CARDENAS voices of the speakers visibly He has attempted to play the question, evading It continually.
tions to the postulates on the tainly worthy of condemnation. ty and respect for its members stirred the audience as well. Many role assigned him by the GPU, The questioning of the as sassin with the reference to the lutionary regime (of Mexico) has est distineanger some of the land for the doctrines, which it right of asylum) that the revetending to wept as the strains of the Work Party stated. Ours is not the Farrell Dobbs, who presided, but he has had to answer the ers Memorial Song filled the hall, srier of prostration, the grief read the message refugees.
of condolence his statement that a member supported.
searching questions put to him.
has expounded in all tones and and as Trotsky comrades spoke that saps the will. It is temper wired to the Socialist Workere These attacks on the refu various forms, without there beof the Bureau of the Fourth InAnd the result has been the Cardenas then continued with a gees, he declared, were nothed by rage and hatred and de: Party and to Natalia Trotsky, complete discrediting of the ternational had instructed him to ing a single act until now which of him.
else than sayfarewell from Chile. Great Britain, Can Never, despite the absence of termination. We carefully worded surreptitious might be said to show that the go to Mexico to see Trotsky was firm reiteration of the governing generalities his body was the presence of a like good soldiers of Trotsky ada. China and other parts of the particularly illuminating. Asked ment support of the right of moves of certain foreign pow.
of the statement. Continued on Page 8) asylum, naming in particular re ers set in motion to fight their ner, not to speak of prohibit, the man more deeply felt by an as. army. with clenched tists! slobe and from this country. He Jackson sought to picture semblage than was Leon Trot. Full text of Cannon address also read, for the approval of the himself in the statement as a propaganda of that party. What sky presence at that meeting to appears on page of this issue. assemblage, two wires: one to hard working journalist. was is more, on many occasions caphonor his memory. All of us Antoinette Konikow Speaks tious criticism and the enemies Comrade Natalia, and one to Pres content to have found in Journal of the government have censured feel that he is here in this hall Though her voice was broken ident Cardenas of Mexico the ism a means of livelihood since tonight. said Comrade Cannon, with pain, Dr. Antoinette Koni. Cormer of heartfelt condolence this permitted me to struggle the government for what they. not only in his great ideas, but Row, who has devoted 51 of her and solidarity, the latter of graticall the communist tendency of more effectively against the pres also, especially tonight, in ou more than seventy year to serv tude. Upon unanimous approval. ent system of social injustice, this regime or, at least, an exPresident Cardenas also del tics, is honorable and knows of Hernan Laborde, then head memory of him as a man. ice in the vanguard of the labor these were sent.
said the statement. But under rended Trotsky against Stalinist cess of liberty favorable to comhow to keep his promises. of the Mexican Communist munist doctrines.
Hear the Old Man movement, yet could say, What a Hall a Tribute questioning he is unable to name slanders while Trotsky was alive. In interviews, books, etc. Party, was exposed by the soThis feeling, sharp and alive. Cool Stalin is to think that by this The decoration of the meeting Cardenas then a single job on which he worked always he has referred only to When the Stalinist lynch can CIALIST APPEAL of Septemsolemnly was heightened as Trotsky own act he has killed Trotsky! To us warned the Stalinists: that, in hall was a deeply felt tribute in 18 a journalist! Or, for that matpaign against Trotsky had been the situation in his own coun ber 10. 1938, as a trip made for words were heard In the Old Trotsky is alive and will never itse: striking portrait oter, any other employment. This is going on for nearly two years, try, or to themes of world polithe case of the Communists we the purpose of consulting GPU Man last recorded address, made die!
desire to say concretely that if Leon Trotsky above the speakers natural enough he cannot name President Cardenas felt it necestics: he lives retired in volun.
headquarters in New York on in Mexico in 1938 on the occasion Farrell Dobbs. Na platform surmounted a vast ban they have considered it useful the one employer he has always sary to take the extraordinary fary seclusion, and all that he the necessary measures for the of the Founding Conference of the Lional Labor Secretary declared ner upon which his final message to their interests to abandon worked for the GPU.
asks is that Mexico let him Fourth International, and the Trotsky was last in the United was lettered: Please say to our step of making a public statement murder of Trotsky. The Never a Trotskyist in defense of Trotsky.
work in peace. LA PRENSA. PEAL of that date quoted Lacooperation with the Mexican tenth anniversary of the Ameri: States in 1917. yet he cloarly unfriends am sure of the victory He pictured himsely in the Mexico City, Nov. 12, 1938)
borde as having stated at a workers organizations for betcan movement. His firm, patient derstood our problems. He gave of the Fourth International. Gostatement as a full time activist That was November 12. 1938 This strong statement Car terment of workers conditions, In an interview of that date with conspiratorial meeting of cervoice inspired mourning listen. us his advice. In fact he gave torward! Three red flags dip member of the Fourth Interna and have allied themselves with denas was in answer to a vicious tain members of his central ers. All strained thelr cars to a complete program. We, peda a foreign power that is respontional: The Trotskytes convine the press, President Cardenac speech by Lombardo Toledano each end of the platform catch each word as he explained: mourn him with grim determina black crepe draped their bases committee that the campaign od me of the justice of their Stalinist Tront. on November sible for an aggression against Dear friends, we are not a party tion to carry on!
against the Trotskyites must Long, narrow red banners hung ideology and wholeheartedly 11 It is not true that Trotsky 1938, in which Toledano had the sovereignty of the country, be strengthened tenfold to creas other parties.
Albert Gates of the Workers upon the walls. Fourth Interna joined their organization. From is mixing in the politics of our attempted to link Trotsky with organizing armed assaults ate the necessary atmosphere sounded the keynote of the even had been invited to speak. stated Thus the Old Man himsell Party, a representative of which conal lettered down them: and then on carried into the revo Country. This man, since the jointly with Mexican and forvarious anti Cardenas reactionary FOR THE PHYSICAL LIbetween each pair hung a black eign elements and carrying out Jutionary cause all my energy and time he came seeking our coun. pol. ticians of Mexion. Toledano QUIDATION OF TROTSKY ing: rededication to the revolu Trotsky taught us how to fight lettered plaque, in honor of each my faith etc. etc. But under murders that dishonor civilizatry as an asylum and to whom had recently returned from Eu Stalinism. In fact he taught us one of the children and friends of questioning he has admitted that AND SOME OF HIS tionary tasks ahead.
tion and that cast doubt upon we opened our doors in virtue rope, bringing with him a slandJames Cannon. National Sec. all we know. He was the Marxist Trotsky who have been murdered he has never been a member of FRIENDS. These words, diof a firm declaration which he erous film against Trotsky.
the capacity of the government retary of the Socialist Workers theoretician of our era. Continued on Pago 3) any section of the Fourth Inter made not to mix in our poli secret trip to New York (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)